Kszm anu tilSOIimiNG FOR NOTHING, YOU GENERALLY PAY SEVERAL TIMES WHAT g WORTH Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coos Day Times la proud Tcoplo's Paper," and It strives llvo up to Its nnmo by do voting promoting tlio pcoplo's Interests. (OL NO. XXXVIII. is ED Jteamer Nebraskan Damaged Ull II Oil UUdSSl DUl Oilll Able to Make for Port lay Have Struck Mine But British Admiralty Says Boat Was Torpedoed JOW GOING TO LIVERPOOL Iiiwiillnii Steamship Company Own ing tho CMiel, Deceive Word From Captain She. Was Struck Klthcr by Mlno or Torpeilo 4 chaiitkhkd hv i1ihtikii company Or Atiocltted rrra to Corn Par Tlmra. WASHINGTON, May 20. The Nobrnsknn was rhnrtor ed to tho White Star Line, a Ilrltlsh Company. Whether It was sunk by 11 mlno or tor pedo, n claim for damngo might rnlso complicated ques tions, It was said. If tho No brasknn Is in tho service of n Ilrltlsh coucorn, according to a previous decision In such cases, sho would bo n lawful prlzo, Hablo to seizure mid condemnation. i coos HAY MAX WAS OX HOAT Itceso Wright, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cal. Wright, went from Snn Francisco through tho I'linania Cunnl on tho Ne braskan nnd made n trip with her from Now York to Kng lnnd. Ho loft her two-months ago and is now on his way from England to Alexandria nnd Algiers on tho Standard Oil Company's steamship, tho Hrlndllln, ns first assistant engineer. Br AMOcitthl rrtat 10 Coot tr Tlmf. LONDON, Mny 20. According to tho Ilrltlsh Admiralty, tho American tcamer Nobrnsknn, Capt. (ireen, in s DO REWSTILLABOARD vhlch sailed from Liverpool Mnyi0f flvo per cent In duties on goods I Bl for Dolownro Dreakwater, was torpedoed yestordny by n subninrlno 0 miles west by southwest of Fast net, off tho south coast of Irolnml. riio crow took to tho llfo boats, but soon nscortnlned tho Nebraskan vas not seriously damaged. She had been struck forward and her loro holds woro full of water. Tho crew returned on bonrd and got tho rcssel undprwny. No lives were lost. CAPTAIN WIUHS tn AuoilttM Treii lo Coot lltjr Time... NEW YORK, May 20. Tho Amer ican Hawaiian Steamship Company, owners of tho Nobrasknn, rocolved wireless from tfio Nebraskun's Eaptnln, relayed by cablo, In which ho captain said tho vessel was "truck olthor by a mlno or a tor pedo and that ho had turned back md wus nrocccdliiK for Liverpool. WAS IX HALLAST. (lif Awaclittd I'rrM lo Cooi Ilajr Timet.! I'HILAnKLPHIA, May 20. Tho r-'ctraskan, It was said hero, was bound for tho Dolawaro Dreakwater n ballast for orders. ItliPOItTI-.l) SAFi: ID7 AiioclilM r,fM to Coo 111 TlmM.J LONDON, May 2C Tho Aniorl- ai steamer NnhrnKknn nuEsed Jueenstown this afternoon on hor wy to Llvoi-pool. Sho was pro ceeding under hor own steam at cSht knots an hour. ItKCALL OKHMAX PHO.MISH (Br Auoclttaj frcti to Cvot ctr Tlmot.) WASHINGTON. 1). C. May 2C rhc damage to tho Nebraskan re- railed in official nunrters the Ger- nn government's assurances pre sented by Ambassador Dernstorff to Secretary IJryan May 11, that sub- narlne commanders had been spe- elflcally Instructed not to harm neu tral vc..ni. i I- i.ndiiA ' ivoams ! miiiii 15r.11 ill iiuoi.w (cts and that Germany would pay Hampton itoaus j - "'"""-. from the contrador nut tne hu or anviio. . ,f , .hi. ? the ! under .barter to the N'ay hut was, remo Collrt he,,, thlB mandatory "oran damage to such ships iu the pinner ' ' .nmri.t liable for dnmaues - - w .- --- Jr zone. Official and mows dlt of Its Utlo "The nt nil times to i(s energies to Kstnbllshetl 1878 As The Const Mnll. HIE JAMES TflLKSPASSEKGERS IN OLLIK M. J.YMKS TALKS ADOPT NKRRASKAN AKKAIR Says If Sim Was Torpedoed tcntlounlly Amounts to n Dec million of War. tllr AaaoclatM rroaa Is un Iir Time J SAN FRANCISCO, May 2C The members of the Congressional party who returned yesterdny from a trip to Hawaii expressed indignation wncn tncy heard the Ilrltlsh Admir alty claimed tho Nehroskan was tor pedoed. "If any foreign nation tor pedoed nn American vessel, know ing It to bo such, It amounts to a declaration of war," Scnntor Ollle M. James stated. "However, In this case, wo should withhold Judgment until all tho facts are known." NORTHKHX R.U'TIST COXYKX TIOX APPHOVK PHKSIRKXT Delegates Delieve In Xcutral Right in Kurope and Urge Xntlonal Prohibition (llr AmoiIIo,1 I'ir to Cooi ll)f Time.) LOS ANOKLKS, Cat., May 20. Tlio Northern Daptlst Convention, In closing Its session today, adopted resolutions endorsing the President's stand for neutral rights in tho Eu ropean war and urging National prohibition. rm'itT OF APPKALS IMMIOLDS . .- .. . KIVi: PKHCKNT RKIIATK Decision llegaiding Duties on Car goes Will Have a l'lii-lteiichlng Financial Kffcct I ' UK- TKADi: lUI.ANCi; lif AuwUtcil Pitm lo Conn Hay Tlmn, WASHINGTON. I). C, May 26. Sec. Roflold today re ported that tho trado bnlancu Is In favor of tho United States for tho week ending Mny 22 was $19,000,000. Ho estimates the totnl bal nnco slnco last July at J!)00,- , 4 0011,000, (iir a.mhuim rnM iocoo urTim-ti. WASHINOTON, I). C, Mny 20. Tho cluuso of tho Undorwood - SIm - nions drifts act granting n relmto imported Into tho United Stntos in American bottoms was upheld to day In tho Court of Customs Appeals. Tho court held, however, that all mcrchnndUo Imported In vessols of tho nutlons with which the Unit ed States has "favored nation treat ies, must recelvo n similar discount. As tho United States has "favored nation" clauses with nearly all tho Important conunorclnl powers, the offect of tho decision will bo to largely rcduco tho tariff rovenuos. PACKKRS PROTEST Claim to Slate Department Kuglnud Delays their Mont 1)7 Aa.iHla.aJ ttm to cooa li7 Tlmea.J U'ACJIIIVf'.TnV. I), r... Mav 20. American meat packers, who havo nrotested vigorously ugiilnst Croat Ilrltnln's detoiitlon of tholr products shipped to Fiiropoan noutrul coun tries, put tholr easo boforo tho stuto dopartinont today. Thoy declare about $25,000,000 worth of shlp monts havo heon dotajiPI. . . . patches woro ommunlcatou to Pres ident Wilson, but no comment was forthcoming. It was Indicated a full Investigation would bo mado us promptly ns possible iliti:ni:d last xk.ht JD7 AaaocUlal Tnaa t Cc Ba7 nmM 1 LONDON. May 2C- -Tho explosion of tho torpodo or mlno against tho Nebraskan apparently occurred bo foro 9 o'clock last night. A mos sago from Lloyd's bays nn armed trawler went to tho vessel's nsslst- uneo and stood by hor all night. WAS TO CARRY COAL (By Auolta4 Fraaa to Coot Daj Tlmaa. WASHINGTON. D. C, May 26. The Nebraskan wus on her way to fulfill a t'ontract of the owners with the United States Navy Depart ment to carry com num .m..,.... o. The agents. Whraskan In . News to San Franclsc worn to nave the " - ... i w .,...rt una UHi.iii to carry .o.n ,.u .." HU REVENUES DEDUCED Oloua MARSHFIELD, OREGON, I Dutch Liner Ryndam Runs In to Freight Steamer Joseph J. Cuneo Off Nantucket 'Seventy - Seven Passengers and Crew Taken On Board Battleship South Carolina OTHER NAVAL SHIPS HELP. In Crippled Condition Kotli of the easels Start Slowly for New Yolk Water Killed Holds of the Itjudiilii Machinery Hurt (Dj Attoctitt & rrctt lo Coot ll7 TlmM.) NFAV YORK, Mny 2C The Dutch llnor Ryndam, which sailed from Now York yesterday for Rot terdam with 77 passengers and a million dollar cargo, was badly dam aged In a collision IT. miles south west of Nantucket Shoals light snip nt I n. m. Tho liner collided with tho tramp freighter Joseph J. Cu neo. Doth vessels wore seriously damaged. Tho S. O. S. calls flashed from tho Ryndam and tlio passongers woro transferred hastily to the Cu neo. Ono hundred and sixty of tho Ryndam's crow of 200 men woro llkewlso transferred. Tho United States battleships In tho vicinity answered tho wireless. Tho passengers and those of tho crow who hail been transferred to the Cuneo wero taken off by the South Carolina. Tho Ryndam Ik now steaming at slow speed for this port. Fills With Water. Tlio Ityudam's wireless reports In dicate that she wus struck aft with such forro that Hold No. 7 filled almost Immediately. Tho water flow ed freely Into tho engine room nnd began to creep up In Hold No. 0. Tho Cunco's bows was smnshed In badly. With the South Carolina alongside the battleship Texas ten miles astern and tho battleship 1 nlllnl.i.. a. r..m H I... n.1.1 . I t n.t.tnn i i.uii.nillll hum. U3 mill luu s.ii.vu I slowly following, tho Ryndam was 'steaming nt slow speed for this port ' 120 miles oast of Ambroso Chan- nol lightship nt 10 n. in. hgliies Hold Out. At that hour her captain f-ont n wireless to the Holland American Lino, her owners, saying the Ryn dam's engines were much strained, but wero still holding out. A pre vious messago snld the water was COL I i BOTH DAMAGED gaining In Hold No. 0 and that i durveyor of tho Hoard of Mnilno l'n tho ship would havo to bo uban- i derwrlters of San Francisco, when lie doncd If tho water gained much ; returned last evening from a visit moro. Tho register net. er of about Ryndam is 7170 tons The Cuneo Is a steam- 800 tons. CREW! LEAVES TODA! CAPT. DKXSOX AND SAILORS OK CLARK.MOXTOOOX KILIU'RX Ve.sscl Going to Piece-i nnd Xotl.lng Can lie Snrd From Tho Wreck What Is loft of tho stoamor Clato mont on tho end of the Jotty Is go ing to pieces today. Thoro Is no hope of anything being saved and with it rough sea continuing thoro will bo practically nothing loft of tho boat In u few days. Capt. IloiiKon, tho mustor, tho ma tes, onglnoors nnd the sailors who nro still horo loft toduy on tho Kll burn for the south. Thoro will ho no Investigation hero and as Capt. Hen um, lino Hiiixiinii nil the husliiiiHs ho has to attond to horo ho will go . o.... i.... , f, III oaii i i.inuioif iu i.i'uiv iui .- thor orders to his company. MUST RK.yUIRH DOXD to School Districts ,io Suppoited PiiitiTt All Contracts llr AMlit l'rM to Cou n7 Tlmr ) SALEM, May 20. School districts falling to comply with the law pro viding that persons entering Into contract for public buildings shall' execute a pouat bond guaranteeing payment of claims, ure liable for damages, according to a decision of the Sunremo Court. Tho Northwest Steol Company sued School District No. 10, Umatilla County for the con-' weglan whaling In the Antarctic hugliur. inayer """" tractor's failure to pay for materials, iboen more profltuble this seuson than , ork Llty, lert tnei Tho dUtrlct had not exacted a bond, ever before especially around South yesterday Thaer G i uw uiait.it imn .' . .... .. mm MKMTtEKS OP TUB 1 SSnriATKIl IMKSS -WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1915 MUSI DIE 1 JULY DATi: SKT TOlt K.XKCI'TIOX CHAHLKS DK.CKKU or Former Police Lieutenant Must For feit Ills Life Dining Week of July IU Xet llr Auocl.tcvl rrrM lo Tool Uar Timra.l ALHANY, Or., May 20. Tho Court of Appeals today fixed tho week beginning July 12 for the execution of former l'ollcu Lieuten ant Charles Decker, convicted of the murder of Hormnn Rosenthal, the New York gambler. E IKKDKRAL INDUSTRIAL HULA- TIOXS COMMISSION Fl.NlSliFS Will .Meet at Chlmim First of June lo 1'ieparo Their Report To Congress (Dr AmocUIH Prrit lo Coot Bar Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, May 20. The. Federal Industrial Relations Commission, following the comple tion of Its Inquiry Into tho Colorado coal strike, today examined several witnesses regarding tho labor con ditions at Porto Rico. Today's In vestigation marks tho Commission's flnul general hearings which havo continued for more than a year. Tho Commission will prepare a re pert to Congress at a meeting In Chicago about Juno I. NOT A CIIAXCK OF SALVING TIII4 CLAHKMONT IS YKRDICT Captain Curtis and Captain Denton .Make Ime.stigatliui of Conditions At Wreck CHANOFS POSITION" ' Tho first officers of tho F. A. Klllbum arriving today stated that the hull of tho Clnromont had washed around to right angles of her fo'iner position and Is I !: ' !: , now heading duo north. Tho entire stem and after houses aro washed away, llo said on- ly tho wnlst nnd the forepenk of tho vessel now remain and tho machinery lias dropped through tho hull and cannot ho seen. The nilzzeu mast Is 4 suid to havo washed In over tho bar Inst night. 4 "Not n hope of salving tho Clnromont," said Captain Curtis, to the beach. Ho went In company with Captain S. llenson, of tho Claro- inniit. Today Captain Curtis left on the Kllhurii for tho south, carrying with him the disheartening news t tin t tho hteaiu schooner Is a totnl lots. Nothing has been done by Captain Curtis rogardlng thu heuohromhlng nml thu hoarding of tho craft on the north Jotty. The cargo of oil was not Insured, henco Is not under tho Jurisdiction of tho Marino Under writers. This phase, said thu cap tain, will bo taken up directly with tho oil men. Fred Larson was given complete control of the wreckage and will act nccordlugly. llo Eays ho has prao tlcally the milium of all those who secured drums and equipment from the wrecked Cluroinont. F.xamlnatlou of thu wieck wns mado by means of u small boat that took the men us close as thu bur would permit. Word from tho lower hay Is to the offect Hint the beachcombers aro not to be deterred In their work and aro 'continuing operations, confident that ! rnr-'ltinv nra iM-tliiu within tho law. they are acting within tho law. ('barlow Ciimhors, of tho Standard Oil Company, this afternoon said that I an effort will bo mado to settlo with all thoso who secured oil couslgnod 'to his lompany on tho basis of u lift ! per cent, commission. ' Ho has gotten truck of most of the drums, Ho says, nnd is seeing the men wno nroiigui mom asnuru us rapidly as possible. WHALING PROKITADLi: Br AiaoUt4 Proa to Cooc D7 Tlmat.) CHRISTANIA, May 20. Tho Nor- r.onmi.i The boats hao broiieht home 31 onu barrels of whalo oil1 , allied at mo-e than ?0 ooo ooo in DO ROPEISABAIOEO xmt& EVENING EDITION. Night Attacks on New Position Recently Gained Easily Re pulsed, It is Reported HADYMNTTS taken Captured From the Russians and Crossing Over the River San Also Seized CLAIM OTHER SUCCESSES Troops of the Teutons 011 tlio South lluo Reached District KaM of ln'-.ak and Many Prisoners are- Taken , Illy A..n Ltdl l'rr. to C( ny Tlmr.. RHRLIN, May 20. An official statement today says: "In tho west ern theatre of war a night advance by tho enemy against our nowly ac quired position west of Ilellewnrd forest was easily repulsed. Tho num her of ninehluu guns now taken from tho Ilrltlsh was Increased by ten. Near (Itvenchy the colored Ilrltlsh troops captured the projecting part of our outermost trench. Further South all French attacks wero re pulsed. In tho Knstcru theatre weak night attacks wero repulsed. In thu south eastern theatre the attack by tho army under Von Mnckeiii.eu Is mak ing progress. The vllllngo of Swlnto, southeast of KadyniD, vnn taken af ter flerco fighting. Tho crossing ov er thu San was captured. Further south, our troops reached thu ills tlct of Fast of Lasxak. Thu booty In prisoners and war material was In creased. ATTACK A Sl'CCICSS (Ur AmocI.IcJ I'rwi to Cooa ll7 Tlni'a. LONDON, May 20. Ruports re ceived Indicate that thu now attack of Von Mnckeuzen North of Przem- I ysl Is reported to be attended by n I conspicuous success. In tho west tho I Ilrltlsh havo been compelled to glvo I ground In Delglum to tho Hermans, I who oiico more are pressing for I ward strongly toward Ypros, Paris I claims Hint thu French offset this flcniiiiii victory, by an ndvanru far ther south In northern France near! Aras. Merlin, however, denies Hint the French iiiado any material prog-i ress. Kl'XKRAL OP" THK.ATIHCAL MAX AOKH HKLD IX XKW YORK Special Services In .Memory of Him Are Held In Several Dif ferent Cities (117 A.VMl.taa1 1'rtM lo Cow Uay Tlmn.J NHW YORK. .May 20. Tho fu neral of Charles Frohinuii, theatrical manager ami producer, one of thu fl..ll.llU ..r II... I tiul..,.ll. .llut.ut..H was held hero today, Services I ill memory of Frohiuiin woro also nr rangod by Hilly Ilurko In Turnma, Maudo Adding In Los Angeles, John Drew In Hun Francisco nnd Julia Sanderson In Providence. PHOIIIDIT SPIRITS Klcueli Take Action Iti'garillu Hut I'm) of Liquor. I (117 AmocUiwI I'rua to Cooa 11.7 TlmM.) IIAVltK, May 20. 'A commission, consisting of officials, phyMluluus, Majors and County Councillors, rep resenting ull tho departments (f Ni.rmiimly, liiuludlng Havre and Rouen, bus presented u ropoit on tho cousumptloii of alcohol, locoin mumllng thu total prohibition dur ing tho war of nil alcoholics o.vcpt light wlnos. beer and elder. Tho permanent abolition of the salu of "" "I'" '.l. '"""" '""" '"'. ' "'" '. " i ' and similar food sources is ured. Irises I'our Klngers. S. CurUon. an employe of thu C. A. Smith mill, met with a hud accident today, llo uaiiKht his huiid so that it was pinch ed between u slub nnd a timber and the four flngors of his right bund w(iro (.llt ofr Bt tho (iQmii joint. No Word Today Col. Grimes did not receive any additional news toduy concerning tho condition of Horsey Kruitzer and consequently feels that development have been for tho hot ter. Thayer Grimes, who was In New ere for Chicago rimes is to be married a New Yur ar'"n lifter June flrt I MS B K M FROlflrJ OD A Consolidation of Times, Const nnil Chon Hny Advertiser. iTinni Russians occupy town ok in asiatic tukkf.v VAN Turks Weir Do-elglng tlio People Hut Retreated When the Soldiers Arrived (Ur AMOclttal Prrat lo Co rtar Tlmr.) TIFLIS. Trans Caucasus, May 2G. A dotaehment of Husslnn soldiers bus occupied tho town of Van In Asiatic Turkey, thus bringing rollef to tho Armenians who have been be-1 selgcd there by tho Turks. Upon the j advent of the Russians, tlio 'Pinks I retreated In the direction of Illtlls. MRS. STl'YVI YORK, ISA NT FISH OK XKW PASSI.S AWAY Was at Her Summer Homo at (ar- rlson, New Yolk, When (he Knit Caiuo trij AmocUKhI I'rca lo Cooa 1!7 Tlmr. HARRISON, N. Y May 20. Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, leader of New Yolk's social set, died last night of cerebral hemorrhage nt her sum mer homo hero, aged sixty years. APPROVED 8Y PLAN KOH XKW CADIXKT KXCLAXD IS COMPLKTF. IN Arthur J. Dalfoiir Will ho KlrM Lord of Admiralty, Succeeding Winston Chiinlilll LONDON, May 20. Approval of King tleorgu has made the coalition of thu government, as announced this morning, nn accomplished fact, nnd It Ih generally accepted us the best solution of n had muddle. Nev ertheless tho country shows no great enthusiasm over this compromise for thu usual party cabinet. It Is believed that Arthur J. llalfour, whu succeeds Churchill as First Lord of tho Admiralty, Is wull stilled to the position. t JO START RAILROAD ORDKH I'OR TII.N MILKS OK RAI KOH ALASKA (JIVKX I.S Dlds Will he Opened June III nnd Large Amount of Supplies Will hit llought. 117 Aa.orl.ta4 rrraa 10 Cooa liar TlmM.) SKATTLU, May 20. The Alaska Kiiglueurlng Commission bus culled on Its purchasing ligeul huie to buy rails u nil other material sufficient for ten miles of track. Did will be opened Juno 10, A largo quantity of commissary supplies weru alsq asked for. POLICY THK SA.MK Pivsldeiit Will Xot Cluiugo I Iteguiilliig lint MiixlciuiN 'ollcy 1 1 X Aaaoi Ulal 17 lit !' liar TIhim I WAHlllNHTON, I). C, May 20. Presldunl Wilson does not contem plate any chifngo In his Mexican pol icy as u res ut of tho report by Du val West, his special commissioner. The Piosldeiit told callers that West Kail not suggested an embargo on exports of war munitions Into Mex ico. West Is understood to have pointed out that nono of tho Mex lean factions seemed to havo the ele ments reqiil.lt to dominate tho coun try ami bring peacw. WIKKLKSS LIMITKD Sialic CoiulllloiM Inlerfeio Vllli Con nections with (loriim'uy Ur Aa.ocltt4 Hra to C014 lltr Tlinta.) WASHINOTON, D. ('., May 20. Uucuusorud coiiiiiiiiulcatlnus betweeu (lerniany and tho United Slates wero limited us i result of wireless com munications between thu countries being suverely handicapped by stat jc conditions prevailing In tho North 0 ST DIES u"um: ui nils I iiu hi uiu jwir. The condition will continue u til about July 1. Most dispatches mutt pass through London us Hut wireless (ommuiilcutlou with Germany li seriously Interfered with. PMocales Arm. Wlllard Hunt, tho young sou of W. J. Rust of Mill Ington, fell out of a true yusturduy und dislocated his arm. He wus brought to town last evening by Mrs. Fluelht Dludlngur and Dr. MIiikus reduced tho Injury. Get your Job printing done ut The Time office. Have )i.ni' Idler heads printed at The Time office. Times want ml", brlii" remits. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coo. Hay Times Is. A South est OreKon pnper for Southwest Oregon people mid (lovoled to tho best Interests of this great section , Tho Times nlways boosts and norcr knocks. Mull No. 262 Official Report States That Army is Pushing Ahead in the Interior of Austria EWEMY iTRETIRING Burning Bridges as They Re treat Before the Oncoming Forces of Italian Army MAKE ARTILLERY ATTACK Austrlaiis Attempt a Itomhnrdn.cnt of Italian Port at .MInKHiui Day hut Without Any Result, Ac- cording to Official Statement KINt. OF (iltl.l.CI. CRITICALLY ILL Illjr Awkx Ulo.1 I'rraa to Cnoa liar Tlmn J LONDON, .May 20.- Tho ; 4 King Constnu- e continues crlt- leal, urcorcllnir to a dlsnntch today from Athens. 40 4 llr Aa.otlatuJ 1'1T. U Cooa ll7 Tlmr. RO.MK, Mny 20 An official state ment sayst "Kvcrywlioro on Mny 24 our troops took tho offensive," oc cupying Forculln, Moutozzo, Tonnlo, and Pontecnffaro In Vnlgluillcnrla. We also occupied the villages north of I.esslul and In tho Aguo and Loo gang Valleys and at tho defiles of Vnl Ilrentu we took n number of prisoners. "In Cadoru wo occupied all tho frontier doflles. The enemy began an artillery attack on Mlsltrlna Day without result. Wo took by a bay- 'omit attack tho dufllo of Vnl d'ln forno. Yesterday wo successfully continued tho offensive In tho (son zo region. Tho onoiny everywhere Is retiring nnd burning tho bridges." KKPOHTS FROM ROMK (117 AtiorlataJ I'ini lo Cooa n.7 11me..J LONDON, Mny 20. Rome reports that the Italian Invasion Of Austria has been extended over almost tho whole of Hit Austrd-Hallau frontier. It. says Hint tho Italians have seized 11 number of towns near tho bnrdur ami forced their wily through thu mountain defiles, orctipyhlg strat egic positions. Thoro apparently hat. been little heavy fighting thus far. DKCLAIti: DLOCICADI! " 1 117 At.orlta4 rr la Too liar Tim.) PARIS, May 20. The Italian gov ernment tod-iy declared a blockade of all ports on thu Austro-lluiigarlaii couats. WOMKX WOULD KH1HT. Kiev They Want to Form Volunteer Legion, At 11 llr AtaucMtI Prwa lo Coo. liar Tloira KII-JV, May 20. A deputation fat women who wish to form u volun teer legion to servo as regular sol diers In tho campaign on this rro.it has turlvod In this city from Ho mel with u petition which they havo presented to tho huiid of I'm Kiev military district. These women stnto that they aro ready to assume nil Military duties except actual engage moot In battle, and lire partlc ilarly desirous of being employe. I or pu ll ol son Ice. They have designed it uniform similar to that wo-n by tho regular army, but distinguished from lit by leather coats unit tr'-'ornerod huts. Thuy hope to curry rogulur luluiitry arms. OF.HMANS GOOD Gl'NXKHS 117 Auottitifcl rrria to Cooa IU7 Tim.) LONDON, Muy 20. -"Tho Ger mans nro wonderful gunners und to talk of our huMng their artillery In band Is sheer nonsense," Is the opln Ion of Captain Hurniird Sharp, of thu Yorkshire territorials In a loi ter to his family at Hull. Thu Ilrlt lsh official eye witness stated only a few weeks boforo tho battle of Ypres Hint the ulllos hud eslabllidiod a. superiority In this lespect jver tho enemy. Thu situation, says Captain Sharp, demands moro gnus und un limited shell. Fight With Iv nire. It Is said thoro was a fight nt Denver Hilt yostorduy iu which it man namod Lloyd wus stabbed by William limner and bare ly escaped death, thu knife being do (twted from the liaurt by striking a rib. l-loyd came down on tho noou tiuln. No arrests have been made. Times wtuil mis briiiR roBiRt,!, W TAKING IDE OFFENSIVE 1