BE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER IS MERELY A FIGURE Of SPEECH Coos Bay Times Your Paper la A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlint tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South Host Oregon rmper for Soutliwot Oregon peoplo mid (lc))tt'tl to tlio best Interests of this great section . Tlio Times ulwiy.H boosts anil never knocks. The Coos Buy Times Is proud of Its Utlo "The People's I'nper," and it strives nt nil Umcs to kite up to lis nnmo by do luting Its energies to nmotlng tlio pcoplo's interest. MEMHERS or TUB ASSOCIATED IMES.H .. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 As The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Coast Stall and Coos liny Aihcrtlscr. KS GERMAN r ORftCCOUNTING st Answer Financially and loraliy tor vioiauun 01 American Rights TE READY TODAY iinct Members All Think President's Course Main tains Country's uignity SE THE FINAL DETAILS niitee Must he (liven That. Sub- rhics Will Not Hepeat Unlaw- i,l Practice Nolo will bo Cabled Germany nt Once. for AmocIiIM rrf" to Coo nr TIdim. ifASIUNdTON, D. C, May 12. United States government, In loto to Germany today, formally ! anils of tlio Imperial govorn t strict accounting for tlio logs American lives In tlio sinking ot Luiltanlu and violations of terlcan rights In tlio war zone. also asks for guarantees (hat to be no repetition of such prac- Vlth plain Intimntion In It that United States Is prepared to it any oventunlltlea that may from non compliance, tlio I'munlcntlon, phrased In mi mis tily emphatic languago, was pro- fed to be cabled to llorllu by night It was believed tlio American eminent, observing tho usual omatlc amenities, would await klpt of tho communication in tin beforo making It public. for reparation, tho United Icj naturally will seek financial kratlon, but Its protest now Is ITALY WITS in LONDON IS MAKENGHTATTAGK TROOPS CALLED oi'T- TO STOP street demonstration fiiViH Crouds Parade al Home mid Cry Out Against Austria mid (ilollttl. tnj AiiocUtM ITcm t Cwii Dtr Tlmu. HO.ME. May 12. Troops were called out last night to disperse a great crowd of war enthusiasts who paraded the principal streets crying "Down wltli Austria'" 'Down With (Hoimi!" LAST PROPOSAL IN Al'STItlA SENDS FINAL CO.MMl'XI. CATION TO ITAM Jl BATTLE T GERMANS MAKE (SAIN AT COS'I OK 'ItHXCII Germans Are Attacked and Severely Beaten and Stores Arc Raided by Mobs Official Slulcinciit Says Generally the Positions Have Heen Held by Allies North of Ainu Dr AniocUlrJ r?il to Coot Uaj TIoim.) PARIS. May 12. Tho official statement this afternoon says: "In the section north of Arras wo main- HOW UNDER WAY SF E Nb.;2Q0 Bum jKitaninicii i Conflict in Northern Froncc is One of Principal Fights War Thus Far. DEFY THE POLICE !i FURIOUS ATTACKS of Terrain which we captured In tho Force is Short as Many En- Sw u.S tZx$ ; Made by the French and Ger- STORE AT CXVOXVILLE ENTER ER ItV HOIIRCHS TODAY Only Safe In Town and ItmullW Oct Awny With .Money Found In It Mul.o Itlg Haul (Special to Tho Times.) ROSHRURG, Ore., May 12. Hob hers broko Into Iho store at Can- yonvllle. a town near hero, at !1 AI ON UL Edward B. Wilson and Frank Harris Face Charge in San Francisco Court Cabinet .Meets To Consider Matter and Austrian Ship Called Kroiu Italian Waters SHIPS TO LEAVE n? Anocliltil I'rcn to Cooi Dr Tlmw.J GENEVA, May 12. Tho Austrian government has Is sued an order that all Aus trian ships in Italian waters proceed to Austrian ports. listed and Special Con stables Are Called Out RUSSIAN JEWS SUFFER Women of Thai ltaeo Appeal to INi- lire for Protection Slating That. They nie Itclug Mistaken Foe (Scrniaus. HILL HAVE A WAVY CARHANZA HEADY TO SHIPS OK WASt 1IUV In Market for Purchase of Two (Sun . boats mid On- Transport I'm Moxlco Complete limit of Enemy In Gut- Iclu are Denied I'lituro Will Decide Victor (hr AxoclxM I'rrM to Con. II17 Tlmra, tnr AnocutM mtu cui rr iwh,i 4 (Dr AuocttttJ rrcn to Cooi Dtr TIbim. ROME, May 12 What Is consid ered the last definite proposal of Aus tria concerning tho territorial con cessions demanded by Italy was re ceived today by the Italian govern ment. The cabinet at once went Into session to consider the cnmmitnlcn. ! tlon. Jfl DISAPPROVES Wr AmocIiIM Vtn to Coi liar Tlmn. LONDON, Mny 12. Antl-Clermnn riots In tho East end ot London were renewed this morning with greater vlolenco than Wherever a German show ho wnR ntfnrltnil. Tlio Is so thinned by drafts sent to tli ?" "D "i'5 ami ono'uans wl,,cl1 tl,oy B,IH ,ho,,,i ,nro pHB,,,IIK army, that It had difficulty In deal-j S0 "U" ,,0nU """ XrCVr LONDON. May 12. Reports from t liit nitlt I it mi I Iml Irmtn tllll t f rtltl t lilt NEW YORK. Mnv 1 2 (lonnrnl ' ,....." ...:". ." V .. .i... IIT Willi OVnll .-, i . i . . IIUIKIIlll I'llllHt IU JM", iii'iuna iiiu , v.t,i lCarrnl, nlTU ,?,mV0 " "XW border In Northern France, one of Han jesterday. , according to (Jenernl Pes.iuelra, Sec-. tll0 irlllc1W i,.mL,H of tho war thus showed himself, rotary of War to tho Carrnngn gov- I f(U. Ig u)l(lur wny T,,0 nelglans. in ho police forcolclnmel,t-, 1 cscueria let It bo mtIo Bc.,.tion of tho Katherland o'clock this niornliig and robbed the! PflPr PTfl IITP TflR flV safe of all tho money mid valuable,. ! . H 71 1" 1 II h H I I 111 H I It was tho only store In tho place UIIUL U I till I U I (JUKI mans Advance Against Brit ish With Great Force RUSSIA ADJVHTS RETREAT At'STUIAN AND OEUMANetnoIn Austrian nod (iciinan Itopm's ofl hotel wero nt tho sloro hut the roll- bars had mado good their escape and II appeared that they bad secured nil the money In sight. Tho matter was reported to (he sheriff and a search will ho mado for tho robbers. Cnnyonvlllu Is nt Iho head of Cow Creek Canyon and Is tho place where tlrero has been n nunibor of stage holdups. Tho robbers this morning hud planned their work well. and the only nafo In town and con Hemiontly held practically all the money or valuables worth putting under lock and key. Tho safo was blown open and tio Interior of tho sloro was wrecked. Tho nolso of the explosion was heird at the hotel and flvo minutes nft?t- vaid a number of people from tlio' 'llifid Member of tlio Trio Arretted United States District Judge. . Dooling is Presiding anil Counterfeiting Alleged ALLEN PLEADED GUILTY THINKS (SlIUMANV WltOXO SINKIXCS Ll'SITAXIA IX lug with tho angry crowd. Special constables wero called out. A number of German establish ments wero raided and sacked and tho contents scattered over tho streets. Tho pollco In some casos wero dofled , pou'i'ICAL AKKAIItK TOLD IN oy angry moos, anu somo officers wero Injured during an endeavor to ' protect tho Teutons. Hermans wero I E. severely beaten and their clothing torn from their backs. Ono German was saved from drowning In a hor.V) trough by tho arrival of tho police. GIVE OUT SECRETS THE HOOSEVELT SI' IT It. Drown on Stand Today De lates Affair In New York Statu In lllllll. are attacking furiously In nn nt tempt to pierce tho German lines. Ilotweou these two districts Iho (Ioniums are on the offensive, press ing against tho llrltlsh nrmy with great force. Tho main Issue probably will not be decided for somo tlmo. Tho Russians admit further retreat In Gallcla, although denying tho Aus trian and German reports of com- NEW ill Ur AmocUI rrr.4 t rooi nr Tlmn. LIES WITH POST OKI'ICE 1)1 PAItTMKXT AXI KAILKOAD Postmaster lugli MrUiln ScIm On! er .seiMMliile tin Idol ami lloits l''or llctter Service Is Already In lull Sen Inn out Seutelico of IMglit Mont lis' Impilsonmcnt. (Speclol to Tlio Times) SAN FRANCISCO, May 1 2. -Tho trial of Edward II. Wilson and Frank llnrrls, arrested April lfi with Claude Allen aboard the stoop llaruurlo on charges of attempted counterfeiting, began today boforo United States District .IuiIko Dooling- Allen pleaded guilty and be gan service lecently of an eight- i mouths sentence. The three men canto here on tho I llaruacle from Marslifleld. On the I stoop secret service ngeuts said they ; found metal and equipment for counterfeiting. Officers boarded the i b'jat and foifud the men asleep. An uU,omptwus mado by tho men ' to .throw the equipment overboard. heir apparent occupation was thn operation ot a gold-mining ilevlc tho Pauama-I'acirie Imposition. l)ettormcit of thu Coos lliiy mall Sends Messnges of Sympathy for Loss or Life to Until England and Culled States TOKIO, May 12. Tho Japanese he namo of International law government sent to Great Ilrltaln humanity to obtnln n gunrnntco I '! tlio United States messages of njllllJtlill Uil IIIU IU39 Ul IIIU 111 UK Lusltanln disaster. Tho press cf tho country blttorly nrralgns Gor ninny for sinking tho passenger ship. plete rout. losses Aio Itlg Reports from nil sources Indl- ...... .1.... ,1... In.... ..f llfik .. fll.1 . . . . T .'111.. III1IT 111.1 lllnn ... ...1 ..1. .I.u SYRACUSE. N. .. May 12. Eloll I I."',.,. .,;".. .... ,.. I I ilnllvurv lllinu nnu- III III.. liXvvn.. ,.f .... I.. ,.. .. in ..'.. ,..., .1... I lilllllllOII I'UIIIIIBUlll IB miiunii iiin- - ....- ....... . ... a mimuor or iiusslnn Jewesses wsroj 'V''ro" L,""1"" '""" , Un ,,' v". ,, "" Ish accy nts Indicate that the al- tlio Post Office Department iud with nocKing tins morning to tho police I "..:, ,7. 7iT. c. .,,,, nZ.r " " J Hcsiiald a heavy prlco for qstn iiisn- ..u...h mio iiiiuiuiiK io iiiu ponce utn,i l i, Unnrnnin Piinrt ),,. I lies piutl a "eiiy ju 'u """"- stations pleading for protection. ex-C'ny Sat'fc t X'Ara&n& l'In K that they wore being nils- was tho leader of thp Party In this '' '" "ot f.cHh troo taken for Gennans. state from l'.lOC to UllO. Roosovelt " ' " ,hu'. froni Sniyrna wos President during that part of VNU' '"""K"t "! from binrnn. tuch tragedies will not bo re bel ntul tho lives of non-contbnt- sacildccd. Was Inhuman. Iho communication lays stress on Inhumanity of tho attacks with- warning on merchant vessols. reviews In a goncrnl way every In tho war zono In which tho ts of American citizens have transgressed. Theso Include linking of tho stenmor Falaba, tho loss ot ono American ilfo, attack by Gorman airmen on American steamor Cushlng, the redoing of tho American steam- Suit Llglit and finally tho de letion ot tho Lusltanla with tho ot moro than 100 Amoricnnn. Ilie note, while firm and polntoJ, not abandon a tono of frlend- u, giving room for n disavowal jermany of tho acts or abate- It of her practices. This Is lu lled In tho suggestion that tho nan government and peoplo cor- h could not havo Intended tho llflce of tho American lives in lult of marltlmo warfare Abate tlio Warning; Mention is called to tho fact while advertisements of warn- appeared In tho newspapers ot ! United States tho government never officially Informed, but SHOPS ARE WRECKED HOTEL MAN IS LOST A. C. IIILICKE, OF LOS AXOIII.ES, A VICTIM OF DISASTER 05 RIVER 1 thnt period. Drown also sworo that in toil, when tho Stnto Senato was, deadlocked over tho election of n' tnr AMoruto.1 rrtM to com mr tiium.i United States Senntor to succeed LONDON, Mny 12. An nntl-Ger- Uu."ott'' "m. w,i;p suing noose-( man outbieak of particular sovorlty ,,.,, 0vllirB8nii 'wlllinuness to COVERXMEXT WILL RKMOV occurred today In tlio neighborhood ' lmvo tho Republican vote go to tlio I SXAOS AND DREDGE SHOALS of tho East India docks. Sixty or Independent Democrat. seventy Gennun shops wero wreck- , , ,lJ'vr.,,c''i !"M"V . ,! Tin. r....,..n.,a i ii,, ,.i,ii... Chnrles W. Ilutchlns, Jr., n New ed. Tho Germans In the vicinity; Vork lllwyor declared on tho wit- oro uniting for tholr solf-defonso, , ,,, Htato that In July of last year and pollco reinforcements are being i Roosovelt told him ho agreed that Cant. Polhenius ami A. O. Rogers of Port Comnilsdoii to Make Tour of St i earn Today Capt. Polhenius of tho U. H. En- l'lift IteporlH Were He Was Saved Wife In State or Collapse At liudon. I LOS ANGELES. May 12. A. C.J Illlicke, mllllonnlro hotel owner.! died In tho Lusltanla disaster, ac cording to Information recolved last night from Qucoiistown. A cable messago saying lllllcko was safo was recolved Saturday and Is said to hnvo been sent by friends nt Qucoiistown on behalf of Mrs. Illl icke, who ts now In a state of rol tapso at a liotol In Loudon. WANTS NO (U'ARRIAN rushed to tlio scene. the Issu that h suos of 11)12 wero dead mid , glneurlng service, A. O. RKrs of, . o would "go aftor" President I the Port of Coos Day, Capt. Edwards , " ; ' . . . ...7...I 1 1 ..f ll.u V,,,ll. IVma IMvnr lllllll HDI-vIm " ' lllllll thu railroad officials, uccondlug to Postmaster Hugh McLulu ho thl3 i morning returned from a trlp to Rosehurg over tho mall rouK. Ho has dono everything In his pmvci to seeuro n (inlcker dollvery of runll In Marslifleld and hclluvos now that something will bo done very short- ,'ly' i Superintendent of Coast Malls Tliraal, In San FraucUco, ba taksun tho matter up direct with tho rail road officials. It Is believed a new railroad schedule will bo uecoMinry. I Tho summer mall schedule eallsl for mall dollvery Into .Myrtle Pr.lnt means a wait until 0. i. IJ c III BEAOX FATHER OK ADDISOX PARRV" PASSES A WAV Wilson In his Pittsburg speech, and of the North Coos Rlvor Html servlco Retired Mnuiifacltiici' mid Organ izer of tin) National Miiuufnc tin erN Association. Vernon A. Smith has receive a telegram fiom Addison Parry an nouncing tlie (loath of tho latter'H father, 1). M. Pitrry, ul Indianap olis, Indiana, this morning. No partlcuhits woro given. Addison Parry, who has been with tlio C. A. Smith Company hero somo time, lecently went least on u visit. David M. Parry wim ono of the er tlio present trtiVii I fortsiuoHt flmirc In Industrial elr- SEES DANGER AHEAD Alison In his Pittsburg HPoecli. nun or in. . r m uo w .,.1 "7 schedule. Tho Coos Ray wagon road , elt... In Amorlca a few years ago. Ailliur Coach Ciiso to Como lp Rig Loan .Made. Tho suit started by Arthur Coach to have removed his guardian, Mrs. Mnry Cary, who Is Ids sister, bus been postponed until Juno 7. At torney Derbyshire, of North Ilond, is handling tho cast for Coach In tho Count Court. It was ullogod that ho was a spendthrift nntl Mrs. Cary was appointed ins guaruiau PHOK. PARKER SAVS ITS EXIST ENCE IS THREATENED Socialistic Tendencies In Legisla tion tlit Trouble llecatise a Few of Them Oitn All Timber .-,.1 aMer wlu.t happened In Chlrngo In tour or loos uiver nun us iiiivikiui 11)12, tho Republican party was not, to forks. Tho trip Is preliminary to big enough to bold him and Ramus, starting tlio work of clearing tho .. i clianual. ! There, are many snags and sunken logs to he removed from both forks I and also from tlio lowur river. Tlio ' t'oilfl-: goverunieui maun an aproiniuiuii ui , $:i,n)() for (tils purpose. I In North Coos Rlvor, It will bo nec essary to do mouio dredging below. Allegany Company, one of tlio largowl man- 0 I HPT rilr IHlim P I fctnrliiK loncovmj of tho ejiin- I llnr r fr Iflnrrl hi,ry- 'n,"r ho or,H," n. nui- LUUL. I I V L. WU IILLLU ,o,m .MnnnfiirtiirurH' AwHu-lntloii 10 DEAD ME , RODIES Ol1 AMERICANS WILL III': ! CARRIED RACK RELIEVE HICVCLE STEALING (JAXO AT WORK What tho police are led to hellovo Is u Ulcjclo btoulniK game lias iiuuu Tlio Larson drodgo Oregon will ; at work heiu In tho past iwo wuuiu. probably be engaged for tho work, During tins tliuo live wheels havo dl- . .. il... ..!.... ....r .-.rf --- Tl"n -- .----... ... , , , .. ,..-. .-.. .. ..-.-... ,-- . Il llll ll'lk.l riiiiii ft lit I U 11 IllaUltlJltlkJ i!llt' lilU's tllll llll" IIU01-I ,..,ll, ...III l.ii al ii rl oil wlllilii ll allnrt iiiiiii.iir.iil niwl mil n I .,.,. i,r II,,, in ,.,1,1 I "" '""" "in -ii ..iin.n-no matloii Mote Rmlles Aio Rclng ... .. lie loiiutl. I somo years ugo, lint was still ml- ; From In front of tho Holmes Kiou- Ivoly luteruBted In Industrial af v- lm wnnta lior removed and bo pectlvo of that, tho position Is j allowed to hnndlo his own affairs.' (Spoclal to Tho Tlmos.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. So-1 clnllatlc toudouclos In loglslutlun ' and Imininent lax reforms, threaten Ciiuurd tint nvlstoiifii nf tlid lmnlinr Iniliin- m, iimrniiKK r'm.iinii ii i,i,i..i I Itct'iiwi'ed lit OuceiistoH II of tho University of CallfoVula, told' ' '" " ''rw" ,0 ou ,u' Jlmm tho National Lumber Mnnufactur-' NEW YORK, May 12. Tho Lusl- ers' Association today. Ho said only , tnnla's American ilond. so far us l( Mil III IiUI I I M I.I I 111 I urduy and In a fow minutes was none, tholr speedy roalluitlon of this fact , Identified, now lying at Queenstown pj UIUII III IU III Albeit Dussford, Jr., went Into thu and their co-ordlnatlou could pro-lund otlior towns In Iruland, will bo i llaptlst eliurch and when ho caino out vent such results. brought to Now Vork, according his whuul too bud gone Into air uud Ho sold ono of tho roasons tho to a cablegram received bore by TWO WEEKS VOVAGE TO SAN, yesterday Murtln Dlur reportml to present socialistic tondeucy conco.-n- tho Cunard lino. It did not say PEDRO IS PLEASANT I the pollco that his machine was talc ed lumbermen was bocauso 2!t per when. I ! on Saturday from it front of tlio En- it ml wuh Its first president. I Ik surferod from difficulties with tlio labor unions and with tint late Mr. Post, of Rattle Clunk, Mich., launch ed ono of tho most vigorous and fa.--nmelilng ciimpnlRiui ever Insti tuted hhhIunI unionism. f M H I I I Ifl I B I ! ,ry " 1'',0"t stieet a bicycle was fairs, and only lust season return, d Mn t ' .""K "K"'"",1 uio cuiii iusi ni-'r,.om n oxtcndeil foreign tour tit I.I I III ' '" IU MlAl liivestlKutlnn. f - .i I ............ .1 n ln.1,1 lf $1.-1,000, which Is In the naturo of bonds on tho Coach estute. Tho money will bo used to settle obllga-, tlons of Joe and Arthur Coach and -Jii.!'''" ,,t).'"-8r-.eS(rA note, now npproved by tho Cublnot, will bo sont to Ambassador Gerard . i. ...nonnioii tn tho Uerlln gov-. V-l V... M.... It'.... lU "" l--""" - ,. .. ,. esiden V ';". u 'convinced ernment. "" ,10,a"8 "." ,"8 1 'he policy ot tho United States I carofully rovlsod today, ino limn iQOIited must nf.ppssnrllv lead to, Iipm of tho CaUlliei wuu ua.u Htles or even severance of dip-1 wnys advocated vigorous measures llA llnlAAlrtH 1 ....& -n Aft.l (n that serving notlco to do an l'ful net neither Justifies nor s It lawful. Tho noto calls on nany for nn explanation of her and future courso and leaves the steps the United States take to compel acqulenscenco M positions. cent of all standing timber is own ed by a few largo corporations. MORE DEAD FOl'XD (III AuiK'UKsl 1'iwi f row H TIwm I ' Comes Nirlb Willi Full PaxM-imcr ! terprlso murkut. I I.M. Not To Sail Refoio I'rl- It Is known that In iuiiiu places u tiny or Saturday gang will take suvurul wheels and In-, .,; c .....i i o i.v..J torchaiigo parts. o that thoy win not; I IUIII lll Vlltll UHU UHtt - PUT II 01 OFFICE E. STI'HR CO.MES TO Rll'ltl SENT NORTH PACIFIC CO. ltd Iuiiiu rinniuiii'jttii f iflun I Itu miiitl Ml L ' WW LR QUEENSTOWN. Mny 12 A l.iis- c0l vojago of about two weelts. r" irn Vn T ., it u oos-I (io,",,"1 ''""-eimer Agent McMltl.eii llr Ll I fl ltala "f0 l,oal 1,0"r," th0 l0?? l" ' J", ""turned this morn- u .S,"",""? , M Z o ' ''- '"'"' '' """t I Ml I U UUiyi lULiy I of three women and two Uw, which,,,,,. lllllglB, ,0U tons of Height for J,1 SmSlVtUS1 . ",K ,tt M,,,,""J- iWN hod been nurlft slnco Mltin), is re- n.m iillv nolnts. She Is not oxnuctod . i ...i. 1....1. ,... 1.. . ... .,.. .,.. .. ... . . ,n.l,... ,,,,,. 1. Ilnlllninrii . n .1 1 ....11 1.1 ii I ' boiiuiui huiiiuii iiuiii iiuib niiii ill , w Ullicu lur lll isurill I'll' lll ported nshoro toduj near iiaiiimoro. , M M01ll , ttKU until either l-rl- v,.rt,. n,,,,.) Illia inM11 i ...t ir nt.i in aiua i,i,. ,..,, .u,w ,mii, w i. 'ciiivi.-u pimiiii'vt u'li.cov cav .... .! sn.ui. irtxii r-nust . Tho.-a were .1 a ortu Menu lias uoen iniiuiiiuti i stwiustilp lonipany with W L HANDLE S.TCATIOX , uo American nj-.-j-P--oP.or. ' "V T wi,s experience on ' -J .TZ Z XI "J" Ztti'u"Z among tho 17 tloitil iirougiii in w 1 10 lr ,,, rrum snn Francisco tho ,. ... .,. tl.lrk ,, m..ii..wUh i,m...r,.i ,uiUII,wr ,. ,.; ....... ... .i.i.. ni,..,nintiiwii thin morning. v i i.n .,,,.. nu. loin 01 ino hick. (,. McMlcken. geuoral passungei mentis i,rurr it i iiiu i.m-ii , ,, mt .-" - oumi i,,wiftHi , jF.ww.r.. ? Li I iiuo uvun iuivcu iiiiiuiiei F'Ms, as well as other protective pires, but th Aninrlcnn covern- t. according to well informed per- - iroposo to fix responsibility on Dan" for any other hostile act. uuia iv ..,.,---- --- tolns tho dignity and honor of tho United States was tho unanimous opinion. WILL PCRLISH NOTE Dr AMOltH Tin to Cooi Br Tlmn 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. May 12. The following statement was mado In connection with tho Lusltanla and made public at the White House today by Secretary Tumulty aftor a nfnrflnce with the President. "Tho courso of tho I'resiuem nas uUD It will oo onnouutuu VPIIOLDS HONOR. IB; Auctltttl Tim t Coo Br Tlmw.l fASHINGTON. n. n.. Mnv 12. Nent Wilson virtually complet- wy the note which the United ? will send Germany as a re- of the slnklnir of the Lusltanla. i-i. -- , BKS (iarmo.... u i , ,lQrmlllfi(l rles of violation,, of AimerL! Just as soon as it Is proper to pub r8ht8 n the war zone-not only Hsh the note now In preparation. ClaL but moral nn n Pllnr- ' " that tlirn ,m ... rnno-l Steamer Callus sails Croin 5 Id f . . . n..i.i for San Francisco wuumaji f the unlawful practices of ''' rt '',", . ,., canylng ls. lnian submarines. enBen,.' I'uro $"- To, J"l"t',, f " l0(Jay or early tomorrow, tho Agent. IXeitho Whlcli Is Warmly Thauketl (nr Awk Utd Vr to Com IUjt Tlwn (,'ASE POSTPONED It wa a surprise to his many friends to sou Captain Erlcksou, , I loruieriy of the Redondo until shit1 I was hold to an Alaskan concern, baeU IS APPROVED Or Auo.ui-,1 rmi la Cm, lur TIuh 1 WASHINGTON, I). C, May 12.- agtmt of ilia coiiiimny. will probably be lit the Smith Ter minal Dock. "With tho lucreuned service, " said Mr. Milken, "It betuiues nucenHuiy ..h knwti ,-rr.v 1... IO l..r.n .. .. ... .m 1.. l.l 1.1.. ..... ..l..n . ..... -.. ...... n...l ltf..ul. nrtam.Miiu.i. .uj u. i-iwai- Hearllig of Riggs .Milionai iiaiii; i iim hi iiii uiii iiumuuii an iiibi uiiivai ui , iiiuuuiiuii in iiiu vjiuuii uu u- f01, U(J j0 Uj j( M aeut ,(, ha 'Ul lo dent Wilson today received a Jotter, (. Monday th Nuun Smith In i tlm ; plnoo o' First jllg,0l, Railroad and Nuvlgatlou ooni- 0llr rreltrlit and puJwnior servlco rom former PnV,?"? .JfJS "Kf" , T, , " f1' Wu" W" l0,t ," '"'ll1 '" " I'nny. under thn Panama Canal act." ng conf donee in his ability to handle, ,. AmoI,im ! m to. iurTi-1 I south. ' , ..... .. ' n Mtut..M that t). ruund din to tho situation growing out of tho sink- ..! ' IV(.TOV ,, c Mny ,, I who In this morning j to ictalu ownership and contluuo op- I ' 01 K,,,V,,li;," Ing of tho Lusltanla. The president I UAhlll.NGrON. 1). C, Ma 1.. oration of tho boat lines on tho Wll- ".Ja". aa C la n wHI bo J2( It has written a reply to Taft thanking , The hearing of tho case of tho Rlggs Val)glmn, . Vaughau, V. I lamotto and, Columbia Rivers, lake " f0 ,. ,ito ll er him warmly. I National Hank against Secretary of, Vaughau. Mrs. 1). W. Gller. P. W. GI-, ,,,. ,,,.,, ..... s..i, im..J " n w i.n; ..T u.. h.. -.. t,. iiut w uivnv ( iii v , v, ii mvuii'i nv vw - COQCILLE ELECTS City Officer), at County Seat Chosen lly People (Spoclal to Tho Tlmos.) COQUILLE, Or., May 12. Tho result of the city olectlon follows: Recorder J. S. Lawronce. Councilman, two years N. D. Medley, S. M. Nosier, O. C. San- f'1- r ,. ,,. , Councilman, one year John Hlck- ani. tho Troasury MAdoo, Comptioller lr, Miss I). Muslck, Mm. H. M. Fons uiu imanm, . .. . ....,.-..-. , ... . .-- "-"." , "' ," ' m" , was approved today by tho Inturatiitu. tb Norm i-acinc towi Williams and United State, Troa I r... I In--Jtow uror Rurk was postponed today until, .. . i,.i.tvr Mrs K N. Wood In ' ocean I ransporiauon 1 1 . .... ... .i. ....- Mtinoro, Jirs i. . nwn, 1m, rulll Un.t. i0 gan at tho roquost of tho government's I .,,, u Jt aimnson. M"i Ruth Ma'h attorneys. ew. M'su May Pruess, Mi I'runcls . I Wild inn. S. Farmer, M.-i. V. I). I.t.- CARLOS IX TODAV Tho stoamor Carlos. Capt. Wlnklo, arrived at 1 o'clock this aftornoon from San Francisco, making a trip for tho Arrow lino. Sho will sail south Saturday Tho .stoamor brought 100 tons ot freight uud the folIowlnL' nasseiiKcrs' Tho bond Issue proposition car-' Miss Tail Hunt. Miss Freda Hunt, rled 322 to 91. I Mr Crosfleld. - Kelley, J W .Drown, Jack Thomas, T T. Ingalu TlmeB Want ads bring results. und Hoy Ruffner, klciMii. D. Gller. C. Iwmoii, .ui. i; . Ar lur, V Jones, L. Ji.ncs, '. '.ii'. .1. II. Joned, .Ni'J. .1 me, C C Tli'iin'ron, Mrs 11 I Snow. M.' (i. 1 1, in.. I). Dell and '. .travt. thu North Pacific Company, but this with tuo inter- onipauy which also runs boats to San Pmucisco. NOTICE Store at Powers. Chatt. Kanalar left this morning for Powers to look utter some preliminary wont i , for the store which A. J Mendtd. , Notloe Is Iiereb i,. n that tho of Tho Hub. Is starting thie. A. Twin Cltlws lt m J...'ber ( .m-fwo-story building with a fifty-1 pauy of Nor)!. It. ti i Ii i sold Rs foot frontago uud depth of sixty business and '''-i "- " of ta foot will be erected. It will b a asset, to 1i u. , .., i. umber Corn general store, carry I im do goods, p 4 4t4Vttt 4 cioiiiing. groceries, naruware. etc. ' '" "i - " - -l . . . ! P i 'p si..iiiii.,i nf MmimI.. U-s Retail Luiubt-r Comiianv are IU It costs one cent a won, ,u ,or ,le last few y....H at ...o.ible i Ih. oft... of the wm,. to tell your story eat h day in ..,., m ,.,, n,, ,,. . ,,, m ,n i un i, i imm onh a The Times want cdumns l. who will sucirni Mr .miI'u m )" . 1 IN 111. III the Rutidou utoi'c b;u not n I elded. I'irii I l MIU it CO hi Ml. u llMIlk'R HIT ML CO,