THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 24, 1915-E VENING EDITION. T FIVE l The "Duke" correct style i every I detail select materials "Natural Shape" lasts for comfort. Pay $5 for your next pair of shoesit's like making an investment in footwear. The initial outlay for a pair of Florsheims may be more than you have been paying for shoes but the returns will show a larger percentage in length of service, added comfort and individual style. You will be proud of your feet and well satisfied if you wear better shoes of the Florsheim kind. Woolen Mill Stores Marshfield" North Bend jo MIES Dunn Man Hero. O. L. Uisslter, representing tho 11. 0 Dunn and Co. Mcrcantilo Agency. Is In the cltv 'on business. This is the first time 'that Mr. Lassltcr has visited Coos . Day. may Tinns. For Auto I.lne. D. L. Footo Is Retting his cars In shape to Innugur nte the Coos Day-Allegany-Draln auto line service about .lune 10. A fast schedule between the two points I Time and Heights of tides at Marshfield. Tho tides are Placed In will be maintained order of occurrence, with their times I on the first lino and heights on tho J District, Attorney Home. District second lino of each day; n compnr-. Attorney L. A. LHJenvlst has return- Ison of consecutive heights will Ined to Coqulllo from San Francisco dlcato whether It Is high or low i where ho wbb called as witness In water. High tldo on the Uar ono, the Uarnnclo counterfeiting case. Ho hour and G4 minutes earlier than at Marshfield. At North Ucnd 34 minutes earlier than at Marshfield. 24Hrs.. 4.21 lO.Ot 4.00 10.21 Ft... 1.3 3.9 1.3 C.2 2iiHrs.. G.24 11.11 4.G5 11.08 Ft... 0.C 4.0 l.r G.5 2Cllrs.. C.20 12.10 11.53 Ft... 0.0 4.1 1.7 fi.S 27llrs.. 7.12 1.1G C.1C 0.0 Ft. 0.5 4.3 1.8 0.0 28Hr8. . 0.39 8.03 2.0!) 7.40 Ft... 6.1 0.0 4.3 1.9 2n!IIrs.. 1.27 8.53 3.02 S.3G Ft... C.2 1.2 4.3 2.0 30Hrs..2.1S 9.42 3.54 9.31 Ft. .. C.2 1.2 4.3 2.0 .tlflra. . 2.C6 10.32 ,4.4S 10.29" Ft. .. 5.9 0.9 4.3 2.0 camo In via the old Coos Day wngon road auto line. irshfield-Coquille Auto Stage RIO phnrimiry hfleld I. !0 10 (0 f. 10 !0 10 to J.cnvo Co(iilllo A.M. T:oo (:no 11:00 P.M. 1:00 ::()() tl:il0 7:!J0 BIlFIKhD-COQUIIiLK AUTO r.(i'K TIME SCHEDULE hIiiIo nrrnngod to connect Ibo.iti to DjiikIoii, Htugcs to l'olut, WnKnor, ltotchiirg. No delays. froni Mnrtihflflil to Coqulllc: 7." cents. agio & Ifliiil!tli, Props. SUB0CDtt3CCD0 JOO I. Uinn, Munnser mid I'rcniilciit 2SO KEARNY ST. BoU Sutler anil Ouh J- H.GRIFFITH Glasses That Please tite. ' "N TORIC LENS OUR BEST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated DOOM 10 Over Lnndo's. Drygoods Storo WEATHER FORECAST Or AmooU!4 Pma to Coo Br TlnM.) itEcoiro For tho 24 hours ending at ) 4:43 n. m., Mny 24, by DrtiJ ! Ostllnd, spockU government meteorologist: Maximum rtf Minimum 48 At 4:43 n. m 49 Precipitation CO Precipitation ilnca Soot. 1. ( 1914 CG.25 Precipitation wimo period last year 02.89 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. Yntcs Come Fust. Immediately after tho close of the Slbel-North Rend School Hoard case, which Is up today, thero will be heard In the Circuit Court the cases of Machado vetBUB tho Prosper Milling Com pany; Roebllng & Sons Company vb. tho Moore Lumber Company, and then Dyo versus Van Zlle. tho dredgo Seuttlo Is doing good work and has experienced no trou blo in "eating" Us way from Unndon p tho CoquiUo HIver Is tho state ment of Superintendent It. E. Mil ler. Thho dredgo is now about a mile up tho river from Unndon. It still has some 24 miles to dredge, though soino sections nt present are of the prescribed depth. Ho ex pects tho dredgo will bo thero for some tlmo yet. Moves to Itundon. Donald Chnr leson, engineer of tho Port of Coos Day and the Port of Unndon, Is mov ing to Ilandon that he may bo near tho dredge work now going on. Tho tug boat Klyhlam crossed In this! morning, expecting to tow down his furniture on a barge. It was first thought when tho Klyhlam camo she was a big tug from San Francisco for the purpose of pulling tho Clarc moiit off tho rocks. Hold Night Sewdoii. .lack Flana gan, John Kendall and W. A. Held wont down Saturday afternoon to sco tho wreck. They became Interested and paced the beach, waiting for tho ship to break up. The men failed To Dellvcp AiIiIivn. Tho senior to notice when the mosquito fleet class of the Coqulllo High school j ,cft nt night for tho upper bay and will hold their graduation exercises 1 8,l down found them pacing n lonely next Friday evening and C. I. Rcl- 8"oro where tho sad sea waves lap gard has been ehoson to deliver tho "etl nml ,o11' their stories to tho llt- addreBB of tho evening. He address- tl0 Pebbles. It was about ono o'clock cd tho senior class of thu Myrtle Point High school on last Friday ev ening nml Harry Dultman was also 4 lui'si-m uuu luiiuurcu u seicciiun. I !.... ... .1 iir.i. ! iii illinium, winter unyaou, I ...l. !... 1 ... 1.1 ...... .... "iiu nun uuen wonting Willi f.n Igluecr Donald Charleston on Coon 'lluy for the Port Commission while jthe dredgo Scattlo was In C003 Day ilmH gone to Ilandon where he will nsslst Mr. Chnrloston, who will net Ins engineer of the Port of Hnndnii 1 wlillo the Senttle Is working In tho CoqulUe nivcr. said Mr. Held this morning, when the Rambler camo down tho Day. Ho Immediately engaged passage, getting back to town, hungry, tired but con tented, nbout 2:30 0. in. Tno otlior two remained until last night. Wmsss& IF YOU ARE ECONOMICAL and want to get your money's worth in new, high grade merchandise, you will be a J. C. PENNEY boost en just because you can save at least a third on every purchase. THAT IS WORTH WHILE Slcnclicd Muslin, ,1(1 Inches wldo Have you won tlioio new sm-liiir Coats, In tho latest styles; no two alike. They nro worth doiiblo tho price. Oiip pileo $990. Ladles Skirts In tho latest pat terns and weaves. Oiip price: $2.98, $3.49, $3.98, $4.98 Wo luivo Just n few Mcssnlluo Sklrtd loft. Oiip prico only $1.49 Silk Skirts with tho Jersey top. Worth double, tho price, only $2.25 ladles' House Aprons, tho npptm that you pay elsewhere 7Jc fop. Oiip prico is only 49c Dutlng: tho Itest on tho mar ket. l'JLiiv. value. Our piho 8 1-3c 6 1 -4c, 7 1 -2c, 8 1 -3c 10c Unbleached Factories, nt only 3 1-2c, 4c, 5c, 7 1-2c, 8 1-3c Tiit-kUh Towels, dandy, pair 9c Men's Kelt Hats In tho latest stjlc. Our prices nro only 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49 Men's Night downs. At only 49c, 98c. Slen's two-ploro Undcpwcnr. OOc iUuo . Oiip prico Is only 39c Have on soon the Shirts that Ihoy say mo SWc value. Our price for those shirt is only 25c WE CAME TO BOOST AND NEVER TO KNOCK. LET'S BOOST TOGETHER. TtfHHHmrVrTF Tho Originators of low luices WiW1lfVMJ'l.J. We Lead, Others Follow before tho Supremo Court. It. E. MILLER, of tho dredgo Se attle, came over from Ilandon Saturday evening and spent Sun day nt home. He says work on ! i Droaks Crank Shaft. Captain Dunson, nccompnlnod by Mrs. W. A. Held and family and Mrs. C. A. SAN FRANCISCO Pictures & Framing Walker Studio I SAVE MONEY I hy ordering tho famous 1 HPMRYVII I P MAI ?u, we-piow, Motel, n .t COal, por ton $1.00 in the center of everything and on 5 i ., . h i l. ii in p cum, jior tun , ,?t.iu ur null iuu ui uuiu ?i.n) I). .MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 1H-.I op leavo oiders nt 11111)01-' Clgnp Storo. t BORN : Sclilbrede, struck heavy roadH in coming In his mnchlno from tho light house this morning and broko a crank shaft. Tho women and children came In on tho stage, h. J. Simpson sent out n team to tow tho machluo up tho hill and later It was towed Into town. OETTY To Mr. and Mrs. Mark dot ty at their homo In Fcrndnlo, n daughter, their firm Milld. Mothor and baby are doln., nicely. Mr8. Getty Is n daughter of L. J. Post Hoiuo Prom South. S. C. Itogors and wlfo havo returned from Mon- Irovla, California, whero they spont tho winter. Kn routo homo thoY afntlfirwt nt Dnti Tnninilann nn.l nLliU.I and the grandparents aro feeling tho' EX.)08ltIo,;. They camo n via tho old Coos Ilay Wagon road from Itosoburg, stages bolng used only through tho canyon and nutos being used at each end of tho road and tin trip bolng mado enBlly in ono day. highly elated. PIXXKLIy To Mr. and Mrs. H. Fln noll at tholr home In West Marsh flold, a son. Ciinnot Ilecover. Mrs. Krnnk II. Cnnicron Is still at Mercy Hospital critically III. It Is reported that thero Is practically no hope for her recovery. u GULLOGH tho Co(iilllo Is progressing very natlBfactorlly. A. H. 1H.ATCHKI.Y wan a visitor yestordny from the county soat. WILLIAM CANDLIN waB over today from Coqulllo calling an tho trade. J. W. COACH and wlfo camo ovor Saturday night from Ilandon. F. J. FBBNBV nnd wlfo woro visitors hero ovor Sunday from Ilandon. ERV1N SMITH, of Ash, was among tho visitors hero today. HENRY DIEUS was ovor today on business from North llcnd. W. C. MORCJAN of North Coos Rlvor Is a Marshfield visitor today. RONALD McOEOROE has roturnod from n business trip to Powors. i line io trie bxpontioa Uioundi. RATES main rrlvnteBsth LJiW ttnnl. tl cn to nn .!..i. 52.00 double 92 00, $2.50 double 8 WLL DEMONSTRATE Leases Itooni. M. Hermann, who was In North Ilend for n fow wooks last season ns nn agent for a made-to-order clothing concern, has leased tho O'Conncll storeroom on Front street, rocontly vacated by the Clau- Jsen shoo stock, for thirty days. Ho says that ho is opening a string of stores under tho nnme of "Mitchell" Ho camo hero from Eureka, whero I ho says ho has boiiio stores on Hum- Hi a! $JM CmiI. , IT ...... f...- ! ilrd anJ Town,n.l 51 Dnn, .L. .. m m 16. From Fny Ulo Suilfr A. cr, cr t a Ktmtox., wilkUlla block Kuith. Or a Universal" Bus dlct to Uotel D HeniBsainaaBMe For n short tlmo In Marshfield nnd i holdt Hay. vicinity a patented sowing mnchlno' weaver, tho most valuablo attach-j Dredge Dors mont over luvontod for a sowing ma-. 1 C'AH FOR HIRE Oilier Keplmit 4 chlno. Makes mondlng and darning Phono till) a Pleasure Does moro work In five '"Ionics than an hour by hand. Oood Work. That 3JB-M on't Pay Higher Prices for Any Non-Skid Tire! FISK Red Too iBicycle Tires S2.75, $3.10 1 FORD and BUICK Agency With FISK Service Non-Skid Tires With FISK Service lave the most effects Tread you can buy and are unexcelled in mileage returns BIG MILEAGE AND LOW PRICES: NOTE THESE LOW PRICES i Plain Tioad Non-Skid. bx3 $ 9.00 $ 9.45 0x3 1-2 JJ.60 J 2.20 2x3 -2 J 3.35 J 4.00 (4x3 J-2 J4.90 15.65 (4x4 J 9.40 20,35 M -2 2735 29 '.70 Hl Ton (1001) MIIch fluimiiitoed.) Tubes $n.35 J3.4Q 5.40 22.40 31.60 $2.35 2.70 2.-80 2.95 4.00 5.20 THE GUNNERY Fislr ni.rihutors Southwestern Oregon. RST A klMR harahp KIME & VON PEGERT, S. G. WHITSEFr, I. "" "- I n...:il .!. "orm Bend Agents. ouiiume Hycmo. Bandon Agent. I0RPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better EOT BE CHANG E OP PROG I TONIGHT NOBLE THEATER IT Ml Whero All tho Host Pictures HIioivIuk. ENTIRE E di OF P RO I H. C. DIKR8 of North Ilond was a Marshfield buslnoss visitor today. F, K. HAOUn nnd wife and Miss Hub soil aro spending tho week nt Tho Mazo on South Coos Rlvor. RORBRT RICHARDS, of Sumner, wns down yotsordny from his homo for n short visit. . F. n. ROOD, of Coos Rlvor, wiih u Murshflold visitor today for a short tlmo. HEN FiailKR left yesterday on tho Rreakwator for Portland nnd Sa lem. Ho oxpects to visit In Kn Kouo before returning. ' KBXXI3TH I). 1IAUSRR, of tho HniiRor nnd Hauacr company and V. Q. Hliidmarsh, V. P. engineer nt North Inlet, entno In this afternoon. MIS3 FAI.KNRR nnd Alfred Hnrt, of tho wrecked Claremout, left on tho llrcakwnter yesterday, on tholr wny to Aberdeen, whore Mr. Hurt lives. R. TOWRR nnd Chas. Prowltt of tho Flsk Ruber company loft to day for Cotiulllo Valley points whom they will visit tho nKonclcti of tho company. i AMONG THE SICK t Mrs. Ouy Inttln, who underwent nn oporntlon at Mercy hospital, Sat urday, Is reported dolus nlcoly, but It will bo n weok or ten days boforo sho can return home. Miss Irono Pruoss Is confined to her homo today by nn attack of np poudlcttls. Sho iuiH Buffered n foW attacks previously. Whothor an op eration will bo necoBsary has not been dotcrmlnod. Tho Infant child of Capt. nnd Mro, n. W. Olson who has been sick 1b reported much Improved. Lucllo Mcl.nln, tho eleven year old dniiKlitor of Postmnstor and Mra.Mc Lnlu, who hna been quite 111 of pnou tnonln, Is ImprovliiR nnd Is bellovod now to bo out of dnnRor. THOMAS HOWARD left on tho Ilrenkwater yestorday via Port land for ChlcnRo, his old homo, for n visit. Ho will return ovor tho Northern Pacific. MRS. A. R. TKNDROOK, slstor to Judge Hull nnd Captain Alox Ilnll, roturucd to her homo In tho north yestordny on tho Hreukwntor nf tor n visit hero of several weokB. NOKI NOAH camo down this morn ing from Coos Rlvor on n shop pliiK trip. CAPTAIN DUNSON wiih up this mornliiK from tho lltththouse to make his official report. h. J. SIMPSON camo In this mornliiK from Shore Acres on a short busi ness trip. , Kit. MA AND IRKNK HODSON worn visitors In the elty over Sunday from their homo as Coos Rlvor. CAPTAIN S. HKNSON, of tho wreck ed Claremout, Is restored nt tho Chandler. CHAS. CURTIS, nf the Union Meat Company, left this morning for flu ml on on business. JAMKS T. MtAND went over to Co qultlotlilH morning on legal business, MAX ROnnKRTS, tlmokooper nt tho Smlth-PowerH Camp No. 3, spent Sunduy as tho euest of his sinter, Mrs. Chas. Van Duyn, JUDOB CORK and A. 11. Loud, court reporter, loft on the morn ing train to resume work nt tho county seat. , 'C, IIEATTIK Was down from Cods River this mornliiB, Ills brother, W. It. Heattlw, came hack after a visit up the river. HENRY KRARN8, O. A. Smith, Mrs. Windsor, Superintendent Huub and C. K. Mnyheo, or North lleud, wont ovor this mornliiK to tho county seat In the hcIiooI ease, ANNA M. TURI.EY, of tho Depart ment of Domestic Science nt O. A. C. enmu bnck from tho Conulllo Valloy Saturday evening nnd ox pects to gtvo Hoveral addresses here. ,SololntN nt Clminlnndo Concert: Mm. A. H. (lldloy, Mm. 11. j:. JI. Iei, Mix. !'. h Couwny, Mm. I,. Toner, Mix Clnrii Myren. QASSinC AUS I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I-'ORVKAlii: Ithodo Island r'o.1 chlckons, nil sizes. Reasonable!. Address box "J," TlmeH office t MRS. W. A. REM) nnd family and Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrcdo returned thin morning from the llghthouHo where thoy huvo been visiting for a few dayH with Cuptnln uud Mrs. Dun-sou. JUUdIO JOHN HALL rotur:)od Sat urday ovenlug from Newport whuro ho attoudod thu auuuiil Btntu couveutloii of thu Odd Fel lows, uud Was elected drum) Muster, MISS CAROLINE KHIIJI, Mrs. Her bert Armstrong, Fremont Hudson uud Myron (lurnea, left on tho morning train for Coqulllu, culled thero ua wIWicbhch In the cubu of Slhel versus the North lleud school district. FOUND At Hmltli TennlniU Dock-,-string of beads. Ownor may have sumo by puylng for this ad nt Tho Times office WANTED (Ihl Phono !!2r'J. to euro for linhy. FOR HUNT t'henp lloiiho nt 187 N. Fifth Btreet. Phono Coos Uny Utuudry. ' i FOR SALE H)U HAIilJ lUU-nrru I'nnch, hU miles from Mnrnlifleld. Stock and tools. AddrcBH "II," Times office. FOR HAIjK OR TRAllll CIO ncres hill land, close In, fair Iiouho, flno vlow, no wludH, rare rlpiino to open stock ranch. Address "A," euro Tlmtia, . , - WANTED l WAXTKD Kliong Monmii or kW to curu for Invalid lady. Phono H74. North llend. C. S. MctJULLOCH, county engineer, was over today from Coqullle on business In connection with his office. TONIGHT SEVEN REELS MnS. W. 8. CHANDLER went south iln tho Nann Smith Saturday after noon for a visit In San Francis co, J. W. DENNETT left on the Ilreak water yesterday inornlng for Sa lem whtre ho has u case this week J WATERFRONT NEWS t J Tile steamer Adeline Smith arriv ed Sunduy morning at 4;!iO o'clock, but as Bho stopped In an effort to pull tho Claremout off the rocktf did not eutor 'thu buy until U a. in. Sho cxpectB to sull ut X o'clock this evening. Tho steamer Suginuw stilled north ut G o'c'ock yestorday morning. The Bteuiner Yellowstone urrlved in thu buy this morning. Straight from tho Port of Port land drydock Is tho steamship Al- liunco, which formerly run Into Cooh I Hay, and now on her wuy to Hun i I Vrunclsco With freight and I'"-"."? applications for i gers? This is her only trip on thh ,,,, ,oftu ,,,mjiroMd rauchft8i p:gr,!i::;,ktr,,ybotwc6ni .wni It was only ten days ago tho ' steam schoonor Sagtnnw was sold ' a a j TJl A A r by tho Hart-Wood company to Swuy-.tO 1 ilOll rTTrO no & Hoyt. From Portland tho steamship Kit- burn Is duo In hero on Wednesday; and tho Sautu Clura on Tliursilay, from Sau Francisco and Eureku, I WANTED ItiiKt, nt Tlmcw offlco. Must bo clean and tolerubly freo from uenuiB. WANTED llout movliig und ruin ing. Estimate furnished tree by Ingram - Ujorqvlt',. Phono OR. T FOR RENT t FOR RENT 'Hoiio lu Alleguny. Phono 304XC. FOR KENT Myrtlo Aniw, modern furnlshod apartments, free heat, nnd water, 125 per month up. , 1 FINANCIAL i Messenger Service,