fH533wawitWiw''''! Zx THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR FI (AIDER SHOP!TEAGHER WINS SUIT HAIL UYIMC SDDM RAID A CIGAR STORE SJfoi'r.nmti.vn hoaiuis axi saw jrsr ror.vn ix timk miss snu:r, oirrs .u'iio.mkxt ! aoaixst school iuai:i HTi:i:r. to kxtkxd to MAri.K- TOX IX AIIOl'T TllltKK AVKKKS iiosKiiuita offickks skizk nor vui op wiiiskhv porxn tlonoiilli l-'loor of Kom-lcr Market Blno .Millie Miely Tlmo Ju Sand wich Wilson Ciivo Is llmil KiiiIiI (Jets JjKlTt.ii." mill Cost., tin Amount Asked for Case Sets I'ici-edeiit A verdict for tlio plaintiff, award- tfltnf rtilrrli tmvn ltnnn n Hinef OAl. i iotis fire mid a Maze Mint would have , Imk Miss Caroline Slbcl ?.l i.-i reduct'd a rooi portion of Front damages and attorney h fees, tie street was detected Just before dos- amount asked for, was returned by lng tlmo In tlio Fourier Market on tlio Jury last night at 9:15 In her North Front strct last evening. Fire case against tlio North Bond School was found smouldering In sawdust Hoard for nn alleged wrongful dls and boards underneath (he building, missal. The caso was bard fought Oordou Smith and Oscar Gulovscn re- and consumed the wholo day and nponded with a small chemical tank , continued Into the night, and put out tho fire. Shortly before It Is believed Hint the verdict es 12 o'clock last night fire blazed up tabllshes a now rule In this cotin In tho little sandwich wagon In f-( nt ty, the one that n school board ' of the Nutwood saloon. The owner) cannot Indirectly dismiss n teacher.1 put out the blaze with his coat. I .Miss Slbcl was formerly a teach-' How the fire stnrted In the butcher or In the seventh grado nt North shop Is a mystery. Through Mio nf- liend. Kvldcnro showed thnt Super- ternoon tho men smellcd smoi'e but intendcnt Itnab, on Instructions from could not trace It. It was onlv be- the board, sent tier a lettor Ininic fore they closed up that tho source dlatelv before the Chrlstuma was discovered. Mm. nsklnir her to resign. The Such U Statement of lOiigliieei' Koii tnliio After Trip Over Wil lamette Pacific lilne The Kugenp Guard has the fol lowing to say regarding the rail road work: I The Willamette Pacific rails will be pushed from Mnplcton, at the head of tidewater, to Acme, on tho ! lower Siuslaw, within three or four i weeks, according to tho announce ment of W. It. Fontaine, nsslstant I engineer on the Willamette Pacific 'crmtructlon who has returned from an Inspection trip over tho line. Tho , la"' piece of grading that nt 'ho , rod' quarry where rlght-of-wry was idi'Iryed, is nearly completed. Tlio I ballasting operations will fol'ow 1m-I mediately, and track will bo ru.iluil i in every possible extent to tho fil-1 I tiF aw bridge, already under con- to i t!t rnnf Intl vaca- ;, .' ... J IIU IHJ I1IK of steel north from Oscar Oulovsen found a hole 0lnt at Issue later hinged about the i"0B ."" w .. "q? LVW'V.V" "vol. through which he rould crawl. ea-- fac, n8 to whether or not tho tench- "A un8, ," " "'pn-cui oi ing Gordon Smith back nnderneath i "s disci nrg was scheduled to leave Port- the dock, and in that way hauled cut CJ, nl 0 luion It was state ' I '' I on tho Breakwater this week.; tho smoldering boards and sawdust. t i1D , ,7 ret r. to he I T,lt steel will extend north from Gasoline had been upset. !t i cnBgcs after th" vaca Ion Btr Coos Bay to Lakeside within I wo mta. when Alex Held bumpr,i the! ' t To ?enber of 'the School Hoard ntoi.tlw, according to Mr. Fontaine. . tr.. -1 4 o.m. nti. Mfd nu wiiv umun n u ui uir uu- Itlrllll V. "H an auto and It v.ns part of tho wreck nge that took fire last night. Tho firemen come over and threw n can of gasoline into the street and the blaze was stopped with n Instlly applied coat. DROVE MACHINE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR Henry Windsor and C. K. Maybee, secretary, were called In as witnesses for defense and for the plaintiff Miss Slbcl and Mrs. Herbert Armstrong. Attorneys Derbyshire and Maybeo appeared for tho defenso and J. T. Hrand for tho plaintiff In tho case. Alev Held Pleads Giilllv and On His Promises to llehave. Pino Is Sus. IH'iided by Judge Alex Held, driver of tho Marsh-1 field Ilakcry onto delivery, pleaded i guilty In tho pollco court this morn-i Ing to driving n machine yesterday , whllo Intoxicated. Sentence was bus- i pended during good behaviour, byi Judgo Duller. Witnesses testified that Itcld yes. terny bumped his car Into tho sand wich wagon on Front street. This Held promises to pay for. It was al so stated that ho had worked for tho samo company for tho past two years nml this was tho first tlmo ho had been drunk, ALL MAY 0EP05IT 10 YKAHS OP AOH LIMIT POSTAL SAVINGS HANKS Also Discover CJlnm anil (Malm Have Kvldenco About Alleged "Blind Pigs." (Special to The Times.) ItOSBIHTItn, Ore. May 2T,. Swooping down on tho Douglas Cigar storo. at tho corner of Hose nnd Cnss streets, owned nnd operated by Robert Cntlln, Sheriff Qtilno and Deputy Sheriff Fred Stownrt confiscated n quart bottle, partly fill ed with whiskey. As the officers entered the front door of tho resort there was consid erable confusion and they mndo their way Into tho back room of the es tablishment unnoticed. In a small room, partitioned off from the re mainder of tho store, by n screen, the officers found a barrel, on which rest od a whiskey glass. liehlnd tho bar rel they discovered the bottle of whls ki'.v which was confiscated. Shorlff Quino says the glass was stained with boozo and showed evi dence of being used shortly prior to tho tlmo tho officers mode tho raid. Tho bottle of whiskey which the officers confiscated is now in tho hands of tho Bhorlff. Sheriff Quino said ho had not do- plflmf wfinilint tin ttmiti1 nn imn n ti'ni- Lwoon the SltiHlaw mul Lnkj Tnilt- n i,rt i...t rMH nn.. . . ,7 . ", 7, i - iw uu inniiuu iui luiuu uiii'tu. the ! co "u n" iresuo wont on mo line a local railroad employe, who was i inn vi j vunifiivu jj iiu iiiav mi 1 August. Everything will ho ready I for the track between tho Siuslaw ' bridge and tho Isthmus, says Mr. Fontaine, by the tlmo the Siusluw bridge is finished. The heavy construction on this structure has already commenced. Pile driving is underway, and tho brldgo will bo ready for tho steel work nnd the parts now In tho Eugene yards soon after tho ar rival of tho steel rails from Maplo ton. 1 Names of Depositors Never Made Public. AVlfey Kinds New Way To Host Prying Hubby MEET 15 ION OFF Postal savings accounts hereafter may bo opened with any postal sav ings bank by persons 10 years of age or over, according to word received hero by Hugh McLaln, postmaster. HA IN GOD WKKPS TOO MUCH OX TRACK FOIt ATIIMJTKS These instructions havo Just been Is- Hold said that ho was sick and for .sued by tho Postmaster General. Tho tnat reason tooic a couplo of drinks, now juiigo miner sain mat to urivo ii ,h0.,.i. Was Set for Wednesday Later Date Not Possible for Homo Schools Aio Xow Finishing Ywir "Gyned" are tho five hlch schools of tho county In their Coos County I machlno in that condition was much moro icnous than to appear on the master law allows persons in country t.-uck meet set for Wednesday, nd 'h. n?r.? IVU m cts to mako deposits, tho post- tho Rain God that sits nnd -weeps "I -..Jhn, i VL ir' being authorized to forward on high is the causo. "A sen of " " , .","(1. ,' "sst; street staggorlng. Held would not do It any moro. said 1 OL HISTORY CUT THROUGH SKVK.V I, OP I'LAXKIXG OX PIIOXT III! i. n a... ....... i u tlio money to regular postal savings muu uazooits: it cant bo did!" ox i)nn(8 claimed tho athletes when thoy vlow- ! u ,1 i r....i ... .,.-, .... i.. c' t'10 trncl yesterday afternoon and , ... .n ,u ,,....,lv uul Lut ,,ul urn; it,0 mcet Wll8 c,,ne(1 off( 'may persons 10 years of ago and ov- The abandonment of tho Idcn of .er open hank accounts but women, I the big meet Is n disappointment to I whose Husbands havo prying natures, 'an tno scnoois. Wednesday hnd bogn Hint- lllnlfn ilnimcll. I.. 1T.,1.. 0... tllO (lntO SCt fOT tllO 111 CO till IT lld'O. i ' "" w' ihm ""',. (h . ... .. . .umiiiur uossor uecamo siisplcloui ,XYI,Ils posta hanks nnd to no one will bo ! CvUm. Mnrah lold wna tho w , . I "'' ",l, ,l 8,lccessfl" " ' ...... rnvnnlnil Hm iinitin nn 41. n ........... I ... .. . .. . Crtv. .......u .u ,., u, iu iimuimi. i lor mm m0 youms uniior uoicn seen coming out of Mr. Catlln's re sort a few minutes beforo the offi cers entered, Is said to have given tho sheriff somo valuable information rognrdlng tho manner In which tho Douglas Cigar storo is conducted. GRANTS PASS BANK . ROBBER HAS ESCAPED Was in Jnll In California, but Man-1 aged to Hreak Out and Pleo (Speclnl to The Times.) ' GRANTS PASS, Or., May an. i The thief who robbed the Hoguo' Hlver Hank five weeks ago was nr-1 rested In California, hut sawed his I way out of Jail, according to Infor-1 motion given to Chief of Pollco Hltt-I son by a Pinkerton detective who passed through Med ford this ok for Portland. Tho suspect was 'lold I awaiting tho nrrlvol of the sleuth, but when ho arrived tho bird hid flown. Tho knowledgo tho pollco hac of from the slepa ' passenger, nnd here , wns not much tlmo for exnln'i.itnr.- details cxceiit Hint a man arrested for vagrancy becamo talkative to a ccllmnto nnd boasted of his deed at Hoguo Itlver. Tho cellmate toU the Sheriff who nqtlfled the Phkerfon agency. Meanwhllo the dosnerado t who throw ammonia In the face of cashier Hossor becamo hiisdIcIoub What the Corsetiere said- An expert corsetiere In n metropolitan rity wns heard only recently to say "If half tho wonirn 'ould soo the ugly lines their corsets give them, more women would bo moro particular about securing correct corsets." It might bo added, it moro women know tho beautiful lines American Lady Rortfo'.s give, there would bo even mo'o women wearing this superior ninkj of corset. There nro American Lady Corsets, both back and front lac?, for nil llg urc. no matter what the hIu or pro portion: American Lndy Corset! for all occasions; American Lady Cor sets for nil purses. American Lady Corsets nro mndo of tho best mnterlals In tho American Lady way, by tho most skilled and careful labor. Kvory Aiuerloen Lndy Corset keeps Its shape, roiluls wear, stays new, never any undue stretch ing or loss of shape, oven after hard wear. American Lady Corsets 'or tho sea son are unusually smart, catering to every feature of fashion, affording uu ideal foundation for the authen tic modes. Let our eorsotlero RTiow you "your" American Lndy Corset model, isn't It worth your whllo to ask to aeo It? American Lady Corsets $J to $5 HUB DRY GOODS CO. WOOD! Klndii Alder "SWWd. fell TTOtnl ,. "il I-.. ' S Int. su utiles h .m 1 wi 1 "one ?5? t l' J- BCAIJ-e re Iw.. kk.1 ii. . - . it ...i .&i 5 Xorw s-- K i. (nwshfield ! SMAItT AYKAH FOIt WOMUN rOHXKIt HHOADWAY AND CKNTUAL AVK. Phono ,101 DFfns,?1 EsUmii M mnu . L.. . BU - W Assets $2,340 Local Treasurer CITVAlrnV. Mdv,:. Held ' For ouriD, , Chand!., i,rr Ne- Can . .. ..V ;: Foit T,,.;''""n. Workmen Installing Lljdit 1'olp Hrlng! a 80Vero check at tho post office win To I.iulif Kmlv IIU(,... ,.r lUUW " ' " " In other words, hubby would rccclvo Nlles believed that again this year tney could hnvo annexed a ponuant. City's Waterfront Llko tho strata of -varying types Tho government guarantees tho re payment of all depositors on demand with accrued Interest. Tho nostnl of rocks thnt donoto tho passage of Bftvl"Bs ,inVo 8how n enormous In- tho ages nro tho layers of Front I ' l Iew moaina am treet planking that wero dug uow n,Un nro expected to swell all through by workmen installing a newi formor filTCS- nlnPIWi Hilif unln c.... i....- I .-...w ..0..v iw.u, aoitii in; vi o were lilorccd to tho ballast "of tho world below. Old residents distinctly remember tho tlmo before any of tho paving was laid on Front street. Ships then from all over the coast and tho world Jllndo fust nlnm- ilin unii.rn..i ... n ,,,u ....tvi ttuiii. iiuti throw out their ballast beforo going P tho hay to load with coal nndi lumber. Front Blrcot was slowly built up! jii mis way ii ores at nirnnni crty. During tho last week several rob beries hnvo occurred in San Frtm- cieco, whoreliv ammonia wua used it Is possible that a contest may .J"" ",,! '" W ", , ' ".i . . ' bo staged later between North Ucnd ft.81 "r J 'c"m' tho tlniR !. nnd Marshfleld. A later county moot '" ."10,r," of I?,cUv", ,n"' ., ,ess ,,a"; and Mnrshfleld. A Inter county would be Impossible, it is pointed out, because somo of tho Vulloy schools nro already closing. jQATE SIGNIFICANT JUNK ill) ANNIVKHSAHV OP NKWS PAPKH IlKPOHTING BASEBALL SCO RES HAIN ('OXTI.NTKS KASTIJHN SCI TO DISItUPT i:nuLi;s Ml Years Sluco .lohu Caiupliell Tidd in nosion raper or Hanging or Sl Pirates I Tho thlrtloth day of next mouth marks tho two hundred and eleventh nnd nelKliborlnir Mlinnm n ,... r ' aunorsary or tlio Introduction of tlil.rorfcrmn.i m .. ' I ""Wwi' reporting Into tho Amerl- this rock enmo planking, marking tho can colonies. removal of tho scries of 11111,1 ihhfl On June . "10. 1701. John Cnmnboit. tho rlen es nt times stalled teams and btiKKlcs oii,S!1,,or "f tno l,"tn News-Letter, tin tho main street , fli'tt succeHsful newspaper In Americi v .11 . . .. I covered tho execution of six pirate; Not nil parts of tho Mreot wero 1 on tho Charles Hlver. juaiiKeu at tno samo time. Tho sov- ll,ls wus tltu Hrst effort nt ro- n layers of plunking revealed nro I ii0rl,!,K ,u..,h,l untry. In writing under tho sidewalk In front of tho' "t ,'"!7' Mp- C'"'U)boll explains that W A Held offi,.' iU m8 "' "r"1' aH co,,,,, ,,n ,nljcn In "' ' "c,tI ointc- writing In tho great crowd." ., I b It costs one cent a word C to tell your story eat h day In ii t Tno T,l,lt'8 wn"t columns notici: TO TDK Pl'llMC To Whom It .May Concern: My wife having left me. 1 uni not responsible for any bills nho may '' FIUNK GltNr, Kims Pray for (SimhI Weatlicr Coast League Teams Spend Mouday Cliangiiig to New Fields (nr AikUI4 rrni to Coo D7 TIium. NKW YORK, May 25. Rain has practically disrupted the schedules of tho Knstcrn teams nnd tho fans are praying now for good wenther. Tho scores of yesterday follow: American lA'iiguo At Cleveland Philadelphia, 5; Cleveland, 1. At Chicago Now York, A; Chi cago, r. At Detroit Washington, 0; De troit, I. At St. Louis Boston, 3; St. Louis, I. National League. Plttsburg-Now York Rain. St. Louls-Hrooklyn Rain. Clnclnnatl-Phlladolpliln Post poned on account of wet grounds. At Iloston Chicago, 9; lloston, 1. gerous than tho old stylo way nf hitting him over tho head with n lead plpo or pumping lead Into his anatomy. HANKS CONSOLIDATE COMICS UP THIS TIC11M f -Tho with Now is the time to win Red Cross Free Trips to the Exposition The work done now by the candidates and their friends will brmn greater results than the same effort before jS'fs S 9IVen n monthly accounts 'aid STANDING OF CONTESTANTS FOR WEEK ENDING MAT 10, iaib. (Special to Tho Times) , ROSICHURG. Or., May LTi. trlal of Roy Far nu in chorced tho murdor of Kdna Morgan, nnd who , is now in tho penitentiary, will come up at tho May term of tho Douglas county circuit clurt it Is stated hero It Is understood that tlio caso will ' bo heard by Judgo Sklpworth of Lano county who for tho term will ox chaugo benches with Judgo Hamilton of Roseburg. Two Inktltutlons at JCugene, Join Un der Same Roof (Sncclnl to The Times.) EUGENIC. Oro., Mny 2r. Tho Uni ted States National Hank and tho IC11 geno Ixjan nnd Savings bnnk havo boon consolidated. Tho combined surplus of tho Joint Institutions Is $325,000 nnd tho combined assots Is $1,500,000. Tho now plan takes ef fect Juno 1. Thoy will transact busi ness under tho samo roof but will re tain tholr sonnrato names nnd Ronnr- nto business. Ono will do a genernl I commercial business whllo tho other I will confine its operations to tho sav ings ami trust urniicnes. SLAYER OF MAN TAKES OWN LIFE I Walter Jay Who Shot mid Killed Ira ' Drown Commits Suicide. Rcforo Capture (Special to Tho Times) EUGENIC. Oregon, Mnv 25 Four hours after ho shot and killed Ira Brown on Lako Creek, Waltor Jay stopped his flight Into tho moun tains nnd put a bullet through his own head. Ho was found by Deputy Sheriff Jackson, deputized by Dep uty Shorlff II. H. Earlo, in a desert ed cabin. Jackson hnd followed him for thrco miles through tho woods by his footprints. Ills sulcldo eliminated what might havo been a long and difficult search of tho escaped murderer, for Jnv was acquainted with every trail and The 42-Centimeter Light Mazda "C" Type The nitrogen-filled Mazda lamps are the modern il luminating sensation. Greater light for less current than ever before achieved by incandescents. Remarkable advertising value cither outdoors or inside business establishments. Marked economy for light users. Telephone 178. OREGON POWER. CO. "oraaiom a. freight im bJ IteMcVnr. ft.... ... 1 Miko.e.MH' ;;,:.:: " ri Kn J. N- BAYLISS AT kind oiWtltri,, prlC'l that ... .i. And all ork pi-tin 1 m ni "ice Flrrtb, eon nid? im ..,. I I-rcnch raajei. BoHet r4 J I'bont 4 1 it 1 wftMMM)t iMtll,,, 111!.' unit .. "" "r-"J warn i ' rtid question IisoLiImi honor you foi jotiHti ilut does rout Torktaii you! Your cccK.i k M i only to create tnttlri yourself, but to citiaii which i profit ehjIh sides yourself, i COOS BAY STELMUtBBl Itiono i'-J. I HIH 4. 1 HAVE THAT ROOFAB. NOW See CORTHEU Phone 3171, 1915 MIDSUMMER E MEET IT I DC MKfiTLE POIM Kdna Ilnwlunnii . .. l-'rloda llolini's ..., Adolaldo Cliirko . . , Mrs. II . llrinkloy Vivian CrnlB JlnlicI KIiik .Mrs. J. iirown . . . Udwnrd Dolt Myrtle Ismu'son . . Mrs, Abblo Ilralnard ltayinond Uorroo . . Mao lllnUo Howard Kelly J-.illtn Clorinnusoii 1 0D.57f mih. 11, i. iiarBiut I2!2,tt0 May Oaliu's 10C.02R Hiuel Cowan ISO. too Ksther Holmes 10 1.. 'too llortlia Smith J 17.0-,-, Maudo SSJiniucriuan I."ii,7ti ft s, 1 nr. L'oi.or.r. CS.7I5 -'OS, 1 7.1 :too,ooo 1 ft. 7 c.s .'177. UtO 237,000 S7.7KS 00,710 207, -I0R ICI.ftlfi 55,700 City North Hend City City l'owers, Ore. . . . . City .,,,,., City 1 1 . , City . 1 , City 1 lllll pi 10 .,,, , f-ity I ity City , 1 . 1 , City .., 1, CJty 1 ,,. , ,. , City North Ucnd Mle my City (' ty City RED CROSS DRUC STORE PHONE 122 TO AMKND CIIAUTKIl 1 (Special to Tie Times.) VI'I'l'VI,' n.. ..1.,.. nr. mi.. idi Of 1- IIUPIlii will, i-1 rlnir Mm mnnili i " "aJ " tllO mountains Blirrniinil jui .iiiu.j. viic on inn er nmeniini'jn'.s " l,lu eeno 01 tno shooting and No, 1 nr ii i,. fi'Bi u l" "m,,,a, '-' 0I"rs in KuRona realized nfter the . 'f till- luriu.illt es i:cv necessary, 'n Rimntin m,o 11 . 1 order to carry on 3,:ellt,mvlnK,-k!f hn,t hIs, "Pturo would bo , l'li.j now plan it 8 argued will wo 7, c ' "'ess ho would voluntar- tinui mul fxr-oneo woilc under way. in getting strict (Jl-ri'S HKQIMSITIOX lly surrender. Tho shooting occured on tho Keck " "l 1'Uh -reeK, a short ills. 'No, (UiiLU 1 us cin nf f!i-i....i ,. Keek wns a sister of Mrs. Brown (Special to Tho Times.) IlOSKiii'iin. n m,... -. t... ,hv e,v. :,;. ,r.!- r? ,- "' oral ,uv ..'.'.' v "hviiii iiiiuv, wi.u is now in' " "" "llu siio went to luiiiuriiui, mis sent word t( Sheriff's office that ho has se irom mo liovemor of Callfoi Officlul I'l-OKiniii I'HIIMY, ,H'I.Y li.VI), U)i5 No. 1 Trot or juice, ono.Jinlf mile, two heats, each heat a race, 2:3G class, purse sioo No. 2 HunnliiK, ono half mile,' ',U!".S0 9H0.00 .no. ., Trot or paco, ono-halt mllo, best two in threo linn. freo for all, pmso jjjjo- ' i Novelty rnep. mm ...li ?30 for first to quarter post, HO for first to half-niilo post, $5C for first to threo quarter post, ?75 for first to mllo stako . oMotor Cycle, r. miio ?c54J.?. l8tl ?15 ,0 2nd.... 0 iPROFESSIOMAL DIRECTORY H. H. Harper ' i iiouHi: nuiM)i:it Goneral Repairing and Cabinet Making. ' rhono 349-J. j J. M. Wright i Phono 188-U BUILBIXO COWItACTOIt ! Kstimatcs furnlshod on request SOUTU 0003RIITSW! sKnncE L&u.uu trwa 1 leaTei .Marthfldd rrwj t ' 8 cm. LmtmM at 3:13 p. STEAMER IUOTW leaies Led of rim Wi'l n. ni. Unti Minl"l'j m. For charfcriptf'"! ROQERS Wa PmorittM II MERCHANTS C Popular place ! Rr.nH Mi Prices Reasoi. Cor. Commercial Dr. H. M. Shaw Kye, Km-, Noso 11 nil Throat. (JIjASSKS FITTKI) nit. M.vrriK 11. hiiaw. Diseases of W0111011 mul Clilldieii Offico Phono 330-J. Jtooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Block coos iur iw0.. Bl umii MAP W1UIII" SITPLT US" i 1 11 1 1 -IT- PiUPRFLL'S Wf wn""fj-. Proll W nuu -- Benjamin Ostlintl coxsuiri.vo i-:xgim-:i-:ii axi AltCIIITKCT Offices. 20C Irving Block. Phono lOII-I or 2C7-J. M'arshfield, Oregon. PM IT 21 Mr. and Mrs. nrown separated sov-Vo.'G--Tn;' '.' Sl ",l5 v w. iiutu, one-nnic to the 'homo of her sister on Lako Creek. race 0 , ' Caeh ,,eat ll " !.er..n reconciliation was effected. No I'-n.m..,.83' .A,Ur.S0'..' '" lionorliiB of requisition iMiiors for 1 ,esior"a- morning Mr. and Mrs. I mllo ,""'" ,"e-e,B" Trot or pace, ono mllo. heats, every heat n Jay. .... irtVu, pmso .NO. 9 Runnillir. nnn n.,.i terday niornlnir Mr nn.i ,.. 1 V A. Sehrlng. who will be brousht ' !rown went on ft "shins trip down! No s hack to Douglas County to answer tho "ver. They returned to the Keck I t h, SI"" -5!5?..JV -Mlss "0I" oo tlmo where the S ' hre Ulosser of Hoseburc.' AA KKiiiaxa (joods rliero they found one- Ill foollnp' l.o.l .li 1 1 . fi.iii.. Mi (()() IS , o ...... vAioivu oci ween tlio' .dniitu .n . '" The big problem in sellimr !l !?. M5n. f.or 80"' Bron ! ? n 1 (J Coos m . , oiiaiiHi'inn n . .. 1 . - j V.UUHIV nnrcr n..i.. koous is getting the customer ,$150 into the storo. C003 Bay Times nd3 will help you solvo this problem, 4 Mispected Jay of having some infi ' ' mny norsea uy, diiaa . r - --.-.- iiuimi No. 10- l"LMSD"n' ' t t -"... ho mauo a week ago J. M. Devers, district attorney. I Times want ads bring retulta. 0 a ' ;: 1200 Consolation race, for ses not flnlshln:? n good as second, pursd $75 11 Motocyclo raco. tor.' t, all horses No. H. G. Butler CIVH KXOIXMKK I Boom 30 Coke Dldg. Phono H5-J. nesldenco Phono 128-L. W. G. Chandler AltCIIITKCT Booms 301 and 302, Coke Building, Marshflold, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AltCIIITKCT I Marshflold, Oregon. ' I fnmmulaW TMbbSI' , ii j.hfleI(J.Nortl.W?h-H i.r. every t w"S W ,ioiap.ijJJP 1 ,i,.t. leaving t "' I thrw trips df. , oortfiT1". miMflAW IMDBWffi Perl Riley Ballinger ' PIANIST AXI TKACIIKB Resldonco Studio. 217 No. Third St. ... hA Ittf TiiErr oi;k " - undertaker wW WW I to 1st, fie to 2nd, purse... no Phono 3G8-Ii. 1 1