WXMlmt J 2 TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ' i ..... i I . liu i i j. li .iiMJMiai:A.auaiJ&iUUfirijattAU ianw "omiitHi I ....... . w - ' , ,, w i iinrafni Jr. wore; .Mrs, A. . Downs, .. " i I - 3 5K ,W ' I v Hcnnett, Mrs. J. II. W. S. Ilrown, Mm. K. 10. Kclloy, . Vx ' ' SM. (ST N pVnnnroii Mm W. M. lllnkc. MrsJMrs. LaChapollo im.llu.byM fV Jik jnTmillW 4mV 7fWM J mmix-in. Mrs. Herbert Lock- Ainry k. Tuoinpson nun .urs. r. ... I IT I 1 IInP8NW ' ,,'., i "lira I tlHinrclBon. Dresser who will fiitvrtulii In two III 1 ft f II I 1 'fih' hV,.rn,t meitlnft of to sensoii weeks. The children present wore- mm Um . fM.U W V U "" "',.,',.:' i. i cim..n m i.nU lllnc-lt. Vlrelnln Drown. Kvor- . BHiU y.H!, a vr ill li : ID1 fl Hi dLfeM - - I I Lire s j uui .y... ' ". A '"" .." .. . ".i:.. ...... .1 n,,.,n mi.1 Shore Acres, out me lime us .i '""bii " ". Is uniloteriiilr.oii nfl the roads nro William Duslinoy. t not suitable for driving. ' v v - i linvmt M'u itltim: - For the pleasure of MM Lnuru CONTItlHt'TlONS concerning oclal Impnu'iinxs, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Time, must bo sub mitted to the editor not lator tbnn C o'clock p. in.. Friday of each week. (Receptions will bo allowed only In ruses where the events occurred later than the time mentioned.) PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Bay people who visit lu other cities, together with uotires cf social nffalrs, nro gladly received in tho social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published and secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. IMMMt'lMiA t'M'U I A . ii- - . , i.Ti.tr..i ,.ft.innnn wnq uncut h-''iBe of North Iioiiil ,u .luno iirnio- V' f, I n . o Pris Ilia Club elect. Mrs. L. F. Falkensteln cnter- ',V ! ' hv ni H.n lion o of Mrs . "'(,d Tuesday afternoon of this Son' In Uunker'nUKwan week with a .nl-cnllaneou. shower ;"iin T..(.( i.r.sso.v c..ini . hnt. wero iniinieou in nnu .tin- hostess served a dainty lun cheon 10 her guests who were: Mis. Archer. Mrs. Johnson, .Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Oi'f. Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Hrock niiiellei at wIiobo home the meeting will he held In two weeks. Owlnit to tho absence of the presi de nt and vice-president no business met'tlns was hold. i..i)ii:s' (itii. i) mi:i:ti.(; ; Under tho hostess-shl) of Mrs. I.. .M. Noble and Mrs. Km inn Nits- burg. tho Ladles' (iulld of tho IJpIs ruinii i-iuui-ii inei mi uieir ickiiiui , Imsines meeting and program Tues , day afternoon lu guild hall. Mr. iJ. V. Hcnnett. acting on ieiiicM of the Coos Hay Woinuu's Association, asked tliRt the guild help townttM i tho inalutennnce of the rest lo-nli. .The Idea Is viewed with much lav or by the guild but the riiiostlon was SIM.NKH SOCIAL CI.CH den" with Its embankment of led and white roses, woodland greens and myriads or hearts and mlnlntuie (lipids. In tho dining room after a delicious luncheon had been served. Miss Kruso was showered with many useful and very pretty gifts The uftomoon guests Included: Mrs. C. M. Hyler, Mrs. Uiougbton, Mrs. John Mullen, Mrs. Dennis Hull. Mrs. (J. S. W'lnsor, Mrs. L. J. Simp son, Mrs. I. IJ. Hurtle. Mrs. II. K llurmolstcr, Mrs. Wcrnleli, Mrs. Fre.l Kruso, Mrs). (I. A. Hcnnett, Mrs. It. K. Uootli, Mrs. C. W. Towel, Mrs. II. (I. llutler, .Mrs. M. A. Dan'). Mrs. Klmor Jones and the Misses La urn mi tl Lena Kruse, and (SeneWeve On Wednesday of this week. Mrs. v ii. Put rln was hostess nt a dc- niar llghtful session oftho Sumner Soclnl Club when the afternoon nours wero spent In vnrlous kinds of fnncy sew- soiiBslncken lug, reiiesiiiueiiis neiug nunm in wards evening. In thre.e weeks, Mrs. L. (5. Mnsteis will entertnln tho ladles. Those out this week were: Mr, r'lins Ki.lnmlor. Ml'H. A. I). u-riiriit m'ib Kie.l llniison. Mrs. Mrs. F. M. Parsons. Mrs C HL'ACII PAItTV Q. Itoady? Step It lively now, Hop and skip and kick, Pivot twice upon your note, Turn a handspring quick! Hull your partner In the ribs, Ulff him In the ee. Hand him one upon the enr. Swiftly sliding by. Take your foot inlo your hand, Holl along the floor. Flopping sldowlso while I count One, two, three and four. Hoost your partner on your back. Waltz lilni cm tho run. Twirl upon your thumbs, and stop: So the logon's done. BAM asked by a correspondent: Irii'i It better for u girl to mairy nnrll' Muni In Willi Until Him lias .M'1,1,.1. ..I'Ml'Viilin la liivll,,,! I.nllnu- some experlenco of life?" Tho ques- nR the program, refreshments will Hon as in whether It Is best for a ' )0 Bt.rVed for ten cents, the pro woman to mnrry early or after she ,., i,,jWevur. Is free, and will be has had snino cNperlenco of llfo Is UB f0iiows. I The Hunker Hill Paront-Teneliei' ono on which, no definite eoiiciiislon ,,,,,. "Savings Hank System In1 Club met yesterday afternoon nt tho committee, Frank Cntterlln, chair can lie arrived al. So much depends (L1 Sc,008 school. Mrs. D. (1. Orr, president, mnn: K. Crosthwulte. .1. W. (liirdln on clrcuiuslnnces teiiiperanient aim M.s R j, l01.oy presiding. Miss Klizubetli Topnlng ' or, V. .1. Conrnd and II. K. Hultinaii health, to say neilhlng or many other , Vop(l, S(0 Ml.H c)mH stauff.wns present, and told two excellent aio planning to make this affair tho contingencies, writes Dorm inane .l.,,,,,,.. "Church Ailv..rtlnliii:" xtnrlea tn the minlls. Tho first one lilL-CHt nml hi.Ht nf the seiisciii. Fill- " " - ,...,---. ...nr,v... . Prepared by .Mrs. Arthur Me- of tho ndventurofl or Ulysses, rroin tho ler details will be given out as soon Keown and read by -Mrs. It. K. ancient Greek mythological stories; ns tho committee have their plum Ilooih. tho other was n story of how tho nioro definitely nrranced. Greatest Re ward is a Cozy Home And Con s' WOODI iiiuiincp . o nuoi .. . nnp.vi 'iw wnn,t . ""loaji.l -h """oiir! kt . .. ""frr PI tented Family laid on the table for the time be- ... .". .,.-,,, Mrs rii.roiii'i Sindilfn Van Duyn. the Misses Uoela lleckma. lug uk (here are not sufficient funds .,' '...., HlmiU, Mra L, (J MllH. Conner and Messrs. Will (ioodium .In tho treasury to warrant linme- ' 'MrH Fa'rrln ' and tho .Misses and C.eorgo Haines were week end illiitc action. jj '', Vlnirber.Agnes Matson, Hlldur guests ut tho A. T. Haines' Summer 1 T,,8Ill,mo , Mr8' CIms. Sttttiff , "J JohsIq Norton and tho eottago nt Sunset Hay last week. ' was ui ded to tho nieinbersh p toll. .',... ."', m- nn : : I .Vext Tuesduv Is mien nicetW to B1,ool", "e!,,( MrB Koon- i . a o v .- ; IILKS AXXfAL DAXCII lit'XKKIt HILL CLl'H I L . . bu'lios 1'lPA I,... - I PI... W. ii T3 "ono 277-j 1,IXC0 ' ssssU-Kortk l. II V t ..-. sfc-'-i "Si l'J 1 ft - ' iMni-oi.f:.i i m..,. ia "' rililu. . "n? I '"iHii.: H lr- "l "TBWflP Asseis S2,: I Pays 8 The KIIca Annual Dance will oc cur nbout the middle of June. Tho Hcforo tho gospel of woman's em ancipation had begun to be spread L'lrls married earlier than now. Hut In thoso days girls looked upon mar- ..Inim n.. Inn mill' f 1 1 til mill .ihliwt 111 ' ,r Sm.. .Irlnlln.m f hnm. u-nrn I ht-lielter, ."VlrS. .1. W. IlOllIlOtt, Mrs. ofteii so severe that marrlsgo was VrsV " 'n Mrs'Sas Fori'y welcomed as a deliverance. .. "" ' " , .r.T'Vii", "rl. ' V ,1,nl , ...... ,,inPA ultniuriiH inn ....... ..., t . j , ..... .,un, . .....vn Tho ladloH out Tuesday were: Mrs. hippopotamus got his thick skin. It Is needless to sny that tno ciiuurou wero delighted. After u chorus by, the school, the pupils wero dismissed. Miss Topping then gnvo u splendid PKi:snvTi:m.x laimiis' Al'XII.IAItV tlinnnow lyslcn y thov were prol - nartl. Mrs. W. 11. Curtis, Mrs. A. , talk on "Foresight In Organizing Sly 2 robus b. I IhcUranqullliy O'H.len Mrs. F. A Saccbl Mrs. Work." which was Instructlvo . of their early life with Its whole- l- w- Cumbers, Mrs. II. K. KOlty, ' woll i.s entertaining. This was tho sonio monotony was a minli health- Mrs; ,:- Lothard McClure, Mrs. Mary last regular meeting of tho club ier preparation for their future. The field or choice was more limited tiiun now. The possibilities or communica tion wero loss, tllrls saw but few men and family reasons, family pressure-, M,IW Hesslo Ayre, mid tho dcKjruhlllty of marriago play-1 . ed nn liuporliint p;irl lu a glrl'H se-ic joctlon of n husbaml. Whether It Is bet Ier (lint women flhould 'marry eaily or not Is a mai ler or opinion. To n woman of cling Mcknight, Mrs. Kbecka, Mrs. H. It. for this bcIiooI year. ciiniiilier. .Mrs. uiiy Wurnor, .Mrs. I . (leo. Dlndlnger, .Mis. Kuiiuu Nns-' iiiig. .mis. h. .M. .oblo and visitor, i ii,ASAXT SUItPHISM IMItTV I l. J I. C. Cl.l'U .MHKTIXd At the meeting Wednesday In lug, gcnUo naturo mi early marriago 'V,rl.h "0"11 "r "l0 ' ,M' C Cl,lb ut I.rlv i overythlng. She has her opinions be homo of Mrs. A. H. Morten, Mis.!''" Hhiiped for her nml cm (hat sho I" A. Loomls. Mrs. Ira Weltzel nml 'rV' On Wodnesday, May 1'Jth, the la dles' auxiliary of tho Presbyterian church mot In tho chinch parlors ror i business and sowing. A very pro fitable and enjoyable timo was spent and ut tlie close of tho afternoon. , tho girls of Mrs. 0. II. Walter's Sun 1 tiny school class served coffeo and ; " .., cako to tho following in nttendnnce. On Monday oyonlng, May ltli.(MrH- n. irc.,.fiU8on. Mrs. A. T. HiiIuoh. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stadden wero tho MrH ,.jn,;ubot, uydo. .,.. t'. F. recipients of u surprise In tho nn-, McKnlght, Mrs. M. A. Svveotiiiiin. turo or n flvo bundled party. wlum,j1r8i K St Smtl ,MrHi q. o. Suthei rivo tables wero played. Mr. and 1lll(, MrH W- .: wUhuii. Mrs. C. II. .Airs. Perry Doiison won tno nrsi wnltors mid .Mrs. J. S. Stuhblerield ze. n ueautirui poueu lern, -urn, T,.u ulrlH r ... (.,ilHa .,,. tlt. I mollis her Irs. J. w. .Mitcneii nun .miss noien MiMSI A1if, ii,irrkm, mh,ii-..,i i. HI... ink... 1 ,nr urn. Mrs. Walter Russell wero nlnreil on nrr iibioii, uio cuimuiuiiuiin, i" Krnm, wilnm llonglaud. Jcanetto lIo matter what your lot may bo, no matter what position you may occupy and no matter what your income may he you do not get the real re ward of your labors, striving or money until you cjet a home of your own cozily fitted up It need not be expensive, but the realization of it is often deferred on account of financial stress. It is to accommodate and provide for thoso whose ready money will not supply all tho require ments of home at once that we have arran(jedour EASY PAYMENT PLAN. Don't delay enjoying the benefits of a cozy home but get it today and pay for 'it month by month. You will scarcely notice the slight additional monthly expenso and meantime you and the fam ily are enjoying the comforts you deserve. Call i;i:ii..usov rmm . mine iim. j llcliKiifo phone IM 3 , JohMOA niovseuii ompan; TTsVmTiirrg m;TrTii. nf ... ...... ,..,,., .IU. ,.., , -.- --- .,.,1,, (n itruinnnra rr iimr rnana iinrifi tin tti destined futuro In nn iiniiiisllouliiK ' commilteo to nrrmigo ror a card , '" " " ;. vnri Tw.qnii vvi.son. c.vuiyn courier, nuieii uees. ro uiiifif nm iiwi iinffM.. ir inc iifn mm iinriv IM nut iiftnr ruiiim. ,rtni t in,,fc" "f ' -.--... wiiiiu ruihiiau l iiiiii iiviiu riitiiit't. ..n.. .. i" ....i. in.uiui.c, uuii. .. .!.. r.. A most (Mijoynme ovoninj; vna, Thll nnviiinrv will mnot ultiIm tho - " - y lilz IUIIIU (Mil 111 Ull. HI II VI lr 4I lltll I 111 nnnivo ntsmwii, h JMVMPttlll tit l;i - - , . 1,.. i .... Trti ' -. ... . -.---- -r, --- .. r ..i.i:.i i. '. ...i tww... mi u.iti.ii... . ;...,. i i Biunt mil ut n Into hour, .Mrs. Jon-.r rftr Wmniav n . uno m tho for lior by Home one else ami about an up prlato hour tho hostess scr- 5,,,'n' M,;H' Hlu"p', . ,.. , l'1,u,'ch mulorB' , -!&, , whoso fashioning sho luw no . minion led tempting rorreslimeiKs to Mrs. i',"k UennliiB seiveu lonipiinj, , ,&$$. SHS ill . I'Hiiiii.'inn. i ii .wm. . r- - m ii, rr & W?&JUilMrM mt:Ml nn: gr.i.iT wmi: with si:nin: i-w.aii ""wnton: Lcal Treasurer l6tkA...., vr fJTV ALTO ;" or taxi. M,..:..?1 """' '. Our, unit t 1'Or"J,'rln8rMh0Il!l! Chandler li..i M --t v''v'NwMiitt,r' . -" " vaig ; ;. i, .. . ' 44V.,:,waiii V V 4 . T f llil 641... I rim Tuita.. '"hi V" "lu W niuiUCU 0t44 V llOUHiaiOLD cm ''fi'lRl't ana niB I I lUtnini ttll..l l.l.. I i '""') tJlx ,, J. N. BAYUSS Any Kind of brlkj.jj, I'rlcfj that are rlfli ( And all work mnm . Call at "The Flrcsft; to)l eon uius., 137 SeccsJSL l French ranges, b0I! ni i . UUUU UM, 233a MWBKwMlmmrwMnTiBimHMi.n hji,. -- miii i.n of her own. i Henry Kern, Mrs. Htewurt AlcDon To such u nnturo (hero Is no ills- nlil, .Mrs. II. Parr, Mrs. Win. ViiiikIi- turiiini? suspicion or a wider lire, an, Mrs. Ira Weltzol, Mrs. N. (1. refreshmcnlH. Thoso present wero: Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hnrvoy. Mr. nml Mrs. .1. W.I with nbsorhliiK problems lu wlilcli Humes. Mrs. I.. A. I.oomls, mVs. U'nl- -Vbel!, Mr. nml Mrs. Win. Schroc- xoitTii iu:.i i,.i)ii:s' CAKIJ I 'A I (TV . I other women nml vvorlt and Interostsi ier Russell, Mrs. Roy Hrnlnnrd, Mrs.M,ur' "? """ " " w. . --- outsldo tho donialii of (ho home, l'os- .tno. I.ennan and Miss O'l.oan, tlio,nn(1 -Mr8' l0"K Uoilson, Mr. am Tho public curcl party kIvcu by nlhly when (ho sun or llfo burns less lust two belim special uuests, Mrs. ' MrH' J- w- Hll'lbrnnd, Mr. nml jtlio North Ilend Kplscopnl ladles In wnrmly and the simile of evenluu itnlph I'nrr will bo hostess in two -Mr8- Nor,H Joon, Mrs. II. A. i Taylors hnll last Tuesduy oveitliiK, full such a woman lms hml dm tmsi u,.i.u Wells. Jlr. and Mrs. K. K. I.emloux. while not laiKoly attendol wns ono i - itmiK.'i: ci.nt thcro Is to bo got out of lire free from the rostloss and miHatlsflod de sires which torment other women less rnlm it ii (1 less philosophic than her self. On tho other hand, however, with M- l'M" Richardson wns host- jonii' uunporumoiiu the o.pirloiii'ti'ss hib( Wednosdny afternoon (o (ho u girl kiiIus by soeliiK somethliiK of members ami a few special miosis I lie world and lenrulnn to mahe up " tne iiiiuko riub at a one-thirty o Mr. and Mrs. A. T. llalncs enter- lier mind and form her niiliiliiiix lu clock luncheon followed by an after- tallied the Auction Hrldco Club lu- Invnluable. A womsii can be more ot "fiin or lulilne, tho uffnlr provliiK dies nml their lmsbnnds last Tluirs- u coiiipanlon nml help lo her husband to bo an unusually eujoyahlo one. ilny evenlnt; nt a cnfctcrlu luucheoii Hml enn enter Inlo the Inteu-gu of t-'tit flowers mid woodland greens nml hridm) party, at which popular Ills life with wider Know-Iodise and formed very pretly floral adorn- diversion. Mrs. C. I McKnlBht won more iiNperlence than a mhiiik islrl. uiuiKs which wore uKlstlcally ur-1 lady's first prize and A. T. llulnes A Klrl Who limrrles later III life Ihih iHIIUed. Mrs. ('bun. Hull nml Mru tl.n i'utlniii!in'R. .. i ... . : I -. o ... viiuiu-u iii inline iiiui'i. uiuie ineiiis ! ;. auuo were snec lui lmicbIk. Hi Mr. mid Mrs. Frank DonnliiB, Miss 'of tho most enjoynblo events of Its Helen lliinlimton, I.ouis Schroeder, kind this season. Iho conunltteo lu nml Mr. and Mrs. Stndden. ,chnrj;o linil decorated tho hnll vorv ! prettily in roses, ferns nml a few . rhododendrons. At hrhlBo, Mrs. Au- jmist HocllliiK ami Wnltor Smith won 1 tho lady's and Oentloinnn's first pri.o respectively, whllo tho consoln- tlons wore awarded (o Mrs. Inm'tim I and A. K. .Morten. At'CTIO.V IlltllKli: I.L'.NC'IIKO.V Have .vim been let SA I ITCH'S i.rxcnv for XOIITII IIUXII Al.TAII (il'11,1) -nil. Anllioiiy's s-.leii nnlieMin Tickets Sl.oo. Ui,,., flee. fieiin whom lo ihooHe n lifelong pun- lormer wIiiuIiik IiIkIi score prize. iKIuk schomo and produced a pretty "" '"" in serviiiK. .Mrs. Illchardson was erfect. A delicious luncheon nuci .;. .j. , assisted by Mrs. Ilumio and Mrs. a delightful ovenliiK wore enjoyed lllg Ihinie, SliiipMiii I'iivlllnii, Muv ' K- 'ones. The remilar luembors by the following: , niesem were- .Mrs. II. . Tower, Jlrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ulto Hciicitor, .ir. U. W Kntifiiinn, Mrs. W S. Turpeii. and JHs. M, A. Diuio. Mr. nml Mrs. Mih. C. M. Ilylor. Mrs. Klliubeth W. II. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. C. l M. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Straw, Mr. and Mrs. 1). Y. Slnfford, Dr. A I.. Iloubcworlh ami tho host nml hostess. Mr. anil Mrs. Haines. -: ? 4 ; I WCDMIXti AXMVCKSAItV l.ust .Saturday afternoon, Mr. ami Mrs .Ins. Forty royally onlortulned a tew or their friends at their ciuy biiiiKulow, lu honor of their eight-, eeiith wedding nnnlvorsary. Tho time wiih siient delightfully lu a Thursday afternoon the North Hoses predominated In tho decor- ne,i KiScopnl ladles' Altar (Iulld kfe Bfc . 7t:' rwlk-i : .... . s&: irm rfVl T V f ii U. iKEtt' VHII1CU,.UUUV1& Uliiiu-ajjaiiic Haas Brothers MATT I.. MV, ostein OM-giiii Muislilh'lil, Hepiv-i'iiluilio OUrtCIII. mmm.mm,nmm,,wmn,n, . , i Wl...,ll'l..iww.MM. J Then is r.o srcrei .ibout (he iiinlang of U Ghirardellf s Chocolate V S BevaMllMiTrfmi.iTrm1;t, U 3 Visit the bmldiiiR at the entrance to the Zone U ', j at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition n mul see it ni.ule the ingredients are pure H, fl the manufacture cleanly the description ft iV interestini;, ,A n k i .A li m IVi D. CIIIRARDBUI co. ialife ' Tl - r ( TT'Vwpf 1 XiW C' VvV-'C? b - w oH luijii wjj 'm immww ft tt - ; Lw., :j3 Iljuu-J'i. '' irwwii.Mii ii. xnaif ..! - .............. .... - . - ' -.m m iiMBaj met at tho homo or Mrs. (Ico. Cv erltt In I'lat II. Tho (lino was pas- bciI In (ho usual way, Hint of sew ing mid social chat and guild plans, everyone enjoying themselves very much. In two vveoks Mrs. Marshall will entortnln Iho guild. The host ess M'rved dainty refreshments to the following presoMt: Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. John l.onnan, .Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. MnrMinll, Mrs. C M Hyler, Mrs. A. A. I.elghton. Mm I.elKhtou, Sr., Mrs. InKiam and MIhk Anna Kinney. I I'Ihhihcss ci.rn .mi:i:iin; "Alaska" was (ho sfibject ot .in cusslou at tho inentlnu or the Pro- social way and at tho close or tho gross C'luh Itiht Monday nfteriioon at afternoon delicious lofioslimeuts the homo of Mrs. H. R, Chandler, were served by the hostess to tho Miss Csther Silverman rend a very following guests- Rev. It. K. llrovvn-1 lulerehtlng letter from n friend tick ing nml son iiouert, .Mrs. i;. k. citoing uio city of Knliimnks A Harwell. Mrs. Tom Howard, Mrs. .1. W. Flanagan and three children, Kllnhotli. Tom nml Holly, Mrs. K. I. Lewis ami two children, lleibert and K lea nor, Mrs. (iammill, Mrs. M. R. Smith, Mrs. 1). C. Mct'nrly. Mrs. S. I.ando, Mrs. V, A. Sacchl and two nous, Krani-U nml Jack, Mrs. M. A. Mel.eod, Mr. Win. Phillips and two children. Doris and William, Mr. Alfred Matson, Willie handles and Frank (.rny. paper was prepared by Mrs. V. T. Stall and read by Mi. A. H. (ildley on "(ilaclers and Voliunoes; Kat mil." Mrs. R. W. Moriow'k puper told very Iniorestlngly or MUlonarv work and Y. .M. ('. A. kdiools lor Indians. An able paper on Nome. Slika, Dawson uini .liinoau" was lead bv Mr. Vernon A. Smith. Mik. riins. Hull was eleiied a new member and 1 was voted i.i tun her Hates tn Von If Xol, Why Not? Sciiiioiltlng; New Kciy Day. Ice Cream hiieks fide Ice ('renin, (iiiirl8 I Or-' Ice Cioum, pints 'JOcj Hot Chicken TiiiiiiiIoh. . . .1! for i:."C I'lctilc l.iiiielie.s u SpeclnMy . SARTER'S I'Iioiio l!(i:S-.l. Opposite lllunco Hotel, Kront Street MurHhricld. , rOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS I'Iioiio 'JdO-l.. Nig h(. ami Day. Right Cafe. (001) CAHK. CAHCFUI. DHIVIMtS 1). I.. I'OOTK. ' H Hillli 1 . Mt4M)i I i 'ijtv itiui, (jnsnoi i rti qucstloQ U not, 01b4i hPLor yot, foi joirirti Hut docs your tori tan you? Your concent It ut I only (o cr!e proSt bi ( 0 yourself, but to BilitUl ! which -all! profit mjWI shies vcurMlf. COOS 1I.W STKAM Ural l'lnoe 5W. I $444MIHH l J HAVE THAT ROOFHIB NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3111. -ii 1 SOUTH COOS raVEBBOMI SKIIMCE IUXCII Kxritra leaves Marslifltlil f,l 8 :. in. ITM hwJ ft nt 3:13 p. n. hti:ami:r iuinboi I...HO l.i-ail of rlv eWljSlI in. Ix'nvfJIBBlkHfl I'nr charier PIJ7 kl llOGKItS & MIH roprieton . I in. i "0 lOiuilH. pi-r day , .$1.00 100 rooim Wth hat, .f.i..-,o 100 rooms with bath SL'.oo' t '' -00 lurgo rooms, with hath $2.r.O Kxtra porsoi in room, additional . ,.?i.)0 QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phone 10C-I.. MAK.SIimCI.H, OHcXIOX MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place m 1 Good Meals. Cor. Commercial &MJ Pictures & framing Walker Studio r .... in V times ....n MADO' TClfCaB W$V& I ..... it HUE l VV'AH .11.11 " eri'PI.Y LtSTJ i (he luxst and hostess happy auuiversurloH. . . iiiuii nioi e On depuitliiK, tho KUOhts wUhoil eulat'Be (he membership or i he ilub. i ne rinai ineellitK or the clul. toi (hi your will ho early in Jan.. when the members each with a kpc ml suesi will kpend the dn at Uie miiii mer home oi .Mrs. V. S. t'haiulUi u South Coos Hlvor. Mis Thomas II. Drew, spei i.il Kuoit, and Mrs. A. T. I.ugeiktrom .iksuieu tno hostess lu &ervins appe MINXK-WIS I'M'll .MHHTS i k i i.stivai, ji-.m: 11. Hi-1 1 The oil j will l0 f of ,,,,ag,. . Heekirs. Ueserve ,our rooms no This U most commodious hotel 'a Portland Siwf.al entertalnmonl will be provided guests. Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage 1..im( Wednesday nftornoou uu ox leedlniily dellKhtfiil session ot tho Mlnne-Wls Club wns held at the .Minue-wis i-iii u was ueiu ni uie iiiin,. ,nrr,.i.iMnnio m ,i, ., ' home of Mrs. John Dashmy on South 'mm .' v oL ,, -Jh ollo.h,f : Pifih mreot who had us special , ii,?b X .L All0,B ,,,10lr!,-Mp'..w- Al- wiiimh. Mrs ,;.?- ... . vii.iiP :v ..niicni. uuests. Mrs. Prank lllnck 1 rlunEtou . ii. liidiey. .Mrs. .i a i .... ir i. i.i. II l I ll I'll 1 f 1l..,u.... !.. ... Choice roses and greens Nk'h.ni;,, Vi ' n : ,,'" u' s--.n,iiv n.r,..,,i iV, n, ,-iu"on, Mrs. P. W. Payne. Mia. W. T. nud Mrs. wore bofoniliiKly arraiiRod lu the : T ' ;' s',,' "' '"'"' Mr. parlor. aV the ladles had spout Ji vr' vMQmi,iftl1ir a few hours In fancy work and that. w i,i nKW1, Mr. p vv he hosted agisted by Mrs H . "Vil'JtJ C.W. lower M, w i. ritinu 01111,1 i v. w .i..iiii,nio ir- v. i aniui r PirUius scivcd a viry delicious two- Uourse luiuheoii on Individual truis The regular niombirs present oo. o JUST ARRIVED stock of FIRST QUALITY MAYNARD SHOVELS PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY (Continued on Page Six.) it t o t Leave Owl Pliainmey Mur.sliflelil A.M. H::io . 11.(10 P.M. 1:00 :i:00 r:;so 7::to l.eavo CoqillllO A.M. 7:00 l):00 J 1:00 P.M. J: oo :t:00 (i:. 'to 7i!50 I I ill AT- AMinnni'S WOODYM """"fwi !" DkiUii " MAHSHKlKLn-COQUILLK AlTiO STAOi: TI.MK SCUKDULi: Scliedulo nri-niiKeil (o connoct vvidi lumlK (o Huuiloii, SdiRes to .Mjrdo Point, Wiicnoi', ltosebur,'. No delays. Pino from Maislifield (o Coqiilllc; 75 cenls. SliiKlo V; Liiinliotli, Props. Commut Tickets m . ukl ....i.iii.iil.Xoi1b w?,-(il .r. every '? C(JW.' ( 12 ii. dm ";.. ,i.,r. leaving " "-ifKiva DUNGAN -B UNDERTAKE will CM I l-oit nmi: Oliver Koplmrt Phono it 10 i kept "" -. """I A rfgui" ' ... j, underlawer twn, nhnne 1" a .." I Miwm tfiUEn