3gS3S358S8raMW pi JK"f"""'" LiI'Im "' fflSSHSBi i J t..Hi i'JJWWllatfpM'UllMJMM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1915- EVENING EDITION. i I rv A S BAY TIMES AT- fl.tll... n.t.l l..l. , K. MAI.OXHV, News Hdller TUBDD DEAD BEATS BASEBALL SCORES Official Official Pnper of Paper City Coos of Mnrshfleld ImsiNis mi:n ahm (.aist no. S"!!i li: THAT IIITs ITU.sK I'Olfll.AM) TO TACKS ISKi UCTOHV m siiii:ai) Address nil communications to COOS HAY IUIIjY T1MHS. nrij- (I'uihi-fiii i'Iim giuii loii) Mi-ri- lim of Coos Count) Hulnos Entered nt tho Postofflce nt Marsh- J lvn' -.WlHii field, Oregon, for transmission i ..gllfolv yt,i," the sdomui of the mnTmntter0 " "" 8GCOnd-C,a8S Im-lncM world, the one Hied t ex- . ' perlencc and funnel not wanting. SUHSCHIITIOX HATi:S ' mentis a savin of the uusliieM men' DA1I.V. I ,0iar8 and the swntttiiK of the "deml '" 6,g,, , beat bORle", declined the speuUet at fhfjt lm,u,rj. niL,0nK of the Wallops seals In HI to :J d'aine ciietiniis .MnKo lllfi Seine Ax.iluM OnUiimleis pkhci:xta(Ji:s ov coast Iji:aouh ID AwocUtcl I'lwi to Com tiaj Tlmfi L. P.C. San l'runelsco 2!i Los Angeles ." Salt l.nko ...27 l'oitland 21 Oakland 21 Venice 22 nhotit the hnnnnet hoard to tnlk over i-uuii.a.mj. wuj ...- im- i- il.plr trntililM nml 'not toieotlior " c, st'( "rc ll ""' w " HK members of the Port Com- Much praise wan given the women of t''dn they biuttKht the Seals Into mission are vory much annoyed , the Chrlsllait church for the ban- "'"'l " '' l0 whoij uickci . l,nu- ll.n nl,l Imrttnnf Inn mint t UlC IIIIIHlllCllll. VoilIcO ItlsO Iliade Northwwt up Isthmus SIourIi shall j "We're but 15 months old," said a bit? score nsnlnst tho Oakland be dlsnosed of. The boat Is tied Kinnk (J. lloiton, toastniaHtutr, but committcm. ud at the mill at FlaKstaff and must i we're KettltiK stronger every day. Wo The acmes of yesterday One year $ 1 .50 Coos County Uuslne Moit'd siskocIb- When nald strictly In advance the n,,., inai oviminir. l'ml with meat fiubscJlptlon ptlco of the Cooj Ilrty qullllIUei of c,,lrkp alu ,, wm, ' Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.o0 for ' , . . . ,, ..., .. ,,, six months slrawheriles to ilap the cllinnw the ! , financiers of the county satheied l!0 21 l!l J5 ::u 2.s xs i:.sv sowtio.v T be moved before the mill ran stall It Is eft I muted that It will cost 11500 to pet the old ossel to sea and sink her. The l'ort need not go to any such expense as It Is en tirely unnecessary. There is one ery osy solution of the matter. htno In nieinbeislilp tho majority of the business men of the count). Wo hne the ratlni?s on more than S.000 customeis. Illellluiiilo Aihcill-lnir. rntlcineiith the public wiiikltiKS of the Association, said J. Albeit .Mason, Simply tow tho old essel down to ispeakliiK on IlIeKltlinnto ndvertlslni;, the lower bay, leae her at n (on-jtheto Is ti secret committee that do cnlent place and let the beach- ens of times each month shies off combers do the rest. Perhaps an nouncement of the fact In certain quarters that It Is desired to Ret rid ft oiii members of thu association fake ndorllsliiK schemes. 'Premium lists, the tnullnK'Xow York, 11. 1 Coast J, Clique. At Pottlantl ll'. 11. i:. Htm Francisco :: .S I Poititmd i:: in At l.tiri AiikuIcs Salt l.ako 1L 11 l.os Angeles 1 II Al Oakland Venice; IP 15 Oakland I! !) Xiltloillll I.CMHUO At New York St. l.ottls, of the old boat might oen do iiwn I stamps, nil that is classed as utlver with the trouble of moving her. xi:v si:i,m.V(! piax TIII2 peoplo of Jlyrtlo Point bno InnttRtirntcd n salo day plan which promises to o a good thing for the fat met s In that part of tho county. A public sale is to bo bold thu last Wednesday of each mouth. The first salo was held last week and was n success. Tho farmers are ox peeled to bring to the city anything that they may want to sell or trndo. They can dispose of tlielr Btock or produce at private sale, can trade, or can hnvo tho sen Ices of an auctioneer who will offer any thing at public salo, It Is believed by thu Myrtlo Point peoplo that thu Bales will prove to bo n good thing for tho fanners, as it will each month glvu them a chnuce to dispose of anything they hnvo on hands and want to sell and that tho sales will attrnrt many who want to buy. At tho first salo produce, was of feted and found toady buyers. This feat tiro of thu salu day it Is expected to develop to tho extent that a largo amount of farm produce will bo brought together at stated times nud when buyers from all over thu county will purchnso what they want or leao orders or many con tracts with tho producers. Tho plan has every piomlse of becoming of great value to tho farmets and If lining that drains tho pocket book nud puis little back," ho said. "They creatu unhealthy business conditions and rivalry. One met chant will give green trading stumps; the other mer chant thinking ho must meet compe tition will get tho other kind of stnmps and there you nie, In tho end they nto both turning over a five per cent, commission to outsiders and ' In tholr rivalry reaping not ono cent." Hud Accounts U. P. Lewis, president, sees in the organisations, u way to collect "dead boat" accounts. "We hno a hust ling secictnry," ho explained, "on n 10 per cent, commission U'b surpris ing wltnt old dobta cun bo collected." night thousand ratings hnvo been spread through tho county already, I said Secrotnry Powell who was In troduced by Toastmaster lloiton as' "tho efficiency mini." , "And It's better than Ilradstrccls," ' declared .Mr. Powell. "Kvcry ono of theso ratings Is based not on guess , woik, but fact, sometimes dear bought experience. Pittsburg, At lliooklyn Iliooklyn, 1.. At Hoston Philadelphia, Boston, 5. Auiei'lciiii l.ctiguo At Philadelphia Hoston, Philadelphia, 5. At St. I,'juls l)otroit-St. I.ouls gatuo postponed on account of wet grounds. At Cleveland Cleveland-Chicago gnmo postponed on account of wet ground. Jw A Hvf a. ft fV m. M r.sti m m -I - Mr In selecting n homeslto, it is natural to ehoosu.the plueo llmt m ,:,;! BHP offers llio greatest number of couoiilmiccs and at the saino time, aJ. 157 wr ,i)Ws ,r HVul'"t''"'" M 111 F tJ.i m IIP ' KIHST ADDITJOX fulfills these reuuiiemonls. Thorn m- m-n.tn.i 1 Tr'TTOrT1 stieets, telephones, city water, Jitney bus service, and other Items that 1 JL XJX.O A go to mnko up the list of iuoder.n convenlonccs. H Is a good invest- ' ! menl because properly value Is steadily on tho incrensc. These fan- 1 A I I " ' i 1 1 m TVT tors should uliiy tin ininortunt unit In nlillinr vnn t imii.- ...i..,.. rT1 11)011 aio not familiar with FJUST ADIMTIOX und tho nihnntiigus I Nil IB ti,..i ii ir - ..ii i- .i.i. i. ,i... ......... m follow .A - "",1- ' """ vi ii ii io whs Dciiuiiiiii (inision or .Mnrsliflold. si!il TIIKSi: TIIIXCS Mill YOL'HSMIiF. COXVIXCK YOlfltSMM'. -AVo Will 1 TUp "0 ClJ"rTTr'T TJ ,,U K,,l(l l "C,t "8 y01" B,lI,Ictll l,I0"ert' ltsulf l& "I"' salosniim. I J-OTS ."iiKilin, !:HI each. Vent own tcinr. ' g . mm &--- m II H, f Call on us lor information, B M k Reynolds Development Go. J W (OWNER) Jf 178 .Ceutrnl Ave. r MUSIC AND ,x. MUSICIANS i 'tsasEsassszsHsssEsisiJESHSESHSEsaiKsasEScsassscs PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY K CIIAMIXADi: CIA'H Tuo Chuinlnndo Club hold Its tin- Tho nssoclntlon J """I business meeting and election Is ii clearing houso for oxporloncos "f officers on Friday morning. May and In Hits way wo piotect ono nno-' - at (lulld Hall. Thirty-two niom ther." I hers weio present. It was found Ho believes tho merchant who al-' that the concert was n splondld fl lows a customer to run up it largo nanclal success, which was Miry unpaid hill Is clliectly responsible for pleasing to the club members. Tho making that man a dead bout later. lull etcndod ilslug votes of thuulcs "Thoro aro two klmls of men." said to Mrs. Iloisfall, the director, mid .Mr. Powell, 'and tho Association deals -Mis .Myron, tho nccoinpiinlst, for i with both. The flist Is the one thc.li untiring efforts durltiK 'bo Iiiuiii ainersny puis iieniuil; Iho )oar, nml to tho executUo board, siMcciAii si:hvici:s at tiii .MKTIIOniST CHl'HCIl I Hov. Josoph Knotts will preach Dl O A TTC direct from JTItL I D the factory ATEST blocks, colors, and ex-- cellent quality. Direct from factory to consumer. fil Jl eUV .g H. H. Harper HOI. si: UUII.DIlIt acneral Itciialrlug nml Cabinet .Making. Phono .'M0-.I. U. M. Wright Phone IJj HL'lliDIXn COMItUTOIt Kstlmates fiirnlslicJ on request rj Kruiu vuiiio in mo iiuiiieiH nun a ii, ,., . .,... ,.,,,, , ., , , ..... continued will make Myrtlo Point ?- ', ' V"' ' ''"-"" ap- or the b o n.a.n.er In which ;i.ey a trade center for the r.i.al dlslrlUs ,,Lll' ' . T '" ? ' 'l' .",,.!k,,, " tho. '" "" V.orU' ATHLETE'S "I Vldliu Of All (iiuiiiN I .1. AV. Dickey spoke briefly to In troduce Ills friend, .luiuoH W. .Must, of llnndmi. "1 uin millly or ueiy ,on of those ganios; I uui mi etmy iiiark," said .Mr. .Mast and tht'io was SCOHX ll.l JUS Willi PIT I'l.V- a good natuiod laiigh fiom the 50 iii.u ii. i m.vn .mi. i,i' u thiol gb Iho season. A nlco trlbiilo was paid the executive hoard, which l.i composed of tho club officers, in their unanimous io-electlon. Thu of fliois for the conilng year (ire: 1'ionliluut .Mis. Chns. Stuiiff. ('(Miillli, Hauiliui, .M.mMh Point nml .Mmsliflclit to Indulge lleie On WeiluoMlii) ti,,, itni.. m . i.i, ,i t,.i1.l'u"' (- M1'" SelniU. of tho .Myitle ml three days ago when Iho .MumIi-, ,l1" Jl,niUo, spoke btlofl) bo flold high Mhool auiiouucod thete I'oio the nponlnic of the IiiihIikm Ylie-nios. .Miss Kvolvn AniUimoii nionibeis piosont. Uw.t sck-.-.MIsh ('Una .M)ron. It. IliiKxo nld bo wiiH glad to bo lit crr. See. .Mis. i:. Stanley lion sue nil nhMocintioii in this (oiuuiuu- del win. ii mm ii. n. iiimnr, oi .Minn iioiiil, TteiiH. Mi two special sermons Sunday, n Me-'lh ..,..!! I.... c. I.. .1 ...ltV- uiMiai mi) DiTiiiuii iii iiu morning' and tho Hacealaitreato sermon for the graduating class of tho lilt;li ' school in the evening. ' In tho morning n mnlo qunrtoitol will sing "Our Country's Homes", by (iiibriel. Tho special music In tho evening , will consist of tho following: "Seek Yo tho Lord" Uoborts Quartette (Tenor obllguto by , Mr. Ostllnd.) j "Tho I)ny Is Glided" llnrtlolt .Mrs. A. H. (lldley (Violin ib- I llgato !'. It. Anthony) j "I.ogondo" Molu'j I'r. It. Anthony. "Trust In thu Lord." T liv Mnv Kll Qu.il lotto (Violin obllKiitn nv ,G5dS2SSiSHS!nlSHS2SaS3c!SZ5BSZ5TlE52Sa5Z511SZ5ESHSESZS T. U. Anthony.) CAPS that sell elsewhere for $1.50 and $1.25 d?1 ff Our price only - - h)1"" Commpaire w PirJees Men's FarnishiDg Department i 'Dr. H. M. Shaw l.)'i I'iHI', Ndo nml Tliront, (iiiAsscs nrn:i) nit. .mattii: II. SHAW. Diseases of Women nml ChllJrtal Offico Phono naO-J. ltooms 200J 01, 202, InlngDIock i Benjamin Ostlind ! co.NsririNo' i:.(iixi:i:it .wn I AltClliriXT I orflcos, 20C Irving Dlock. Phono 10I1-L or 2C7-J. Marshllcld, OretoJ .... 'H SJIekcr'! oirtoo & Haosoini I Y(l'.(J HOY COMPOSES could be no County Hack meet this moollng. )enr, "Wu can't hwIiii," the) said.1 im ,,, . "Hut ho who luughs last" mm' Know , ;V"' "" """", vrv"ml Nu',',, nud now, It Is going to be. It's ul ' Mmtmi. l. P. I.ewU. fact, Weduesilii) afteruuoii teams (. hchuli. Horn rour lilgu sclioois o coos Conn- )imv. Tom llnnov .1 It ultl rll.k nut tit tin, pun., litil..L Ii. ... ' ' Indulge their speed) fsiules. ucuird- ',' ttilln. .1. S. I.mhis. Kail 1,. Ing to the announcement ol Comh ' '"'I- I J- IIukuk. U. I'. I.o.MUmin, Itoyul Mies. , I.ouls I., (ioir. Kilwnnl D. Nooiuin, W. .Mitle Point has alieiuly dosed Its .1. Iliown. It. A. OlllMint. .lom l,r- hlgh sihool I'ndeti'trod s nth- ,. t,. w Ci ,.,i , .. letes oMU-rt in bo lu-ie for Iho tout. ,","'"' '" U' hllHl' (,uy mP". J- Coiiulllo will send men, nud lliiiiilon ' l,,ii-. A. K. Uberhail. It. II. Un- too, will li.ivo a team on I lie track. or. W. Al. Hkblml, Heorno Seellg, "Our moil aio not In the best of l(jmiii K. Andorson, II. S Tnwi-r It condltliiu, beiausii ot this rain. sa)s v coniii it u uu...,i... n . v' tho coach. but we feel tbiil to let iho j'; ' ,01" 7' , V V,' . ("'''" -N meet drop this )onr would be a bad l,m,1' . Mors, W. A. Held. (! piecedont for tho )oios In the fu- A. Htinobinke. It. Ilugue, (leorge Uet- U,r:',", , , . "" " Weld). Hour) .SengMiuK- Anil so iho bovs will have four , n !' vu ci w n.i... da)s in which to taboo .ill plos. pas- ", '" Akh' SN ' ,u,"l- l',nu' tries and lie cieani soda and t.iko '' Mimtuoinei). I, I.. Thomas, .l.i) eatl) und Into 'beaut) sleeps." An ' lo)li. 11 C Dlll.ud. I Kliml. . s effoit will alkii bo inmlo to lme iho Kohler. .Inbn .Mote (lenree r ronl. ltllsllW.UU llllllhll.u l.lll.. Ih..tl il....... .!.... .. .. W ""lt .....,.... I......VP v nun uwiiin nun IIiiiiv X 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 i I' I' the office ho) and their 'bosses ' , ' ;'"'"""' '' l niu) go to the meet and the "grand mllM' l Miule C uioihei" excuse will be safe. ('ail W Hm-Um-ii lleuj. Ostlhul. uiieclor .Mrs. Win. Iloisfall. Librarian .Mis. ,1. S. Coke. ! A proposition mndo by some of I " the ladles of .M)itlo Point, usklug l:rnotlt '. dr.. bon the club to KO to ihrtlo Point nml 1U"1 M,H- '" V. Dlows, has or .Mr. eiently Alllton ui. I11ri. u-ni. itn..ii i...fn... itoiuposod wcuds to u song entitled lames W .Mast, .liihu ,.e i.ienibors. and It was deilded lol "0h Tnko J,w ,,iU'k t0 tl,u S(J"tl" .. .Mtusou. ., i.'.i.iuv r nvt ..i..h 'rim . 1..1, 0,l states, I Want to bo With liny". " " --.- ..-.- .....,.,., - , which is Doing punilsbed by 'ho .Maiks-Holdsniltli Company, of in., and i el urn on the afternoon will go on tho morning train at i l". jiho the concert at 1:30 p. twin. Tho ladles ale looking for waul to a delightful trip. Thu dub vOII then adjourn for the sunim-M1 mid will t.ike up the work .ig.iln on Kildii). September 17. Uiislilngton. 1). c. The music Is by1 Kiln mil Witndoilleh. Tho young, man Is only 17 yours old und the pioductlon Is irodltablo lor one so )onng. and gives piomlse of .good1 woik later on. , JURYMEN TU Ml? .until: ai.i.ow.s wi:i:k to plant Tiir.iu potatols Miilhei. C .M Take )iiui' hiitlis nt O. IC, Hut her Shop, I'lout 1 1 cur (Vuiiiil, (it run mm: "iiut ivepimit KdiMiiils nml (lit new imiM'iiKi'r Phono :tl( laiimli Cuilillnc leaves Maislillelil ut 8 o'lloik hiuubi) iiiiuiiliig for Alio. gun), letiiiiilng ul l:()0 p m;Iiivi uii been to SAHTCH'S for llio .Millininm will leave lieio ut fi.ilO ii. in. lor Hie uiiiveiileiiio nl tlioso ileslilug mi e.iiller Mini. Hmuiil tilp, iciii.s. "CHHIST Till: WAY TO TIIK PATH Lit" THLNITAHIA.N IILLILK .MH'KSSAItY TO ClimSTIAMTV O' I i.rxcii? ir .Not, wii) .mv Sonieihlng .New llvei) Day. Ice Cic.tin bilcks Ice Cienni, iiiuils Ice Cieum, (ilnts Hot Chicken Tntn.ilos. . . .U for Picnic Liiuclies ii Speil.ilt) Trinity Sunday Senium Will j j:piiiiu jCplhCiipal Cliiucli .May ilil.ll tun , Head I. lolin tlTJ. I SARTER'S Pliniio 'Jl;i.,l. Oppofcito Hliinco Hotel, l'ront Street ! Marsbfleld Times want add brlua results. Time lor iho jur to leturn home lllld liluill nol.ltoci. mill int nciiiinlnt.iil 1'honipsmi, and w,h t)l0,. tuinllles again was given this nfteinoon when iliulgo Coke cull. eil a weeks ioies in tho Circuit Com I pi ogi am. Court will take up tho grind .Monday morning. June 7. when Ihoie are several eases )et fclntod lor settlement. Since )otoiday tho arguments in the iuo of .Moon and lliirclny vor sut. .Mr. and .Mis. T. II. Harry hu gone on and the report from thoro at noon was that no verdict has yet boon iniiilo. Theie wine between 10 and 18 wit uosses called jestonlay and this imuiiing. The case was stubbornl) fouuht. On thu docket. ut In Hue, I tho cko of tho Conulllo.Klvor Truiikpoi tailon Co. oi mik tliw Port of i'o iullle, uIIukIiik duiuuges to boats. At noon the court mljourneil for s week with the uise of Moon mid ll.ml.li verMis T II Hni' nud wife -till unsettled It fs postponed until a week fiom MuiuLi), HENRIK GJERDRUM PIANO INSTRUCTION Sum mer CI asses Begin July Fifth .4 H. G. Butler civil i:(ii.i:i:it Room HOI C'oko lllilg. Phone HWl ltesldenco Phono 125-U HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANT AGE Of THE HAINES MUSIC STOCK SALE? If not; do so at once We are cleaning out the old stock before we consolidate the stores and it will be a long time; if ever; before such bargains are offered again. We say to you as a customer and friend; don't miss this opportunity, L. L. THOMAS W. G. Chandler Auciirurr Rooms 1)01 nml 302, Coke BulIM Mnishflelil, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AitciiirLcr Mnrsliflold, Oregon. Pnrl Rilnv Rnllinner PIAXIST AMI TLUCHFR ltesldenco Studio, 217 No. Third S Phono 3CS-U pho.vi: in..i tino-.T TJlCL'NTHALAYKNTi: BUY THE VERY BEST Matshfield gJfE treamery 50e 10c li5e ITSo E. Conway VOICE Myirftle Airsims Phone 369L LET ME REPLACE THAT OLD LEAKY RANGE BOILER NOW I lin.l n kooiI supply on Iiniiil l.cfoio (he last nilvuiices in the ,,1,!,";l,' '" w ' "", i:iiiope.m vvnr. It will mivo jou ii.o..e, eiluilimi,. ihim.ises nn.l vvntiy cnuseil ! the older holler. Pliiiuliini; supplies u, uoH.m; p ulniost ,Iull.v nml when mj pies,.t hi.pply inns nut 1 will have to nilvimc o (lie piice. Don't delay. L0UI L G0RR Centinl e West of Oiplieuin Theater. Pliouo .l.'l.J 4' 4 stAnn uxi)Kn SANlTAltV COXDlTI08 IX A CIiKAJt AXI) jionimN f'ACTOHV. BTKH1WZE JIII.K AXI) CItEAM. 4 PURE ICE I ... n b. m. ll ' r. .i..ii.fv. 8 a. ni. BU l1 I ITU UVH1.W1 Phone 73. . c ' QOODRUM'S haw. HOME OF THE CAD1U-AO AND I)"- auto surriiira F0lUU MAKCS OP CABS STI an Central r. l 3 liri iJ I Tho Times office