The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 08, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 10, Image 16

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KVi:itVVlIi:itK 13e
If your dealer does not handle, send
ICo stamps for rcgulur alio package
by 1'nrccl I'ost to
coldumjalh, wash.
sv if
ThI. Famous 40c T?'i5
1fTTT,'r' 11 ,"U21
Fragrant, dcllcloUH, satisfy
In (,'. Perfectly blended and
Now delivered to your homo
postpaid lOpouml (CO A(
can, ns ordorcd... u0'rf
(Kncloso money older or
check with ordor.)
(Itmlltr Alisuliitrly Riinrun
treil Money lliu-k If Not
lVrffillr Snllafl-cl.
t ll'uiwl trw nun TIapAiiI
l'ost I'rlco LlHt. It
will mvo you tnonev.
InmrnBrcial Imonrtinn Cd.
Given With Our Courses In
by Mall.
during the Winter evenings under
the personal Instruction of our ex
perts and eet a practical business
education at little cost
Write at once for full Information
and free sample lesson.
Cm I ml Hide, Portland, Orrse.
Portland, Oregon IJ
N.CMV Is tho tlmo ti trails what
you hiivfi for wlint you would lllio to
have. Write us today.
Goldsmiths Agency
Moi-k IHclmnKr lllilif., U.l 11 ml Vmiililll.
Trade- With L'u."
Household Hints Favorite Recipes
The llrltlp'8 Veil.
IF she la American-classical featured, let
her adopt the mode which iicrmlta tho
tulic or laco to flow from n flatly-placed
bandeau of lilies of the valley or orango
blossoms; If Oriental (mcnnlng full of
face and rather bluntly featured) she'll
bo at her best In tho coronet or Russian
bandeau, which stands high nbovo the
brow and gives length to tho faco, wlillo
tho folds of the veil may be brought some
what forward at tho sides of the face; It
of the sovero medieval typo, which qui to
frequently Is red-haired and blue-eyed,
albeit narrow and regular of features,
sho should adopt tho veil arrangement
which permits tho filmy folds to bo fluffed
out over the cars and brought rather Iov
upon tho forehead, only showing u curled
fringe: and If she Is Infantile featured
and at times resembles an over-grown
baby, sho should have tho cap. The lat
ter forms a frilly halo about tbo upper
part of tho faco and is quite flat at thu
top of tho head.
When Washing Chintz.
In washing chintz nnd other similar
prints wheat bran will be found more sat
isfactory than soap. Tlo a quart of bran
in a slznblo pleco of cheesecloth and use
this for rubbing on tho print material ns
ono would soap. Do not use too hot
water, lest tho starch from tho bran bo
cooked. Hlnse tho clothes and bluo ns
ono would If washed In the usual way.
To Clean Unisn.
nrass taps, plates and door handles arc
apt to become much tarnished when tho
liouso has been closed for some time. Ono
of tho best methods of removing tarnish
Is that of dipping the end of a cloth In oil
nnd then In finely powdered rotten stone,
rubbing this over tho brnsswork until n
polish Is gained.
Apnlc Cnke.
AI'LNAHANT variation on tho Jelly nnd
cream filing used for doublo cakes may
bo tnntlo of npplos. Heat ono egg light In
a bowl, nnd into It n cup of sugar. Add
to this the strained Julco and grated rind
of a lemon. Pool nnd grnto thrco firm
Pippins or other rlpo, tnrt apples directly
Into tho mixture, stirring each well in
bofore adding another. When all are In,
put Into a farina kottlo and stir ovor tho
fire until tho npplo custard is boiling hot
and qulto thick. Cool nnd Bprcad botween
tho cakes.
Good Plain Cookies.
Two cups of whlto BUgar, two eggs, ono
cup of butter (molted), ono tcnspoonful
of soda, six tablespoonfuls of cold water;
roll thin. You may scatter coconnut ovor
tho top boforo baking. Anpthor good
rcclpo for cookies: Two cups of molasses,
ono cup of sugar, ono cup of butter, ono
cup boiling water, two tcnspoonfuls of
soda, two tablespoonfuls of ginger, one
tablcspoonful of cinnamon; roll as soft an
possible. It you llko tho flavor of coffee,
you can use half cold coffee and half
Xtit llrcad.
Two cups graham flour, ono cup whlto
flour, ono nnd one-half cups sour milk,
three-quarters cup molasses, ono cup
chopped walnuts (butternuts nro bettor),
ono rounding teaspoon of soda. Dissolve
soda In hot wntor. Bake In bread tins 40
or CO minutes.
Veal Louf.
Thrco pounds chopped vcnl, one-halt
pound pork, one tnblespoon poppor, ono
tablespoon snlt, eight tablespoons rolled
cracker, six tablespoons milk, small piece
of butter, two eggs. PrcBs hard In brend
tin; bnko two hours and slice thin when
Application of Efficiency to Sewing
THOSE of us who have a Httlo "let
up" In farm duties arc beginning to
think about the family sowing.
Do you begin by getting out your box
of old patterns nnd your last year's list
of sowing necessities and govern yourself
theroby? Do not, I beg you, do thnt this
year. Introduco so many changes that it
docs not seem llko doing your sowing at
Really, there can bo Httlo freshness or
Interest In making night gowns by a
pattern so worn thnt only the familiarity
of long usago ennblos ono to cut a gar
ment from It. Sometimes thero Is not
much monoy for the buying of now pat
terns, but an Ingenious woman can modify
hor old patterns along progressive lines,
or can exchange pnttorns with obliging
How nbout materials? Ono conscien
tious woman Is fond of saying "I always
innlto my nprons nnd work dresses of
bluo checked glnghnm nnd my under
clothes or good, heavy cotton cloth." Now,
It there Is anything moro montonous for
constant wear thnn bluo checked ging
ham, or anything harder to launder than
"good, heavy cotton cloth," excellent as
theso materials are In many places, may
wo bo excused from closer acquaintance
with them.
The great popularity of crepo materials
Is a boon to the busy woman overywhero,
but ono which tho woman on tho farm
has been much slower to accopt than tho
womnn in town. Consider what It will
mean next Summer to bo nblo to fold nwnv
.tho greater part of tho wash without
Ironing. This Is no now Idea, yet too
many country women still cling to their
heavy cotton undergarments. Crepo gar
ments wash so easily, dry so quickly, nnd
nro bo attractlvo In appearanco thnt they
ought to bo used In every country home.
Ono busy llttlo farm woman mndo all
of her everyday wearing apparel of such
material last Summer, In stripes nnd
colors for morning and ot white for aft
omoon, und It was a mntter of gonornl
comment how neat and attractive sho
looked about her work.
There is n lesson for us in this bit ot
conversation overheard between two
neighbors. "Do you want to borrow my
now corset cover pattern?" "How many
buttonholes does It requlro?" "Six," was
tho amazed answer. "Then," answered
tho friend cheerfully. "I do not want. It.
thank you. I'd rather slldo down hill
with tho children thnn make six button
holes In each of my everyday corset cov
ers!" The simple "slip over" robes are easy
to miiko nnd vory comfortnblo; bo why
mnko long rows of buttonholes In each
garment? Why nllow tho llttlo daughter
to "scrub" round at her play In whlto
petticoat and drawers whon neat llttlo
bloomers llko her dress are more easily
made and cared for?
Watch out for now Ideas. Tho pattern
manufacturers nro showing moro and
moro one-piece garments, especially for
tho llttlo peoplo who requlro bo many
changes to keep thorn neat and clean.
'I hero aro many pattorns, both for dresses
nnd rompers that only require the stltch-
ishlng of tho top nnd bottom. Many of
tho llttlo dresses button from, tho top clear
to tho horn and this simplifies the Ironing
immeasurably. A. M. A.
May Manton Fashion Hints
Sun !)
ill VK . "'I,vf.t',-:,A
11&. :m':' r- '. 'ii
J A. n rrr 1
I JB CjJ "" 1
s8a Girl's Coat, a to 6 years.
Such a llttlo coat ns this ono Is always
In domnnd with tho coming ot Spring. It
is so slmplo thnt It can bo mndo at homo
without any difficulty, and tho box plaits
glvo Just tho Blender offoct nnd long lines
that nro bo becoming to young children.
Tho bolt can bo either ot tho material or
ot patent leather, It Is paused through
openings thnt nro cut under tho plults
nnd tho offect Is nn exceedingly good one.
In tho picture, thn coat Is mndo of rough
finished cloth with collnr, cuffH nnd bolt
of broadcloth, but ono ran mnko It ot
any cloaking tnutoilnl, of scrger gabardine,
chovlot, broadcloth, or of tho golflne that
Is so pretty nnd ot such deslrablo weight
for Spring wear, llroadeloth makes n good
trimming for serge or rough material, nnd
silk also Is liked used In this way, und
ofton a fancy material will bo used on 11
plain one. Uioadcloth with collar and
cuffs of taffeta and with n patent leather
belt makes an exceedingly handsonto
combination. Whlto sorgo with corduroy
collar and cuffs would mnko a very dainty
coat for tho young child, and-ono that
can bo worn throughout tho Summer.
For the 4-year bIzo will bo required
2 3-4 yards of material, 27 or 30 inches
wldo 2 1-8 yards 44, with 3-8 yard of
broadcloth for collar, cuffs and belt.
Tho pnttorn S582 is cut In sizes for 2,
4 and 6 years. It will bo inallod to nny
address by tho Fashion Departmoiit ot
this paper, on receipt of 10 centa.
1 dtbls
Do you I'cincinlicr wlmn ...
About throwing 1, cuVl l n.
And how It mndo a' Xfi. ' P0Bd
Thnt. wont on, and on i,S n ,
Until It reached VilStXin
Or Boiiicthlng llko that: ,h0,e'
And when you got ,B CI10u.h
You went to tho mhmtrcl show
And saw tho end man
And thn in M mi.. ,..
Show how n quarter of a dollar
Paid off ton dollars' worth old.
In nbout vn i.,i.,.i ' UI a
IJy passing from Tambo to Hones
And from Hones to Ilastus, '
And from Hastus to Hphralm
And from Kphralm to Lljah.
And so on around tho half circle?
TSdco&. ,Cny0UWere,wtu
Tho high-brow professor
Tried to explain the sam0 thine?
ou remember?
This Is no talk on Political Kconomr
Or anything llko that; '
It's JiiBt a gentlo hint
To tho effect that ItlRlit Now
Is a good tlmo for you
To Btnrt a llttlo ripple of your own
A good tlmo
To start your dollars
Moving around tho circle.
Pay off your debts,
Buy whnt you need,
And buy It now.
Oct things stnrtcd.
Put money In circulation.
That's good sense,
And patriotism,
And good business.
Kvory ripple In the pond,
No mnttor how small,
Helps break the stagnation.
Oct busy
And niako a splash,
"Uuy It now"
And get your money back.
Marco Morrow, la the Topcka Dj!!t
A Quality
is what the housewife finds In
Its purity, strength nnd reliability
mako it a most desirable leavener.
25c A I'OUND.
Sold by grocers.
1 sKpfflnlil
Kmhb r
nrrrml ..I..- tnii tha WW
J ""- IV.. i
est nei r7!""i
everythlnr J
Ilullcllne ".3
These ornsmw"
...... ...... ml
So. I. l. s,i
3.U.1t o. , 1"'
DlltCCr I'llO TUB
31 1 M
c 1 it. v..,,- mil for Eatlnitt
10 i)irri:m:NT iiomb fwh
j(Stlie "
VM 1'oNt Street
'z&tfvA h'n- 'I
A Ready Made Flower Garden
m ",. 1 ncent Urge . ??"'.? isn
rffent,.Ml8fC"'plendll cUnf
sttltH. , , ... pay pared P0"
Direct to you. " ' r
,,1. iVakklsEt1
noi'iiin"1'" " -,i
V" ..