wgBSSSESBBBnmKumM &Im - THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 21. 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR CQOS BAY TIMES Marshfield School Notes M. C. MALONHV, iMItor nnd I'ub IIAX K. MAl.OXKV, Xews Kdltoi Official Paper of Coo Count) Official l'aper City of Mnrshflold. AddreBs nil communtcntlons to COOS IIAV DAILY TIMCS. SCHOOL EXHIBIT 01 W L DEMON ST RAIL 'maw atti:d i:iiiiiit r iiioii mi tuilhv of o. a. c. io.xtkx- tn c i u u Di hi i ii i. i t 1 1 s HE FA NINE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, MONDAY AND . TUESDAY- ' Dozens of SavimTT Have B n CN j - opened H This Y school this aiti:iim)o Entered nt tlio I'ostofflcc nt Marsh- field, Oregon, for transmission " - through, tlio mnlls ns second-dnss' Second Opportunity OifoiccI Ihlir.t- ranll matter. , enlnir Aniiinil DNplny of lb- iiutiiicii( Is .Made Fond parents and friends this nf- SIOX WOltK iikiii: Will (lw Fid I.t'cliu tin Domestic Dnltii'xllc .Science III Coos Hay Cltltn lor Tlu Ladles Ladies Fine Mesh Silk Hair Nets: will wear as fjood as any 10c net. Op ,salpax Clean While Cotton Batts: were 12' -jC roll. Now only . Miss Anna Tnrley, of the extension SUIISCIMI'TIOX KATIM DAIIjV. I Ono year JC.00 tonioon flocked into Hip liljrlt school worU of ,hp jome8,,. B,.ini-c' depart 'fit rinnin t 4 iui 1 11 1 1 i.. ....... ...... ft n i itt- .. .,., .u-,v 1 omnium ami iciu new .'"'"" '"" ,mMll 0f tne Agr nil urn College. l ..- u Pir;nc. uini-n nn v,r : S1.B0 "" ''" ""' n r '" XL Coo. County. Today and to- ScerSUCkCr CrC)C 111 Vai'lOUS COlOr StripeS, WCrC Real Hair Switches, sanitary made: variety of shades: were $3.50 to $5.00. On sale at -..- When paid strletlv In advanco the. students, their yearly work In man- mo,.r(lW gno 8 nt Uandoii and will 130 ailCl 18C. Now only per yard ... 4c 7k $1.45 12c Ir niniillm I.. . ...... . . . ...' nml "itui llliu "l cu " ' QKn nnr l Y1r nfwm rni 35c and 40c: now only An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex ccpt Sunday, and weekly, by 'to attend this afternoon n second The Coos liny Times riiniisuiiij; ,t. iho four venr of hfali school work ',..' .,,.,., ., ,m ,,i.. ,i,,. arc represented. trntlnns nt the Methodist hall from Ladies' imported Black H0S3 Willi White feet', xo mopu uiiu una ou uiiiiuriuiiii. SIIOt'LD OCT FACTOItlKS and 10:. 10 p. nt. and instructors there willing to explain and luiawer IT Is time now for the commercial' questions, bodies of Coos Hay to endeavor to i I'nder the stiperiiilendency of secure factories and other Indus- Fred Flanders tho nianunl trsliiliiK tries for this locality, formerly tho ( this year has been n success. This only objection to this place tnul Is clearly shown In tlio pieces of rould bo offered was that it had no ! work on oxhibltion. Two (able of to .i p. m. There win he no charge peal 60C ValllCS. UnlV 'wear Were $1.25. Now. 18c and all lames uro welcome to nuonu .,,. ... . ,j,,11MB ;,, .... ,,,i iviuii o vvuui uiiuci vvurti in ui ay aim chnnru is given this evening. The ,. ,,, .... ti, i,,.),,,,!!,,,. ,,mi, ... . ... .. . " "V..C..V :j ... ....... ....D uiiiiiiiiiKH win no open uoiwowun now H,1P wll, glvo, At lVorth Iloiul the DrOWHS. 85c ear Not alNargo accounts -but th. knows he is just as wclno,nc h J Sl11 -For months wn iinun i.-; 'Ie,e? savings account hercbecan o7g lheiPfl, thrift and industry. aue VVe Want t0S Wo pay interest on snviniis norn,, , riDCT IIJITinii n rhnH niwi IMIIUNALIMI OF COOS BAY w" ""' "i-pun; Hojtw p0 'Client, .Mickey buildins? has been leased. and , cn's HofJ-skin and Calf-Skin GlOVeS. u?h1eid"!iior"ml tlolm",8tnitl0"8 wl" I Formerly sold at 75c. Now 35c SCHOOL NOTIW Satlsfaitlun (iiiai'iiu. (ecd or Money Itufiiudi'd The Fair Central Aicmio Xet Chaiidlur Hotel FLHIH1 4 BEIIEII S ii.ni.sr M IN liiiiw ,. Myrtle wood Attention. particularly altrncted .MIsb Kllxnliuth Moore ,of tho do-' railroad connections and many fac tories require railroads for safe ship ments of their output. The railroad Is now being built and before Itslmestle science department completion Is the time to begin a shown (be nouns women how lo campaign for securing such mniiii- cook. On one tablo was shown n factoring concerns as require railroad , meal for flvo people, a small ban shipment and at tlio same tlmo cm quet, costing not inoro than $1. bo benefitted by the fact that there There are many examples of sow ls also water transportation faclll- lug exhibited. In fact ovory sewing ties. Sasn and door factories mini i class has something on display. And wood working plants of different 'In nddltlon to this thero are many kinds should find Coos Hay an Ideal pieces of art work that are extraor plnco for locating as there Is an nb- dlnary. undance of lumber here to bo se- . ' cured ns raw material. We can state now that thero road and that the time a factory solf. Factories with payrolls aro what i wo need to nmko n big city and every CAST OK TlllltTIIK.V I'llACTICK material. We can state I , ,, , .. BFjBzM IS II COMEDY effort should bo Hindu to sccuro them. KOH "SCIIOOLMISTIHCSS" COAL .MAIMiKT IIIO suggestion made by Dr. Mtn giiH to the Chamber of Com merce that data regarding tlio Say It will tie Out or Hest Aiiialeiii I'Kidiittloiis of tin Venr To Ho (Jlveu Miiv 1!H. (Viidal Sciiool. Tlio seat work In tho primary grades for tho past weuk lias boon the tracing, cttttluir and nastlni: of liaS , .,!,., ...j tin I'fi lit. Trip luirilnltf In flit.li rooniH. i Mrs. A. Toyo and Mrs. Herbert L'jckhart wro visitors In .Miss Coin ! lug's room 'this week. Tho intisle for tho llttlo folks , has been flower mid animal songs. Tho children have been malting posters for tho exhibit and indus triously working on number work and penmanship papers for the same. There aro only threo inoro weeks of school, very Important last days for finishing up and determining grades and standards of work. Th teachers hope that ovory child will ho In his or hor place every day. SecMind (Jradc. Mrs. I'rod Wilson wns a visitor P last Friday. ! Virginia Hodglns and .looy Mc Keown woro tho winnors In' a road' , lug contest held In this room. , Max Harrington has moved t.i oontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J i.-i.(i.i,i,..,i ,u:;.M,lv ' nnij, Capita), Surplus nd Ur Profits $118,000 I ni '' "( I. il.l i 'n:,.. AND SWIM i.iKMr.s Milieu I. W. Heniicll, riNldcu. .1. II. I-'Imiiiikmii, l.e.l'nsidriit It. !'. U llll.inm. ( ,,(.,.. M). WlruIiMtcr, Ao.Wj. l.ovo of n youthful and persistent suitor for tho lady of his choice, I'owors. Kirtli Crude. This wool: tlio Fifth GRAVEL We are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In nny quantities from pile In our yard or In cailond lots, at followliiK prleei: From pllo on ground, 2.'sl per yard. catioad lots, taken from cart, $b.00 per yard. lleliiil DepiiKinent. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposlto Tost-Office. riiom MM). Scailiafiai-Aiffiai U i WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE ONE DOLLAR OPENS AfJ ACCOUNT INTEREST PAID . OUR HOME SAVINGS BANK FOR YOUR FREE USE HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 10 1 twnanntniinn wmi.h M4ftSi:WJt ...B ,1 -I. I.... . ....... . .. . market for coal bo secured In a irood u,u '" ""i 01 ino coupio .. ti, ..,! i .. i i 'onceallng their Bucret innrrlage. This wool: tlio Fifth C.rndo lias uiivt i iiviu tiiu nuiuiui 'n muivn ijij- ' ; ine gyraiious 01 vero liueckett, , "een wouciug ou maps mm storiei f.A.KILBURN- ing developed and with tho com- for tho exhibit, nnd reviewing in Arlthmotlo, (leogrnphy and History. Pupils In tho A class bavlng 100 l:i pletlon of tho railroad thoro should 1,uhIku"1 r tl10 l''-''t''l,',' t ' yj"""? bo a big market for Coos County I"11"08 );''"iK hciiooi, all riguro ... I., ti... .iiii.... .....I ...it... conl In llin Inlnrliir or tin nlnln"" '"" ' ' "' runn:iij i where there Is no coal and at other! "",lJ s,',loolinl8tr08''." h htnged o1Uiik for the week aro I.avlnri points east which can bo reacihed by Ml,y -s b' tMt' HOI,,or ('1,,8S ot tlio f 1'nlntpr. l'erry Clarko nnd Harry 1 tho railroad. Tho mining men hnvo ,,,B" -c''001- jllnwoni. II claw Morton Coko. always expected that tlio railroad lI"'l,i' Hi" efficient tutelogo ot ,ll"' Foulks, Kd.wlu Swantou, Se- would open up a big market and uMIhs Silverman and Arthur Sllvor-. ''! Hongoll, Margaret llongoll. will bo of great benefit to secure all1""111' "l0 lllHl (,r 1:! llllV0 tin"" '"- !M,,I,B1' Stutsman, Downy Adkins and Information possible as to what mar-' ll,n,kl,,,l' wo" ' Miolr practice of I-iikciio Jonos. , kct can bo created. j tlio last fow weeks. Slxlli (iciidc. ; "Tlni SchoolmlHtrosB" Is u pl.iy ' l'rnost liniuel, (ieitrudo Stubble-, With a HiM'lou ill" "il.nililo mi mi. I fluid. I. DOTH .All'C.'llHlH nllll lhlllnlllll I laimh your lioncl off hieldonta Hint l,,0,,n0 ''vo not iiiltpilled any X WITH THE TOAST more than onco has mado Its uppoar-"' Iho 100 words pronounced this ' Kindling wood, per load DI.7.T to' a fAND THE TEA wirougn nign scuooi cHstM. .. Alder wood, 16 to 2 1 VL,,',' Q'ifcketi. as played by lin- j I" o"r tudy of inlneraU. sampleH inches mi to fa.W) noipii iiiiistroiu, snow us the pic- "l """ "l" "()l" oiiezuoia, Alaska. j;,,.,. iivc'ry turo of a Mlf linnort.uit husband ! folorad-), and Sunitor, Oreuoii. wen , w n. i.ivjo Abstracts FOIt HKLIAULIC AIISTHACTS OF T1TLK AM) l.NFUIt.MATIO.N AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL STATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. MAl.SHFIKLD AXD OOQCILLi; CITV. OKF.GOX GKXEHAL AfJU.NTS, KASTSIDK AXD KFNOSTACKK.VS ADDITION AGKNTS FOlt C.WADIAX I'ACIIIU JIAII.UOAI) LAMW HKXitv si:no.stacki;n. maxaokh WOOD! WOOD!' 00 10 0 San Francisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland North Bound FIJO.M SAX FISAXCISCO iiimti a. in. .May tit), M, :n, .luiic ". nt. n.ai.M.a. FHO.M COOS IIAV I'OU ASTOKIA AM) I'OltTIAMi. I". M. Tide, .May 'M, t!7, .liiuu I. 7, I'-', 17, Ui, 7, Jul; L South Bound VHOM FOISTLAXI) (I p. in., May ID, 'M, HI); June I. I), II, 10, 21, 2). HI I IHOM COOS IIAV FOlt HUIF.KA AMI SN 1 lUXflMtt I'. M. Tide, .Muy 'J I, till, :II, .Imif It. II. S, c A 31. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. nillli Tenulnnl Dock. I'lume l-"i. . j. S'lUlll.Ajil vJ2Mmmsgza&&mv Two Is matrimony, but tlueu alimony. Is; Someone asked at the library for "Melletli." by Shapespear, and ' l.-ihl of Mr. lllgglns," by Cooper. A Central avenue man will over look a lot of faults In a woman unless she happens to bo his wife. Henry Sengstackeu says .loo Den nett is a "close" friend of his be causo ho won't lend him money. You may have noticed that some times tho man who sits down to wait (or something to (urn up picks out a iilco easy chair In tho Chandler lobby. who sought to show his friend. Ad- funilsliucl by Loom McCleiw. I in 1 1 it 1 ltauklliiK (Harvey Walter.!), lnterostliiK articles on South what a groat ehaiaetor ho U, proud- Amoilca wero road to tho claw in ly attempting to withhold from HiU'.,tuwnl,h' f'oiu "The South Amerl o!d salt tho fact hU wlfo Is tho "" pnbllihod In .Now York. .IiikiiI of a girl's boarding school. 'N'u picture stuiUed this month Is Hunt on making a llttlo Christmas Aurora by duldo Itoul. 'pin money, the schoolmistress. Miss Son'iith (.'raclu. j.Mr.ry Kruse, accepts an alluring '- Jll',i li- - Honebruku visited this 'lei for a fow days and loaves liorrt""" '""I Monday afternoon. 1 husband, stating she Is going on a ''''u' lavliiK tlitss mudo somo . vlt-It. u,'' IntorestliiK postern this week. i Tho comody Is keen when tbe i The following pupils received I0o Admiral comos stalklim lit to xlslt " "" n lnw "v" spelling tests rllli (Jiiechott and finds so. .r.u Kiven this wectk: Huby I'ltin.m. I'hona 277-J. North ilrst St. AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYAK0 Honk Fnwt HtrwM. lhA. TH Wl llfll IIIM WW j T. .1. HCAIF15 JU A. II. I10IIOI.NS Marshfipid PA,NT AND ividrbnneiQ decorating co. ICstlmates I'lirnNIied t'lionu 1 1(1-11. Miiihliflulcl, Orogoti C0000$Hr.K three tilM a cloy. nn Commutation LS Tickets $2.00 lMntiliel(I-.orth Beud Auto JJ r every tea iiiliiiitm I turn it . u. lo 12 i. nt.; to South Slough once a day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to Kinplr n t I A WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. WKHT M KIVO. PrnM young ladles thoro. n.i Lmittt.i Tlifiniiiuikn lin..fi. du.i..u i. 1 lll'lU Mil" 11, ........ ,.ww... man oiimainvil' i, louce acioiiiited for by Qiiet-lttt .' ln A"P .Tohnson, Ulhle Hlllstroni. .. .. .. ..... 1.-...I. ...I.... i .. .. 'v yociiK roiauvos. nut tlio apii'.tr- ""' irrj-. uiiuiore lirani .1 .. It ...l.. .. .. . Vfllu.ltll.Xt li1.ll...k fl..... ..!..!.. ... hiii it cm mir vi'i-ni en Hi'HIliaiil IMHI- ""...... .ii.ni.i.-, iiuav .hiiiiiu, r,- tho young liugbHiul of no 8r't, .Nordstrom. Assets 52,340,000.00 I 111 !' I 11 A !! II a liiialitiii.l nf M'l.i..,...!.... I i . i (".. Miiii iiMi'nil III asking other men to pay the florist ' .,UM, mon ,,, , , 1 7 i Z, 1ui!"M1y",r m" ",' iT1'""- ,,0,,", rrt" h,t:,, ; win .. m '" ?,h,,l'tl" ontlro situation is clear.-1 up l.ll. o.hois do all tho tieatlng. ,,, u a, ,Up Tho east Is as follows: Mr. Yen ijuwliott nifiii .school Pays 8 per cent on savings HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sea C0RTHELL Phone 3171, Tim m IHIHCEII TMBNIil Weekly Sort Ice Coos Hay and Sua rrwt STEJUHSHIP MUM 91 Freight and Passenger Service U1IIU I.MPMVI M 1IKIII ill M 1-olt sN IIUNU "I '.4i rnw.ii u.iMiit AT l:i) 1". 51. Ban Kiancuco Office, Ot)0 File Ih1I0Ih?. Coob Bay Agent, C. F. ilrGEOBGE, nn.l lit! XUS Pte p i i 6 TI.MI-: TO .STOI' Isn't It about tlmo these May tiuio rains coased? A llttlo if a good thing Is Hiil'fli'loiu. Too much In nioro than enough. The way It has been raining lately liuiilinls Al Koff of the story of tho Cui-iuua , Hiiiiiloi-i. of (ruining tditp Dex whose wile gno blilh to tripU-lr. ' lorons I.ioyd l.emeiu Iliiiis was waiting in the parlor I'l-ginnld l'aulover. . . ..losso Vvmu 'I lilt l (.'i-aclo Those pupils huve been neither nbwiu nor tardy this month: Ullen Uitdberg, Violent Curry. Kimono o 0 ,IaU I O Uudolph Hlllstr.in '""""'"" ,mu ia- MUI" ! Admiral Uauklliig. of Ills MaJ- 'm- lyi'" '"""'"n. Annua lllldeii wly'a llagshlp Pandora.... rn,u1, K,'"r "a". )' Frleon. Harvey ValU.rj'),,1mvu ,,:wu,,' li,a' ?" JU Lleuleiiant .lohu Mallory Clausou. Lois Ilassford. Floren.e Krle ainrinir.l.'1111"1 1Jvel" KoonU. Augustus i iw. noffman. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer I- 00444. TT-I . ... -g i!L. . .J LJU , Florence Kardell, when the uiirso broiighL In tin first child. "That Ish gooi," said Hani. Soon tho nurse eamo in whn Hn iecoiii lioi u. x Tj lor tscii am I Uuy ii.nl Oofi ( fireman )..AVIIIIm MeDonuld Miss Dyntt tTho gchoolinU- Doss) Mury Kruso ii'i'MJ" Marjoile tl.aham "Tlmt Iss fine," said llann with I Krmytrmlo Cora Dye foreou coniplacoucy. Oweiulollno Clara Sergeant Then shortly afterwards nurse DlnaJi Rankling ... Uess Dou'l.is entered with tho third Infant. otll Hornstetu tu popular com- aacctii, .losephlne Savage, Flod pcott and Oeorgo Soott. Those making perfect per cent U pelllng all week were Florence Kar dell. Florence Atkins. Josephine Sa vage. Floyd e'Jtt. Fugetie Sampson. Aiioim HllclenbranU. Lrona lloimri. Margaret Wood and Helen F,iy, Fnni'ili (Innlo. Those having perfect spelllnu les sons all week were Mary MiKm- OITV AITO & TAXI CO. Dsj and Nlgbt Service. For taxi, hone l'o, Chandler Hot, l For touring cars, phone 20, chandler Hotel LY.W LAMIiF.TII, l'rop. N.w (Mrs :: :: : -. .w c.irs SOUTH 0008 ICIVIBR BOAT 8KKVICK WUXCIl ICXPRICMU leaves .MnrsiiflciU wver day 8 a. m. Leaves head of river at it: 1.1 p. m. VSAMKK 1MIMIOW leaves bead of river dully st 7 a. ni. leaves MaisnMeld at Jt p. w. lor charter apply on board. hogkkb uAirrn l'raprieton i 4 4 ! FOlt AM) $ Whereupon linns excitedly rushed' IHWr Ludwlg Ktoue "fUl Ulhfr wlJOordon NVtf. Mark to the adjoining bedroom and shout Booue. Archie Jaffray ia flroman) ...Kav luvia """""' AnBW 8now Alton Ka vil aloud to tho wlfo or bis Ihmiui! , t'lllpiugu U IURU1 '"" ",, u" J'.'. W,,taB Ml i:,ro "Katrlua, dot's enough of such Margarlte hti-k " ','0 '. foolishness." DAILY ADVICU Mrs. Kli'tti Onulo, With your coin do not lie a fool, Ho saving, and don't borrow, Itankling llora Brown ..." ,w,,c, ,u MiwWame .,r ' iui uioiiin are iiyrtle t'onkh.i. t'cHil Doll. Vernon KorJ, Alton K : dell. Laurence tCiinnc 'i ,n i These pupils made uo niistakis cialr. ukk Walters. Mary MvKlnnou In spelling all week: Francis Finn- cailsta Walter. Kibert N'lesb i,r agau. (iladys Hunows. Helen IV- .,t. Walter Sneddon. John ord klus. Helen Merchant, Herbert Mur- sii.im nr-r,... ' . DUNGAN . UNDERTAKING PALLORS will be kept oim:s TO THK l'l'III.IC A rpgular state United undtrtuker Mill be In . charge IMione IO.VJ TMAXsFKi: H'I'OIIAOE HOUSKHOLD GOODS I'reight and Ilaggage. Call rF.IM.TKOX TJU.VisFHU 1'lione I0a. llefclcK'iice I'h. me 1T. Market ave. anil Wutuirrnnt KQUll'I'KD WIIU WIKW'E teamship Brealwat1 ii.uMrs as TIME. -""--- ...m.Cl si PAY Di w"' ..uTitrnsnwi III "-- s.tini ifiwm MAiiKHFIFLD i: t:i AT 1) A. .M., AXD FHOM FOIUIAM' Ml A'1' .-r,rKET0mC' TICK15TS OX BAM3 AT rOOTIAM" l,i ,T,.vp. v etnn wrt , Phone 8W, C. H. I Lap1 ; MERCHANT'S CAFE ; Popular place for I Good Meals. Prices Raasnriflhla "''vn ,rj5JH!!liai& B't1w'y wxtssaa si:lli(j (ioons Vhe big problum in : so.)do is getting the e- ' ' ' c sti re c , 1 ''. Wl I lu!;i Ppgefc Sound Bridge Dredging w .SFn'n'nB WORK HflnDU" ; ordrl fienorai v MARP "',", nrcacn- Our HnriQ Rnv nffirn has avaiiaiJlO l"' j rvwwr vfiiiMwtt-" Dams, Bridges, Buildings. COMPLETE PLAN 1 5 run . tho most work the DrAilare "Seattle pcmorful, host iUlpped and " ((c ,t,ii wonty-luch liydraniic j".-- jjs I ,.,ra ovl ' Coo Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. 'I'...' 0 , or $ O 4 COOS n.V TIMKS WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS ! Ill V I I'-TO-TIIF-MIMTK I WAU Mil' Wllll.i: THJ.; I And you will tlnd, my sou Unit h. J aiictti iirciwii. r room Him.- Kim rii. you'll Have no fear of tomoirow , i,u. ,u' ii. ,i i , land Tlieluia iD.ishni isi.i.l; .ind 1'i.m ''i I u'l Si i i ii i i :ooiic. Din, ni., u.,., u Re Times Want Ads Bring SiI'l'J.V LAST 5 I I O.