THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ' THREE Hart SchafTner &.Marx 7 YOU may as well of the best tailors most skillful designers, l ienced workmen. This is just what you have in Hart Schaffner & Marx suits. But it isn'trtall. You see the cloth you want made up in a suit ready to put on. You really buy a sure thing Try on one of these good suits at $20 and upward. We keep your clothes pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Marshfield. North Bend. See Our Prize Beef Du'ijniin on Coos Hay should make a point to see the ilOOO pound ihrsseil Nicer which Is on exhibition In our inuikct. It looks fine, the same us all our moat, dors anil also tastes, mid ie call attention to it only on account of its M.e. When J oil want u good cut of meat, phono us and wo will head the host (ho market af folds. THE UNION J. E. Ford Phone 58-J. EGGS EGGS EGGS Wm ran It'll imw-lalil under absolutely Minltnry conditions. Weigh 21 ounces ami over, per dozen, fully 2.1 per rent more egg than In ordinary caso eggs. Phono orders Sllll-.T. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcne 394-J. Broadway ! FOB TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight mill llnggugo. Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone Jflil. I Residence Phono lil-J. Market nvo. and Waterfront Commutation Tickets $2.00 2D Mleld-North Bend Aoto Ida i every tea mlnutca from u . w I- p. m.; to South Plough once leaving nt 11 a. hi.; to Euiplro trips a day. OOR8T A KING. Pro. J. H.GRIFFITH llasses That Please TORIC'LENS .OUR BEST Eyes Examined Masses Fitted mses Duplicated H'T Lando's Drygooth Storo have the service in the world, the the most exper- MARKET & Co. 174 South Broadway. Pet. uentrai ana oommerciai Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Loavo OhI Phiiriuncy Marshfield A.M. BsilO H::io 11.00 P.M. j! l:oo a: oo rs:io 7::io Leave Coipilllo A.M. 7:00 0:00 11:00 P.M. 1:00 :t:00 (i::io 7:30 .MARSIiriKI.D-COgUIIil.E AUTO STAGE TIME SCHEDULE Schedule arranged to connect with boats to Dilution. Stages to Mjrtlo Point, Wagner, Hoseburg. No delays. Fine from Marshfield to Coqullle: 75 cents. Single & ijimlvtli, Prop. 4 SOUTH COOS RIVER BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfield every d7 8 s. m. Leaves head of river at 3:15 p. m. STEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river dally t 7 n. m. Leaves Marsrtehl at 2 p. iu. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & BMITII Proprietor! 445 Phone 445 Messenger Service JO fiEWTIES MAY TIDES. Time and Heights of tides at Marshfield. The tides nre placed In order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on the second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is bleb or low water. High tide on the Bar onomep evenings exercising, hour and ft 4 minutes earlier than at Marshfield. At North Bend 34 minutes earlier than at Marshfield. 12llrs., 13Ilrs., Ft... 14Hrs., Pt... irIIrs., Pt... lCHrs., Pt. . . 17 Hrs., 0.3ft C.3 l.OC 5.3 1.30 ft. 3 2. OS 5.3 2.3!) "..2 3.12 7.43 0.0 8.19 0.2 S.ftft 0.3 9.30 0.3 10.04 0.2 10.40 0.0 10.40 0.2 11.18 0.0 11.57 0.2 12.39 0.4 0.09 4.3 7.21 4.1 8.42 3.8 10.01 3.9 1.37 4.2 2.18 4.2 2.52 4.2 3.3C 4.1 4.14 4.0 4. 55 4.0 155 4.0 5.39 3.9 0.20 3.9 0.10 3.9 1.25 0.0 2.14 0.7 3.0G 1.0 4.00 1.3 7.32 1.8 8.08 2.0 S.42 o o 9.12 2.3 9.43 2.4 10.14 2.4 10.14 2.5 10.54 2.5 11.45 2.5 0.0 0.0 8.0C 4.2 S.55 4.1 9.39 I.S 10.21 5.2 Ft. . . r.o 17ll!8.. 3.12 Pt 5.1 3.45 5.0 4.27 4.9 5.14 4.5 0.50 2.4 2.04 2.1 3.18 1.8 4.24 1.3 18Hrs., Pt... 19Hr3., Ft... 20IIrs., Pt... 21llrs., Ft... 22llrs., Ft... 23Hrs., Ft... L tjllrs. . IFt... WEATHER FORECAST (n? AmmIH! rim to Com Daj TtmM.l OREGON Fair, wester- ly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE O ItECOIU) i For tho 24 houru ending at 4:43 n. m., May 12, by BenJ- Ostllnd, BpeckU government I meteorologist: Maximum 00 ) Minimum 41 At 4.43 a. m -II Precipitation 20 'Precipitation alnco Bopt. 1, 1914 01. 50 Preclnltntton iuo Derlod ) last year 02.78 Wind: Southwest, partly I cloudy. Church Senlce. Thcro will ho n sorvlco In St. Mnry'H KplBcopnl Church, North Bend, this owning nt 8 o'clock. Many Answers. More thnn a doz en applicants liavo responded to tho , want ad In Tho Times for n compo- tent girl for general housowork. Tho I advertisement was run only a fow times but brought quick results. Paving llesuiued. Tho paving In North Bond was resumed today after having been shut down for f. Hhort tlmo on account of tho lack of ce ment. Tho Nairn Smith, which ar- 1 rived today, brought tho coment wl'Ich wns needed and tho work will go on. Powers Store. Powers continues to draw now business houses. Low Cochran, of Coqullle, writes that ho Is erecting n storo building thero nnd will soon start business. Today the Powers school district Is voting on tho $18,000 bond Issue for a now school house. .lotus Army. Word 1ms beon re ceived hero that J. I.earmond, a rola tlvo of tho James Forty and A. Lan dles families, has Joined tho British army and wns fighting In Franco tho last heard from him. Lcnrmond Is a Scotchman and a couplo of yenrs ago while hero became des pondent and nttompted to throw him self under a train at Bunker Hill. I Will Tench in South. Ill tho year 1 thnt ho has been horo from tho enst, ; Fred Flanders has built up tho man ual training department to an of I flclonco It never before hnd obtained. His friends and tlio faculty are sor ry that they will lose him. Ho Is I expecting to bo In tho Paso Routes liieh school noxt yonr with Prof. Bar ker, formerly of Marshfield. The do- pertinent thero Is a now ono nnd, as Prof. Barker writes, is much in need of an expert. Miss Silverman omters P Phone 181 J jot tho English department, may also teach next year In Paso Hoblcs. Sev leral other teachers have already sig nified their intention! of going to new positions net year. Two Courts Hendy. Both courts at the corner of Elrod and Ninth streets of the Marshfield Tennis Club have been put In order and are now ready 'for playing. "Midge" Welch has hod charge of the remodeling, one of the courts being entirely resurfaced with cinders, well rolled and ground I In to make the court "fast.' There arc In all SO members of the club who will spend part of their sum- Likes Mine Machinery. Pnt Hen nessey, who Is now operating the Smith-Powers mine under contract and lease says that his new mining machinery will revolutionize the min ing Industry In Coos County, or at least In his mine. He nays that there Is less waste, that tho coal In mined much more cheaply mid tlmt the output Is greater with only a portion of tho usual force, of min ors. Ho enmo In yesterday on busi ness. Tn lliilhl Bridge. E. E. Dyer, Dnvo Bunch and Dick Holm nro leav ing on tho Hoanier for Brookings from where they will go to Cho'.oo to erect the Curry County bridge for K. 0. Porham. It will tnko thorn four to six months to complete tho big bridge, which Is 440 font long, combination steel and woo.l, and they do not expect to return hero until It Is completed. Mr. Pnr hnm wll not ho nblo to go down nt present and Mr. Dyer will have charge, Military Road Considered. Thoro appears n growing agltntlon on tho part of coaBt towns and cities In favor of tho proposed military high way to connect Pugct Sound with a road running through, parallel to tho coast to Snn Diego. Tho matter of putting tho road through Orogon wns enthusiastically endorsed by tho local Chamber of Commerce, mid in turn a letter sent to Sonttlo. A lat ter from Assistant Secretary Roy O. Hadloy states thnt tho mattor has already been taken up and Is now In tho hnnds of a special comniittco which expects to mnko a report with in n very short tlmo. Memorial Services. Tho Docorn tlon Day services nro to bo held mi dor tho auspices of tho Spanlsh American war veterans In tho Ma sonic Hall, according to tho au nouncoment madu this morning by Edward II. JoQhnk. Tho program for tho day Is now practically com ploto nnd will bo niiuouucod In a fow days. It Is known thoro will ho a pnrado headed by tho Coos Bay Concert Bnnd nnd tho G. A. It. veterans nro to bo carried In ma chines. Dr. II. M. Shaw Will de liver tho oration of tho day. Thero aro sovoral other plant) for tho day now under way and being carried to completion. Ralu Interrupts Runners. Track work of tho local high school team has been on tho Installment plnn this spring, pieced out between show ers and dry track periods. This has been a great hindrance to their de velopment and at tho present tlmo tho athlotcs uro being hold up by a soft track that bars spikes. Tho noxt track meet scheduled for this season is tho ono in two wvoko, horo, In which the .flvo schools of tho county dro expected to participate. Coach Miles states that though ho has only eight men working diligent ly ho believes that tho chances are better than early in tho scuson when ho had n greater number out, It Is posslblo that a meet mny bo ar ranged with North Bond before tho county meet takes place. 0RPHEUM "Where Motion Pictures Look Better TONIGHT AVeiliicday-Thurbday It U N A W A V .J U N i: iu two reels. Continually more In teresting. Keystone comedy entitled SHOTGUNS THAT RICK Sounds funny, doesn't It'.' It Is, too. .MUTUAL WHEKLV No. H. Tho world's happenings before your ojes. .MOTHER OF THE .SHADOWS Two-iiH'l Kay lleo thriller Adults, IOc; children, 3c. on Port Barnum You are cordially Invited to iittcml DIG BASKET PICNIC and HAND CONCERT by the COOS DAY CONClUtT HAND nt Port Illinium, SUN DAY, .MAY 23ril, 1015. The lorn t toil Is ideal ilml ono gnol tlule Is assured. It will Im to your anvaniugo to see anil know about this splendid tract of land. Wo will ad vise jou later us to transportation mid we want you to como and bring the family. FRIZEEN 2b DUNCAN 6a$5L mmmmM I PERSONAL MENTION .1. G HOUSER was n visitor here to day from his home nt Bridge. M. J. COSTEN of Powers, Is down on a short visit with friends. L. .1. SIMPSON was n Marshfield visi tor yesterday ofternoon. W. C. BRADLEY returned yesterday from a trip to Powers. W. 1). SMITH came in from Powers last night for n short stay. W. G. EGLKSTON Is buck from Eur eka and San Francisco calling on the trade. A. F. SPRAGl'E, of Haynes Inlet, was down last evening and this morning on a shopping tour. MR. AND MRS. I). W. GILES, of Myr tle Point, ennic homo today af'er a visit In the south. MISS MAY PREUSS Is back from the University of California for her vacation. MISS RUTH MATHEWS camo brtck from San Francisco today nfter n month's visit In tho south. MR. AND MRS. H. M. FENSLER. of tho Hub storo In Myrtle Point, have returned from n visit to tho Exposition. OREN LATTIN and wifo liavo re turned to Camp One. Mr. Lattln Is slowly recuperating from his re cent Injuries. OTIS WILSON nnd wlfo and daugh ter Frances, enjoyed n trip to Powers yesterday, visiting at tho F. L. Grannls home. MRS. .1. T. TULLEY, formedly or Coaledo, but now nt Powers, camo to Marshfield yesterday for u short stay. MISS RUTH BROWNLEE, of tho University of California, arrived horo today and will spend her va cation with Miss Nora Tower, a sorority sister. CHESTER ISAACSON, who has Inon attending tho University of Cali fornia camo homo today to iipcn.l the vacation with bin parents Mr. and Mrs. August Isaacson. II. A. BAKER, of tho Folgora cotn pnny, arrived In this morning from San Frnnclsro nnd Eureka on tho Kllhurn and Is again calling on tho trade. CLAUDE C. THOMPSON returned this morning on tho Nann Snitlh from Snn Frnnclsco whoro ho hna been on n business nnd plensitro trip for tho laBt ten days. MRS. I). L. ROOD loft today for Newport, via Portland on tho Kll hurn to attend Roboknh and Odd Fellows Grand Lodgo. Sho expects to bo gono nbout two weeks. DR. W. M. JONES, marlno health officer from Snn Francisco, nrrlv ed tho Kllhurn nnd today wns in conforenco with tho marlno Bur geons horo. MRS. L. J. SIMPSON arrived from San FrnnclBco on tho Nann Smith this morning, returning after an nhsonco of nbout four months. Jiho went out to shore Acres. MiStf FRANCES WILLIAMS, daugh tor of Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Wllllniun, returned today from Berkeley whoro sho has been attending tho Unlvorslty of Cnllfomln which le JlIRt out. V. JONES, a prominent lumbormnii of Eurokn, with bin family, camo up today from Snn Francisco ind loft Immediately on the Kllhurn for Snlcm, called thoro by tho Ill ness of n brother. MR. AND MRS. J. T. HARRIGAN were, nimble to get passage on tho Nann nnd bo camo on tho train to Medford where they will visit for about 10 days beforo returning to Mnrshflold. Tliolr machliio camu on tho Nann. R. E. MILLER who camo over yes- etrday from Bandon says that tho Sonttlo Is getting along fairly well In tho Coqulllo River work. So fnr tboy liavo not oncountored any of tho sunken logs or tho Indian fish traps that Interfered so much with tho Oregon's work in tho river a fow yenrs ago. ADVERTISED LETTERS List, nf II IK'lrt 1 111(1,1 liiltnra rnniiilii. lug lii tho Marslifleil, Oregon, Post uiiice, lor uio wcok eliding .Mny n, i '.no. rorsous caning mr tno Bitnio will nhtnsn Hiiv mli' iiinl nut' ono cent for ouch letter culled for. llukor,, Cbas.; Mucker, ChiiHtluu; Coos Kennels; Cooloy, J. !,.; Coin stack, Miss Lnuru; Evuunrf, Elnx; Frost, Peter; Jacabsou, PhiiI; Ju cobsou, Mrs, T. II.; Kiiulc, Miss Edith; Larson, C. A.; I.HSkey, MIbh Itouo: Livulch. Martin: Lund. Oltiv: Mnckoy, J.; Phillips, Bllllo; Rawloy, MIb Mabel; Rohvor, Mario; Ruffuer, Roy K ; Twist, Earl; Wilson, Mr.; Kuinorskl, Jos. HUGH P, M'LAIN, P. M. Times Want Ads for results. J. C. Penney Co. Next Door to the Marshfield Post-Office. Men's Suits, all wool, hnud-ninde collars, $22.00 value. Our price $lil.."0 Men's Suits, nil wool, hand-made collars, $10.00 value. Our price ijtO.OO Men's Suits, a dandy $!2.r0 value. Our prlco $7.00 Men's Unlon-ninde Overalls UNDERHILL. $1 value. Our price, H3c Men's Overalls, n dandy good heavy, 90c value. Our prlco... 00c Boy's Underbill, nindo of the Bnme denim as tho men's. 7 .le value. Our price tOu Men's Bohb 110, Cotton Gloves, 2 for 2fic vnl. Our price. 3 for IWIc Men's Cotton Gloves, $1.00 per dozen. Our price, per dozen, (IOc Men's Wool Socks, a dandy .15c value. Our price 25c Men's mulo skin Shoes, summer, $2.'.T value. Our prlco ...!jll.70 Men's niulo-sklti summer Shoe, $2. "ft vnhio. Our prlco ...91.08 Dundee Percale, 28-ln. wide, 10c vnlue. Our prlco 0 1-lc Johnson Percale, 33-ln. wide, 15c vr.lue. Our prlco H 1-3c Qunnlrcca Cloth, 3G-ln. wide, 20c value. Our prlco HI 1-Uc Bath Towels, 21x39 Bleached, 19c each value. Our price, II for H."5c Turkish Towels, 2:1x4,1 blenched, H0c value. Our price, t! for l)c Turkish Towels, SfiXiiO blenched, 10c vnlue. Our prlco, - for -ttlc Compare our regular-priced nicrchnndUo wllli forced sale goods. Wi nro bringing tho prices DOWN In Marshflehl and with jour help wo will hold them down. yj Intoraorattd S mw, iiKr WEDNESDAY Dozen with .Mrs. Jolly It. Bush. Bay City Lntly'n Aid with Mrs. Fred Moore. Auction Bridge with Mrs. A. E. Adclsporgor. Kloster Club with Mrs. J. W. Motley. Christina Sisterhood nt church parlors. THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Geo. F. Murcli. FRIDAY Royal Auction Brhlgo with Mrs. Otto Schotter. .Thlinblo Club villi Mrs. Knlscr In North Bond. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Jas. Cowan, Sr. AMONG THE SICK J 4 Elmer F. Russell, Just elected Mayor of North Bend to succeed L. J. Simpson, resigned, Is laid up with tho mumps. Tho two-year-old daughtor of Mr. mid Mrs. It. E. Ruiiboii of tho Capo Arago lighthouse Is reported Improv ing after qulto a sovoro Illness. Dr. II. E. Burmcstor of North Bond who has boon confined to his homo la roportod Improving. Chun. Enholm of Bunkor Hill who underwent nn operation for appen dicitis nt Mercy Hospital Is reported to ho getting along qulto nicely. Mr. Davis of Couullto who nudor wont nn operation for appendicitis nt Mtircy Hospital InBt wouk will io turn hbnio tomorrow. Mrs. S. J. Stockcl, of Enstsldo, Is under tho doctors enro today, but Is roported much hotter. Mrs, Martin RuhkoII, of Coostou, returned n fow days ngo from Ariz ona where sho went on ncronut of tubercular trouble. Sho Is still In bed nnd Is roported no hotter by tho doc tor. Mrs. Charles Terry, on Cedar Street, In under tho doctor's enro to day. Mrs. O. N. Wilson, of Sumner, Is seriously ill witu tunsiiitts, .Steamer Carlos Mills from Marsh- I I.1M isil,. l.t'll..flu,.. kit. I ,,,,ll. . ... ... .... . .....r,,,. ( , May 1.1, at II a. in., cm eying pas ! M'ligers, Faro 910. Tom .lames, 1 Agent. Llhhy COAL. The kind YOU lirtva ALWAYS I'SED. Phono 71!. Puclflc Lit oiy hud Transfer Company. t! NOBLE THEATER IT Whcro All (ho Host Plctuies aro Show lug. Tho duiuty inuguotlu star, MARGL'ERITi: CLARK In bowitchlug churautorUiitlon, "WILDFLOUER" A louder lulu of uweot luiioceiivo uud eternal youth. This pictures bus been recorded 111 tho annals of the film Industry as a distinctive achievement Produced by tho Famous Players Film Company, uud presented by tho "Pmnniount Featuio" Puruiiiounts aro improving every weok. You can't afford to miss them. Three- other reels will bo shown In addition to tho nbovo feature Seven leols All new Lowlcr floor, 15c; balcony, 10c; children, fc. Tomorrow night "Tho Expose of tho White Shivo Traffic." tho pictures that will muko ev ery ouo sit up and tako notice i wLrffl' TIIGI - . f.rmtra Am mil bWbW I B"l Vll WANTED Gixh! girl Tor general housework. Phono 3112-X. FOR RENT Modern .l-room fur nished bouse. 597 0th St. South, near Elrod, Enqulro E, A. Elck worth, phono ;ii:i-L. PARTY who took wrong hat by mis take at Mooso lodgo last night re quested to cull nt Tlmos offlco nnd got his own. FOR KALE I Fort! TourtiiK rnr, 1 Ford Rondsler. Both ns good as now. Bargain, Goodruui'a Garage. FOR .HALE Cheap, . IMnonths-oId English Bull Pup. J. C. Times offlco. WANTED Room and hoard In prl vdto family. Must bo first class. Tolophono 1G0, or address Box 'IV Times offlco. FOR RENT it ImiiHo-lavplng room, furnlidiod. Phono 220R, or ap ply 080 So. 12th street. LOST AND FOUND ' I LOUT Ring of keys, l.on rtnvnr'tl for return to Box "C," Times of flco. 'OUND Howl boat ndrlft.. .Owhor may have samu by Identifying pro perty and paying for this nd. nt Tho Times offlco. FOUND Iridic' Jasper Ag.ito goltl ring. Owner may securo samo by describing ring nnd paying for this notice at Times office. WANTED I WANTED Homo moving iiuil rais ing. Eatluiato furnished free by Ingram & BJorqvlst. Phono GR. FOR RENT FOR RENT Tun-room liouso nt Bunker Hill with woodshed nnd gooil garden, $r. per month In ad vance. Inquire M. 11., at Times office. FOR RENT Mjrtlo Anus, modern furnished npnrtincuts, frco heat and water. $20 pur mouth up. . FOR RENT Rcnsnuiihlo I room furnished apartment, R. F. Will iams. FOR RENT l-hiilt Hat, ilnl anil Anderson. Phone Dr. Lesllo. FINANCIAL I AM icceHIng applications for 1st ninrt, loans on improved ranches. F. E. Conway, Myrtle Arms, pt. AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD Nort Froai ntntt, -J Fbos 870. DRY WOOD