kos Iain, like FERITY, NEVER .SHOWERS BUT IT POURS ON COOS BAY r Coos Bay Times Your Paper TJio Coos liny Times Is proud of Its UUo "Tho Pcopto's roper," and it strives nt nil times to live np to Its nnmo by devoting Its energies to promoting Uio pcopio's interests. Qloaa mn mmm 1L NO. XXXVIII. MlCMItRltS OP TUB ASSOCIATKI. IMESa A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's whnt tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Hoiithvtest Oregon people mid devoted to tlio best Interests of tills grout eetIon , Tlio Times always boosts and never knocks, Established 1878 Ah Tho Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. IERMANY WILL DISAVOW BLAME j iswer Will Likely Claim Wreck of Lusitania Due to I Carrying War Munition ill OMESHOT USED ikinti Due to Explosives on Board Will be Alleged in Reply Due Thursday IPTAIN GIVES TESTIMONY IL L IU ESTftTEfOFFICIAL SHOT A Consolidation of Timet, Const Mall n nd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 255 I II SUBMARINE ll'HV DCCIDICS Jilts. WATKHS HAS NO CLAISI IN PORTUGAL Senator Freitas Seriously In jures Joac Chaqas, the New President of the Cabinet ASSASSIN IS L Suit Decided In 1'avor of Srrs. ltlu. ford Davis Who Will Hold Slurt Duvbj I'Mnto (Special to Tho TImos.1 COQUILLK, Ore.. Stay IS. Tho Jury In tho circuit court In tlio enso of Mrs. Waters ncnliist Mr. niiifnni Davis returned n verdict this fore-' noon In favor of Sirs. Davis. This, means that Mrs. Davis holds tho I cstnto of tho late .T. Mnrtln Davis, Mrs. Waters Is n half breed Indian. Sho clnlllled to bo the ilaucliler nt Mnrt Davis by an Indian wifo whom It was claimed Davis mnrrleil nml o.ui mi.. ,.,., . .. afterward divorced and lati. married I UIUIUS WHO WlineSSCO At n white woman. When Mr. Davis died ' tack Oil CliaCiaS Kills tllG IiU only heir was Hluford Davis who , e An Inn ni Snilui-.u nnl also is dead, iio was ono of tho vie- senator at Railway Depot tlms of tho nuto accident at North I Ilenil when flvo men were killed. Tho TROIIRI P OPPIIRQ OM TRAIM estate went to Mrs. Hluford Davis as , ,nuuol-t UL-OUKb UIM I MAIN Is Hcnurtcil lo be In n Critical Condition and Mas Frac tured .Skull In Addition to Other Wounds PASSF.NGF.RS HAY THAXSVLVAX IA OUTRACF.D DANGKR The Ordiiuii, nother Ciinaul Liner, Sails With Supplies for the Hritlsli ii eminent 111 Am.vIiIM rirnt In Coot liny Tlmt 1 GLASGOW, May IS. Passengers on tlio Cunnrd liner Trniislyv.uilu, which arrived at Glasgow yesterday, declnrc a Gorman submarine was Sunday night. The Trims raced clear of the danger. AXOTHRH SAIUS BIG FLEE! OH ET sighted ylvtmla President Wilson Reviews Five Miles of United States Fight ing Vessels on Hudson River ALL FIRE A SALUTE ITALY STILL UPSET HKi STIMKi: AT TTHI.V TIED UP ALLTRAVFL. ILL ur Slllllni-y Authorities Compelled " Adopt Sovei-o .Mcamiivm and Sev eral 1'eivions aro-Shot Mi z L E Chief Executive On His Yacht the Mayflower, Crowds Throng the Waterfront heir tn her htlRbnnil nml Innlmlml mm of the finest ranches on Coos Hlvor. ('hagas Mrs. Waters did not sook to secure tho fortune until after tho death of Slnrt Davis and also tho death of his son. Hluiord Davis. . The case nttracted much attention i as many of tlio old settlers of tlio county were called upon to testify, about tho early days and tlio relation-' Lies That tfo I'lrtMl Only One Tor- bedo Which Wiik Xot Sufficient To Wreck Vessel Will Do . rllno to .Modify .Methods Br AMOclito.1 rnn to Coot Ilijr Tlmrt.J PA1US. Slay 18. Gormany's ronlv ftho American noto on tho sinking ktho i.UBitania win uo sent Thurs- f, according to tho Matins Amstcr m correspondent who says bo is lormod It will Justify tho attack on ground that tlio submarlno com- kndcrs affirmed in bin report that y ono torpedo was fired, which nvlnrna Ml til f lint f li aninn. HI --.-.- -. uu dvvuiiii UA ...-...! A . A -- . nlon was duo to tho fact tho shin """' "K ai :" m. ami wove hied munitions of war. Tho report0. . .ut n."ollr- '" nil, counting ship of Davis with his allotted Indian wife. ADD DAVIS Arguments began yesterday about three o'clock nml continued until C p. m. The Jury went out this ! Wr Aim litnl l'rctt lo I'oiw liny Time I NHW YOUK, Sloy IS. The Cu nnrd stonmr Orditiiu sailed today for Liverpool with -2o passengers, nona of them Americans. It is re-' ported the O.-dunu had u largo cargo1 .. , ...-T. ..... of supplies for the Ilrltlsh govern-1 ALL STAND AT ATTENTION incut. I . Sailors and Murines Aboard Ves sels Honor the President Review WIU bo Followed by Stan euvers of Win Gomo t Iljr A,oilliv I'm, lo Cool Utjr Tim"",) NHW YORK, May IS. The big fleet of warships which has been at anchor In Hudson River for ten days, steamed out today with Pres ident Wilson iislirdluctaolcmfwyp Ident Wilson reviewing tho five-mile Hue as it missed the Slavflower. tuj amocuim rr. i. root n. TimM.i 0ff t10 statuo of Liberty. Headed TOKIO, Slay 18. A wireless ills- by tho superdrendnaugh Wyoming, patch received early this morning Admiral Fu'teher's flngsblp, 1(1 bat BOAT FIRE WOT BAD ,fla.mf.s o.v noAiti) linf.r chiyo MAUL' KXTINGUISIIF.D I Itlne Was Confined to a Small Sec tion of the Cargo of Cotton Curried l,l In alnln tlmt Mm ln,,l . ' dCPOSltlollS. there WOTO -lfi WltllCSSCS . . . .". ...W I1UQ ,,,.. , I .,. , frtl, 4l.,n ...1.1. .. l.lulr.1 a in such n way tlio Lusitania ,"V, ., , ., ., , . .... ..iii " " " i"-1"' Id not IlnVO Slink linil nnl Min nv. ' ' IIUHBIIIIU IIIUI IIIU III.lim.lllH "nu uu uuiuu inu iiiiiiuiKlll llillll Ives been nboard. It la lmiinviui will either ask for a rclienrlng or from Oporto. His assailant was tho cotton cargo. iollnnd that Gormany win dcciinn.aPPonl lMo cnso' , faenator Ireltos, wlio also was snot Imoillfy Its methods of submarlno riarc. NO OKFICIATj ADVICi: r IOt AmocUIM I'mi to Coot Dr Tlratt.l fcVASHINGTO.V, D. C, Slay 18. BU,i68nuor ucrard lias transmit- no Inillcntlon from tlio (Jernian elRii offlco as to when tho ronlv ttho American noto may bo ex ited. Secretary Urynn snld to- hnt nothing of any Importnnco i received from tho Ambassador tlio stato Department Is without F 1 IT BUD VICTISI OV ltAXDOLl'H WItKCK COSIKS AS1IOHK AT HAXDOX Past Identification, Hut Is Hciualns or IHther .Milton, Cov, or C. SlcConnoIly fSpcclal to Tho Times.) IIAXDO.V, Ore., Slay 18. Another body of tho three victims of tho OKDKK lti:.ST()lti:i) tlljr AiuoilolrJ I'rriit lo Conn Hay Timet 4 .MADRID, May IS. A ills- ! patch from Lisbon filed lust night snys order has been , restored there. Cbagas, al- . though seriously wounded, Is ! Improving somewhnt and Is i nblo to talk with his political I associates. ' LISIION, Slay IS. .lone Chogns, gny8 umt the fire on board tho stenin- tlesblps and a train or lesser flght tho now President of tho Cabinet nr Chlvn Stnm which hrnkn nut sun. Iiiir boats, steamed mist the Presl- - .. ... ...I-- .-. - . ...... .-- . - -. day atternoon has been extinguished. , dontlal yaclit at tbe speed or 11 It was confined to a small sectltou or Knots, each snip with sailors ami 1 ninrlues standing nt attention. I As each crr.rt neoreil tho Slay flower, six pounders foro and art saluted -I guiiH. , Witnessed by Slimy. Tens or thousands or persons viewed tlio great marine procession. AIoiik tho waterfront on both sides PHOKKSSOR OK COLCSIIHA TO HK or tbe Hudson, tbo piers were black AHSIY TAKICS AUTOS (tly AMoilatdl lrrt to Coot llir Tlmm ROSI1C, Slay IS. Tho au tomobiles or every member of tho coblnett, with the excep tion or Premier Salandrn, wcro commandeered toilny by the army authorities. TURIN', Italy, Stoy 18. Socialists proclaimed a general strike hero to day a n protest against war. Tlio mll Itry authorities were compelled to adopt severe measures to mnliitnln order. Several persons were sliot. All meaiiA or transportation are tied up by the strike. Report in London that Bal four Will Succeed as First Lord of the Admiralty EiEAIORTfl UNITE Different Faction in England Said to Have Struck Upon Upon Plan of Coalition UNIONIST LEADERS CONFER FIFTI RIOTERS DIE THAT M'.MItKIt KILLKII IX TltOl'lUiU AT TRIKSTK Sl'XDAV and wounded by a passenger on the train. Cbagas' condition was grave. I In addition to other wounds ho is Bitrrering rrom a rrncturo or tlio skull. SKXATOR KILLHI) tnj AiioclllM rrnt lo Coot Vij Tlmn.l LISIION', Slay 18. Senator Frol ics, who shot and dangerously In jured Jone Cbagas, President or tho. now Cabinet, was slain at tho Kn- 1 troenmento railway station by a SUZ LO IS CROSE AT thi: C. OF w. AVus Horn ut Sim Jose, Calif. ICilu. rated at StanTonl and Is n Young Slau (Or AimIiIM Trrii to Coot l!7 TIrim. SKATTLH, Wash., Slay IS. Hen- with spectators, windows ol down town skyscrapers were full and Mat tery Park was thronged. Close by tbo Mayflower lay the Dolphin, Isis and Yankton with government officials, members or the citizens' committee and guests. As each I battleship pussed the President, tho IrIiIdh IiihiiIh tilnvoil tin. National an- I - .. b . t. At li-fMI J IIHHIlIn ftbfnnmB T 111 I 1 n H fc. 1. II ices as 10 wncn tlio reply will bu wrecKeu gasoline scnooner iinnuoipii , buuuui- who wuuuhouu mu uul-k u -j .".-...w, ..w.00w. u. ,,,,.,, .mum, I. wus found today Inside tho bar where abacas Ily his action, tho sol- " ,ul0 l,VnclIor5 ciiiioro or coiuninia .,.vng Now York tho fleet mndo It had been washed up .Tlio feet. ,"" R ' H,nl,ni, " BM.llIt OI1 Kro. ""'verslty orNework. will bo olec-l for .vow,lort, the rendezvous from' OTK PUIILISHFI) I nul tho arms and all clothing was ller forosto led an assault on lTHted pros dent or tho Pnlverslty ofiwhlch wlll bo directed tbo maneu-, .Mjii.uiiMMii.u gono so In(Icntlflcnt,01 wns ,,,,. Has by clvlllims who wero clamoring Washington board ( or regents today vcr , ,ho wnr Knill0 aoll(? t10 At- in, a..., 1.11 1 r ,, T, , slblc. As tho first body found was for his life. It was Freltns who' llo was born In San .lose, tallfor- ,lintp CoIlBt Tj,0 President ur-i BrA.o,i.tHirc..ioCoo.:..yTimi ,10.itlvolv Identified as that or It. K. ,- ,. ... ,.. q . "I"- educnted nt Staurord University, -,.,.,, , ,.,llrll , Washlimton EHLLV, Slay 18. Tho official Knovr this ono must bo tho body of '.,','".. 7. "....; ..,.. i.- ..i,,,., uu la lu his rortletlt year. mbourd tho Sluvf lower. of the Amorlcun noto to Gor- ny was published hero today. It (Mil at tlio Foreign Off co that ould bo some dnys beforo tlio ver of the Imperial uovornment Bid to ready. WENT ON NOTE piiA r.i'i:u havs nit tisii HAD HAND IX IT I IfniiaM Pnudi'u unfit' ... . , i, ...i, mt. - aHUHDU .jat B 'tJ emier .Mcuonnoiiy or .mi ion v;ox. mo nlcntnry conflict Inst yenr, Coroner Wilson nt Slnrshfleld was notified and mado arrangements to have tho matter attended to here. Tho body wlll bo burled bore. 1 This afternoon some wcro Inclined to bollovo tho body wos that or Cox. ' It will bo held until Dr. SorcnBcn, tho ' dentist returns tblx evening when bo mny bo nblo to Identify tho body by i tbo teeth Another Outbreak Impossible As City Is Now Safely (iuurded by the Soldiers (llf AmocUIM rrrnt to Coot lUf TlmM.I RO.MK. Slay 18. Dispatches from Trieste to the Idea Nazloimle state' that tho number killed In tho rioting wns about GO including several tigea men. A ronowal of tbo outbreak Is Impossible because strong forces oc cupy tbo city. CLAllAITORY RUSSIAN'S IHHVi: AUSTRIAN'S OX KASTKRX FRONT Official Statement From Pctrogrnd Say tho Success of Cur'n Army I'ar Reaching tlr AworltlM rrmt to Coot II.J Tlmrt. 1 LON'DO.V, May 18. A iar reach lug victory on tbo eastern extremity or tho Russian front, Is claimed lu an official .Petrograd .statement. .Tho Russlnus claim to have i.iptureil C'zertinwltz, tho capital or Rukowlmi. Petrograd concedes further retreat In UuhhIiwi Poland between Plllcu and Vistula rivers. WIRVIKW UKSIDKN'T PSSKSt AYAY AT SALI'Sl TODAY dad i Daughter of .lamei Lalnl and Sleiu her of Well Known Coos Coun ty Family A message was received today by Sirs. I. H. Hartlo of North Ilend stat ing that her aunt. Sirs. William Hot :hciiant fstati: lays claisi TO Si:Vi:i!AL RLOCKS Seek Omier.shtp One Third liitciest lu .Moit) Than HlocliN In Heart or City Suit for tbo possession of one- third or moro than -- blocks or ' proporty situated In the heart or hrotiifr of sih.mcax lkadhr ri:ci:ivi:i i'atal wounds Was Shot When llo Tiled to Quiet Intoxicated Soldiers ill Hio Mull Ring (llf AmocUI! rM lo Com lltr Ttimt.l KL PASO. Slay 18. Antonio VII- has '" lir"ll,"r "f General Francisco VII- ii..M..i.ri..i.i .....i ........i. .. r ... . nr f...li.l..it. I.n.l .ll.it! fi, MI1I..IM " '".. ........... " u. """"" '""' V"-" '.'"".'. 'been I its! II n I ot.l l,v tin. M,,ri.innl I ""' yi'"iy ". "" "" 'u' nnnnnnr 111 I Blfl "''" 1,ultys ""ll "eo" '" ' .' . "Llm" Fsliitn nun st 7i, Marsim , ,i i, i lveil in a brawl at Clilimiiimii, ac DDnUMuL U ftWUlf,,r,th0 P?t two years and for soy- .Tn.rrruC " ,,,,vk,t'H reco,vo" ho.ro r n 1 1 r II n r rl Mliili prnl mon."18, ,",(l bton tmnK r,,"1Ly- s 2 Sit i Soreiinnt Z V 5 i i);i',v- Tho flKl,t "n81'' u w,,H B",,, IIUI UUL I LmiUI t urecent.y " nnry to tako JM ( ImrlosJ S or nut I UB V villa ten,pted to ..u.et lutoxl- ,,0SIrs.tl,0etys,,wa"tGyeaV old. nit.lr,l ownership '.ogeber with K. ; ' "!"r ' JH".'. ,. mnnilmr nf an old family. With her " Roan isiul David WI cox, and that ' C,,vSllm,,,S1, ffiStan" t'Mlw rt Wllw .5,11 now M lo ll Uljs Qrj j pflBI nilTQ n TION IOR SIOIOR tAR ' wns ror somo years postnilstro8 until ' Tho hinds Involved In tbe suit, SM ,1! H T JUilslon lu Opinion .Marks City tbo post offlco wns removed to roughly, take In wbat wore known ' lLLL UUIIL UUIUIUL. Fatherb Meeting Want Com- SIcKInloy. hiio nan no entiiiron. nor ' "' iii " duiiiiiik, imiiv lo Ilroach Plan husband survives. from tho ineimdor lino, about on l Ciillc States Kuglauil Do- pared First Hlockude and N' Protest Was Slatlo KB Auoctttrt rrttt to ct D Timet. HE IIAGUK, May 18. Uorlln papers as a rulo rorrnln from Iment upon tbo American noto Ocrninny. Tho Tngcs Zoltuiig. lever, says In a half column nrt- "iiio United States makes u Pltm demand that Ccrmnuy nbun- i mo siiiimarino war against Kng I. Whoever rends tbo noto with- Iprejuillco can scarcely cscnpo tho 'vbsioii Hint tho Ilrltlsh Am ador nt Washington was not away when It was framed." ...n.... .-..m,. tim i-iiv fathers last I .. ' i.. ... .i.i. i.. c.iir,.. ,..,,,,.. i ,!.., mint 1.... . .. . .. UIIU3 li,iv. ..w .-rf , ' II UUI1IIIIU HUH l"l OiniHIO III Vllllllll - .. .n.i.V) I., .,,.....,. .J . :,.".1 ' on uovenuow, naval cm- vcnin.r tabled the petition preseniem nla Mr siierliortl of Conulllo is her According to tlio comidalnt Med ' v. o "ormim war zono om gaylnK that It not ror tnoni 10 ,ot,er, , ,y the plaintiff's those tide lands Mon, nKiilust whlcli America 1 im,.ii., in nnintnn nmrked tho ar-l.,,i .1,,, i,h. ,1-111 i,n i.nHH.in it(.r.b n ti.n uif.. f,... .. ...i....i,l. ..t.ui.ii.au-' Salu of Cook County coal Into WIN r. . ' - i ittioiwit 111 Ml'"" ...----- uitii iiiu umi.) u uiuuniii, ti in mu niniu iui n uiniuifiu hhihhiwir-i a 10 protest. Aliments of tho six councllmen. , ,iln ,10Xt tri) 0f the IJroakwater. Tho Hon" to K. II. Do.ui und Dtvld Wll- lsmotto Valley points li n now pro- I Two of them, R. A. Copplo and fiinorul will bo nt Fnlrvlow. ic x. "Jolntlv and in undivided oninil I i.., .....i.,r uuv i.v ii.m linluutrlul iSSl.WSSlLiaita MlrlllfTBnRniH,,'"- on Janusry .... ,005, Ir-mmll..- of tbo Cbambor of Con, Coos Hay Rosoburgand Eaotori . ac-, Q MP MM ' (l U ft I ' L the inmplalnt, tlmt Charles II. Slor-1 . l-ottors uro being written to Icordlng to Mr. Copple. A w ling- r U l"l fl I h ll H II H T f chant, now doiosnod. Ikkhiiio owner : tho commorclal bodies through tho OFFICIAL STATIIMF.NT SAYS THFY CAITUHFD TICRRITOHY II10 M.-u Il.iilva L'na llm ilnlll'lltnr nt llrOllllWaV. illOIK'O lllll-K III . I'lll ll. .I'll , 1 t,,.v,y,'l 1,1 .! VI'l.'llC ., ill .o, ..ui.n ..m.. ...v. ......r..u -. ; . "'.. . . ' .1 II ll.ll.l.'ir.l III ,i,,l,l,,, ...,.., Asking that tlio bouiiioru l; .mines Laird of Sltkum. Sho has four ' "ore mo lino ihkoh a slant norm- ,.,.,.... . miiko a definite proposition regarding ,roliu,rB, j, d. and Haley Laird of oust to tbo depth or a lot beyond1 Hts Ol X n UMli tho motor car and outllno n ton." ) Sltkutu ami JohopIi unci Walter Laird Mn-ket avonuo and down to Second j tlvo schedulo for tbo car In Coqulllo of jjyrt0 p(ilnt. Sho also has a sister street and thence down Commercial ,'iliiis Slates Industrial Committee of Chamber of Commerce Seek Out'et for Local Product ('eriiiau Left Two 'riioiiMiinl on llattlo Field Resides .Many i nines. ll)f AmoI.IkI I'rwt In I'ihm lr Tlmm 1 PARIS, Slay 1 8. --The ofMelal stalenient this ufternooii says. "Ter ritory west of tho Ysor canal wiih comiueroil by us yesterday and (ho day linforn yeHtorday. The Germans loft about -Olio ilend and a great number of rifles. On the oust iddo of the eiiunl wo consolidated tbo pos itions recently taken by us, A vio lent (ionium counter utti.ck last night was repulsed. On the road rrom Alx N'ouletto to Houcbe. we cheeked twit counter attacks, We captured as a result or tbo night ailvaiico a group or Iiouhch near the cemetery at Ablalu. Along all the rrnnt north or Arras, artillery fight lug Is continuing day and night. Near Horry nil Hue, tho German attack was repulsed.'' GES S IllVIJH PF.OPLK SATISFIED WITH PLKSKN'T PLAN noss on tho part of tho railroad off -i clal was expressed. A tentative sched-, uio of four trains a day to and from i Valley points was uni i " "P"At present," said Mr. Copple, In oxnlalnltig the petition, "wo havo very poor 'tl Bervlce' Shoppers rrom Valley points either havo to stay In Slnrshfleld over night when they como or else have but an hour . ln i,nr iietween trains. Ith tho Ul B ..w.w -------- third Interest In tho tract I The laud Is described as being ' RlMltn W'mil.l niin Soi-vIm lul) Three TimeK a Week In- "tend or Dally. N neoillo llvlni nn Cnna nicer In a somewhat peculiar posl I about tholr mall. Tbo nlan in jPsst has been ior tho boatmen e the mall out of tho Post- 6 and Ihll llin Pnn lllvor 'e have n dallv service, and a one e Post-Office Department has " me establishment of llurni 9 NO. 1. whlrli Inlios In Smith HU'er. Thlo will nnl,. wl.'O Ihn K. ,. ... .1.1, U...J 3..V .. I..,. . ." '". "I lllivo uuV- ! nuillllX' "::,,-"., .l. I.a ..rlvolo irnrnL'l.a c This rural rniilo la ulvon rn..nllmnn ForSIISOn 0UHOuu uiu "" ."'"- ... mpllance with n n,.. sent ' "3' riuie forcing the Southern- It wll proDabiy w n irano sir m .. -" iiiuvii. i . . ., if i KiMim.i, 'in ritrcr o'Fiu,180a,c1, unlnuirovod, vacant, unoo-i II. J. lMli.Mi it) l.iu.i I Ni.,cu,,ic,i and not in the aeluul pos-,"1' AT SI-X'()NI AND IILROI) session of any person; and havo been , com ., ,iniiv trins nf the motor car wo .,'....'.. ", c,, .,., i.. could bring them hero n the i orn e zminei. Mtat of ng, take them back n I. ernoon-! whlch sir. Kimball Is manager, Tho same is tr tie with it " 00 0wns a fine piece or property. Bay who have buolnooo In thoaiie. unilerotooil that Iscac R. ,,R,nWProBnt treet and trav! Tower, southwest Oregon agent for up and doy,n '' r "j,","",, do-.the Ford and Ilulck cars, will occupy ft r " , v a 1' .c.ee"or gooil" Most . ?.ld.r.W. portion of the i.w "" Ji,i l tlin niltOS.' Ulllllling. liunevei, u ji-ji nun m it, every one rWotJn tie auto.. jIucordng to the present plans, will riMiiwi" --" ,.,,,. ho ever since the siuuo weio ho Will Provide (Jiuirtci for Isaac R. granted by the btsto of Oregon." Towel's Agency and for Some I Since lluil time tho Slarshflold Private Owneis Realty and Trading company Is ul- , I louod to have secured tho owner II. J. Kimball Is planning tho, ),(,, ()f ony two-thl ds of this trasct. erection of a largo garago at tho Th0 defendant denies the plHlntlffs "me time m master Stcl.nln !va tlmt ho manage so that the people get pi newspapers every day, out -um oniy eet etters tnree ' week Instead of seveu times K' as nnu- 1. I. nni ....Ht-olv ..w... 4t ia iiuv u.....v. w order to keep the present Ur.eJE '.v .r.:;.; n't a monthly loss I turo. being 1'".1'. lr .-.:..: ".pa "ennA tra-! with tueir iiumij Bv.,.vw ding stock. outside the fire limits. ownership. elHlmlue to hnvo possoss Ion of all tho land ombn.rod within the disputed area The names contained In the com plaint as the plaintiffs aro Slury L. .Merchant, .Mary Merchant, Dosmond Lyilln .Mori bant Lang. William T. .Merchant. Robert S .Merchant. lion Jamln T. Merchant, Charlas W., Francis K., and John C .Merchant, Lily Merchant liotsroul, Albert F., and Ji.mes SI .Men hunt, John Pruoss .May Pruess and Irene Pruess. t .. I !... .,u1f lnu ri. flun rikU ill I lift i iii tut. iinnniB iwi nonivn -i m Hl I at . .nt nt n.r fiiml itiitwl Iii lluilr vlnU ! AiirIMH l l.w.4 0 i"t - e, vhat It iohIh, tho uvuargu ousumptlon per rumlly ami tbo kind of toal used. Altogether the Wlllametto Vulloy Is said to use liOO.OOO tons annually says Dr. SIIiikuk, ohalrmuii or this committee, llo sees no reason Why, with tlio completion of tbo Willa mette Pui-ldc, operators rrom here should not ship their product to outside points . It Is believed that tho railroad will muko proper ratos If tbo coal Is carried lu luijte enough quantities and to Insure this an offort Is now bolug made to work up tho trade. SPYING IS CHARGED .MAX CLAIMING TO III-: AMI.III CAN IS OX TRIAL Anton Kiicpciflo Faces Serious Chargo In Loudon Court Pleads Not Guilty III AtMMltltl I'imm lo Cum IUjt Tlmt 1 LONDON, May 18. Tho trial of Anton Kueperrie, who clHlms to be u naturalized American cltlsun, re siding nt one time lu llrooklyu, cburged with spying, was opened In Old Iluiloy polite coin t toduy. Ho pleaded not guilty. A Oil STAND the petition V. A. Hold explained lt. tt t4. 1 fall, Cliamiiiaile Club Conceit, cliorus III mice, director. .Mis. Win. Ilorv .1 .."... .... ... ...Ann.1 l.w I . .." .,... .nn in pnnnco anil EOl mission, wio wiui "i"" "' , tiioir car where It w make them Mr. Copple. ,,... "' . r v hP alil Ubey should be will- -You may rost assurod," said Conn- money, ne saw. jnej n,tmnn K-imimli. "tbln move dd not' I L"BJ?.r Wo the street rUed here, originate with the Southern Pacific gi.-o.ooo I'lRi: AT SPOKA.l TODAY ought to have the street (Br Amix Ul! IT. io ot Bar Tluiw I DI1AI.' IV'l.' lnv I 'rlm Those who are backing tho petl-i. ,...;,.,,..':.',' ,'v... utn,.w nf George Cook furtner- Hon must now go to Superintendent,. Powoll. Sanders and Com- wwr io Keep tne presem - ougni iu - -- -- v-nrih w the nr-PSRnrV mi,.rni Rlc I mncrete between the rails on Norm fes to irrT'.i.". ;.r.-i ,n..r rm-t street." George look niruier- -.. . ---vj.k hid mini .. . .-- --- ,,, a .llllier UIIll uan. IIIUV III! luivu mJ mui- "Ul D6 rnrlhKnmlm. In ohnrt ' Pil t lieSO ("i""'"" .. .. . i. ,i. .,.. ffl,.l.,l ,1,11. t. - 'wi iiiLuuiiiih. a Li u--vi.v - i.t.. m r j- i rinoa in inr iiii iv ii ii iui hi null mi it itiin i i . People are satisfied with the "That's cuiiuik " --- T, n,Vatnr broach to the council a ' SP"' ',,,r,p." " '" ,.nl lift Slllie Olir li". v jfi..i ,..nanl wliloli will IllPn lio "' "" " .".". 1 Sillier and nsk that ho tako tho mat-i pany. wholesale g-orerles. burned mis morning "l SCrvIca an.l ,... 1. 1 lall "...I ., unit, .v - Pe'l satlsflp.i ir ii.n Mi.ni rmitn.nle, lllsli Jr.. Tuotilii). May ii.1, at Hull, no (eiils. Flu- Take )our baths at O. K. Shop, I-'roiit near Central. H.irbcr Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USi:i). PIioim 72. Pacific LHeiy and Transfer Company. PROMIXHXT A'PrORXRY (JIVliS VIHWS RLGARDIXti .MILITIA Says tA&OiSftSSi l t 1 1 Vt 1 1 1 t t f TIBW Wt .d. brio, reaulto. U'lm.i Tli ti Aifiii'l; 1wilklit j i iiui i in .- -..t-.. Ilrutitlly They Should He Resist- eti in iicin in Mr Auo'LUJ IVtu lo Owt ph tib..i WASHINGTON, Slay 18.--The chief interest In tbe hearings bofore tho Foderal Industrial relations com mlsklon In the reappearance today of John D- Rockefellor. Jr, ror oxam Inutlon In connection with the Colo rado coal strlko. Clarence H. Harrow, labor attoruoy, was the rirst witness "H mllltlu attacks people brutallv and without authority" In- ail. tbey should be resi-tnl r Hu re la rbancc to re-is i,rd wo. a piiriiu- : uuuuni uiu .'iiii". i Ininnn-TP i Biin -ri-ri r; rnninii nn i ir nn mn1 ISflTlSDIES;iJlt,FlJI IIILt;GEW. HILL IS DEAD MtNbiiMbMu I .Ml Sleet With Pmnlci- Asipillli ami It In Stated that an Agreement Huh Reeii Reached RcM)i-t Cir culated at Hini'M) of Commolis WAR SUSI.MARV 4. LONDON, Slay IS. lie- porta from tho western Iront disclose uo Iniiioriant cbnngcs KUbseiiuent to tho victory ov- er two mile of front near La- nbssco anuoiiiiceil yesterday by tho Ilrltlsh commandor. llenvy fighting continues nlong tbo lino north of Arras. Pnrls says violent counter nttacks by tho Germans failed and a small gain for tho At- lies near Albalu Is reported. (11 AHIKtlttl l-fill I Co Ot nniM.1 LONDON. SIny IS. Persistant ru mors aro circulating In tbo lobby of the houso of common tonight that u coalition of tbo government Is about to bo formed. Unionist lenders hold a conference with Premier Asiiutth and It Is stated tlio iiuestlou of tho coal ition Ik settled. It Is rumored that A. J. llalrour, tbo former premlor, wlll Hticcccd Winston Churchill, first lord or the Admiralty, tbo latter taking some other offlco. Crisis Threatened It Is reported that tho plan to make changes lu tbo govronment fol lowing dose on tbo news or a ruptura between Churchill and Lord Fisher, admiral or the floct. which threat ened to develop a cabinet crisis. BIG BUTTLE COMING gfr.mans forci: crossing of rii:r sax ni'ah phv.i'.mysl According to Repip-lN In Russia, They Am Uualilo to' Strlko at ilai-oslau. I Mr Amix l.ltfcl I'll-M l Cum lUjr TIlliM PI'THOORAD, May 18. I.fiorts or tho Germans to force tho cross ing or tbo River Han lu Central Ga Hutu aro being concentrated north of Priomyst where n buttle for tho fortirirutlons along tbo river slopes Is now developing. According to tbo latest reports tho (Ioniums aro unable as yet to roach within strik ing distance ol Jaroslau. (Tho Aus trian official report of Slay lfi said that (lormauy bad occupied Jaroslau.) 0 RECRUITS Kirciii;.M:it wants iiuo.ooo mi:n FOR HIS AHSIY III House of Louis le Snjs Re poilH from tbo Dimliuielles An1 Satisfactory. , lllr A.wUIi I'm la I'M lur TIkim 1 LONDON. .May 18. Secretary for W'ur Kltihciier auiiouucud lu tho House ol LonlH today that nowa rrom tho Dardimellos was thorough ly Hutlsructory." Ho said bo wanted :iuo,ouo more leerults for the new it miles. HAK.VKS OX S'i'AXI) Tells About Tienty Tlioiisauil legtsl Paid to Hint Al. SYRACUSK, N. Y., Mny 18. Will iam Humes resumed the witness stand today for further cross exami nation In tbo llhol suit ngulnst Col. Roosevelt. Tho counsel for Roosevelt duestloued him about printing eon tract which Ilames purchased from the bidder that secured It and sold It to James ll. Lynn for 20.000, Ilaruo testified ho had done nothing which would Justify Lyons paying hi in a sul ury. An entry lu tho hooks or tno Journal company Indicated tho $20, ooo was for salary paid lu Humes. RANK TRIAL IS ON llr AhwUIkI rrr.t to Coot lltr Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 18. -OoeultiK arguments against the dis missal of the temporary Injunction obtained by tbe Rlggs National bank 1 against 8m retary SLAdoo. Camp I troller Williams and Treasurer litnxn was presented by tlio counsel 1 for the bank which charged thut tbo first two officers conspired to break ill. Dining the argument, Justice Mi Cov Mated be did not see In tho 'i.iii- u-. prcM'titcd auv ivldeuie of .on -pi .ifi by Mi Vdoo ntuV Williams I (i. ,i . t ib tank ilMl.U . " M' " -"-!-. As one of the wain circulators I'-v.iausq,