TvsmimBHRBP'HHJHHI KXZ J - BaLA. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION. jf.ajMaJBCJl4.BAJITB- --- ,""1 "" " - '"lH HH ( , HI l suss maiihi. poiitp.ii to marrv KF.NXF.TH l. HAl'SKIl STUDIO IIAXCK 4ituro plnns ror tho club wero ills ! , cussed and diirliiK the afternoon , jsomo splendid music was rontrlbut- AIlss Kmmn Quntcrmoss, nsslstcd jcd. In serving n delirious lunclioon by Alias Ruth Wulrath, will give .Mrs. Pvcrltt was assisted by her n danco at the Qiiiitorniass Sttidlo I snuclal cuests from .Marshfleld, .Mis. this evening. Numbered among the guests aro the Misses Hose .Miller, Alice McLnln, Jessie King, llattlc Uchfcld, Ilortha Handry anI Messrs. Kd Walrnth, Leo McLnln. Jesse Wagner, Norter, Geo. Seel Ik, Fred Whoaton mid Hallet Hargelt. fr I PLAX Itl-'ST ItOO.M Mnrrluiso to He Society Ktoiit of Sou- i .-.on In Spoltiino, Suys Spokiino Chronicle Tlio wcddliiR of Miss Mabel Por ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .!. I). I'orter, of Spokane, to Kenneth I), llauser, Wednesday evening, Juno 30, is announcd In the SpolniiOl Chronicle. The news comes as a Mauser's many HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU ? WHITE ROTARY . SEWING MACHINES NOW ON SPECIAL SALE A. J. Savage and Mrs. Pnrl Savngo. The club members present were: Mrs. William Vaughan. Mrs. A. K. IJ.ion Atra A. II. tlnrlivshlrp. Mrs. surprise to Mr, II. K. Ilurmclstcr, Mrs. A. S. Ham- friends here. mond, Mrs. Geo. Mandlgo, Mrs. C. ' The Chronicle states "the wedding S. Kaiser. Mrs. Fred Glazier, Mro. will take place at the Porter rcsl- Geo. Hnzor, .Airs. K. P. Russell, donee, 3C2S Maple Street, and will Mrs. V. K. Watters, Mrs. C. C. Wll- ho followed by n largo reception, to Hums, Mrs. J. II. Groves and .Mrs. which the friends of the couple will I. 11. Ilartlo. In two weeks tho I bo invited. club will meet with .Mrs. George "Hot" 's Vorl n"'1 Mr- Hituscr MnndiKo ire popular In the younger society $3322 pavilion iiaxci: events of the summer. Mr. Hauser Is the sou of K. V. Hauser of St. Tho dance given by Anthony's ' Paul, and Is a partner In tho rall Orchestra In Simpson's Pavilion In road contracting firm of Hauser, Ilau- North llend last Saturday evening ( scr and Company." was ono of tho most enjoyable nf- Miss Porter Is a daughter of J. . fairs of Its kind this season, the i Porter, one of tho members of tho liiuslr rendered was highly praised. ' I'orter llrothers contracting Jirins, They will give another dance this c of tho largest In tho west. Mr. evening In the Pavilion. llauser for the past two years has . been actively engaged In tho railroad hulldlng on tho Willamette Pacific, , lll'XKl'IT CARII PAItTV I his firm having n 22-mllo stretch in ' ' tho vicinity of Lnkeslde. He is from Lnst Thursday evening In tho . tbc University of Mlnnesotn and is Hargelt building, which was made n member of tho Delta Tatt Delta fru very attractive with tho uso of tcrnlty. largo bunches of evergreens and wwwwwwwvw. bowls of roses, a public card party competent musician and until ro was Kit en for tho benefit of bov- ' ccntly an efficient clork In J. A. oral distressed families In Marsh- Matson's storn. Sir. Leo is u sue fleld. The prizes, rofreshment8,.nnd icssful business man of Uolllnghiim, In fnct, everything, wns donated si Washington. that the whole of tho proceeds will Tho young couplo left Thursday bo turned over to tho cause. Auc- morning ovorlnnd for San Prnn tlon brldgo and whist were ijlayed, clseo to visit at tho Pair and on Mrs. Claude Nasliurg, Mrs. MMC'n-; returning, will visit hero for a short non and Prank Catterlln winning tlmo beforo proceeding to Helllng- high score prizes nt.tho former nnd ham where thoy will ninko their Mrs. Levi Dalgle, .Airs. DiiiiKnrd and The ladles of tho Coos liny Wo men's Club havo planned a tem porary rest room at the Ladles' Kmporlum for tomorrow, decoration day, for tho convenience of out-of-town guests and for others whom tho arrangement will benefit. The plan Is n very good one and the ladles are to be commended upon their efforts. III'LH'IITITL IIIXXI'R PAItTV Mrs. J. S. Lyons Is hostess this evening to a number of the Marsh- field teachers at a delightful dinner party and an Informal evening. Tho Invited Hat includes tho Mioses Anna Voltz, Elizabeth Moore, Mario .Ma loncy, Davnoy, Kvans and Mrs. Ploonor McMullcn mid Grace Grif fon. 4 LAIIIPS AltT CLl'II Assisted by her special guest Miss Mabel Lang, Airs. Olivia I'dmnn pleasantly entertained tho ladles of tho Art Club nt their regular moot Ins yesterday afternoon. Cut flow era wcro used In tho decorating sclioino nnd created n very pretty ef fect. After tho usual social time tempting refreshments were served, tho following being present: Mrs. J. A. lllntt, Mrs. A. S. lllnnchard, Mrs. W. II. Curtis, Mrs. Jus. Cowan, Hr., Mrs. W. II. Foley, Mrs. W. I. Iloag liiml, Mrs. L. G. Lang, Mrs. Chas. La Chapclle, Mrs. Nets Hasmusscn, Sirs. Ross Smith, Mrs. Prank .Sum ner, Mrs. Ivy Condron, Mrs. Henry Iloeck, Mrs. II. II. Walter and Mrs. P. M. Plyo, who will bo hostess next week. f i I THUHSIIAV HI'WIXU CLl'II I . Tho Thursday Sewing Club was delightfully entertained this week with Mrs. Carl Haines as hostess. Sowing and friendly conversation wcro pleasantly Indulged In and nt tho eloso of tho afternoon very dainty rofreshments woru served to the following ladles: Mrs. Allan O. Hans, Mrs. Pred W. Smith and Mrs. Geo. 8. Capps. Next week Mrs. Cnpps will entertain tho club ladles. . INFORMAL AI'TKUXOOX I . ; A number of ladles called yester day nftornoou to take tea with Mrs. W. P. MePldownoy and to enjoy an Informal afternoon of social chat. Mrs. McKldownoy leaves near the middle of Juno for Los Angeles to Join her husband and will make tbclr homo there. ham, Washington, llev. It. O , TIIIMItLP. CLl'II I Thorpe, of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, officiating. The bride was YcHterday afternoon the ladles of i sweetly gowned In a creation of tho North llend Thimble Club en- white i rep" do chine with pale blue Joyed a very pleasant sewing and ' anil gold trluiiulngH and carried i t social session at the homo of Mrs. M. - shower houiiuot of carnations and 552?l"&&$4w5&.-. 1 '& $3329 'ciowd nnd tliolr mnrrlago promises . to be one of the most brilliant social ON EASY PAYMENTS, TOO GOING HARVEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS nHHOHBWjHHHHHn HQHHMHHUHMHHHB I 1)1 XX Hit PAItTV homo. Miss Lily Dalgle, high scores at whist. Tho reception commlt'co Included Mrs. II. M. Jennings, Mrs. is. K. Jones and Mrs. Lovl Dalgle, who, with the other ladles who planned RAPTIST LAIUPS' TKA I Tho Ilaptlst ladles gave n success ful tea ut the homo of Mrs. P. II. tho affair, wish to express their up-, mW ' Wednesday nftornoou of preclntlon to nil those who In uny way helped to make tho affair n fi nancial success. I - SILVint MKOATi COXTKST Last Saturdny evening in tho Sil ver Medal Contest, given by North llend young people at I'mplro, Merlin this week and tho following Inter esting program wns rendered: Heading Mrs. C. O. Gosuey. Heading Kov. A. P. Hassfonl. lustrum'ontal solo Lois Hassfonl. Instrumental Solo Dorothy Hass fonl. Heading Lois Hassfonl. On next Friday nftornoou tho la- Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Harris entertained nt a suppor luncheon nt their pretty .Mry tlo Arms npnrtment for .Mr. Wobb, following tho Informnl evening giv en In tho entertainment hull. Tho affair proved a very delightful ono for tho following guests: .Mr. and Mrs. M. L. May, Mrs. Marshall, JVr. and .Mrs. II. 13. Kelly, Mrs. McMul lcn, Miss Mcintosh, Miss Florence Flanagan and Mr. A. J. Mendel. t INFORMAL CHAT X J , Miss Gwyncildo Towor, of I'Jurc-I kn, arrived hero this week to spend the summer with her grandmother, i Mrs. Miirton Tower, of Umpire. .;. .;. a Do It Now T is tho time to buy INOW ls "io ""io to ,,,1 Vou cnit save II." per cent hi the coM of building nnd liny ut your own price nnd on join imn terms. Wo will bell you tlio lot mill build you the house. .?5J. PUIl MOXTII Voiir onn for aSee Reid About II" nnd i-AA'l TI.MK mill MOXKV fliVuKBBjKCTK2 iSHf .MBMbssC h H1B fv tijiiT''-- H BPIlvlaMc.? H choko of sites nnd your own plnu tlio llOUM) -r- .- , x Open ovenlngs. 150 Front St. 7 i h u'c Chnppell was declared tho winner dies will glvo n Btrawborry social In I It. Tower nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudo Nnsburg aro spending Sun uny nt Sboro Acres. v Miss Lucy Horton, daughter of Mr, and Mis. M. C. Horton, now of Poplar Hluff, Missouri, Is expected hero soo:i to spend part of the sum mer with Mrs. II. K. Hooth and other rrlcnds. Miss Horton will at tend the wedding of college chum at Tncomn while en routu here. Miss Dorothy Horton, formerly a popular student of tho Mnrshflold High School, has scut commence- IPLAY A BIG SUGGESS'1 9 1 5 MIDSUMMER E BEEI IT over tho other contestants who were Ida Ncllsou, Louise Plsmlnger, Claro Cavauaugh, Hertha Chapman, lloraco llyler, and Hnndall Jones. Tho Judges, all of Kmplro, were: Mrs. Wldner, Miss Wleklund and C. A. llockett. This evening In North llend will ho held another contest In tho Methodist church, and tho following young peo ple will orate: Ida Nellson, Hertha Chapman, Louise l'lsmlugor, Mclluda Anderson, Lillian Johnson and Ira Steap. 4 I PKKTTV IIOMi: WHDDIXG I I On Wednesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. Mathlsnn, ' In Hunker Hill, was solemnized tho wedding of their daughter, Miss Mabel, to Palmer Leo, of Helllng- is tho church parlors and it program I untlng exercises of tlio high school will also ho given for tho enjoyment l''1 Plhir Hluff, Missouri. Shu of those present. Hecrotnry of the gnuhmtlng class Tlio ladles out Wednesday wcro: Mrs. Mears, Mrs. .Inn. Hall, Mrs. 11. II. Patchett, Mrs. Krlckson, Mrs. Glduuirk, Mrs. Gntndell, Mrs. II. J. Lupton, Mrs. .loo Hoiiscr, Mrs. J. C. Doauo, Mrs. 1). D. Hoss, Mrs wi:ll i'illkd iiorsi: (ikkkts 'Till-: SCIIOOLMISTIMWS" High School Seuici'h Itciille About .'jtKIO Pi-oril From Production J .Much Priiiso to CuM. I WO llllllUll'H IIUIIIIU IIIU L'lll Ullll I m M rolled up on tho first scene of "Tho Schoolmistress" nt tho Orphoum Theatre last night, an actor placed mont iinnouncemontH of tho grnd-i his eyo lit tho little vent In the aforo- sald curtain nnd looked out ot tho audience. "A full house," ho nn nounced. Ho wns correct. Thoro was not a sent left unfilled. It was Mrs. PrcBton, prominent in Iort- i a cnthualaHtlo nudlonco find tlmo laud social circles, arrived hero yes- "t111" l,1y applauded ho hero terdny for it short visit at tho homo ' "(l Jierolno who, unturnlly, trlumph- of her niece. Mrs. Prank I). Cohan. 1- ftor traveling n hard nnd rock road to their matrimonial goal. ,, ,, ., , , , ,. . , Approbation greeted tho players Mr. llonrlk GJordruin loft today , nf ti10 R(M1ior phiait ... tho MliU Kchool Orriclal Program rmi)AV, .ii'lv axi), lt)l.- Whltman, Mrs. O, J. llcnnlng, Mrs. Heanlor, Mrs. P. II. Dressor, Mrs. C. O. Gosnoy, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Jno. Nnglo, Mrs. A. '. Downs, Mrs. Juo. LnChapcllo, Mrs. Wnltor Hill, Mrs. II. W. Voltiunn, Mrs. Alva Doll, tho Misses Mnmlo Gulovseu, Har nlce Patchett, Mildred Storey, Dor othy and Lois Ilassford and Kov. A. P. Hassfonl. lleardsloy, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. P. II, on tno Nn,,n Smith for San Prnn-1 and approbation marked tho play cisco wncro no expects io spenu a mruiiK" i umnu uuhibu. t few weeks. Tho Joint recital with . , ,1)c,m omb'". '' 'nnh linn-1 ,,, ,, ! . i . 'kllng that sneaked out at dead of j .un nuuti minmier win iiiku puiio j.llt from lier pnturiinl mansion to A. X. W. CLl'II In Portland July 1, utter which ho will return to Mnrshflold and re sumo his teaching activities. .;. .;. .;. Miss llattlo Hugo, of North llend, expects to Icavo next weok for Da kota, whero her folks now nro. : - ! A. K. Arkley nnd family, of North llend, hnvo taken tho L. Stromnn homo In Plat H for tho mininicr, tho latter having moved out In elope with hor lover, was highly np proved of. "I'd have dono tho sumo thing myself remarked tho oldorly dowager In tho fifth row from tho front. For tho Jcsso Franz, as Regi nald Paulovor, after wriggling In his dress suit for tho occasion, stood n proper hero, ready to wndo through blood .to his enrs for tho lady of his heart. Rudolph Hlllstrom, ' the gentle No. 1 Trot or pace, ono-hnlf mllo, two heats, each heat' it race, 2::ir class, purse $100 No. 2 Running, ono half mile, purso .$H0.t)() No. a Trot or pace, one-half mile, best two In three heats, freo for all, puiso $125 No. I Novelty nice, ono mile, $.10 for first to quarter post, $10 ror first to half-mllo post, ?cr, for first to three quarter post, $75 for first to mllo stako '. . . $200 No. 5 Motor Cycle, C miles, $2r to 1st, $1C to 2nd.... $10 SATUItDAV, .1ULV 11, 1015 No. C. Trot or pneo, ono-lmlf mllo, two bents, each heat a race, 2:5 class, purso. . .$100 No. 7 Running, flve-clghths mile, purso $100 Tho A. N. W. Club enjoyed a pleasant session at tho homo or I ''" country to ho nearer his work. Mrs. Mary McKnlght Thursday, the ,r "" "" ',0 s"u, J"" "' roKUlar lub duv. Cut riowers won. . """""K he ptiiv ginlii milk loaves, K. Pvecltt, the affair being unusual-' sweet pons. Tho song "Oh Prom ly onjoyablo since tho hostess has Ise Me" was very well rendered Just recently returned from an ex- by Mrs Geo. Lane, tended visit. Cut flowers predom- Mrs Lee Is one of Marsliriold's Innted In tasteful decorations. Pu most popular ouug ladles, is n Eyes Hurt? used In decorating. At the close of u row hours spent in sewing and social chat, tho hostess assisted by Mrs. F.vortsen and Mrs. Hazard, served tempting refreshments to the following ladles: Mrs. F. P. Allen, .lrs. Olivia IMnuin. Mrs. P. Mlngiis, 1 Mrs. Geo. P. Murch, Mrs. W. P. Murphy. Mrs. L. M. Noble, Mrs. 1 II. Qulst. Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. ' Chas. Staiifr and Mrs. C. P. Me- Knight, who will entertain tho club ' next Thursday. , ALl'.MXI .MP.KTIXG I try It ut the .MniMiriolil Itakery. Vou will seo our .stamps on every loaf. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Roberts, of Myrtle Point, spent yesterday at the homo ot tho hitter's sister, Mrs I I I nf Mnrul.flnt.l ',,,,' 1 aI'l 'l ''l'i I'CMIOUX Willi might I. L. Hargelt. or Maishrield, and, ,lV0 bo(m ,,,.,, ..jutt ,, ioff oft today on tho , Nairn Smith, wnoro as to height hold the attention or tlio innn," nnd Marjorlo Graham, "that voxlng girl," wcro particularly flno No. S Trot or paco, ono mllo, in uioir pans ami ninuo u special ii,rL,0 llc.ltB ovorv i,t a hit with tho nudlonco. Mary Kruse! l"rt0 llC!U8' ONOry ,,Lnt n.rn In her part was especially good, liar- "uo' I'"ruo $150 vey Walter and Dorn Hrown ns Ad-, No. ' Running, ono nnd ono mlral and Mrs. Rankling brought eighth miles, lor Coos nnd shouts or laughter rrom tho crowd. ( Cll ... CoiII1,v .nrsps on.v Mitrgaroto Stack and Uny Davis, as' u"rr -OHIUy "orsca ony Jano nnd Tylor.'carrled out tholr I l,,,r80 ?200 pnrts to perfection, nnd Ludwlg Stone No. 10 Consolation rnco, for In tlio rolo or Otto llornstoln, tho all horses not Ilnlshlng ns populnr composor, wob Just tho ono , HPrnn,, ,,.... ,7 tor his nnrt. Cora Dvo and Clara ' Iood ns second, purso $7 J Snrgeaut did vory well and Krle Stor-1 No- 1 1 Motocyclo rnco, $2f. to 1st, $15 to 2nd. purso. . .$40 I they will ninko their homo Miss Hiiby Wntkliis, who has been quite 111 following vaccination, Is Im proving rapidly. She expects to leave about the middle or June ror San Francisco, whom sho will enter the Lane Hospital ror training. Prof. Davidson or Myrtle Point nnd Smart, blur, squint? Moving pictures affect your eyes? If so your eyes need attention. ' Wo are prepared both with experience and equip ment to correct defective vision. School children's eyes are subject to strain and re quire careful attention to prevent permanent defect of vision. ' NO EXPERIMENTING. WE KNOW OUR BUSINESS audience, And financially, too, tho play was u success, with it sliuro of tho pro fits which amounted to about $100,! too eiass is contemplating tlio pur chaso of n largo plcturo us tholr .de parting gift to tho high school. Much pralso has been given to ov-1 ory inomber or tho caste and to Mr. ' and Miss Silverman tor the innniinrl Pond or North Hond spent n '' which they coached tho play. . i no iiieiuoers or tao casto wore: mi: voro liueciiett . Rudolph Hlllstrom Admiral Rankling, or His Ma jesty's Flagship Pandora , , Harvey Walters Lieutenant John Mnllory Krle Storgurd MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial mill IPiltv'y. . Geo 1 Tho Marshtlehl High School Alum- pleasant evonlng'of cards with Mr, I nl Absoclatlon met nt tho homo or , and Mrs. P. J. Kvans In North Bond Ralph Kruse on Central Ateniie' last Wednesday. Thursday evening, and on account Miss Dunning and Miss Mcrcen or or unfitvornhlo weather they do- Horkoly arrived this weok tor n ' elded to not glvo a picnic as planned, short stay on tho Hay. inn io glvo instead, a banquet tor irs. u. i,, uooci nnd Mrs. Kato , Saunders, or Training Shin Dox- I the graduating class or this year. Lnndo returned this weok Iroin Now. I terous Lloyd Lo.Mloux Derinlte plans as yet have not boon l'rt, Oregon, whore they nttonded . '.vi '""'," J a,",'lvor Ipsso Prnnz 'v out null nay uavis . William McDonald HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 O. RED CROSS OPTICAL DEPT. PIIOXI IUJ RED CROSS DRUG STORE fully decided. Those present at the "ho Hobekah Assembly of 1. O. meeting were the Misses May Preiiss, '' Frances Williams, Hesse Flanagan. I'sa N'Rh llrownleo of llerkeloy, May Myron and Messrs. John For- fnHfornla, house guost of Miss Norn gusou, Howard Schwartz. Vivian Twpr, will contlntio her visit on tho Carlson, Tom Patterson, Chester llil' ,,,,t" nhout tho ninth of Juno. and Ralph Isaacson, May Relgnnl V V K. It . Hudson and little daughter Ireno left today on the Nairn Smith for San Francisco where the latter will receive treatment for her eyes. Miss Norma Chase who for some time has been clerk In the North Hond postofrieo has resigned her position. SKRVICKS SCXD.W On account or the fact that banks and business houses will observo Memorial Day on Monday by closing tluve was somo confusion about the celebration. The services will be held Sunday. Gofr (riroman) Miss Dyott Tho Schoolmistress) Mnry Kruso 1l,' Marjorlo Graham Kriuytnido Cora Dyo Gweudollno Clara Sargeant Dinah Hankling ....Hess Douglass Otto nernsteln (a populnr rom- , Posor) Ludwlg Stono Jnfrray (a Hroman) ....Hay Davis Jane Chlpnian (a maid) .. ; Margarlto Stnck Mrs. Hankling i)01tt urow MtH'tlng Pohtponeil The Kast- port Union Sunday School will post pone sorvlees tomorrow on account J of memorial servieos. THE REAL QUESTION The question Is not, will men honor you ror your work? Hut does your work honor yoir? Voiir concern Is not only to create profit for yourself, but to mako that which will profit many bosldns yourself. COOS II.VV STKAM LAL'XDRV "Phono 57-J. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio wuuui flnrjn, Kindling wood, per load $1.73 X Alder wood, 10 to 24 lnc1"-'8 ; Wtofw, m-ikv nciivcry W. II. MXfio Phono 227-3. vorlh pir .. .. " Ok T. J. HOAIFK tg A. II. I10D0KS Mnrchfiolil PAINT AND """" DECORATING CO, i'.siinmics t'urnwied Phono HIMI. Mar8liffcd, Orep, YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS 1-IIOIIO -IIU.I;. Xlght and Day, Right Otic GOOD CARS. CARLI'UIi DIUVER8 I). L. FOOTK. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famuis HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton ...1.00 1 Lump coal, per ton ,..f-.5o Or half ton of both ,.l.; II. .MU.SS0.V, ITrop. Phono IK-.I or lento tinlm tX llllljcr's Cigar Store. SOUTH COOS IIIVi:it IIOAT SKItVll'i: larxcii Kxi'itcss leaves Maihhflcld etrrjr itir H it, in. l.eiives head of rltcr at it: Lt p. in. STKAMI'K IIAINIIOIV loaves liiMd of titer iLdlf t 7 ii, in. Leaves .MitrslifleM t 2 p. in. I'or charter npply on botnl. ' ROGKRS .V" SMITH Proprietors ' DRY WOOD at i CAMPBELL'S WOODYAROJ Xorlh Front Street Phono U7t I nn COMMUTATION J TICKKTS, ?-i.O0. Mathflcld.Xorth llend Aot Lino ' Cars every ten minutes fw (I . hi. to IS P. m.i to S"4 Kloiiglt oiiro n day, lentl"? 11 n. m.i to Linplro thrw trt? it liny. GOHST H KIXO. Prop. Citv Auto & Taxi Co. Lw XWitSertlce liay For tnxl, phono 20, Hotel 1,-nr touring cars, p Chandler Hotel I.VXX LAMHimi, IW Now 'Cars Chandler hone I'. New Cm i f I WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savW I s KAUFMAN & C ' Local Treasurer "! nilMHAM .imnCDTAKlNG u' PARLORS will he keP OPKX TO TUB P8BB0 state nT will M '" A regular undertaker charge phone lo3J Pi tit Qt til in Mi tloi tho Hi Fit tfm . Iroi itea thos Cop Uta W.l PUst Ontlnj: footuenr nt Gordon's. 1 T :r;iFzii! fwrwi