1Y0NE WHO CAN MAKE THE WEATHER "SETTLE" IS ENTITLED TO A BIG COMMISSION Coos Bay Times Your Paper , A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo niul devoted to tlio best Interests of tills great section . Tlio Times always boosts smi! noTcr knocks, ' Tlio Coos Hay Times Is proud of Its Utlo "Tim pcoplo's Toper," mid It strives nt nil Utiles to fro tip to Its namo by devoting Us energies to orootlng tlio pcoplo's Interests. MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED IMKSH NO XXXVIII. Established 1878 - IMU. AAAViii As The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Stall nnd Cmi Huv Advertiser. No. 263 jDANISH VESSEL FRENCH AERIAL E! IS TORPEDOED FLEET ATTACKS ZEPPELINS RAID (tea m vxmtB DOTS WIFE ID C01IIS ITALIANS ARE SUICIDE W ill BAY CITYl ON AGGRESIV i TRIUMPH OWN nk Gilbert, Logger, Tries Murder wife at bay uity and Commits Suicide UMD WAS SLOT iple Had Been Separated r past rear ana unucrt lame from Powers Today rmr shooting his wlfo in tlio :, Frank Gilbert, a logger, turn its revolver to Ills own hend nnd il himself. Tlio wlfo Is not sur ly hurt, Gllbort died Instnutly. ' trncedy occurred at Hay City i 4 00 o'clock this afternoon. llbcrt lias been employed by tlio Ih-l'owers Company as a logger 'owcrs. Ho was married about years ngo and tho couplo havo lllttlo chililrcn. For tlio past Gilbert and his wlfo havo been tated, Mrs. Gilbert's paronts Be nt Powers but bIio had been ho homo of Mrs. Frank Mooru ay City doing somo sowing. Think Tlicy QuarreliMl crt camo up from Powers this inoon nnd went to tho Mooro whero ho know his wlfo was elng, It was not learned this noon what passed between tho Hn tlio house, but It Is supposed their mooting ended In somo It of a quarrel, as Mrs. (Hlbort seen running from tho Iioiikc. fcrt followed hor from tho Iioubo urnwlm: a revolver, flrud nt her. V bullet struck her In tho loft Ildcr and tho shoulder blade pro id It entering a vltnl spot, lbcrt looked nt tho revolver, it at his tompio nnd fired. Icll dead off tho sido walk into nuddy street. Wlfo Will Kecover trsons who witnessed tho shoot- sent to Mrs. Gilbert's nsslstnneo carried her to tho Moloney Dr. Uursfull was called to Id her. Sho will recover. Ibert used u .!12 cnllbro rovolv- Somo say that ho camo in nn hpt to Induce his wlfo to live rhlm again. Lb. (lllbcrt was formerly Ilhmcho Bton. Hor father is M. K. ton. Tho family moved from kliln (n l'mvnm whmi tho 1I0W 'was stnrted. Dr. Gllbort, who , at Eastsltlo, was a cousin of Bead man. Ironor Wilson was called "Nhls noon and wont to tnko chatyo dead man, MITS S LEAHY KTAUS HIMSELF IX I'OLICE HEADQUARTERS mt nt Now berg, Oregon Was rorrhil Hornuso of Fluanclal Troubles JUTLAND, Or.. .May 27. As ho heforo tho desk of tho Sar- tat pollco headquarters hero to- after he was arrested for fall- to pay a taxlcab faro, T. H. y, manager of tho International ester Company of America by at Newberg, Oregon, stab- himself with his pocket knifo lied ten minutes inter. Financial ultlos nro said to havo been tho Ho hid tho knlfo beneath oat and pressed tho blndo slow- hls heart. Tho police did not e what had happoned until blade fell to the floor. I:il .Meeting. it Is expected special meoting of tho Eost- Co ncll will bo called to con- .tlio matter of street improve- fcr Cooston. Mayor Kitson, ' the appointment of W. L. er to tho ftnsltlon of Council- Nn nlaco of P. Mcsserlo. Is said e a Council unanimously In of the grading and planking foston streets. FRXLD TOWAHD PEACE ft AikkUim Preii to Cool Bar Ttme.J ISHJVGTO.V, d. C, May 27. Nre is n silver lining to a war R It the devolonment of tho mcrlran solidarity." said John U. director general of the Pan pan t'nlon, ono of the speakers ' the aPn American financial re"ice, Jcsenh E. Davis, chnir- if the federal trnde commission, ed ' The Erpnlim of Enrono ad- :1 to war; tho spirit of the lea's Is turned toward peace." UCIDE POPE GIVES VIEWS says his request for peace was .not heeded Regrets Tluit tlio General European Trouble lias I Mended to the Italian People inr AawlaleJ Vtrw to Cooi lUr Tlmw. ROME, May 27 "The hour which wo nro traversing is painful, but our prayers will go out moro fre quently and more 'fervently than ever to those who have in their hands tho fate of the nations," Is tlio dcclnrntlou of I'opo Benedict in n letter to Cardinal Vnunutelll, pub lished in the Osservntoro Komtino, tho Vatican organ. Tho Pontiff recalls his first cn cyllcal in which ho urged tho belli gerent nntloiiB to mnku peace, but points out that his volco was un heeded and tho war continued un til tho terrible conflagration ex tended to our beloved Italy." SIX DIE IN STORM SIXTY OTHERS INJURED IX OK LAHOMA AND ARKANSAS Pails or Hotli Slates Suffer Prop eity Daiuago Caused liy tlio Seven) Winds Illy ,MxltM 1'rtM In Coo liar Tlmfi.l FOItT SMITH, Ark., May 27. Six persons aro dead, two at Tn lihlua, Oklahoma mid four nt Che cotah, Oklahoma, as tho result of a storm which swept Western Arkan sas nnd Eastern Oklahoma early to day. Moro than CO were Injured at Tallhlna. VILLA TAKES REQUESTS THAT .MEXICANS ARIZONA NOT HANG IX Secretary Rryn, Acting on ineir Pelillou Knuttests Coniliiiltatlon toGovernor Hunt inr Asocial.) rrm to Cooi nay TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. Actln upon tho lequost of General Vlll, Secretary of Stnto liryan to day tolographed Govoruor nuni oi Izonu, Biiggestlng tho commuta- on of sentenco of flvo Mexicans condoinned to (loath tomorrow ior murder. J TEXT OI' AGREEMENT WITH .IAP AX IS KXOWX IX CHINA President Says Country's ltlglil Suf fered nml Weakness Invited tho Insult Given Br AnoiUt! l'r lo Cooa Par Tlnwi 1 PEKING, May 27. Tho toxt of tho two treatlos signed Tuosday by Japan and China wcro published horo today. President Yuan Shi Knl Is sued a proclamation In roferonce to tho treaties. "Our rights and prlva leges In Manchuria have sufferod e normouBly. Wo aro humiliated but our woakuoM Invited tho insult." KING IS DEITEK IDr AHOf lm rritu foot Wr Tlmn 1 PARIS, May 27. King Constantino of Greece, is bettor, according to an Ath ens dispatch. Carter Inve-tlgatcs. Marshal Car tor is Investigating n man named Hermann who opened up a tailor ing place on Front Street under the name or Mitchell. Tho investigation is to determine whether he will be com nelled to pay llcenso Imposed upon " peddlers and Itinerates undor me r ' alliance enacted by tho city council to protect the public. Hermann rent ed the room for thirty days and was ' trying to rent fixtures for fitting It up and this led to the belief that he da not intend to stay long. He was In North Bend a few weeks last year. ' Marshal Carter had Hermann before 0 PUBLISH REATIES rS."r,X.' 'ji, ,. .. .lp.iu Army Continues to Force Its Way Into Austrian Territory and is Wearing Trieste FRANCEJS OUIETDETnlLSJEGEIIED.SHIPPIlluEB In Northern Part Same Fight- About Nebraskan, but Nothing , Squadron of Eighteen Air ing, but Operations on Big Scale Not Revived GERMANS ARE IN COMMAND Teutonic Army Keeps On Moving but Has Not Vet Driven Itusslans From River San Excepting in Places rnr AMoMatCtl rr.u to Cool Bur TlmM.J LONDON, May 27. Reports re ceived Indicate that the Italian forces pushing into Austria along the front ' running north of tho Gulf of Trlest, crossed the Isonzo river today after a sharp encounter. They nro now ' said to bo within 30 miles of Trieste. Tho Itallnns also aro attacking at j several points farther north along the Cnrluthlen frontier. I Infantry fighting Is proceeding sporadically along tho Frnnco-Helglnn j front, principally on tho western, but Paris nnd llorlln report no signs of renewed-operations on n largo I scale. In Gnllcla, northeast of Przcmysl nnd lu tho district of Stry, tho Tott tonlc attack continues to utnlco prog ress. They havo not however, forced back tho Hitsslnus from tho river Snu, except lu certain places. Notwithstanding heavy losses In men nnd ships, tho allies aro con tinuing Incessantly tho Dardanelles campaign. INTEKXED SAILOIIS AT NEW YOKE LOST TIIEIK MINDS Physicians Kay Condition Duo Homesickness nnd Idleness to a Great Extent to (Df Aiioclito4 rrna to Cooi Dr Time. NEW YORK, Mny 27. Several German sailors on board the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American stoaniBhlps which havo been docked at llobokon since tho begin ning of tho wnr, havo become men tally unbalanced nnd havo boon plac ed lu Jail. Physicians attributed tho strained mental condition in part to tho enforced Idleness, niol aucholla and homesickness. . FROST li THE EAST DAMAGE THE DOXE TO ATIAXTIC I'ICl'ITS STATES IX Ciihensoimblo Wi'atlier Also l'tenls to Lake Regions nml May I tec oltls Aio Hfoken P3r Aaaoclalol T.mt to Cooa Dar Tlmea.l WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. i Killing frosts throughout the Lake lirvli n.l.t mliltllo Atllllltlp HtfltO broke May weather records of many years last night and there Is Iirnm. Iso of unseasonably cold wont hor In tho next 24 hours. Reports of tho Weather IJureau Indicate Hint thero was heavy damage to fruits and vegetables, Ico formed on standing water. G IS BIG SALE ORDERED; MORTGAGE FORECLOSED OX THE WASHIXGTO.V.OHEGOX CO. Pioperty Includes Extensile. Power Projects. Street Rallna)s ami Water Power Plants Br Aalat4 Prwa lo Cooa bar Tim.l TACO.MA, Wash.. May 27. Tho sale at public auction of tho prop erty of tho Washington-Oregon Cor porntlon, Including extensive power projects, streot railways nnd water powor plants in Southwest Washing ton and Oregon, was agreed on In the Federal District Court today. Tho attorneys roportod the decree was to be presented this afternoon ! for forec osuro of a mortgage ior . ... . . riuei .Steamer Betty is Sunk in the j North Sea and Members of Her Crew Are Rescued Definite as to Whether She Was Torpedoed MAY HAVE STRUCK A MINE Ambassador and Consul General nt London Send Word Hut Exact Ciniso Is Not Staled In MessngeH Say American Ping Hauled Down AXOTIIKIt IS Sl'XK Dr AulatrJ rrna to Cooa Uar TlniM.1 4 SOUTH SHIELDS, England Mny 27. The Danish steamer Hetty was torpodocd by a German siibninrlno In tho North Ben yesterday nnd sunk. Tho crew wns rescued nnd brought to tho Tyno. ! WASHINGTON. I). C, May 27. Messages received by tho slato de partment today from Ambassador Pniru nnd Consul Genernl Skinner nt London and Consul Frost nt Queen stown fniled to say definitely whether tho steamer XolirnHk.au was torpe doed or struck by n iiiluo. Ono of tho dispatches Raid tho NebritMUau's American flag hail been hauled down five minutes heforo she was struck, although her nmno Is painted on tho sides lu letters six feet high. (Of AiioctilM rim lo Cooi liar Tlmri. WASHINGTON, D. 0.-, luy 27. An American attache at Loudon has been scut to Liverpool to examine tho Nehraskan's hull. Consul Gen eral Sklnner'H messngo Bays: "Green, tho master of tho No bruskun, lu a wireless report to me says: 'At 8:2 p. m. when tho steamer was about 48 miles west and half south of Fastuet, sho ex perienced a violent shock, followed instantly by a terrific explosion bursting the hatches and throwing hatch beams, cargo dorrlcks and twisted Iron Into tho air, filling tho lower hold forward completely with water. Tho crow took to tho boats. After stnuding by nu hour wo returned on hoard mid sturtod for Liverpool. Wo met two ves sels at 1:20 a. in. sent by the Hilt IhIi Admiralty. Ono has been lu at tendance over since. It was dusk when tho explosion occurred. We had no warning and saw nothing. Ittf AuoclatMl I'rraa lo Cooa liar Tlinea, j WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27 ! Consul General Washington nt Liv erpool cublod lato today that tho NebraBkau would enter Mersey at 0 p. in. and probably dock before ', mldnlKht. TELLS AROUT .MIXES (llr AMoclalvd 1'iwa U Coer na; Time., WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 27- "uu ." '"""' "" r .. t ... I. ...,,.. 1.H IL.riiutiiKrr itni- suiliuil u iiiuiiioruiiiimn in in" i"i" Dopnrtnieiit today suyiug that tlio man nUaoa wore of a typo wlilcl become harmless If thoy drift fron nnchorngo. srxu iiy fii;n.MA.s Dr Aaaoslatol IV-m lu Cooa Dr Tlmaa.J CARDIFF. Wales. Mny 27 The ' stoamor Norwennn, of Montroal, i was torpedoed ami shelled by a Ger man siihmarlno at midday Wednes day, 1C0 inllos south of StuniiB Head. no member of tho crow was killed, and three wore wounded. Tho oth ers landed bore. I'll INKS .MINE, did it. tD, AMo...fll.toC.U.,T.n.M) , .,, ,, ,,. thu paltl WASHINGTON. D. C, May 27. , two ytmiH a prominent capacity E. II. Duff, counsel for tlio com- wj,, t(lu Murshflotd mills of tho corn puny owning the Nebraska!!, who ' Vltnyt visited tho State Dopartmont tod- jlri u!irton, formerly with tho day, said tho circumstances of tho .Northland Pino Company nt Mlnnea oxploslon, particularly the damage i,0B nm nu old rrlend or Mr. Jrwln, to tho bow ot tho vowel, Indicat ed sho struck a mlne.t Tho steam ship officials, he wild, held the samo view. lj It costs one cent a word j U to tell your story each day In 1C ..... lb Bomb Dropped From Airship on Street Car at Ostend Kills Fifty Germans Craft Attacks the Chemistry Factory at Ludwigshafen BUILDINGS CATCH FIRE Place Is a Factory Town Willi Many Largo Establishments Deports. Indicate That llolli Air Holds Caused Propeity Dnumgo tnr AMoclatisl Prrni la Cooi I!r Tlmri. AMSTERDAM, May 27. Fifty Gcrmnu Boldlurs, passengers on a street car at Ostend, worn killed by a bomb dropped from an Allied aeroplane, according to a dispatch j to tho Telegrnaf from that city. Tho dispatch .alleges tnero wns uamngo to buildings mid shipping. HOMItAKD FACTORIES (lly Aiioclathl 1'rr.i lo Cooa liar Ylmf.) PARIS, May 27. A Fronch aerial squuilron of IS aeroplanes bombard ed tho chemistry factory this morn ing at Ludwlgshnfcu, on tho Rhino. Flro broke out In several of tho fac tory buildings. Tho place Is a fnc tory city and various mmiufucturlug industries nro located thoro. KREITZER BETTER MAltSIII HE W IEI.D MAX WIRES THAT ILL LEAVE FOR HOME Chlcngo SiM'clallst. Confirms Diagno sis Herts Much Improved In Last :ill Hours .Dorstiy Kreltzor, cashier of tlio First National llnnk, concerning whom much apprehension tins been felt for tho pint two or three days, today wired from Chicago that ho was much Improved mid hoped to bo a Itlo to leave for homo within two weeks. Do said Hint specialists whom liu had consulted had greatly bene fitted him lu the past thirty-six hours and told him that his iiltliunto re covery seemed nssuretl although It might inquire him to remain lu bed for two or three months whllo ho wns receiving treatment. The news was a source of great satisfaction on tho Ray to tho many friends of Mr. Kreltzor. Mr. Kreltzor sunt tho telegram personally and this was further re assuring. In tho moHsngo, ho utated Hint Dr. Ilabcotik, tho noted Chlcngo specialist, hail confirmed the dlnguo- sis of Dr. HntiMiwnrth of Mnrshfleld concerning his ailment. Ho said that UI was suffering from henrt trouble , with a complication of liver and kld uy trouble, the latter being duo to ! a weak heart. GIVEN FINE PLAGE R. E. IRWIN OI MANAGER ROISI! MARSHFIELD PAVICTTE CO. lAcceptsOffer from New Weyerhauser Company unci will Moio (,, tos About Jill)' 1 J( ,., nvn of Mars)lf,cl,(1 ,, Jll(jl , , ,,,. ,. ,., .,, ,,. ' VIJJUUH l MVI m t4 MV( agershlp of tho Ilolso-Pnyetto Liiin- hor Company, a now Woyorhausor company which will open a big plno maiiufactiiilng plant about August 1. Ho will leave hero about July 1 to nccept his now position. Mr. Irwin has buon with tho C. A. Smith Lumbar Company for twelve vear.. ton years In tho sales depart- Is manager or tho Ilolse-I'ayotto Luin- bor Co. Tho deparluro of Mr. and Mrs. Ir win will bo greatly logrolled by tho host of friends thoy have mado on Coos Ray. Havo your programs printed lit I lie Times office. Big English Fighting Vessel Torpedoed by Turkish Sub marine in Dardanelles' GREW IS TAKEN DFF:0NE WOMAN KILLED Reports Say Vessel Went Down in Seven Minutes Af ter She Was Struck SUPPORTING LAND FORCE Tho Triumph Cost Over Four Mil lion Dollars 4iiiI was Unlit In 1101 She Carried Dig Ariiia iiieut uiitl Crew or 701 .Men fVWt.M lltl lll.MIJtll'll llf Amodatol l'rM to Cooa liar TIiiim.I ! LONDON, Mny 27. Tho torpedoing nu sinking of tho Drltlsh httleslilp Majestic Is announced by the ndmlrnlty In the following Btnteuieut: "Tho enemy subiiiarlno tor- pedoed anil sank tho Majes- tie, this morning, whllo It wns supporting the army on Galllpoll peninsula. Nearly all 4 tho officers and men wero saved." , LONDON, Mny 27. The Ilrltlsh Admiralty announced that tho Rrll ish battleship Triumph wns sunk by a Turkish siihiuurluo whllo operat ing Tuesday lu support of the laud forces on tho Galllpoll peninsula. Most of the crew wero rescued. A llerliii dispatch says tho warship sunk In seven minutes. Cost Four Million The Triumph cost $ 1,227, Il'.ir, In 11)01, had a displacement of ll.Slio tons, u draft of 2K feet, 12, MXI hoihepowor, carried a crow of 700 moil at a speed of 1!) knots an hour, Sho also had two torpedo tubes, It of tho II pounders, 2 of the 12 pounders nml eight pounders. Ily comparison It Is shown that tho dreadnought Queen Elizabeth has a displacement of 27,r00 tons; 00,000 horsepower and curries a crow of 1000 men. CAITURE "TRANSPORT tllr AaiorlaloJ I'm. lo ru-a liar Tlmw.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Mny 27. An official iiiiuoiiucemoiit today says u transport ship, escorted by tho French cruiser Julos Mlcholot, at tempted a lauding tit lloiiilroiiu un der protection of tho ship's guns. "Wo kilted one of the enemy's officers and 1C men," says tho an nouncement, "nml wounded others. Wo also captured a transport." BOTH VESSELS SAFE LINER RYNDAM ARRIVES ROCK IX NEW YORK AT Norweglaii l''relgliter Joseph G. Cu- neo Willed Itaiuiiied Her, Got Into Port Today (nr Aaaoclalt4 Tnaa I Cco liar ntoM. NEW YORK, May 27. Tho llol-land-Ainerkan lluor Ryiidnm Is safe nt dock hero today, after the col lision early Wednesday off Nantuck et Shoals lightship. Tho Norwegian fiolghter Joseph G. Ciiueo, which rammod the Ryntlam, arrived today Her bow was smnshod, Tho offi cers of tho Ryntlnm said that when tho two ships collided It was day light and little fog prevailed. T FliGER OFF HAROLD RORi:inS(X OF COOS RIVER, HAS RIFLE ACCIDENT Accidentally Tom lied Trigger Whllo Cleaning Rarrel of Gun Flint Finger Was Removed Harold Robertson, the 15-yonr-old sou of Robert Robertson, u Coos Rlvor rancher, had tho flmt ringer or his loft hand shot off by the ac cidental discharge of u rifle. Young RoliertK'Jii was hunting and In somo manner got some mud In tho end of tho rlflo barrel. Ho was trying to roniovu It with n stick, holding the gun lu his right hand. Somehow the trigger wns sprung' und the bullet shattoiod the finger. Dr. HoiiBoworth, who dressed the in Jury, said Hint he was getting along nicely Tho finger wm amputated near tho knuckle Joint SO Germans Make Another Air Attack at Southend, Popular Seaside Resort Last Night Flames From the Bombs Drop ped by Aircraft Illuminate The Entire City AEROPLANES GIVE CHASE Rut the Zeppelins Escaped In an Ensteily Direction Properly Diiliuigo not Itellexed to bo us ('leal, as on Former Raltl SOUTHEND, England, May 27. -Another Zeppelin raid was mado on thin town last night. Ono person was killed and neornl Injured. Tho victim was a woman. Tho entire town was Illuminated by the burst ing of shulls droppetl by tho air craft. Tho material damage ap pears less than on tho occasion of tho last raid. Somo reports say that two and others three Zeppelins took part In tho raid. Tho nolso of the pro pellers of tho first was heart! nt 1 1 o'clock. Then came tho shock of tho exploslona us bombs rained down. Some missies wero incen diary and thiew out bright flares of light. Southend I if ii popular seaside ro sorl nt (ho mouth of tho Thumea Rlvor, forty miles east of Loudon, ZEPPELINS ESCAPE lllr AmcwUIM I'trai to t'm Hi Tlntra, LONDON, May ;!7. Tho Secretary of the Admiralty Issued a statement on the Southend raid, which, con trary to tlio dispatches, says two women wero killed. Aeroplanes pur sued tho Zeppelins, but they escap ed lu nu Easterly direction. L GOVERNOR Dl'XN'S RILL PASSES THE ILLINOIS SENATE Menus Unit Hie Great Lulu's Will Ro Coilncr'o'l With tho Gulf ol .Mexico llr Aiaorlalo.1 Tin I Cooa liar Time.. SPRINGFIELD, May 27. -Governor Dunn's hill, providing for the coiitructlou of an eight foot water way connecting the Chicago dralu ago rami! with tho Illinois rlvor and thereby limiting a direct wntor route between the Great Lakes and tho Gulf of Mexico, wns passed by tho state Ktinato today. Tho bill has al ready passed tho house. PAY TRIIHTE TO DEAD Services Held In Memory or lito A Died U. Valitlerltllt II; A.tocUl.J Inn to Coo Uaj Tina. NEW YORK, May 27. A trlbulo to Alfred G. Vantlorbllt, who per ished lu tho Lusltaulu disaster and whose body was not i""-ovored, wns paid today ul a memorial service at tho home of his mother, 'Mrs, Cor nelius Viinderhllt. J. LEE RROWN OK MARSHFIELD REAPPOINTED MEMRHR Muislifltdd Mini Mourned by Gov. Wlthycomlio Will Hold Offlco For Next Fho Years J. Leo Drown of Mnrshfleld today rurelvfad his reappointment as a mem bur or the Oregon Phnrumacy Com mission. 'Ihn appointment was made by Gov, Wlthycombo and Is for n term of flvo year. I Mr, llrowu was first appointed lu I l!i 11 to fill u vacancy on tho board ' and during his tenure has sorved as I president of thu commission. I Ills reappointment will bo u source ,of gratification to his tunny friends and It Is a fine appreciation of the oxcellent service ho tins rendered lu his term on tho commission. NOTICE TO OWLS All members of tho Owls aro re quested to meet at the hall Sunday morning nt 10 o'clock for memorial services, ASS URESNEWGANA E IG HONORS 1 vJR .liWHrt