ESfplSS jmi IHKSSSSSSiiSfcMsSfSS'ss tx&m. Rjp IS&tXA&t-t.-'"''"""' MMlNUtUUU- FOUR THE COOS EDITION. 5 BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20 jl&-.EVENING BOflTIWEN APPEALiBASEBALLSCDRESTEAGHERnSSKS PA! TT1 CAPTAIN IiUMJIX COMICS TO AW-'llfXWItRIlS ATTKXli "HAPPY HO- just ihiti:iu:xci:s CJA.VS" FUXEItAIj "Will Investigate BeeMoni of l S. Steamboat Inspectors Kilunrd.s nnil Fuller. Appealing from the stern decisions of tho U. S. Steamboat Inspectors Kd wards and Fuller, the steambont nien of tho Coqulllc BIer this week hnvo a clinnco to explain their trou bles to a higher authority. Captain J. K. Uulgln, supervising Inspector of the Pacific Coast district Is ex pected to arrive hero from San Francisco, coming In on tho Break water. Threo times the Inspectors have como hero to Investigate Coqulllo Ittvcr troubles. The first time sev eral captains and officers wcro sus Attest Popularity of Venetian Mana 1 jjer Cold Snap SI III Prevalent I On Kiistcrn Fields ! PBKCFXTAGES OF COAST LEAGUE Dr AwocUtrt Tint to Cooi nr Tlran. 4 San Francisco. .27 20 .574 Los Angeles ..27 20 .f.74 Salt Lako ....23 ID .54S Oakland 22 23 .4S Venice IS 23 .439 Portland 10 24 .400 SUIT OF CAKOMXB SIIiKL NEXT OX COUItT DOCKET Claim Wn Illegally Dismissed ly Xortli Ucml School Board nntl Asks Pay For Best of Year Special to Tho Times.) COQU1LLE, Slay 20. With tho termination of tho hard fought Mlt- chell-Coach caso thcro appears next on the docket tho caso of Miss Caro line Slbel, former soventh grado teacher, against the North Bend school district. Tho caso promises to bo ono of i much Interest. Miss Slbel claims that sho taught threo years In tho school and shortly beforo Christmas The Woman and Her orset wng nformc,i tMat ho was no lon- VENICE, May 20. Play was again gcr wantcd. postponed yesterday between the Tho ncsUon as to whether or not Venetians and tho Heavers out ofia1, ,. nm0It on i,or contract, to ponded for 20 monthB. Tho second (respect for "Happy Hogan," whoso jpay tor tno rc8t of tno yCSir s cx. funeral was Held ncro amiu tno ns-jpoctC(, to rost on lho nrEumont ns to whether or not sho was dismissed or a"lt on hor own accord. Sho Bays another teacher had her position Im mediately after tho Christmas vaca tion, and knowing this, did not ap pear for duty. For lho tilnlnllff J. T. Ilrand Is n. K. E. i np11carnK wlth C. E. Maybco and A. tlmo several moro lost their li censes and on tho trip of a few days ago two moro captains wore suspended. Tho result was tho tying up for a tlmo of both tho Coqulllo and tho Charm for tho reason there woro no licensed operators obtainable to run them, ovoryono In that section have been disqualified for service. Captain llulgln has just arrived In Portland from San Francisco and expects to como hero on tho Break water. Ho will probably hold his Investigation In Coqulllo and what tho results will bo on tho matter of Coqulllo stcamboatlng is a mnttcr of Interesting conjecture among thoso who havo followed tho troubles of tho rival passenger nnd freight lines. semblago of hundreds of fans and ball players, attesting to tho fact that Hogon was ono of tho most popular managers In tho Coast lea gue. Tho scores of yesterday follow: Const League. At Oakland 0-29 AS SUBMARINE WINS WATER CARNIVAL FETE U. of O. Qunrtctto Tlmfc Rang Hero Make Hit With Night Songs on .Mill Itnra Banks ' How tho Varsity' quartcUo sent their songs floating on tho night nlr. whllo hidden In n bower of roses on tho banks of tho Mill raco In Eugunc, whllo down tho stream thcro paddled canoes decorated In every conceivable maunor and strung with colored lights Is a story being told by moro than 2,000 peoplo who lined tho Unco to sco tho first water carnival hold thcro. Ecach fraternity and sorority con tested, putting Into tho fcto a craft symbolizing Bomo ovcut. Tho prlzo was won by A.T.O. fraternity with Its replica of tho "0.29," a black Herman submarlno that crept stealth ily down stream In tho darkness, sending bright colored torpedoes right and loft. Tlioro wero soveral students from Mnrsliflold who took part In tho ov ent that In ovory way was called a great siiccss. Los Angeles 7 G 0 Oakland 3 7 2 At Salt Lako It. H. E. San Francisco 1 11 1 Salt Lako 2 8 1 At Venice Portland-Venice gamo postponed, on account of Hogan's funeral. American Txmgiio At Chicago Philadelphia 7, Chi cago 9. At Cleveland Boston 2, Clevoland fi. At Detroit Now York 1, Detroit 3. II. Derbyshire for tho defendants. GEO fl EIGHT TENTACLKD MOX.3TKK FHOM HALIBUT BAXKS Death LeLnvcs Strong Anas Weak mid I.lni) Charles Albcrs nntl Her- nmii Hansen (Jot 1800 lb. Halibut Off tho halibut banks a devilfish ' in nasu rln ir 11 foot from tin to tin At St. Louls-Wnshlngton-St. of tontlclca wa8 caUB,lt on a Louis cold. fishing lino by Charles Albors and Xntlonnl League. Hurman Hansen who wcro fishing In At Now York Chicago 1, Now an opc, bont Tn,a niornnB tho big or,c C fish attracted much attention at tho At Philadelphia St. Louis 3. t.-il,i1Pln,1II mnrtot whom it wn Philadelphia 0. brought. WILL USE DYHJUMITE v Everything In woman's dress be speaks tho discrimination of her In dividuality. If she knows nnd ap preciates modish design and superior quality, you will find her favoring American Lady Corsets. Tried and tested, yonr nfter jem1- American Lady Corsets, always supreme In sat isfaction, grow in favor with thoso who havo worn them and know them tho best. Thcro arc American Lady Corsets, both back and front lace, for all fi gures, no matter what tho slzo or proportion; American Lady Corsets for nil occasions; American Lady Corsets for nil purses. Lot your next corset bo an Ameri can Lady Corset and note tlto modish linos you secure ns a foundation for your gown or suit. let us show you. American Lady Corsets $1 to $5 HUB DRY GOODS SMAHT WUAIl FOK WOMEN COHXElt HKOAmVAV AND CEXTKAL AVE. CO. Phono illll Clr&nt ITi. Film at the a r nruuK.yn vvincmnnu u, urooK- Another of tho "devils" was y" 2" , , caught on a lino and with Its long At Boston-Pittsburg 7, Boston 0. arlng nod wUU ..BUcton drags," made Itself fast to tho boat nnd de fied all efforts to pry It loose. Tho hook wag lifted out of Its capacious opening that sorves as a mouth and tho fish disappeared In tho deep. I The halibut banks, say tho fisher-j men, aro about eight miles directly' off tho coast at Whiskey Bun. Tho second fish was caught thcro. It A. H. Powers Vlslls Placo to Arrnngo weighs about 40 nounds nnd hns ! eight tcntuclcs, each about flvo feet In length. Ordinarily these nrms mean death ' when once tho fish lias somcono NEED EXPLOSIVE TO STAUT LOO JAM AT ALLEOAXY -4 Button or laco. $3.00, J4.00, or $4.50, $5.00. Spring Pumps. REGALS and NETTLETON'S SHOES for MEN Special attention to children nnd to feet hard to fit ' GORDON'S, INC. SHOES OF MEIUT. Central Avenue nntl Broadway. Multifield, Oregon. I. Powers Vl.slds Placo to Arrange to Bring Logs From Gould Ciiuip Down Stream -.4 (Special to Tho Times.) AT.T.1.V1 A W n-n Mnw on Tli. I l.n. 1nnn Imn'vv rnlnfnll 7'n,l I ' ClaSpCd tO ItS "bOSOin" ttlld for tills ' .... .. ,... , una w- cnllty nnd nt present there are three rnnKnil ffulinrmnn nvnrotan rtiurtl nn' w..UUB ttMUVtlllbtl VAVtbiaU 114 Lttll1 WAR VETERANS TO HEAR SERMON SUNDAY CJ. A. It. of Coon Bay to go in Body To North Ucml I'lcslijlciliin Climvli for Soi'l'cs, or four feet of fresh water In tho."0" '" '"S'" " A a small river. A. H. Powers has boon hcro0"1; Tll ,,ody ,s larR0' roun(1 nmI I nnd mnilo nn effort to start tho lpgs' f abby' A h"B Vchot opening IsJJ from nnnl.l rnmn Tl.nV nr,tho n,0"tl through Which Water is from tho Gould camp. Thoy are Jammed In tho river at tho Gago placo and It will probably bo neces sary to uso dynnmlto to start thorn, Tho rains hnvo stopped tho road work abovo Glen Junction ns thcro Is tno much mud to permit working, sucked nnd out of which Its food of mlnuto marine llfo Is taken. Tho1 Japaneso dry tho tontnclcs nnd sell thorn In their markets as food deli cacies. Tho flshormen. this trip nlso $ r01 KEAL QUESTION Coo question Is not, will men honor yot for your work? But does your work honor you? Your concorn la not only to creato profit for yourself, but to mako that which will profit many bo sides yourself. COOS HAY 8TEASI LAUNDRY Phono J57-J. DRESSMAKING nnd TAILOHEI) HATS Work guM-nntood nml prices rcn.sonnblo 4 MH8. II. C. WILLEY 4 Over Norton & Hanson's Phono 169-J. cah fob imii: Oliver Kcplmrt 4 Phone !lt() 4 4444 NOBLE Theater Friday Nigh SHOWING THE IDEAL SHIRT FACTORY, ono of the la s m the West. This is one ol the greatest industrial pic hires ever shown on the mov ing picture screen and is ol great educational value. It shows the making of cloth, the cutting, manufacture and the entire process :: :: :; Noble Theater Friday Night THIS FILM was secured for ex hibition here by N0RT0rJ.& HANSEN, who handle the products of the famous IDEAL SHIRT FACTORY In a body tho Civil War veterans of Coos liny will go to tho Presby terian Church in North Bond Sun day morning to attend tho sermon to bo glvon by Bov. Slilmlnn. Ae cordlng to tho orders of Commander Simeon Mlllor. Thcro aro opproxlmutoly IS old noldlers on Coos Bay, says S. II. Catliriirt, senior vlie-cominander of tho local camp. Thoso from Marsh field will meet tho veterans from North Bond boforo 1 1 o'clock Hun day morning near tho North Bond Nowh stand. 4 Tho following Sunday will bo Dec-, j It costs ono cent a word C uiituon nay ami tno veienuiH uuuti to tell your story each day In fi...,i., n.ii., i... .... i i.. .' brought In about 1.800 nounds of vimiivn .i.'iiiiiu nun June uuilftlll. .,,,,,,. I .in. iiniiini. .... rtni....p . i '... ........If, iiiu tlOlllll Ull II1U banks there very good. Hnvo you been to HAHTEK'S for JiUXCHV If Not, Why Not? Something New Kvcry Day. Ico Cream bricks "Hc Ico Cream, quarts KH- lea Croam, plntB -" Hot Chicken TnmnleB. . . .52 for 'Me Picnic Lunches n Specialty SARTER'S Phono (lit-J. Opposlto Blanco Hotel, Front Street Marshtlold. now silo outfit consisting of silo, en gine, nnd cuttor. Tho silo Is 8x32 foot In slzo and is tonguod nnd groov-. . , . " Cl!. j All threo schools In this vicinity $ LOCAL OVERFLOW X nro In session. Tho Allognny sc.iool In tniicht liv MIks Wnnklnv Tl. ' 1H UUlgni IIJ .MISS WCOKIOJ. ThO JOKI. OSTt.IVn rnmn In frnn, l.n school on tho east fork of tho river Is In charge of Miss Mnnovlch and I tho school on tho west fork Is taught I by Miss Maxfleld. All threo teach ers aro doing good work. 1915111 he nil irai hold their regular services hero In 1ho Orpheum Thentor. n Tho Times want columns !! 1l II. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHrnm1 Notice To Contestants for free trips to Panama Exposition at San Francisco. But a short time is left in which to secure this free trip. NOW s e tme to wm " y little soliciting among your friends now will line up their votes and will probably determine the winners. MHHMaHMnniMnMMaHMHHHWnM CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 30f 1915 RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE 122 bench abovo Bandon yesterday. Ho walked tho cntlro 27 miles with n pnek In six hours nnd says ho feels none tho worso today. Ho expects to go back again on Saturday. MBS. OEOBGE MUKDOOK, sister of II. O. Gravos, accompanied by hor husband, is expected hero on tho Snntn Clara from Portland tomor row and will visit horo for about a month. Sho hns not scon Mr. (Iraves for soveral years. Mr. Mur dock Is an attorney with tho U. S. Bepnrtmont of Justico nnd comes now from Salt Lako City whoro ho hag boon conducting somo cases. "Weather lliirm.H Berries. Balsors of straw berries assert that tho rainy weather hanging on Is not only do-laying- tho ripening of tho big crop but thoro Is nlso dangor that many ,of tho berrlos will rot and becomo a loss. It Is nlso feared now that if tho ( sun suould como out bright and j . warm tho borrles would bo sun scalded, a fact that would detract I greatly from tholr lusclousness. Tho I crop this year Is said to bo blggor than In several seasons. Service Station Where you are taken care of 365 days and nights the year Official Prop I'ltlDAV. JM'ttftW t'0i iTrot or pV. cW mile, two heats, ehWi race, 2:35 clasi, pw. -( 'n 1 nunnlnr. one MI' 1 mircn No. 3 Trot or pice, oU I m 1 1 0, best two In tint Wj I frco for all, porn " I No. 1 Novelty rice, 011 $30 Tor first to qn! in fnr first to M" post. $BB for lint b quarter post, """" nillo stako -" No. G Motor Cycle. J l 25 to lit, J" " '"J SATl'llDAV, Jl" I No. G.-Trot cr mile, two bem' 2:35 ci. ", race, 7 Itunnlas. iMl; Fresh Stock m 0. Puro f. U. oTrnt nrDltf,1"; t W - . ... I erery lNi Just arrived, in all styles, Smooth, Chain and Nobby KkVEiLSEri. Replacements $ 4 , t WATERFRONT NEWS ? A wlro from San Francisco to' Agent McOcorgo this morning advis ed him of tho cancellation of tho. charter with tho steamship Carlos for a voyngo hero. Xo reason was glvon. Tho Xann Smith will lenvo down for San l-'ranclsco somo tlmo on Sat urday. The Xann Smith, according to a wlroless message, will cross in from San Franolsco nbout 1 o'clock this afternoon. Tho Santa Clara crossed out of the Columbia this morning for Com Bay, I There was never a tire man ufacturer that did not have to make good some of its goods, but the U. S. have a very small percent to replace. U S Tiro for MILES and Ilres ior SERVICE GOODRUM'S GARAGE MARSHFIELD OREGON Correct Tnfnfmoi-tAM L 1. r 1 r 1... -vuuuuu rtuuut ioaa onamons No. 8- thrco heats, nun, !'" .,,! No. 0-nunnlB6 oMrtJ Curry toumj all horses not fl , No. JWf-J to 1st, fl5to!U .YOUAOTF0RF00TK pnont SW" ; Night mj Tffia Opposite m phono v"-f fAnsnFi Pir hires &Ff Walker St 1 L i-rasn wmmmMM wmm ffBQgWl tuuHiyBBiHiiM