ffiUniXiteiJSi:,) gatgww-" --""-'--"-wa. 111 iuiMmmiBMMirw- ,i.mi miuim IAVE YOU NOTICED THAT IN B THF PEOPLE GET JUST WHAT THEY WILL Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlio Coos Bay Times Is proud rcoplo's rnpcr," and It strives Uto np to Its name by doroUng promoting tlio peoplo's Interests. kOL NO. XXXVIII. ITRACT GOES 10 LOCAL MAN iillmm Hillstrnm. nf Marsh. field, Will Build New Coast uuaru oiauun on Day HOE WEST BID All. Thirteen Contractors Sought to get Job by Making Bids to government ORK WILL BEGIN SOON Vgtit HulldlnK of Different Klmls ro to ho Erected and Hock L IahIjjo Will 1k Masted Out t- Make llooiu for Structure LOWEST OF THIRTEEN Dr Anwltlfil rrtwi to Cooa Uajr Tlmm.l WASHINGTON, May 30. Tlio contrnct for tlio con Btrurtlon of the Count Guard Station, keeper's quarters etc., on Coos Uny was award ed today to John William lllllstrom, of .Mnrshficld, t n cost of $20,500. Ho was tlio lowest of 13 bidders. " hVllllnm lllllstrom, of Mnrshficld, as tlio lowest bidder among l:: Infractors and was awarded the Intrnct to erect tlio now Coos liny ast Gnnrd station at Charleston iy. ins uiu was zy,ruu, less inan 100 below tho second lowest. Tlio pest hid Is snld to havo boon 19,281. Work will commcuca lout Juno 1, according to Mr. Hills- Dm, mid his contract calls for Its niilctlon In four and onc-hnlf Dtitlm, or about October 15. Included In tho contract Is a epcr's rcsldcnco, homo for tho est Guard crow, a boat house, toot concroto Jetty and a launch- Iy from tho boat house to tho iter's odgo for tho big power boats. portion of tho cliff -must bo ruled off to build tlio ground up avo tho lovel of high water. It (expected that a crow of at IcnM men will ho required for tho Irk. Mr. IIIllHtrom Is expecting n gov iirncnt cnglncor horo very shortly then plaiiB will bo mado for tho Imodinto start of tho work. It Is olmlilo that n government Inspec- i will bo hero constantly to Keep irk of tho matorinls used and tho frt of construction douo. Many outsldo contrnctora came m to look after thcctaoliiBhvdlu ic to look Into tho work. Soir.o btliem loft, rcfiiHlug to bid, Baying lio drawn up by onglncoin who tw llttlo of local conditions. flic following aro tho bidders Irte puhlle and their bids: llllnm IIIllHtrom fJO.riOO ' Liiboii a. lrson ?J0,Si:il 0. I'erham 2P,000 J C Small, about $35,000 jn. Fish, llnndon about . .?35,000 Lain & Wright :!7,!30 terser & Tulundor $3fK2SI i. Crossflold, of San Frnu- flsco also nindo n bid. IT ND STRING IT. W. F. MILLER DESIRES MOTOR CAR SERVICE AR ROGATED ENTIRELY" Rxised Chnngo in North Hentl- rshfeld Service for Coqulllo Serlce Cauhes DisciiHilon Pupt. W. F. Miller of the South- Pacific Interests horo this morn ; stated plainly that tho company ped tlio absoluto abrogation of franchise requirement providing hourly motor car service between !!leld and North Bend. Mr. Per argued tliut a temporary sus- 'on of tho requirement was not x the company desired becauso did not want to bo compelled Ume to tlmo to ask n renowal ho suspension or to opposo tho I again requiring such service. Cause Mucli Talk Me proposed change In tho motor erv:o Is causing much talk find Marshflold. foday v. A. Held stated that he P'd show Mr. Miller tho copy of, Petition to the council asking thoi ase In the service to demonstrate there was not sueh nn antlnatllVi ne Southern Pacific as some have1 med. Fhe general expression Is in favor i "I I t of Its Utlo "Tlio nt nil times to Kg energies to Established 1878 Ar The Coast Mall. STEEL HI BRIDGESAD WEATHER material for itu: stricta-re NOW AT SAX FRANCISCO (Iilef Engineer Hood Issues More Huny-up Oulor.s Breakwater Will Bring Halls Xet Week Steel for tho Southern l'ncirie lirldgo across Coos Hay Is now at Snn rrnni'lsco and tho first ship ments of It nro expected hero soon. The placing of the steel on the big structure will begin within a few weeks. Tho steel for tho big bridge was nil special dimension stuff nird hail to bo made to order. Whether all of It lins reached San Francisco Is not certain, but sufficient ot It has arrived to warrant start plaelng.it. Chief Kngliiccr Hood, slnco his recent tour of Inspection over tha lino has given further hurry orders In connection with tho laying of tho rails, tho roadbed work and the bridges. Steel Next Week. Tho Hrenkwater n week from to morrow will bring tho first con signment of steel rails for complet ing tho lino on this end. Tho laying of rails north from Coos Hay will bo i started soon afterward. It tho Ilroak water is not ablo to bring them rap Idly enough for tho steel laying crews, another vessel will bo char tered for It. It was stated today officially that tho present expectations slnco Mr. Hood's Inst hurry up order nro that train service will bo Inaugurated con siderably before January 1. (i. T. THHADCOLD FILKS DAMAGE SL'IT IX ClltCL'IT COL'HT Accuses W. J. Mitchell, .loo Coach, M, A. Simpson, L. (2. Cai'iKMiter, J, l I'eeney and A. It. O'Hileii (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLIC, May 20. G. T. Trcadgold, city attorney of llnndon, todny filed suit for $50,000, charging. libel, slnntler and malicious publlcn- Hon, against Detectlvo W. J. Mitchell, his partner, L. G. Carpenter, F. J. ' HID I'llttlll-I, ... v.. rf... jit... tv. , . . ... Feeney, Unndon nttorney, Joo Conch, Mllo A. Simpson, father ot Lofttn Mllo Simpson and Ruby Simpson Nosier, O. W. Ilrlggs nntl A. It. O'llrlon, of a Marshflold paper, "Pud" Nosier and Georgo Gage. It Is bellovcd tho movo Is mndo by Mr. Trcadgold In retaliation for tho charges Hint hnvo been mado against him by W. J. Mitchell mid Joo Coach In their controversies. Tho present rnso In tho circuit court which Involves tho pny yniont of o servlc - o nllcga- W. J. Mitchell for detectlvo cs, has added further to tli tlons nglnst G. T. Trcadgold. In all Instances tho llnndon city nttornoy Im3 cnorgotlcnlly denied all allega tions. At tho time or tho kidnapping hearing l Jndgo Shuster's cr ur't In North Hentl early , Dccombor Inst tho Simpson glrJthon accused Mr. Treadgold though nono of stories havo been proved. their i i liiyi IE II HON ' LS WILLIAM HOMME'S STORIJ TIIREATEXHD IX HL.VE Jjipso of Flro Insurance Leaves i?:!0O Loss I'nemcred Women Woik At Pumps to Stjuelcli Flumes Intense boat from a stovo In tho storo of William Homino In Cooston, early tills mornlnt?. caused a 1200 blnzo and but for tlio quick response of citizens armed with buckets tho ontlro structure would havo been a loss. Insurance on tho sforo is said to hnvo lapsed a fow days ago when tho proprietor had a disagreement with tho flro insuranco agent. On tho first call of fire, said S. n. Cathcart, who was present at tho time, several men ran up from tho boat landing. Womon maimed tho pump near tho store and stayod with their task, flllliiR tho buckots as fast us thov woro omptlod. All of tho goods woro carrion 0l, of tho storo to safety. Much of tho, damage was done by wator. of imnrovod servfee between Coos, t... o.i i,n rnnutilo Valloy points, "" """ . . I However Hiore appears io uu n i.i.. ,n olirnixillnf vory general opiiuiiiu " a - ASS i tho franchise requiring tho Marsh- tho national forests. Ho said ho is field-North Bond service. A tern-giving particular attention to tho porar'y suspension of the service, ac-i streams suitable for wator powor, cording to street talk is not so much land to tho timber ana grazing quo-1 nnnniied urovidliig It will not por-1 Hon. Ho left shortly after his arrival j inlt the enforcement of tho service later It It Is needed. (tas MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. CICpiTLE Little Activity Reported Today in the Western Theater of War in Europe. ITORIETCLfllED German Official Statement Says Russians Were Driven Back in Galicia With Loss 500 PRISONERS ARE TAKEN Proinvslo Which Was Taken by tho Russians After Slego of Several .Months !s Xot Helng At tacked by tho Austrian Onus tlT A..O(ltrt rWM 10 COW nT TllDM.1 11KI1UN, May 20. Tho official flintfininnr fm htr Rnva "In tlin ivnal.'i "" " """ cm theater ot war heavy weather hindered activo fighting In Flanders and Northwestern Franco yesterday. I Wo mado llttlo progress in I.orotto hills. At Ablalu a night attack by tho enemy was repulsed. Hctwceu Men so and Mosello thoro aro flerco artillery duels. Tho French attack east of Allly over a wide front was every where repulsed after hand to hand fighting. In tho-Kafttorn theater ot war tho Ilusslan attacks on Dubysa was re pulsed. Wo captured 000 prisoners and two majchlno guns. .North of Ilodubls we raptured n hill and r.00 I prisoners. Tlio Kusslans advancing South of Nlemcn wero completely I defeated. Tho remnants of tho en emy's forces nro fleeing In nn enst- erI' direction. Tlio losses of tho Itus slnns killed was very heavy and for this reason tlio number of prisoners was Increased by only 2,000. In tlio southeastern theater of wnr our iroops, wuien pcncirnieu across tho rfvor San north of Przoinysl, ngnln wpro nttacked yesterday by Russians. Tlio enemy was repulsed with lnrgo losses. Thlg morning wo opened n counter nttnek on ono of his wiuiii;i 1 iwiuiii;! tllllli'll Ul UIIU Ul IIIH wings nntl stormed tho onomy's posl- Hon. Ho Is fleeing nu quickly as pos-! slide.' XOTIIIXG XEW Hr AKKlalo. ITpm lo ew nj TIhim.) PARIS, May 20. An official ro port this afternoon Hays: "There has been nothing Wednesday night to ( rcl,ort inni T in HI I rnrf) MSSM I IS M rhMI IIUUIIUL I IU I1LLLULU VOl'XG MAX OX SOl'TII SLOUGH HAS THOl'PLE Alleged that P.it Coyno Was StrueK With an Ax by Herman risk Yesterday Pat Coyno nntl Herman Flsk, two young inon who havo been working In tho tie camps nntl wno navo heeu "batching" together at tho lined of South Slough, had some trouble yes tortlay which rosultod In Coyno holng hurt. Ho cumo to North lloud and had Dr. Mott dross Ills woiiihIh. Ho had ! beon struck with an ax In two phtcos, ' bohlud ono ear. In both wounds tho flosli had beon cut to tho bono. On tho right sldo of tho bond a piece of i tho bono was chopped off. Tho' wounds will probably not causo uny serious results. Llttlo could bo learned of tho nf-, fair as Coyno would not talk about It and when asked simply said to ask tho other man. It was understood howovor that ho alleged that Flsk hit him with an ax, ami that Coyne, who is tho largost of tho two, tool; the ax away from Flsk. It was not known today whether or not there would bo any arrests. SECRETARY OF AGRICCIICRF ARRIVED IX PORTLAXD TODAY inr A.wlilM rrwi to Cooa liar Tlmo.) PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 20.- In typical woodmans costumo, Secrotary; . ,,... ll ... I 1 1 u .ibumu'iiu "'' m.i.uu .. nn n short trln nn IriRtmnt Inn tbraiich --- - - ........ for the Urgton, Columbia rorest. In Wash- SV SITING FORESTS $mt members op tub associated puesh PT LIE OUITSALLEGED SPY SWEDISH STEAMSHIP CO. TAKES vessels ovv urx I Constant Interruption on Part tlio (ieiiiiaus Makes Traffic Hard to Handle. of1 TRAWLER IS SIXK llr AworUlnl I'mw In eons Itajr Tlmm PERTHHHHAD, Scotland. May 20. Tho llrltlsh traw ler Chrysolite was sunk by a Oermnu submarine off Kin nurds Head In the North Sea yesterday. ! (llr AaaoclatcJ Vttn to Cooa riaj Tlrara. LONDON', Mny 20. Tho Swedish Steamship Company, whoso boats ply between Stockholm, NorrkonliiK. London and Hull, havo decided to suspend services owing to tho con stant Interruntlou of traffic cmimnl ... .!. n..., .....rul.l... I.. M... 1I..I- 7. "'" Z'Z":! 7., ... 7. ."" in; aiui iiiiiuii iiii.u ivaiiiii-ii in nui- ions ueiays aim Impracticable. . . . . ' have made trade rilKACHKIt TKI.I.S AHOCT Till COLORADO COAL STltlKH Says People at Sunrlso Weiv Forced to VNIt. the Saloons for Amusouieut (Hr Aorlit-J I'mi lo roi ri, TlmM.I WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 20. Continuing boforo tho federal Indus-1 trial relations commission todny his ' testimony concerning the Colorado coal strike, Ho v. Dnulel S. McCorklo snld nt tho town of Sunrise the peo-' plo wero compelled to go to tho snl-i oons for ainusenient. Ho nlso test Ifled Hint ho received a letter from jtho bend of tlio church In Wyoming1 declaring that he must stop preaching' socialism E .,. ORXEV IX HAXK CASE IS en vex ri:pri.m.xd Aiimuth .liistlco McCoy l(u .Manner Not Pleasing ami Is Rebiiketl ny AuocUtl Trna to Cooa Bay Tlmu. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 20.- Tho nrKiimont In tlio IIIkkh IlntiK In- Junction suit against Secretary McAdoo nml Comntrollor William started off In the district supremo rt today with a clash between former Senntor llalley, ehlef rounnol for tho lliiuk, and Justlcu McCoy While Hailey was arguing for tlio udlulKslhlllif.- of an affidavit, Jus tice Intiirrupted him to say Hint ho already had ruled It would ho admit ted ami that further nrgiiiuoiil to ik time. "Your honor hns taken more tlmo than 1 intend to take," replied Hall- qj.. "Another remark of that kind and some other counsel will urguo this ease," returned tho Justice. FEW LEAVE GERMANY Number of People Trawling From That Country Lessens IUr AoiUtl I'f.aa lo Cuua'lUy Tim. HAMHL'RG, May 20. Tho effect of tho war on transportation ami pas sage out of Gormnuy through Ham burg is Indicated In figures just com plied, showing that during the on tlro year of 1011, but 72,'jr.S por sous wont abroad from this city, as against 102,733 In 10ES. Practi cally ull of tho 72,000 odd loft tho city boforo August 1. Tho war similarly has sorlously af focted tho number of visitors In Ham burg. Thus there were accommoda ted during 1011 but 22,200 tran sients, as against r.l.UCt in 1013. Tho total number of persons coming to Hamburg temporarily and then loavlng, either for abroad or for other parts of Germany, full from 214,007 In 1013, to 05,267 In 1011. NOTICE Net I co Ig hereby given that the Twin Cities Reiall Lumber Com ........ V'n.tl. II, ,.1,1. In. unl.l Itu li U ,1111 III .TM..f ..MB n..,, .... business ami dlpoed of nil of Its assets to tho Simpson Lumber Com pany. All accounts duo to tho Twin Ch ios Retail Lumber Company aro payable at the offloo of the Simp Simpson LumVr Company only. TWIN CITIES RETAIL Lt'MIIER CO. SIMP.SOS H'MUER CO. MNSTER T CLASH WITH mwB s 1 Auto Kuepferle, Claiming to uc an American, Commits Suicide in London Prison UEHS a message I ; Says He is Soldier and Want- ffl tn flin nc Snrli Rnlhor Than Mount Scaffold ONCE LIVED IN BROOKLYN Accoidlng to Claim .Mado When Ar rested He was a Clllcn of This Country IVed a Slllc Snirr to Itilng About. Ills Own Death tltx AMocUlrJ IVh to Coot P7 Tlmn.J LONDON, May 20. Anton Kuop ferle. who claimed to bo an Ameri can citizen who onto lived In Ilrook lyn and who has been on trial charg ed with giving military Information to the enemies of Great Hrttaln, was found dead today In Ilrlxtou prison. It Is reported Hint he hanged hlm tclf. Kuepferle left a messago writ ton on a slate, it Is alleged, bearing Ioe tlmony to tho fairness of tho trial. Ho confessed ho was a soldier mid said he wished to dlu as a Holdior, declaring ho could not bear lo mount tho scaffold as a spy. Tho warden reported ho used a Bilk scarf to hang himself. IS THE CONFERENCE SPEAKERS GIVE VIEWS OX ARMAMENTS I S(, etary of War GiiitNoii Makes Addrexs Hut Is Not as Radical As Souio OlheiN lllr AatortatM tra lo cos liar Tlaian T MOIIONIC LAKE, May 20. Tho problems of armaments wero brought to tho front again today at the Lake Mohonk convention on tho lutorun tionnl Arbitration In nn address by Secretary of War Garrison. Tho ad dress was not so radical as that of yesterday by President Hlbhoii of Princeton but ho left no doubt of tlio fact that ho favored strengthening i national defenses; and milking tho! ', United Stntes rendy to protect It-. self from nil aggrosslou. To deliver tho address, Garrison nindo u hasty tilp from Washington, using train, auto ami huukhoard to reach this retreat In tho Shawaiigiiuk i mountains. "Tho Roots or Wnr" wero discussed In n papetl by Oseur . H. Straus, former minister to Tur key, which was rontl by bin seero- taiy, Strauss being unexpectedly call-, ml homo. "Ono of tho great curses! , of war," be snld, "Is that It must ho 'nettled by rorcu ami what Is sot tied by force ls suldom, If over, guttled Jiutly." PRESIDENT HOME Return to Washington After Review ing the Xaval Paratlo (11 AMU4.au4 17mm lo Cwua Uf TIum.) WASHINGTON, D. (!., May 20. Tlio yauht .Mayflower, returning from Now York with Prosldunt Wil son mill party,, ducked liuio this morning. The 1'rosldont motorud to lho White House for breakfast. The pronlilunt and party stopped on their way up tlio river to go ukIioio at Wakefield Virginia, and ut Strafort, Virginia, to visit the lililhpUcos of Gooruu Washington and Roht. K. Luo. Tho bouiw In which Leu wmh born still stands, hut only a monument murks tlio bl.in pluce of Washington. Tho poopld In that secluded suction were amaz ed and oei Joyed at tho visit ot tlio i'lGoldentlsl party. OPTOMETRIST BIRCH TO MYRTLE POINT P. C. Illrch, Hie licensed and ox- pert optometrist of Tho Rod Cross, will go to Myrtle Point Saturday,! May 22, to accomodate patrons ami , proipectlvo patrons lu Hint seatlon. , Ho lias arranged for suitable quart-! ors In tho Tucker Photo Studio for tho tiny and will be there from D o'clock lu tho morning until I o'clock In the afternoon. All having troubles with their eyo or with their present eye glasses should call on him there D SCU 10 A Consolidation of Times, Coast and Coos Hay Advertiser. TBBOPSlRELliED'HI UKUB ALLIES add to forces at THE Dardanelles Soldiers DUembaik at IMrenio ICntl of the Galllpoll Peninsula to Fight Turks It); AMoclalrd FttM to Cool llj TlmM.I PARIS. Mny 20. French troops havo been landed at Soddul llahr. Southern tip ot tho Galllpoll Penin sula, on the eastern bide of tlio Dar danelles, and aro now fighting the Turkish positions nt Krielifn, ac cording to a newspaper dispatch from tho Lcninos Island. FIGHTJWG KEEPS UP GIIUMANS CLAIM VICTOHIKS OV Hit HCSS1AXS IX (1ALACI.V Prcm.s Is Xow Helng Attacked by Austrian Guns Little. Acthlty At Western Front (P7 A,mocIIih1 I'mi ti. cuna n.r Tlmfi.l LONDON, May 20. Austrian's fin al proposals wero rejected unani mously by Italian council ministers and two nations step nearer to war. Tho Husshin fortified lino along tho river Han, running across Central Galacln, on which grent rellanco was placed to check tho Austro-tlerman advance, him been definitely broken. Stntonienls of tho Teutonic nlllog that they crossed tlio river nro In tho of ficial announcement from Petrogrnd. Przoinysl which tlio Russians won after a strugglo of several months,!1" M,,l' ""' lo"ur ,l0"1118 ,lmt wnr Is now under attack by tho Austrian i 1,okIi,h ,0l,"y" ls lho toxt ot ,l ,ol- guns. Ono of tho greatest battles of, tho campaign apparently is linpond Ing along lho San. In tho North, tho Russlnus claim to havo expelled tho Germuns from Slinvll, while the Ger mmiH claim to havo won Important victories along this front. There Is llttlo activity In tho western front. Ilorlln reports that French nltacks woro repulsetl nt several points. ADD ITALY CASE GOE! i TO JURY hi I'liml Aigumeuts Attorney for Haines Say the Colonel Told "A Fnlry Tale." Ill Aaooa lalo.1 l'iM lo Cow Uf Tliw 1 SYRACUSE, N. Y May 20. Thu legal Inmiio liutweeu Humes and Theodore Roosevelt wont to tlio Jury this afternoon after Justice An il re wh, presiding In tlio Supremo Court at tho trial of tho llhel suit brought by Ramos, had delivoretl his chnrgu. In the closing ml dress Counsel IviiiH for llaiuoH, referred to a part of the story told by Roosevelt nit "a fairy lalu." "Tho defendant has eliargoil no many men with being habitual fal sifiers that It lupi long since become a National Joke," he said. "The country Iii.h not gone to tho devil because this defendant was not re elected President; Congress has not gono to tho bow-wows, nml every thing Is going on as usual." STILL ON TRIAL (Special to tho Times ) COO.UILLE, Ore., May 20. Tho ratio of Detectlvo Mit ebell against Joo Condi was Htlll o"n Dial Into thin After noon. It may he finished by night. Serious charges were mado followed by counter charge. The testimony was highly sensational. $ AGAIXhT GA.MHLING (Hr Aawx'lataa' l'rH lo Cwia lu, tim 1 LONDON, May 10. Sir Edward Carson, who a year ago, whs leatler of the Ulsterites' campaign wislust Homo Rule was ono of the most tulkod-ot men lu England, bus start oil u crusade against gaiubllug bouses, which, ho wsseils, are rind ing many victims among army and navy officers and government offi cials, and aro thereby hindering the progrotui of tlio lirltlah campaign uiiuliiat Germany. IWiuaMciN To .Meet. Poatmaat-, king a death on Hie .cafiold nothing or High McLaiu oxpecta to attend hut a martyrdom for the Anglican tho HaiIou lu Portland, June 9, 10 church aud for parliamentary gov and 1 1 of tho first, aecoml and third eriimeut. Their opponeeta urge that ulnae poitmastora ot the atnte. It U the king merely met the Just deserts said that Oregon la the ouly stale in lot a life or political trickery, lyinj tho union without auvh a poitmast- and absolutism. For many jears era association. There are 10C pree-' during th early elgbteeuth centurj Ideutlully postmasters lu the state' the d . c.r bl executllon. Jauunrv and It la expected Hint moat of them will bo present nt the meeting in Hie I'ortUuiil Hotel. fjsjf STAND TOR? A Southwest Oregon Paper Thai's nlint tlio Coos Uny Times li. A South. Mest Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo nml devoted to tlio best Interests of this great ectlon . Tlio Times ulvviyg boosts and novor knocks. Mall No. 257 06 DEMANDS Insists Upon Austria Ceding Large Amount of Territory in the Latest Demands ILL LIKELY FIGHT General Opinion in Europe is That Clash Cannot Possibly Now be Avoided ITALIANS EXPECT A WAR HepoitH from SiWtorlnntl Indicate That 'there Is Small Possibility of Difficulties Helng Settled anil Country Expects General War GIVE POWER TO WAR .MINISTER lllr Amii Mil I'm lo Coon Ur Tlmw 1 PARIS, Mny 20. Reports received horo from Homo state that tho Italian Cham ber of Deputies, by virtually a unanimous vote, todny granted full poworo to tho .Minister tit War. (llf Awlal4 I'ipm Id Cow lla; Tlmm, A.MSTI3RDAM, Mny 20. "No ono Kr,,m f,"jm cll"SBt. Switzerland, tlated today and printed In tho Ilor- lluor Tageblatt, HEMAXDS MADE. H; AaaoOata.) I'rma lo C6a rtf Tlmwt.1 HOME, May 20. Tho minimum demands mado upon Austria by Italy wore: "First Cession of tho ontlro prov ince of Trent. 'Second The ccBtdon of Enileru Friulel, compromising Mnlhorgeth, liezxo Tolmluo, Grnillsca, Goritz, Monfnlcoiiu, Couiuu mid us fur south as Nnhreslmi. Third Trieste, Capo d'Jstrl.i mid Plrauo (Inst two In Austria), to form new statu Independent from Austria. "Fourth Inlands of Curxolii, I-l-sa, Llsson, Loslmi, Lngosta, Cnzza mid Muleiln to ho ceded to Italy, "Fifth Abandonment by Aust'ii of lutoi'ostM In Albania ami lho open acknowledgement of Italian Mover eiguty over Avlomi. PRKPARIXG I'OR WAR (llr Aaamlaldil 1'rtaM lu Cum Itajr Tlmm ) ROME, May 20. Prtiinlur Hnlan ilru Introduced a bill this afternoon In thu Chamber of Deputies confer ry powers lu ease of war. The com ring on tho government oxtrnordlnu mil tee which vwih iimuoil Is to give thu project Immediate consideration. GEXi:i(AL WOUXDED (lly A.vmI.im ITru to Com luy Tl'iifr LONDON. May 20. The list of wounded from the Oiilllpnll peninsula fight Is bended by tho nnmo of Gen eral Sir William Hlnlwood, Coiuniniider-li'-t'lilef of the Australian forces In the Dar danelles. WILL HE A SAINT Name of King Chaile.s I'liht to bo Added to List (Hr Amu. Ut4 I'ma Is Cooa Har Tlmw ) LONDON, May 20. Tho name ot King Charles I. of England Is to bo added to tlio Church of Eiiglaud'a j Caleiiilur of Saints if u resolution 1MIWM,d hy the lower bouse ot convo ; cation of tho Pnnlnce of Canterbury receive the required sanction from palllumeiii. Resolutions of tho con vocation have no binding power un til (hey havo heou legalized by thu bouse of Parliament or unless thoy havo been made under Royul license. The attempt to cauonlzo Chnrlos I. has been made repeatedly. Those ad vocating such u move seo lu tho . SO. v I i r i irt for observances and sermons In niemorv of tlio illes- i-.d Mrtr King CUarIes,,