n - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1915 E VEN1NG EDITION FOUR "i I DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL CITY RUMS BEHIND annual auditixh snows al- MOST ?lil,UUO DKKICIT PUT BAN 01! TM50LLI NO INTEREST EVERYTHING GO rnlshcl 1013 With ll OiMi lbl- -Added Expenditures ii nrc CIjKAX UP Oil 1MY IT EDICT OK CITV FATIIKILS Heaps of Filth mid Dirt Will HriiiR lroM?rty Owners Into Court To Enforce Ordliiiinco Governor WIthycombe has noth ing on tho Mnrnhficld city dads. Ito told the people to pnlnt up nnd clean up. So did tho Council, and what la more, overyono of the six wlclders of the city's destiny emphatically declared tlmt all peo ple who leave trash on their prom ises shall ho notified, and falling to heed, shall ho punished, A city ordinance, n year ago enacted, states clearly that all "shavings, straw, sacks, litter, weeds and other combustibles" shall not exist within tho corporato limits of tho fair city. To tho Chief of tho Flro Depart ment Is given the honor of Inspec tion, the handing of personal writ ten notices to property owners and tho subsequent arrest of thoso who show a lack of Interest. This Worry City Fntlicrs. There was $1009 la the city treasury at tho close of 1913 above tho current expenses of tho city government. Tho rcvorso was true nt tho end of 19H, one year later, when tho annual report showed Marshfleld $C77G In the rear. Theso figures wcro taken directly from tho report of Ray Kaufman on the completion of auditing of the city recorder's office. The Councllmcn gasped when tho nows was broken gently to them. "Wo'vo tried to cut down expenses. Every tlmo wo start, someone comes in and talks ua out of tho notion," said It. A. Copple. "And then this year wo aro losing $7fi00 from liquor licenses. I havo heard too that several of tho saloons aro to close down on July 1. That will mean still loss for tho city. Next year thero will bo a loss of $15, 000." Tho cost of tho now flro tr.tck was 9500. A warrant of 2.':75 was mado out nB tho first payment on tho machine. There is still due $7125 on Installments. Also the city lias been buying In many lots be oiuiBo of delinquent street assess ment payments. Theso aro forces that havo combined to cull the city's finances. Xot Kvtiiivngaiit City. "Marshfleld Isn't an extravagant city," declared John D. (loss, City Attornoy. "Wo aro getting away from tho vlllago Idea that a city can bo run as cheaply each tuw year nB It did tho year before. With our street Improvements that aro paid by tho property owners como allied expenses that must bo met by tho city. "A new street means electric, lights, it means a street sweeper nnd the maintenance of tho road way, and thou It must bo policed. Wo aro growing. Tho expenses are bound to Increase" Ito stated, however, that something must bn dono to bring tho expenditures within tho boundaries of tho re ceipts. t Would Cut Itcrortlcr'H -Office "Can't you cut down an your office?" woh asked of Recorder John Duller. Ho laughed and snld thnt ho could, This inovo mot with little favor and again tho city fath ers were shooed away from n clip ping of expenses, "That's ono placo whoro wo can't afford to mako n cut," said Mr. Goss. "All theso records nro In perfect shape. Tho only way wolBtrP severed from tho project. This .. ,,,.. m,... . iu i... w , Wl recommended by A. 1J. Gldley. vtt iiwt titi'iu fiw trj iiiiit ixtt CONSTItl'CTIOX CO. LOSES ITS I'LIIA A FT Kit FIGHT Superintendent Declines Made Nothing on Marshfleld Paving Here Ixist Year. i Argument, hot mid licnvy, with retorts of "study your arithmetic" ii ml "I'd kick my kid If lin didn't know iH'ttcr" piinctunteil a plea of the Warren Construction Company for a total of .SluD.DH, Interest claimed as duo tlieni on their I-rout sticet project, asserting that there elapsed a time between tho accep tance of tho work anil tho pay ment for It. .Tho final result was , a complete, knockout, hi I Ito Ultli when Iho city fathers, fho voting, denied the interest. , Two months ago Superintendent Ashby, of tho Construction Com-pj-ny, presented n hill to tho city fathers slating that tho company had had to wait for Its money on that part of the Improvement for WHICH C'l.SIl t l llllYO OCI'JI MIU. . Tlw, ..IhImi tt'tiu limn t'tfmt'ni1 111 flu I finance committee. Vigorously tho city fathers con tended, ono hy one and in unison. that there was no interest duo tho Waireu Coast ruction Company, that no contract had been iniiilo to MU The Entire Elrod Stock of Ladies' Suits. Coats, Dresses, Kimonos, Waists MjfQfc Must be Closed Out in 1 0 Days By Hub Dry Goods Co. Ladies' Suits 1 lot, regular price $15.00. 1 lot, regular price $15.00. 1 lot, regular price $20.00. 1 lot, regular price, $22.50. 1 lot, regular price $25.00. Sale price $3.95 Sale price, $4.95 Sale price, $4.95 Sale price $7.85 Sale price, '$8.75 Ladies' Coats 1 lot, regular price $12.50. Sale price $?c, ot reguar price $15.00. Sale 1 lot, regular price $18.00. Sale d S' 1 lot assorted. Sale price PnCe g 1 lot, regular price $25.00. Sale nriil SS w VllJ power will bo delegated to a police unit, effect and never hi tho past officer. Tho flno Is $fi minimum lias it been the custom to allow to twice that for tho maximum bo- "'ft .,"1c"!; ,., , sides tho hailing Into court before tWs mvo wnltw, ;' ,cust i,re Jims for their money anil ucro allowed no Interest. ."We can col li'il mum ourselves." iloelarihl lie- n.i,1n, Ittilliii 'lt'u llnl'il i.liitllL'll a bar of justice Colonel Grimes Interested. "This Is clean-up week In tho whole state," said Mr. Grimes. "We. lllif ..,,., ' ,,, .. i. . havo to do our share." Ho pointed K ,0hn,j eVen at that ami often out tho fact mnny streets and al- have to buy property in for the as- leys aro full of rubbish. In some nssmeut.s. .It wouldn't he ilglit places high banks havo crumbled i .?'.' down across tho sldownlks. Park- .., )mVo soitl UOIUj8 for ton yeart," Ings nro In need of order. Tho gnlrt Mr. Ashby, "nnd always wo pltv fnthnrn nnilnrupil the nlnn nnd hnvo been allowed thU llUlTOOt. promised to put tho ordinance Into We oug. to Inv-o H. uoelur strict effect. t. cilv fathers contended they A certain species of weed with a wore absolutely right and tho nr-' yellow flower has sprouted this gtiment wnged strenuous lor tho spring on tho dredge fills. It U ''JJ,r P"t of nu hour. ,, , , .i i ... Mr. Goss (old mo tho only way spreading nnd covering tho barren , (,oul(, got t wou(J bQ ,0B,ie." waste. Mr. Grimes suggested that 31,tl .Mr. Ashby, laughing, "nnd an effort bo mndo to plant this that if I sued I'd never get another 1...-.1.. ..ni.,ti. ,....- ii,,. nn..r. nin.i contract hero. I don't like to. .. .m. .i. ..!.., i.. ,.i f i,o.i. hnvo this club luuiglng, over my I "'"' ""' "'" '""' " " head. Thero was n big laugh i tlfylng tho spots now a mennco to,aillj t.ieer8 for tho "Hlg Stick." I Ladies' Tub Dresses 1 lot, sale price 75c 1 lot, reg. price $3.50 and $4, Sale price $1.25 1 lot, regular price $7.50. Sale price $1.95 1 lot, regular price $8.00. Sale price $2.45 1 lot, regular price $8.50. Sale price... $3.25 All Fixtures for Sale NEXT DOOR TO PIONEER HARDWARE CO. NEAR CITY HALL One lot Madras Soisette and Khaki Shirt Waists at 65c each One lot Ladies Flannel Shirts at 75c each LADIES' PARTY 1 DRESSES BIG BARGAINS Ladies' Lingerie Waists 1 lot, regular price $1.50. Sale price.. 755 1 lot, regular price $2.50. Sale price.." jfc 1 lot, regular price $2.75. Sale price... $1,05 1 lot, regular price $3.50. Sale price...$i$ 1 lot, regular price $4.00. Sale price $1x5 Ladies' Hats 1 lot Ladles' Hats, reg. $2.00, sale price, 95o I lot, Ladies Hats, reg. $3.50, now.-Sl.65 f 1-1 I I! f lll f . 1 101, Lames- nais, reg. 5o.uu, now... 334 FRONT STREET tho city beautiful Twelfth Court Project h Hy an ordinance tho laying of a sower on Twelfth Court was san ctioned. Thrco viewers will bo selected within a week to appor tion tho assessment on tho property owners. An eight-Inch plpo Is pro vided for between Flanagan nnd Golden avenues. Tho hard surfacing of Twelfth Court above tho north grndo has been satisfactorily endorsed by tho property owners, but a protest wns made last cvonlng to tho proposed paving of tho sticet 7I feet south of Golden nvcuuo whoro It onds completely. New notices of tho Im provement will bo pouted with this efficient force In tho recorder's i office Ijmt lliiml 1'aynioiit. It was hut a fow minutes nftor this that tho Cnuncilmen, deep In I the study of sovernl bills, glibly passed tho last mouth's instnllmmit to tho city baud. Councilman Kimball failed to no tice tho fact until It was too hit.'. "Thoro wo go," ho exclnliwd. "More money for mora music und tho rcpoit hero shows how badly In debt wo nro right now." J In throw up his hands, lie was nuay nt thu Inst meeting when tho 'laud was allowed payment for two addi tional months. "My sentiments too," declared U. 'A, Copple, and tho band sympath izers chuckled to think they had got by "under tho wire." City Knglneer. An ordinance was passed establishing tho grndo on Twelfth Court. Impressing their willingness to Made Xothlui; on Conduct. "Tho Warren Construction Com pany didn't mako a cent on tho work hero last year," exclaimed t Mr. Ashby. I In tho final voting Carl Albrccht reserved his voto. A notification will at onco bo I ninilo. to tho water and gns com- BOY SCOUTS DAY i panics to lay their mains on Twelfth ..... TU, Kvi.iiviimv mv Tin.' court before tho hard surfacing Is 'M,u lM' M1'llul,im s-ns ""' done. Tho Council expressed the cOl'NCIIi IX KXIMHISIttlKNT vlow nn ordlnanco should forco . theso Improvements boforo tho',..... .,..,. , ,, . I1 streets nro put In, claiming that """" '"'V ' """ " '"-' " Voting Hoi's Ask Hotter Hiilld- IlIK lllMK.Ctl0ll. Saturday will ho Iloy Scouts Tag Day In llnrshflcld. Tho city council has endorsed tho move, tho purposo tho pavement can never bo repine oil as good ns now. HliN to Contractors. Hut 80 cents marked tho differ ciico in tho two bids submitted for tho raising and rcplnnklug of Con tra 1 nveiiuo between Fourth and t,olng to bring hero a movlo picture. I':,I,unnn8tau!8'njon1vlst. estimating' "art tho Proceeds t find their on tho 9G0 feet of roadway, wcro . wny Into tho corfcrs of tho young successful bidders nt SG l-:i cents i stors. Speaking as n prlvnto cltl u running foot nnd flO for tho zen, A. 11. Ridley asked tho council raising of tho street. This is ?3" I to stand behind tho movo. Thoro was lower than tho engineer's estl- j not a word of opposition, mato. llagnvlst nnd HJornvlst bid "it's not a sectarian or n political hard surfaco Tonth street from thoi" for tno rnla"K ot tl, street move, tho Hoy Scouts," explained Mr. i.,.i,i,.n n.. i, in i i-iii ... and 80 cents for tho planking. , Gldley. "It's Blmply tho offering of bridge across tho fill to Klrod nve- s G Smnl, wn8 th ony ,, R00(1 who0sonio and clean amuse nuc, h. V. Morrlsey, representing tho successful bidder for tho con ment for tho inds of 12 to 1G years tho owners, protested their having creto sidewalk on Ilroadwny bo-1 0f ngo nnd means for them to oxpond to put In a concrcto sldowalk. Tho tweon Commercial and Market nve- their energies properly directed." Tho expense, ho argued Is too great. ? & cuat ft42d,n,!,nB:w,n b S'a 0" th 8lrCC'8 bjr th Tho mmo nttltudo was expressed foot (Ulll ,ho COncreto for 17 cents , ' ' scwago n Menace by tho Council. It wns shown that I a squaro foot. Tho walk Is 10 foot Two houses on South "ilroadwny at present there exists no sidewalk I wide. This Is 2!i under tho City tlmt throw their sewago onto tho flats at all. With tho street paved a "K'uecr's estimate. should bo restricted und forced to the' CI.KAX-l'lMVKKIC C0l,nect w"n l"o sower, uecinred I). I n. uooa who owns properly in nuu ity. r. Triuncy stated tnat to do tills wooden ono will bo laid for present. This was sanctioned, CI.KAN-ri'-WKKU HANK CAl.Ij BASEBALL SGDRES;3 'WASHINGTON. May I. Tho romp- 1 troller of tho currency today Issued I co.VST l,i:.(.T a call for the condition of all national ' bunks nt tho close of business, May 1, I ownors would hnvo to first con tied with a prlvato sower laid by Mr. Hood and pay him $4 each. It was declared that this was an equitable Why suffer from poor vis ion and headaches when we can positively re lieve them with HAMS SHIFT TMrnt0 nmj merely n repayment for ex penditures already mado ny Mr. XKW I'ASTTHKS ! Hood. -Tho council ordorcd that tho connection ho mado or n proper eons WVnther Conditions lu Hoston MdiiiiIi' 1oo1 dug. It wns contended that tho I latter plan has been tried and Is sue To llurly Season (Iiiiiio. Now I cossful becnuso of tho water rUliiR ' In lln rill QUICK! Before It's Too Late Get In on the Hotpoint Week Bargains .. . SATURDAY ENDS H0TP0INT WEEK the famous event in electrical household appliances. AFTER Saturday the price of the. new electric table stove El Grilstovo goes to the regular figure of $5.00 UNTIL SATURDAY THE PRICE IS BUT $3.35. Here is a picture of El Grilstovo. It boils, broils, fries, toasts altogether immensely useful and wonder fully clean and simple. ' PROFESSIONAL DIRECM H. G. Butler CIVUii:.'0IXEFR Room 001 Coke llldj. Plow IW Residence I'lxrae 1!M. ,i P (jfJ IBF 7MTlKSflSi KnS 5S mJm H. H. Harper house nuiuira . Ooneral Repairing isd CtVM Maklsf. I ?hone 349-J. II. M. Wrinht " FUUIII nuiM)iNa co.vmuwj Eitlmatei furnlibed on W n. H. M. Shaw Eye, Kr, Nose ui fwl (ili.H.lt. riuw fin iiattIC n RIIAVf ii..-rAa nt U'rtmn anJ dSH Office Phono 330-J. RooallftW 202, Irrlot BlotL Dnniomin flclllnrl CONSUMnNQ ESOKBBtf Altcmitw Offlcei, 206 UtUi m ruuuu jvu-m . - Vm.ij tmt I Mriau' " I Unlit Vies With Snow- In tho fill. Wants- Hulldlnjj'i fii8HVcd. "Stovo pipes that ko throuch roofs inr Aocitj r-reu u cum nj TimM.i . without chimneys," snld Councilman PORTLAND. May 4. A Renor.il Kvertson, "are n direct flro mennco .M.lnK around to new pastures wa. wV?tZ tlit occasion of no games l.olitK lhiy-to t,,g )llt i notlco Mr. Trlhbey has- gl asses If either or both trouble you come in, let us test your eyes free and if necessary we will fit you with glasses. An expert Optometrist does the work, so you take no chance. We grind our own lenses to fit each individual's needs. ' ed in tho Pacific Coast League yester duy. Weather conditions In Hoston again forestalled tho playing of yes terday. Tho scores follow: American League, At New York Philadelphia 1, New York S. At Ronton WashiiiBtoii-Hoeton, wot grounds. .Xiitloit.il I.cnguc. At PHUburif Pittsburg I. Chicago 5. Al Philadelphia New York 3. Philadelphia 2. At Urooklyn Hokton 2. Hrooklyn 3. CI.KAX.UIMVKKK RED CROSS OPTICAL DEPT. l'HOXti I RED CROSS DRUG STORE in mucii to uo." "No, only enough for threo men with salary for ono," was tho rotort of the building Inspector, Mr. Kvertson explained that a bam belonging to a man named N'lotno and nlongsldo of his proporty Is being used' for "lodgers' '.and that tho said lodgors havo a stovo plpo through tho roof. , HuildliiK In Street. Tho building belonging to Gow Why on Fourth street projects out into the street threo or four foot. snld tho city onglneor. Now that ' an Improvement Is being made thote n doinnnd will bo mndo thnt thei building bo moved back to line. Tho insurance on tho city library i i was changed from tho natuo of the l. I j brary and mado out to tho city of Marshfleld. CH1) OF Til VKS A neddllng cart of tho Farmors' Wo ui.h to ox-press' our sincere 1!.,,1!"If,"f '"roS" tho residence, thanks for the help and synumthy lUs,rk' without paying a license was e have recelscd during the nel ?t luestlon for tho council to decide.! and de,th of our Father ' " was conte"leil that as long as thoi CIIVRLKS C ' CO i tccda disposed of aro Coos County M HY rov ' ' products no charge should bo made - - - CI.KAX.UIMVKHK - Next TncMbiy evening, .Mai ttth, Llhby COAL. Tho kind YOU linvo'T'j, Jfoffioln, TWO cooking operations 'AT ONE TIME with the same powerful heating element. DON'T FORGET THE PRICE CUT IN H0TP0INT IRONS. NOW $3.00. WERE $3.50. See El Grilstovo and you'll buy it. Demonstrated at C. A. LANGWORTHY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MARSHFIELD ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. OR.EGON POWER CO. w rv handler AHCjnTECT Rooms 301 and JM,j V MirihdelJ, Qteto Perl Riley Ballinger -..."AWIKinEn"' ItOBlUVUlC ".--"' .t.l. fDOUO - - . un.lH7fi IP A.H-1 .iirr 1110 Kimft .. .......... Pnmbiw Kstinww ..,i tnm ftr.Mrmnu. - Phono MO'R mTmsf0 nun See CORTHffL Phone JMi: Electric Cooking Made Practical MERCHANT'SCAFE Poffi R Prices Rea meruioij Cor. Com W T . . a A .T:VT.aicft itV All" - -Jrf. For taxi, phone JO. Hotel ,i riri. ,, 5'k' '"7'J W"I''R, Mai lltli, Llhby COATi. Tho kind YOU havo M V7 i A f r O fj. ' p r9 .. ; 1' lllW 3 Is wliiMi siirio llnmnipr, tho notod ALWAYS V8K. Phono 7L PucKIo 1 1IT16S Wnt AH2 RffnO' KtitS NeW Co" i ,1 m soprano, Mill ulvo n concert hcio. Mvry mid Tinusfer Coiiunny. I Xlxl 1H riOJ L-rlUg IXCUILD I '0MmmavmKOiaTii- . iTiHffimnMtfWMrniii,'Lll,