SSSMSHUHMMMm Urii j . MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915-EVENING EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES , .juuuiw j , ..' TWO I ! COOS BAY TIMES' Jf g f M. C. MA1.0XKY. iMIIor mill Puh. iiav l!. mlo.m:y. xi'mm imihh AUTHOR MARSHFIELD FOLKS OffJclnl Paper of ('(jus CoimlJ Official Paper City of Mundifleld. AddrogR nil conimiiniratloni to COOS IIAV IIAII.Y TI.Mi:S. Entered at tlie 1'ostofflce at Marsh field. Ort-non, for transmission tbrouRli the malls as leeond-elasB mull matter. I'lTDIt It. KYXi: rmi:i or dii. Wilier Yiii I-Min- Forced Him Into Willing coi Ono iTr i.iotitn WKIMCl.Y. Ono year $1.60 Wln'ii paid strictly In advance the Biibsilptlon pilco of the Coos Itay Times is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for kIx months. An Independent HepubMcan news paper, publlrlied overy evening ox icpt Sunday, und weekly, by The Coos Hay Tlini'H Pllhlislilntf Co. JTItST ItAlldtOAD VOUK W erM we are told the 'mixture of buckthorn i.-.i. i... minn. Ptc. known as Adler- ll'l H KIM I IV v . A PIHSOXA I-'i-Ua Is the best vc ever soul. .uaisi- mcoiimac ! ru-hi folks "V'"l"A.MBdiiI!iriSVCro; n..a .,,iir stnmarli. ftas on the stotn- WcII-Kiiomii Ren Wilier Nut ,'M,M' !",,,, constlpntlon. Many report her Cleik rntll (Tiviiiii-liinres ', , A sj.oM-: DOSK relieves these troubles almost IMMUUIATiu.i. ue hi-H Klail we aro Marshfleld uKentn Peter 1). Kyne. writer of sea ;for Adler-1-Ka. me '"- ntorles and well-known on Coos 'nay for the fact that some of hit I stories hove mentioned local places and Incidents, Is a menu or ur. .' u m unmf.r -i " ".-'.. "jspss'S Touring, OatofOil CXS3 -- rmiit Pn. BlIHO !' MM '" SlT.SCltlPTIOX 11ATIJS DAlliV. yenr "? ' . t Mcnormac who Is now hero vl"it ins an lives but a short distance rrom him In Herkeloy. Writing of stories was a gift m opnhed by Kyne only when ho whs forced Into It by circumstances arin- u..;,,hf InB out of the San Francisco disaster J. IVI. VVI lljlll that left him broken in iienun nn-i with ery little money. At the time tho fire occurrod Peter It. Kyne. whoro stories now rank very close to those of .Jack London, . was a clerk In a '& Francisco lnm- N IXTKUE8TIXO bit of ancient ! ,er offbe. expl.ilns Dr. McCortnnc. hMory wlili h applies to Coos xiie fire iinsetlleJ his none, ho he- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY a change from the oil yoa hae been ining means bother in adjusting the feed. Otherwise too much or too little is fed into the cylinders. No trouble if you use lioisi: nriMUJH General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono HI9-J. 1 ifie Standard Oil for Motor Cars' Phono 1SS-II j iuii.dixo coxthactou Ustlnmtes furnished on reiiuoat Hay was given In the Itoschurg llcvlew a few las npo. It deals with tho start of tlie Coos lUy, JlosebtirR and KaHtcrn Hallroad and Navigation Co. Itallroad which Is now tho South ern l'clfic line to Myrtle Point. Tho Incident was recalled by the Dr. H. M. Shaw Kye, Kill', Xoso und Throat. (ii,.ssi:s i.'irn:i dk. MArni: it. siiaw. Ill-enset "f Women mill Chlldieu Offico Phone :i!!0-.T. Jtoonis 200, 201, 202, Irving lllock ptra. lie broke into mo waicrinim column and beunn n series of clev.'r following in tho Portland Oregoiilan des rlptlons and soon had n pornia lit n column. referrliiB to happenltis,,t poiltion on the staff. 2.'i jear ao: KogeburR An en-i (.pnt,nK n, this work f)r n tllllsliiHtlc mass meetlliK was held ti, nininil bin ennrirles tonkhl. The (own is wild with ox- t,"'p K-vno lh''n ,,,rllct I" or,s clteiueiil. The necessary subsidy t') story wrltlm excltishely. lie for the bulldliiK of tho ItosobtirK-, hat now been at tho work about Coos Hay llailroad has been ub- cmo very sick ami imer u wj mi mnr found himself without b Job. It was then, In search of a llviiur, thai the young man bejtan picking u; Items for the San Francisco pa- ( 3enjamil1 OstltllCl coxsi irixfi i;.NtiuM;i;u a.mi Aitcmrr.CT Offices. 20(i JrvliiB Hlock. Phone lOIl-L or 2t!7-.I. Mnrshfiuld, OroKou. H'iilcil' 'Plwi It fulrifi' In nnniinpilnn wlflt ia Incident Is given as follows In tho Btr,eB Il w "llin ll0 ,B Wm H. G. Butler civn, i:cixi:i:k iiIiii years athl Is eloso to M Y" Uoom ;J0 Coko IIIiIk. IMioiio I IB-J. i i i : - "l5v l .J .! .11 t&.-usr i It is obtainable every where, from Seattle to San Diego, from Spokane to Phoenix at city gar age or roadside hamlet. And it is always uni form the same body tlie same perfect lubri cating quality. Dealers everywhere, or nt nil agencies and Ser vice Stations of the Standard Oil Company VMxUvttir) L2Srl MarslilloM Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Leave Coipiillo A.M. 7:00 ti:(M 11:00 P.M. 1:00 :f.oo (i::to 7:ito Leave Owl Plniriiiiu'y Miit'shfleld A.M. .::) HtitO 11.00 P.M. 1:00 :t:oo n::l 7::t0 MAsiirii-:i-i)-n)oiiiiiM Afro NTAtn: timh scni:i)ui,n Sclietlulo iiriniiKt'd l connect with boalH lo Imiidon, SliiKes to Millie I'oliit, Wnmier, Itosebui),'. Xo delays. 1'aio from Mai'Nlil'lelil to Coipillle: 7." rviit". Slnjile 'V LamU'tli, Prop. Chiiuiieis I'-lteplncos I J. N. BAYLISS Any kind of brick work at prlc-s that are right. ! And all work guaranteed , Call at "Tiie I'lreBlde." .lolm ' son llldg., K17 Second St. Kroncli ranges. Holler work. i A Phono I2I-.T. " Dozens of Savm. a Have Been Opened Her This Year Not all Jartjc accounts but tho 5l, knows he is just as welcome hero er For months we have been urnL iiln ft . savings account licre -because vve vvnnr penin9 of a thrift and industry. ve Want to encourag? Wc pay interest on savings accounts You may open an account at any time'ln anv IPT &limr.s m ....' nillt rmai ll Ui OF COOS BAY Siitelu Deposit llotu For Rail. 1 FLifiGlTilli of ago. The popularity of lils na ItoHChurg paiier: The nbnvo Hem, which appeared in tho Oregonlaii, under the head of tin 'mlly sought by editors. Kyne has bound himself to no re. in In mi Iillulinr Iiv n conlrilct. M.'lVH "Twentv-fho Years Ago," will no .,.. ,. .. ,.., ,,, ,. doubt recall lo tlie minds of many of "l ""-"'. '"' "" " """ the old tlmera of Ibis vicinity one of li his IndiiHtrlousness. the enrly proiosals to construct a He has lately moved Into a $2!i, rallroad from this city to Marslifleld. oon residence which ho expects to 'm,:: 'ri!!" S,' ".'P-y for In a y.r from I.l. writings. fiv- in nun nvu ft Ltuii tiu nllll Ucsldence Phono 12S-L. W. G. Chandler Aiti'iim:rr Itooius HOI und .'102, Coke Dullding, Marslifleld, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen Alien ithct Mnrshfleld, Oregon. Koontz C n mill CTR l(il nna i,nlUn,1 lm ..! I "T l ' . ,,, ' i !.. ('om,BIly, uerore the road was com- HilH.rlpllon A like siim was ralse.l lllet0,, to MyrtltJ MljIllt ,roi,Io on.' . .. ... nv i.iepenpieor ooscounty, making 8UP(, ,)PtwPPIl th romotoM and Mr. rC'l KllCy baillliger ' a total of $.11,0000. Hpreckles. with tho testilt that tiio I'lAXIST AXI TL'ACIIKU bv T I S erda i : J,,SZ1M wn" nevop com",,olwl f,om Myr' Uosldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St. iv I. K. Slierl.lan. then engaged In . tlo j.0nl to i!seburg. Old tliner.s ,, .,,,0, BSnEiaansnsiTJEHSa the banking business In Itoaehurg, iot,., ,i, i r Mri,i,ri..i.i i Phono GS-L. UY YOUR ZER.OLENE AT Enrage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street ::. :: :: .. Phone 180-J OLOKK'i IMul.lisI lKl. V Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Inleiest paid (in Time AXI SAVI.St.S IIKPOSITrf Offlceis ,1. W. Ilcimcll, Pie.sldenl. .1. II. b'liliiiigiiii, hc-l'icslilont. II. I'. WllllalilM. (ashler. (CO. f. . Wlm licstcr, Am. ft, 1 (nOTCTrBvaxatraiKaEUj-jcsierti- Jn," ' , ""'"' " " npproxlniRtely $.1.1,000, wnleli wna . 1 ZJT ttn.rr m.vo ttw T'1 ' ",,ni f iy nilvBiieoil by the.n ron rm e, a , phice.l In onerallon nt tllB mo W()rk ,B , , '. l. i ,l'0,lo1,1,f C T "i1,"1 fortunately, tho people of KuMtairs ir'nnnn !'. '' mUw'nM had not been called upon lo advance r. i'n"i ,1 . AK""",aH t,, "V'T J11" lMv "UM- '"' tliureliy escaped ralicd tho promoters went to San I financial loss. Francisco, where thev Intemsioil Mr. I 1 Spreckles. a rnllfornla capitalist. In S1 , ii111tI,.rrol.n T,im,.ii the project. "Work on the road was I , '" """' r,,1, .Tohnson later begun at Man-hflold and tho.1",K "'"""d the ere. lion of the gar far as Jtvrtle Point It N ntlll lu l' for II .1. Kimball on Sei ontl operatloh bciween tlinso pnlnN and, -met mar r.lrod. It will lie a Is owned bv tl... Sniiidcrn Pa.lfle r,.u Mi in tore. GOODRUM'S GARAGE IIOMH OF TIII3 CADILLAO AX1) DODOK AUTO SL'PPLIKS 1'OIt ALL JIAKKS Oli OAKS !U7 Cenlrnl nv. Phone :t7;t-L ! o , GRAVEL ucncsasxrsssrsxxa We are now prepared to fumlbh OUAVI3L in any uunntitles front" pile In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.f per yard. ennnad lots, taken from ears, $2.00 per yard. I'etiiil Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pos'-Offlce. Plume 11)0. rnTiiiimmrfTfiii 11" wuum f.A.KIIBIIRN Steamers SANTA San Frahcisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland North Bound rito.M sax FUAxeisro 10:00 11. in. May 1:0, ar, :), .lime r,, Id, I.-,, 20, jr., :w. IT.OM COOS HAY I'Olt ASTDIIIA AXI) POIlTUMl. " P. M. Tide, Mn Ul!, .;7, .Mine I. 7, PJ, 17, 22, 'J7, Jul; . South Bound I'KOM POllTLAXI) 0 p. in., Muy Ml, SSI, SSI); .In lie I, I?, II, 11), 21, 29, Julj I riso.M coos iiav l'tm iu-im:ua ami sax rii.xcisro. P. M. TI1I0, .May 121, SSO, ill, .lime ll. II, 20, and 31. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. nmllli Terminal Dock. Phone 15. '. K, STUlIIt, Agent B5SJi.vj;LCitviasiaBSBrTOrBsa3acj&' ""rafansraaHiGEnHE Store Opei Evenings During Sale Is Rapidly Closing Out the Haines1 Stock However, it Is not yet too Into for you lo take advantage of this remarkable op portunity to jot that long-desired instrument or appurtenances at a fraction of what cither would ordinarily cost you. The Haines stock was a large one and while the sales have been big, few of the lines have been entirely depleted. We want everyone of our patrons and friends to share in this great money-saving event. New Mandolin $170 Kohnor Accordeon Guitar . . $200 $2.00 Violin . . $1.98 Sheet Music, copy, 2c MUSIC TEACHERS: Why not lay in a stock of teaching supplies while one dollar will buy three dollars' worth. Just now the bi guest bargains you ever heard of are being made in Violins. Guitars. Mandolins, Accordeons, Pianos. Sheet Mu sic. Don't miss this chance because it won't last long- Abstracts l'OIt KKIjIAIIU: AIlSTltACTS OK TITI.IC AM) IXKDItMATlOX AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItSIIFlKMI AXI) COQl'IM.K CITV, OHCCOX Oi:XKHAIi AC1KXTS, KASTSIOK AXI) KKXKKT ('Ki:.VS ADDITION AGIJXTS 1'Olt CAXADIAX PACIliO HAII.HOAI) l.AXDS HK.VIIY SHXaSTACKIIX, MAXAOKIl WOOD! WOOD! KlnillliiK wood, per loud SI. 7." to NSS Alder wood, l(i to : I Inches S- to 1'iee Dellxery W. II. IdXfiO Plinno 277-J. North I-'li-bt 5t. T. J. HCAll'i: A. 11. liOIKil.NS MarchffolH PA,NT AND iviarsiufeia DCOrat!ng co. DRY HOOD .-AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYAHD Korth Front Btrsat, Phoue R7U MTER DGEH HI Weekly Service Coos Day and San rronebco. STEAMSHIP HHI flU 5 m Freight and Passenger Service SAILS I'ltOM sax KitAxrisro roit coos IIAV TllSIUIiWI 18, AT !l P. 51. San li-ruurlKcu Office, flOO Fllo llnlldliiB, n.ul I1rSuta Coob Jlny Agont, 0. P. McQeorqe, HomU KMiinUWl Commutation Tickets $2.00 21 IMIuiutes Furnished Pliouo llll-K. I If a.!if1nl.t-V...,l. Ir a M. .. . ....... ,u. ..-., ui Wi iiunu nuiu luho I IV.. ...... .... ...I . . .. Multifield, OrRii , X ,,. ..... , 8ll1 slouKl J, day, lealii(? at 11 a. in.; to Umpire OO H,r,H (W ,i lnr, KOIIHT KlVn. I'roo - 6 VVCOItlllU UUMIV HIMU KOiriPPKl) WITH WIltELKSU. Iteamship Breakwatff ALWAYS ON TI3IK- sails rnoM ai.itKiiFii-:i.i i: i:kv si-xdav newsaB AT A. 51., AND WI031 POUTI-AM) I.ViniV TlWlWi' xlcKCTH ON 8ALK AT rOHTI-AXD CITV TICKET OFFIrt AND OAK gTKKCTS, 1 u. Phono 8S-J. BUILDING CO. Assets 52,340,000.00 4i HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOV See CORTHELL Phone 3171. i 'hi Pays 8 per cent on savings i I SOUTH COOS 1UVKK 1JOAT I I SKIIVICH I Z I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasuier I I T.AITVfll pvnnnau 0O 0HV08 .Mrliflel'd every day H CITY AITO TAXI CO. I I K Day and Xlttlit Senlee. A I loavos head of river il.illr m 7 , ' ' -,M .. . . in. I.wuos head of river j at Ji: 1 . p. in, I sti:a5:i:i haixdow I For taxi, phone 0. Chandler I " '" Leaves 5lnrs'rioId at Si p. f ' Hotel I i. I'or eliarter upply on hoard. 9 lor tou.lnu cars, phone L'0, f'.M'uller llotl O I.Y.W LXMlUVni. Pmn. a Xi u i' us . : : : Ntw Cirs iio(.i:i:s Ai KsiiTn Pniprletora Puget SoukbcS Bridge & ureagmg . Pnnarll Consrf Dams, Bridges, Buildings. rai K COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOK wu Our Coos Bay office has available for u.eyu work the Dredge "Seattle" - . (iioroujjld " the most powerful, best equipped ud most . twenty-Inch hydraulic arciiBo ' Cooj Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. ..- nlfifP sJEV MUMMOAMOHM HAINES MUSIC STORE Lo L. THOMAS, Purchaser 134 J 156 J 259 J DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will ho kept OPIA TO THIS Pl'IUdC regular stnto Hrensed uiidii'taker Hill ho In Iiare. Plinno 1II,"..I I'OIl TKAXSlMMl AND v SillllAGIi iiorsi:iiou goods I'relght and Hiitsjjiige, Q Call 4 l'i:il(JlSOX T11AXSK15U Phone IfliS, 4 Ilcideiiro Phono lil-.T. 4 live, and Waterfront ( "lNDEPENDENTMIQjEB- hemes Mnrshfiold nt llusy Corner 10:00 a.m. IS: 00. p.m. fi:00 p.m. Leaven North Uend 15' mln ules later Mar.Mic" XoriU IW1 rml'Ir" Tarlic! Sunset M xnf rm,ytvtmmiHmmmmm mmmmrnvm mnnmuau MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prifins Rnnsnnjihln -4 .. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, 4 I 1 ..rVSTU .... IIIUIHI I - :"- iui '-china 1 , 1 Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y 4' J,u wam