THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1915-EVENING EDITION. TWO COOS BAY m. i mai.ovi:y. editor and Pub. DAX I J. MALOXHY, Xcvvh IMIior Official Off Mill Paper (if Paper City ( oos CoiinlJ (If Mulsllflt'lll. Add run all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMHS. ISntored at tins Poslofflre at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class mini muttnr. SUHSCHIPTION HATK.S DAILY. Ono yonr $0.00 Far month " WKVMl.Y. Ono year $1.50 When imld strliily In advance the Ion pi Ira of tlio Coos Hay f6.oo per rnr or 2.00 for i,a I1S' subset ipu Tlnins Is six IIIOlllllS A.. ilnlhKaHilnnl II .. .1 Inn ., ,,,.',. Jill iiiuut'uuiiciil. Jit-'iiiiin,iii 11V..0 papar, published ovory evening ex I'M,'.., ........... .v. . - . . nml Kninlnv. mill unoklv. bv Tlio Coos lluj TIiiicm Publishing Co. REPORT ELI KILLED,rurrLiSs.Z 'the openliiK of tho rannery. Tlnee WAltltAXT ISSI I.I) I'Olt II WIVfJ JIOIt.N'.s l I'OSsCssldN. Alfred Haines Claims lo be Home- Meatier Ciiino Wniden Hajs lloi'iis lor i:il Caiiihal CharKod with basing elk ho'-iis !: bis possession and offuilng tliem for sale, a win rant has boup Issued for tho an est oT Alfred Unities, who claims ho has u homestead ilune Allegany. (Jaine Warden TIihiiiiih allegra tho story Is false, Mint Mrv nral ii ro Implicated ami lie I. in us were for transpoitntlon lo Hie i Ik CariilNfil In California. The offense Is a set lous one. Voiv few elk aio lelt. In a recent uise In KuHlcni Oregon the innxlin'u.i pen alty was given for sik Ii an oifeiiso. Mr. ThoiiuiH has Uio 1 1 ,ilis of eiic iiorns in ins possession. 1 I lllul.Vl I I.I.U HARRIGAN IMPROVED; IS COMING NORTH Kit)N Ilealtli Is Much Heller ami Will Spend Longer Time In California TllO folloWllIU letter from .1. T. iiarriguu, who. with Mrs. Hiirrlgan, has beon spuudlng tlio last Tow mouths In I.os Angeles, after an - noiiiit'liig Ihelr dHpiittiiio for SuirHW'lrll"K rapuis ami Jaggod locks I'Vauclsco, will ho grailf)liiK lews to their many friends heiu: "Am sending yon a paper nliowlug how (liu traffic Is handlod In Los Aiigolos. I wonder when wo will bo nblo to have .lack Curler In 1111I foim stationed at Central ami Uroad way, Marslifleld, to hnmlle the 'nii flo? I sou by tho Coos lln Times thut you have 1110 dying with uo'trt trouble. Tluuo never was a stroinj or or braver boait 011 (bo Itay than mluo; I did have ptomaine pnUou Ing when 1 In ft MHrMlifleld. but I never fell hotter In my llfo I ban at tlio piosout time. I do not Know when I sliiill he home; It nil de pends upon my pockothook. Tlio wont nor Hero Is cloudy and oiiu- vvlml rainy." CLKAX-CP-WKHK cxci.i: IS IIKAI). William Diiugaii Itei elves Woid Thai Itelallve Has Passed Aunv William DuugHii has Just io celved wind of Hie death of his undo, Kohoit Madisou Diingan al Santa Anna. Oiuum Count), cni Iforulu. Mr DiiuKiiu was 7:t )eurs old and bud lived in California for many yotiis mid was the last or six binlliers. Ilo was tho man who es labllsbed tlio Klk Kivor Ferry In Humboldt County. He had two sous, one of whom was isniiiucl DuiiKiiii. a (unions huso ball player who before he ii-tlied vvim it pla er Willi Ihr Cliluigo ictim. CLi:..ip.wi:i:ii .. hOCIM. CAI.I.'NDAK Tl Krtl). c. w. It M. ut cbrisii.iu Cluirtli piirlois Unites timid nt Gull, nail. I). M C flub with Mix. Charles IHIuiiih. WUDXKHDAY Swedish I .ml leu Aid wllh Mis J. ItaikuiHii W. H. M. C with Mrs. Ak- n e llillcbliiKon. HililgA Club with Mrs H. Lockhurl. Piesiotorinii Aiulllai'j ut the chunk puiloru. N'nrcsig flub with Mls Hlsnche Tellofson. I'rlsrilUt with Mrs. A i cher. TIIPR8UAY Mlnnc-WU Club with Mis W s KrowH. l.'asisido Rowing Club with Mr .1 r Swausuu. X Ii CJtillU with Mr i' W. Hvler n'oiwokIuii l.uilierun. Y li A wlib Mr. K. L'rlik- BO 1 1 Httliilow Club lu Club House AN W Club wltll Mrs k. Mingo" KIIIUVY Frlda Mieruuii Club wlUi Mrs. M ii I'olomun. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. W. II Curtis. H Y P. V. lion' ire party at Hev. lUssfoil - home. SUVHIMY Auction Hrldge ilub run O lug artv with Mr. ml Mi-. A O Hoiiers i'CINEO! IS CLOSED lur nml Pub. itnr.KT t. ji. it itie rou oi'i:it- ATI Mi OIT Ol Sl.M)X (.nine Win licit TIioiiiiis Snjs Season ( Iom-cI t (till Maj 22 t Woik 1 I'm- Thnv Weeks CASIO oti.ti:d "When T. II. Harry was ta ken lie fort .lustlco Sinister his nti"jrne usKed Mint the ease be tent limed till .Mny 1 I. This was mauled. The c mi nerj in tint remain t lo-iod until after May 2L .-' h,lllt rtowii und llio nroiirln- "rn "H(h '", " " . , . ' tor arrested this afternoon by Ciamo ... , . ., M?n..1...t 'nlmiMfiti .. 1m 1irj1rm Hi., fill. i II. win s lino ciiiniciy in j.m- Warden Thomas, who t barges the op .. . . . . 1 - GrUIIOIl Or HIP CRIIIIITV "111 111 HOIOillll - ' -), preliminary bearing will ho hold In Xortb Hend. The arrest was made on the wired nstriictions of Mnslor Game Warden 'weeks ft has opoialod, emphnlnu about 10 women and some "ft ( tub men. Most of the crabs were caught In the lower bin, ihougb nome came 'from oiitiltlp the Imi'. The penult for out oi season operating Is $.r to $."iio line ci i:A.riMVi:i:ic two risni:iiMi: I'.xss .mi:i:t si I'ltOM (JltXXTS )i)i:x ih:atii Alleuipieil I'ciIIoik Tilp to Cmi'.v Counly ami Until Lost When lliuil Oiei liniieil Itegnrdliig a recent tiagedy on Ito- ... ... .. . ... . .. I - "" " kiiu uner, me rori urroru rriiiiiuv ,.,..,. , I t 1 .. I cioi-K ami iirowneu. 1 inn tlio Inst few years It was considered a very hnxiinloiiH undertaking to Attempt, to .... 1110 i.ver, and b,,t very few boats hud over succossfully niado the 'trill. However, uevnrnl nnrllna linvn made (be perilous tilp (hlH Hprlng to engage In flwlilng oil tho lower , river, and all ran tho gauntlet of without accident, until the drowning nienlloiiPd above, but meager details of whli Ii hnve been learned. i.hav-i p-wi:i:k nr. fiL nit. wi:tiii:iiiii:i: takks i:m. ployi:i:s 'io sr.Mt itAXcii I - Could Xo( Got Loiallly llnl I Help III Mlll.cih In lulls Plenty Poillauil This of I II W'j.tli... Ii.w. .. II... cii..H ' I,. , .', .II", ,F,-", 1,1 Mill rilill lauch III Cuiry County, left this 111,1, llllltr fii- lllu In, Inn III. ., ...... ... ....... .( ...n a.......' ,..,, ,, V,, 'I, or mx employes whom ho engaged . in i-oriiam lor woik on nut ranch He said tlml be unn iiniible in uni ... - i . good dull) help In (his set (Ion and had lo no to Portland. t Alining those bo took down was a woman cook for the ranch, some milkers ami ihuoso maker and a ")'.do of high school hos who art hi iiiiiinIii.i In IhI.. .... .1.. f .... t ... - pieparliiic to take tin ihilrvlmr us tludr lire woik. Ilo mid that a want ad In the Poilland papers iiiiiimiii nun stores in 1 espouses, ninny being willing lo work for He iiiiiio than (heir luiiiul In order ... ., .. ,..i. Thev nrii now lnlll.-hi.r ,.)..,.. t i-.n bout Liu m mini or cows on tlio Wai using milking niaclilnes i l. AH (he mill, is niak ilieose. Mr. Wetherhfe soni u jounu i air. from one of I 's thoroughbred for ''.M). two-)enr-oia helfeis (.'nulls Pass llmul. Hi Welherbee says t tint from In foimutlou he gathered at l'niil'iiul he Im itmv lined that the 8-nii'ip'ii Puiiric I going io build the Uunts Puss-CitwtMit City Ituilway a n link in their const Hue lumen, I nt buiMiiig dliect down the const. Ho stis be was luforiiied ih ii ."'B euio niong tlio Illinois nvtr was of easier eonstiiit lion nn.l lenu ,i . ger from slides In ndillllon to bo- ing iibout 100 milcH shorter than ",e,m;,1;;r,,.:a,t, x; have umlei written the 6.i)oo.eoo bond Issue for the rusd. ll. says Hint the Twoliys. ho re ban .torn and railroad lontr.iitor. are ilose- ly aiflllattvt with the Hoiiiborn Pa-, .iflc and that uuless the Soithru Pacific was backing the projm. ' bomls," "Ulrt m" U",K'rwrUo tUe He regretled the C.runts Pass lino' project as tho old tu.tsi survey wos, dlreitl acioss his r.mi u, in fict' iwn kinvevA Imviiiv. lf n made ut toss it mid u light of-w.iv ugent lutvlng been tliei, a oi so (.go ci rN.ip.i:i:u . - cxnn mi:n iifui:. Higlil Cli:iist INisk TIuoiihU oil Wnj in Hogue Hiier. Kee Hrowii, wllh seven other Cliuit so, .ii rived hete .vcsieidu) on i ho steanii-r lieo. W KMer ami iliis morning loft fo. Cnu-v Cou-ity. I'lii will le t'iiiido,Vi-i ut the now suluioa lanmry which is tielu ci inbllsliett by Mr. aborg. Mi. Hrown is a bright. IniellUent klllkr rhlllilltUII Hit Hinil.t .. .... I'hliuiman. He made (lh tho rannery ottiior to1 turnihli cltfhi workman and ihot I ItlllAUl Iti.UH 1U1 IHO IIUIH ir' will bo handled by llrown alone He fA that ihe new raunery has1 boon completed anil that Mr 8et- in. i wlu. Is now la PottUiKl. will s.o r i U mi. Unei , DROWNED ROGUE io iisiiermun t iiiom niinir 10,- ' u .,., v ,i. ,,..... .1... I coino from GrantH I'nss to tho mouth 'M.ogal' Slops to Good Hoads," A. of Itoguu Itlvor In n small boat, woiol11- Oldluy, City Ihiglnedr, "Tho I upset . the sw.ft waters near Mlo,JSg t.U&SS w.lli RICHER KILLED THREE DEER ' (i.oik; .IIOOIII), OK COOSTOX, J 'AYS Sli.-i I'lXK Pioinluciit Hclitoiits Kulil to Have I'ntj'ii Steaks, Stjs (.'nine Warden i TIioiiiiis Today l Tor killing tlneo doer out of sea Hiui (leoigo Moore, a youth of Coos-1 ton, was fined $25 and costw before .liistbe sinister In North Hend this morning. It was claimed that sever-1 al promliiont residents aeioss the bay numb Indirectly Implicated by oatlng port Ions of door steak. ' Word of what was oociirlng came i ,,rrnl ,la'8 "K '" (!,l,,1 w,ml"n Tiiomni and throiiKh n special de- , , . ,, , ., , , , puiy he wan nlilo to gat hei in ov - ' ' r" di-ncp. He says there uio otbur In vestigations being made. Klk hoi us, shipped down frotii Allegany hip al so iindi'i' Hiispkion. ROADS AfyilKRAUY IIU2ILJU IIIHU UllllSI cM:x-ri'-wi:i:K -- rixi.ou'.smi' ci.cii cihs i-'iro.M A 1,1, wn.ii nis. kidi:s Lively Inteiest Shown nml Inillrii-1 lions Point Tow in (I Iteciuil As- , seinbl.v Cuiiri I'lesent f l.ivelv Intel est Is ceiiterliii? around tlio "(lood Hoads and Good ntav" nieotlng of tho Fellowship ! Club this ovonlug at :.')() o'llock! la tlio Guild Hall or tho Episcopal Chinch. Monibers of tlio County Coint will bo present and take part In tho discussions. Hopoitn Into this afternoon from tho ticket' , committee Indicated an attonduiico i that will break all previous records i Fiom Noith Hend there comes I tlio news that a delegation of good i tuuun iiuuoiuih win uu 'iuuiii. i no iiiestlon of serious Iniportnnco hero l.. ...i r....... i... e ii rouus boosters will bo piesent. Tho I ""' "" iiiuii num n iuiu dl- metisloiiR w, . . R..flt lnnu. . -. ' t tl'HIM IU1 VUlUll 'toll about "Financing Permanent Highways," and L. A. I.IIJoiivlst "What- Good Hoads Can Do for tlwt fmtiif. M An fii1i1nl lidv fini - ;.-,- ,,; o of tho ' iii,.iinirn nr Hi,. f,w imv i'n,iM,i ll.iiwl ci.i:ax.cp-wi:i:k L CACSi: Ol' ItA.MMH, I'll WltKCIC will 111: asci:ktaii:i) ,:,M""i"' "", I'uiiei' wi I'lll Alvi Set- He Itliimu of Collision llelueen I Hedge nml A. M. Simpson Filial lllViiylllilllii,l iif Hie ,.n1 "S,"M u yar ago between tho steam ii'iioonei- ,. .vi. rmnps'iii iimi i no .bin1 driMlgo Mlchlo and Investigation Df the causo of tho wrecklnir of III., utiui.llli.. u.ili, !..... I.. 1.. I. .... ' l,. .I,...? PI IIIFWIIl-l l,llllllllll UU the llundoii bar will bo made not U eel; llllllilil Sllllfnu Ql.ifilillii, it In- -... .-...., ...i,n ...v.. ...... ..k ..,- specters l.'ilvvards nml Fuller iiioj sciieonier lo leave on tin i: i or Sunday for Coos Hay. - .... i Hlniue, ir (hero Is any, for (hoi wiecMng of tlio Haudolph will bo orrhlnlly placed, and tlio entile1 matter gone Into tlioroughly. Sev-i oral times tho luspectois luivo been on the nnlnt of Invostlu.itluur tho Simpson and Mlchlo lollislou. At Coipilllo tho Inspectors nro willed to try the charges against ' niiitiu i.enevo, oi uio iiiarm. iiiat llt-'ihe sieumer was opeiated wltboul a llieimeil pilot In the pilot houip. 1 AVERAGE MONTH - CI.F X-L'P-WI.I''K noiiiim. mccii imscai, iiolt tiii: aphii. wi:athi:h lliilnl'iill Xm Parlicubiily lle.ivy ami Teinpeialuie Went Down As Low as :t:t Degioc-. Tho lowest liiniiieinl in e iinr1ni April was 3.1 degrees, nicordlug lo H. H. Out 1 1 ml. the weill'ier olmeivor The hiuliem teiunoraturo nan To de- K'eei, on the I.'.th. The average lor the month was 51. T degrees. The " 3i "- "l0 unal 1'reilpltHtlon Tor the month wgs 3.00 Inches. Theio were ut day when .01 or an Inch of rain ..,, ,nrB ,.. 0X " , h"' '"'"nis April theio wore n dear' 18 iloud) and I paitly iloudv dav. CI.UAX.CP.WUHK .' oTICC to riMtiiiTniK l,,'l' IO IMtDllOILs. -1 Th Nolle is hereby alvoti thai H.. NIL INVESTIGATE undei signed exemtor Mini iwouitii. of the estate of Wllllum It i.n , Ut eiisi-il. have filed their final ..c omu hereiu. And the Judge or the Cotiul Court of Coos Count v,, of Oiegon. has appointed Mond.iv. the loth duy of Ma. im.'.. at lo no oVIoek a. m., uf ld day at the Court Hoiiw at CoqiUIU, City, Cons J County, Oregon, as tho time and ' plaie for tho tieaung of any objec tions to aald final accouut ami tho i "Uieut tUoreof Dutil thin hltJi iiv nt v.,wii m,. (l l'l? t JW- X., ..r..., v... X,,' ' I JOHN . invis. WculrW aud i:ecutor of (be eti'u of illi.iin i ii.uB ddeis. I Nistnui. pr C Last pub M i 4 . Marshf idd-Horth Bend Leaves Mitrshilolil nt Husy Coi ner 10:00 a. m. 2:00 p.m. 0:00 pin. Leaves Noilli Hend M '"'" lllcs Inter TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME has beon hobby with us for a Root -iany years ami a lot or our citato""? will toll ou when It comes to Kottli g pod, sound, durable mining material at the right price wo know our bull ness. Just loll you wai.l to b.illd and tho amount you wan to spend and oMl jet busy with our pom II and flcuro out the host -nnr ririnnv nnn 1)11 V. TfV til. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. m.'TAii, i)i:iAit'nn:XT CUT THE IMION'll 111) FUiir, miiii 1 Koonte Garage Aficncy for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J Do jon waul lo save inline) '.' cenf on jour gtoceiy hill? Il'-o. (all; ami Issue goods; iiiiikc moiie,v We cair,v a full line; If J 011 waul IMione Coos By Tea Coffee $ pv niG HL'AL QI'IISTIOX ' The Q'lostlon la not, will men honor you for your work? $ llllt docs vour work honor you? Your concern Is not only to croato profit for 1 yourself, but to inako that ' which will profit many be- 0 1 sides yourholf. ! COOS MAY STIIA.M MUXDHY I I'll .mo ."7-.I. V044V4 t J , AT CAMPBELL'S W000YARD North liot Utrol, Plinun 7U. r--r-- VCHI AIITn PA! 1 WU rKJ I U JtUmLm FOOTE'S AUTOS ; . . . . 1 1 xiht nnil Day. iiiinir a GOOD CAKS. CAIH.ITI Ii. l'OOTK DIIIVKIIH I). BUY THE VERY BEST ... . i Ma rC ilff Olrl ITID ITT"Cn C OU 8 Lb1 I Creamery i J I . MADI3 UXDKH BAXIT.YHY COXIHTIOX8 IX A CliKAX AXI) MODKHiV FACIOHY. 4- 8TIMIIL1ZKI) MILK AXI) CttKAM. PURE ICC Treo delivery, H n. m. nml 2 p. Phone 7:i. in. lll,l. III ill. till, 'l,,,, ,,,.,..... "-.. ...... ..JH...... , pincliMMw ami itNo on monthly account vvhcie paid 011 01- liel'oic the ll!ih of each month. I 'nine In ami l.'C 'lull. Ii over ami GET A RECEIPT OR! 100 ie saddest words ha man rm -' can speak, $ "I should have nrflpiwl on ? las! week" I Jump quick to the pi. up toll us jlr JU. ami our wat'oua will t,o uruuna m 4 HIYFHTOV (ovi, 'llils Is Uio kind (Joo. Haines handled "lit wo have pin chased bis .meniy You i an get It now at tho C. .V 11. LIYMHY HHN or . piioni:,1. , H. A. HIDWl, .Manager. - Empire Aulo Service Louies Kniplre. 8:no 1 1:110 a. in. p.m. two iiy rsixn our wood 1K2 SOl'TH miOADWAY Would Jim lil.e t mivo ." per Trade at our sloie vvlieie wo svll Cash legistec iccelpls willi all fresh eggs, newly :il)l .1 laid and Spice House. ClilniiK'js I'lieplmes J. N. BAYLISS P Any kind of brh k work at " pili s that are right. And all work giiiirnntoeil 0 Call at "The rireslde," .lobn- son llldg., 1.17 Second St. 0 Phone i::i-J. Frenih ranjU's. Holler woik. Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 rM-ilfl0lll.Norlll llOllll A..II, I. Ik. 'am oti'ry ten minutes from , to V2 p. in.; (o Kiuilli Slough onro day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Kniplre three trips a day. OOltHT H KTVO. Prom PlCtUrCS & fi'mmg Walker Studio SOUTH COOS ItlVKll HOAT SKKYICK IiAUXCII KXPHKSH leao Alar.shflehl t-ery day rt s. in. Leaves head of river nt !I:1." p. in. ft BTUAMKIt ItAIMiOW leaves head of river dnllv h "' '"' U''"08 J'aisHold at 2 p. in. r or dinner apply on board. JlOCKItS .M SMITH Propilotors , New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA t WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. t t Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Tieasuier t DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PALLORS "111 he kept OPI3X TO THK 1'1'llLIO A regular stnto llrenscd iiniUi taker will bo in charge Phono 10.--J 1 HEAD THISI I '"" I 'ill ft ,)f v N1I0 NTiij V ( ITV lMliinl,ylTSSAVivlV.!,Mr3flTV I'l'lei. Is also L,,,,,, ; "mis fa, i... ... 's.T III HM..- Inks fealure. Save money ,, , ' ,lf,le H IT (HOW. SI. (Ill ulli . .... ,l "' Inl. CI"iv FJBST iTIII ( OF COOS BAY So'elu Driunit Dora For Uat s!l iti t. FLANAGAN & B EN WETT BANKS At the close of Ii.ihi,,. May 1, ,.' I Ilesouri e. Loans t'.nd DIsconulH t linn king Houses and Itunl Cash and Sight KxpIiiiiiho ""I Total 1 '""ill ll' Canllal Kloclf lal,l In Surplus and Undivided I'roNls ' fi!Wl1 Deposlls ' aysj 'I'llllll Abstracts I'OU ItHMAIILK AIlSTHACTS OF TITMJ AM) UlOBUn, il.IH.IL L' COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., MAKSIIl'lian AM) COoriMd: CITY, nnraiw ni:xi:itAi aghxts, kastsihi: and hmxhstackfa-s imbbI !. -rj, Hjii IMA.1111 . imi 1110 IIAII.KOID USD) 3IHXHY Si:Xf;STACKi;X, JIAXAGFJt IIIER-OCEfli TRIHSPOl v.. -. .. Weekly Service Coos Hay nnd H.ui rrnntlw, STEAMSHIP III Freight and Passenger Service Him I'ltOM H.W I'UWCISIO I'Olt COOS II W XOtt may io, at ::;i)o p. ji. ( Han Francisco Offlco, 000 Fife Hiilldlng, anil 1'ltr !! Oooa Jnv Afrnnf. (1 ?. McCjeorqe. HwaM -w CJ 7 . f i To Portland every Thursday TIIR FAST AXD COMFOIlTAMJ S S. Geo. W. Elder NTEWIiY EQI'II'I't'D NOItTlI I'AClFIO STKAMSBll' CO. I 91 O. P. AtrClimU AGEXT 3 PhonH 44, ""hfloia J!!!li!MrfA - - ..-.mwv. u vnmupvn with HIHEIiCS ;teamship f eakwatt ALWAYS ON TIMS. ! saii. 1,'iiovi m Aiicin.-ii.T i i.irnY Sl'VOA' l11 ' ' "... ..' .,.i.YTiinJ1 .vr ii a. .ai., a.M) I'ltu.M i'uiu ' -- J,L' . r ,vn riTV TICKET OfTlrt AN OAK BTKBETS, VOM uuuw owr-w Puget Sound BdSe Dredeins Co. Dam5. Rrirlnoc RnilrlinnR. General CO - COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOKJ ft Our Coos Bay office has available- w " wnrli the ;si Dredffe "Seattle" -rfTI .i- ., . ,.,, ,..oM im ...u iiiusi poHuriui, uost oiiuu'i'uu nulert tvteiity.lncli hjilraiillc drcugo h. " Coos Bay office, Marslifleld, Oregon. ' ioov,i,i.rl; ""'" J iiciiiiiiii ""' III tltj l "I'llMOl, Of Wttl i.ii.i.iit.i'.'. m tout ToE ureka I every Moniyl I Mom nffitff. I'"1" ....!, Seattle, wa jSTTwrnrarnii