WWHMVM THE PONT FLIRT WITH TEMPTATION J E E THAT YOU ARE PRAYING FOR DELIVERANCE FROM IT Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlio Coos Day Times ia proud of its tltlo "The People's Paper," and it strives nt nil times to live tip to Its nanio by do voting its energies to promoting tlio people's interests. (Earn mn J$mt A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlint's what tlio Coos Hay Times Is. A Sontln west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tlio best Interests of this great section . xbo 'Times always boosts and novor knocks. MEMHEKH OF THE ASSOCIATED IMESS VOL NO.'XXXVIII. Established 1878 As The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mill Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 264 HAILS FOR ROAD P 10 OPEN E. FRENCH LIB TWO IESSELS SUNK 101 lwyjngg ADELINE SI CI US UNCERT W I SUES A ROCK AI BLUE HIE CHEW OK Til 1-2 XEHRASKAX 1)111 NOT SEE ANV SUHMAKINI2 hihtisil stkamk.u cadklv toil pi:doi:i okk scilly islands OE w Accident Happens This Morn ing South of Cape Bianco Captain Sends Wireless ' Vessel Was Bound for Coos Bay but Turns Back South To Have Repairs Made NANN SMITH GOES EARLIER Iwill Kali .Saturday Moriiln;; Instead of Sunday on Account of Accident Adeliuo Ado to Tim el Un- tier Her Own Potior Striking n rock ten miles xouth at Cape lllunco tlio Bteumur Adcliuu 3mltli, bound for Coos liny, Iiiib turned hack to San Francisco for repairs. All that was learned of tlio accident was In tlio following wireless to the C. A. Smith Com pany from Cupt. H. W. Olson, mns ter of tlio vessel: "Adeline Smith struck uncharted frock at 8 n. in. Kcturnlug to San Francisco for repairs." Tlio captain did not state the ex- Went of tlio dnmngc, but as tho ves sel is going south under her own power, she Is in no Immediate dan cer. It was learned by wireless Ithnt after tlio accident happened the dellnu anchored nt Port Orford harbor or just outside and waited until 1 p. in., when she started to- vurd the south. Carries Water Hullnst, Tlio vessel returning light from the south carries water ballast and ilio could be punctured any place forward of tlio cnglno room and till travel under her own power, as the compartments nro full of ivator UBOd for ballast nnywny and khoro could no more run in. Superintendent Moreen, of the Smith Company, Bald ho hud no Idea whether tho vessel was badly Damaged or only slightly, but evi dently It Is necessary for her to gn an tho dry dock for repairs . Nairn Goes Eailler On account of tho Adeline Smltl being off tho run for a tlino a least tho Nnnn Smith will bo hur ried In order to get tho lumber away from tho mill, bo Instead of iallliiff Sunday as was scheduled, khe will sail from Marshfleld nt 10 o'clock Saturday morning. JAl'T. MACOKNN HAYS OWNERS HAVE SMALL ItlOHT Inj thing Held from Wivoketl Vessel Cannot Ho Taken Krom Those Who Have It I; Capt. Macgenn of tho Urenkwater pn arriving today was asked by a number of persons as to what could bo done about property which wus lokcn when It floated from tho wrecked Claromont. Tho captain lakes tho following statement: I, "Thoy cannot take awny tho prop- my which nnyonu has taken after It left tho ship and floated ashore, nor tho proporty secured by those "ho went aboard tho vessel and took It. The vessel was deserted. Tho own- m however havo a small right In tho property yet and thoso who havo It pan hold it probably for as much as peventy.flvo por cent of Its value. nils however depends upon tho dif ficulty with which tho proporty was recovered. All salvago is based upon he difficulty encountered by tho sal- prer. However a'thougli tho owners still ""'e this niu:h rights In tho prop erty they eaenot tako It away from flioso who hold it now. If the cargo Ms Insured tho insurance company paying the boat owners of courso bo ponies the ownor of tho essel and Ihe cargo." I OLCOTT HAS TWINS IBr AuotliteJ rrM to Coo Br TlmM. SALEM, Or., May 28. Sec- retary of State Olcott is tho proud father of twins, two six-pound boys having been born to Mrs. Olcott this morning. The mother and twins are doing nicely. DAMAGE NOT KNOWN PLUNDER $ 111! tons j.'oh thack comes o.v hreakwater today V (!. Hindmnrsh To Havo Charge of Work Which Recommences At Once. Trestles Soon Ninety tons of steel arrived hero this morning on the steamship Urenk- water and Immediately tho laying of track north of Lakeside will bo com menced, according to advices .from tho Southern Pacific office. Tho' steel conies from Eugene where enough of It has been gathered for thu on. tire Hue. It was nfter the trip here of Will lam Hood, chief engineer of tho S. P. that tho formal announcement wns made that track would he laid from this end ns well as from the north. This fnct will mean tho lino In work ing order several months sooner. Engineer V. G. Illndniarsh. of tho S. P. will have charge of tho rail laying north to Tunnel 7. Tho llreuk- wator will contlnuo brlncliiir stent hero as It Is needed. Trestle work on tho North and South Lakes Is to commenco ns soon as the pendulum drivers nro com pleted, according to Kenneth Haus er. Somo track has already been laid north from Coos Hay but thero was ory llttlo steel on hand nnd not much has yet been done. Dlt. WM. HOHSKALL MAV ERECT RUSIXKSS HLOCIC O.V CENTRAL Considers Improvement of Kino Cor ner at Thlid and Cent nil in (ho Near Fiituro Dr. William Horsfnll, who owns the northwest comer of Third and Central, 100 feet square, la consider ing tho erection of n business block on tho property. Ho has received a number of over tures from possible tenants nnd has tho matter under advisement. Tho site Is now occupied by his resldcnco and its improvement would mean tho erection of a homo for him self. MIIS. WALKER ILL Mother of Mjrtlo Point Graduate Leaves For Paieuts Homo F. M. Walker, ono of tho graduates of the Myrtle Point high school, was In the city today accompanying his I mother, Mrs. J. S. Walker, who has! 1. ...I.I. 1.1... . .1 .1 tl I... .!. ' uuuu wuii nun at, .uyniu i uiiu lur inu past six months. Mrs. Walker Is qulto seriously ill and sho left on tho Santa Clara for Portland nnd from there will go to tho homo of her par cuts In Woodhiirn, Oregon. Mr. Walker was manager of tho graduating class editorial staff which published tho first class annual. It was a highly creditable publication and tho class assumed all tho res ponMblllty and got it out thomsolvcs. It was through tho courtesy of Mr. Walker that tho cuts of tho school classes wero published In Tho Times a few days ago. WAS AHMY .MAX Discharge Kound Among Papers of Frank (iilbelt, Suicide. In tho effects of Frank Gilbert wa3 found a dlschargo from tho United States army. Ho served with Co. 1, 7th Iteglment of Infantry in tho Phll llplnes between 1901 and 1901. Ho will not bo buried until word Is re ceived from his brother. TO HKLP MI2XICANS (Br AuocUtod Hhi to Cooa Br TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 28. President Wilson, as head of tho American Hod Cross, was askod to day by MUs Mabel Hoardman to Is suo an appeal to tho American pub lic for funds to purchaso supplies for tho starving people In Mexico. Tho appeal will probably bo Issued In tho near future, GKHMAXS IX MI2XICO (Br Awliltl l'rM to Coo Br Tlmn ) NOGALES, Mexico, May 2S. Five Geman sailors who claim to havo de serted the German cruiser Karlsruhe, are here today. They desire to enter the United States but fear if they do they will be Interned. Colonel Sage, for the U. S. army, Is said to have takon up the case with Wash- ! ington. The sailors said they.heard the Karlsruhe was sunk in a battle 'with a British cruiser in tho Paci .flc some months ago. 1 BOLD McDonald & Vauqhan Operate Again for the Simp son Lumber Co. Mill WILL HIREJO IN Logs Will be Used at North Bend Mill From This Camp and Tarheel Camp Also NOW SECURING THE CREW Ecr. thing is In Itcadlnoss ns Soon ns the loggcrs can be drought Together Many of Old Men A i-o Expected to Iteturn Tho McDonald & Vanghan logging camp Is to open nt once, after hav ing been shut down nnd will fur nish logs for the Simpson Lumber Company ns before. This will be good iiowb locally ns tho camp Is a largo ono with n good pay roll. About 80 men will bo employed. Mr. Vnughnn announced this af ternoon that everything was In read iness to start ns soon as a crew could bo gotten together. Tho old crow is scattered about, but It Is expected that many will return when it is learned that tho camp will go again. Manager Arklcy stated today that tho Simpson Company had quite a lot of work head nnd both tho Mc Donald & Vaughau Ditto Rldgo camp nnd tho Tarheel camp will furnish logs to tho mill. McDonald & Vaughau aro also managing tho camp for the North Ilend Lumber Company and will now hnvo charge of both places. FIVE CONDEMNED MEXICANS-IN Altl.OXA HKPKEIYER Hoard of Pal don at the Imst Min ute (iiiints a Itesplto Villa Asked for It. SAVER AT LAST MINUTE U7 AiocUtf4 ITcm 10 Coot Hi; Tlmn. ALOKENCE, Ariz., .Mny 28 Tho Hoard of Pardons grant- cd at tho last moment today a respite to all flvo Mexl- cans condemned to hang. lb lb (Br AuotUted I'rett to Coot nr Tlmrt.J TUCSON, Ariz., .May 28. Tho United States District Court today denied tho application for a writ of habeas corpus for tho flvo Mox Icans condemned to hang nt Flor ence Tho nttornoys for tho con demned prisoners wero Informed that the executions would tako place at onco. An .hour previous the Houso of Representatives declined Governor Hunt's request to memor allzo tho Hoard of Pardons to grant a ropilove, as asked by Secretary of Stuto Ilryan. TO PUIvSIDEXT WILL ISHl'K STATIC- MK.VT AHOL'T CONDITIONS i Wlillo Not ThreiitPiiliiK inlerwntliiii It is to liitlinuto Affairs Must Inipioie. (Or AmocUI Vnu to mm H4j Tim.) WASHINGTON, I). C, May 28. President WIIboii will issuo a state ment concerning tho Mexican ques tion in tho next few days, according to an announcement today at tho White House. It was not said what tho nature of tho paper will bo. Do splto tho refusal of tho Whlto Houso officials to discuss tho contemplat ed statement, It Is understood it will bo In tho nature of a notice that conditions In Mexico aro fast becom ing intolerable. Wlillo It will not bo a notlto that tho United States Intends to interfero Immediately, It U expected to serve as a warning to Mexican leaders that conditions must Improve. Tho statement prob ably will be issued Tuesday. Invitations printed at Tlio Times office. N DELAYED WAN no Chief Engineer of Vessel Thinks, llowoter, That o Saw Wake of a ToithhIo tlr Auofltltil I'rnw to Coot liar TlmM. LIVERPOOL, May 2S. While none of tho crew of tho American steamer Nebraska!!, disabled Tues day night by on explosion off tho coast of Ireland, saw a submarine, the chief engineer believes hu saw the wnke of n torpedo on tho stnr board side, according to Captain Greeno of tho steamer. The captain said there was a hole about 20 feet square In thu forecastle below the water line. Tho American consul and representatives of tho American Embassy boarded the ship from n tender yesterday afternoon, meeting the steamer off tho bar and coming with her to tho docks. OFFICIALS ANXIOUS (Dr AlioctttM rmi to Cool 111? TlmM. WASHINGTON. D. C, May 2S. Tho American government officials today awaited with keen Interest tho affidavit of Captain Greeno of the American steamer Nebraskau regarding tho explosion that dam aged tho ship Tuesday night. Am bassador Pago cabled that tho cap tain's sworn stntomcut concerning tho incident had been given to tho naval attache of the Embassy, who Ib nt Llvorpool, and would bo for warded nt onco. Officials hero ex press tho bollef that Greene's affi davit mny not bo moro definite than the previous report by him, which said tho ship either struck a mine or wns torpedoed. In unofficial ad vices Greeno Is quoted us saying he la certain tho ship was torpedoed. An examination wns to bo under taken today In Liverpool by an American naval constructor. s. p. denied right to oper- ATE COAST OIL LINE Klcct fiom California to Oregon Polls Not Allowed Hut Cuu Ship to Alaska Ur Auarltt I'rrii to Cot n.jr Tltiri. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 28. Application of the Southern Pacific Railroad and Associated Oil Com pany, under tho Panama Canal act to contlnuo thu operation of a fleet of oil stenmors from California to points In Oregon and Washington was denied today by tho Interstate Comnierco Commission. Tho Commission held, however, that the operation of thoso ships to Hawaiian Islands or Alaskan ports would not bo In violation of the law. IS AHKANSAS VALLI2V SWIIIT AND (iltHAT DAMAGI'2 DOXI'2 Hiilldiugs Canlcd Away, Lauds are Inundated ami ('tops nro Ituiiifd (Ur AuorlMol rrrat lo Cooa Hit Tlniaa.l LITTLE HOCK, Ark., May 28. The worst flood in years Is sweep ing Arkunsas Valley. Thu lowlands aro Inundated and crops and farm buildings aro damaged seriously. Thu lives of muny residents nro Imper illed uml the crest Is not yet In sight. FI2AHS A HI2 AHATEI) (Ur AtowUtoJ rrni lo Coot lur Tlmn KANSAS CITY, May 28. Al though grovo reports aro received from plates In Kuusus, Okluhomn, and Western .Missouri, fears of n serious flood as a result of tho con tinued rains weio abated somewhat today. I CIIAXt.'i: OF SAILIXO Steamer Xiiiiu Smltli will sail from Smith Terminal Disk, Marsh rield.'Satiiiday, May Ulltli at 10 a.m. for San Francisco only, Hctiirnliig from Sun Francisco fur Cois Hay, Tiiesiluy, Juno 1st, at .1 p. in., sailing ugalu from Marslifleltl for San Kiunelsco Saturday tho Mil or Suiitlay tho (ltd. Passengers having leserviitlous for tlio 1-th of Juno "111 please confirm their reservations for tlio next balling. T ALLOWED S OUS Steamer La Champagne in Troube at France but All Passengers Rescued 1 AREJMEW OFF Officials Say There - is No Need for Anxiety for the ' Safety of the Ship BOAT WAS NOT TORPEDOED Such Was tho Statement Made To day First Itepoits Heeehed In dicated That tho Vessel Had llceu Seriously Damaged. THINK VESSEL SAFE U; AnocUlfJ l'rttt to Cool IUj TlmM.) PARIS, May 28. Tho of- flclals of tho French lino say all tho pasHongors on the 'La Champnguo wero landed nt St. Nnalro and 4 that there Is no need for mix- 4 lety as to tho safety of tho vessel. . NANT12S, Franco, May 28. Tho steamer La Champagne, of the French trans-Atlantic lino Is nshoro near St. Nazal re and Is badly dam aged. Nino hundred passengers on board of her wero taken off safe ly. Tho liner's offlcluls say sho wnB not torpedoed, Sho sailed from Colon Mny 7. U.S. CHUISIIlt NOUTH CAIIOLIXA IN Tltt)UHLI3'AT ALi:.ANHLV Coiiiiiiandcr Itepnrts Ship In Uu- damagtsl and That Ddcglng Will lleleaso Her 1)7 Aiocltl(4 Ttru to C Df Tlmw. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 28. The United States cruiser North Car olina Is aground within tho outer harbor of Alexandria, Egypt, ac cording to a repprt to tho Navy De partment by her Commander, who 8ii)ii the fillip Is undamaged and that dredging operations will bo under taken to release hero. T KoiiMi-211 pinxci:ss ui:ci:ivi:s HIT LITTLI2 OK KOHTVNI2 "Mrs. Waitl-.MiiiTow lilies Daughter (SI, 000 Out of mi Kstato of a Million (tlr Auuxlil! I'ruw to L'oti 117 Tlmn, i CHICAGO, Mny 28. Out of an (estate valued at more than $1,000,- 000 thu former Princess Du Chlmny, who was Clara Ward of Detroit, Is bequeathed only $1,000, It was learned today, by tho will of tho mother, Mrs. Catherine L. Ward-Morrow of London. Tho last residence of thu family bus been In Chicago and tho fortune left thu former princess by bur father, E. II. Ward, tho mil lonnlru ship ownor of Detroit, has been hold In triiHt for her hero. CHANG 1 2 OK SAILING Steamer XifiiiiS"nillli will suit fiiiu Kinllh Terminal Dink, Multi field, Saturday, .May 'JDtli at 10 a.m. for Sua Francisco only. Hemming from San Francisco for Coos Hay, Tuesday, Juno 1st, at .'I p. in., sailing again from Maislifleld for San Piunclsro Saturday the ,-5i or Sunday I ho (Mil. Passengers having reservations for tho ItltU of Juno Mill please coiiflim their teservutloiis for tho next sailing. HAXIIOX WATlJIt HATES It Is likely that tho city will shortly establish special flat rules to apply to manufacturing Institu tions who require oxtra largo quali ties of wator, Mr. linker of tho Ilandon Creamery, who protested to thu city fathers about tho rates, said that under present conditions should tho ceamery uso city wator for all their requirements It would cost In tho neighborhood of $30 per month, or about a cent a pound for tho butter they made,- Ilandon Itecorder. SHIP AGROUND GET SILL AIU Danish Steamer Strikes a .Mine Off Stockhold anil Sinks, Hut Crew li Saved. tnr Acltoa Iiru l Coot I1j Tlmn 1 PHNSANCU, KiiB., May 28. The llrltlsh steamer Cadehy was sunk off tho Scilly Islands by gun flro of n German subipurlue. All those nboard tho vessel, Including four passengers, wero saved. HTIMKIM A MINIC tll AMotlitnl I'im lo Coot U7 TlmM. COPKNHAGICN, .May 28. Tho Danish steamer Kly struck a mlno off Stockholm yesterday and sank. Tho crow was saved. (2KUMANS CLAIM TO HAV12 TAp KKX NINI2 THOUSAND MOH12 Merlin Claims Victories la (ialacla ami ItiiHsLiiis Say They Havo Persian Town tnr Anocuioj rrM to coo nr Tim,i LONDON, May 28. Tho capture of 0000 more prisoners Is announced by thu Gorman War Office, which represents thu situation In thu East favorable to Germany, with thu ex ception of tho retreat from tho Sun ucnr Slonlnwn. Putrograd announces the occupa tion by the HiiHslans of Urmlah, In Northwestern Persia. Paris claims ground won at Ahlnln, St, Nnznlro and in tho Lo Prutru forest. Her tin, howovor, Bays tho French wero sovoroly dofented at tho latter pluco and the u battle at Ablaln Is raging, AIRMEN m READ! koiim voLUNTi:i:it hi:si:hvi: on. (1AMATIO.V l-'Oll WAR August Helmoiit Is Pirsldont (Jen- era I mid Portland Is tho Ninth- west Heailiiinrters (llr AiocltJ riM to Cooa llr TlmM. NEW YOHK, May 28.-Fonnatlon of tho National Ucsprjo Corps of Voluutoor AvIatorH for war sorvlco Is tho purpose of tho Aero .Military Sorvlco Federation of Amorlcn, tho ci'gunl'.utlon of which wns nnnouitc ed today. August llulmout was ulect od President General. Thu Noith- west squadron of thu Federation J will center In Portland. y EXPLOSIOX AT NAXAIMO, II. (?., CAUSES DEATH Four Hodles Keeovored Lust Night and Mint) Aro Taken Out of Khart Today (Ur AuotltUl l'rrt lo Tout lur Tlmn NANAIMO, II. C, May 28 Four more hodloH of tho miners who wuru suffocated In an uxploslou In a small shaft of tho Western Fuul Com pauy'H mlno near hero, wore brought tu thu surface this morning, Of 22 who met their death, thu bodies of four wero recovered lust night. All others will probably bu taken out today for thu mlno Is not deep and thu gas Is clearing. JAIL HHEAKEH CAUGHT Man Who l24caMMl From Luuo Coun ty is Captured (Speclat to Tho Times.) EUOENE, Ore., May 28. James Allen, tho leader of four Jull-break-ers who overpowered Deputy Sher iff Crouor nnd escaped November 30, last year, from tho Lano County Jail, Is In thu stato penitentiary In Color ado, according to word received from railroad detectives In Colorudo. Ho will bo brought buck to Eugono on a Jail breaking and assault charge when ho completes his thrco-to-flvo-yoar sentence for burglary In Colorado, ac cording to the statements of tho Eu gono officers. Alton wus Identified as tho jail breaker by tho photograph scut out by thu Lano County sheriff. In Col orado he was urrostod under tho naiuo of John Hyun, alius Thomas Gordon, Have jour programs printed nt Tho Times office. Havo you tried The Times' want, ads! ' CAPTURE mm IN MINERS Dispatch from The Hague Says Reply Will bo Presented by Germany Saturday IS TO TEMPORIZE Belief is that Will be the Posi tion Taken by Germans Regarding Lusitania TO ASK ABOUT MUNITIONS United States Will bo Itcqucsleri to Klllicr Affirm or Deny That tlio Liner Was Carijliig Ammuni tion Destined to the Allies (llr AmiwUIM I'rrui lo Coot liar TlmM. LONDON, .May 28. A dispatch, from Tho Hague says n report from Ilerllu asserts that tho roply to thp American note will bo prcsonted 1q morrow. "It will bo of n tompor Izlug charnctor," tho dispatch con tinued, "and will nsk tho United States either Ho affirm or deny that thu Lusitania carried ammunition destined for tho Allies." (HjASGOW, SCOTLAND, HUKKKKS SIIOHTA(H2' OK (WITLE As u llesull Prices of Heef In That City Aro Now Almost Piohlbltlvo (Dr AuorUtft rrno to Cool D17 TlmM. GLASGOW, Scotland, May 23. Two hundred Glasgow butcher shops closed today for tho reason of tho shortage of cattle, which resulted In utmost prohibitive prices for hoof. IS ITALIANS MAKI2 SUCCESSFUL AT- TACK WITH AIU SQUADUOX Additional AiiHtrliiu Territory Has Hcen Ocriipltsl by tliq Now liiinillng Army, TAKE TUKK ISLAND Ur AMotlttod lTru to Coot lUjr Tlmn.) AMSTERDAM, May 28 Tho llerlln Loknl Aiuolger states thu Italian troops In considerable! force landed on a Turkish Island In Rhodes In tho Aegean Sea. (Ur AmocUI4 I'riH lo Coot iltr Tlmot.) ROME, Mny 28 A successful raid on tho Triost-Nubrcslnu railroad by u squadron of Italian hydro-noro-plaucH together with the occupation of additional Austrian territory" along tho Tyrol frontier and on tho Frloull front, aro reported In uu of ficial stutemetit, it is stutcd nu artillery battle Is raging between tho Italian furl If led positions on tlo Treutluo front and thoso of tho Austrlans. Capturing Tim us, Thu capture of 1 1 Austrian vIU lugogu along thu Carliithlau fronj., for tho luvudlug Italian forces Is re ported In an unofficial dispatch from Geneva. It Ib also also that thu Italians hnvo tukun possession of throe mountain passes and aro continuing thu udvaiico elsewhere along tho bordor, Horlln concedes u victory to tho Russians In thu bat tle ulong thu River Sun, TOWN HAS NEW HANK ROSEHURG, Or., Muy 28. Tho Farmers' Security Hank Is tho namo of a now depository to bo launched at Yoncullu, Juno 1, to roplaco tho Slate Hunk of that city, which recen tly cloied Its doors on rcconimonda Men of thu Stuto Hunk Examiner, The capital stock of tho bank will bo tlf.,000. Tho Incorporators nro L. A. Ross, of Springfield, and W. E. Young nnd II. II. Hrundago, of Eugono Most of thu stockholders tiro promlnont Yoncolla business men, It Is under stood that application for a charter has already boon fllod In Salem. IHELIEF IX CHRIST NECESSARY TO RELIEF IN GOD COM 12 AND LEARX WHY EPISCOPAL CHURCH TRINITY SUNDAY, MAY aOTH Reatl I, John, Us 122. BUTCHERS CLOSE U R 0