THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELt), OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. f THREE 0.00 PER MONTH choice building lots with hny view or any location deslrcM with in easy walking dls tlnnce on small month ly payments. 15.00 PER MONTH V ill build you n mod ern little bungalow -You select your own plan. 'See lCclt About It." U.REID, 150 Front St. X JUST ARRIVED ' stock of FIRST QUALITY MAYNARD SHOVELS X PIONEER HARDWARE X COMPANY SAVE MONEY by fullering the famous HENRYVILLE COAL ! coal, per ton 91.00 bp coai, per ion .?..ow half ton of both 91.7." II. MCSSON, Prop. Phono 1H-J or leave orders at llllljer'n Clgur Store. e Are After Bv our system you need out-of-date furnishings. in part payment for something new, stylish and up to the minute. Our exchange department is a wonder ful boon to housewives w ho take pride in their homes. HAT SETS OFF A PAR- .OR MORE THAN A FINE DAVENPORT? Jew Styles Fine Construction Spanish Leather, also Imitation Leather Priced $35 to $57.50 fracle in your rocker or couch towards one. Our Exchange Department does the work " GOING HARVEY Complete House Furnishers High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef- icient clerks being out of seeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi less makes Conner & -The Leadinn Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 197 South Broadway. !GGS EGGS EGGS Warranted new-laid under absolutely .sanitary conditions. Weigh tl ounces and over, per thueii, Mi ordinary Cnso eggs. Phono 01 "oos Bav Tea, Coffee & Spice House fhene 394-J. Broadway HAVE YOU A TELEPHONE ? f nut, you Mioultl plnco your older within tho ne.U ten days to be listed In the new directory. ARE YOU PROPERLY LISTED ? 'Ibis company trios to properly list tho number, namo classlfhatlon and location of owvy tele- jl'liniio subscriber in Its tlltectory. DO If so. y,, r ff1M1i .,. pndatloi, In Coos County. It lcs and Curry Counties. Tho V - " jtm In locating people with whom jou tlo nusiness. iin-siv "'le customer) uses it to find tho people with whom HE WILL tlo '"o J"u give, your namo In tho fcli'K Hit. ily un-to-dato list of ki.v Is I SHI) CONSTANTLY j"'" pantry shelves. I'rfuUufoiiimilo7"nbo"uVtdiMilioiie rate, directory listings and Coos and Curry Telephone FIRST XVl'lOWL RANK RI.IKJ. IT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK RECENTLY Mr Samuel Hopkins Adams, of the New York Tribune, read an advertisement offering coats or an expensive, Imported fab ric at $12. W lien be tried to buy ono he found the store's entire stock i of these coats consisted of only one genuine garment, and they refused to sell him that. IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN HERE Honesty, value and service aro , the tlneo chief alms of this I store. Tho truthfulness of our advertisements Is as 1m ' Important to us as tho honesty of our merchandise. I Our guaranteo of value covers out statements, spoken or writ ten, as well as our gouds, WE DESIRE YOUR CONFIDENCE Wo want you to know and re member that your completo satisfaction Is the only nccept ablo finish of n transaction here. In abolishing periodical sales wo acted on tho belief that a smaller profit at all times would nllow bettor values to every purchaser. THIS IS THE RIGHT SELLING PLAN You will agrco with us when you Investigate our values, prices and service. FIXUP MAHSIIFIELD SOUTH UHXI) 1IAVI3 (JOOI) CLOTHES Your Business not no on usinci your old. Trade in your old furnishings Perhaps you need some thing new in BED-ROOM FURNITURE Dressers Chiffoniers ' Dressing Tables In all finishes Latest styles Why not a new, neat, in expensive Bed-room? Trade in your old Furnishings toward it the high rent district and Hoagknd Phones 348-J and 326 fully -." per cent moro egg than tiers J10I-J. bet. Central and Commercial Please advise of any thanges from YOU ADVERTISE ? overlook the telephono directory as the intslium liming tho largest is consulted DAILY by la.ilOO people at neatly JtOOO telephones in tele me directory Is not tietl to klntUo flies. THINK of tho use telephone fliiectoiy, tho Letter i-imma juii im.u . . mn.g mmti. addresse, of business houses and prominent residents, the ill. mill never finds the w.tsto basket, goes under tlio carpet or lines BREVITIES may tides. Time and Heights of tides at Marshfleld, The tides arc placed In order of occurrence, with their times on the first line and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho liar one hour and C4 minutes earlier than at Marshfleld. At North Rend 34 minutes earlier than at Marshfleld. 20Hrs.. B.ll 12.30 Ft... 1.5 0.1 21Ilrs.. 0.G0 COO Ft... 2.1 1.3 C.1C 0.0 3.0 0.0 1.23 S.OG 0.C -1.2 WEATHER FORECAST (Dr AModtttd rtru to Coo tin, Tlmffl.J OREGON Fair, south to west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4: 13 a. m., May 20, by llcnj- Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum CO Minimum 13 At 4:13 a. m 4G Precipitation 2C Precipitation slnco Sept 1. 1911 O Precipitation eamo period last year C2.78 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. J t BORN X $$ HACKLUND. To Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Hacklund, nt their homo In Ferndnle, May 20, a girl. Doth mother and daughter aro reported to bo doing very well. NEWSULKEYS AND 60-CARTS We are showing a new ship ment of the famous HEY- W00D go-carts and sulkeys jand the noted LLOYD go carts. They are light, durable and (above all, easy for baby. The 'prices are reasonable. Come ! in and let us show them to you while our line is complete. Johnson-Gulovsen Company Service Nuiiio Willi Quality Faino BUY THE VERY BEST 3fADEJ UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A OI.KAN V AND MODERN FACTORY. BTKK1LI.EB MILK AND 4 CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 a, nt. und 2 p. in. I Phone 7.1. last directory. .... ... ,.,.-.. Wu... ,...-,- business, a he moro proniln- advertising, call U7. Company Teacher Injured. Miss Elizabeth Moore, domestic science instructor, received a painful Injury when sho fell yesterday In the laboratory. Her glasses were dashed to tho floor and In tho fall her nose was badly lac crated and a doctor was necessary. Elks Meet. At a meeting of tho Marshfleld Lodge of Klks last eve ning, n proposition from Jna. Mott to put on a homo talent play hero under tho auspices of tho lodge was voted down as tho members did not think It timely. May Ask New Trial. Ton days has boon granted Graves and Mclnturff by Judge Coke for tho filing of a plea for a now trial In tho Waters-Davis ( case, Mr. Graves stated this morning that a new trial will probably bo sought, though ho Is not yet certain of this. Alumni to Meet. Tho Marshfleld High School Alumni Association will meet to trnnsact important business tomorrow night nt S o'clock at tho homo of Miss May Prcuss on South Fourth street. All motnbera aro urged to bo present. Coin Is Marked. A 2G-ceut pleco with a person's nnino stamped across tho eagle camo Into Tho Times of fice todny. W. Wettstcln was tho namo left, presumably a mark set by a Jeweler in the hopes thrit ho might again run across tho same pleco of money. This has often been dono and several years later tho same pleco of money has como back to Its old owner, somewhat after tho fash- Ion of carving initials In tho back of a snapping turtle In boyhood, coming bnck In hnlf n century to find tho same old mark again. Moro Suits. Tom Mlnot, former ly a well known Marshfleld man, and who lias been moro or less in tho llmollght through a number or, suits started by him In connection with tho old Coos Ray Wagon Road land grant, has started another suit In San Francisco. This tlmo'ho Is suing R. J. McKcnzle, Sir William McKen zlo, and Sir Donald Mann, Canadian capitalists, P. C. Anderson and Dun can Campboll of tho United Devel opment company and their attornoy P. J. Sweeney for $100,000. Mlnot says It is duo him In connection with suits ho started against tho Southern Pacific for California oil lands. Catch Wild Man. Shouting at tho top of his volco declaring his ability to speak seven different languages and In tho snmo breath tolling ho was a wild man and dangerous, too, Professor Sedcal "hjppcrcd" across tho walk into tho Carter Hotel this morning. All night long ho kept tho neighborhood awako with his merry shouts and prnctlco of tho soven lnngungcs ho claimed to know. This morning ho sat In n corner and gnashed his teeth, calling loudly for his breakfast, completely tamed and no longer n wild, savago Igorotto. Tho Professor has led n "butterfly" life, and has no mean ability as a cartoonist, Having decorated moro than ono saloon wall with clover portraits and pictures. Walk 71 .Miles In It) Hours. That ho cnu walk a distance of 72 miles in 10 consccutlvo hours Is tho bollovo of I.. A. Woodworth and his friends havo so much cnnfldeuco in his ability that they aro willing to back him to tho extent of $G0 cash According to tho pr,csont arrange incut tho contest will bo started at .'I p. m. n week from Sunday and I will end tho following night nt 10 o'clock In front of tho Allen & Lewis I wholcbalo office Woodworth, who 1 Is tall and rangy In build, Bays that ho always has boon an enthusiastic I walkor and knows front experience that ho Is cnpablo of tho feat Ho l , i 6f READ PAGE 56 This Week's SATURDAY EVENING POST The fmff: Store "TiTe Owl" Trunk D. Cohan Tho Central Avenue Drug Store figures to nvcrago close to four miles an hour and will wear army, walking shoes. The route will take him over the county road toward Myrtle Point. In Los Angeles. W. F. McEldown ey writes thnt has located In Los An geles. Mrs. McEhlowncy and daugh ter, and Mrs. Sutherlln expect to leave Marshfeld labout Juno 1 Ho Join him there. Sues For Hoard Money. John Ar hos, formerly Interested In tho Ideal Restaurant, todny filed a suit against Jnmcs F. Uoyles, trainman on tho logging road, for $50. This Arhos claims Is duo the restaurant for meal tickets allowed Uoyles. Moves Into New Store. Stock Is being moved todny by Manager Di luent into his new two story store nt tho comer of Eighth ami Hem lock streets. Tho business is being moved from tho old location on Eighth street. Australia .lack VMts. "Austra lian Jack" came homo todny. Ho was Picked up about noon and put In tho Carter Hotol to sober up. This Is his first appearanco slnco about Chrlst mns time and It is said ho has boon logging. Jack Is a well known char acter about town and scarcely ovor comes In without visiting with tho city officials. Steamship Matt Coinlnp;. Charles P. Doe, head of tho North Pacific Steamship company, is expected In tomorrow from Portland on tho San ta Clara, returning to his offlco In San Francisco. Mr. Doo was hero onco before, coming Inst Juno on tho first trip of tho Clcorgo W. Elder. CHARLES SWANSON wns In todny from Pony Inlet for a visit. $$ t PERSONAL MENTION t $$ JAS. A. DOLLAR of tho Dollar Lum ber Company at llandon, was hero last night on business. C. R. PECK went ovor to Coqulllo this afternoon taking a look at tho court docket. M. P. (1ULOVSEN Is reported Im proving after a scvero slego or Illness. S. 11. CATIICART camo hack today from CooBton whero ho wont to do Bomo surveying work, being do tcrred by tho rain. JAMES A. DOLLAR, representative of tho Dollar Company In tholr Ho business at llandon, wan up today for a short visit. CLAUD H. GILES, attorney of Myr tlo Point, camo ovor last night mill spent part of today horo on legal, business, MItS. COItA V. SMITH mid Miss Jennlo Smith wore down from Coos River todny on a short shop ping visit. MItS. F. E. RAYMOND of First nd dltlnn loft this morning via tho old Coos nay wagon road to visit relatives in llosehurg. FRANK DENNINO loft this morning via tho old Coos Hay wagon road to visit his fathor and other rela tives nt llosehurg. MRS. A. T. HAINES camo up yos torday afternoon from tho family cottage at Sunset Hay whero thoy aro spending their vacation, going down at intervals. DAL CATIICART left this morning for Wlllnuch Inlet to do hqiiio sur veying In connection with tho wn tor rights on which tho city of Enstsldo has filed. RAYMOND E. RAKER, County School Superintendent, was over today from tho county Beat at tending to Homo matters of busi ness, OEOROE STEPHENSON, Coos Rny manngor of tho Swayno & Hoyt company, left yestordny ovorlnud for Portland on a deal Involving porno Unto. Ho will bo gono a week or so, PAUL DIMMICK, who i hero from I San Francisco to look rtffor l6cal matters In connection with tho WE HAVE ONLY ONE PRICE AND THAT IS THE ROCKI10TTOM , PRICE FROM THE START We nto ublo to do this because we buy for 8:1 busy stores, buy ing and selling for cash, no charge accounts, no delivery, and thousands (if other things that go along to make the customer pay ,n great big price for goods. Wo buy direct from tho LARGEST MANTFACiTRERS In the world cutting out the Jobber, and giv ing his profits to j on. We tlo not mark our goods so high that wo have to cut prices to sell them. ' Dress ginghams, a dandy 12 c value. Our price 7c Red Seal, tho standard dress gingham tho world over, lGc val. .tOo Apron glnghnnt, a good heavy One in all checks. 10c vnluo . .'. . ,fc Amoskcog apron glughmn, 12',c value. Our prlco 7c llopo Muslin, ;iC-In. wide, 12 'Ac vnluo. Our prlco 7c Illcachcd muslin, 8 l-,tc value. Our prlco . . no lllenched muslin, 10c value. Our prlco (I 1-tc Curtain scrim in nil patterns.. tl l-le, 10c, lUJSc, l."c, JHc, 2.V. Ladles' Vests, no sleeves 7e, t-!c, l.'c, IDe, U:tc, lc Ladles' Hoso Hie, 12$e, IDe, Mc Ladles Silk Hoso j IDe, t)Hc Havo you seen tho big, honvy Turkish Towels that wo havo, 20x10, regular Ific each. Our price t"!$c Men's heavy Overalls, with tho bib or without, 00c value .. .OOc Men's 9-oz. big overalls, $1.00 value. Our nrlco 8!c Roys' overalls, tho COc valuo. Our prlco IOc Men's full-cut work shirts, f0c val lie. Our prlco "o Men's full cut work shirt, oxtru quality, "Co value. Odr prlco Iflc Men's soft collar dress shirt, 7Cc valuo. Our prlco IDo Men's negligee and silk shirts 8o $1. 1" Men's Starched Shirts Itc, 08c Originators ' 'U ,$iZ&i'9' J Others of low prices fKf Mi If iAV,JE.-W'7.7"?1ffy Follow Swayno & Hoyt Interests, will spend a week or so on tho Ray. Ho Is accompanied by E. R. HIckoy, a sou of Mr. Illckey of tho Stnnd-lsh-Hlckey Co. X AT THE HOTELS X $ X Chandler Hotel. James A. Dollar, llandon; R. R. Rector, Portland; Claud 11. Giles, Myrtlo Point; J. M. Fyfo, Jr., San Francisco; W. J. Fny, Jefferson, Wis.; Wllllnni Cnnillln, Coaullle; Hen McMullen, Myrtle Point; Gub A. Lovegrcn, Portlnnd; Leonard Under wood, Portland; E. W. Ilooth, Colum bus, Ohio; C. A. Frltsch, San Fran cisco; E, II. Cummlugs, Portlnnd; F. T. Tiffany, Portlnnd; R. D. Hoyt, Portlnnd; 8. C. Arntltngo, Portlnnd; II. S. Stewart, St. Louis; H. F. Cald well, Seattle; Cass Althuler, San Francisco; F. W. Nolson, Portland; J. C. Hanson, Portlnnd; L. T. Mor gan, San Francisco. Lloyd Hotel. Ralph Dwlndlo, South Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. J. Schworon, St. Louis; A. T. Dun, Portland; T. C. Ranloy, nnn dou; Miss Jennlo Smith, Coos River; Mrs.-Corn V. Smith, Coos River. Rlitnro Hotel R. M. McClaln, North llond; Char les Dursoth, Coqulllo; F. S. Wnrron, llandon; Daulol Ilarklow, Myrtlo Point; Fox Cox, Coos Rlvor; Otto Morotzol, LnkcBhlo; Charles Swan son, Pony Inlet; Al Smith, Coos Riv er. St. luwronro Hotel. Raymond E. linker, Coqulllo; A. Warren, Coqulllo; E. A. Swozn, Kti gono; Anna Anderson, Rosoburg; Mrs. Chnrlos Kolsoy, Spokano. Take jour baths at (), K. Harbor Shop, Front near Central, Llhby COAL. Tho hind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Llvory and Transfer Company. 0RPHEUM "Where Motion Pictures Look Better I NOBLE THEATER T Whero' All tho Rest Pictures are Showing, "Always tlio host mid plenty of It." 1 Kalliljii Williams lu ScIIkV latest I two-reel drama , "THE VISION OF THH SIIEI'IIEHD." I'h tilled from tho story written by Mulfoui DoiikIuh "Al HORA I'LOYII" Tivo-iccl HloKraph tli'iiuia that will hold jour attention for the full lenuth. "THEIR COMHINATION" I Sidney Diow VitiiKrnpli Coined ICn win Hi seeing. , "Till: ESCAPE OF THE LIMITED" Ono of tho Riilein Railroad seller ' Jlajinls of Helen 'Other PJituiVH t'siial Prices Tomorrow ulKht the tliiileeutli episode of the "Master lie)" Wnlth fin' fiur bin utlractlou for novt wee!.. , It's tho best jiffercd In Miii-sliflelil for moiitliN. There will bo no In- 1 ticuse lu tho price vf admission, w PROGRAM G HIGH Soloists nt Clmtuliintto Concert: Mrs. A. 11. Gltlley, Mrs. R. E. Mil ler, Sirs. V, E. L'timvny, Mrs. Iu Tower, .Miss Clara Myrcit. Cliatitlnntto Club Concert, chorus 10 olees, director, Sirs. Win. Hors fall, Jr., Tuesday, May --"i. at Fin nish Hull, no cents. flAssnm pA y I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTED At once, n small sttfe. Red Cross Drug Store. Dig Dance, Simpson Pavilion, May UUml. Anthony's sl-plcct orchestra. Imdles free. HOUSE FOR RENT and household goods for sale. W. F. McEldownoy, 022 So. Tenth street. Phono 101-J. LOST Height rotl sweater on Mnrshflold-Sunsct Rny road Sat urday. Howard for roturn to Uusy Cornor. l'OR SALE AT SACHIKICE Illness In family makes It necessary for mo to sell my residence and flno tract of land adjoining town of Lakeside. Vnluo of houao nlono tnkcH outlro property. Doal di rect with owner. Carl flchrocdor, LakcBldo, Oregon. "for sale f FOR K. LIC Tent, house fiirulshcti In good condition. P. O. llox 33G, Mnrtdiflold. FOR MALE Reasonable, Slv tlo. Economy fruit Jars. A. X., Times. l'OR KALE 7 dairy cows nntl (1 calves. Apply Ekblad & Sou utoro, Front strcot. FOR BALK OR TltAnE HIO acres hill land, closo lu, fair liouso, flno vlow, no winds, rare chnnco to open stock ranch. Address "A," euro Times. I WANTED WANTED Strong woman or girl to caro for Invalid lady. Phono 1 171, North Uond. WANTED Rapi, at Tiinen offlco. UBt bo clean and tolerably froo from scams. WANTED Second hand typewriter, flrBt-clasa condition; standard make. Address P. O. Rox -151, North llond. INFORMATION WANTED. AddrexM of E. E. Harris, an employe of City of Marshfleld about 7 yoara uk'o. Whereabouts unknown. Ad dress Rox "V," caro Tiinos. I i .i.s i ii iiousu ipoiiiii; iiiiii rius- ,.fc".Ml. I. .. ... . iiik. Estlmnto rurnlBhcd froo by IiiKram & IJJoiqvlst. Phouo CH. FOR RENT FOR RENT .Myrtlo Arms, motleru furulshed npartmenta, freo heat and water. f!25 per month up. I FINANCIAL I AM icceUliiK applications for 1st mort. loans on Improved rnuchos. !'. E. Conway, Myrtlo Anna Apt. -1 U F'k ICrtC B 445 Phone 445 Messenger Service I