mfr"Tt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915 EVEMIMG EDITION. six BttflWB!i.S4ma r Bean Dishes Pudding Bowls. Pudding Dishes Mixing Bowls Regular prices from 25c Now only SPAULDING'S 314 FRONT STREET ARE 0 R G A W I Z I RI G SOXS OK VKTKRAXS Wild, I IK (10 STRONG SAYS MAJOR To Tiiko I'ail lit Decoration Ray K oicImvs and .loin In Parade as Patriotic Orgaulntlnu Pa nun organization of tlio Sons of Veterans will bo made on Sun day, according to itu announcement of tliu coinniltteo on arrangements. C. II. Zeok, of iinudon, Ih here, In terested lu the movement nnd lie believes tlmt at least GO names will bo placed on the charter roll tills week. It Is for patriotic reasons that tlio Sons of Veterans are organized In the United States. An urgent request Is made, by Major Keck that nil thoso eligible for membership meet nt ono o'clock on Stijiday at the corner of Front and Market streets, there to form In tlio Memorial Day parade to the Masonic Hall, where the address of tlio day Is to bo given. If the weather is Inclement It In proposed that they shall meet nt the corner of Market nnd Broadway. MAY DIVIDE STEAM INSPECTION DISTRICT Plan No Unlto Oregon, Waliluutoii , mill Alaska lu One Willi Cal ifornia Heparin o Plans nro on foot for tho division of tho steamboat inspection district of tho const Into two districts with a supervising Inspector over each ono. Tills will be brought up In n bill to bo introduced at tho :io.xt session of Congress. The plea Is tutt tho work lu the district Is too much for ono supervisor. ' Captain J. K. Hulger, of Snn Francisco, now has charge of tho cpust Including Coos Hay. Ho is Iii authority over Captains Kdwnrds nnd Fullor and nt tho present time is Investigating tho nppenls of tho Coquillo river boatmen. Should tlio now plan carry Cii Ifornla would become a sopnrnto district with Oregon, Washington nnd Alaska lu a second. ciiaxgk OF S.luX(! Steamer Xanu Sinllli ul sail from Knillli Terminal Dock, Maisli ..i..., ........;, ., , in 11, a.m. 1 tfl.kl.l U .1.... . ...... .... .... .-.,.. .'iiuii-iM-w o,y. Heeiiiiilng from San Francisco for) Coos Hay, Tuesday, Juno , , it i I. m., willlim again fioin Multifield I tur San Francisco Saturday tho 5tli or Sunday tlio (Itli. f Kv i HhsoiiKers luiWiiK leservat Ions outside ornamental columns were for tho I'Jtli of .luue will pleas,. .ft. Tho contracting firm was com- conflihi roM't-viillons for tlio posed of Daniel Miller and Norninn next milling. Phillips, CLOSING OUT SALE Entire stock of millinery must be disposed of with in 30 days Many Hats at one-half regular prices Untrimmed shapes, flowers, etc., at less than half regular prices Everything must go. ' Ladies: Don't fail to take advantage of these bargains. v MRS. A. G. AIKEN Market avenue Marshfield PAULDING'S ATURDAV PECIALS Save You Money FAMOUS WELLER CROCKERY Quart Tea Pots Etc., Etc. to 50c. 15c 5-10-15c Store MARSHFIELD, ORE. BASEBALL SCORES pohthaxd ii.iri-:i nv haix aoaix ykstkhday 1'Vir First 'I'lmo lu .Many Days tlio ICiutcin Leagues All (iel In Action i Report Good Scores. tttVt s 1'KHCKXTAOKS OF COAST LEAGUE t (Ilr AiiocltltJ I'trrt to Coot liar Time.) W. L. P.C. San Francisco I!!) 20 .51)2 I.os Angeles ..32 23 .581! Salt I.ako 2C 21 .fifi.'l Oakland ... .21 29 .4 fill Portland 20 2fi .IH Venice 21 28 .I2'J PORTLAND, May 2S. Itnln again stopped tho Heavers yesterday. For tho first tlmo In two weeks, all o' tho big Kasturn teams were repo t cd In nctlon, undeterred by the weather. i Tho scorcH of yesterday follow: Coast League. At Portland Snn Franclsco-'Port-latid game postponed on account of rain. At Los Angeles Suit Lake ... , Los Angeles . . . At Oakland Venlco It. II. .2 r, .3 7 It. II. .3 S K Oakland r It 2 ' American Leniriio At Cleveland Philadelphia S, Cleveland, 0. At Chicago Now York, 2; Chi cago, 8. At Detroit Washington, 8; De troit, 2. National League At Now York St. Louis, 0; Now York, R. At Hrooklyu -Hrooklyn, 2. At 1'hHadolphln Pittsburg, 0; I Chicago, fi; Philadelphia, 8. At llostou Cincinnati, ti; Boa ton, 0. HAXDOX IIAXK CASK HANDON, Ore., .May 2S. Tho suit ' brought by tho ownors of tho First ' National Hank Hulldlug against tho hulldera of tho building was decided In favor of tho plnlntlffs. Tho de- fondants. Miller & Phillips woro ns- S088l, sonic,hluK ,ko J2U0 and costs or lu all about $3(1 that tho Interior .11 f300. It was agreed uul the bulk of tho work on tho building was satlsfac- tory In every way but tho complaint arose over tho manner In which tho I T , I BOTH ASK DAMAGES KKIIITII STHHKT l.MPHOVF.MKNT CASH IV CIHCTIT COURT Contiactois Moon ami Barclay Seek , jjKHlT anil T. II. Hairy Claims $100 Damages . Claims nnd counter claims hnvo ar isen out of the Injunction brought last year by Mr. und Mrs. T. II. Hurry to restrain tlio Improvements In the front of his Klghth street property and today the case Is In tho Circuit Court, both, tho plaintiff rhid tho defendant alleging damages. Contnrctors X. Moon and .Tunics Barclay, having tho contract for tho Improvement of Eighth street north, were enjoined from working In front of tho Harry property, the claim being that tho orlglnnl plat showed the ground to ho on Seventh street. Tho equipment of tho contractors was moved. They now claim $3G7 dumages in their suit, bringing this 'tiftri llm In lit lint tmi tt'no ilnn1irw1 II- legal by Judge Coke. On tho otlmr linnil, Mr. nnd Mrs. I Harry allege that a garden with its ' vegetables was destroyed, tlio tlnm- ago amounting to $300 and also that they furnished water for tho engines of the contractors to tho amount of ,$100 for which they nsk Judgment. A. MKII'OX LOS MS SUIT FOR $1 IIOO IX CIltCUIT COUHT Broken Iak "nil Crushed Foot Rc- celvcd In Yard of Coos Hay .Manufacturing Coinimny (Spoclnl to The Times) COQUILLI3, Mny 28. A judgment In favor of tho dofondnnt was tho Jury decision yesterday afternoon in the cils'e of A. Melton versus the Coos Hay Manufacturing Company In which ho sued for $1,200 dumages. In Deconibor lost Melton claims that a load of lumber, Improperly loaded onto a truck, foil onto him break- lug his leg and crushing tho foot, It was shown that tho company was not to hlnmo for tho nccldont and nothing will bo recovered by Melton. PREPARES THE MY Dlt. K. K. STRAW TO MARK READY FOR MOOSE COMIXO To Soo That Local Herd IawIs Far- ado. Xann .Smith .May Cany Delegation to Fair Dr. U. K. Straw expects to loavo tomorrow for San Francisco to mako arrangements for tho Coos County Mooso excursion to tho Exposition. Herbert Lbckhart may accompany him Bonth. A. Moreen has agreed to fit up tho Nairn Sinlth'B stcorngo quarters so Hint she will carry sov- onty-ono and by making n fast trip can tako down tho majority of tho excurslonlsts between July 18 nnd July M. Not definitely has It been decid ed regarding what means of trans portation will bo used by tho Mooso In going to tho Fair. Negotiations nro still on with tho Southern Pnclf-! Ic for a special train down and back from Itosoburg Inasmuch as tho big parado Is on July 21 It hns been ngrced that tho Nairn Smith would lay over ono day, until tho 2r,th, to accomodnto thoso coming back and glvo thoin a chanco to Join In tho big day celebration. Co To North ltcntl A larCO COntlllL'Ollt nf Mnraliflnl.1 Mooso laBt evening went to North ' Hend whoro Hodgo Xo. 1-1 C7 Initiat ed Henry G. Kern. Sol Drlscoll. n.,,1 1 K. I). Gnbrlelson. Tho Mooso' tra from Marshfield furnished tho I mimic. 1 AT BIG CONVENTION HF.V. HAM, OXi: OK "500 AT HAP TIST CO.VFHUHXCK Tells or "Life l.hie" and lis Work lu I.os Angeles .Meeting Pi-alsm J. A. Ward Twonty-flvo hundred delegates from all over the United States are present at tho Xorthorn Huptlst con- volition lu Los Angeles, wrltos Ilev. G. l.eltoy Hall from tho south. Ho Is entered on tho program to glvo a detailed account of tho "Ufo l.lno" and tho story of his work In tho luiii- Iw '! Tl. 1.11.. T !.... . . . . IIU "The publication society dedicated Cluipel Car Xo. 7 the other day." write Mr. Hall, "it Is named 'Grace. .mil cost jsi.uon. Mr. Hall also sent 1 co.,v f m Dally Chron I " IT "f I ! each day by the convoi.Uon tZ h .:,,: v b ol uucu ,,a ac'! in speaking of the Coo and C.rrv , Bimty exhibit nt si Z, "l "r. ., County exhibit at San KraucKco Mr, I 1 Tho "Ufo Wno" has brought ox- Music Choir v B:"t'""-"' JUIV un tensho advertising to Coos Hay. Its Music ..Audience, led 'bV't'ho' band ' ;Jr7j0 l,'ce,l0Be-ha" Picture and Its story has traveled Henedlctlon ....liev. J. F Ugget ' "" ' TJ eaCh "CUt a over the world and back have come I At tho close of the exercise. In the ' No 7 V " , C'a83' , t,Ur,a0, ' ' I0 questions from all parts of the hall, a procession will march J o!N ;I"Ulinn,nB' vo-'b' b,0- a.1.1 p..nn... n.i m... '::." . m,e. i,l"-so $100 WIFE TO MRS. OlMtKRT NOT .SKIHOI'SHY , IXJUHKD IX SIIOOTlXd Pleaded With lliishiAnd-Xot to Shoot for Sake of "Little Folks." Strug gled in Closed Itooui. Mrs. Frank Ollbort, who was shot by her husband yesterday after which the latter committed suicide, is not Bcriously wounded und today wob up nnd nbout the house. Her escapo from Instant death Is attrib uted to the fact that Bhc struggled with her husband and two of tho bullets failed to explode. A third bullet shot at her as she run scream-1 Ing from tho homo of Fred Monro1 In Hay City mudo a hole through her waist between tho arm nnd ' tho body. Dr. Ilorsfnll, who was Immediately summoned after tho tragedy, stated tho shot hud merely grazed tho right shoulder blade of the woman, j "It Btlngs," said Mrs. (Ulhert yes-( terday us she. sat In tho front room of tho Al Foster home. Tolls of Tragedy Sho described tho tragedy ns it, happened, and appeared not ono bit nervous though tho Interview was but n few minutes after the shoot ing. I "Wo scparntcd a year ago and Mr. Ollbort went up north," she said. "Ho worked, around Tiicomn , nnd Helllnghntn. You see wo had I been married four years and had come hero from Coucr d'Alene. Wo then had tho little girl, Irene, now t three years old." Merle, u chubby i llttlo fellow of ono year, came Into tho fnmlly after tho fnthcr left and went up north. "Well, when my husband was hero he worked nt the Smith mill on tho log dump. Wo couldn't get nlong and so separated. I heard i from Mm very seldom when hu was gone." I Gllbort then enmo buck to town ' a 8nolt t'"10 n Mrs. Gllbort had "eon living with her parents, Mr.' and -Mrs- ' '"' Thurston, of Kast-l side, up nt Powers whoro they ro- contly movod.. A few days ago Mrs Gilbert canio ,dowu and was sowing yesterday at tho homo of Fred ' Mooro In Hay City when Ollbort appeared on the scene. Ho was well d reused. Asked to Come Hack. : "Ho canto Into tho room where I , was alone sewing and closed the door," said Mrs. (Ilburt. "He i nskod mo to come back to him nnd I said 'No,' .that wo couldn't get nlong together nnd there was no uso trying. Ho pleaded, then drew n revolver from his pockot. It wnsj souio tlmo beforo ho started shoot ing." Scolng his determination, Mrs. Gilbert plucklly attempted to get his mind off tho subject. Hno ap pealed to him for tho sake of their mtlo children. "I told him, 'Frank wo hnvo tho boy and girl depending 0n us' nnd I nsked him to go and HC0 thorn." Fires Three Times. Gllbort raised tho gun and fired point blank nt his wlfo. Tho gun ho used was n .38 callhro Merwln Ilurlburtflvo-sholl gun. Sho grasp-1 cd his arm. The bullet grazed her I back. Screaming Mrs. Gllbort strug-, gled In tho closed room, Tho next ' two bullets failed to explodo and when tho husband drew back to fix l lila if 11 11 aim intt nil t nf llm rnnm IMD f)UII UUU 1 VV Uft tllU IUWIII, 4 1 third bullet plowed Its way through her clothes. Gilbert followed and at tho gato stopped and sent a bullet crashing through his brain. Ho died In- 8tn"t,y' Coroner Fred Wilson wont at onco ,n lM0 v,, una "r0UJ in tho Kid und brought buck tho b'J,,y' allbo,t wn" :,C ycal'8 of "B ' nml '8 ",l1 t0 lmvo lieon rttl80a" '" ' Micuigau. no una n urouier joiiu Gllbort in Iduho and another whoso whereabouts uro not known. I HONOR 0J.DJ0LDIERS Memorial Will Ho Held at County Seat (Special to Tho Times.) COQUIM.K, May 28 Tho O. A. It. and W. H. C. will hold Memorial Day exorcises next Sunday. Tho fol- lowing program will bo rendered at Masonic hall, boglnnlng at 2:30 j Music rjand Music ..'.' "choir Invocation Hov. c! ' H. ' Ityan ' Vocal Solo Karlo I eslle Heading Mrs. X. X. Xe'lnian Music Quartet., 'Sermon " nv. I ".,!.",? -...... OUIUCtK les. and the graves of the soldu Z will bo decorated. 1., .. ' "aU Sal'1 Mr" Wari1 ha" ,,ono wel1 thl"k " sho"ltl llt ZiSZ I was very favorably The convention closed yesterday ' " '3 m BC,etf "mo agatu a fcw d"'8. CG via San Fran- u to again visit the exposition. HtUUVtHI Things Have Changed irj-i There was a time when an unscrupulous concern could advertise a 10-ccnt article as being "worth 15c now cut to 10c" and get away with it, but fortunately that time has passed. You always have and always will find GOLDEN RULE values and prices just as ad-vertised. GOLDEN RULE PRICES All-wool blue sorgo dress skirt. Our price $3.50 Afternoon dress, black and whito stripe, neatly trim med, Our prico. $4.25 House Dresses, black and white check, wall made, neatly trimmed, Our prico , $1.65 Other House Dresses from 85c to $1.95 Good grade house lining, 3ioc and 41.C Standard Calico 40 Red Seal Gingham, Our prico 8 1-3c Clark's 0, N, T, Thread, Our price 0 $2,25 Fancy Colored Petticoats, Our price $1.48 $1,50 Fancy. Colored petticoats, Our price 95C Buckskin Hose for boys, 25c value, extra heavy, all sizes up to lf Our price 15C The Golden Rule ALWAYS BUSY First National Bank Bldn. THE BIGGEST STOCK THE LOWEST PRICES THE BEST ASSORTMENT i LET ME REPLACE THAT OLD LEAKY RANGE BOILER NOW I had a good supply on Iiaiid Iiefoio tho last advances in tho market, caused hy tho Kuropoitii war. It will save you money, cllmliialo damages and worry caused hy the older holler. Pliimlihi-; supplies aro going up almost dally and ulicn my present supply 1 mis out I will have to advance tho price. Don't delay. LOUIS L G0RR Central Ave., West of Orpheiim Sensational Sale of PAINT AND WALLPAPER For the Next Ten Days We are going to dispose of our entire stock of Wall Paper and Mixed Paint and do it quickly. We are plac ing it on the market for what it will bring. LOOK AT THE PRICES. Wall Paper at 5c, 6c, 7c and 10c per double roll. Paint, standard brand, $1.25 per gallon. Varnish and Enamel greatly reduced. This stock is high grade and has not been damaged by fire or water. This affords you an opportunity to decorate your homes at less than cost of the material. The early bird gets the best choice. THE ART DECORATING CO. Pullulates furnished. Phono H);t-.I 256 Market avenue West1 Marshfield "" Times Want Ads Bring Results1 1915 TIT F Offlclal Pi'ogrmu FHIDAV, .IUI.V .l, lt)ir, Xo. 1Trot or pace, ono-halt mile, two heats, each heat a race, 2:a5 class, purso $ioo Xo. Utinulng, ouo half inllo, "l'so SjiHO.OO Xo. .1 Trot or paco, ono-halt mllo, host two In three heats. freo for all, piuso $5 No. 4-Xovelty race, ono'wllo. 130 for first to quarter post, ?10 for first to half-mile post, ?55 for first to three quarter post, $75 for first to mllo stake $200 Xo. n -Motor Cycle, 5 miles,, ?25 to 1st, ?15 to 2nd....$40 HATUHDAY, JUI,Y VrZ ," threo heats' or paco, one mllo, every heat a race, purse $150 l No. 9 Running, ono and one- olghth miles, for Coos and Curry County horses only, I lurso $o00 'Xo. 10 Consolation raco, for all horses not finishing as ( good as second, purse $7 No. ll Motocycle raco, $25 I to 1st, ?1G to 2nd, purse... $-10 mm RACE M MYRTLEPGIN - r-ivviiiim Theater. Phono :t."l-l PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. H. Harper IIOUSIC HUIM)Klt Gonoral Ropalrlng nnd Cabinet Making. Phono 310-J. J. M. Wright Phono 188-U HUIHDIXn CO.NTHACTOH Kstlmntes furnlshod on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyo, ICar, Xoso nnd Throat. G'IjASSFH FITTKI) DR. SIATTIK II. SHAW. Dl.soa.seM of Women and Children Offlco Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Hlock Benjamin Ostlind coxsuinxci i:xgixi:i:h am AHCIIITKCT Offices, 200 Irving Block. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshtiold, Oregon. H. G. Butler CIVIL KXfilXKF.R Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phono 145-J. Residence Phono 128-1. W. G. Chandler AKCIIITKCT nooms 3QI and 302, Coko Building, Marshfield, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AHOIIITIIOT Marshfield, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIAXISTi AXD Residence Studio, 217 No. Third St Phono 3C8-L. Mi ,,f Vta. M ,!eJ27.V,1'S ir v.. IT. .1 Ln,.! 'J- ... Ut liltirS It 10M Pllu .. ! Dfffto.S '... 'nuhiiCr11 "lon Hen CrH r"U AUTOCALL a? S00lln..JIWftt it, "11 . SAVE Mnmrv 1 0l,lcrl a V I ''"'mi cost ... . " '.kl 1. ... "" .h IlllhW. r, ".,1ll -v,jlrS(l I ' CAMPBELL'SWOOOTa I'hone 2;j " - I -11 TlfLl. .. ' .Mnrslifl,.,i.v...L .. 1 -""wnail,! ""'"" P. MM, W'MKUOWB.Sk. J I n. m.itoKmphfc, II ittif c;ousTi Kixrr I City Auto & Taxi h I j ') anj Mght 51, i For twl, phone !,C!m Hotel Fortoarlnjcin,bl Plunl.. ll.u " I,YX.V LUIGETUn, I Van P ( i " " i MMH t WESTERN LOMUl I BUILDING Cd Assets SZ3MJ Pays 8 per cent msm 1. S. KAUFMAUCt t Local Treasury I THE REAL OKI The queitlon lnn' honor you for po ' I Hut doe your wtHxKji , ; Your concern. UmtBi I create profit lorjftW" to make tbit manv besides M I COOSIUVSKWUB I rhOM IH Pidures&m Walker SI MERCHANTS? l')uur i"' C.nnii Mi Prices R pr. tiummwu"-' ! HAVE THEROOFF 1 nun See CORTHaL Phone 3111 ...r,. rOOS K' MIU v ,,v ..irvnito1. ' .. 111.ll tl "w:T;' K 11. " .' ,. i. S? t,,"' ,Jtl lcixes iww -V. .ni. -'",-' )lf F()r 1IIH . 0, DU m M Win " -l.M Ar:Cf uu" .v.rf I nhnae l& . U- 'I - 1 1 ury wnnn 1 KIIUI'" lWktnn frrr"- W A UI