ssssss IVmwmrfbi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR " KILBURW RETURNS'RUSSELL IS MAYOH'PLAM MEW SYSTEM:LIKE5 COOS BUY The May FIIIST OF TWO IIOATS OX pohtlaxd itr.v FIUSCO FOH.MKH POST.MASTKIt CIIOSHV $S.:iOO KOII XOIiTIl HKXD im. Sale at .IAV LAWVIOH OF HIJVN'OLDS CO. MKUTHS HIS sox mom: AT VOI1TII I1KXU , niinuiMiiMMiiii I Captain McClollan, Former Mii-tor City Counrll Xiiine. Popular Special Meeting to Siiticllou Grading to Of Virginia Fumii Pony Inlet To City Wharf Succeed l. ) SlinpMin Win) Hn Ho-lgiied Klmcr F. Russell was Inst night1 Advertising for bids on n $2S,300 elected Mavor of North llcnd by or system for .Vorth Bend will be ii, rw,. p..mi m .morw.1 j'niade nt once, according to an or- Simpson who has resigned. Mr. finance of the city fathers In io ; ono of ho moat liroiniBlnB." accord Tho the since she went off the mn January. The laws of the city pro- greater part on .Mci-uorson ami un- Snnknne to en years ago after having vide that In case of a vacancy in on avenues a.... uo,, -onnecucui ""',- ", " . nBO t0 o Coos Hay for a period of 22 the office of Mayor the Council l0 '" oimpt m V' ua' ... """.,, - i.i .....,... - Since that time she shall name some one to fill the ..lit. Pavement i. .0 ue mane cu" -HT I "" a. Trlher Vultniltlo of his ufen overnauieu in tan nnn Mr. misseu was cnosen uy mc . ... 1 That the city Is in no way Hablo !. .1... l.l-... ll . .... .-. i. formerlv Post- aix-mum uiuimeu uy uora no' In Here Captain !,r!tolt May Ik? Tramforretl to Santa Clam Urlght In a new coat ot paint from stem to stem the steamship A. K. Kilbtirn. Captain T. 11. McClellan. arrived In this morning from S-n Praiickco via Knrokn and at 10 Miicanii i nmn,i in fill the nnex- neighboring city last night. o'clock left down for Portland. This nired term of Mr. Simpson and will "Ms are to be opened June S. is the first trip of the Kllburn Into conscnuentlv hold office until nt The sewer will bo laid for Coos Bay here sev CAmc t month ha; Francisco and cut In two Council. smldshlns where she was snllced in Mr. Hnssell was 32 feet. adding much to her size. Master of North Bend and held that scrs ,0 lmvo '"M'l'oncd to her- was Skinner Hero Before. office until ntilto recently when a tllc verdict or Uty Attorney Dorby- Ciiiilaln McClellan has bees here ii.nnr nnnnlnteit hv ihi neni.i s'rp- A complaint was received at before. Since 190C he has been first ocratlc administration. Mr. Bussell tllc Inst "looting from Cora Rogers officer and skipper of the Kllburn. is widely known In North IJentl ' stntlni? tlint nho foil on tho siilowalk He came in here for 10 months under and pave n highly satisfactory nd- and wished $1,000 damages, claiming Captain Merrlam and wag then rais- ministration as Post-Master. His llor 8l,,no wns Permanently injured, ed to the captaincy. The vessel Is selection as Mayor meets with tho. A Jeclal meeting of tho city fa n staunch wooden steamship, built gonernl approval of tho North Bend "lors ls called for next Tuesday when In Washington. She Is 205 f-: In people, as he Is regarded as a highly ' t,l tlmo wl" uo "P for tho posting length, has a capacity of 970 tonsCOmpetent man. jof notices, stating tho grading on and 13C passengers. The new Mayor Is one of tho early Virginia Avenuo Is to bo done this She present officers of tin jOiIp , settlers of North Bend. When the ! summer. Tho ordlnanco will bo pass- city was first founded L. J. Slmp-jed nt that tlmo. son was made Post-Master, but as! Tll,s Involves n cost of npproxf- hc had many other details to look'nately $10,000 and bids will bo lot after he held tho place only until for tho work, from Pony Inlet across he could get someone to take It. 'tho peninsula to tho city wharf. Tho In January, 1907, Mr. ltussell took! cost Is to bo divided between thoso tho plnee of Postmaster and held It I having elevations taken from their Say Mnrsliflclil Is One of tho Best Places ii C0a.1t Ci'onentl Iluslncss Conditions "Marshfleld Is one of tho best places on the coast now and Is nlsOj The Golden RahY ing to Jay Lawyer of tho Reynolds Development company, who arrived here yesterday from Los Angeles. are: Captain T. IL McClellan. First Officer C. Tlsall. Second Officer F. Stevens. Purser G. F. Roberts. Chief Steward K. Canard. The trip from San Francisco to Eureka was mado In IS hours, from Kureka to Coos Bay In 14 hours, crossing in nt 0:10 a. in. She has a speed of nbout 12.C miles an hour. Captain McCIollan, when first of ficer of tho Kllburn, remembers tho tlmo tho vessel bumped in tho rocks pH tho bar In a heavy fog nt mid night, lost her wheel and rudder and fortunately drifted inside. She was later towed to San Francisco for re pairs. In his 1 1 months on tho Kuroka run tho skipper has not lost n day, has never been bar bound and has had no cnglno trouble. Captain Lofstcdt Hack, Ho said that Captain Lofstedt Is to ho transferred to tho Santn Clara and will again como in hero. Cap tain Jcsson, present skipper of this craft, and oldest captain on tho coast was given his choice of tho Santa Clara, ltounoko and Kldor, belief in tho Coos Bay section. Mr. Lawyer will hnvo his young son, D. K. Lawyer, locato hero and start his business career In Marshfleld. The latter has Just finished tho second year of his course at tho University of California nt Berkeley, which he,. entered following his graduation at Phillips Exeter, and 0 courso nt Dartmouth, and has decided to ter minate his collogo career nnd engage in business. Mr. Lawyer. Jr., will ho associated with A. Y. Myers who has been mnnacer of tho Coos Bav end of tho enmnanv's affairs slnco thev nur rlinsml tjlfi hg holdings of the flood-ntl-Perklns wmmnv hero several venrs atro, Mr. Myers has been with bo coninnnv plneo ho was eighteen vears old nnd Mr. Lawvnr. Rr said )'"! 1in '" lileliU w"Mfloil '"I ' Men's $20.00 Blue Sercje Suits Men's $18.00 Blue ertjc Suits Men's $14.00 Blue Serge Suits Men's $11.00 Blue Serge Suits $14.50 $12.50 ,$9.95 $7.50 . 1 ever slnco. Postmaster Mcdulro j'oIh and thoso receiving fills near, son would bo associated with Mr. was recently named. , Pony slough. Two blocks on Mc- Mr. ltussell thus succeeds Mayor Pncrson nro Included In this project. Simpson In public office for tho sec- oiul time. I WEED A GITYFATHER FUHMISH MANY LOGS SF.W SMITH - POWKHS CAMPS pitonuci: itic output KASTSlPi: NOW LACKS HI.XTH Mi:.MIIi:it OF BODY PostMmes Voting On Ccniston $!.", 00(1 Slrect liiipnivviueiits Until New Had Selected. Total Supply About (100,000 Feet llally lllfj Forc( Ihnployed At tho Mills. Lacking n sixth niombcr of the KaHtsldo council no decision can bo mado in tho voting on tho proposed j$in,0()0 Improvement of Cooston streets until tho office Is filled. Ho believes tho officers will nlao. Mayor Kittson, nt tho meeting hold In bo transferred. tho city hall l;i Kastsldo last evening, Tho faro to San Francisco on t'no ' declared that ho has as yet found no Kllburn and tho Santa Clara will hono to fill tho office formerly hold $12.fi0 nnd tho faro to Kurflka l3 to'nj" Councilman Bailey, of Cwoston. ho cut (o $8. It ronialns $10, ns bo-! I,0cnuso of a protest entered by fore, to Portland. property owners along Sothor street Thoso arriving from San FrnncU- tl10 action of tho city fathers wns halt co and Kuroka worn: W. 0. Kgleston, ' c' and, according to tho charter of K. J. Mrflhanoy, IJ. Schroeder, J. II. ll' city, tho Improvement conuot bo C;(rpcntor, S. S. Cchleulor, II. A. j sanctioned oxcept by a iinunlmous Baker, It. V. K. Puckett, 1-J O. Me-1 P'0 r councllmen. Tho nbsenco . ;.hf M: Tho now logging camps of tho Smith-Powers Company on tho now lino south of Myrtlo Point nro send ing In nbout 500.000 feet of logsir.,,,1 ,in, ,..,.. ,,. I 4W( (kt.W (11141 114 t IIU111 tllU Myers. i Blames Democrats. Mr. Lawyer says that beforo tho United States will gain experience ' tho prosperity of years ago, thrco' things will bo necessary. Ono will bo tho election of a republican presi dent, another tho election of n re publican congress and tho third tho termination of tho European war. Mr. Lawyer says that tho European war really averted a serious financial stringency In this country nnd for tho tlmo being In public opinion least shifted tho blnmo from shoulders of tho democratic party whore , It really belongs. When tho ATKXAIstK'l F.T Y HOLDS iviniuiiuuia'-uui uiHuuiur nuxi year, ti'criWh'IM, inV(ll!n' All other suits cut in the same way. These cut prices are not made on a fictitious value as some are now adver tising, but are genuine reductions on our regular prices. We are closing out all of our men's and young men's suits. ' Men's WORK SHIRTS Job lot, 50c shirts, while 10 r they last JJL ' MEN'S HATS Values up to $3.50. QCTr BOYS' BUCKSKIN These are always sold for 2Rn . All sizes, to 7 ,,, while they last 5t Job , lot of Children's Hos vf, o 20c Most all sizes & Va,yesiP babies to large girls, Yoi choice St PETTICOATS: .95c Fancy Colored Petticoats. vuiuu uilt to s.iry top": Value $2.50. Cut to $1.48 ' GLOVES Men's leather work gloves. 1n Extra good. 50c glove, now JoC Cheviot Shirtings and ""0, Red Seal Ginghams $(; WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES jne lot Women's House Dresses Your choice DUXj Values up to $1.50. Cut to.7.85C I-Vw buy .so cheap. W knoiTiui No Concci'ii ran buy cheaper than tho (.'OI.DIl.V Itl'Li:. in o talking about. THE GOLDEN RULE ALWAYS BUSY FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING i :MJUIY MOOSE MEET BASEBALL SCORES USEOXHEE A . ..' A '" m,clltl0" t0 business IntorestB of tho country havo '" '- Members Initiated Into the nbout 100,000 foot sent In dally LfMn , .,... ... Mv.sterles of tho Order of the i x'w,,, 'HIU H llli i It) tllfUI U1II that tho nation will romotly tho blow, .spread iiik iioi-iih .-- .. . ..,..- . .... .. .... i.rti.-N ii.iiiTf- ruiiTiu.MMWU- l.'HIST M()l)i:il.V WKLnivc id I l.tVIt ll.lll l.'L IV mill., u.tlfrilll i I iirrivi! v ... . ... 1 1 jj.i.ii. nrstitftn i.v iiir. nifL i 11 f iiii.ih I li.lAI l UTT I Jllckcn. V. H. Stiihr. K. Ilenjos, II. A. lloutel, Dan Mnrtln. V. M. Jon?., Jlay MrCihnney and John I). Hoach. Thoso lonvliiK hero for Portland were; Al llllburu, Mra. S. Applelon, C'asslo Apploton. T. S. l'etorson, Ornnt nunlap, II. Warwick, Tom Oldlantl, Jo8o llornadle. Antonio llu trlo, V. A. HrldKOH, .Mra. V. I. Mln- Ir Ilalley hold thorn up for nov- oral weoka and now ho linn returned and r dolay. i from Camp Ono on South Coos Hlvor to supply tho Smith mills hero. The now camps nro shipping nbout iilKhty cars per day. Tho nvorago carload is nbout C500 feet, but It j some times exceeds this cousldor- ably, nnd Is sometimes less. Tho output of tho camps Is being stead ily Increased. Desplto theso big shlpmonts, tho logging camps havo been nblo to , barely keep ahead of tho mills, hav ing only nbout two days supply i nhond. This was beforo tho Kist aldo mill wns shut down last Sntitr- jlnt. .... .... ...., . ... f ..... and resigned which means a further ' u".',"w,,"u l" u, ""i " ,iniv ,,iru,er, the onglno room and now tho camna Ma'yor Klltf-on Is undecided what ' Wl" !"'" """I0, lo .In. i! la nt,i in rv n. -- "'" """ cul ol l" "'B "ill! 13 in " " "t mmwi iiiu uua ton Improvements. Ho faces tho sit- nnd V. M. Illalr TELL OF SKEHRETT: excess of 100,000 feot, whllo tho Knstsldo mill Is nbout 200,000 feot. HlK l'oi-co Woiklng. At present there nro nearly six tl t It .1 A .1 kr !....1... 1 I.. It. Notices of ln,nrn..,l. i.- """"v" ",u" ""'Piuycu 111 1110 Dig S.iVpi.1. ,.f r.nn; .-....". """ n'" tl10 KflBUlrto mill. This Is - . ... ,. v tfltlltll) tf I 'nation of perhaps deriding tho ones- lion yes or no by his choice of now1 ger, .Mrs. I), h. Hood, Nettle .Savage, niunt bo ratified by tho city fahters ; cnuseu uy mo uomocratio tarirr( Coo8 I3ay Lodgo No. 078, of tho manipulating, then Mr. Lawyer bo- j.0yal Order of Mooso, held a most llovcs an era of prosperity will be- successful mooting and initiation nt gin. With thoso changes at homo' their lodgo rooms Inst evening. Tho In mnl. In I. n nnll 1 ll. .!..- I ... ...... . .. . .w .......u wiu uiisiuii in ui mi miv.iii- j mecung wuno ono in, mo reguinr tago of tho oponlng thnt tho Euro-' order of business was also ono in tho pcan war has mado In tho world's J special campaign now being conduct finances nnd business, ho feels thnt j oil for now mombors nnd in prcparn tho Unltetd Statos will attain a i Hon of tho big special excursion to stato of prosperity quell ns tlio world j tho San Kranclsco fair, hos novor known. , Nino now mombors wero Initiated War Kml Distant. j into tho mysteries and purposes of Mr. Lawyer say8 that tho cud of tho order. After tho regular order tho war Is still fur distant no tyr-1 of business thoro wns n social session miuntlon bolng likely in less than two years. Ho quoted a prominent American who has speitt tho dust ton years In Kuropo ns tho reprcson- Kan I'i'aiiciKi'o Taken l'lnco of Los Angolos In I'lTcciitiigo Column l''or the Klrht Tlmo. I'KKCUNTAOKS OK COAST LKAGUIJ (11 Alsoclaltd Irr" lo Cool II. 7 Tlim-a, nt which a banquet wns served nnd tho candldntes expressed tholr Im pressions of Moosedoni. Tho meet ing throughout wns most successful W. Salt Lnko ....21 Sun Francisco 22 Los Angeles . .22 Venice 17 Portland 1G Oakland Id L. Hi 18 10 18 18 P.C. .r8:t .r.r.n .tun .180 .171 .4 on od hist night, nn indication "u "n!r,l.0"!.l':"'"vo of tho office forco and' of- r i. i Wl IIIU . fll1. A . . "Hindi's determination to carry tho ?. T , conneclc Wll Btroet grading nnd nhiiik.n. n ,L" . I tho "h"",,R c,ld- W. .1. IH'ST S.IVS MICIIKi.W OK. ficku di:.ii:s rntsT hhpoht grndlng and planking throuch. Tho resignation of Councilman iiniioy was received. Ho was not present Si j,f Cnthcart. city onclnenr ) Sheriff Ilea ,f .Mll.lfor.l, KuhIhIiIo. presented several sources .Michigan, (Jives Specific Charges from which water might bo obtained mm. r. mo propospd water system. It W. J. Hum says that ho has ro- ,s '"''''veil two systems will bo nee it'lvod u loiter ironi D. J. Oliver, """J" hecniiBO of tho distance bo shoi llf of Oakland County, .Michigan, j twoou (,08lnn and Knstslde. which coutiadlciH a mutuuiuiit glvoi. ,loH ,n,,,l ,,ni' Iwn suggoBted as out by tho Mamliflolit pollco about I0'10 p0,"(,, for (u Knslsldo supply Chaji. Sl.errott who was nriosted hero ' w'" at f'"ton several noarby for setting riro to the Craig hotel H,ri!,18 nro under consideration. nt Hunker 11111 in which several lives1 : RECALLS OLD TIES PIOXIXU WILL TKSTIKV IX TIIK lauvo or somo or mo largest inter-; anu gavo further Impotus to tho ests In tho United States ns saying j splendid campaign that Is now bolng thnt Italy will not partlclpato in tho i conducted, war. He iald that Italy was play-' Tho following candidates wero In- Ing n shrewd diplomatic gamo and Hlatcd last night: H. y .Keator, A. would not brconio Involved but was! "' Gllllo'. Carl W. Kvortson, Fred c! conseryln,; hor icsourcos nnd galnliiiij I'ilr8n. H. L. Pratt, W. O. Lawhorno, what sin could by diplomacy so that I M C" J,n,0eyi Harry Hohm, Hob tho conclusion of war will seo Italv I cr' I)'"nr'li tho really great nation of Euro no. ! . . .Xou' f0"''''''". Ho said that tho termination of tho1. , ro,lowl"B candidates havo war would pot bo a victory so much 1 1" "IP,CtC(l l0 '"""'''crshlp to bo In- las tho crhuu-llon of tho nations In- ' . 1 ?,tC , volvcd and n8 Germany can contlnuo ., , ' '. V,fl' Wal,!0r J- Condron, tho nrownt imco for at least two . '"." "' " "urton,-II. C. WATKIIS.ll.m8 CAS,.; ' f,C"r8' 'J10 fn0t como before j Swa $CV "ual !""-'" An to who tho victors will way, it j v,.k T i .. Ha. Co, VV Today a,,,, Involu, ' " mtL , U'tii: l ? u Ijii-jso I'oitimo uft ,y j G"ss. Frank V. Cattorlin, C. W. Sol- Ohl Settler DK.VM AM) limn will) s. wore lout. .Mr. Hust says that Shot-. Iff Oliver wrltos trout Pontine that l hero is im ofllclal record of C. li. Bkerrott having been arrumed them under any clivuiustuuci's. Accordlin, to tho .Marshliold pnlico, (buy had u letter from an officer al Pontine which gavo Skerretfs reputation at routine as Inning buou bad. Skerrott and .lolko wore In Han FraucUco or Oakland last mouth when last heard of. Churgos Against Skenett. Tho following is the loiter which J J. lleatli. deputy sheriff of Oak- laud County, .Michigan, wrote from MAKES EXAMINATION OF .Mllford, .Michigan, and which Mr. MHrn. .'J!. ' "'"r Hust snys another officer refute: "To tho Sheriff. Mttrhflold. Ore gon: --In regard to the reputation of II. C. Skerrett, I will say that It is not so very good. 1 havo arretted him twice, once for celling a qu&n- . WIImui of Xoith lleiid to .Many i in Toas S. 1). Wllsnil llf W.rlli II..., .1 i. 11 .. t N'cith llllllll iic-imi nun - gone to Sun Francisco where he will I Hl'nnl Davis was tho son f visit tho fair for a few day nnd then tho liltt) J- J,lu-t Olivia, who was ono , will go on to Texas where he Ig toiof "' Pioneers of Coos Hay nnd ' bo married to MUs Alice Wilson. A i wll wn" " of ,no fist white men strange feature of tho urlon s that ,0 Btul " Co Hlvor. both Mr. Wilson of North llcnd nnd j Mv6- Waters claims to bo the the lady ho Is to marry are boih ' '''"Bhter of Davis by nn Indian wo- , deaf and dumb. , man. nnd Is suing to recover a I . Ibhuio In the Coos Hlvor farm and ol hor property left by tho eldor Da vis. Tho ostato all wont to Illuford GOVERNMENT DOCTORS l)wvk ,,ml at ,,ls lloat lt wo'" u" Mis. Hln ford Davis. Tin- tostlmony of ninny of tho old riatl'.iru .fill 1.. nl.... ... ... .. S. Sin-on.. ,.f .7.". "'" "" h,"" lo b,low l'at PINE SHEER HERE-aw i irZi?! " !-lry to lead COXCi:itT LAST XKJHT . ," i?1!"'1?'' of M10 I'resldlo. An The easo of Mrs. Waters ngnlust the estate of tho Into Hluford Davis comes up In Circuit Court today- for trlnl. There is much lutoiost inlMAXV ATTKXD SOFIK HAM.MFH C,', ls ,offerol by .Major General tue, as It Involves the fonuiu lft by Hluford Davis who was killed In an automobile accident iio of .Most Plonsiiii? Musimi i.'r..m, tho Coo Mnni '.ii..' !. ,, , ,. , , , .. . .." ',,,.,, v-""' uuiUKikllUll euuri l8 noimr inniln. livn.,i. .i, n. . . ,. ., .itiwi hi. Li.ti ?.. .mil. ft . . w ""'nl V. Koont. Maclilno SlKip )Uhu1 poitnnt Addition lo lu I7Qul(nint John L. Kooti his Jmt ilJtj a oxy-ncetylene planLto tbe tqi'-jsot of his machine shop, tbtfinttw put in tlio city of MtnMei This plant It the lt nd k welding metals quickly and tbon: ly. It Is known as sntottuoaiii'i ing nnd joins the mtlili tli compression or the use of other ce- al, To put it more (Imply It ctsn that you can weld meUIiilM-, old fashioned method o( hsctrj; It Is neither brazing or soldtrtef ta by generating a flame of l.t fc grccs Fahrenheit it melu tt t" nieces of metal so thit they Co t gcther in one solid mm, tint mr amocuioJ no. to eoo ruy Time.) king tho break posieii a3 tk irtiTi vn m..., 1 tinxiinmi Ktrencth of the orlslnil flKi and Oakland were' again stalled on Qf ''.arKSSS tholr series when tho rain god In-, m n Hll0rt (mCi terferod nnd rain chocks hud to shortly alter Instilllur It, t bo Issued. Wot weather In both tho Kust and West has been a hoodoo to early summer ball this yoar. Tho Seals ninnnged yestorduyirt munber of tho caitlntioWW to slip up another notch lu tho per- tractor road machine. nij centago column tlioreby dlsplncing' parts wero taken to I" wow ( CIllllO SIIUJI uu m y- I day tho machine was mm tiff as now at a big saving of tar H mnnov as well. Fran. IM" i Pioneer Hardware stated mi replaced tlio broken wten new vuva "wm. - This addition ?fcj5 '& ru.o LNM uill .nut "v. ---.. Oregon. . . .-i nrorthery I American League. '' J' ",ru ' , TvorthB'' ,t Chicago Washington, 2 ; I ? , ruid boW" . . I Till II U III .. M.mM U1"cBO. 0. VV,'- rnlloctioil Ulthlo " ii uioveiuiut Now vont, i; Clovoland, 3, At Detroit Hoston, 1 ; Detroit, 5 At St. Louis Philadelphia, 3; Koontz had an opportunity ta ie strato Its effectiveness, wcrpw rnr.l nt Riininpr. met f Itllllw dent, upsetting and badly taj Los Angolcs. Tho scores follow: Coast League. At Oakland It. II. E. Portlnnd-Oalclnnd Wot Grounds. At Venice Snn Frnnclsco 3 7 1 Venlco 0 5 2 At Salt Lake Los Angolcs 1 I 1 Salt Luko Cll 2 Some President of th. Exposition;', "have In tho uai Kuciion nr tun i. ...... : ''"''"sslblo for tho government to furnish mounts for Mooso marshals. National League. At Now York Cincinnati, Now York, l. At HrooUlyu Chicago, G; Hrook- Plttsburg, 2 j Phil- lehl in .Mai-iflehl for Time Past Soflo Hanunor's concert. n..i..n.i The Coos Day Conner! ii.n,. .?. ' . M l" by llenrlk GJerdrum last evening in J.01?0'0' w,u heal the local con-, y'V, .VIM , the Finnish hall -n. .. t .h ... ' m$?n' .. ! At I'lttsburg of Its kind ever given on Coos Hay with throo'.innnf.i'i1 con,n'nIcntlon "'lelphla, 4. Appearing before a crowd'J- '"nrreS,l0flr,XTe?ega0: to,"0810" '' numbering among whom were somo lon to Fair. There- Is " ,,,,. ' '' of Marshfleld's most talented mmin. !-.? "ou,h fro Eugene on a sneclm " Inns, Miss Hammer held her listen ers spellbound by hor wondorful so-' Dr. W. .M. ,loiie.H, r, .San liiiiu'lsco, MaJ,o of Coast Stiiiluiis Toiif prano voice und striking personality. .oi'viiuii- pieasing wero tho Nor wegian folk songs given In tim n,. uvo costume.. T. J. BOAIFH "i. iijoruriim. in naiimmi -,. ... -at' in tjl-" t'At foh mm.: Oliver Kephart riione :il(. I asassGW0saBecoceca23OBB I Mb. I, JUubu, Munat-irBiid I'jc.lclcnt 2SO KTARNY ST. But. Suiter and Duih C A. II. IIODGIXH . . . fill VI llll II I'll Til 111 flililMlnii A- 111 --. IJIWIR lil.l I vn.l wltl. !. i.ii... MMWUIUH m nf-. ' " HIUU 111,11 IIIU iwnillHIl 'Ph.. ,lo..noUL... .. ....J" "-.u . imwioxcollontiil8noaolMtinn. u.i,ii . maiaillllSIU icAAr..V:.'. - I Dr. W. M. Jonos. nssistan, surgeon "r "V0!" ro8,,,0,,t " ' ! enthusiastically receive l y tho . , T "LLUHAIIIMU LU.IS In the P. S. Public Health service nr. u,ver- wa on recently at Per-: ,iin ,,.,.. ..?)'. b tho ""' Estlnuites Furnls'.iwl tlty of apple barrels that did not h r"i"irr?-r'v resto.l nlso for liiiniilni? his liniir.l I. Ill l)r ll.rll.. i,n, .i.. ..-i.... . .'.'" """'" 'wi .11111 mat Uavisl M,is 11, ..., . . . ... " ..""; '.)'"':"'??""" "r- lived on Coos Hlvor. li I- ,.at.,,..,i .... ". """ '" "Joritrum lie is noi vorv won inuiiuiu oi mir. Urmia in uiu I'll iiiic- iieaiiii unrvi.Tt .,....... responded Phone Ito-H. Marshfleld, OreKou I Bk. ai I aaaan. iMPB R faM 2: iIJsBrl r wiWi1 i&m m m-XjBizS: 9 a 0 SAN FRANCISCO will give a joint concert In CoqullU T ,. ;,o,, . , -,-,, .,, , ;- ! - i - j-,- r, j- ij -Ior ,u wLtrr of our county told mo that you wart- This Is tho first examination held ny Davis killed him !l ' ' ed to find out what kind of a mmu slim, the Joining of the Life Saving he was Ho was always lu trou't i"n-iau nun tne Kcventie .Servl.e )r with someone all the time." klllod him Many of tbe pioneers will be J.'HM will visit the stntloiu of the ' I0 u" w,1t ""' know jioa t north of Port Townscnd. jtrly life of Davis. Tho program in full win . f call- In Saturday's must,, P,iiHn., ' ' of the Times want ads bring results I y HOME AFFY M A n f AVERN CANDY Wo mako Ice cream .178 Central nve., rouo 13 Mj I I A moIn, fire-proof, Hotel, fl B located in the center of everything end on 5 a direct line to the iixponlion Cioundi. RATES oeiscnedBatii Private Bath M.00, $1.50 single $1.50, $2.00 single $1.50, $2.00 double HOP, $2 50 double 1 50 Rocmi of SoKd Comfoir-Evejy Convenience From ThiiJ nd Towwend Si. Dpo. ut cir INo. 1 5 1 or 1 6. From r wry lite Suiter St. cr, gel o8 .1 Kmy St. wlklU . block North. Or Take a "Universal" Bui direct to Hotel I Hates to Y( ' , urt' wlthb-t- 50 rooms ma rooms with 100 rooms IIS.U,.' J( a ,.isldewr., 2UU lru v" with batn. "ZZSZ' room, a1 A 1 --- I w ... If ,mi)KH.V ;. "! '; .1 I. th.. note.. 550 ..I.K.H IllilUl ful ,0Ul" '. Vnod ci Ition rooms. - j the wn -rates. Stop here e,ue when i HUkHHHHHBHBHMni9iBMBaaVV'TV 1 I aWaMaHaa 3 tll-H fW aMIia fa 1' M Tn-af MIT a-ri . . r, , - . "- B iBBMIBK aTaa W-aP Ba BBKKKnBNKBammmmLl!' 'WrMliWllfcitT------