iS SOON AS WE DO OUR BEST OUR EOOL FRIENDS EXPECT US TO DO BETTER Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coos liny Times Is proud of Its title "Tim OlOOB A Southwest Oregon Paper That's ulmt tlio Coos Hay Times In. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo Hiul devoted to tho best interests ot this great section . Tho Times nhvuys boosts and never knocks. l-coplo's Pnpcr," and it strives nt all times to jro op to its nnmo by de-rotlng its energies to promoting tlio peoplo's interest. MKMltRltH OF THE .1 SSnCIATKD 1MKSS 5X IL NO. XXXVIII. fill MOST SHE TO FIGHT ifinnrs and Men in Switzer- and Are Ordered to Rejoin Regiments at unce. Ill AVERT A It General Opinion is That ustria is to ue an tnemy of Italy Later on IMY IS GETTING READY relations Aro Still Pending Hut Etciiilvo Military Preparation LUiul to Hellof That Trouble Is Kuro to Lome. , HIMOIX UKUIMKXTS ( (Df Ataocltted l't to Coos liar Timet.) ni'MKVA. Mnv 11 VII L Italian officers and men In i Switzerland up to tlio ago I ... ia u-nrn nrdnrml voster- day to rejoin their regiments immediately. , 8 (Bj AiiodlteJ rriu to Coot nj T.'met. k0MK. May 11. Although no tations with tho Central Min is nro still pending, nnd nl ugh thero Is a bare possibility Influence or rormor rromior ui- ii mnv nvnrl wnr. mlllfnrv tirnn- lions pointing to Austria as an Tltnulo antagonist nro bo vig ils that somo bollovo a conflict unavoidable. OriWTlOX OK HOUUS hnr Aio.UleJ rrrta to Coo Uy Timet.) DX ITALIAN FKONTIEK. May -Tlio opinion provnllH in Homo It Italy's participation In tho war I bnly a question or days. Along mo itrlan frontier, whom n corrcs- ident of tho Associated Press has in from ono cud of tho lino to the br, it universally Is folt that war bnly a question of hours. A.MHASSADOU TO LEAVE ' (Dr AiioiUIM I'rfit to Coot llajr Tlmrt. PARIS. May ll. Tho Milan cor- pomlcnt of tho Kxcolslor Telo- Itgraphs that n dispatch from Lug- b, Switzerland, sayH tho pollco of rano havo been Instructed to mako Iparatlona to protect Prlnco Van (low, Ucrman ainbassailor to Homo en ho passed through that city on way homo. XIIW CIIXSUS PLAX Id .May Havo Special Knuineni- t ion ny paying cost (Special to Tho Times.) R'ASHLNQTON, D. C, May 11. Census iiureau has catabllshctl leiv precedent by enumerating, nt El request and cxpouso, tho pop Ion of a city between census In. Tils was done Inst month fulsa, Oklahoma, under authority Presidential ordor, nnd ns n ro- tho ponulatlon of that city on Hi IS, 10 IS. was officially an- pneed a fow days ago nt 28,240, puslvo of lflSr. norsons living on idlan lands," located within or cent to tho city, but nolitlcnlly llnct fiom it. Tho Increase, bo- on 1010 and 1015 was OS per llio work wub dono by local nicrators under tho supervision Mr Kugeno F. Hartley, an of- 1 of tho Census Iiureau. IS -wii:n saoixaw nouxu iikiu: MILTS WITH MISHAP ncd Uuck Willie In San Fninclsro ll-t) ami Carlos Will Como IllsttMlll fhe steamer Saginaw of tho Arrow 1 iilch was duo to nrrlvo hero to- with frelKht. mot with an ac- Int In San Francisco Day nnd had lurn and go on dry dock according 1 leiegram received today by Ag James, Tho messaire did not e the nature of tho accident. ue company Immediately secured neamcr Callus which loaded mo Bat booked tarr this point and will e tomorrow. XKVAU.V ATTHACTS ".i Local Pcoplo Will Follow ! Gold Hush rush 'n ono of tho reining sic- M of Nevada Is attracting a nuni-r of beil iople. Several fro-u, 'h P-rj have cono to .'ovada and ' pral rii.irs In that t'ty aro cor.-i r'ng t Alng a chanco In that " ty i-t levlng from accounts that F ar ' rood opportunities. llCIilT.s for COXCKUT of SOFIU P JU'lt, m,ted Miprnno, TOXIfillT L,A ,,',,, i..w can ue dook'" I'OOU for FIIvrY cents. WH . ACCIDENT Established 1878 As The Const Mall. SfilLIG CANCELLED HARD. FIGHTING MAIUKTAXIA TF.MIT THIP Wllil. XOT AT ACItOSS OCEAN At Xcw Vol If, However, There Has Xot I loon Any General Can cellation of Sailings. CANCELS SA1LIXG rtr AMoclated Prett to Cooi nr Timet. LONDON, May 11. Sail ing of tlio Cunnrd liner Muti retanla, HlBter ship of tliu Lusltanla, advertised for May 20, has been cancelled. IlT Atsocltted l'reii to cost B7 Timet. NEW YOItK, May 11. No gen eral cancellation of the sailings of steamers or of passengers engaged from New York to Europo has fol lowed tho sinking of tho Lusltanla, according to agents of steamship lines here. They say, however, thoro is an increase- In tho popular ity ot vessels flying neutral flags. SMl'GGLEHS CHASED ltV (il'Altl) V. S. Xeaily One Hundred Cattle Which Were Stolen Were Uecovered lly the Officers IDr AiiocltleJ rrrtl to Coot Dir TlraM. ALPlNi:, Tex.. May 11. Two Mexicans of a band of twelve smug glers were killed and others wounded In a running fight with tho United States river guard. r,0 miles below Iloqulllns. Nearly 100 stolen cattle were recovered. ' K I 1 S H (l In fl I L lL UUnLL I LniyU UIU FIRM FORMS MILLION DOLLAR COItPOUATlOX AT UOSKIIL'UO Proposes to Itulld Large Lumber Mill nml llallroatl to Ktcml to Timber licit. (Special to Tho rimes.) ItOSICIIUItO, Ore., May 11. Ar ticles of Incorporation havo been filed with tho county clerk by tho Kendall Lumber Corporation. The capital stock of tho corporation Is fixed at $ 1,000, 000. Tho inrorpor- ntors aro A. G. Sutherland, of tho Tim nnrvinnftin UILLIVVUIVLAIbHI,d of Attorneys Itico & Orcutt, and At-Ill0l torney Doxter Itlcc. As soon as Mr. Kendall arrives hero from tho east n pormaneiit orgni Uat on will bo who wns tho wf0 of ,,romlnont porfected through tho election Ot ON farmer rosldlnir near this I ffcers and a board of directors. Tlio i "ormaii farmer res IIiik near this principal office of tho corporation lt'. After tho mothers death an wlll bo located In Hoseburg nnd tho other messago camo stutlng tho Ca-1 object of, tho company will bo to ban- nadlan government had revoked tho die nnd own timber lands, operate , f , sawmills nnd logging railroads. Tho articles of Incorporation wcro niado broad enough to Includo logging and lumborlng In nil of Its phases. Merges Interests. Tho Incorporation has nothing to do with tho railroad which Kendall Hrothors contemplato constructing from Hosobiirg to tho lino of tho Cos- endo forest reserve, hut was organ- tzeil morelv for tho nuriioso of mere- lug Into ono corporation nil of their Intoresta In tho stnto or Oregon. In tho event tho railroad Is non structed, mills will bo operated here bv Kondall Ilrothers undor tho cor poratlon niado public here today. In tho ovent tho movo for n railroad should fall, tho business of tho cor poration would bo confined princi pally to handling timber. Plans for Ml" IL S. Jobsou, roprosontlng Kondall Hrothors, as engineer, and coming i direct from Now York, whero ho re- contly held a conforenco with ?. A. , tllQ ijantlon district nlone. Ship Kondall rolatlvo to tho proposed rail-; ,,I1K ,s to r0nimenco in oamost from road nnd sawmill horo. hns arrived now 0I1 T))0 gtoamer Acmo. whls'i in Uoseburg. Mr. Jobsou Is undor or-lmfl i,een carrying tlos south from dors to draw all tho plans and spo. Coos 1Jny( H BCi,eduled to nrrlve In Mentions for tho sawmill and sue!) i t!l0 )ocai ,,ort saturday or Sunday , ., ....I1Ih.. ..Inula no ... 1 1 1 111. .W- ...."... .... oiuur uuAiiiui; ii """"""', tnlillshed hero In tho ovont the bonds voting $300,000 to tho rail road construction nro passed at the special city election to bo held on Juno 3. A lllg Plant. Mr. Johson has prepared the nlans for nearly nil tho Kendall mllU In tho east, and according to his tdate niont thero will bo no better plant In tho stato of Orogon than that to bp orected by tho Kendall Hrothors near Hoseburg. "Mr. Kondall Ik con stantly enlarging his plans for the local mill," said Mr. Jobsou, "nnd 11 Is now contemplated to oxcel po. slbly even tho C. A. Smith mill on Coos Hay." Mr. Johson has no doubt as o .ie advantages to ho derived from tMs county from tho erection of the plants horo, and ho believes It Is a most fortunate thing for this r-"i-miinlty that It has a chance to be headquarters in this section for thojpoar In public this summer. larce Kondall imerosis, wnitu mr wldoly known mrougnoiii me coun try. TICIC17TS for COXCICHT of SOKIK HAMMFIL noted soprano, TOXIOHT nt FIXXISH HALT, can be bouglit at DOOU for FIFTY cents. Tilbliv COAL. Tho kind YOP have ledge of rock In the lower hay It TWYS VSF.D. Phnn.1 7ii. Purlflcjwlll then be mi to the port to decido IJery nnd Transfer Company. ' upon what action shall bo taken. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, IS CONTINUED Germans and Allies Both Claim Victories in Battles in ' Belgium and France RUSSIA HELD BACK Berlin Says Austria is Holding Carpathians But Other Side Tells Different Story TURK DEFENSEJS STRONG I tat tie on (.'nlllpoll Peninsula is Itit- terly Contested nml Iteports Indicate That Thero Woro Heavy Losses Rr AtiocUteJ rrett It, com nr Time J.) LONDON, May 11. Reports or u uowly Inaugurated offensive movement of tho Allies over a long section of tho front In Belgium and Northwestern Franco has developed Into n general engagement of con siderable Intensity. An official statement from Herlln concedes that tho Allies won ground between Car eucy nnd Nouvllle, hut says tho attacks elsewhcro were repulsed. The Gerniuns nunounco tho capture of French trenches over n width of nearly n fourth of n mllo near Uor- ry Au Ilae. u....t . ..... ii. i ii... m.. ...,..i.. ..,. " "ES,. .'"". ,'. 'V'.T '".?.. V ,J V", 0, Vs ' nntl tint ho Umman llttnckH woro repulsed, Russian claims to victories In tho Carpathians nro offset by n Herlln j ""'" nWliiR i"" 'progress nt'Tlu'l- ""o11 1'enlnsulu, although accounts of tho results nro In complete con- trndlrtlon. Constantlnoplo says the y"ts inckB near AvI Hurnn Sun day were repulsed with losses ofi A London nowspnpor dlspatsh claims the Allies made Importuut advances and that tho Turkish losses were -ifiOOO men. JOY KILLS MOTIIKIt (Special to Tho Times.) DALLAS, Or., Mny 11. Joy nnd excitement duo to word that her sou in, 1)et, rolensod from a military suvernl months ns a Oormnn ' spy, Is believed to havo caused tho i sudden death of Mrs. Louis Ilusor, fl mm 1I1,1,...1V .,.,,.,,... .vii'tiiv T' iasiN'IJ?.f",1,vl 1,(,K "A.Miux (Many Thousands of Dollars Holng Distributed ICat'Ii Month Among Workmen of Locality ' Tho whlto cedar tlo buslnoss Is making a flno payroll for Ilandon. Tho Western World says: 1 George Laffaw, local tlo mer chant, had another pay day Monday, for tics delivered at the wharf, lie checked out $3,000. On tho inth ho will pay out an equal amount In the camps. Ho states that at tho ,,resont t,0 0 8 pay roxinintoly $12,000 n in lug out ap- irlnntli for tlnn or tils week otter a cargo, ioiiow- Ing which she will make regular trips every ton days. IMithriMik Payroll According to tho looal ofllco of tho Kstnhrook company approximately $10,000 was paid out by that com pany tor ties during tho last 15 days of April. II.Wi: NF.W I'XIIOHMS North llend Itnnd Members Will Ap pear In White Duck Tho business men of North Horn! havo purchased now uniforms for tho members of tho High School Hand. Thoy nro whlto duck uniforms and tho bova will mnko a nlco np poaranco when wearing thorn. Tho band Is mndo up of twenty-threo members nnd thoy bIvo flno music. Tho organization will frequently up- WILL MAKi; HKPOHT Port Commission to Hear About tho Ledge of Hock Engineer Donald Charleson will ' next Saturday make his report to I the Port of Coos Hay regarding the PAYROLL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1915 TUB LOSE 45,000 STATED THAT ALLIES HAVE COX- I TIXl'KI) TO ADVANCE , Are Securing the More Important Positions on (iiilllixill Peninsula ; .After Strong Itcslstuuee tllr AttoclateJ rreit to Cooi ntr TlmM. I LONDON, May 11. An-Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Athens has made claims that the allied troops continue to advanco on tho Galll poll peninsula Friday and Saturday. ' It alleges that they occupied Import-' ant positions despite u desperate re-1 slstnnco by tho Turks whoso total losses are estimated ut 45,000. ; DHOP IIOMIIS OX PAULS Sl'ltUHHS Of AisncUtcJ rml to Cool BT Tlmfl.) ) PAUIS. May 11. A Oer- man Tnutio flow over St. Den- 4 tils, a suburb of Paris, this morning and dropped two 4 bombs. Ono bomb wounded five persons. PREPARING TREATY ; ! IS MA If- japan i'om:i(ix oVi'ici l.(J A DIIAI"!' Unscil on Ac( fjitiiiice of China, but .Movement is Xot Popular With tho People tUr AMoelttiKl Vnu to coot btj TtmM.l TOlvin Mnv 11 Tin. Iiiiiiiiuinii Foreign office Is druftlug a treaty J with China based on the aeroplane.)' or tho provisions In Japan's ultima- I turn, Including tho restoration of Klao Chow. Admitting tho nulille Is t'.lspleased with tho result of (,0 negotiations, the conservative press, vicinity nnd all hopo of rinding rur l uiglng tho Japaiieso to exorcise J th0r survivors has been nbandono.l. bu 1-K'Btraliit TO TWO IIPI'IILIXS KAIII.V THIS wf.iu: si:i:x MOItXIXC Traveling at a High Halo of Speed and Passed Out tlio North Sea nr Auorlilril I'rru U Coot Ilty Timet.) AMSTIMMIAM. .Mnv 11. 'l'lin Tnl- DON ENUD egraf says two .oppellns passed ovor i to arrange with tho nuthorltles to Ameland, an Island of tho Nothor- comply with bin request thnl nil nnc lands In tho North Sea, early thlsi cssi.ry tugs bo rhartorod nt tho cx mornlng. Thoy ."ro traveling vest-, pi imo of tho Vonderhllt family In ward In the direction of tho F.ngllsh coast at n high rate of speed. IS' ALL Till: ItKST OF lt.WDOLPII A TOTAL WIIKCK ! W. M. Illnghaiii Itcstoit's the Ma chinery Which is Now In (.'ood Uliuuiiig Order Tho engine of tho gasollno Bchoou- er Haudolph, which was wrecked at EDINE 0 Ilandon, has been saved, but tlio cuhihuh hi iuuiiiiijiiik ihumi oi iiiu rest ot tho boat Is a total loss. Wll- Is rmnoto its great pits In tho Ham M. Illngmiin, formerly a mem- cemotory are filled with thoso burled her of the life-saving sonico, nnd n unknown. who Is In tho city today, had tho i contract for cleaning up the engluo. i FIXOIXO MOIII! IJODILS llo states that ho took It apart and "' - nwt ui -iiu..j cleared It of nil traces or suit wnter I QUKKNSTOWN, May 11. Tho ami It Is now almost as good as now number or bodies or tho Lusltnnla and runs splendidly. It Is worth victims at llultlmoro, on the .South about $1500. orn Irish coast, whs Increased todny Mr. lllugmnu was one of four men to ten. Two other bodlos brought who worked on tho wicck and took ashoro i.t Castletowusoud, near Hal the engine out or It. Thoy could tlmoro. Of tho bodies nt Ilaltlmuro, only work on tho honch at low tide six are men and four are womon. mid It required three tlilos to socure sixteen more bodlos woro brought tho engine. Where exposed to suit Into Qiioonstowu this afternoon by water an engine must be bottou out tug chartered by the Cunnrd lino. In (t few days or else It is mined, sono of the bodies aro yet Identified. (THHY COl'XTV XHWS I (ID Auwltte.1 'iM to Coot lit; Timet. Happenings uM.'old llcuch Delated In QUKKNSTOWN, May 11. Tho .'""' 'i1"''," ,, , ,, ' last bodies brought In wore thoso Horn to Mr .and Mrs. red Can- of , I0I fv mmm umj tt i,0y ghell on April 30th, a nlno I"1""1' ind n girl. Thoy woro floating with uo;. . , . ..... , ' life belts 20 miles east of the scene Tho Oold Hooch hold has cotnplo- f lho .nmtor. The condition of ted tho painting, paper-hanging and , 10 i,,,,, muktw Identification illf decuiatlng of the dlnlag loom and fnln, grill. I ' K. A. Power, Kugeno Martin audi nrsin i kwivi: Klmer Malm from Hrooklng ara UlhSl.l IS MMM.. waiting nt the Hreakers for the Hub- " tier, bound for Marshflold. ' I'liTUOdltAI), Muy II. A report (Jeorgo W. Smith, County Super-1 by American Consul Wlnslilp, notea liitoiidont of schools, says tho Teacn- the lnero.ifcoti In bhvIiibh ileposltH In er s Institute will no iiuin in uoni lleneh tils year In June, juat boforo tho exttmluatloii. I PF.IISDNAI. OVKHFLOW I AL. NICHOLS of Kmnlro wn looking I after buslnoss In MiraliflaM 'oday. MItS. S. A. YOAKA.M of Sout't Coo, Hlvor was a .Marshflold shopper to-1 day. i W. A. LlfSB, the South Cons Hlver ratichor, wag a Murshhflold vliitor . todav. ! H. R. HAKKH camo ovor yostorday to visit tlio Coos Hlvor schools and from here will go to Powers. Wod neidav where an olectlon will bo held May 12 to determlno whether or not to bond the district for .n $16,000 school house. Tho XF.W HMMV LOP l'l'MPS have in t: veil ut OOIIDONS, lue. Shoes of MHHIT OXI.Y. EVENING EDITION. AMEfilCANS ALL Men Gave Up Life Belts to Women and Sacrificed Their Own Lives AIDED TIOJURED Vanderbilt Family Would Charter All Available Tugs to Hunt for Bodies MANY RELATIVES COME Hut Chances of Identifying Moro of Victims Is Small us Many Ilavo Iteen Iturleil as I'ultiiowii In lllg Craves Jl'STIFIKS TIIIJ ACT . tlljr Awncl.tfil I'rMt to Coot llr TlmM, VKNICH, May II. News- impels of Vienna Justify tho sinking of the Lusltnuln on 4 tho ground that hIio was "Vlr- tuully on nuxlllary cruiser." ttf AMtocltlftl I'mi to Coot liar Timet, qPKKNSTOWN, May II. Seven nnltlonllfictl bodies were landed tit llultlmoro, 47 miles southeast of Cork in weather conditions nro such It Is .., rllllui,(,rp,i ,.0bablo that ninny ... ! . I., , ., ,. . "lore will ho found In that Immedl.tto 1 Ilowover. tho recovery of tho body of Alfred Thompson last night near the; jceueiof tho disaster leads to further Fcurrh In that vicinity. Cavo l' licit. Thero nro Indications thnt (ho, heavy death roll among tho American men In tho first cabin was duo to n scarcity of llfo bolts, mony hnvl'igl given tho llfo preservers they ob-l tnlnfd to women. Thoro Is n pr.o-l If.udernnro of testimony that no Ain-j erlcnu man got Into n boat until after he nnd boon thrown Into tho wn'or. I "Aobb Wndo. secrottty of Alf"d C-. Vanderbilt, has not yet been n')lo pinnli for othor bodlos ns well as ("r Vanderbilt. Actnl llravely. I When tho Lusltnnla wns in iho jtlrnth throes thoro wns no con'.r u'roup aboard than Mine. Mario Do .'use, llerbort K Stono. Llndon , Ha!''". Jr.. nml Dr. J. T. Houghton.1 Tho last named Is the only survivor of tho party. This lltllo hand guULM , wmren and riiiidren, sunpilfld lire bolts, hound up tho wounds of othor I ri'-cngors and Iht-r plunged hoiio- i5v In to thrt fen, laving given up tlnlr own lire pf(rvoni. I Aui'ther tliicui: of nnxloiig roln- tlvos hnve nrrlved hero but tho xor im;.Tii'ii;i uiiiwiuiim ihiiihii, ior whiuh tuiuum reasons are uBsigued. .Most or tne I reasons havo to do with econuimoM itireeied tnroiign mo war. TO IIAVK I'lHi: ALAU.M At tho requoMt of Mayor Toppliiit, of Haudoii, In which he sttited ho be llHVod It was to the host Interest of tho city that a fire alarm system should bo purchased, tho committee to which the matter wns referrod whu ordered to report. The matter vlll be decided upon at the next mooting. Western World. t WATERFRONT NEWS t $' Tlio gasoline schooner noani"! bound for Hrooklugs and the Uusilei bound for Curry county ports, are both still In the lower boy not hav ing ct had u chance to et uut, HHIELT A Consolidation of Times, Coast ami Coos May Aihertlser. L coostov i'Ait.Mi:u snows COXTKAIT I'XFIXISH 111) Judge Xon-Stilt.s Case of Itnrniim IN- tale, lit Claluilng Sluinwigo From South Inlet Lands (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLIC, Ore. May 11. A vor dlct was tlellverd for tho defendant this morning In tho caso of Frank Tumor versus Martin HuhboI, of Coos ton. Tho former sued Kussell for $277, alleged to bo duo on a land clearing contract. Hussell produced tho written contract and showed that It had not been completed. A non Blt was declared In the caso of tho executors of tho (luy llar num estato versus Uotsford ami 1 lan uan, tho former claiming stumpngo on South Inlet lauds from which ties woro taken. Ten days wcro granteed Hoy Knsolo convicted of rape, to fllo for n new trial. TDPACE Tiim:i: allkokd victims of j. I., campiikli. to appioau White Slavery Chargo May llo Further Supplemented, lien I'lsh- er Hts-olvos Letters Tlireo womon" will probably fnco James L. Campbell when ho is brought up In n Portland federal court to answer charges of whlto slavery. Two women havo been heard from, according to Hen Fisher, white slave deputy, and Campbell answers well the descriptions given. Another Interesting phase Is tho assertion mtiilo here that Campbell Is a wealthy timber owner nnd that his holdings In Washington amount to near $100,000 though this report Is not substantiated. One of the latter camo from a woman in the Wlllnmotto Valley nml Is believed to havo been a former wlfo of Cnmpholl. "Write mo whero I can find him nnd I shall come on tho next train," sho snld. It Is claimed the third woman Is from Colorado nnd was enticed here ootnotlmo last fall by Campbell, to n house in Kmplro. She Is oxpoctod to nrrlve In time to bo subpoenaed us n witness. TO iSTE MO TIME DKKIXii: MICIIIi: WILL III: AL WAYS UKAhV TO WOHIC Will liny hi liouer Hay Instead of Always Coining Hack to Luiplre. Tho government bar dredge, Col, P. S. MIclilo, wont down tho lower boy yesterday expecting to work on the bar hut tho weather was too rough. A now plan will bo followed by Kuglnoer Polhemus. Instead or bringing the dredge back to ICmpIrn when the bar Is ton rough to work, the dredge will lay at anchor at Charleston Hay mid then when the bar becomes smooth thoro will ho no time lost In going nut. There nro two crews so that when the weathor Is good no tlmo will ho wastod. The tlredgo wont down from Um pire to tho lower bay this morning. F.VIDIIXCi: ALLOWIID Haines' Testimony It To Stay In The Uecoitls lllf Aiit'lKM I'rett to Cm,. Ilif Timet 8VHACU8K, N. Y., Mny 1 In justice Andrews, presiding In the trial of the llarnos libel suit against lloosovolti remarked In refusliiK to day to strike from the records thu testimony coiiceriilug llarues' con nection with tho direct primaries legislation, the rnco-track legisla tion and the frauchlso lax and IiIh opposition to (hiveruor Hughes that such evidence did not show any im propriety on the part of llarnos and was allowed to remain In the record simply to show the plaintiff's posi tion In the Kopuhllcan party. I AMONG THE SICK I . There worn three operations nt Morcy hospital yostorday morning, Mesdamos K. Ivluuey of North llend, Mrs. W. Kgonhoff and Mrs. Larson iiudoi going minor onus. All are re ported doing nicely, M. P. (lulovHon, who has beuu III for tho past two wcoks, was some butter todny. Mm. Zoohiiry, wlfo of tho fore inou on the Southern Pacific llrldgo work ut North Head, will leave on tho (loorgo W. Kldor today for Port land. She Is seriously 111 of tuber culosis. Mrs. J. V. Mcliiturff and llttlo sou are reported Improving after n rather serious slcluioss. Mrs. L. P. Anderson of North Ilund, who has been sick for some mouths, was In the Mercy hospital two weeks and was operated on last Tuesday. She was brought home Friday but grow worso mid was ta kon back to Morcy hospital Sunday evon'.ng, and is reported no butter this morning and will undorgo an other operation today. It has been doubtful whether she will recover but hor many frlonds hopo that she will recovor soon. Mrs II S. Harris who underwent a slight operation at her home yes terduy Is reported doing nicely. TURNER 5 WOMEN No. 249 Ambassador Bernstorff Pre sents it to Secretary Bryan at Washington, Today NEITHER" ILL TALK Official Text of Expression Has Been Delayed Because of Wireless Trouble PRESIDENT WILL DECIDE I It Is t'p (o Him .to liny Out Policy u uieii win no ! ol loc, Senators (Jive Them Their Positions tllr AtmiUlihl I'niH to Com tltf Timet,) WASHINGTON, D. C, May II. German Ambassador Hernstorff, ne ceptlng us authentic tho text of Gorniany'H formal expression of ro gret for tho loss of AmerlcniiB on tho Lusltnnla, which wns received In last night's news dlspntches, for mully presented the statement to day to tho Stnto Department. Tho official text has not yet reached tho KinbaBsy hecmno of difficulties with the wireless. When Ambassador Hernstorff loft Secretary Hryan's office ho explained that ho had delivered u messago forwarded rroui Herlln. "Thnt is all 1 can say," ho added. Secretory llryou refused to tliscuss tho meet ing. President to Decide President Wilson said ho would mnko u decision on the policy to ho followed in the Lusltnnla case ns soon iih ho had all the elements In mind. The President niado It clear he wiIb expiesslng a personal atti tude last night mid not referring to any particular caso. While tho Philadelphia audience last night was not Impressed with tho belief that tho President was referring specific ally to the Lusitmila, the President Indicated by remarks today that he mount his speech to bo broader thou a single Incident mid further enter the subject of foreign rela tions, ns far as the subject ot do mestic solidarity with refcreucu to aliens naturalized In America. Cabinet Meets. At tho usual hour tho Cabinet mouthers nrrlved for tholr first con ference with tho Presldoiit sluco Friday. Chairman Stone of the Scn nto foreign relations committee, dis cussed tho Lusitmila disaster with thu President before tho Cabinet meeting mid later said ho hod no expectation an extra session of Con gress will ho culled. "I urn for peace with honor," snld Stone. "I tlo not know what tho President plans to du nbout the Lusitmila. Stono said ho favored the passage of the government ship purchase hill which failed In tho last Congress. llo udded that ho took It for granted the United States would find menus to protect her own ships. Long Session, The Cabinet was In session near ly tin oo hours, thu longest session held In sovornl mouths. None of the members would deny tho Lust tmilii Incident had been discussed hut till refused absolutely to com ment on It. No Intimation was forth coming us to whether the Presi dent had decided on a course, but thero wns every Indication the Pres ident hud decided not to allow any Intimation of his plans to leak out until ho Is ready to mnko an an nouncement. LnPollctto Talks. Senator La Follotte, another White House culler, opposod tho siiKKostlou that diplomatic relations with Germany be broken. "I wont the United States to tnku a firm stand, but 1 urn opposod to war," ho said. Gormmiy'R disavowal of any Inten tion to destroy American lives Is looked upon by many officials as significant of Gormauy's desire to maintain friendly relations with tho United States. MUST NOT HARM NEUTRAL BOATS; GERMANY TO PAY (Special to The Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, May 11.--Goimuiiy. through Ambassador Ger ard, notified today the United State i that Hiibiiiarlue comiimuderH hint I been specifically Instructed not to I harm neutral vessels not engaged In hostile ads ami that Germany would I puy for damage to such ships In thu war none. PUKSIDU.NT SI'liAKS Says People Wcie Trjlng to UuUti Calu III; Amx Utl I'fMt to Coat Iter Time. WASHINGTON. D. C. May 11. -Prosldout Wilson wild yostorday that his speech nt Philadelphia lost night wg not a declaration of policy In reference to the Lusltanla disas ter and thnt ho was not thinking ot any special matter, hut of tho newly in turnlUed Americans In tho au dience The 1'rOBldent used tho ox- prisxliiu that he was thinking of the Cain" some people were trjlng to I raise. Mall T GERMANY SENDS FOUL REGRET