THE COOS BAY tlMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE GRIFFITH sses That Please i p'srmz 5S. TORIC LENS OUR BEST I h$ Examined asses Fitted ises Duplicated ItOOM 10 Cniido's HryKQ'tN Storo riisvim Wuselif vsn jjl, tss m y ran auflnfn r w ra Jr-i-T!Tp"r'- aX'nm j rz?mmT nnw- I wp I half a mile. Once Improved for traf fic It will cut down the distance to Empire. I Are Filed. Deputy Sheriff reward for her honesty nnd prompt response, to n Coos Day Times lost ad. The reward enmo from Mike Ko Jo who lost n gold watch chain nnd charm tho other day. Sho found It ?EvmE5 Suit.. Andrew 1. , Davis was over this i on Ilroadway nnd by watching tho morning from tho county seat serv- Times lost column quickly found tho lug legal papers. Suit has been . owner. Kojo was greatly pleased ov filed by S. C. Sanford against W. A. ' cr the recovery of It nnd In addition Powers and Kfle May Powers clnlm- to paying the reward praised Miss lug that In 1914 he sold them a Elizabeth. It is simply nnothcr enso Time and Heights of tides at North Bend lot for $1,(110 nnd that ' or quick results from Times want Marshflcld. The tides nro placed In ' only $222. SO has been paid and fur-tads, Kojo's nd being Inserted but order of occurrence, with their times 1 tnor paymonts aro refused. Sanford ' one time. On nccunt of nearly on the first lino and heights on the asB for IM62 nnd Interest. I everyone In this section rending Tho Times, one or two insertions of n Wants SoNirnto Mnlntenniiee. - meritorious want nd nearly always Mrs. Lllllo Prcwctt, who now lives get the desired results. MAY TII1KS. secoiid 'line of each day; n compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tho liar otienbo"t sls m,,es bc,ow Bnndon hns hour and 5 1 minutes earlier than nt Marshflcld. At North Ilend 34 minutes earlier than at Marshflcld. 1 0 1 H rs . . 1.27 ll.r.7 C.2C 11.45 Ft... 1.9 0.2 3.9 2.5 20Hrs.. 5.11 12.39 CIO O.O Ft... 4.5 0.1 3.9 0.0 SlJHrs.. 0.50 COO 1.25 S.0G Ft... 2.1 1.3 0.G 4.2 filed n suit against her husband Da vld II. Prowltt asking thnt ho glvo! her $50 a month for sopnrato mnln-i tennnco nnd $150 attorneys feos. I Tlin ,nmiln nrn tin! imu llvllltr tn. I ... vu..,'u ...w ..w" ......n .w gcthcr. Wfemwfflfa A. CHUKCH was n Mftrshfleld vis itor today from Coos River. Thirteen lene. Thirteen left on I .1... 1....... 11.U .aHHIhw f.- rln.1l.nn! UIU UiiBU llllS IllUllllllfe i Villi Ullll'l nnd Florcnco and other northern points. HENRY KIOSTI nnd wlto have gono to Portland for n couple of weuka. Cn.'JJ i fwauWi, uazovy. s ltntes to Von irooma, per dny . . 9 1.00 rooms with bath ifil.tiO rooms with bath 821.00 2 ti lnrgo rooniH. tltli bath ?2.&u b person In torn, nil lltlonnl ,?1.00 Cwpyifglit Hart SsLaffasr .M 'OrXO 111011 csptjcinl- ly like tho now Var sili models wo show in Hurl ttchu finer & Marx spring suits; they're typical young men's styles; and you can he sure of best quality, j best tailoring, best style, fit. host Seo Vurdlly 55 for n live one; $25 nnd more, and Iosib WEATHEK FOUKCAST Or Anoclitrd Troti to Coot By Tirol OREGON Showers, south erly winds. LOCAIj TKMPEltATimi2 nicconn For tho 24 hourn ending at 1:13 n. m., Muy 10, by llenj- Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum 5S 4 Minimum IC At 1:43 a. 111 4C Precipitation S5 Precipitation slnco Sept. t. 1914 G3.89 Precipitation earno period Inst year 02.73 4 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. 4 School lMillilt. Prof. F. A. Tled 4 gen Is sending to tho parents of tho 4 1 primary Intcrmedlnto nnd grammar departments notices of tho nnnunl jBchool exhibition Friday, May 21, from two to 5:30 nnd 7:30 to 10:30. 4 Tlin itntmrttiinnfa nf mrmiinl train ing will exhibit in tho gymnasium; tho domestic sclcnco and nrt draw ing, on tho first floor of tho High School. All parents nnd friends havo been Invited. ALFRED HOOINE Is In for a short visit from his home at Allegany. FRED NELSON was hero today on business from his South Inlet home. OTTO FREOERICKSON wnB n city visitor today from South Inlet. HEN .Mc.MULLKN- of Myrtle Point Is n Marshflcld business visitor today. ltliodeiidrou Cnrnlvnl Prawn. Many Coos Hay pcoplo nro planning on attending the nnnunl Rhodcndron Cnrnlvnl thnt opens In Floronco on Friday. Reports from thoro nro to the offcet thnt tho flowers aro out 44444444444., fu bloom nnd that tho docorn- flulld to Meet. Tho North Bend tlons of this yenr will bo oven bct- Eplscopnl Guild will meet to-mor- tor than over. It is posslblo that row afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Ever- an excursion will bo run from Bu ilt nt Plat II. (gene on tho Wlllnmotto Pacific os far as Mnpletnn nnd thonco down tho river on boats. M'lI.sTIV.VL JIWK IMO.Il Woolen Mill Stores TWO STORES MAKSIIFIKLI) NORTH HKXI) Ten Mllo Shop. Win. Wnrrcn, formerly with tho Curry nnd Rlnncol barber shops left yesterday for Ton Has Shrapnel Ilullct. Mel O. Mllo where ho will oncn n bnrbcr Duncnn hns two heavy shrapnel ' shop In tho Lakeside Hotel. j aholls that wero fired In nn Arizona fort during gun prnciiso. Ttiey snow fclty will bo full of plensuro ltc:rve your rooms now. Emi.t commodious liotel In Spcc'nl uutcrtnlniuont I Tho Homo of llnrt Schaffncr & Mnrx piovlilcil guusts. Clothes Move Engine. Henry Hocck hns tho mnnnor In which tho shells nro engaged Fred Drown, recently from being used In tho European warfare Gardiner, to movo tho big yarding 'Tho outside of tho sholl Is heavy onglno from tho Smith llnsln enmp stool. Tho noso Is of Btcol and tho to tho Forbes enmp on Isthmus Inlot.'insldo Is pounded full of lend bul- lets. Theso shells can ho timed so that thoy burst dver an enemies' trench, scattering a rain of lead Piirent-Toncliors' t ..,! Tho Hun ker HIM Parent-Teachers Club Sure How Your Meal: is Kept tli the approach of tho .summer season, our Cold inigi' j)ianM)M'OHU'Sjnoro tjmii'vorjijuioiorjliat yt coiinumor should consider, Tlio Cold Storngo plnnt nt easjmi of the year permits tho ment to bo properly kept and pcil htforo being delivered to tho consumer hut lu thu summer pn win u tho flics mid sunshlno threaten fresh meat, you should lire 1 'lout tho kind of ment you nro getting. Million to our usual excellent ment supply, this wcok wo havo vcr fino chickens, spring lnmbs nnd fresh pork. THE UNION MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. toe 58-J. 174 South Broadway. nt tho school house. Miss Ellzn beth Topping, Mnrshflold Uhrnrlan, will bo present nnd address tho meeting. All pntrons nnd friends nro urged to come. meets Friday afternoon nt 2:15 1 In ovory direction. Thoy havo pro ven ono oi 1110 most ouccuvo menus of killing men yet discovered. Hou'lioUl IVncas. Tho pollco wero culled yostordny nftcrnoon to n rooming houso on South Ilrondwny iitlinKn ilin 1nnllnr1t I ( It ft nnt nt Field Mecl. According to present " l"" . plans tho Coos County High School ' oiwllnir some tennnts claimed thnt field meet will ho held May 20. Tho'"" w,ori o taklnB lior electric Marshflcld, North Rend, Dandon, Co.Bt globes. Orders to move wore qulllo nnd Myrtle Point schools nro rvcil several days ago by Cons ab 0 expected to have ten men In tho four- Cox. Kola I nldwln, who conducts teen events on tho program. 'uget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. is, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction ! COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" lost pimcrfiil, best equipped nnd most thoroughly iiuhHtb tuenty-lucli liydiuullc an-ilgo Ir. Pacific waters Bay office. Main office, ; Marshfleld, Oregon. Seattle. Washington. GS EGGS EGGS a"ti'd mi.'ii iinilor nlisiilulely Miiilluiy cuud'thms. Weigh '"". i" J over, nor dozen, fully t!5 per (cut moio eg tlmn f1"'! M iiisi n.Fcru. llimin lilllcrs ttUt'J. ps Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House e 394-J. Broatlwav bet. Central and Commercial tho rooming houso, sought tho help of tho constnblo and falling In this k " l anld tn linvn lnnlnnwl Mm nrnn- Trgo IHUIiib. Tho old project or " ,, ., ""',," diking thu Southern Oregon lands I'""" would leave by tho window near the contluonco of Cntchlng i. ronto. Tlio matter was patched up let nnd Coo8 Illver Is being taken j W"""'t ' fmi tin again. T. M. Collver nnd other Cntchlng Inlet ranchers nro urging "'wry On WnyK.-Tho Lasts do It as tho improvement In addition to!'Wt Transit has gono on tho reclaiming a fine lot of bottom land f ' K'" nnd Hanks ship for tho Southern Oregon company ? a week s repairing of the ,..111 ,niM PntHiintr inlot bottom ongliics nnd tho calking of tho hull. lands from being Inundated by high 1 Tho launch Shamrock, Captain W. Ali SMITH wns down from his Coos Itlvcr homo Inst ovonlng nnd today. OKOIK.B W. KHUSK was In yester day from Pony Inlot for a short visit. Wm. McCULLOCH of Ilnyncs Inlot Is n Marshflcld business visitor today. J. C. Penney Co. Next Door to the Marshfield Post-Office. If jou nrp economical mul nro IiIhUIuk for high-grade, crisp lien meichnndUe, jou will find It only nt tho busiest storo In Miir.Nliflclil at prices to your liking. When It comes to value giv liitf otcry day in the )twr wo lmo tin competition; no nro knock er.s of high pi Ices. Yes, wo havo tho full-cut work shirts that you aro paying others 50c for, nnd our prlco Is li.-c Knkl Trousers In good firm wenvo, $ I ,r0 value. Our prlco DHc Snrannc Oauntlot Oloves, tho glovo thnt you pay other $l.li0. Our prlco He Mulc-skln (lloves, tho glove lu n good heavy grado With full welt, tho gloves thnt you pay others COc for. Our prlco. .:(c Tnttoo A'nrm Clocks, $1.70 vnl uc. Our prlco $HII Mulc-skln Shoes, just the thing for the summer, . .i?l.7l, ijit.DH Men's Neckties, nil shndes nitd patterns -tic, l."c Middle mouses in tlio lutest pat terns nnd styles l)Hc Lndlcs' Muslin Clowns In n big rnngo of pattorns, gowns that aro worth double tho prldo wo nro nsklng. 25i, tl)f, lc, 08c; ijil.lW. Henl hnlr Switches. They nro rcrtnluly dandles and nro worth from two to three times what wo are nsklng you. ?t.ll, $1.1)8, $.1)K. Huck Toweling In blenched or unbleached, or, x J-itc, JOi', ti:!4c,, l!:lc. Yes, you want to como and sco thoso big htingnlow uprOns thnt wo hnvir hero nt tho J. C. Pen ney store for n third less thnn they cost you elsowhoro..-10o Wo nro hero to stny nnd nlth your1 help wc will hold tlio prices down Tlio Originators of low prices rf.-(s. 3C7MZ0t(DOr fj incerporana rmmrnrwm wn.'j.i-i.m Wo In d, Others Follow nnd logs nwnlttng nil Improvement lu tho lumbor market which will enable them to disposo of tho logs. Thoy nro getting their now Hlnk Creok enmp In readiness for operations ns soon as tho doninnd wnrrnnts It. Tho Lawhorn log ging camp at McKlnloy hns boon closed down for a couplo of months. fLAOTIE pA A MRS. CHAItLOTTK McMHLLBN of Umpire Is n Mnrshflold shoppor today. WILLIAM CANDL1N Is over from Coqulllo this attornoon cnlllng on tho trade. CHAS. MAHAFFY wan down from his North Coos Illvor ranch today on business. MELCHOH NELSON enmn down from South Coos Itlvcr jtodny on business. GKO. 8KRLI0 wont to Coaulllo yos tordny as a witness In n caso In circuit court. JOHN I). ClOSS loft on tho nftornoon train for Dnndou called' thoro on legal business,1 MItS. JOU HUAVKSTON enmo ,np this morning on tho Vega from South Inlet on n shopping trip. ROY LAWHOItNK cahio back this morning from Dnndou whore ho wont on a short business trip. J. fl. AA8K.V, of tho Anson logging company, was over Inst night and todny from Coqulllo on business, I AMONG THE SICK . , ., Mrs. A. K. Jensen Is still seriously III nt her homo In West Mnrshflold. Heart troilhlo, with pnoumonla llns kept hor In tied for some tlmo. Mrs. Harry Jiann, of North Uond, Is sick In bod au'd undor n doctor. 's enro nnd hns been for sovoral dnys. Mrs. Win, Lcdwnrd who hns beon very nick for somotlmo Is Improving nnd Is nblo to bo up most of tho time and sho wishes to thank hor frionds and neighbors who so kind ly remembered hor whllo sick with flowors. Jnck Fnrloy who has boon In poor1 honlth for soma tlmo plans to lenvo soon for Shlphord's Springs, Wash., In hopes of getting relief. Ho mir rored a partial Btroko of pnrnlynls somotlmo ngo. W. S. Hroppnrd who suforod so voro burns In a gnsollno flro nt Sec ond nnd Market sometime ngo, Is re ported Improving ut Mercy hospltnl whoro ho wns In rnther n critical condition for awhile. Miss Clrnco Kruso who underwent nu operation for appendicitis at Mer cy hospital yesterday lg reported to bo doing nicely. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTKI) Strong noiimu or rjrl to caro for Invalid lady. Phono 1171, North Bend. LOST llrlglit. iihI m enter n Marshflold-Hiiiisot Hay rond Sat urday. Howard for return to Uus Corner. FOR SALE FOIl HAMC Tent Iioiiho riirnUhiHl III good condition. P. O, Hox 33G, Mnrshflold. t FOR HAM; ItoiiHonablo, Six doz. Kconomy fruit Jnrs. A. X., Times. I'Olt HA LIC 7 dnlry cowrf nnd O calves. Apply Ukblad & Soil storo, Front street. 1'Iiciiu'h'h Diiiico, ICuglox Hall, Hat. .May U-. Uvorjliody nolcoiuo. Noriri: to i:lkh . C. UUYNOLDS enmo up this morning from his mill near FlVo of Mllo to seo nbout disposing ot nolcomo, somo lumbor. I H. J. KIM HALL, Secretary. All inomhors of Marshfleld Lodgo nro rcqiiostcd to bo tn nttondiinco to night nt tho Masonic Hall, Husliiess Importance Visiting 'brothers tides nnd freshets from Coos Illver. 1 II. Cnvanaugh, has now both tho right and tho day run. Last month tho night sorvlco carried 1,028 pas- W. O. HKS8rcY, a prominent Coos Itlvor' fnrmor, Wns In tho city to day attending to somo nlattor of business. .. . ... ,.,. ,'.....!.. T T i in irisuiiit'iw 111 i.iiimii '. " ... . .. 1 ... 1 n, .,, ir.n songors. It Is bo loved tlio Transit1 Morris has secured moro than 100 " . ... .., ii,in, win l.n wl bo P"t o J"'y J tr tho night . i ", ,i v. mii,L. nr Hio "orvlco In addition to hor present DAN WALKKIt, Ten Mllo road bnos nrosented nt tho noxt meeting 01 1110 ,.,., ...... 1 . . . , . , i' . i,i.. i,, tn tmnrnvn Bflieclulo. Tho launch nt night loaves tor, wns In from Lnkesldu yester- tho slrotch of rond now tnken over by them from tho old road running ...An..l.. in Ihn NTnrfli llntKl.lmlllrn road. This Is u dls.anco of -nbout J""" "W" nl11 " ' '"' tho foot of Market street nt 7:10 p. 111. and ovory hour until 11:10 p. m. It leaves Kustsldo at 7:15 and every thu last trip. MB CBB M S CO 03 O GJ XO C3 C M I Mil. I. Himii, Msnotcr and l'rflilcnt ZOQ HIJIKNY 5T. n. c..ia..n,i null. 1 IgPI D " ww . day. Tho opldonllc of smnll pox lu thnt section has about dlsnp-j pcarcd. 1 (el J?."5 Ittnvurd. This morning Miss Elizabeth Flanagan, tho littlo daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Flan-' agan received a $f gold pleco Us a BA raodein, Cie-ptool, pp.lo.dtte Hole), Irw.fHl In tke center of evrrvlnin? anH nn 9 IWV.IIU ... ...V frH.x w. . V. . .....1IA ..., .... C direct lino to the tapoulion Uiaundi, I RATES Detached Hath Private Bath NOBLE THEATER IT TOIG Wlui o All (ho Host Pictiit'cs nro Hhoning. 51.00. M.50s!ne!s S1.50.S2.00 slnele M.SO, S2.00 double &00, $2 SO double I pahamoiwt nioht i (a nH. J utrj ft . r. -,;- From Thiid and Towsmim) Si. DcpoL Ut eti No. I ) cr 16. From Ferry l.kt Sutur St. cu, c5 at Korer St.. wtlkUU Dock NiA Or I Take a Universal" But direct to Hotel (i 0RPHEUM 'lAtinrn Mntlnn Dlnturnc I nnls Better Kplsrdo So. 7 m'NAWAY JI'NK ! OTIMIlt I'KOPI.K'H IIFKINKSS j KojhIiiiii romedy HiM jel. .MUTl'AL WKIIKLY ' Very IntrM nens of mil Id uiouts CITY OF DAKKNKHS 'Two-reel llmiiclio Hpeclitl fivituro. I InteiiNO gilpplng dniiim j (I IIKKI.S OF ALL NKW IMOTintKS Ten (VntK- mid I-'Ivk iViltrV , Till: PIINAIIY FOIt A (i()()l) IlKPl'TATIO.V .4 .m " tittu lion ii'i vu inu W. C. nilADLKY returned yostordny mr tor lty"aTt1 anrt. ,,nH Kv from a trip to Umpqu. nnd Sl. I coh.i.Ioio satis action when used In law points Iluslness Is pretty '"" of home.; it creates for good along the Umpqua hut It Is ' 80,f vulunhlo reputa Ion, ye ut quiet1 along the Bluslaw. FOR HALi: Oil Tlt.Uli: t(K) ncreit hill land, close In, fair houso, find view, no winds, raro chnnco to open stock ranch. Address "A," enro Times. WANTED I WANTF.D lings, nt Times office. .Must bo clean nnd tolerably froo' from seams. WANTKI) Hwiuiri Imiitl lyimwrllor, flrst-clnss coildltlon; Htnndard m n ko. Address P. O. Dux IC4, North Ilend. INFOIt.HATION' WAN'rKI). Addrcsn nf H. 10. Harris, an employe of City of Mnmhlleld nbout 7 years ngo. Whoronbouts unknown. Ad dross Hox "Y," enro Tlmos. WANTKI) Houso niovlng and nils Ing. Kstlmnto furnished frco by. Ingram & Phono CIt.t FOR RENT U .llAltOAI.V. If taken mkiii. KlgTit room liousa nnd lot In South Mnrshflold, 11100. M ncro ranch, n ncres cleared, 1 1-2 aero straw berries, 6rchnrd nnd Hinnll fruits. 11200. Inquiro "C" Times office HKNIlia OJKHUItUM In plnnuliig to leave noxt month for California wlioroho will spend thjeo or four weeks vlsl ting before returning to Marshflcld. FOIt, HUNT Myrtln AruiN, mndeni furulshod apartmouts, froo heat and water. 2S per month up. i i .. A. P. DAVIS, doputy shorlff, camo over Inst night to attend n meet ing of tho Maeonlc loilgo and to servo legal papers. Ho returned this nftornoon. FINANCIAL I- AM receiving application for Istj niort. loans on Improvqd rniichng,' F K. Conway, Myrtlo Arms Apt. t4' 1 tho santo tlmo this good ropntntlou j has Its penalty. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio e. omters on Port Barnum , ''';; - - "' T'ri'aim "I. ";, ?;:,'::;rv tnn. dv located ftr Just tint puipo" tlmnlimi uan-v.. nu.niu ui j i ndvuntnge mid con- ' means of niodein transportation nnd Im " " k.llHmi(I w,Iiertv " m-c Yon do not lune to mllll.ulro to Invest In this M'lendld profit). I r lull jiiirtlt'tiliirh call on, ndchos, or Hino FR.IZEEN b DUNCAN 68 CENTRAL AVENUE I'AUAMOrNT XIOIIT JKHSIK L LAHICY I'rcseutH Hair McCutrheon's r.tory of tho Hinge "WHAT'S HIS XAMi:."' I'eatuilng Mav I'lgmau In fito partH, or itlio ..cciiph. It's n r'nl I'araiiioiiut fwituiv. They nro known nt the grentest font- li res uiado In America HKAHST-SKMC WKI.'KLY No. 15 Alnays Iiitcivxtlng full at tho latest ih'Wh Other pictures Two hhoivH, 7:00 mid HUH Loner flrwir, !(; hnliony, JOPi children, ,c. Tomorrow night ICathlyn Wlllliuiii In ii Uk Kolltc M'hil; "TIip YMoii ' i of the Shepherd." I HKV. FATHRH KKVNWY of Ilandon Foley's Honey and Tar Compound . spent yesterday with frionds on , fi0f -PlonUIrt ropul.tlon. tux It tho Ilay. visiting Itov. Father Wal- ' ' l"'ei1 ,or, '" Keuoratlons. Inco lu North Ilend and Itov. Fa- "H fnlr m,m aluI ,""h rfput0 ,ftvo thor McDevItt In Mnrshflold. created a demand for It, and to supply this demand ut n creator JAMES MOTT. brother to Dr. Molt l'rof" Imitations nnd substitutes aro of North Hend, has rotiirncd for offered. a visit, after successfully staging Purchasers who know tho original "flrown of Harvard" In sovoral ct 'ff 'oolc "" ' JUHt ,nH Wlllamotto Valloy towns. Mr.!""011" offering nnd It Is worth tho Mott last fall put on "Arizona") e"n of any ono who wnnts a ro u win. r.n rlt..nt cant for liable cough Byrup to Insist upon tlio Moose Lodgo. J. L. AASK.V was hero from Coqullle yestordny. Ho says that tho An son logging camps aro not doing much Just now. Tho camp at McICInlny linn been closed down and thoy have about seven thong-Hlte Chandler Hotel SAVE MONEY by ordering the famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut cdrtl, per ton 9l.oo Lump coul, per ton Or half ton of both .$1.73 I). .MU8SON, Prop. . Phono IK-J or lenvo ardors nt f lllllyer'ri Cigar .Storo. MM4JM tho orlglnnl and genuine Foley s llonoy ami Tar Compound, which i hns proven so valuable for the re-1 llof of coughtf, colds, croup nnd whooping cough. Owl Prescription Phnrmucy. Frank I) Central oiuip Opp'o- Phnuo 71 445 Phone 445 Messenger Service Times want ads bring rfiulU,