The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 08, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 5, Image 11

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Strange Traveling Methods of Seeds
SOMK toed make JourueyB with wings,
and others trnvol from lilnco to placo
by attaching themselves to the
clothes of. men or tho 1ml r at nnlmnls;
Btlll others niuho their journey in tho
Htomncbs of birds. These aro facta thnt
will Interest tho young people who nro
taking an Interest in ugricnlture nnd nro
working In u garden at homo or nt school.
According to tho United States Depart
ment of Agrlculluro'u Specialist, tho seed
. as the starting point In n life cyclo of u
plnut may well bo studied first by young
; gardeners.
Tho seeds of tho maple tree nro particu
larly interesting. Thoy nro provided with
$. wings, and when they become detached
from tho parent tree a pernio uroczo wm
i'carry them a considerable distance from
I tho branch to which they were nttachod.
!i There are many forms and modifications
fnf tho winced seed, as tho linden, tho
hornbeam, tho olm, and tho plno. These
aro all common trees noin wincii sceus
tfor Illustrative purposes can bo secured.
Some seeds nro also provided witn
parachutes or umbrcllns, not for protec
tion from rnln nnd storm, but for purposes
locomotion. Tno seeds ot mo iiustie,
tho milkweed, and tho dandelion In Tact,
Eho seeds of all plnnts which have a cot
ton)' growth uro provided for theao
nerlai journeys.
Besides Iheso, somo soeas nro proviueu
vlth hooked appendages by which thoy
an attach themselves to tno doming ot
aen or to tho hair ot animals, so that
ftfift nrrnm. 7AA noma fine, xvlictiL Innri.
lUalanco Rood hunch Rrnra pnrturo. 400
acres lu ! mi-sown Krnm. rnir uunu
MnB. l'lcnty of water. Fenced. On
county road, phone tine, etc., 1! miles
(from Rood town and railroad. Crop,
Btocic nun imtciiinery. oic, rocs v.uu
place. 135 per ncre. SC00 cash. llal-
beat whent bolts of Kuittern Oregon.
tvritQ for iisi or i;aoicni urcRon siock
and wlicnt ranches.
Icme Realty Company
not i:iii(ibie iiuiiainir,
'J'ncomH, Wimh.
iNTI-ItUB is a Money Mnkor for
Hgcnts; it gives entire satisfaction
o users, thus making ropcat orders
crtoin. No bettor way to build up
pleasant, profitable nnd porma-
cnt business In your own corn-
Ideal Supply Co.
106 Stewart SI. Seattle, Wash.
2nd Us Your Magazine
will kIvo you prompt, satlsfoc-
y service. Tell us your favorite
aeazlnes and wo will give you tho
TMt club price that you can pos
ly cet. We save you money. Slnele
bscrlptlona taken at regular rates.
H. F. Steubing
I'annnin llldjr, I'orllnut, Or.
, ruts, wool, rnt,TS, kto,
feeattle, Wuali.
AVrJIe for I'rlco I.Ut nud
& h I II n I n Tn tr .
(Please mention this paper.)
ater Tanks
Write for Catalogue
w Harbor Commercial
Cosmopolis, Wash.
thoy become transported from plnco to
place. Other seeds hnvo hard seed coats,
pr shells, which nro covered In many cases
by edible fruit. Tho fruits nre eaten by
birds, but the seeds nro not digested, nnd
in this wny become distributed from place
to place.
Tho groves of cedars which are charac
teristic of tho landscape In many sections
of tho country, It will bo noted nre chiefly
placed along the lines of fences or fence
rows. Tho fruit of tho cednr Is an edible
ono, but tho seed Is not digestible, nnd
In this way tho existence ot these hedge
rows of cednrs Is explained. Cherries,
grapes, aud othor fruits are to n consid
erable exlont disseminated In llko mau
nor. Tho hard nuts of our nut-bearing trees
are not used as food by birds or large
animals, but aro usually sought by squir
rels and small rodents, which nro In the
hnblt of gathering and burying them in
vnrlous places or storing them In largo
quantities for WIntor uso. Tho result Is
thnt a considerable percentage of those
which nro burled In this manner aro never
rediscovered by thoso hiding them, and
In time Naturci causes tho hard shell to
crack open, and the warmth and moisture
of tho soil brings tho germ contained In
tho kernel Into life nnd a tree springs into
It will bo noted thnt tho nuts which
wcro burled by tho squirrels did not germ
inate Immediately niter being buried, but
waited until tho warm weather of the
Spring camo before they put forth their
tender shoots. This Is not becnutso they
willed It. but becauso tho hard outer walls
ot tho shell would not admit tho air and
water to tho germ, so as to stimulnto Us
It was necessary that tho shell bo frozen
nud broken by tho nctton of tho frosts
and tho weather before moisture could
gain nu cntranco to causo the swelling of
tho germ. This peculiarity, when taken
advontago ot commercially, Is called
stratification. Seeds with hnrd shells,
such as cherries, peaches, plums and tho
llko, have to be stratified that Is, they
must bo planted In tho Fall whero the
plants nro to grow or they must bo packed
away In boxes of sand In n position whero
thoy will freezo and remain frozen during
tho Winter, in order that they may gorm
Innto tho following Spring.
If seeds of this chnrnctcr nro stored
nnd kept dry during tho Winter they will
not gormlunto It planted In the Spring.
Scoda with thin seed coats, however, llko
pens, beans, etc., it treated In llko man
ner, will bo destroyed by tho action of
tho cold, and no plants will result from
planting them In tho Autumn.
Such seeds must, from the nature or llio
caso, bo retained In n dry nnd compara
tively warm placo during tho Winter sea
son, in order that tholr vitality may not
bo destroyed.
Cranberry Industry.
Manufacture of Juices out ot the cran
borrlcs raised in tho marshes ou North
Uench, Wash., may soon become n fact,
according to II. H. Tinker, cranberry
dealer of Long IJcach.
"I look to tho cranberry as a means of
making North Ilench famous," said Mr.
Tlnkor. "Already hundreds of ncros of
bog land havo been cleared aud sol to
hordes. Tho yield is profitable and al
though tho Initial cost Is somewhat steep,
when onco tho vines aro In bearing tho
returns nro reasonably certain and tho
lucomo per aero Is most satisfactory. Mnk
Ing Julcos from tho cranberry will no
doubt bocomo n now Industry In tho near
future Experts who havo tested tho
fruit, pronounce Its quality excellent for
this purpose. Tho commercial possibili
ties of tho cranborry, which aro already
assuming significant Importance, aro nn
inviting field for Investors. Hundreds of
porsons nro given employment ou tho
marshes nnnunlly at tho present tlmo.
9 '
'Dent's" In the Hog Huslncs.
Tho following nro somo "don'ts"
lenrned In the hog business:
Don't try to raise hogs without good
warm quarters; build tho house first.
Don't keep the hogs shut up In n small
port: they nro tho cleanest anlmnls on the
ranch If Blvon a hcanco to bo.
DoVt chango a sow's nesting placo nt
farrowing tlmo; It she Is In a straw stack,
leave he? there until tho pigs can walk
homo. Do sure, of course, that she Is
woll fed aud warm. . ...
Don't keep a fat hog after ho Is fat.
ns ho won't take n second growth. ou
will waste feed for nothing.
Don't feed hogs from a sack; always
uso a Pal , and bo sure to ratt to tho pail;
thoy will soon learn what It means.
Don't drlvo hogs; call them. Ono man
can call 20 hogs whoro 20 men cannot
DouToKo In this business Just for
tho dollars and cents. It you don't lllco
hogs, raise sheep.
Safety First!
Farmer Whon's tho next train north?
Station Agent In an hour.
Farmer When is tho next train south?
Station Agent Fifty minutes.
Farmor All right, Mlroudy, we can get
across tho tracks.
" ,r rf
ar.fcWr -:
9 ttlUVIT' Ml
vAmn i --- t it
lw6" y.r.j
"Pig-A-Boo" Digester Tankage
Is not a tonic, medicine or stimulant. It docs not
"Tone" up the system from a. medicinal stand
point, but it does from n food standpoint
strengthening and fortifying the system against
swine epidemics, as it properly balances the ration.
It is made from fresh, wholesome plccc3 of meat ami
contains CO per cent concentrated animal protoin.
It can bo fed wet or dry, mixed with othor foods.
If you want your hogs to hnvo the proper frame nnd
muscle feed them
"Pig-A-Boo" Digester Tankage
1'eed prices uro hlKh another renaou for fredlni? DIrcs
lor TiuikKKo. (us made by (ho Union Aleut Co.) to yuur Iiokk.
It will roilucA the com of putting porlc on your hogs Per
pound of teed fed them.
.Solid today for Information folder IS3. It's yours for tho
UnjeunMeat Company
North Pqrtland.Ore.
Get a
make your
fortune on wheat
The present high price of grain Is bringing thousands of American
farmers to Western Canada. A fortune awaits MM In the wheat
country. Pick out a ICO-acro fret farm from tho 191,000 recently
surveyed homesteads In districts reached by the Canadian Northern
Hallway. Tho best farms naturally will bo selected first. Go now.
Get our fret hook
. f am! .OtMriV (Intdo If full ml fieU ihotit America'
rlciiot farmlnr country 1M,W0 rercntlr aurre yed frre fcttlla farmi Ameri
can farmera are settlnr rich on Canadian wlieat furxos-vre will help yvu
Micci your ireo una.
VUS Snmtm werrrmm mrormaM to iiomeaceKenro
VWrMfm atWMty cardluclowrauiroundnrlptlckelatoallvuluta
In Western Canada. Krenl f you have- alroailrjwlocujd your farm, it will
" ' ivn,..i ..ii mi vinniiir vatAwar. with atoiorer
"v.'-" " v. -".. --. ::""".v"r:.zr .-.:.--j mim. i,.u
privileged, uanaoian oruierninwsiioriouw,wvnv
Of Cauada'a rlcacnt f armlue country.
M4 Bfs and (t yuur pick or tno veal
MCV tjlUCK f.nn.; Uo sure to writs to.lrfur
a free copy or inoiiomcicrKers mou ociucn iuiug
aodlow raiea iui;aoaua. a iwiuue ivtvuiiius ivryvu.
Canadian LVorihem Ry.
E. Y. Wright, Gen. Agt.
Cor. 1'ourtU and Jurkaon NU.,
Nt. 1'aul, Minn.
C Koveralls Keep Kids Kleeiv
Practical Htathful, Economical
Carroanta for Small ChlUraa
PracttcaL bnue iter a" aJt la of fleet, an4 eta b illppAi on tr of
IntHMlr. TbT tt n4 look tll. M ret arcUoie a4roilwuUla ntitftit
llaallhful. Far tuprlor lo Uouuicri. NoU(blcUak'UuiJ4luHolicci
lnloonltlooJ ui4 mitaircfdomcl mljn. ...
Economical, Sulntwriron f4 irla wuMnr la well milt
tiitr c ouitruwa lout Ulurc lUjr arc era out.
W A,
Ask Your
MJ la bljb neck wliblonf ilrrrn. or Dutch neck aaJ flhuw iltfrrt. MaUl
blue arnlm. or Uue tiul whin LkUrr mlji r U the r ru. n4 la a
Milcty ol llabirr wdtht nuterlili lor mmmrr wear. AU luaicaU Ulaoicl Wi
lut-color rc4 or Uu iUtc. 1 1 to I jrtui.
II rour dealer cannot wpplr o. w will leuJ toca. clunei icl. aa
ldt ol like, 7$c cacli.
LEVI STRAUSS & CO., San Fraucuco
Awarded CoM Medal
t Mccbanict' ftlt