M sOTTWrtwrjjaJt9.:IMKJ.Si THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAftSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO 'AtAfta!)W(w:wiiiS.! COOS BAY TIMES M. C. SI.tl.OXHV. l.illlor mill Pub. DAS K. MAI.ONKV. Xihh Editor Official Off li inl Paper nf Paper City ('(Mis CnlllltJ of .Mnrshfleld. The song of the AiIdroB nil MjimniMilratlons to COOS II tV lltll.V Tl.tlKS. old 99 jimmy .t ci.n.tiisi xsiiile decision ONE OK I In-' lenient nml moat sen sible iii IhIoiim In ifnanl to Hie li tnpiit or nPWHpiMi'-r gubwrlp Hon !i. that Ii.hi'IpiI down rerently li. J i ill up (ii-orKP Ti'oman In Coltim butt Ni'li In Oils chip iIip court fol lowed tlio ilc Islon matin In n nlmllnr roHp bv I lip illslrlct rnlirt of appeal) of KniifBH ril. .lo which hoUI: 'I ho preparation nml publication of u ni'WHpnppr Involve mucli montiil mid phyntt-al liilinr, ai w nit an out lay of inoiipy. T!ie common law prin ciple ;., nml when n niiin rrrelvoa anil urim ii pappr lie l- liiitiml to pay for l(. Up iieiieflis nml iitpIvph n plenmiro from hikIi Inbor nml expondlturo of i lln publisher ii ! IT Im bad appropriat ed any other pioilwt of another'a la bor, mill by Hinh ail lit In tieltl liable for l lie mibwrlptlon prlcp." TIipip Ik nolhlnu involvpil or pvaa Ive nboiil thl decision. Tlio JitdgP naa plainly what nil nowHpnppr pub- llwhcrK lmp nlwiun contended that p to refimp payment for a newnpapur Is nkln to wroimfully appropriating,' the work of miy other producer. ' Tlio editor and publlHlter III pio-1 iIiicIiik IiIk newsnaper hrluK to hear the Rami) fniultlPR than any other highly Hpeclalled workman iluen. "When a ciiblnel mnkpr Iiiih delivered IiIh work, Alien an architect coin-, pk'k'K the building or n bonne or when n tailor flnhdip a wilt of clothes he expect to be, paid for It liv the ponton for whom It was inmle. There In no ipientlon iih lo lilt right to demand iiiiynient. lie ban done nit work and demand the Trull of his labor. In tlin ense of tlu newspaper, how pver. hOIIIO pi'Ollle seem to lake "'I piillrplv different nttltmlo. "l,el the publlHber wall Tor hlx nionev." w'm to bp the rule or Kuril people. Thev hppui to think that mm copv of a newspaper inoi-" or less make no illfferenre t all where mo ninny lire' merely turned out of thp presses. Suppose these iiei'son look the same altitude toward Iholr hnkor I)opn't each bakery dllv turn nut hiiti'ireds of Iosvpo of bread? What I If tlipv ipfimed to pav for their InnvpR? Tlisv would oon Iip without their bread. Tlio baker would slop the minnlv This U Inst Hie inptbod Hint iipwh naner nnhlMier should ndout hi ' jeflid to Kiilwrlhert who nro iltdH nnent In their lmvnienK Tim mu. naner baa become a necessity, nml It innklm Involvoa labor of the hcml nml bund. The uewinaner educate find piilprtnliiH. It rcnresenln 11 ni-' "reater value than Ir ever paid Tor It Supii decision h tlfit of I he ill-i- titel cciirl of hiuk.hIu In KiuiM'n. i, followed li .1 mliro Thomas In Neli rnsKn im rnilimeildnbl.. , tut Hiilil be imbeld In erpri lnti f K t , ,. 1 1 ""rue liken te relief In eb-IlHlier-! who, Riirfer by the delln utlotux or kiiIifi libers will be quid, nml IiihIIiik just rings in your ears when you fire up load after load of Prince Albert tobacco without a bite, without a. parch. You can smoke it sun up to sun down with out a comeback, because it is made by a patented pro cess that removes the bite and the parch. So, first thing after breakfast, you make fire with a match and open the day as do the little f hirrls with sone-and sunshine! Then you'll be right jimmypipejoy'iis, which is $r !M8k ... 1 r...Unl. o.'ln .r-vii- c-nrilrooT-nafiffi I tut..' . c-iffiS'- gUUU IVL WlWl UUO jrUUl gmviWMjvwuvw JTmLaHB WMm JMr A T the national joy smoke has jimmied open pipes for thousands of men who were once scorched and, nat urally, pipe-shy. The most sensitive tongue won't even tingle when you smoke P. A.! So, you take a chance, and get some smokefunsunshine into your system. For there's nothing friendlier nor truer to a man than his old jimmy pipe. And you'll know that's a fact quick as you hit the P. A. trail to pipesmokejoy ! Prince Albert makes a corking cigarette. You never put a cleverer smoke between your teeth. And P. A. rolls up mighty easy and without waste, because its crimp cut and stays putl You take a tip and play ball! Day Prince Albert everywhere In toppy red tidy red tnt. 10c: Bound and half-oound tin and the handtome pound crystal-Blast humidor sponst-moist ener ton that Iteept I'. A. perfect and right on the firins line at home and at the office all the time. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO Winaton-Salem, N. C. pipe ::f;mm $mr . Jyx-!r ImMmsk fiLij&mL, ,.:!, ;Mmmm haS,.Se; 'HSfflW t ii ,J iHW ' 1 unuaoTM. ' st r m ii.rrs.TjAC' . i -75 TcwnHWiu jt a with the f .. sV && ' . -' . ! .'! MMK fi A If J" y"rW ttwrMiiin., Imffir R.EAD THIS J J. '"e lliilrt ,lt j v x.frio.v ST.Vm' t ( id- V U.MM,.XITY Hhnmu.l,ylTMHVIVsV,;;oirJTV A fHIeu m- ls ,,, al,1 n I.anV,. Ity for Ills thrift, ami the saM,, hl, .1?A In ' for yl.l hko ami comfort In tie,!!,,!,,, . ,'V"r "l! "rtlrS tleppii.leiit on Mm. Ho mU ,7. ' '' ,rt '" Mtuself , ? the ,......K imly, t.m ,,, ,;:; - .Irl, te nun iiio Hiii-King tor ,U,B,.S ,. .,u, "''"W ll.UM fi'iilinr. Snvo money ami 11IV , " '"Ml, IT (lltOW. 9I.U0 ulll Mart your ,.,,",!""' kht I llll' T HI H TlftB Hi . - nh z? . 0llr Ul "' rit rinD T OF COOS BAY HUH I Safety Deposit Boxes For lient. FLllSGlliUBQTfiil m.iii.'u'H nt vi.- L"l - " ' ' i t ()(S cot yi-v INtabllslied IHSI). Nn Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest p, ,, .,.,, AM) S.tVI.MJS DEPOSITS ' Officers T I. I''lniiaunn, Vlre.iesltlciit "-" II. K. tVllllmns, Cushler. . I'. Wlml.osier, Aw. MU I. W. lleiiueK, I'lPslileiit. .1 f.A.KILBURNStcamersSANTA San Francisco-Eurcka-Coos Bay-Portland North Bound KIU).tl K.t.V KltAXCISCO 111:111) n. in.. Mnv ill. in. "it. .: -m. - ... . . l-'IIO.tl COOS IIAV f".-U I'. M. Title. .May I a, 17, sw, 27. dime I, 7, 17, L-J, ;,,,,. t South Bound I'ltO.M I'OltTia.NI) . in., .tiny 1 I, It), , Juno I, , 1 1, , 2, ,v, ,,,,. l-'ltO.tl COOS IIAV ' I'. 51. Title, .tiny III, Ul, , :U, .lime (I, II, If), 21, M( .,L NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Minim leiiuiiinl Diii-U. I'liono II. c. p. M'OKOIICE, .ipt FORD 11 IS HERE Cll.tS. i:. .CODO.V .HI'KXDS I'l'AV DAVS WITH I. II. TOtVCIt OX IIAV1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. H. Harper norsi: 1 1 1 ' i . i i : i c (leneral KepalrliiK nml Cahlnet .MnkliiK. Phone IM0-.I. WITH THE TOAST ! t AND THE TEA . (;ooi Kvntitti J. M. Wright Phono IU'II.II.; COXTIIACTOIl ICHtlmateH furnished on reiinest is's-u Yon lime n ilHiiureealilt tllll to do at IL' oYloik. Do not liliukeii a ami lo mid II ami all lie! ween with (he eoloi of is. hi the work of eaeli ami reap ou.' reward In peine, au when the dreaded moment In I ho future he iiiiueH the preitenl yon ahull meet It walkhiK In the IIkIiI. ami that IIkIii will oxerfome IIh ilurklieHM. UiHii'ue Mm-. tlomihl. Tells of Hemarkalile (iroutli of I'ortl lliisluess ami (.'rent Deiiinntl !! I'opuinr Corn Chun. 10. (lodon, of Portland, ter ritorial ruprexuntatlve of tlio Kurd Auto Company, arrived hero today to apuml n few daya with laane It. Tow-' 'or, HoutliweHt OreKon iiKent of the KonlH. Tlila Ih hlti rii-Mt trip here. "DoHplto the nrraiiKementa of tlio Kuril Company to supply ItOll.OOOJ (UI'h thin HeiiMon, their tapat'lly Iiiih heen oveitaxed h the nvalancliii op Hit. 5IATTIH II. SIIAtf. union., wild Mr (IimIihi. "lit MnrcU , mw.IIM.M r Women nml Clillthen we were I III. ODD earn hehlnd tho ,,, . ... . WIIIIU IIIUMU .MlU-J. KOOIIIH .OH, Dr. H. M. Shaw Dye, Kar, .Nose nml Throat. (iliASKKK I'l'lTKI) ordera and now they are within ahout' r.d.tioo of tho ilomaud. They have inmle tho Kiiln hy further InrremduK JO I. L'OS, lrvhiK Illoilc I'OIl ItKIiIAULIC AI1ST11ACTS OP TITI.IS AM) I.M'Dlt.tlATIO. AHOL'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAltSIIKIKU) AVI) COgi'lM.I-: CITV, OltKCON OKXRlCAIi ACJICXTS. KASTSIDi: AX1) Sn.VfJSTACKKX'.S ADDITIOX AOKXTH TOIt CAXADItX I'Al'll'IU KAII.ItO.tl) I.AXDH IlKXItV KKX(JSTA( KI'.X, M.WAOCIt I t Weekly Servlco Coos Hay and Sun FrnnclKO, the output and hnttem! of turnlnn out pnnj.m flcllmrl A,:ii)0.(l()() tarn In twelve nmntliH, limy i DL',M"'I'I USlllIlU . will do It In ten and uno-luiir illm. OXSl ll'IX(J KXtJIXKMK AND However they recently had to turn I AHCIIITIICT 440 down a Huropcau order for tn.non in Ik In older to make mire of kiipply-, lux lite homo ilnmaml. "Tho Kurd ctiiupuuy will ileHlrlhutej iihoiil iiri.DOO.000 In their nroflt Ofllctm, Phone lo:i-l. .'Oil IrvliiK llloclc. or i07-.I. Ma rah field, Oregon. A I'tuiH liny woman um Ulltll lomoriow to Hpeii.l III Khe could upend t'lilliy. The irmilile with reiuarat In th.il It ulMujm Kelx up the Job loo late to do any Kood; tnother trouble with the woild Ik i hut tuti ma n v iieople nre al v'K'h hlurtliiK Hitlita that they can't linlhh ...- u mi. H,,nll" : I'1"" wl" I'"" ownera thU'U n RlltlPl '' W",M ear $.ln lo each punhmtor of a " "' d.1'1'y v,v ! mouev .-,-,. HodltleM thin. Kurd hlnuelf will, l'Ml X'M,.I,.I letelve about $ti),iMii),i)ou Iiouuk and IIMI " ' coko HldK. Phono I I. ...I. Henldenco Phone iL'S-h. QWfflDKMEZiHS Wo are now prepareil to rurnlli tlUAVKI. la any quantltieD from pile In our yard or In cm load loin, at following prliea: 1'ioin pile on ground, $:!. ." per yard. cniioad 1i4h, (ttken from ram, $i'.no pur yard. I.rtall Hepmlment. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite iW-Offlco. Phone ri). Freight and Passenger Service SAILS l'HO.tl 5IAHSIII'li:i,l) I'OIl HAS KIIAXflSCO, &Htt DAV 5IAV .-, AT l):l)() A. 51. Sau Francisco Office, (100 Fife HulldliiR, and Iter Nambtf 8 Cooh Bav Acront. 0. F. McGkorqe. Pkett m tj auoiher $:i,OOi).nno Ktien Into a bonim or "iirnln fund for employe. Thin eplalii8 tho remarkable cooperation, ., n, ,, Mr Kord has smeared amotiK bin tun- W. U. LliailCllCr ploven ami tho urea I renultn attained i AHCIIITKCT In turiiliiK out pei feci imichlue. "livery where the demand for Kordn In urowhiK denpile xouie clalnik of, hI.h k bliNluevn In nome linen." K We all mean well enoiiKh, and !' butt in wo nre prone: 1 i ii lends will nil mlmln you if ton II Just let them Hlone. AT THE HOTELS ,. ltooniM ::oi ami ::ol'. Coko liuiidinir. Marnhileld. ()reKon. Win. S. Turpen .VIICIHTKCT Marnlitield, Oiukoii. When thuy O, I'l.lllilll.MH POM ll to low wii (I lien the embark on tb aea I Im luiHlmiiil In sup- the bo.it while the "letiliu and wiiiii. I inn h one ei ill, I." It U' I ' ,i liuxlMiid'K frien.in 4 I'Hi: WISK (Jl'V M.VVK v , , - l.e may b. blind, but jut-i tb. Mtme da not piuade Around with a hii.iiKo bloml when yon know oin wifti In down town." that When u Coon H wuiiinn nay 'n aluen u.plwi ..r jew !ry "U t.uiM' of (In unaoi i.uiono." ut jtt an imlkatiou it l- i wmth liiiich. t Coon Hay mail mhmi ( pum t . .i ier(ortuu( i ftft.on ii in ni . , aud than atiUt. uif lr iw i iiura waltlnv fur non.e ue to ii..iiiiii htm. J'liuen want mis bring renult. Clmmllei llelel. ! W. M. Julie, San KramlMo; S. A. Sfhuller, Oakland. W. (i. Kali'Mon, San riumlnoo; .1. II. Carpenter, San 1'ranrUco; 11. llonjoj, San Kranciwo; ,11. A. lloutell. San Kramlmo; i:. JtolirtHMlor, Sun KrancNin; s. l'orle tr. an Krmlo; J. T. Tracy, I.om Altiselei: it a Klmore, Portland. I', ii. ltootli, San 1'raiuls.o. IIIiiiuii Hotel. W. II. Smith. Coon KiMr: ,i. m. UoberUon. MtKlnley. A. 1. Sprauue. Hu.Mien Inlet: .1. ti. lloiuer. lli'ldtte Amo Kerno. Lukentde; Cbarlen far uRtiRh, Poworn: Mrlck OUni, Power. M. J. Costen. Power; M Pannovltl-, Powern, l.lo.Ml Hotel, J. "W. Ilrown, Coon Hlver; C l'n , Otrdlnor; Autone Kerbo. tbriie Point, Ttiuy Henmbce, Mnle Point J. W. Spemer. Coquille: I,, r. n llltfll. Portland: Arehlo Kdwuuis, ,Pwer: J Sharkey. Port land: H 511.. lor, Norway. , St. Ijnuonco Hotel, Johu Kov. Salem: Cieorue Kln. Portland: Kd. l(olhwll. North li.-n.i Cburlen Mmpkinn Sau Kram-Uco: John Anden-oti. I .on Augelen: 'lliuiMit I'm il., nd. oontz mtsmmm I Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. p10ne 180-J Perl Riley Ballingcr PIANIST AND TICAC Ke.ldenco Studio. :' IT No. Phone litis-l.. KQDIl'l'UI) WITH WIIIELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMB. SAILS FH05I .MAltSIIKIKU) IIVKHV SUNDAY DUIU.8 JUI AT I) A. 51., AXI FH05I POHTliAXD KVIIIIY TIIUHSWI. A. 51. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OrTlCl, Phono S-J. . ....-.n.r. 11lllrFr.lVn ANV OAK bTI.I'ilVin, u"1 "'-. ijJ 0. D. LAKIUMMf lll'.lt i Third St. ! Tlnug want ad brlnjj renults. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. 0 Clilniiieja Fireplaces $ J. N. BAYLISS Any kind of urh-k work at prlcvn that are rl.!it. And all work gun anted Call at "The Klrenlde," .ii.hu- aon UldK., 137 Secou.l Si Kremb raiifcea. Holler wou Phone 4:;i-J. 1 ... t I WtSltHN L0AW AND t BUILDING CO. t Assets $2,340,000.00 t t : Ott'MOfrHH't CITV A I TO iV TAX I to. ! nml Xlj-lit sen be. For taxi, l.uiio 20, Chandler Hotel t For toinlna; cam, phone so, Cbiuiiller Hotel I.YNX l.ttlHETII, Pitip. New c.u-8 :: :: , r.us DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will be kept OI'EX TO THE I'l IU.IO A reiuur htnio licensed niutci'itiker ulll bo In iliaie Phono t !),;. J Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co, Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Cog COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WW. Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon w work tne nrpdpp "Seattle" .i. . .... ...:. , .i mi.u thoroujU; el twonty-litch hyilrniillo dredge In IMclflc " Coos Bay office, 0 .Wfi Marshfield. Orfinnn. Seattle, Wasnwi -....w.y . j.... , I $,),,$ MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. n Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVCIL Leaven Mni-shfleld nt Ilusy Corner 10:00 a.m. 2: 00. p.m. fiiOO p.m. Leaves North Ileiul 15 min utes later Marklifl'111 North 1WJ llniplt Tnrlie Sunset M I Pays 8 per cent on savings t S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer KM her Pictures & Framing Walker Studio SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA SAVE MONEY by orileiint; the famous v HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton SI.00 Lump coal, pe;- ton $rttO Or half ton of both I.7." Y0U AUTforToW's' l')ion 200-L. n.r. Night v" . .i.i.i fw- 1). 51CS.SOX, I'rop. J cM1 riinno 1K-.J or h-avo orders at uwuh v.. - 001 Mill....... -,, ,. I 1" '" ii;t.-i' vigur store. t'WVWW yiraffffr7Tw' MyyTTwsiyti .Oki ka