S&SSKis'Var' EK2S3? !!!LLI2QSnRJSXHE ONE WHO Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Coon Bay Times la proud feoi)lo' raper," and It strives Uvo op io Its nnmo by do voting promoting tho peoplo's Interests. VOL. NO. XXXVIII. HUIHING IDE President Wilson Will Defer Until Tomorrow Making His Statement on Mexico Miss Mabel Boardman, of Red Cross, Thinks It Would Relieve Situation DISCUSS SPECIAL SESSION Senator Kern, Democratic Floor Lender, Confers With President About Culling Coup-ess Togeth er hi October Not Decided JAPANKSK WILL IXCKK.ASKAHMV Of Aiwnclalnl Prcua Io Conn llajr Time.) TOKIO, Juno 1 Tho lioimo today niloptcd n pro vision for nn Increase In the standing nrmy of two divis ions. It then npproved tho ou tlro budget. tnr Anoclltf.1 Prraa to Cooa liar Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1 President Wilson announced today that ho probably will defer making public Ills statement on Mexican af fairs until tomorrow morning. SUGGKSTS K.MHAHGO. (B; Anoclated rmi to Coot Dtj Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno I. An embargo against tho exports ot arms to Mexico and against tlio Imports of foodstuffs to tho United States as n step in relieving condi tions bolow tho IMo Grande, was proposed today to President WI1 lon by Miss Mabel Hoardmnn of tho exccutlvo committee of tho Ameri can lied Cross. TAI,K IIXTHA SKSSIOX trif AaaoclatoJ rrraa to Com Bar Tlmra. WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno t. Senator Kern, Democratic floor leader, today discussed nn extra session of Congress In October with President Wilson. Tho President tali) afterward that the proposal as under consideration that that he had como to no conclusion. T COXI-'KUNHATH VKTKKANS AS Sl'Ui: WILSOX TIIKIU FAITH At Itciinlnn In Hlchmoiid I'm) or for Hlghtcoim Peace of tho Win Id ii ru orfereil (Sr AuocUtM Prna la Cooa liar Tlmra.) Itlt'II.MOND, Vn., Juno 1. Pledges of support to President WII oii "In thcsQ porllous times," and Prayers for tho righteous penco of the world, marked tho oponlng hero today of tho twenty-fifth annual re union of tho United Confederate veterans. MURDER CASE UP 'H I'arnuin to bo Tiled for Killing Kduu Morgan. (Special to Tho Times.) ItOSKDUHG, Or., Juno 1. Tho case or Hoy Famam, tho young nn charged with tho murder of Edna Morgan, and who Is now serv es a term ln,tho ponltontlary on a ch"go mado by tho family of tho Blrl, comes up today In tho Circuit curt boforo Judgo Sklpworth. Practically nil of tho witnesses hve been m.mmonod and tho attor ns are ready to proceed with tho tr,al. In nccordanco with an order luucil by Judgo Sklpworth sevoral y ago, tho defondant will arrlvo here In custody of tho warden, or tome other official of tho pcniten f ?. It was stated at tho Sher lU's office that about 130 witnesses uld testify during tho progress J" the trial. Of this number not than 70 witnesses will be call d by the defense. Attorney W. W. Cardwell will conduct the defense. Mle District Attorney George Neu "er will have charge of tho prosocu J'n. Local court attaches are of lhe opinion that it will take at least 1 week, nnd possibly longer, to mn tlule the case, PUBLFG TOOAY SUGGEST EMBARGO SUPPDR PLEDGED of lta lltlo "Tho nt nil tlmca to Its energies to Kslnbllshed 1878 As The Cnnut Mull. Mil: n GIVEHIQNDON WED ISOMIJ PAPP.US KF.AU AMF.UICA HIM, l.osi; PATIIIXl'IJ Pmls editors Churnrterlo (Jer- nmii.Cs ISt-ply I,, American Xole As Another Diplomatic lllumlcr tDj AmocI.IM rrvi io Cool nj Tlmra.) l'AUIS. Juno 1. Under tho cap tion : "What will America do?" the French Press comments on Germany's reply to tlio United States' nolo of protest regarding tlio sinking of llm I.usltanla. All tho impels ugreo In characterizing tlio answer us another (lernmn dip lomatic "blunder." Tho Jaurnnl ln. Moves (lerniany. iiolwltlistniidlng the calm moderation of President Wil son and Secretary ilrynn, who have resolved not to bo forced Into any thing precipitate, will end by ex asperating America. ALLIES IKE GAINS OFFICIAL- NTATIJMHXTS CLAIM Tl'ltKS DF.FKATF.D Prisoner Taken Says l,oss of TutkMi Troops at tho Dardanelles Iteached 10,(1(10 tlljr AmoiIiIrI Prcaa to Cooi Ua)f Tlmra.) l'AUIS, Juno 1. An offlclnl re port on tho operations at tho Dar danelles says: "Tho fighting hiii re solved Itself for several days p-st In to engagements over a limited area. They have taken place almost dally, and nil have como to the end with gains for allied troops." almkkmakhgaix (Dr AuocUtrl Prraa to Cooi Dar Tlmra. CONSTANTINOPLi:, Juno 1. An official announcement says: "Tho en emy Monday attacked our right win? near AvI Mtirnu hut was repulsed. Monday night tho enemy attempted to recapture tho trenches lost on thu previous day In their center by u sur prise attack. They were repulse! ev erywhere and lost many killed. Wo also took arms and ammunition." E "IHTKAI.O DIM, AT II HAD siiattm: PKOCKSSION OK Largest Kut Held in City ami Passes llroKcu Windows, and Storo Krontw tDr Anocltlfrl rrraa to Cooa Par Tlmra. 8KATTLK, Juno 1. Tho longest .Memorial Day pnrado over seen hero, led by Col. William P. Cody In Hrniul Army regalia traversed on Monday tho business streets of tho city which I was given tho aspect of war declara tion by nn enemy, tho storo fronts land glnBs having been destroyed by Sunday's dynamite explosion. E IX.irXCTlOX PHKVKXTS I'SK OK XKW nod't'i: HIVKH caxxiihv Claim ."lii!o Tlnit It is Paitly Lo cattsl on Wi'dderburit Trading CompaiiCri Land. i (Special to Tho Times.) GOLD IlKACH. Or., Juno 1. Judgo Wood in tho County Court, has Issued an Injunction against II. A. Scaborg. John Gustavson and Prod Cnuglioll In favor of tho Wod dorburn Trading Company. Tho now Scaborg cannory, It is claimed, Is partly located on tho land of tlio Weddorburn Trading Company and tho Injunction temporarily rostrnlns Seaborg and his assoelotos from using tho land ns a building slto. Thero will bo a hearing in tho caso boforo n permanent Injunction can bo Issued or tho tomporary Injunc tion dismissed. Seaborg onterod tho Hoguo Itivor salmon fishing Hold this year. Gus tavson Is his head man In tho can ning business. The Weddorburn Trading Company oporatos n largo cannory on Rogue river and holds tho old Humo estate of 17.000 acres, including miles of waterfront on tho river. Mr. Seaborg Is not at Gold Mead, now. but Is expected here In a few days. 0 P SEABORG NJOINED . ,nr.r iimps WATSON , were aboard the Claremont and woro COUNTY XfromaSo taking off some oil drums and up turned this morning ; from a i j a,torai,tlnB to save tho hoist- weeks trip to in '"""" iln fhrntich California lie leu iioio"" on May 1 1 "nl Ieclares ,,e lla, a good time, though he also brought back the news he had to wear an overcoat In San Diego. He went, back to Coqulllf on the afternoon j train. GJtMB law MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 1. 1915 E VENING EDITION. W ZEPPELINS Part of the Inhabitants Sleep Peacefully While Enemy Makes Raid Admiralty Announces That Air Ships Flew Over Certain Outlying Suburbs PARTICULARS KEPT QUIET Officially States That Numerous Kites Were Deported and That They .May or May Xot Have Heen Connected With Haiti. XIXKTV IIOMHS DUOPPF.D ID AtiocUtrJ Trraa to Com nar Tlmra. LONDON, Juno 1. Ninety bombs wero dropped In tho raid on Loudon last night by tho Zeppelins, Four persons woro killed and a few Injur ed. No public buildings were dnmnged. This was tho In formation given officially to day. 4)04444 llr At.utlatr.1 Prraa to Cooa liar Tlmra. LONDON, Juno 1. Zeppelins long expected, reached London last night, but several million Inhabitants of tho metropolis slept peacefully through tho raid ami nil they know this morning aro tho brief facts In tho Admiralty announcement which rcportB that tho raiders flow over certain outlying sections of tho city. The official nuiiouncemcnt makes mention also of numerous fires which may or may not linvo been connected with tho raid. PKOPLi: AUK AX(iltV. (nr AaaoclataJ Trraa to Cooa Car lltnra. LONDON, Juno 1. Tho Zeppelin raid last night brought it recrutles cenco of anti-Gorman demonstra tions. Crowds attacked German shops and constables wcro called out to deal with tho people. STATKMKXTMADi: tnr Aaaoclaled Trraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra.) LONDON, Juno I. Tho htnto meut of tho Admiralty reads: "I.ato last night about ninety bombs, mostly of an Incendiary character, wcro dropped from bostllo nlr craft In various localities not far distant from each oilier. A number of fires, only thruo of which rcuulred tho services of tho' engines, broke out. Tho flros nil I wero caused ny ino nonius. io public buildings woro Injured, but a number of private losldunres wero damaged. Ah far as can bo ascer tained, tho disunities consist of mi infant, a boy, a man and a woman i killed, ami ono woman fatally In Jurcd." FASTENED DN J ETT Y 1 CLAUKMOXT WASH KM KAHTUHU lp axd is wkdgkd .Alight Iteiimln On Jetty l-'or !ong Tlino Hefore Helng Heat- on to Pieces Tho wreck of tho steamer Clnre-' . .ti, .1... Ia.i.. I..., I lina I ," J, : n V emil.ar way. ! Tho vessel was originally pointed to ward tho shore. Then It turned around on the rocks so tho bow was, toward tho north and then tumod again so it polntod out to son. I Now the wreck has In some way been driven farther up on tho Jetty i and lays at right anglos to tho Jetty and Is wedged under tho old frame-! work which stands on n portion of ,hn rnok foundation. The wreck is DAMAGE WDT KNOWN fastened under tho frnmework so coring party nhlcb is locating the that tho beams project out over it. .railroad lino trom Uosoburg to the This morning the wreck was high Cuscado Forest Hoservo. Thoy are and dry. Tho gasoline schoonornow at work In tho Ouk Creek Val Tramp was out and a number of men loy, having ten mllos of tho porman- pnclnos. In Its nresont position - ... . . the ciaromoni migui remain on wie Jetty for somo time beforo finally being beaten to pieces. ASK VOI'K xi:inintoi! Jl'.VIJ fllli. BOOSTS VERBALLY ff ACTIONS WHEN MK.MnnUH OP TUB ASSOCIATKD IMESH iSTRlB gmton NOTE I'KOVT Ol I.WASIOX May be Waiting to Meet Ihioinj on Hattlo (.'round of Their Own Choosing Hl'SSIAXS HVAClATi: tnr Aorltcil Prraa to C.oi lr Tlm-a DKHLIN, Juno 1. An un official report fiom Plotrk.iv., Uusslan Poland, says the llui slans evacuated Hadoni, in Poland, south ot Warsaw. 44044 (llr Aaaot latest Prraa to Cooa Hay Tlm-a 1 LONDON, Juno t. A leport states that Austrian aeroplanes drop ped bombs on llarl and llrlndlsl In aoumern nniy. tho Italian nrmy Is Invading tho Austrian provlnco of Trent, having previously captured tho town of Coitlnn, 00 miles north- cast of Trent. They have now oc cupied :I7 villages In tho surround ing districts. Tho Austrlnns continue to fall bnck, presumably to give battle on n field of Its own choosing. The Itnllan troops threaten tho city of Hoverto, III miles soutli of Trent. KngiigementH only of minor im portance continue In the west. Hard fighting continues around Pre.niysl, Gnllcla, where tho Germnns claim further progress. MAXV Tl'ltKS KILM'.D tDr AaaoclataJ Pnaa u Ccoa Uar nraM.1 LONDON, Juno 1. A prlsonor captured n fortnight ago In tlio Dar danelles says tho Turkish losses on Gnlllpoll peninsula wcro over 10,000 according to nn oflclal stutemeut ?e day. SERBS FIGHT AGAIN MIMTAUV ACTIVITIES AGAIXST AL'HTItlA A HI AXXOUXCKD Tho Country Has Xot llccu Hu- gaged In Actual Kiglitlug .Since Itst December tnr AaaoclalM ma to Cooa Day TlmM.J NISI!, Sorbin, Juno 1. Uesump tlou of military activity on tho part to Serbia ngalust Austria Is Indicat ed In an official announcement Is sued today. Military authorities claim a successful artillery engage ment as a result of which a battal ion of Austrlnns that was fortifying Itself northeast of Capluova was dispersed. Serbia has not been ac tively engaged since last Decern- )cri STUIKCS A .MINI: IX XOUTH SKA LAST XIGHT. .Mcmlx'i.s of tho Crow INcnpo and Today l.iinil Safely lit Hull, Ihiglnud. . OKKICCKti KAVKD (llr Aaao laird Prna to Cooa liar Tlmca ) LONDON, Juno I. Tho Secrotury of tho Admiralty today announced t hut nil tho officers or tho Ilrltlsh hattlo Mitjostle, sunk May 27, off Gnlllpoll peninsula by n sub marine, had bi-on saved, (llr AaoUtl Praaa to I'm liar Tlntaa LONDON, Juno I. The Uusslan rk Mtorosa wss blown up by 1 mlno and sunk In tho North Sea last night. The crow landed at Hull VOTE ON BONDS Hosebtirg People Decide on Itnllioml and Mill Xow (Spoclal to The Times.) UOSKDUUG. Oio., Juno 1. Good nrogross Is being mado by the ongln- ent survey compioteu. me kuiuuui Interest In this railroad movomont Is Increasing as olectlon day ap-l proachea. and It is rrooly predicted ka;ll HACK IX I HUMAN ss SUI by many persons that the bond Issuo'lono lobbor entered the Citizens' Suv- iii ,rv .int Tburwlay by a major-lings and Loan Society st noon toduy i Ity of at least six to one. In fact, backed tho bookkeeper Into a rear everyone admits that this railroad to loom and esoapod wjjji 1500. Tho of tho timber nill be of great benefit tofico has been robbed twice within two Hosebtirg nnd Cic entire country, months. Wmw$ WILL BE SENT be Brief and Contain De mand That Germany Make a Satisfactory Reply If Germany Does Not Comply May Mean Diplomatic Re lations Are Cut Off MEXICAN WARNING READY President WINon Met Willi Mem- bei-s t f Cabinet and Completed Statement for Wiii-rlug Kuctlons or Sotit belli Neighbors tllr Aaaj.lato.1 Prraa to Cooa liar Tlmia.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Juno 1. After more than two hours discus sion by President Wilson and tho Cabinet over tho International piob lems with respect to Germany nnd .Mexico confronting tho United States, preparations or a second nolo to Germany was begun ami the naming to the Mexican factions computed. Tomorrow German Ambassador Ilernstorff, at his own request, will so) tho President. Tlio reply is then expected to go forward to Gor many Thursday or Friday. President Calm Culm in bearing nnd showing none ot the strain of the International problems before him, tho President rccylved tho Washington cortespon di'ius as Is tho custom on Tuerdnjv. Q'.iottloiiH concerning domestic af fairs hardly touched the edge of his mind, as lie phrased It, becauso of thu greater Importance of tho tn'.cv national situation. Tho President, II Is understood, Is much Imprcs.iod with the practically unanimous vcr- d'er of American editorial opinion that Germany's answer Is not ronlly an answer, but nn evasion. Will llo Klrm. Ills close ndvlsori soy ho i-'gards it ns true reflection or tho opinion of tho country and will ondcavo- by Iih rtt Ion to express It, .Many fa miliar with tho President's previous attitude thought the American re Joinder would bu hriof and domam! an etrly reply. Kulluro to into American roprosoMtntlnns would, It is fitoly predicted, result In reveling diplomatic relations. This would not l.o followed 'y m.y other steps r.ci I'ssarlly, unless American rlglite r.rj ngnlu flagrantly violated. will DiriTiHMlxi: Copuhi: III; Aaaoclatnt Trraa to Cooa liar Tlmra.) WASHINGTON, I). (!., Juno I.--No aiiuouiicemeut regarding thu (Cab inet meeting was mado further than that tho President's statement warn ing the .Mexhiin leaders to Improve (oudltlous would bo mado public to mono w. All of tho Cabinet officers woro ospticlally reserved over what had been said about Gormauy's re ply to tho Luslttinla noto. It Is Kouorally uudersto')d that wbllu no final conclusion was reached, tho President listened to varied expres sion or views and that tho govern ment's course would bo determined by tonight or tomorrow, PREJUDICES BROKEN DOWN llr AwkUiM I'rtaa to Cooa liar Tlmta.) LONDON, Juno 1. War has lod to a notlceablo Increase in social comradeship among KiikIUIi women and hss broken down the rormor prejudice ngulnst what nrq pop ularly slid ontoinptuously known us "ben parties." Numerous clubs lmU) B,riinit lip ,MC , the Lady Woikers" Club for lonely women earning modorato salurlos. This club keops open from I to 0 p. m. on work days and from 2 to U p. in. nn Sutuidavs ami Sunduys. Its objects aro purely tho cultivation or r-lendsblp. without bridge or .my1 kind or propaganda. I ROBBER GETS i.oxi: HAXDiT opi:hati:s ix ok- rici: at m:ttmj -iodav Takes Money From Cltlen Savings anil I.OIUI SiM-iel- ami Makes fioiMl Kscnpo (Br Aa'lH"J pi m ''w "T Tlma ) SPOKANK. Wssh . Juno 1. A RESULT UNCERTAIN A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coos Hn,v Advertiser. Ciffi 8! I TEIFGURD R01ED al'stuia.v killkd iv woods wiihui: hi: was woukincj ! Was ICniplieil ut Cani One and Pound Ity Seatvli Paity lost Xlgbt Iso Grozdnnlc, nn Aiistrlnu about' 10 years of age, was crushed benenlli a tree ho was falling sometime yes terday In the woods above Camp I ami last night was found by a senieh Ing' party when ho failed to return fo' supper. The man worked by himself In felling trees. Ho hnd been In the tamp about six mouths and was Known In camp us "Joe." Coroner l-'red Wilson states that be had $300 nt tho post office and more than $800 In tho bnnk togeth er with other nluables. Ho Is said to have no heirs. Tho Austrian Con sul nt Portland will bo wired. Den nett. Swauton and Dennett havo tho poner of attorney for the dead man. PONDER DN FOURTI .MUHCIIAXTS SAV WILL TAKK A "DUAL" OK MO.VKV Commit (co Win Us Kas( nnd Kurlous to (Jet Sanction Kor Celebra tion of Xatlou's Hirthihiy "To bo or not to be" ponder tho merchnnts over tho proposed Fourth of July celebration and the question still remains unanswered. It. M. Juu ulugs, chairman of the committee from the Chamber of Commerce hav ing this In chnrge, says, "They're not .very enthusiastic," but It Is expected thu matter will be definitely decided ono nay or tho other this week. A canvass of tho merchants of tho city, said Mr. Jennings, showed but fow In favor of donations that of provlous years havo made thu -celebration of tho Fourth of July pos slide. Last year approximately $1, 000 wns raised this way for thu , (100 spout In celebrating. Decauso of street Improvements North Demi has Intimated that sbu Is hardly ready tor a celebration ov er thero. Mr. Jennings states "wo'vo got to have a good tlino and I think thero will havo to bo it three days cel ebration with races, thu hand and plenty of fireworks." Tho committee Is working, using every form of persuasion possible to secure funds for the Joyful time or tho year. T MAHSHKIIILD KACTOUV COMMIT Till: THIKS PKO.MOTIOX PLAX Pioposo lo Get Contracts for tf.llioo Win Hi of PmmIuiIh of l-'ovlej's Ploposetl Husliiess A new plan and a decidedly prac tical one, Is being InauKiiruted by tho factory commlttuu or tlio .Marsh fluld Cbauiber of Commorco to as sist new Industries on the Day. Tho plan is being tested out In connection with thu proposition of A. It. Foxloy to start a brick yard In Formlalo whore it fine bod of shale was uuoarthud by the recent street excavations. Mr. Foxloy wanted (Inanclnl backing, but Hot bonus proposition was not favored. Henry Sontjstitchuu and Dr. Mln gus havo proposed tlist Instead of tolling stock In a brick compuii) or paying a bonus to It that Coos Hay citizens contract to (alto a cer tain nmount of tho output after the factory Is started. This will In irc Its business rs well ss kH'uk It a commercial standing which can be capitalized by private outerprUu. Will I'lml llojor. Tho plan on the Foxloy pioposl Hon Is tor the factory committee to sign up contracts to take $&(iuu worth of brink. Mr. Foxloy ngres that ho can manufacture sud sell bricks at $8 pur thousand snd make a wood profit. At this rule the bricks will cost consumers at least .10 por cent less than Imve been charged for brli-k herotoforo. W. S. Chandler, who Is figuring on some now buildings, has a Breed to tnko somo of the bricks. Henry Sciigstacken lias also ngrWKl to sigi up for some ind others wIo propose Improvewonls will llkewtga to so and it Is not believed that much dlf tlculty will be encountered In Hutt ing a jwIo for tho J5Q0O worth. Tlmeti Wnnt wis bring results. BRI PLI OTHERS LAG A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlint tho Coos liny Times h. A South west Oregon paper tor Soutlmcst Oregon peoplo and duvuted to tho bent Interests of tills great section . Tho Times always boosts sad novor knocks. No. 266 Motorboat Turns Over in lamcttc River Last Night With Five Aboard Y Two Men and Two Women Arc Believed to Be Lost in Water ' WOMAN HELD" T0 PLANK Those Wlm Ale Dcllctcd to HiuoMot Death lit the Accident Alo lithe! .Mai tin, Mis, Dorrls Shannon, Cljde Davidson, Amos Welcs (llr Aaaorlatrst rrraa ta Cooa liar Tlmra.) POUTLAND, June 1. Kthol Mar tin, .Mrs. Dorrls Shannon, Clyde Dav idson uml Amos Weiss aro bolloved to i bo drowned as tho result ot tho over turning of a motor boat Into last night in thu Willamette river. Fish ermen this morning found tho fifth occupant of tho boat, Mrs. Amos Weiss, tiucousclous but still clinging to a plank which she grasped when thrown Into tho water. CATHKIHXG OI'KXS Women's Club IVderntlou Is Meeting In Poillaud (llr AnotUIrl Prraa U Coo, riir Tlmra. POUTLAND, Juno 1. At tho opening session and mid blunclal council of tho geueial federation ot women's clubs today, Mrs. Percy V. Puuuyhackcr, tho president, an nounced that thu federation must soon establish pcrmnnont headquar ters In somu centrally located city. The organization was greetod by Governor With) combo and Mayor Al bee. VESSEL IN TROUBLE STKAMCIt SKWAHD ItlvPOItTIM) IX IIISTItr.SS IX ALASKA Later Auent I It-polls Hint Vessel Wits Convojcd Safely to Port At Cordova, (llr Aaawlalol Praaa lo Coua liar Tlmra.) HlIWAItl), Alaska, Juno I. A wlrclos from tho steamship Mari posa, on route from Vnldu. to Ho ward says. "Going lo assistance of Steamer Howard." No dotnlls of Iho Sewaid's need for aid aro given, Tlio Howard last Saturday was lend ing copper tiro at La Touchu mine for Tncoma. SHWAUD IS HAKK. (llr AaaKUIo. Prraa to Cooa Uar Tlmra.) HISATTLK, Juno I. Tho ngent of thu Alaska Steamship Company reporlH that the copper ore cargo of the company's big freighter Soward shirtod last nlKht off Cr.pt llluchln biook. The esse bended for Cor dova, where she arrived surely, con voyed by her sister ship, tho Cor dova. No dumiiKo was done. E I'lUST HUGI'LMt PASSUXGKH DOATS LK.AVi: SKA'ITLH'I'ODAV Strumer J-'emitor Willi 1.10 Piihscii-gei-h I ton ml for Xomo Starts Timcl to the Xortli. Hr Aaao laiad PraM to Com liar Tlmra 8ISATTLU, June I The steam ship Senator, the first regular pas senger liner to sail for Nome this year, got sway toduy. She carries l.'.O passengers and a full cargo. Sl'OGKHTS OXH FLAG. Mayor or Philadelphia Offeis Plan of "Xittlon of .Nations." (Mr AaUiI Ptaa" lo I'aaw lUf Tlmra, PHILADKI.PIIIA, I'll., Juno J. A dwlurutlon or luter-dependonco, which would pae tho way for a imw " nation of nations" was pro IttoMMl lotlsy by Mayor lllaukcuberg, ot Phlladehphla. speaking In Indo uendeuetj Ha" to the delegates ot the recent inn-Aniorlouu financial i-onfertuce. na Muyor proposed lso the um of nu iHternatloual flag to pre'.t.t niiinerce on tho high sent. PORTLAND It HE ALASKA OPEN