KRflfln THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ folks dox't icxow the alpharet. WHAT HAH THAT TO DO WITH Til I J PRICE OP i:;5K7 Nothing. Uut it moans this: They will hunt for your nnmo In tlio teloplionc directory In tho wrong place ami maybe find your competitor's number unit call him. I cap't teach them the A, 11, ("a. Sure you can't. lint you CAN put your ml in the now telephone directory and then they'll boo your name and number easily. And -ninybo you've al ready thought of It when they are looking for your competitor's naino they are sure to hoo your nil, your nnmo and your XUMHER and cnll you. It will bo so much easier 'and folks llko to savo them selves trouble. For ndvertlslni; call 2 7, nnd a lopresontntlve Will rail on you. CALL NOW. COOS AND CURRY FIRST NATIONAL Cut This Out and Use It It Will Save You Money a few prices fh05i ol'lt exchaxoe repart5ihxt tiikv speak for the.mselves Full size lied Springs 7."c, 81, Sl.r.o, $, SU.r.o Full Size Iron lleds, $1!, $l.r0 Full Size Mattresses SI.!!.", Sl..( Kitchen Tables S I -". .s l.oO Dining nnd Kitchen Chairs r,Oc, 75c, 91.00 Small Dressers $.1,(100, $,o'o Rockers Sl.oo, si. S3 AXI MAXV ARIICLES PRICED IX LIKE PHOPOR- tiox are to in: l'oi'xi) ix ouit exi'iianoe depaht.uem' Our EvcliniiKo Department, saves tliniiMtiids of dollars csuh jenr for tlio people of Coos Hay. Why not jou'.' Going (I& Harvey COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of 'the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner &. Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Ia'iivo I.cnvo Oh I Pliainuicy Jlaislifleld Coqull AM. A.M. r:o 7:)() H.-ito )):()() ll.oi) moo I'.M. im. !: 1:00 !:oo !l:00 n:o () "::to MA I IS 1 1 FI EI.D-COQUI L LE A UTO STAGE TI5IE SCHEDULE Schedule arranged to connect with boats to llamloii, Stage to Mjrtlo Point, Wagner, Ilosehurg. Xo doljiys. I'uie from Mundifloltl to Coqulllc: 7,1 cents. Single & Lnmlvth, Prop. j' 9 ' GOODRUM'S GARAGE X HOME OF THE I CADILLAC AXD DODOE ! AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL .MAKES OF CARS '117 Central v. Phono 37.1-L WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUAi ity PHrrrns Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phone 10CL. MAR8HFIELW, ORKOOX I TELEPHONE CO. BANK BUILDING If It's Music We Can Supply It Instruments of all kinds, players of all kinds, records sheet music, etc. And with every instru ment you get our guarantee. Wiley B. Allen Company L. L. Thomas, Jlfif. Jl he beauty i of usefoliniess nimiFloeinices j every line m ! on0 f omitaire eaMfty Honime Forimlslhininigs JOHNS0NGULOVSEN CO- 1 445 Phone 445 Messenger Service fipy WEATHER FORECAST Dy AMOrUttJ I'rrif to i oot tlr Tlmra 4 OREGON Fair, Easterly , v Inds. '' LOCAL TE5IPERATUHE ItKCOHO For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 a. in . May I. by llenj. Oatllnd, special kov eminent meteoioloKlst: Maximum CI J Minimum 1:1 At .1: 1:1 a. m 1:! Precipitation none Precipitation sinco Sept. 1, i O toil CO. 20 ' Precipitation same period 4 ' last year 02. 10 Wind: Northwest, partly ' iloudy. CLEAX-UP-WEEK I KOIt.V I TOWER To Mr. and Mrs. Jay 13. Tower, of Curtis avenue, on May 3, a son. Mrs Tower was formerly Miss Ivy Hill and Mr. Tower Is of The Clunnory store and In addition he Is the proud est man In Marshflold today. ADAMS To Mr. and Vr. W. Adams, of this city, May I. J Oh",, a ten-pound girl. Doth mother and daughter are dolus well. CLEAX-IP-WEEK Improve House. Mrs. Ida Pnter crson is remodeling and Improving her rosldenco on Tenth Htreot north of Central. Plan Hull. The Marshflold Fire men will Klve a IiIk ball at tho Katie's hall next Saturday night. Tho object Don't be in Regard to Values you cax't m;v a $.1.00 (iOI.H PIECE FOR 8 1.0.1 rxDKii Tin f.iriiiT shllixo 1'liAX Ol'lt .. ;tl Sl'ITS ahi: WORTH SIO, AXI) Ol'lt S2.1. Sl'ITS A HK WORTH SS.1, axi) we Tit hat everyrody alike Two Stores Marshfield North Bend CTPffitczraaB3g&.iratfKg;Ba3SE8 BUILD NOW umber abor and ots rx, xi:vi:h iik iioroirr ciii:.I'i;h wi: will iritxisii Tin-: lot, thi: Lf.MIHMt AXD TJIi: LAHOH. You holect tlio locntlim nnd Inilldln plans'. I'AV W.1.H) l'KH .MONTH "Soo Itt-Id Aliout It." W.A.REID, 150 Front St. OlOii lAfliluKt, 7 to H o'clock u H HE HOME 5 AFFY MADE Ij AVEnN CANDY Wo mnko ho cream U78 Central vc, l"'oiio I.H-Ij AD poriTM lIrilLUlu 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better TOXICS UT .Moniliiy-Tuesday coi:ti:d iieihtah: In thine reels. You'll like this iliama from the llnlboa fin lories. I-ORCIXO THE FORCE Comic. IVYTIIK NEWS CoveiliiK th world on Items of TROXDII.IIM I'ALUS Itojiii'iful Nceulc mid ixliicutlonal Adults 10c, children, 5c. rfxawav .irxi: win i shown on Weduesday nlht only tlita weak. Tho Roy Scout picture tomes next week and is a mott Interettlnn pic ture coint-b next week and Is a most int'-rcstiii puMiu in five acts uud tid do a worll 01 k od It Is worthy of your lieanlut support. Ij to nitso fttnds to tun ciulpmtnt wlilcli tl.p ill) (oniull fob tinnblo to ia for. Aviv Apnitnicnl. X. n. McMlllnn nnd -ifo Inno lonsml ono of tlio np niinu'iits In ..Mr, ltosii l'rous' new npntttnont hoiiso on Klrod. Tho np aitttn'iits -will bo ready for oconpiinov nbojit May 15. Mrs. Prottss lias r.ainod tlio Cedar Lodge Apartments. Hiuc Office nt I'oueiM. Dr. It. V. Morrow wont to Powers and tnere made niraiiKoinenta for n branch office nt that place. Ho will move tip some of IiIh apparatus iioxt Stindny, expecting to go up there each week end. Oo After Stone. Tom Coke left on tlio Alice yesterday with n crew of wsveii men for the old government atotio quarry on south Coos lllver They are Rettln out rock for the wnHliifr up of the river bank In front of the Chandler home on Coos lilvcr Terinro lawns are also being put In. mass sown, and with cement side walks about the home. Secretary Oivmni Clnlt. An Ore gon club has been formed nt the University of California, nccordins to a recent announcement, and of this Frances "Williams, of Mnrshfleld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. it. I Wil liams, has been elected secretary. An effort Is made to secure for member ship In the club nil students roKlster Im? from nny part of this stnto and there are a preat number. Sav Wiw Xot PiiHner Clnlm Iiik that lie was not n partner with Ms brother In tho Offlco Saloon nt nnndon and theroforo la not responsible for bills he. claims be long to Arthur Coach, his brother. Joe Coach has nppenled a caso In volving $70 and $21.0,0 costs to tho Circuit Court. Tho bill was broiiRht for collection In tho Jus tice. Court by the H. L. Judell To bacco Company of San Francisco. It ltiislncst Minuiftor. lCrnest Wntklns. of nnndon, has Just been selected business manager of the Oresnnn, tho year book put out by the Junlon class nt the University of Oregon. This Is ono of the most difficult Jobs In tho entire student body, Involving tho finan cing of n book that costs gencrnlly more than $.1500, nil of which must bo colloctod through adver tising and subscriptions. Tho np polntmont Is for the book to bo gotten out noxt year, though work Is commenced on this immediately. Tustor liny limit. William Illnck, cow tester of the big asso ciation formed now of tho Coos Itlvor nnd tho Coos Hay dalrymon, hns Just puielinsod n small motor bent nnd hereafter will mnko mnuy of his trips to suit his own con venience, without waiting for tlio regular passenger craft. Mr. Illnck ban taken over quartets on the llussoll ranch on Catching Inlet and will leave probably about May "0 on u mission into tho Willamette valley In which: It Is said Cupid is tho mnlu Instigator. , Occupy Now Apaitiueul. E. M. Spalding of tho r-10-li-cont hIoio, has taken an apartment at tbo Myrtle Arms. Scout (Viuncll .Moolh. At n meet ing of tho liny Scout Council Inst night II. A. Ilusterud wan elected per manent chairman nnd ltoynl Kites, scout master, permanent secretary. Other members of tho council are ltov. Ilobort llrowning, A. 11. (lldloy, W. A. Held nnd Vernon Smith. Sat urday was designated ns tag duy for tlio scouts. Sons of VotorniiK .Meet. Organi zation of tho Sons of Veterans was out under way nt a meeting Inst night wlen W. A. Held wns mndo tempor ary flinlrmnn nnd Mllo Sumner, uct Ing neovorrnytUoaorybtngt, 12315012 I'ljt r'crolary. Thorn nro somo (10 nMillDhlo uiomborR hero who will bo nsl'ed to Join.' A pjetltlon has been sent for n Song of Veterans charter Get :: Your :: Films :: Here! THESE ARE ' KODAK DAYS i WE. HAVE THEM S9.00 TO $74.00 "THE OWL" Frank D. Cohan Tho Central Avenue Drug Stoio DKKSS5IAKIXU nnd , ' TAILORED HATS : ! Work Kiuninteed uud nrlcos i. rciiMimihlo 5IHH. II. C. WILLEV Over Norton & Hansen's Phone 1C3-J, 4 SAVE MONEY by m del ing tho ruiiious HENRYVILLE COAL Xut toal. pel ton M Lump coal, per ton S'"5-"" Or half ton of both JSI.7. D. 5HSSOV, Prop. Phone IK-J or leave in del s ut ( lllll)fi-'4 Hgnr .Store, j to open a camp heio. OrgnnlKer, y.crU. or Coiiullle, H expected heio WeJresdiu. I blown I'iniii iiorso.-Altomptini; tc mount a high strung horpu Ibla ni'.uilng. L. 12. Ford was thrown vio lently across a barrel and knocked unconscious for several minutes. He received two gushes In tho head. It Is taid the st It nip had not boon pro pel ly laced up. Mr. Pord was out nl.oiit his work again this afternoon Say Ko-cucd Woman. According to ! 'etoiy on the Hired lodny n wo man named Orn Iternard, of North llen.l. was lemued from drowning near the government works In tho lower Ha soimthne ostordny after noon i Cecil Holland la his gasoline wn 1 rouglit to North llend and thero icMvod under n doctor's care. Hol land could ii'it bo located toay. ('. H C VTON nnd wlfo liavo gone to Portland, JOHN BW1NO of Empire, wns union; the visitors hero today. MltS. APGIST DEUUY. of Empire. is a Marshflold Bhoppor today. A1HS. APOl'ST llAUUY, of Empire. was up today on n shopping trip. 11AXIEL MII.LEH. n well known con- tiactor of nnndon, cnnio over yes- ( torday on business. , W. S. C1IAXDLEII left on tho Elder, lrst night for Eureka, going to San rrnnclsco on a business trip. .lUDtlE HALL wont over to the Icounty Boat tlilR mrnlng on business with tho County Court. S. A. CAUMICHAEL and wife of Han don vveio here Inst evening nnd planned to leave today for Flor ence. E. L. MeDOPOAL, n Portland nttor iif.v. Is hero Investigating personal Injury eases I nconneetlou with In Biirnnce claims. MltS. 1IAHHY TltEMAINE Is ex pected hero soon to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandler. It. O. O HAVES nnd J. W. Mclnturff left for the county sent on the morning train, called thero on legal business. FltEl) SMITH or tho Hub Dry floods company and wife nnd baby plan to leave. In n week or so for nn ex tended visit nt bis old homo In Central Kaunas. MRS. WILL PARKS of liny City, plans to lonvo In a few days for a four or flvo months' visit nt Crescent City. Fort llrngg and other California points. DR. J. It. WET11ERHEE, of tho Slur ranch In Curry County, went down to his "plantation" thlH morning nfter u short, nb Hence In tho North. R. E. MILLER, uiiperluteiideut of tlio dredgo Seattle, went down to llnudnn this morning, gottlng ready for tho opening of tho dredging contract on the Conulllo, J. 12. MONTGOMERY, of tho tele phone company, accompanied by Mr. Denne, or Whlto Salmon, Washington, loft on tlio morning train, trnvollng over tho now lluo to Powers. JUDGE C. L. PENNOCK left on tho early morning' Htngo nn n witness In tho John Littler rnso In tho Circuit Court today. Littler had his first heating la tho Jus tice Court. J. 1). Culver has returned from a few dnys trip to Povvors. Ilo will re turn thero this week and open a news stand, Among tho now build ings prpoosed there, ho snyrt Is ono for tho Hub Clothing nnd Shoo Co. which In to opon a storo tlioro. T. J. THRIFT, county ostiossor, was hero from Couulllo josterdny. lie and Mis. Thrift nio uncertain yet whetbor they will go to Corvnllls to nee their daughter Kraduatod from O. A. C. or take In tho Ex poaltlou nt Snu Francisco. C. E. MARVIN of the Wiley n. Allen Music compnny, arrived boro yw-' torday from Portland to iiHtlst L. L. Thomas, their local mnuagor, for a fow days. Mr. Marvin woit runty friends during hi tny hero Inst full nnd ho brought with lilm o fund of now storloH In million, to all (ho latest about music. F. A. (10LDEN, School Supervisor, lias returned from a trip to Co- (liilllo Valloy school. Ilo trav eled IK! miles to visit flvo hqIiooIs, Including tho' Wagner tHihool and tho ono ut tlio hoad of C'utchlug Creek, above Myrtlo Point. Ho status that I-'.' L. Grannla Is gottlng along fluo with tho suliool at WaKiier. ELKS .NOTICE The KlkH will hold a ;io."!i Woduowluy ovonliiK in tb't lodiiu looms. Initiation and refrosiuMiints. All members are uiKcil to bo presout. lly order of HARRY KIMHALL, Soe. CLEAX.l'P.WI'EK Plan to atlend the coni'eit of So-I flo Hammer, tlio noted Mpriuo, uot '''"""'"J rwmliig; nt tho Flunl-li Imll.- NOBLE THEATER TOMfillT LETE OF U TIGHT 1 PUkUCC Itfl vUL PROGRAM J, C. Penney Co. 1 ' Next Door to the Marshfield POst-Office. YOUR SMALLEST CHILDREN CAN BUY HERE FOR THE SAME AS YOU ONE PRICE TO ALL BRASSIERS Hrnsslerx. :i,v value. Our pi Ice ORfj Ilmvilers. 7"c alue. Our pi leu 4-9c i'ablo Cloth, per yard ;tl)o value. Our prlco ORn Tntilo (iotli, per ard ."." value. Our uire QQrj Table Cloth, kt ymtl IK value. Our pilco AQq Table Cloth, per nrd K."c vuliio. Our prlco CQq Table Cloth, per ,vard Sll" vnlue. Our prlco QQq Crepo Do Chine WnNIi, latest out, tjuWM vnlue, Our prlco J1 QQ MEN'S FINE SOCKS. All Silk Socks Hllc value. Our pi lie P5n Men's Sockx, Merceiied, l!."5c value. Our prlco 120 Mcii'm Socks, II pair, guaranteed to wear four mouthi. l.llo vnlue. Our prlio, pair IQq Men's Socks, toe value. Our price, pale Jq Men's Diess Caps, !l.",c value. Our prlio 1 Qn Men's l)i cms Caps, 7,'e value. Our pi Ice AQq Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You Whoio the iilr Is tonk' nnd tlio wind wine Tlio Ideal Ten Hooni. SAItTHICS I'rencli froen crenin and Ices; flesh fruit fountain menu; dainty luncheons; good things to eat for quality folks; dally ftc.sli candles; Malted nuts; everything uiailo to order, On 1'iout stiect, oipdto Illanco Hotel. Phono orders, ildlt-J. I AMONG THE SICK A Mrs. E. I). N'oonnn, who underwent nn operation' at the Motcy Hospital yostorday, is reported much bettor to day. Tho sovon-yonr-old sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgnr McDanlels has boon quite sick for severnl days hut Is bettor now. Mrs. W. A. Held Is Improving ut ter n sovero uttnek of la grippe. -. cli:ax-up-vi:i:k IX MYRTLE ARMS Dr. II. E. Kelty and family linvo taken an apartment nt tho Myrtlo Arms. Mr. Spalding or tho n-10-ir, cent storo has also tnkch nn npart incut nnd W. J. Conrad has ar ranged for ono for Juno 1 for himself and bride. - I NEWS OF NORTH BEND I A silver medal contest will bo held Friday, Mny 7th, In tho Presbyterian church. Mrs. Iiu Weltzel has been qulto III at her homo on Shnrmnu avenue. Mrs. S. S. Jennings nnd Mlnu Allco Wnltors left Saturday to visit with friends nnd relatives In Oregon City. Tho Prosbytorlnn ladles' aid, will hold a social afternoon Wedsosday la tho church parlors. Tho W. C. T. IT. met this nftornoon In tho Prosbytorlnn church. E. F. RtiBBoll, formerly postmaster In North llend, has accepted a posi tion In tho Coos liny Grocery. Misses Evn aiid .Viva Flask and house guest, Miss Irene Flshbacker, wore Emplro vlsltnm Sunday. .Judge V, E. Wnttcrs who has been III, has recovered sufficiently to at tend to biisiuosH In Coqiilllo jester day. CI.KAX.UP-WKKIC Xo Holy Sen lcv -Owing to tlio abhence of tho vlcur, thoro will bo no service In St. Mary's church, North lien J Wednesday ovenlng. Tho ser vjco will bo held poxt week n usual. M. 12. LADIES' TAMALE SALE, WcducMlay nt .M. E. Church. 51. 12. LADIES' TAMALE SALE, Wednesday at 51. 12. liunii. Ilavo you tried Tlio Tltnoa' want nils? YOU CAN DO BETTER FOR LESS AT THE FAIR SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY. 12' ;.c and 15c Towels, full size. Excellent duality. Now House Dresses of beautiful cjintjhams, percales and chamhrays. Various stylos. Formerly o C sold at $1.35 to $1.95. Reduced to yJC Ladies' and Misses' Galatea Middy Blouses, variety of styles to choose from. wurt&f' .1 1 K Former mice $1.50. Now a B2autiful Embroideries, medium and narrow An widths, former prices 7o Two-m-One Shoe Polish. Reduced to, per can Ladies' Short Flannelette Kimonos, medium Qs and dark colors, only each ... - fl.yv Men's Hose Supporters all colors, rubber grip. Recju ular price 20c. K Now only per pair - - Katlhfactlou (,'uaiaii The teed or .Money Refu iidcd I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 WAXTED i:ieiieiico(l ghi would liko :iiavlBoVforVMiL''i)fjVn1o" rain r lly. Address "M," euro Times. FOR SALE High grade fiiniltiiro for Hlx-room house, terms if necessary. Until Saturday, cnll liin-L. TEACH Kit OF PIAXO Heglnnora or advanced pupils. Mrs. Mlnnlo Drlscoll. Address 102 Hall Avo. FOR SALE FOR SALE A four liui-hcpuvvci mo torcycle, cheap, If taken ut unco. Phono GUN. FOR SALE Ono pair (,'erinan War bler canary birds. Address box "D" Times offlco or phono ia3X. FOR SALE llrmio luikey ogKs for hatching. $1.50 per setting nlno eggs. s. C. Rogers, -Marahfiold. - I FOR RENT FOIt UKSV I-i-ooiii furiilHlied flat, vncnnt May U. Apply CIS So. 11th street, I'D It HI2XT -A modern five-room apartment, furnished or unTiir ulshed, also a four-room furnish ed apartment. Phono Gl-lt. It, F. Williams. ! I I 1.1 . FOR REXT l-Milt flat, ilril ami Anderson. Phone Dr. Leslie. FOR RENT A modern nparlnient, 9th and Central, Steam heat. Phono 17-L. J. C. Swanson. 1'OR RENT 51) i Ilo Arum furnished iipnrtmouts, free heat and water. $25 pur mouth up. FOR XHAXSFEIt AA'II STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight and Hnggngo. 4 Call FEIK.USO.V TRAXSFEIt Phone Kill. Itehldeiico Phono lll-J, Mailict uvo. and Waterfront 4 9c and 8c. Now per yard . . i- 5c Central Aveuiip Xet Chandler Hotel Fair i ill n H M B i m 11 N