nun " -v v ? IIOME AND 1TARM MAGAZINE SECTION light. it. Training school fnAZT"" Productive Rogue River Valley and Jackson County, Or. packers nro assigned Vtho Vfrkrs Md chnrdH. Largo stoi nin ildLf.fereilt or- con llllPlPll nnnl. . " " i'UCKem meczmx: 1LZ&Z28L7$L A i t TV F al i V7 saEiteaw?e. ZoOd'WerVea' Sa&.r ALAND of many and diversified re sources, of great mineral and timber wealth, of rich agricultural nnd hor ticultural possibilities, with n cllmato combining tho sunshlno of California and tho molsturo of Oregon a fertile valley sot In tho midst of u sconlc wonderland U that Naturo can offer to inako llfo worth -while, Is found In Jackson County, Oregon. Medford and Ashland, her two largest cities, aro metropolitan. Tho country well Improved. Tho population of moro than average Intelligence. Tho products nro varied and ninny. Somo of licr re sources need moro capital for develop ment, nnd tho land a more diversified nnd Intcnslvo cultivation. Topography. Tho county Is bordered on tho cast by tho Cascado Montnlns, on tho west by tho Coast Range, tho Itoguo Itlver Moun tains on tho north nnd tho Siskiyou montnlns on tho south. In tho heart of this mountain-protected area is tho Itoguo Itlver Valley, which has earned world famo for Its pears, apples nnd other fruits. From tho lovel floor of tho vnlloy, slop ing benches nnd rounded hills lend up to tho mountain ranges, heavily wooded with yellow and sugar pine, fir, cednr, oaks nnd laurels, with now nnd then n snow-capped peak 700O to 9000 feet In height. Tho cllmato may bo described In ono word as "modorato" about hnlf wny between tho humid Wlllnmetto mid tho sunny Sacramento. In tho 'COs nnd 'GOs some of tho pioneer sottlors set out fnmlly orchurds. Orud liallv it beenmn known Hint Mm nunin.. nnd quantity of tho fruits wcro excep tional. Tho orchards dovolopcd and Itoguo Itlver Vnlloy fruit bogan to win prizes nnd command fancy prices In Now York nud London. This led to a plant ing of n very largo orchard ncrongo and today tho Itoguo Itlver Valloy Is ono of the most successful orchard districts lu tho United States. General Funning. General fnrmlng Is receiving much nt tentlon, for It Is realized thnt tho high specializing In fruit growing should bo balanced with diversified and Intensfied farming, stock raising nnd dairying. Corn. Corn Is rather extensively grown, a con Blderablo portion between trco lows In young orchards. Wlillo tho nights nro moro cool than In tho typical corn states of tho Mlddlo West, yet good yields aro regularly harvested nnd us high ns 108 bushels to tho ncro has been grown, nnd it Is not uncommon to hnvo It reach n height of 13 feet. Tho nvorago yield is 27 bushels and averago prlco 70 cents. Alfalfa. Alfalfa is profitable and when tho year Is favornblo as to rains and on good sandy and gravelly loams, Molds of four to six tons por ncro hnvo been Krown without irrigation year nftor year. Alone tho creek bottoms, where water Is easily illvorted. much acreage is In alfalfa. Tho combination of corn nnd nlfniru mnko a perfectly balanced rntlon for feeding nnd fattening stock nnd Is now considered Dairying, Tho dairying Industry has not yet be Kn to approach its possibilities. Move ments havo started toward bringing In blooded dairy cows to tho Valley, tho farmers co-operating with tho bankeis who abslst in financing tho scheme. Poultry. Professor James Drydcn, of tho Agri cultural Collogo, said. "I know of no section in tho United States thnt Is moro Tavorablo n n climatic way for tho rais ing of poultry than tho Itoguo JUvor Va.1- rw-f-wM .vw,T7i'ajiiiEA'! .sPAa(a: ;fsr.WA"':hJ .w&i';immi.mLTAaz-'Ji i. "srv.-as.'.tt.: i ' i ' . ??nTSTSij.K " J i" v. wmmmsmmizsmi JVZes? 7&e S?e?jZr-e2S'sf'e Sjtt &Sooftt S? 2'Ac. l 1 1 ''tflBJiiwiiiTFLlMM i BUM i i ' WsMFTWIflMMTsW TJsM'WilwHMt lMsMfcrTl?T!l!sBs!.sPfV X.VriTiifif R6P V I 1 1 ttf&,,. x&Ety it ley. You havo no extremes of tempcra turo, a modorato rainfall and nbundant "!!8h !lt ,I,l,".r' ra,BlnB has become a profltnblo sldo lino with orchard care. As Oregon has a 00 carloads of eggs and inrgo quantities of poultry shipped In an nually, it is a good idea to go Into tho poultry nnd egg Industry extensively cspcclnlly if you can produce your own grain and feed. fipeclalUod Fruit Growing. Fruit growing is tho leading Industry nud Itoguo Itlver Vnlloy fruit Is known nround tho world. Sixty-fivo thousand ncres nro now planted to orchnrd. In tho year 1U13 tho total output of npplcs and pears was 1150 cms, and the net returns reached well above J 1,000,000. New or chards aro 80 per cent pears nnl tho dif ferent vnrletles havo been slftef down to soven varieties Ilartlett. Howll, Anion. Cornice, nose, Winter Nells, which nro &"r7lr,fc;?d ln th0 ordt'r ' which thoy i , .J ' 0f.Ui? ,,enrs onp-fourth nro Uart letts, one-hnlf Hose nnd Anjou. nnd tho tonilce, Nells nnd Howells. I Up tvo commercinl vniletics of apples oio ho Newtown nnd Spltzenberg. The Hi? ?n,'i V0 faVrlte. .notwithsUndlng the fact that several much-coveted prlzis havo been captured by Itoguo River Vol ley SpiUenbergs Including tho sweepstako prize at tho Spokano National Applo Show In 1809, In competition with all apple growing districts of tho Northwest. A unload of Newtown apples was awarded io'5n nt lho Canai"nn Applo Show Jn County Orchard I'rotcctlon. A horticultural expert Is rotalnod by tho county nnd a perfect orchnrd protection Is maintained. Doputles dovoto their time to Inspecting orchards and products, nnd all diseases aro attended to. They aro aided by a large force of volunteers, Bcat pre,l through tho Vnlloy, who report to ho supervisors. This activity has abso lutely controlled tho pear blight. Frost Protection. Another phase or orchnrd work is frost protection during tho blossoming period. On the slopes and foothills, whoro air cir culation Is good, killing frosts nro un known, but In somo parts of tho Valloy floor orchard "heating" or "smudging" has been found efficient. A system of frost warnings nro worked out and or chards nro equipped with npparntus for iinsty lighting, as tho danger temperature approaches between mldulght and day- limit, combining pre-coolliw i 3,ei ,re ngo, with n capacity of 100Bcarstr5r8tor Orchard Profits from $2G0 to 600 an a? o nKe J' could bo quoted and iBurc'svcte1' orchards that havo av" 5c iffi ,! aero for sovoral years. Tlil nrVr.. V" slbllltles under tho best of S K crop eondltlons and good managS"1 Gnmliigltmlcf. All varieties of berries bear prolific ally, especially tho loganberry and ibu. berry. Two canning factories have ", for nil tho loganberries raised. Tn crops of strawbcnles nro crown T. second crop ripening In October.' 7 hopo of the Vnlloy Is canneries anden orators and thero Is room sllll for Iml expansion In thnt direction. Market Gnideii I'rwhicls. Tho Vnlloy hns an extended rcptitaUon for nieloiiH nnd cnntnlotipes. DronnDroi cnino to tho Vnlloy three j cars ago ul decided on raising cantaloupes for 111 market. Their yield nnd returns the tint yenr wns 300 crates to tho aero. TomatooB do especially well and on cannory hns signed up 40 acres for MIS, Gardening has been much encouraged ir tho establishing of public city martttiii Medford nnd Ashland, where tho piodwi nuns uireci 10 mo consumer, both partkt being mutunlly benefited. Irrigation. Tho boll of tho Vnlloy floor as a n' rotnln molBturo rcmnrknbly, cspcciallj If well cultivated and matures tree frifii and coreals. Hut wherever Irrigates practiced tho results amply Justify t!i oxpense. For Intensified cultivation tli grentor pnrt of tho Vnllcy requires file to got best results. On somo shallovtA wntcr Is absolutely necessary and remait- ablo crops of vegelnblcs and small (rtfo aro raised on very shallow soil Hill Ci ntd of tho' Irrigation dltcb. Dry Farming PovsIuHHIm. Certain districts In tho Valley n ndnpted to dry fnrmlnR. Tho avew rainfall is 28 Inches. Tho Beaton li aij and ninny crops mnluro before the Sa- nior season of light or no rainfall arrlm D. M. Lowo, of Ashlnnd, raises owlH different products each year ca ranch. Ho dry farms nnd his collwlij of products hnvo won special prliaiB entries from four different states cfw Northwest nnd ho now has a dup7 tho Pnnninn-Pnelfle Exposition of o COO products rnlscd on bis farmlutj Aids for the Xcncomrr. A tmnilini. nt nlla nrn fit the dlSDOSll tho now orchnrdlst or farmer tonltfj .Tnckson County. Tho county paiaoim Professor Ilondcrson, stationed cm, fers advlco regnrdlng fruit groUf. othor ngency Is tho county deBonjtnw furin, under tho direction of Pro. Itolmcr, who uctormincs w : worth of plant vnrletles for rtabW of soils. Somo 50 varieties of pesriw found growing hero and tW.17,r!: been cut down to soven or " crops and fertilizers nro i"11"''", rlollcs of potatoes nnd corn are - Limrt Value. . Tho grontcr part of land valcesUM upon fruit possibilities, , cheap" toW est priced raw land la adJacMt l matured orchard. M$n to wW" commorcla worw sna i qr. planting and caring Jor ;J orttorfJJ or seven years Is about 100J tills ago H unuiio - -, M m and cared for command MOO w l' 8Cn; allownnco has been t between the tree ro P" - ngo. uorn is iib. ".Vcntror greater part of tho corn wjwj Cantaloilpcs. melons, PO M nnd other vegoiooiw -r:-, wp Tim niimntn may bo jnosfoju- I'lte S-l :saveyourMh: ..-.i i rutin IV and. hay i yor f&M while li lyi'.S,,! pinwil very latest scn"r- SIK'l'IMIDS IrcrNE DR. A. W; Addrc.HI .MJil. '""p'rtl. :isiV4 tvn-iiigg"1" "-- wKifjsHSBH? Tosvoo - Inc. .ariaViV "''Ib'ta I "'n.'J '"?,. kUi Ti ' A"'Vl, Tlio are Ko. tho sy. i rregoii nelr di I-a ri ughlj 12 fc Iliilldi tho il Mdmon nek, w es. Iiogr ; i roa( nero It . Will. iSpeclnl Pa and box f. Monal i Wineries 'eplciub ,000 f flrst-i than r uo Jifvi Hiabw. ;Ico-..rn, 1'ty In tl he Ilici,, Cood roa lps of ho cs over tl. .! bo I ckson Ci winoral unrlvale. ' near n K Mill cr rt il. "t "io sci Medfnr.l ''no In J b'e Caves, ea. to eoun okuo ni. "'nsr for st. U,"K rrom . uu me and soipp hi??' B..-w. ' L? "lie Bl S "ifijvv --"! ri: iWITMStaaBWtBttB