, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAYJMY6J91 EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES TWO Whemi Mother Takes A Hand Official Official coos bay times; M. C. MALONLY, F.dltnr mill Pub. DAN' V.. MALOXKY. Acwh Minor , hoUBOW,fo.B fancy Ughtl turns to tlioilKlits of Paper of Coos County cCnnlng: to tha men folks of the fnmlly this 1ms qulto a different Paper City of M.iwl.flel.1. Jj, nfe nbm,t ns ,Ight n9 a mBgy haMx 0f broad, for they Know when mother's mind's mndo up there s nothing to J,n mld. nut after nil the funic nnd fuss nt Inst the Job is done, and the Entered nt tho l'ostofflce nt M,irsh- , . . , , , t n , Bi,nB Hko n nowly-rlsen sun nnd the clouds have nil thftsh trhcSOn;n..srnS nd. ' rolled by nnd tho home I. mil of cheer, nnd everybody's saying that "Mother Is n denr." "Clean up nnd point up," is mother's bnttlt-cry, nnd she'll keep nil liniiils linrd nt It or "know tho reason why." Kor she says thnt tho paint brush Ib tho best thing In the Spring nnd that to be without It she rmiwin't do n thing. With n nlco enamel for tho woodwork nnd tho Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TI.MliS. mail matter. 8UIISCIHPTIOX ItATKS DAILY. Ono year JC.00 Pur month &rt WHISK LY. nwhnf,mlV;;r,cUvli'adVan'co the ' doora. nnd a substantial floor pnlnt she secures most lasting floors. And BUUBsilptlon Pilco of tho Cooh Hay .,,,;., nb0llt the place Is looking bright nnd gay for when mother Times Is JG.00 per year or $2.50 for excrjui.iih huoui j six moiillis. says "Clean up ' there is no other wnj. 4 1 J TT ATr . . " I ihe Standard Oil f or MoioK Cars indent Republican nows- Br urnrnniTim 52s::'HflDIECESSITIES An Independent Republican nows- pnper, published cept Sunday. Tlio Coom Hay piiotkotiox m:i-T.si:i SENATOR CIIA.MUI5IU.AIN has sent word to tho Cmry County people that tho commandant of the Const Guard Service stntes that tliero nro no funds nvnllablo for os tabllBhlng n life-saving fttatlon nlong tlio Curry County coast. The estnl) ITVPKS OF MATERIALS AND COX- KTItl ctio.n i;.i'i.ai.i.i A. H. Ohllcy llns Intcivstliig Paper on Construction of Itnmls H.- fore Fellowship Club Increnso of motor driven vehicles POLISH UP THE CITY womf.x maki: iiocsK-To-iiorsi: CANVASS TOR OLFAX LP To Repot t on Survey of City Fri tlnj Co-Oponi'lvo I'fgliig to In terest Property On net's. llshinent of n Btatlon was authorized on county roads has completely rcv- Bomo ycar ago, but on account of jolutlonlzcd the system or roan uui... tho rugged coast lino the construe-; lug nnd has made n long stride tow tlon of n Blutlon was rcRitrded ns too aid better highway, nccordlng to n expensive considering the benefits) paper rend Tuesday night by A. H. to bo derived. If tlio saving of (lldtey before the Fellowship Club liunian llfo Is measured from it pure-'on "Tho Construction of Permanent ly dollnr and cents standpoint thlsiuonds." may bo true, but Just tho samo the I The result has boon n chnnge, too, Curry County coast is badly In need I in tho methods and tho mnterlals of iv station. It Is not Just local ,1RC(j roads. Tho laying out of boats that would bo benefitted, but highways Is now a matter of great tho coaBt vessels In gonurnl ns Capo or importance titan formerly, more lllnnco extends far out to tho west I cliro H taken with tho grades and In nnd nil of tho passing vessols pick I u,0 mntter of curves. up lllnnco light. Thero Is u long, jncrcitBO In grades menus nn In list of wrecks charged to tho coast from Ilnndon south to tho California lino and in tlio past two or three years thero hnvo been n number of disasters. Tho Ilnndon llfo-snving station Is oxpccled to look after this territory. Capt. .Johnson and his crcaso in power required for hnul Ing. Figures produced nro Interest ing. A pull of 100 pounds is nccos snry to pull n ton on n lovol dirt road; on nn nspbalt sttrfaco but 50 pounds. An additional 20 pounds Is iiiocoMsnry ror eacn iiuuiuoiiai pur men hnvo done soino splendid workcont ()f K,.n,i0 making long trips nnd Heroic res- ,r,10 Krc,a(CSt lond over nny road cues when accidents happened "owllmHll ,, governed by tho mnxlinum of llandoii but they have not much K.n(,0 ,u t,ml rom) chatico when they must go twenty or thirty or fifty miles to aid a wrecked xcshcI. In thu early CO's tho vessel Ilrother .lotiuthau wns wrecked In tlio neighborhood of 1110, stnto lino nnd IliiO lives woto lost. Thero wns no station near. If n big vubscI gets Into troublo near tho' snniu plnco now tho protection no fur ns tho llfo saving stations are' concerned Is us sadly lacking us I', wns over half it century ago. It is) u fnct that vessels got Into trouble' along tho Curry county const and thero. should ho somo nearer thntt llandoii. cm:an-i'p.vi:i:ic Tjpos of Drainage. Thero aro Hire? types of dralnago to look after In biil'dlng, namely, un derground, intcrnl nnd tho cnrrylng off of wnter fulling upon tho sitrfnco of tho road. lly sldo ditches tho latter typo of dralnago enn bo accomplished. With ' tho proper preparation tho englnner bclloves theio Is no reason why tho iclny soils of '"nos County should not I mnko flrst-rlnsH foundations lor per manent rtadR. I lit., nlf lit.. I., nni !, 1ii win alilnrml protection' ""'" ' "" '" ' ; for a pcrninneut roadway. Nevor at Uho most, will it laat over six years. I often but two. Tho wutor runs In between tho cracks and together with tho working of tho plnnkB iindor trnf- flc soon forum mudholcs to spout I There h ono tiling cerium ami Hint Is that times aro not us hard as a Coos liny man tells Ills wilo they tiro when she asks for money. Kvory Coos Hay mail knows how different ho would net If ho wero soino other Individual. t WITH THE TOAST X t AND THE TEA jI"ll,, Hni1 wnU'r nml wc"r tl10 "ur" tare. "If wo lake four years ns tho aver ago Hfo of n plunk road wo will bco thnt nt tho end of 10 or 12 years tho first cost will hnvo been ns much n tho linrd surface and tliero will bo mulling left. In tho enso of tho hard surfneo tho bnso would bo ns good iih tlio day It was put down and tlio wearing surfneo not more, than half worn out." "During tho period of tho 10 or 'i years tho cost of maintaining tho plunk road would hnvo been ten Some. Coos llav neonlo worry o great deal for fear people will find liuw "' "f ' l,1'' '"',f' ""' out tilings nliout them that they "" Ki-ueral public at no time would already know. A Coom Ha) man Is alwaym 4- lolling li Ik wlfo Hint his household cpciikCM are lilgh1- or th.ni any other iiiuu'm In Maihlifleld. have Imd a tuitixl'itctory rinnl." Tpe.s of .Material. A eonereto liao of either cement or iiitunieii nun a naruer maierini for the weuring surfneo given the best 4 ii'iiillto. This climate U adapted to nxpiialt. Ti'mIh of bearli sands would ' tell If they are unliable for tliU eluss " PitNonient. . HltuiiilnoiiK rock lined In Ma rait Next Tiiesila etenlng, May I lib, tb'lil pnveiiienlu has been ntUfactor thai Is ulien Sofle lliiiniiiei-, llie, "'d should bo cuuxldeiotl. With a noted Mipiiitin, will gUe n concert hard rock that will stand the wear j.ie. tlheic are .1 number of t)pe worthy BUY YOUR ZER.OLENE AT Ko A houso-to-lioiiso canvass, distri buting copies of tho city's ordlnnnco against litter nnd rubbish wns being mndo yesterday nftornoon nnd con tinued nguln todny by tho public-, spirited women of a commltteo coiu-i posed of representatives front prac ticnlly every wonion's club in tho city. On Friday n survey of Mnrshflcld Is to bo made after which tho com mltteo will make a report. Their purposo is not to bring tho Inw down on any one's bend, but ruthor, to interest all in tho big movement f'jr the hcatitlficntion of tlio city. Ilowover, if nt tho end of n week, thero nro still hotiso holders who hnvo refused to recognl.o the p'en nnd hnvo litters nbout their places that nro especially tiulieulthftil iinit obnoxious it Is possible thnt it police man will mnko his appenrnncc. Tho flno for refusing to nbldo by tho or dlnnnco Is from $5 to $10. Want Pole Painted. At u meeting of tho wonion's cont mltteo yesterday afternoon In the Chamber of Comniorco a plea wns mndo for tho painting of tho tele- ' pnono una electric ugui poies iiiotui j vjCAIFH C tho city. A request will ho sent to ' D the various companies. (Jreon or fVl nrch'f folH "INI AINU tlio stain of creosote was suggested IVlalallUCIU DECOHATING CO us appropriate colorfl. I i,v,i1i,.s Kunil.s'.ied o Acgiicv for OVERLAND CARS-G00DYEAR TIRES - CELSIOR MnTORnYHLES-UNION GAS ENGINES Marino and Automobile Repairing a Specialty :th Front Street :: " " pllone 180" READ THIS l ''i'o tin in ))f A XVno.V A STATU A ClTV A .CO.MAH'Mtv is Iciiohii by ITS SAVING'S lUIPosiiu i . A clUet. Is also Ul0ttll ,, , " 'S ,'n U lly for 1.1s tl.tlft nml (tie Mixings . ,,, ,, . ' ' a for old hko nnd comfort In declining u,.lls (, , , "ral 4t ilepeiitlent, on Mm. So xto Invite (be M,'1M)i i ! ' tlie joiiiik lady, tlio joiing mun. as ueli ns n "llm that nro working for wages or othetnUo im"""0. wl""ttJ lugs iVatnie. Save money and Inn,, t ,,, ."" Ka, tor , IT (illOW. f?1.0t will start Voui' am,,,,,, " Altj, T 1U I t OF COOS BAY Solely Deposit Bores For Rent. r rq UTIDH L1I Noi I ' ' ' ' j GRAVEL .HnwazaBaaaarenaa Wo nro now prepared to furnish UKAVHI. In any Muantities front Pllo In our yard or In cat loud lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.vi per yard. cniToad lots. Iidteit front cars, ?U.00 pur yard. Jletall Depnrlment. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pom' -Office. Phone till!. Statement of Condition 0f FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS Of .Mncslirield and Mtille p0nt, ()r(lgni)) At tho close of business Mny , 1915 IlesourroH. . .. ,,. Loans nnd DiticoiiutH lliiitklng Houses, nnd Ucul Kstato Cash and SlglitKxchnugo Total ... Liabilities Capital Stock Paid In Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits foiVKlli iMifiiti- - w,i3; ..co5,3rm 'rotui i jii WlflW Marshfield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leiives Mnrshflcld at Ilttsy Corner 10:00 a. in. 2:00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Icnvcs North Ilcntl ntcs Inter 1H mln. Leaver Kniplre. H::tu H.tii. ll::t() a.m. t!:!l(l p.m. A. II. 1101)01X8 PAINT AND Commutation Tickets $2.00 Abstracts I'Olt ItL'LIAItLi: AltSTIIACTS Ol-' TITI.I3 AM) lMUKUATOl AllOl'T COOS' BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRAfl CO., Int .MAHKIIKIKLI) AND COQl'ILLi: ClTV, OIIEGON OIJNl'KAL AOHXTS, ICASTSID1C AXD hKXCSTACKKYa ABDHMl AOIIXTS VOll CANADIAN I'ACII-'IO 1IAIMI0AD IAXtS IIKNUY Si:X(ISTACKi:X, JIAXAOKR The bam at the corner of Itonn.itt and Fourth streets wns pointed out . . by tho women ns nn "oyo sore." This Is occupied by the teams nnd wnKons of David .MtiRson'ri delivery firm and Phono J Id-It. turrhflcltt-Xortti llcnd Auto Lln r. exerr te itilniiteA from rt n Marslifleld, Orcein i ,,. ni.; to South Slouch onco h -- " ! dny, lenxliiK at Jt u. m.; to Kniplrv CAC WinMPY I Ihreo trips a day. by ordering the famous OUItHT A KFVO. Prom nlrendy has been hroiiBht to tho no- HENRYVILLE COAL Yn ...jrj rft. , tlcc of the city fathers. Tito women Nut con I, per ton tfl.oo I UU rtU ' H-l. declnred thnt tho burn bns no place on so public it highway and enee more tho matter will bo brought Into the council. CLKAX-IT-WKKK Lump coal, per ton S." Or half ton of both 1.7 I). .Ml'SSOX, Prop. Phone IH-I of leaxo otdcr.s at Jlilljei'x Ciptt' Stoic Mr& V yfVKZZf' '77s I FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phone UIIO-L. NlKbt and Day. Itl-lit Care. COOD CADS. ( AIti:il'L DIMVCItS I). L. I OOI'II. SOCIAL cali:ndau I of coiiklileratlou. iuoiik theoo are (OiuTote with a two-Inch weariiiK nir faie of flue huril nKtcrcKiitu pm before the commie has taken IU In itial wet tluib tifiiulni; a moiio-llthlc loxerltiK for the Biilwurude, or bltu-1 "" S, Curies Hall, mluoiig or cement concrete baie with riumsDAY Mlnnc-Wls Club with Mrs. V. S. Drown. Kastsldo Sowing Club xvlth Mrs. J. (.'. Swnnson. N. II. Altar (Itilhl with Mrs. C. V. lller. Norwonlan Ltithoran. Y. L. A. with .Mrs. K. Krlck- Mlll. Ualnhnxv Club in Club llOtlhC. A. X. W. Club wltlt .Mrs. K. MiUKiis. FRIDAY Friday Afternoon Club with Mrs. M. C. Coleman. Litdleu Art Cluli xvlth Mrs. V II. UurtU. II. Y. P. V. Douflro pnrty at Kev. HuHdroid'ti lionio. KATl'UDAY Auction HrlilRo Club oxen Iiik party xvlth Mr. and air. A. O. Iloiters. Ladlen" (inlhl Sllxer Tea at the home of Mrs. V. . Smith. KIIIKMKX'S DAXCi:, Satnnl.ij. vi:lco.mi:. south COOS IIIVKK hoat i sKuvicn i ' LAUNCH KXPIti:S3 j leaveH .Mnrshflcld every dny j H m. in. Leaves head of river nt iiilfi p. in. BTKAMICK IIAINIIOW Icaxe.s head of river dally at 7 j a. in. Leaves .Marsntield at li p. j in. For charter apply on board, j j DOOKItS Ai SMITH j Proprietor j 10 AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD Forth Frost Htrsai, Phone 870. 1HTEH-DCEMI TBIKPOIHII Weekly Service Coos Day and San l'mncUco. S1I 1 Freight and Passenger Service SAILS FHOM SAX FUAXCISCO I'Olt COOS HAY ' .MAY It), AT :00 P. M- Han Fninclsco orflco, not) I-'Ifo ItiilldliiK. d I'ler Knmbtr 8 Coob Bay Agent, 0. F. McCIeorqe, PeU 1UB II HAL QUKSTIOX 4 rtd ouestlon Is not, will in on honor yot, for your xvork? ! ilitt does your xvork honor you 7 Your concern U not only to create profit for yoursolf, but to mnko thnt ! which will profit many bo- $ i Bldoa yoursolf. COOS HAY STF.AM LAUXDHY Phono T7-.r. V MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y Nexv Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor! "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend TUB FAST AND COMFOHTAI1LH S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIWED Klder sulls front Portland for Coos Hay on regal" t Sunday, May si. nt i a. m., rotiirnlUK to Portland from W .Mouilny, May II, nt 5:30 p. nt. " NOUT1I PACIFIC 8TK.UISUIP CO. O. F. McQEOnQB AQENT j'i NortiN T'Vinm. A Mnraliflalrt ruUMi'M ..W..W , .M.WM..WM (Ol (illS AM) I OLDS Nor t'o iti': M:a,i:t ti:d Anj4iiie will tvaliyei the serhi.a 1ICHM ot m KtcctliiK u cold if he oil- t-erves t.'hiiltn of iuh neiileet aiuoit a woarlnn surface of UintinluiiUh con- "l.v beat hsnlnj: San Fniuclsco bin ncqiialntuiiiett. How often huxo in-te or hmiio of the imlent nave- for Cnc Daj this xivk N Arroxtline ou heard "lie eaiiBht cold, didn't ' meuU. , xtwl sailing rilday, Slay 7th. Phone do anything tor It and It turned , .MnM Cot (,utl .xieii. Tom II. .lain foi 'particular;.. into--" then ttouio dreaded disease' when flrt-ehu nwterlHU are h.-, - Ja uatniHl. . IK cotwldorod. said Mr. lildley, It' Llbbv COAL. Tlio Mad YOF have Ordinary coIiIh yield to prompt uhould he borne In mind that compi-1 ALWAYS FrtKD. Phoiw TJt. Pacific troutiupiit at lite boslnitinic. That tout toad biilldnr can not be hlnnll ,,uor' ,,ml 'I'l'im-r Company, la why otery family altould bo aup-' for a.r.o a day. It would be Bod 1 n - plied with a rellablo cotih uted'.eltte i.,voatnient tone, urea o.m eiiKiueer.it nPAl nDllPPlPT pavc, - ono that will htatl raw and in- CLKW-CIMVHKK LUbAL UHULtUlbl bATbl riumwi aurfacw, ioomu the pitiogm. , ''TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE" allay Irritation, ouao the Uoai'neiiew ' NOI'ICK . and ttlon the tickling aenaatlou tti 1 . . . Wo wat to toll the? in Marsh- Pictures & Framing Walker Studio SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA O,1 sr TltAXSlTIl AXD STODAOU IIOI'SKIIOLD GOODS Freight anil DatfiMKe. Call FFItlU'SOX TltAXSFKU Phone Klil. lte.sldeiue Phono ia..l. Market mo. and Waterfront 0$f$ WESTERN LOAN AND X BUILDING CO. :; & Assets 32,340,000.0'p t EQUIPPED WITH WHtKLESS. ;teamship BreafcWw ..... ...r. sw rrura HAII.S FIIOM MAI5SIIFIELD V.VVMV St MAV W " AT i) A. M., AXD FIIOM POIITLAXD FVISIIV iM ,.,vnriTV TICKET 0m AND OAK BTKEKTS, P JJWDEBi & A. M. TICKETS ON SAL3 AT rOHTL Phono 85-J. t Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer .1.. .i i.... .i..o- ..... .u.rn.n ...... The exMctitlxe committee of the field aufferlnit from atomxrh or bowel ! iiimwi ..... ..vv .. . !.,..,, ,. ... r,...i.i.. .i.. .. ; :.: i.uarsiuieia i naiiiiier oi i oiiuiietve . " i iimuis ior ino to kleep. "... ..... .. ... Si mill.. liiKtnrn nt ).i.l.-tl,.,... i.n.i. Foley' lloncy and Tar Com-!""' " t-nimy n ornoon a, 4:o gljcoiine; etc:, known a-A.dm'-ln: T pound U litxaliiable for tttllof of!,l' t,u) ,,,lwrul ''hUIuk of the Ohmn. the remedy which became famous, couaha tolU croup. vrhoupluK "" wl" "l "" i-rniny evenin. .May ov cuiihk uppeiuihltl. Thi Is the ioukI..' ticking in throat. tlghtUMM Til.. 18i:.. at S o'ctooU. It la re-, '!rKh ftXiT, or aorene... "grippe or bnnehl,rl'"W "? '' ""''i.llac''J the aTomncT. and" iu.tU It tonta.na no hjrmful iHNt lu ,lu work of Uu Chamber. u,ntlp.iilon almoHt IMMFDITF.LY h.. t i.i. x.-i r-x i.i.u on (ii ne surprised at the Ql K'K I Time xnnt nda hrlnir reanlfs. ,....". "'.'""' I'1' lit' llKtian- 6ia..i t a HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. t Local Treasurer t reili'-iitH It n ' i um, , f fu it tit ulld pit. i ". Ktton of dltr 1 k,. l'tirsom, Drug Co. WIMPS H M IJT? HOME AFFY MADE AVERN CANDY We make Ire cream J17S Central axe., P"ono J31.L 1 ssss DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PCHMC A r"Kttlar stnto licenced iintUi Inker will bo in rluii'KO Phono 105-J Puqet Sound Bridge r.npral Construct Dams, Bridges, Buildings. r.nD Jg vVOflK , COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOH Our Coos Bay office has available for una , work the $ ' Dredge "Seattl the most powerful, best equipped and u,0,t ei txventj'-lnch lijrtlrnnllo drodgo lr. P" Coos Bay office, CaflfS , Washl I.....UUMVIU, v.vy-... , r-----;