THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION SEVEN i . ; l : r-; ; iMarshfield-Coquille Auto Stage ICino rml Phnrmncy Ktiir.-hfield A.M. 5:iW 1 1 .(( P.M. . 1:00 ' :i:oo n:!io 7:o ilARSIlFIELR-COQUlLLE AUTO STAG I J T1MK SCHEDULE Schedule arranged to connect ,(li bouts to Hniuloii, Stages to lljitlc I'olnl, Wiignor, Roseburg. No delays. Paie from MniHliflold to Cixjulllc: 75 cents. Single Jjniiitmtli, Props. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio SUMMONS Un tho Circuit Court of tho State Oregon, in nnd for Coos County. ftlyrtlc A. Edwnrds-Robcrts, Plain- is. James Edwnrds-llouerts, De- Edant. To Jnmcs Edwards-Roborts, tho bvo named defendant. Bn tlio namo of tho Stato of Ore- 0, You aio horoby required to np- br anil answer tuo complaint tii- ngalnst you herein within ton ft from ma umo oi tno scrvico 'this summons upon you it serv f within this comity, or, it served Ktilu any other county of this Ite, then within twenty days from 1 duto of such scrvico, but, If scrv- by publication, or by pomoiml ilco outsldo tho stnto of Oregon, shall appear nnd nnswor on or lore tho last dny of tho time pro- llbcd in tho order for publication of, to-wlt, Juno Cth, 1915. It you full to nppcnr mid nnswor I complaint us above roaulrcd, tho Hntiff will tnko Judgment against I for want thpreof and will apply Who Court for tho rollof lcnmml- Un her complaint, n succinct atato 1 Dt of which is: that alio bo granted n decrco of brco from you; I that alio bo awarded tho care, ouh- aud cjntrol of tho minor ch'ld 1 plaintiff nnd defondmit, viz, .Mary j re i.dwnniB-itoborts; that alio bo permitted to asanino ' : namo of Myrtlo A. Edworda. I i ervico of this summons Is mado t.....;,4..;..........j..;..;..;. uuiiciiuun liurauiuii 10 nn oruor 1 Ho by Hon. John S. Coko, Circuit' T go of Coos County, Oregon, which or bears doto of April 23, 1015, 1 directs publication hereof In tho w Hay Times onco each week a period of six weoks, tho tirft "t plication thoroof to bo mado on :ith day of prll, mifi. CRAVES & M'INTUREP, Attorneys for Plaintiff. JUKI'S SALE OF HEAL PRO-1 ; I'lIKTV OX FORECMKSUHi: Kotlco Is hereby given, That by luo or mi execution duly Isuued out lino Circuit Court of tho Stato of eon, for tho County of Coos and no directed on tho 1st day of Mas. . IS. noon a iinlL'mnnt nnd deereo rendered, entered of record and kctcd In and by said Court on tho ' h day of April. 1015, In a certain; men In said Court ponding, i pmn a storgunl was planum J. I Karlov nml Flora M. Far- J. erc defendants In favor of plnin and against snld dofondnnts by j 4 mi uxccuiion 1 nin nnmmanuea 10 tho property In said execution 1 ncrcinartor described to pay tuo aue tho plaintiff of Ono thou tno hundred nlnotv-slx mid no- (lollaco, with Intorest thereon at rate of c (blx) per cent, per nn- irom tho 29 th day of April. . until paid together with tho and dlsbursomontH of said suit Id at One hundred forty-scToa and Ju dollars and costs nnd oxpon- i eaid execution. I will on Sat l 111 U oi" iino, 101.'.. .. k n. m. of J. aor of tho J. inlllo, Coos J- P). tlO l'JMi ilnv nr 1 11 tin 1 0 1 ."! ., .... ... ... ......, - f-' nour of io o'clock W nt tho front door iniy t'nuit House In Con uf, urcpM, soil nt public aue- y .... ----- ---- o tltc H.'hoat bidder for cas.i band rn m, ,)nv 0f saio. nil tho It. tltb, hterest and estate whicn I a-eniants J. P. Farloy and I" il Farley and all persons QiRi; Inilrr tlinm milmonnpnt to Ptelutlff's Mortgage Lien in, of to said Real Property said mort-1 !(1 HietnlSDR tmrftlnlinrnrn inon- d are desrribed in said execution "lows, to-wlt; Rnch nndfen Ull- "Cd one' nlr Inlaro.t In nntl in Elecn and twelve, (11 & 12). In r i'i uu) in Songstacken's a- P" 10 (ho rllv n Mnrahflnld. Coos Intv, Orrgon, aecordiuff to plat ri now on file and of record in 2 tVcTcS, Oregon! 'K , ? 6f 'th tlio tnnnnionta lioroilltn I'sand appurtenances thereunto "6'ng or In any wlso appertain- TUU MU I u um-u f ns subject to redemp- in the inatiiior provided by law. ,cu nils Cth day of May, 1910. i .. ,;uniGn JOHNSON. Jr., j onerlff of Cona nmintv. Orecon. ' nilr'lratlon. May 8, lust pub- vr j 'no. imr. - . vtu :ou . ll' . . ''VVrACT B I ffl' I m, , .u.vs A :3 67 7i m ' rmwjRM&:rjmzLm.- rco , The 42-Centimeter Light, Mazda "C" Type The nitrogen-filled Mazda lamps are the modem il luminating sensation. Greater light for less current than ever before achieved by incandescents. Remarkable advertising value either outdoors or inside business establishments. Marked economy for light users. Telephone 178. OREGON POWER CO. Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot nfford to bo without henlth or accident Insurance You not only need tho insurance, but you want to bo suro nnd havo tho correct policy in tho best nnd most roliablo company In tho business. Sco mo or phono mo nt onco nnd I will ovplnln It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent, Mnrshficld. 300 Coko Uuildlng. INDEPENDENT Leaves Mnrshficld nt Ilusy Corner 10:00 a.m. 2:00. p.m. 6:00 p.m. Leaves North Ilcnd in min utes later W-14MIM,4,I,''iW',fr'I"HW-Wll''HW4 Buy -Sell Exchange USE THE "CLASSIIIED" COLUMNS OF Till: COOS 1.Y TIJIES THEY WILL (iirr results 1-xm you THEY HAVE FOR OTHERS THE HATE IS LOW THE RETURNS ARE INCH, PHONE Phone ' V ! 'f .. Times Want Ads Count .J,.J-.J-.HHhHWr"rr!f"HhrhH HHT;wHWH; ...., . i FOR FOOTE'S AU I Ub . ' Phone uou-u. w vi,.i, .mil llnv. , ..., Cafe. . ' f . f RFFUL DRIYERS GOOD I'.Wl I). L. POOTE. AUTO SEPVICE Mui-Nliflclil North Ilcnd Empire Tin heel Sunset liny US 133 i I CITY AUTO Ji TAXI CO. Duy uud NIglit Ser Wee. For taxi, phone 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel ' LYNN LUIHirni, Prop. New Cars , New Cars t ;..;....;..;..;..;..;..t..-,.. I ning I VLUrctes i METHODIST C1IUIICII Rev. A. S. lllsey, Pastor. i North Rend Tho services Sundnv will im ! follows: simony school at 10 a. m. ll : 00 n m. Sermon. Vesper Circle and Epworth League P' '"' EPISCOPAL CHURCH. R. E. Drowning, Rector n. m. iioiy communion, 9:30 n. m. Sunday school. 11 n. m. Morning prayer and ser iiiun. ouujeci: mo bigniricnnco of the Ascension." :30 p. m. sorvlco and sermon in bi. i.iihos episcopal church, Em - plrc. CATIIOI.IO CHURCH NORTH BEND. Rev. Fnthor McDotIU- Mass will bo celebrated Sundnv morning nt U by tho Rov. Father Wallneo- NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Rov. R. O. Thorno Sorvlcea will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Lutheran church nt Marsh field Sundny nt 7:45 p. 111. aununy scnooi meets nt 10 a. m. Services will bo held In tho i-OBlnn Lutheran Chapel nt North end nt 11 a. m. Sundny school at 10 n. m. Sunday school meets nt 10 a CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Services ns follows at tho Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular services every Sundny. Dlblo School nt 10:00 a. m. MAKSHFIELD PRRSRYTERIAN CHURCH Rov. Stubblcflold, Pastor Chas. H. Lowry, clerk of sessions Oeo. R. Staddon, Sunday School Superintendent. Miss Clarn Myron, Organist. A. L. Rutz, Trpasurer. Mrs. Clins. McKnlght, president Women's Auxiliary. Sunday School, 10 n. in. 1'renclilng, ll a. m. nnd 8:00 p. in. Morning Subject: "Conformed or Transformed." Evening Bormon subjoct: "The Rubbish." Christian Endeavor, 7:15 p. m. Prayer Mooting, 7:30 Thursday evening. A very cordial Invitation Is ox- tended to all, especially strangers, 4 CATHOLIC CHURCH MARSHFIELD Mass will bo celebrated nt 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning by Rov. Father Wnllaco, nnd In North llend at 9 n. in. I Mr"IIOIIHT EPlSCOPAIi. .'osoph Knotts, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning Sorvlco at 11 a, m. All aro cordially Invltod. Epworth Lenguo nt 7 p. in. Junior Lenguo Sorvlco Thursday afternoon at 3:4G. Prayor Mooting Thursday ovon Ing at 7:30 o'clock. SWEDISH EVANOELICAL I LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rov. II. P. Ilongtson, Pastor. Rcsldcnco 294 Highland avonuo. Phono 94-R. Sunday suhool at 0:1C a. m. Sermon 11 n. m., Swedish Luther nn Church. Sorvlco in tho Swedish Lutheran Church of North Iloud at 8:00 p. m. V V V FIRST RAPT1ST CHURCH Albert V. Tlnasfnnl. IT. A. Residence 97G So. Fourth St. ', Phono 38GX ' '1 every neighborhood wu'll find. Rlblo School nt 10 n. m with1 Will Undo Sam bo running thorn, graded classes and competent touch- And nil his children running him? ers. i Worship at 11 a. m. mid 8 p. m. 'Or will It bo somo nation far, Special music. Whoro wisdom's gate doth stand ajar. A cordial wolcoraa ib extondod to To grunt n favor of this kind ' Is bettor than a golden mine. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Hall. I 237 Third 8treot North i services ai u u. m,, uunuay ana I $ n. in, Wednesday, Subject: ".Mortals mid Immortals." Reudlng room open every duy 1 except Sunday nnd holidays from 1 to I p. m. 1 I NORTH REND PRESIIYTERIAN j Rev. Frederick Shlmlmi, Pastor . Dlblo school nt 10 u. m. Christian Endeavor at G;45 p. m ! ! r - SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIHTS Local Elder. J. E. Quails. Seventh Day Ad ventlst services are I conducted every Saturday as follows: I Qiu.nii. ani.A,.i in M M. I Douuuiii nciiooi ui iu a, in, m! Rlblo Study at 11 a. m. Young Peoide's Society at 3 p. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. in. Ul I UNITED HKETHHK.V CHURCH I NORTH REND I Mrs. R. N. Lewis. Pastor 1 Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. PreachlnK at 11 am nnd 8 p tn In.nnfs'o'clock. " DEDICATE SUNDAY FATHER M'HEVITT vlll conduct COgi'lLI.E SERYICE Ciitlmtlr Congregation nt County Seat has New Homo of WorMilp Now Completed I Tomorrow morning nt 9 o'clock the now Catholic Church nt Co qulllo wilt be dedlcnted. Archbishop Christy not being able to come, l.ns ' delegated Rev. II. J. McDcvItt to I bless tho church. After tho dodt " . cation high mass will bo offered 1 and n sermon preached on "What Is !tho Catholic Church?" At II p. m. nencdlctlon of the Ulessed Sacrament will bo given n sermon on "Tho Renl Prcscnr-a of ch,.lB( lu th , j,CBg.i Kudiarht." Under tho auspices of tho Knghls . of Columbus unite n luruo dolecn tlon from North Rend and Mnrsh fleld will go to Coiiulllo tomorrow morning leaving North llend nt O.m morn I mini 4 lomo Mnrshficld at 7:10, returning rrow evening. There will bo I only ono innss, nt 8 a. 111. at North Rend tomorrow, and 0110 only. 110:30, at Marshflold. Roy. Farther j Wallace will attend both places. DFADI F'C cadi IM!tpr ,n " l'or ' ,invo bcon lica,rl,,R fLJp J rUKUlVlitno WCR,l"y landowners around Marshflold to giro 1110 some mnrsh Tho Coos Bay Tlnios will bo 1.. . . " , ,. ', ,.."" . " ,. Nor-fec on riiuciCs' ofTub c j.u Blvln" i!lsC8ornhor0 nddrK ,. B0 f,r poggiujo imtcj to J50 vcrds. In nubllshliic these lot- ..Wi vcrils. In publishing these lot turs Tho Times does not Indorse tho i.'cws expressed thoroln; It U sltnplv affording a mentis for tho talcing of different opinions on nil QW'ntlons affecting tho public wel fare. WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR DERELICT SHIP'.' Editor Times: Noting in ono of your recent pn pora that our Port Commission 1b puzzled what to do with the doro Met ship lying nt Courtney's Mill, tho thought occurred to mo that tho Commission might wrltu to nomo moving picture film company wlit might bo glad to pay sovoral him drod dollars for tho same to carry out ono of their hero ship-wreck scones. Then they might still rcnllzu n little more by developing a plot composed of our locnl colobritles with IOiilo as our horo, who, with tho help of Uncle Joa mid other momburs of tho Port Commission, to help could bo used to aid "Loulo" In catching votes In his cnmpnlgn (I will vote for you anyway, Loulo). No doubt our friend Loulo would pay a good pricu fur this advortlso incut stunt, llelng strictly neutral I shall not mnko any furthor sugges tions as to what parts tho other members of tho Port Commission could tnko, but this I would lcavp to your own fertile bruin, Mr. Edi tor. C. C. COINO. APPEAL TO UNCLE HAM What nation now protects tho poor? Their earthly htoro shall bu mado suro; For Cod will rain his blessings down, Whllo favors flow from nations 'round. That nation thon will run Uiu roads, Tho water-ways, nil factory modes; Will rent tho innd unto tho poor, And loan thorn money to bo suro. Controlling Interest would It tako In all our commerce, for our saku. A,( w,)f) nro fruo from Anton's snores iJust call around unci buy ...... ...ll I I shares. A commissary of somo kind ! For Undo Sam's sinal ton per cent. Above ull cost, Is ns a mint. Cnnnlx will shlno with gates mid burs As thick us t(ioso wo scu on Mars. With education ns tho grout, Tho poor, of courso, ho'd educate; Thu wouk, who need protection so, Ho would protect them with his dough. Stores wo will soo so very groat, Laid up for the unfortunate. And from his bunks, ull o'or tho land, Ills money power would fuel so grand. T.nn,v ,,.,. ..., nko jo,,,,.,'., Tw"nty ,tr cunl" "Ko Jt"l0,''' ennri'G. r"" iri With Undo Sam yould soqiu too largo. So fiom his bank, and from his mlut, Ills money goes at six per cent. His tariff wur Is oudod then Ou nations all for thoy nro kill. Free passage through tho Panama, ,,, ,r , , w, ,in ,,,, law TJe uatl0DB an (n that swoot day .Wlll come to Uncle Sam and say We'll bo (is stars under the sun All brothers to Undo Sam's son. Wc then would need nn fleet sn ernnt I Our Iroit-clnds would enrry freight; I opr sword We'll turn Into a plow, No rum, no pistol, nnd no row. Salvation then like billows roll, From land to land, from polo to polo; Our banner then In truth Bhall wave Over tho free, for there's no slave. PETER PltODICAL. HOW TO (JET KNOWLERGI FROM DREAMS Editor Times: On Inst night, after spending tho day writing on my book, "From Gloom to dory." 1 thought I saw something floating In the nlr and It i drew nearer and nearer 'till finally I ll u"l 1 f0,.ma l ,0,,H, " "I"" .of " 1VV IttliV AMI lll'MllllK illllUIUI. I thought my partner agreed to tnko too rur ana icavo mo tho nitlo. I, ,nf tor aw akenliiB, began thinking that possibly thero tiro ocean animals light hpro which as yet hava not been discovered. Among them might bo found n turgo cow nearly as largo us n whalo anil bearing n J mast valuablo fur. 1 have boon 1 making all my dreams a close L,,.. , ?,", . '"'f I. ...... so as to get something urnc- from thorn nil. I havo a sys- progressive economy connect ed with my book and I am not sura but this Is Intended as another chap- I land In return for my advertising .... .. .; .........n..., I "8 "" " 8",,nbl ,,lnC f0'' R0VT I f Now this dream In lUontes n partner. Ho Is to talu tho fur as his share. That lenvoi tnko tho fur as his share. That lenvos mo tho cow to milk nnd thon her hide when sho Is punt milking. Now if I had a partner mid wu hud tho marflh land wu might watch somoiwnH respouslblo for bringing to tho moonshlny night and loam what food to decoy her with and thus got tho ocean cow, hnvo somo dis coveries which enlarges tho prod nets of Smith pulp mill. IIu might 'Sunset Press of San Francisco, bo porsunded to glvo mo nomo marsh Ho loaves a wlfo, Mrs. Thurza Rod land for my experiment. I would field; threo daughters, Miss Jana and turn over my dlscovurloH to him. i Miss Ruth Rcdflold, nnd Mrs. Omor Or around this placo scums I might find a pnrtuar. am em barruBscd now ns for tho moans to complete my book and rcaIlzo.un' cHIcs. materially for mysolf as well ns tho uutlro human race, tho benefit f nl "y droaiiis. I think my dreams hnvo already boon doing good in Oregon, for I hnvo noticed somo articles In tho Times on tho wntor power subject. Now wo cor - talnlv havo tho wntor t.nwar horo .1 This is why . am Insisting on Xto'ZZ!1 govorumont factories bolng placed hero on the const. It will bo lical-( thy as woll ns glvo tho cheapest i power on earth. In my progressive economy I mu Insisting uu the gov ernment urri.iiglug all public Indus trios In tho form of a stock com pany, thu government with con trollug Interest mid nil thu people who deslro and havo thu money may taka thu balance Pf thu stock. As soon ns I got my hook completed I anticipate stumping tho country for President ns I soil my uook. ' So I nsk you now to begin to con sider seriously for If you deslro tho right you will bo ready to voto for. Peter Prodigal. I will soon bo ready to start lecturing on Prog J- rung mid ou my Six Dimensions of Space, soiling books mii running for tho Whlto Hoiibo, I kindly auk you nil tp Just con sider what Is for your best interest, uud theu you will, I am suro, hold out to mq your helping hand. It is tlmo another working man found tho way to tho Whlto Hoiibo us there has been none slnco tho old rail spllttor loft It. 1 run sea no rea son why ii sawmill man can't run uh woll ns a rail spllttor. My logs .,.. ..n, n. I,..,, I. I n. t.mbn 1 I .... I. nnlluliv t linnn r.tul,li. I ,.,. J ... ) !'" .....". woll bgforo going ugulust your best' Intorest. I PETER PRODICAL. i THE SATISFIED CUSTOMER Evory storekeeper knows that tlio bust advertlsiunnnt ho can huvu Is u satisfied cuutomar. For thut reason thu mod ern merchant frowns on tho practlco of substitution. Whoi) a cuBtomor sees au artlelu advertised In Thu Times nnd culls for it by namo, tho alert storokeopor w(!l bo reaily to provide it. Indpod, tho more up-to-thu mlnuto rotullors, co-op-oruto directly with reputablo mnnufneturors, and when tho letter's advertising appears In Tho Times thoy show thu goods in Dip wlpdow. ' SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA !n PHOMMEHI I A. RERFIELD PASSES AWAY I AT RERKEMJY HPMH Cousin of A. D. Woloott of Mnrsh ficld Occupied Prominent Plnco in Musical mid Engineering Circles The following press dispatch from llcrkcley, California, tolls of tho pas sing of a man promlnont In tho mu sical mid engineering circles of that stnto, who Is n cousin of Mr. A. U. Wolcott of this city. Tho following Is taken from tho Oakland Tribune. "Horace Alton Rcdftold, for ninny yonrs promlnont In both musical and engineering circles of California, a graduate of the class of ISTfi of tho University of Cnllfornln, died In n. Son Francisco hospital after a short Illness. Redfield was a natlvo of Now York State, nn years old. Ho was brought to Cnllfornln by his mint, Mrs. J. Preston Moore, In 1871, nnd by her was entered nt tho University In 1S72. It was then California College and locnted at Twelfth nnd Webstar streets In Oakland. On tho removal of tho collego to Rorkoloy, Rcdriold followed nnd paid his way through tho Institution by worklnj; on tho construction of North Hall. Ho graduated with Justlco Honry A. Molvln nnd others, who havo slnco become promlnont.. Ho commenced work with tho Southern Pacific company on his graduation and latar was Identified with John A. Urltton in tho Oakland Can Light mid Hcnt company. For many years ho was connectod with tho Music mid Dramatic Rurcnu nnd Pacific coast Padcrowskl and Mmo. Hloomfleld-Zolslor nnd othor woll known musicians. At tho tlmo of his doatli ho was outsldo man for tho N. Krushko, nil of Rorkoloy, and ono son, Lawoll Rodflold, n woll known musician nnd vocal teacher of tho Roforrlng to tho nbovo it niny bo Htatcd that n sister of tho deceased, MIsb Jonnlo L. Rodflold, n formor I .r08,d10Mt ' NP. three grand "''?, " '" .""""f c'mo-, , . "S I'oilflolil Is Stnto Suporln(on- Blonary societies of tho W. C. T. U. of California. How to Get the Most for Your Money When In- sci ting a Want Ad Horo Is u way of giiurantophig sat isfaction for yourself when you uso "Times waut ods." Wrlto a "want" ad that makes your proposition bcqiu attractlvn. Your falluro to mention Important features will cruatu thu Impression that thoy nro Inciting, Tho unluformntlvu 2-llno nd Is apt to bo Ilka thu tack hammer for driv ing nails. It cobIh less, but falls to I do tho effective work of tho larger Innl. I ll.M,., ,,, ,,.. when you stuto imuwivii JWU RtftV JVIlli proposition thorppghly and clearly you huvu tho nssuruuco that thoso who luvustlgutu uru not merely curi osity scukers, but nra Inquirers who aro Interested practically to tho point of doing business with you. lu addition to writing a good nd 4, you should Inrort for long enough 4j to Insure results. Thon Immediately 4 1 havo the ndvortlsumont stoppod and 4! Tho Times will refund the full 1 nmoiiut duo for tho unused period, Ry this method you nro suro of j having your nd run long enough, yet do not huvu to pay for any unuec ossury Inset tioiis. Uso "Times want tjuds" according to this plan and 011 cannot full to got rosults. Whuovor I It Is that you roqulra thero Is t 0110 buioiik thu vast army of thrifty 1 renders reached by this pappr who I bus what you want or who walits ! what you have 4! It you live outside Murshfleld you 4, enn mall or phono your ads to this ' paper. Phone 133 Day or Night 10 words 2 days 10c 26 words '1 days &0o 1 0 words ft duy 50c 35 words 5 duys 1 25 MOXI.Y ORDERS OR CHECKS PERSONAL Pes want ads bring results. I