1, -r THE COOS BAY TIMfeS, MARSHFlELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 31, 1915-EVENING EDITION THREE v wrl,x i$T ;2iifl$ l ' Jtm -Kij M '. Mi,,, W "Natural if fjijwjjmjjjgr BRING to mind the most comfortable shoe you've ever worn how soft, easy and restful it wn3 such is tho comfort you'll find in the Florslicim JFIcxsole specially prepared flexible solcs,"Nat ural Shape" lasts nnd Soft Kid stock give case from the start. We carry this shoe in a complete range of sizes and widths it's staple with ua and will be with you after your first pair. Price $6.00. WOOLEN MILL STORES MARSHFlELD SJlif jL'JJJ g Abstracts FOR RICLIAHLE A11STKACTS OF AIIOUOJ COOS BAY REAt ESTATE, See NTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFlELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON 0E.VERAL AGENTS, EAST8IDE AND SEXGSTACKE.VS ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS IIENItV SI3NGSTACKEN, SIANAGER GOLDEN WEST C0EFEE AIM OREGON PRODUCT NONE BETTER Will cup more than any coffee on the market. Order a can today Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcne 394-J. Broadway bet. Central and Commercial AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS riiono no o-L. Night mid Day. Right Cafo. 0D CARS. CAREFUL DRIVERS D. L. FOOTE. Red Top Bicycle Tires $2.75, $3.10 Open Evenings We will be open Sunday mornings to provide your last minute needs. Our free air system will be in operation next week and the latest, up-to-the-minute appliances will be at your service any time. ,. FISK TIRES are an extraordinary buy. Prices are low. There is no otlier tire that gives the quality and universal satisfaction that the FISK does. BIG MILEAGE AND Mai.. Tied 30x3 $ 9.00 30x3 1-2 H.60 32x3 1-2 13.35 34x3 1-2 14.90 34x4 19.40 36x4 1-2 '27.35 Fiqk nkkributors Southwestern Oregon. GORrt 9. VB ifJ?rJ1DlU KIMF & VON PEGERT, S. G. WHITSETT, -w I iv rviiuii iiununr. ll-ii vm.....-7 'r 1 BfinH flnpnk Shape" NORTH DEND J'.'JJI" ""PS-MsaggF TITLE AM) INVUIMIATIOM 445 Phone 445 Messenger Service FISK SERVICE BUT " A helping hand to every motorist. , So far as W2 can, through our service system, we will eliminate for any car owner any mconven- inrmn hn man nnnfllintpr. ' LOW PKIUbs: wuit "" r" Tnl)es .Non-SkW. l0Hll Guaranteed.) $ 9.45 12.20 14.00 15.65 20,35 29.70 $11.35 THE GUNNERY ,,,,,. - - rtiiill Arinntc uuiumo naum m vm5 ttit4 . WEATHER FOItKnART ID AoclIM Trfti to Cooi nr TlmM.) OREGON Unsettled, piobnbly showers In tlio Northwest, fair in Southwest nnd East; winds mostly south- i erly. , LOCAL TE.MTEUATUI1B RECORD For tho 24 bourn enrilne nt I 1:43 n. m., Mav 31, by llcnj. Ostllnd, special government motcoroleglst: Maximum C3 Minimum r0 At 1: 13 n. in til Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, ' 1914 CC.4S ! i'rccipitatlon same period V . 11 "''" "y """' itock loam nem nan team and stewnrd at tho , last year CI "1 I , nnx,?UB,f' wntcl,1!!B weather Mllllcomn Club and was In charge w mi . v,n'. 1." r V ? d th0 . rnfk' lnwnnU' nmylng that of tho Chandler bar for a time. For 4 . I S?,iCiCir,A a tl f i"",b0 np rainfall before at the last few years ho has been cn ltAL 'et , Friday night. They have gaged In tho liquor business nt I ......& 1 nirmiiit onnf -m intittniu.. .. t .1 Precipitation samo nnrlnd f ! 1 nnnrn , DuniM A 4 DARKLOW To Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Rarklow, nt their homo in Hunker Hill, May 28, 1015, a girl, lloth mother nnd daughter nro doing well. HALE To Mr. nnd Mrs. C. IT. Halo, n Bovon pound son. Mother nnd child nro doing well nnd tho fa ther who operates tho moving plc turo machine- nt tho Noblo theater says tho now arrival Ib tho great est ever. In Real lMnto lliislncss. Edmund A. Kccno who was recently visiting in tho city, hns now embarked In tho real estato business In San Francis co. KiiImj Ciutus j. Albert Mntson and Frank Lnlso nte plnntlng some some of Luther Rurbank's famous spineless cactus on their ranch In tho Snnd Hills. They received It last week and bollovo It will bo n success hero. PALACE MARKET RETAILS MEAT AT WHOLESALE PRICES Rolling Itecf Leg of Mutton 11c 16c Cholco 1'ot Clinlro .Shoulder Itoiiht I'ork Roasts 14c , 15c N Cholco Rib 'Choice Shoulder Itimst ' 1'otk Chops 16c 16c Round Sle.tks Clxdco Itlli or 1 Qq Loin Folk Chops Slilolii HtcnUrt 18C IQq fA'K Fork Itimsts M-ntton Stow 1 6C j Qq Veal Stew Cholco SlioiiluVi' 11c .Mutton Roust Choice Shotilder 1An i VcjiI llOllst Cholco Loin 14C Mutton Chops Loin Veal Ito.ist 18c 18c In addition (o cholco ijuallty fresh me.its, o Jilso carry u flrM-cIas. lino of Hauls, llacon, Liml, I'lcklcd I'm Ic nnd all kinds of SmiMiges at itMlucisI pi Ices, PALACE MEAT MARKET I HO Xditli lti';i(ly. riiono l()(l-.I. From now wo will glvo penny clitingo v $2.35 FORD and BUICK Agency Free air Service1 I 13.40 15.40 22.40 31.60 2.70 2.80 2.95 4.00 5.20 Bandon Agent. 1 !MiuaaBi i lottcrn Postmaster. 0. A. Ilrown of the Smith-Powers Company, has been lecommcnded tor the Posttnus tershlp or tho Postoffleo at Poweis nnd the order of his nppointment and the establishment of a Postofficc there Is expected soon. Suncy ll(r. Early yesterday morning Engineer Polhcmus and Engineer Donnld M. Charleson and their crews took advantage of the low tide to make somo special sur veys and soundings on tho bar. Kirk on Channel. More kicks are being heard nbout tho new channel m North Inlet which tho Port Com mission had tho Larson Dredging company dredge- Inst fall. It is shoaled pretty badly and at low title. it is claimed that no lmnta m .,.,.. it -.1 " .."... '." - tw 111UIU ate there. Tim IWf rn.,,...i..i.... ... ... probably look into It. "'jthc school and will go to California lApcctrxl Home NYt Week. Fl-1 "oxt wcck where ho expects to en- nnl exams arc on nt the University En&e ' "'o Insurance business. f,L,r,Cg?!1 .thls wco! n,ul ll ex-1 Wife Very 111. Mrs. Jl. J. Os pected timt several Coos Coutttv Urow. has rernlw.,1 wnr,i n,,,, mm students from thoro win in. mim-,,. t'tiln wlJe,r . h m!m nl.th0 Lnll, of tho week, nrovltllnc t uv ,ir ..,., romain for tho cominenceinent pro- Portland. She has been III slnco gr?v 1 r.. . . . . Inst November. Jako (loldlo was 1 . ,. ;,,,l',f A,lxl,,s,y The nth-ifornioily a member of tho Mnrsh letes of the high school track team field ball team and stewnrd at tho nlready sent out invitations for the county meet hero on Friday nf- "-'lUUIl. .. n;rj. IK.-JIUH jjirougn n Times lost nd, Mrs. Hugo Qulst hns recovered a string of amber beads which sho lost the other day. Tho little son of Mrs. C. 0. Magnus, of South Tenth street found It nnd on tho first Insertion of tho lost nd In Tho Times Saturday evening, Mrs. .Magnus promptly responded nnd restored tho lost nrtlcle. Guild Meeting. There will bo tho regular meeting of tho Oulld tomor row In Guild Hall, Fourth street nnd Market avenue, nnd Mrs. Her bert Lockhart nnd Mrs. S. C. Small will act as hostesses. As there Is to bo less than n month's work be fore tho closing of the Guild for tho summer, It Is hoped tho next few meetings may bo well attended. Hearing Postponed. Tho hearing of Herman Flsk, charged with as saulting Pat Coyne, which was to havo como up boforo Justlco Sinis ter nt North Jlcnd Saturday, was postponed until Tuesday op account of tho nbsenco of District Attorney Llljcnvlst. Hearing Tomori ow. Tho hear ing of Alfred Haines, of Allegany, arrested and chnrged by Game War den Thomas of having elk horns In his possession illegally, will be held tomorrow In tho office of Judge I'cnnock. Dnlncs claims that the horns wero old ones, that they are not of nulmnlH rccoutly killed nnd that ho has dono nothing unlawful. Not from Powers A. II. I'owors says that the report that Frank Gil bert who wounded his wife at liny City and then committed suicide lived nt I'owors is Incorrect. Ho says thot Gilbert wuh not employed there. "Mrs. Gilbert's u....... .. i. . NOBLE THEATER TONIGHT DOUllLi: SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Tho great Rroadwny Star Featuro "THE VIN(K)SO.Mi: WIDOW" Ono of tho niorrlest comedies over ,,, uiiuuiMi. I'wiir i cum in iuui iiiiih'1 tcr Not n dull moment lu tho en tire length of tho picture. If you want (ho biggest laugh of your Ilfo Iki mho nnd attend this tlioatro tonight Tho Thirteenth Episode of "THU EXPLOITS OF ELAINE" It's full of thrills ns usuol Two reels that will hold you spellbound. HCAHST-SEIdG WEEKLV NO. 10 Tho latest nows lu pictures .Sewii Reels All Now VmiiiI Prices I 1mer Floor l."Jc, llnlcoiiy iOo I Children r.o i Wednesday night: -lolui Rnrrynioro I In tho Paramount featuro, "Tho .Man From Molci," In fivo reels. SENSATIONAL SALE OF PAINT & WALL PAPER NOW ON THE ART DECORATING ' COMPANY UOtl Maiket Awnuo Mnhfleld Estimates furnished Phone 10B-J i I 9 3C ( Mb. 1. Ilimii, Manscunrid I'rcsUlent 250 KKARNV ST. Oik Sutler and Bu.h !A modetn, Cie-ptoof, up-to-dite Motel, located in the center ol evertfiir.g aod on S adicd Imatolhe Eipotitioa Gioundi, RATES Detached Bath Private Oath 51.00,51.50 tingle 51.50,52.00 jingle S 51.50, 52.00 dcible 00, 52.50 double I liORooaubf&UCouJoit EtCfyCooTuueoct 5 i frora IVJ ud TowKod St. D.pJ, lata ci I No. 1 3 ci 1 6. h iooi 1 ms ula Sutfi S, cu, id l fJt at KtMiM, wtlkuua Uwtroiih. U( m Take a "Uolverial" Bu direct to Hotel . ! SAN FRANCISCO ! j father. M. E. Thurston, Is one of tho old employees of tho company. Hack to rump. a number of the Rlue Ridge Tigers are returning here preparatory to the re-openlng of the McDonald & Vaughn camp at Dan iels Creek. Hill brothers, who havo been near Portland, have returned. R. K. Sanderson and Geo. Snyder expect to leave today or tomorrow for there and It Is expected that most of them will be back. School Will CIom Tho Hunker Hilt school will close Priday and n flno program is being arranged for Friday night. The examinations will be held Thursday and Friday. J. E.Drillettc, the efficient prin cipal, will close his sen Ices with ' ' ' "'"" " .r.ikn nni.ii.. - r.. .. .... , I Mnnhflclil woman, is lying nt the, nnint .f .1.....1. 1.. .. ,'...,. ... Portland No Council Tonight. Tiicro will bo no meeting of tho City fathers this atoning by reason of tho fact this Is a legal holdlay. They will gather In tho Council chambers tomorrow ovenlug for their first meeting In two weeks when thoro nro sovcrnl matters of Importance up for tholr attention, ono of them being tho ex planation of tho paid firemen dt uatlon that has been causing no lit tle discussion among tho firemen. iMny Rilng Iluslness College. Thnt ho Is expecting to open n busi ness college in Mnrshflold In tho very near futuro Is tho Information written to tho Chamber of Com merce by A. DnwkliiB, principal of tho Newport Public Schools. lTo says Hint ho has been looking over tho field for tho past two years and has satisfied himself that thcro Is a good opening here. Mr. Dawklns stntes that ho has had years of ex perleuco and feels competent to han dle all branches of such n school. Got.s .Motor Cur. Engineer Iliml marsh of tho Southern Pacific, was In today from Ten Mile. Ho Is ex pecting a small motor car on tho next boat to enable him to mnko quick trips over tho road after tho rails nro laid. It has n speed of sixty miles per hour. Ho says thnt within n couple of weeks the rush work on tho finishing of tho lino between Coos Ray and thu Umpiiun will be in full swing. Tho contract for getting out tho piling hns not been nwarded yet. Rig Fish Story. That thoy ratiglU 78 big wily trout on Ton Mllo uko nnd Hint they brought thorn homo whero nil who scoff may see, Is tho'iinm Cox, enmo down from Camp 1 report or u. u. uraveB, who, witu J. W. Melnturff and (1. N. .Mur doch, returned Into Saturday from a fishing trip. With tho clear weather, said Mr. Graves, tho fish havo appeared hungrier utid nro moro easily enticed to tho top of tho water. Thoro wero sovornl fish ing parties out yesterday and many of them report bettor luck than In sovornl weeks previous. ..... ...v..... ,.. u . ........ . .MmkNiiicn .Shoot. The Mnrnhfleld Gun Club held their weekly shoot ' Mrs. JnmcH Forty, of Runkor Hill, yestorduy nt tho trap between hero Is sick and confined to hor bed to nnd North Rend. An added increase ' dn'. lp tho trap shooting is becoming no-1 It. S. Hubert, of First Addition, tlceuble. Tho scores niado yoHtor-' for sovoral daj'H bus been In beil Hiif day wero Miss Laura Kruno, 14 out i taring from an attiwk of tho grlppo. of 2r,j Mrs. Gnrdlnor, II out of Clnra Lovoloss Is recovering from 25; Roy Wornlch, 71 out of 100; ' a bnd fall at tho C. R. I'eck summer W. J. Conrad, 70 out of 100; Don., homo on Coos Rlvor n week ago. (jaVufnor, 73 out of 100; Frank Cat terlln, nn out of 75; Dr. Dlx, r, ! out of 75; Dr. Toyo. 51 out of 75; Dr. Hoiisowortli, :i( out of r,u; win. Ekblnd. II out of 50; Oeorgu Lar- Hi.,,, u nut nt yr,. Hi-coM'is Puie JndlcntJiiK IJio, ciulck results olitujnod from Tmps - i 0RPHEUM "Whorp Mnlinn Pictures Look WIILIL mUllUII riUlUllCl LUUR Better" "OFFICER (10(1 from tho famous pluy, In fivo parts, at the OHPH P.I'M I TuiilKht Moudnj-TiiUMhiy Tho funnloBt funny film over pro I duced nnd tho cloanost cloun comedy I ever shown In Marahfleld. M Vou'll laugh (ill j on cry. Txmcr Floor 15c, Ralrony Kto Children Ac , biioniJ .uiu:t" .Vet J. C. PENNEY Company Next Door to the Marshficld Post-Offlce. The newest and latest In Ladies' Waists. These Waists are worth double the price. Come in and see them for yourself. Fine Lawn, Voiles, Susene Silk Flower and Stripe, Bulgarian Striped Silk. Compare our goods, compare our prices and you will be con vinced that you can save from 25 per cent to 35 per cent on every purchase that you make at the J. C. Penney store. We absolutely back every assertion that we make with the merits of our goods. Ladies' Fine Lawn, Voiles, in the latest patterns and styles, $1,50 value, Our price 98c Ladies' Waists, a better grade, $1,75 value $1.25 Susene Silk Stripe and flowered, $1,75 value.. -$1.25 Bulgarian Silk Striped, $1,75 value, Our price.. $1.25 J, & P, Coats Thread, always was 5c a spool till the J, C, Penney store opened, Our price 4c Charmeuso Petticoats, $1,98 value, Our price.. $1.49 Jersey Top, Silk Bottom, in tlio latest shades, $3,50 value, Our price $2.25 Black Sateen Petticoats, a good heavy grade, 75c value, Our price , 49c A better one 69c Ladies' House Dresses, the latest out, in all pat terns, All sizes up to 50 for 79c, 98o Tho f, tf ? (T 'b Wo Lend, of Igv prices JJL"Sf?L.l? , r FvHom R!lE!I'3jEMLZ4'J want nds, Mrs. Morton Tower, of Empire, yesterday recovered hor purso containing about $10 In cash, n diamond Loyal Legion button nnd other keepsakes. Sho lost It Satur day and yesterday phoned n lost nd to Tho Times. Mrs. V. A. Mngco. of Empire, happened to hear of tho lost ad before It was printed nml remembered bIio snw n purso picked up nt tho Warner Grocery Saturday night. Mr. Warner was communicated with nnd suiu enough, It wns Mrs. Tower's purso. Sotllo Rig .Mortgage- It Is said that Joo Coach, F. .1. Feeney and A. II. Rlntchely aro hero today for tho purpose of closing up with Fred HolllHter n $1-1,000 mortgago on tho Conch estate, preliminaries of which wore started sovornl days nun. It In riimnroil Hint thnrn mnv ho a furthor suit against tho Conch estato, this timo bemuse. It Is claim ed tho borrowing Is mndo partial ly on behalf of Arthur Coach, who Is now under tho guardianship of his sister, Mrs. J. Carey, of Co qulllo, and that no permission bnH been granted by her for tho loan. $ ARfinMn tuc oipi ....... .. linv Cov. hou of Mr. nml Mrs WIN Htifrnrlnir frniti minims wlilrli In, I had for sovornl days not knowing what was tho causo of his ideknes.. Mr. Young, father of Young brothors, crenmery oporntors, sub mitted to a Hiirglcnl operation Satur day nt Mercy Hospital. It was per formed by Drs. Dlx nnd Kolzor. Mr, Young Is doing very well today. Mrs. Frank I). Cohnn Is reported I ......... ..V... cy hospital much butter this morning nt tho Mor- t . .. .. . j . HI mc nu I CLO jAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAA i Clmndlcr Hole), 0. Wyss, Portlund; Mr. and Mrs. (leorgo E, Sandfrs, Ornnts Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cooler, Chica go; Robert E. (Intit, Chicago; Fran cis M. Faniinr, (Irants 1'hhs; T. W. Paris, Portland; A. II. Rlatchely, Co (iilllo; Alfred .lohusoii, Jr., Coiiullle; ' ' """to. sitkum: a. e. irt- ., n,.i,,,,, If,.,ll Mnllnnnlil. North Remi; V. (I. Hlndmarsh, llau- Ifor; W. M. Kaiser, Huusur; P. M. ' Hull-LowlH, Cooulllo; K. I). Hauser IIImiico Hotel. 1 Charles Hwanuou, Pony Inlet: O. !:. Mustek, Ash, Oregon; John Hub- .ley, Rniidou; W. II. Mooue, Coijullle; JaHper Yoakum, Coiiullle; R, M. Mc clain, Empire; D. P. Weaver, Houth Inlet; Davo Ilrown, Civih River; Al lan Larry. Allegany; W. L. Ktom merman, Allegany. Herald Hkluuor, Portland; August Potirsnii, Empire; J. I). Lnlrd, filt kuiu; T C. Voung, Kltkiim; .Mrs D. C. iliown, Tillamook; Mrs. (I. Wllfcon, Allegany; Jewell Spruguo, i(Myrtlo Point; Clara 13. Hpraguo. 'Coos River. John Anderson, Fnlrvow; CI. M. Cnrroll and wife, Falrvlow; Alma Carroll, Falrvlow; M. Carrie, (Inr dincr; I). Keller, Dolmar; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stuuff. Noith Rend; Mrs, John Ilacnu, Raker Crook; Don D. McClelhtu, Dulnmr;. A. C. Drow, North Rend; C. Hauser nnd wife, Co qulllc TrmU Meet, Friday, Juno I. t a MEJIIHIlt Coos County Riisiness .Men's Association, leineiiibei- tlio gel-together luiicheoii nt Till, CHANDLER ORILL tomorrow 1111011,1 Ili to I oMock, .1(1 (i-utM per platw. ask Yont m:k;iiiior ,11'NE mil. Take jour batliH (it O. IC. Rather Shop, Front near Ctntial. Llhhy COAL. Tlio kind VOH Invo ALVAVK USER. Phono 7i!. Puclflc Lhcry and Transfer Company, COOS RAV TIMES j WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS j RUV AN UP-TO-THLVMINUTE I WAR .MAP WHILE THE I SUPPLY LSTtf $$ X NEW TODAY I ??$ FOUND Ijiidy'M puiM. Inqulro nt lllllyer's cigar store. FOR It 10 NT Itiirgo front room fur nislied for housekeeping. HOG So. Fourth stroot. , ,.,..... 7 i , , ' A1 j'T ' w ',0,Z V' I w"1' Address Roy "X," Times. li'OH RENT Nlco furnished room, West Hunker Hilt Phono 31C-R. M)ST EnNtern Star pin. Finder pleaso return to Rox "A," rimes office. WANTED Any kind of work ly Girl. Hotel work preferred. Phono 33C-X. WK HAVE n good position for a llvo man In this County. Wo offer you something which will bo worth your while to Investigate. Wrlto for details. Tho Old Reliable AI banly Nurseries, Albany, Oro. FOJt HALE Cliwtji for i-m1i, II. C. II. Automobile, llttlo used; good as now. C. E. Kopf, Ihindon, l'OR HALE Overland runabout; n snap If taken nt once. Phono or sro L. L. TlioniuB. 4 X ' FOR SALE l'OR KALi: Dnl i-y nnd Ktink farm rcuHounblo. Addreas i!. Y, Kan ford, Huiuuor, Oregon, FOR HALE OR TRADE IOO nires hill land, close In, fair homo, (ino vlow, no winds, raro chapco to open stock ranch, Address "A," caro Times, X WANTED J WANTED Compelent girl for !cn oral hoimowork. Andreas "D," enro Times. WANTED House inolng nml rnls lug. EHtllnnto furnlHhed frco by Ingram & RJorqvIut. Phono 6R. X FOR RENT X t FOR RUNT .Modern bungalow, fur nished, Phono 1M7-U. FOR RENT Light limiNckocplii rooms; ton nml twelve dollars per mouth. Imiulro -113 North 2nd st. FOR RUNT Myrllo Arnif, modem furnUhod npnrtmeuti, froo boat and water. 25 per mouth up. X FINANCIAL $ f a.M irrulvlnir nniillriitloim for 1st Illnrt ,...,,, .... ,1Illirovpli rauchoa. F, E. Conway, Myrtlo Aruu Mt. i - CAR FOR HIRE Oliver Ki-phait Phono :tl() tAttAA A .0 FOR TRANSFER AND hTOR- A(.E OF HOUSEHOLD OOODS IRKKHIT AND RAfidAdE CaR I I FERGUSON TRANSFER Plumo Ida Residence Phono lil-J Maiket Ue, anil Wutcrfrout M 1 lJJWlWI mmMmsmmt m pmumm -