tjmtMgUX V THOSE MO CAN'T STAND PROSPERITY MOST LOUDLY BEMOAN ITS ABSENCE Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlio Coos Buy Times Is proud of Its title "Tho tea A Southwesl Oregon Paper That's nhnt tho Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Soulhucht Oregon pcoplo mid devoted to tho best Interests of tills great section . Tho Times ultvays boosts and never knocks. I'coplo's lMicr," nnd It strives nt nil times live up to its name by devoting its enerKles promoting tho people's Interests. to to MEMlirOUH OP THK A SSOCIATICP .MKSS VOL NO. XXXVIII. KstnbtMied 1S78 As The Const Mult. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coos Hnv Aihertlser. No. 259 (Emis CKING-TAKING OFF MEN AT 5 O'CLOCK FOUR EXTRA! ITEEN OF GREW PEPDRTED RESCUED JAt First Thought to Be the Steamer Saginaw Which Was Due 'Here But Latter Steamer Crossed in Over the Bar Safely This Afternoon JUDGE HALL IS .'AflREST HIGHLY HONORED : i KIita'Tir ACCTSKD IIV KATIIF.H Ol LOL1T.Y SIMPSON' mitghell;roosevelt is jvit ! Tnim inmn i ; IKIDI UK! LASSEN A I IT OK HIM OK CALIFOHXIA ll 'l.'lf lM.MKliri'l.'ll l.ill.l.l.V t-ililiiilt lull rill IM' '..JIJI.. Pnrtli's In Tivmlgohl JjS.'O.OOO Dam- ago Suit Willi Complaints Which Took Weeks To Prepare Elected to Highest Office in Odd Fellows' Organization of State of Oregon NOVreHJIMD MASTER FUHXISHF.S HOND OUT CREW op mt aboard THE VESSEL A message from Koschurg nt noon niinounceil that De tective Mitchell luul ftiriilali ed bonds for his tippeiirnnce In Coiiulllo ninl hud been released from custody. Action of the Lodge Confers'44' ' . - - , ., , Great Honor Uuon Well- w. j. Mitci.eii Portland detective. Court Room Buzzes Like Dy- u belt nuiiui UMUii vvui- Wns nrrcHted yesterday urtornoon nt. , i, p-:.,j: a known Marshfie d Man itoseburK on n warrant mndo out by naiiio wnen rinnings Arc '.mho a. Simpson, oi iiiinnoii, cuarg- KG ncn I aif finav 4 I , Twelve Jurors Unanimous Verdict for the Colonel at Syracuse Today Crops Destroyed Front Volcnno For BGAIWITALY NEAR1NG . dp nnun PT 1 i ii ii I j II I I LIU I lly liiijer of Mud Coets Valley Miles in 'AUSTINS READY i it r r"r I h I " ill ft n -- uruinAr.'r 'l11' ouiiiiuu u ikiiuiun, iiiu IVItZCI IIMUi WHS Ml IMtWrUttl , lug the sleuth with conlrlbiitlng to i t . . . . . . .. t . ... -. i1lti. f n lit I il 1 I BreaKwa ei uois Line on vessel But Tid3 is Low and There is , '" 7i; ; .,"' , J.V r , YT ftmV simp". go.i i i WILLIAM Little Chance of Saving Hor Probably Lost tier wneei or midder a Kino Hoeognltlnu of Odd bellows in ( oos County years, This Is tlio news Drought ov er lust evening by Deputv Sheriff A. I llellef BARNES' SCORED CREW BEING SAVED Late this afternoon it was stated from Empire that those ashore had witnessed the saving of 14 of the 19 men aboard the vessel. The bar dredge Michie got two lines aboard the vessel about 4 o'clock and working from tho dredge the life-savers were able to bring the men off the wrecking vessel. The sea was getting rough, but the rest of the men were being taken off. Former County Judge John F. Hull lias been highly honored by the nionibors of the Odd Fellows of Oregon. At the meeting held nt Newport, Oregon. Judge Unit was P. Davis, who. came nerving naiiers fit connection with 0. T. Treadgold'sJ fTiO.nno dnmago suit. I And thus Is put another tangle In tlio almost hopeless jumble that hasi devolved Itself wltli wiint nns bo"'! l.xpiessed 'Hint Charge of Ktii-iurr President Against Poll Ileal lions ale Ttiii Cost l'it II to Unfiles ! Rnnnrts Inrlinnto Tlin. fnim. tn AMivliteJ rr to CV Iter Tlmw.7 ' ... , i - i uhddino. cniir.. May ss.-i' try is Almost Sure to Enter of tho rim of Crater nt Lassen Peak Into Gdieral Conflict is reported today to havo .illicit In. following eruption of great mud ' I streams which covered Hat Creek Valley yesterday. Oops were destroyed through-out Hut Creek Valley, according to con-1 minatory reports received hero from - . spread tnST mim$i Statement Is Made That Enor- ports fixing the depth at one to three' niOUS Amiy IS StatiOtlCCi Oil feet, covering tho valley for a d s- i,n ii ri!. taneo of K. miles In a strip varying tllC Italian FrOfltlCr in width from one half to two utiles. Property destruction la widespread. I RflMF Hfil D5. RIG MFPTIWR Minor damage was done many homes. "UIVIt nULUS PIU IVIfctl IIMU and tho Iohs of livestock, Implements "" and hotiKehold goods In great. People of tlio Italian Capital Outlier I and lilsten to Speech of Major mid Then Visit American Ciii- in? AinorUt! Trrvt to Coos Day Tlnifw. SYltACHSl.. N. Y.. Mnv 2.--Tho elected P tlio offlco of llrnnd MiiHlori known ns the concii-i roaiigoid roiin. ' Jury In the trial of William Humes' .of the I. O. O. F. of the Btatu of i , ' thp cno list concluded. .MU-HUt for ,i iigulust Theodore Oregon. Tills is the highest offlco '111 collected $,fi0 from Joo Coach 'ltooHevelt today returned n verdict hi the organization mid that Judge for detective services. , fnvor 0f defendant, after cuuuld- Hall was selected for tho place la! J V10 cfjniplnliit filed by 1 read- erM1- for moro ,inii 11 hours tlio n gieat honor to him and n credit P0'1' ", " ntos .".". " , ,,c'"., Mi.cstlon or placing all costs Tor Jho tin c.w, ti,. ., ,n mm,,, ..,.. charged with n statutory crime niul!rii,, mmi, tin, nininiirr. it Im iim iof Judge Hull's election" wns brought I wlt)1 c""sl"i: Il0,l,n Slmiison to con- l)0or of tll0 jry tmt ,1Verythliig licre by S llinrni inin . "",1 "cii iisit americau i;iit- WRECK KILLS Ik::: ::r:: :::::. Tismi Tralii A tivkcd With To Others and Flro Adds to Horror or Situation lllr AiiocUIkI l'ru to Coo llir 'ilnn 1 CAItUSU., Knglnnd. Mny 2. ' Tbree fralim rollliliwl llilu liinrnliiir on I I.ando who has just re-i"01"1 with llandon meji for tho Pr- Uoosuvult cnnrKl.d H true, nttl Hint ' tlio Caledonia railway at (Iretna, near poso of Intor blacknialllng them. Ufa, the MIJH III IIIH rollipiMMU 1IUII HUH tvnb douo with "tho Intention of defam Inir, discrediting tho plrintlff nud with Hie Intent of Infliienclni: official tho plaintiff and to eventually cause and disbarred Coplea or tho complaint nre being served on all thoso mentioned In tlio ITiO.OOO daiuago suit. TAKES HIS 01 LIFE SKULL FRACTURED ItltAKKMAN' J. K. IIOVUCS HAS t.VAiuiow i:scapi: kuom di:atii foreman, "wo stood 1 1 or or tlio aoiontian.. fSporlal lo Tlio Times,. MYUT1.1. POINT, Oro.. May 22 FHANK II. JACKSON', 1)1.1) HHSI-i HUNT, COMMITS Sl'ICIDH Alter dressing iiimsoir in nis uesi i j,,.,,, Timber Knocks Him Ihicou suit of clothes nud leaving a note, M.,is Front Knglno Cab Hurled 1 expiuiiiiiig ins ilium nun- i. jhuh- t)) Trnck ill) I'eet Above fanon son committed sulcldo last evening t l,v tnklnir m ilnnn of cvnnldn of not-1 Tbr'iistlnir bis bend from tho en- ash. Ho was found dead In his glno cab while tho freight train for uros novor eniingcn, iturnes reiusiug (jeorgo Hormann. Mr. Hermann room In a boarding house on llio Powors wns crossing llrldgo No. 4 to change Ills vote uiiiii tins morn- mH piircliiiRod of Claronco Uussoll water rront near mo Dilution can- yeaieruay iiiorning jirni.omnn j. r. ,111b. uno uau inioroBt in tlio farm on lioyics was struck oy n scaniung Tim uoionei ion tup uiiiiuiuk m wlilcb tho latter lived. Arthur Ilus and knocked from tlio car to tlio ' n crowd. Iloforo ho soiMinited from H(,u died three years ago and It Is floor of tho bridge whoro ho luy,the Jury ho said: "liontienion, Hits claronco Himsoll mid his wlfo who unconscious for sovoral nilnutes be-ili certainly u typicni Ainoricnii er- were nrrestod on a clinrgo of pols- foro bolng rescued from his porllouH diet. I wont to tnniiK you again. onlng Arthur Uussoll, a brother of position HO feot above tho water. After the anuouncomeni oi tuo ciarenco. Tlio caso was considered Ho was brought on tho noon trnln verdict, nttorneys ror iiarnos oojeci- uy tno Rn jury at this term or- In tlin Mnrn llnanllnl wlllirit II UMIB ml In ItH rOCClllt. 1 I'O ODJCCllOU Was .nnpl I, Ml tint i.nan i,nlIi,ni,n,l round ho had a fractureil skull. ' ovorruled, and the Jury was thanked for rurtlior action until tho session voked a solemn hitting of tlio mil- His condition today was reported uy ny .insure Aiiurons iur nuivitu uau of lll0 Krnmj jry nt, tho next term nlclpnl Council to consecrato tho of court. now war. Arte. ins umiress tlio The steam schooner Clarcmont is apparently wrecking on ,..i?.!'n I:,.!.1"1.1.. '"V,?. ,.t.!i!. '.' the Coos Bay jetty. It was thought for several hours today coos county, no was bom in v, that the vessel in trouble was the Saginaw but later the Sag- f"!; '" t'?o0Larl.,,i,vB,tIlv,.1r .i. iinaw, which was due here, crossed safely over the bar and it been a resident or this locality. as then learned that it was the Claremont that was in trou- try ....d 1. to coos nay C. ' 1871 nud hns made his home It was feared at 3 o'clock this afternoon that the crew could ?I"fh"fe,',ff,!.1IPS11 Elf 'l , I A till II 1 II n I 1 I I I -! -- Mil VWllll ....p. roi ue savcu. m report siaieu wai ine oreaKwaier nan a line en the vessel, but at 1 o'clock it was extreme low tide and Ihere was little chance of pulling the schooner off the jetty until high tide. All that can be learned about the vessel is what came from the light house and the life-saving station. One report stat ed that the bottom was washing out of the boat and if this is the case there is no chance of floating the vessel and very small chance of saving the men' The steamers Breakwater and F. A. Kilburn which were in the bay, both went out to 1ielp. The Kilburn returned this af ternoon evidently not able to render any aid. The latest reports .atfir thru t hr ifn-srivinn nrniv was n hnnrri tin Breakwater norv. During tho afternoon m and had managed to get a line on the Claremont. . .. ' iSnr.SffiT.nd toid ". The Breakwater was on the bar and from there shot lines , wrigut that ho wanted to seo him Hn thn hint in trmil.ln ' nt o'clock in tlio evening nun aHit- iio me ooat in irouuie. ,i .imt bo can at ii s room. Mr. 1 SWAM FOR HELP Wright complied with tho renuost In order to secure assistance for his comrades on board tlic!""',n,1",B t,,oro fou",, Mr- JncU"on vessel, R. C. Haan. one of the crew, jumped off the wrecking Tho noto iott, wi.ici. wns cnrefuiiy vessel and swam in an effort to reach the Saginaw. The lat- r ITVZo 81. 'irr upqcpI lnAorrH a cmnll hnnt anr ninkOfl tin Haafl and tOW- of sulcldo nolsonlng. I am too old 2d toward the north Wand Haag jumped The first thing he was whether there Haan said that len on board the Claremont and that was to act quickly. ti.o sruvc- tJ'0..'!nV.e,r.,cnu... !'". Z. '!.",f'.'" ASSOCIATE OF CAPT' DUGGAlV. ' Mr jll(.iHon loaves a 'sister who for somo time. Had hu gone It was a peculiar freak of fate that Haag should be aboard resides in.pakinnd.caiiforntat.nd tbrough ti.o bridw um ,ho would ihe ill - fated vessel and that he should swim ashore ;l rr.S.S in tilo 'canyon "oZ iiniigo no. S hn hnri cppuoH as nnai tfirmaster Under Cant. DllUgan, Ot by Mr, Wright after tho rinding of 4 Is but a short dlstnnco till- aide E. . . , '. ...u" a,. r. -,-;..;, ..lnr. TiTmnlnrl tho body. Ho had been murrion nut of llakor Oreok on tlio bmiui-row- fiiie uzarma, wno lost nis uie whuii mu u-auua wo wi -.--.m-u , ha wfli dl0(, H0I110 y01irH UK0 Mr. orH l0BKinK rottd II l;nf)? Rav ' Jackson ciinio nero in iooy. n Jii HUU& Ddy. .. rnn.incted a saloon on Front street WAb UUlVIUMu Mtnt ', n room whoro uftorwnrd the Thn niarnmnnt aRnnrriinn to the statement of Haag, Was , noiicord and Pullman BaiD'jiiH i were IMinrl frnm Qn Fponrkm for fcnns BaV With Oil. After Un- , I0"10.: Ki.nL,wE hiim II VIII VJ14II lUIIWIwww ivt ,,',, , i lUn ",iU lU" "'," " " ' oading the drums of oil here it was tie in enuon w.w'''-""?! oK .! TRinn r PfllTrilPm dStor ; joat on o W ana Bav where the rest oi tne canju wuum uc,rr---u lt , gal(li ,t0 tt bum 0r b hh h Mr r hr v .. .liQr-hnrnnrl tiionoy with hint when bo loft no.o LIBULLL- ULII I LIIUUU uopariuioiu "vihiiu, . . . , ,, , Novuda bo Invostod Ills aecii- i tlC master Of the Vessel IS Uapt. deiliOll. IIH& waa mo inutl0H ln sumo mining venture first trip to this harbor. Haag says that the leap am maao a .y.t g--HS ,s 1W 11 siake a limit when, tie eniranue oi uiu iimum vo - ailll lm(1 WOrked at whatever m- Jnd instead of getting inside the channel he turned too . ar Sgr.t ueuw -r jn to bo particularly despondent 'yes terday. Ho was 08 yo.trs old and rrnm ..tint I'M ii bo liuimcil from his 'friends ho wus simply dlscouragod because of latk or ompioymoui in his old ago. ' ... Cynaldo of potasu, ine poisoii 1.1- plalittlfr, not having boon II- liere, causing tlio deatli of at least holed, Is entitled to no ilamngert. 75 porsons and tho fatal Injury of Tlio foreman or tho Jury nnnounc- ninny others. Tho total or the casual ed tho verdict ror the dofciiriutit tlcn probably will reach 100. Flro and then tlio Jury wus pol'o.l Ten In wreckage added liorrur to the ac Jurors answered "For IK-rcinilnut." ' clilunt. Ono trnln wus a troop train. him to be Indicted, convicted or crlmo..,,i.r t)lu ,,j ,rk iu8ltatoJI. called the i ono a local and n third an express. ninl illnlintiiil " v- f . .1. .. ...Ill..l .. iiumi. or Kdwurd lluriis -111(1 wuitoit. Iltri.s, n llepubllcau Juror, stnud up In 1.1c seat and said "For tho do .onikint." The twelfth 'eror uii wered the same. Tlio court lxi..od like a dynamo. Alliough piovlous- , ly warned by the court, several pcr ons stood up and waved tl'clr hands. Out a Iong Time. Tho Jury foreman said 10 ballots in all wero taken before th? verdict finally was agreed upon. The Hist ballot was taker, more thuu 10 hrurs boforo tho ury camo In to'ia.v. was nine to tlireo In favor ot tho defendant. "After tlio first ballot," said tho Tlio adjoining fields have the ap pearance or an Immense mortuary. Tho dead mostly are soldiers. Tho troop train collided flint with thu local mid boforo the occiipantii were able to got clear of tho wreckage, tlio I.ondou-Olasgow express crashed Into them, Kocamotlves nud cars, shattered anil splintered, were hurled about In confusion. GUIS RUSSELL FIRM ; Momijl.ATIO.V Hr AMHWt.tM itrm lo Coo 1U, Tlmm 1 PAUIS. May 22. Tho Hnv ns ngency's correspondent it Itouie telegruphs that King Victor Kntmnuiiel today sign ed a general mobilization of tlin country's forces on laud and sea. III.OW t'P IIAItlt.-CKS VKHON'A Italy, May 22. The Austrian barracks at Kovorto, a town In thu Tyrol with about 12,000 Italian In habitants was bluwu up today. to 1 111 fll- Tlin four rlillilrnn of ArMini- llnuunll ineso iig-ibnvo boon adopted liy Mr. and Mrs. i ITAIiVTO DKOIiAKIl WAIt liATi: TODAY" II; AMOdtllM I'M-, lu LUIM lUj 1UI( LONDON", May 22. King Hmniaiiuel will Issue today a proclamation to the Italian pcoplo stating that Italy has been driven to war and ap pealing to popular support, although Italy and Austria nro virtually nt war, no ro ports received thus far toll or actual hostilities. The trail which crossed tho If no from Italy, however, wns seized by the Auatrlans who arrested tho train crow. Oroat patriotic demonstrations took plaeo last night In Homo nud war Is expected (illicitly nud probably with exchange of formal declarations. A IUF a-maLio, rr. 10 Cii4 lift, TltfuM j KOMI.. May 22. Almost tho en tire population of Homo gathnrcd flnst night on Cnpltnlluo Hill, where rriuco uoiounn, tno .Mayor, con- It- III. Ir. I.n. .rlnlla lull lll-nlullll V lllfMl filed Ollt td tllO II TV rOOIIl. not fatal. ' I Iloosovelt broke orr shaking liatidH lloyles was tho brakoman In wiui connsoi iinii inoini utni ininiuu .. i. a ... . a.. i - .. ,,. 1llir m.,111 II. 1 , l,TI 11 ,,,, I,,.. .... i r..ri... n xn, .i.m.-- ,i.,,i I rtnnnnr I iin.,m r , r,i,t nn, ni inn irnm iff iiiu Jill- i.i.f.ii. .., viiiai...... .,, --.I. n.fin- nn nllnmnl Hind lYIOrtn tfl Ullll lllllllll l hul "Uin M - lllttlhu Ul mu Mviu ynn w. ...v, .:......,.. I. 1 ...111. ol. suit, duiuii; cm auuiii.M vvao iiiauv. iu . , mm nngor. Prefer no.itti The trainmen say that ho was mix-, Jry aim in"" "" ;"'"'" ""' ""V' I Ollt Of tllC Sllial boat and SWam tO SllOre, to Insanity. Kindly bury mo bo- Ions about bear riding on nn l"Xii work hitho In ore." of tlio asked of those gathered on the north s ttZ fflwS ZlallTL of saving the'""- - of -, -" tff'.SfS.WA 5KrSttoto w there was on v one cnance or saving me ,,, ,..,,. ..,.,,,,,. ,,,, ruaiiv ror ,. W11H wi,i0 1 .bis nosition tun WILSON IS GRANDPA DArO'llTKIt HOIt.V TO YVIKIJ OK Si:C. McADOO Ii-AST N10HT Iiovles is a young man ami un married. A year ago ho was severe ly hurt In nn accldont. It is ex pected ho will bo confined In tho hospital tor several weeks. Mrs. V. O. Fonslor delightfully entertained tho Ladles' Art Club' last week. A number or visitors wero Invited, making it total of over thirty present. Dainty refreshments wore served. Attorney Clntido II. fliles was it Mnrshfleld visitor Wednesday, Ilov, C. Mayno Knight and fatnJIy visited ln Myrtle Point last Monday at the Max Dement homo. During tho afternoon an Informal reception was hold ror thorn by thu ladles ot tho M. K. Church. Pror, ('. A. Davidson and wire will spend tlio summer visiting lit Han Francisco nud other California points. Mrs. William Hiulth and daugh ters, I.lla and Kuiilco, itro preparing to remove to tho homo above (Irav oir.rd when school Is out. I.. J. Itnborts was a business c ill- crowd wont to the Itoyal Palace and rhooroit tlio King and family when they appeared on the balcony, The crowd, carrying an American flag, thou went to the Amorlcau embassy, whole thoy cheered for America and domaudod rovougo for thu sinking of tho l.usltuulii. FOKCI.S COXCKN'THATI.I. (II A-u-LIJ 'rM lo L'uot lu; TtlliM. OI.N1.VA, Muy 22. Tho Journal published a lloiuu dispatch announc ing Unit tho Austrlaus are concen trating large forces along tho upper Adlue Itlver. nistake about where the entrance oi tne naiuui waa uuua-u . . . worket. ut wjmtoVor r,J .. 1 .. .! ll.n nhnnno llO tllrrtPfl Tfli. lilr i,l.niiml ll ?. . msieaa or getting w i h- ' thnV.h- - tuwara tne norm anci siruuK uuuuuy un u "- -- pnerged jetty. ,. RISKED Llht run uuivinHuto 'Rafntu firci fnr mo criirl Haan when he came out ot tne Lvriton ,i oii,nri . nn thp heach. This, however, was ---. UU 1UIIWU l tllW .. - --;- , ., I f- , V" . "- , . - .,,.,,,,, 10t hk nurnnco in cwimm llfl aSlOI'e 3S ne r SKUU Ilia mu iu,keu uy .Mr. jaiKs-.u, m ......, ,,ul, llls PUrpOSe in SWimmiliy pulc ',,. i-jc nnmrarlPQ drug, lt caused an almost Imnio- tfder to net communication and secure aid for his comrades lyilU of lh0 t aI, , , Dtl thn uoccril ' many casos It is impossiom wnuro L" me VeSSei. TO I flQF tll drUK ,s llmll8terea ,0 nml h0 fcv J IIIVIC IU uwwi- . . . roai callSO Ot ueutll, lliu n"o -- ,?l know this bar," said Haag, "and I realize me P'"" " i ;?Wi ? T. wmen me vessel is now piacea. . i n fTr r'-i k. ,Vni ih-ssiaxs t-iaiM lOr t in hnn. cinrl nn pqq t IP. fireW IS taKdl Ull ell wiy uj "" he lost. There can be but little time elapse before the men are taken off. Otherwise they are all lost-" LINES WEKtsriui snitvi: i'iio.m 1.0 VHAItS .Valued In Honor of Dead (.mini mother, Kllcn WIImiii (llr A Ul"l K"" I Ceo. IK, Tlmn.) WA8HINC.TON. I). C. Muy 22. ur i ,OWI, Wednesday from llrliUo. Secretary McAdoo was being coiigritt-l deorgo Tonnoy Is nsslstlng at tho . tilatod today over tho birth or a. lmk of .vyrtlo Point this w.k ml also over his nrst np-,n,rjB ,(io Illness ot Cushler II. A. t oHIco In tho Trousury Aimiii out slnco ho was operated up- t. I). Ouorln. wire and daimhlor. on ror uppoiidieuiB . unoiii io An,.0 W(1 0 t1( Nn cjinlth 1 months ngo. Tho Prosldonts grand- t(lH wouk t0 vHt tj10 exposition mid llltHi: TO ilnugliter, which was born lust night, rottnVea lu Oaklund. will bo named Klleu Wilson McAdoo alter lute Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Judge Coke Pays Little Attention lo I ('leniency Petition and Score I Prisoner for Perjury (Spedul to The Times) f'OOlJILL.:. May 22. Carl Knselo of employment ill or Uoqulllo, was soiiiem-eu yosiuruu. afternoon by Judge Coko to servo from tlueo to 2u years In tho peni tentiary In handing down the de cision of tho court Judgo Coko sev erely cenbored tho prisoner, saying that ho not onl was guilty or u re volting crime but ulso had purjured hlmsoir on the witness stand. A long petition was presented to tim court. utiMiml bv townspeople ask- 'ing tho leniency or tho court for Kn- sole. Judge CoKe neciareu pennons of llttlo value generally and that tho youth should pay tho penalty. Knselo was cburgod wun contriuuung to tuu SUNK BY GERMANS lUtlTIKll SMLIVO SHIP OLU.V IIOIA1 SlIIMAItlNi: VICTIM L The Breakwater when she went down the pay stopped at the : ' e-saving station and took aboard the Ii crew. From ne steamer there short lines to tne uamnu "l l'"r; '"we't; ?o do any good. From shore it append that one Ii no wemj OALICIA VICTOKV (Br Aim Ulfcl !' io l oon U)f Tlu 1 LONDON. May 22. In cen tral Oallcla the Itusslans claim to have made progross on both flanks ot the Austro Uerman rorces, but apparent ly have not been ablo to men ace their communications Tho main struggle being car rled on along the river San from Przemysl northward for sixty miles (' Ordered to Abandon Vitrei lUv fiii-ti She Wa. Sent to lliiltom m Cargo foi' Clillo lllr Aw Uloil I'rn. i. t'ooo Mr Tlmt I .H.:itI.IIAVI.N. Ireland, May 22. The llrltUli sulllUK ship Olenholni was sunk yesterday by a Oerman submarlno 15 mllou off this port. Membors of iho crew woro landod here. ufter INI AT FLORENCE Tho Rhododendron festival (it Florence, which opened yesterday liromlses to be ono of the most suc cessful they havo ever held, aciord Ing to Dan J. McKIiiiioii, who io turned from there last night. Tho rostival contliiuoH today and tomor row. Special trains had boon charioted at Kugone and It was expected that botwcoii COO and 1000 from that city wouiu vibii iiiu aiumuw mu-i tropolls today or tomorrow. 4, Floronco had nmdo big prepara tions Tor It and tho town Is gaily decorated to welcome tlio lsltors , CON'I'KIIS POWHHS 1 III Amo UIkI I'naa lu cvwa IUr Tlm.t i LONDON, May 22. A dispatch from Home wtys King Victor IC111 innuuel signed today an itct con ferring extraordlnaiy powers on tho govorumeiit "for the duration or tho war." WOl'LD HKLP'lTAIiV Hr AHuUtad I'lWM 10 i'ihm IUr TllU'i ) UO.M1C, Muy 2a.-- Admlrul Ilet- tolo, president ot the Italo-ltounmn- Ian LouKiio, telegruphed to M. Fill))-' , omcii, President of the Uuniano- I Italian Leaguo at llucliarest, saying that on the day Italy declared wa; mi Austrl.t, her thoughts would turn miicli to Itoumunia, counting upon her iiHslntanin at the supie no I I ilsls. III delinquency of a minor girl or Han- n,,andon nt)r. aUe w jB 0t the way Tho ship was sunk with shells , ,Nl(,,tlol, t0 program of speeches tho crow ha. tee,, ordered o J".. ld' , c'rownlnK of , fog. don. tho charge being mado in a manner width constituted a statua tory crime I Safo for bule. L. L. Thomas. Take your baths ut O. jf. llarbcr i . Shoo. Front near (Vntilil. from Chile to Liverpool with a car go of nitrate For Sunday Fresh Strait horry, Vanilla and Chorolato Ico Cream. The kind thut's mado ut 1etvls'. tlval officials, there aro many street shows and attractions One of theso Is Jay Muhoncy g famous dlv lug negro who Is getMiw. the coin Try Our Strawberry Dream, rpet' tally fine. !ett !'. KA(TS ADOPT CLAHK.MO.NT . . 4, Cross tonnage, 717. Net tonnage IIS, Loitght, IMS. I. Depth, 12. 0. Ciew, 17. Iudlcatud II P., 2.000. llullt at Aberduon, Wash- Ington. la 1907. llonio port, San Francisco. OWXI.I- IX SAN' FHAXC1SCO The steamer Claroiuont, 4 wie.klng on the Jetty, Is ow- ned by W. II. Wood ot San Francisco. CI1L1; CO.MPVN'V PAY'S lUCUI.IN Ma 2 Tho (lerman A'lantlc Cablo Company, notwith standing tho cutting or Its cables at the outbreak ot the war, has Just d. Wared a dividend ot U 1-2 per, 1 nt wbii Ii Is only ono per cont losa wo the rigging, but if tms was a i. ?-.."" ,