The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 03, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 8

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Continued from Pngo One.
nohth m:xi
i.i:avi:s ioit iiomi: i.v coukh nv
(lieso creeks the rond will bo built
on contour lines, It wns explained,
and reaching the head of the canyon,
switchbacks will ho put in to get julpmeiit of tho defunct Conulllo
.. .... Itlvor Mnniifncttirlni? Com nan v nt
still rartner tip mc mountain siucs,
l0)ulntlon to J,i!00
Archie Kiiise, Who Hought Outfit Helen-d Without Hall or lloml, lint
In the City Sew Logging .iliiy lie Itocnlled Another Wit-
Camp Opens nov-i Kilters Itiivscll Oisu
Archie Kruso, who recently ' win. Pentlnnd who Jms been con-
bought the box factory plant and ' ffnc(t ij, the county Jail nt Conulllo
for the past few months ns ft witness
In the Kussell case passed through
here Saturday en routo back to his
Powers Is ft now town. It Is Bit-
home at Conor d'AIene, Idaho. He
Illvcr Manufacturing Company at
Dullards, was here Saturday night.
Mr. Kruso wns reticent about his
tinted on the old Wagner ranch nnd ' "lnns .r i'10 "bI''bs, excepting oWM rok.aMl, from Jall following the
Is only a week old. Powers and Its ' ""' , ""BB":u lu " "' ' action of the grand jury m contmu-
immodlato vicinity boasts a populn- T," """.mriin- fpnm VnrMl I ,nR tl,e ,l,lssu" caso unt" t,,C Sel,t'
tlon already of closo to 1,200 pcoplo However, parties fiom Nort'i omljcr tcrm of c01lrt
It Is growing. Houses and stores 1Jcn'1 8latC(l tlmt ,l wns confidently I'ontland wns released without ball
thero spring up llko mushrooms, a C5(l,cclc thnt tho fnctory would bo or ,)0IU, ,)tlt lt 8 understood that he
sort of "now you don't sco It, Pros- sccurc for North Ucnd. It is uu-1ag nRrcP(I ,0 rctllrn whenever ho Is
to, and now you do." dcrstood there that Mr. Kruse Plans j dc8,rci ns n witness. Anyway, there
Tho track parallels tho main street ot- only to manufactures boxes, lt , Js aUffCicnt cvltlcnco against him,
o' tho now town. Up tho steps from i. ,l"i0 I'"1t ,M 80,l,c n,llU! 0,lnl Il,,c9 j according to his own sworn state-
... ...........; , ..u .. uuauii un onl , tll0 Uusson cna0 to hnvo
nt Dnliillili r.a. j . u lli., ..... I I '
in imimuii niiuiu mr ii iiiiiu, iiutur'j-
Ing to tho North Ilcnd parties, Mr.
Kruse figured on locating.
Machinery Sold.
Nothing lms been done with tho
North Ucnd Pox factory which Man
ager Kern sold to tho Southern
Pacific when the company bought
Oakland Mnttcm Down Venice In 10
Inning llout I Icon and Seals
Piny 12 Innings
tho now depot ono Is greeted by a
rush of "up and doing." There Is a
restaurant and a drug storo comple
ted and this week will sco many
more, and where stores aro lacking
optimism fills tho gap.
HuslncKs IIowmhi Kvciywhero
Gcorgo W. Craig, former proprlo-
4ni nt Mm T1ll.i1... Tfltl 1. r.n1l.. t.H..n
:" ",.rr.i 6 ,.lil factory site as a right of way.
now conducts tho Cagnon restaurant, Mr Kofn lotnncd lh(J yoneer
a two-story framo structure on Main
utreot. Fifty feet away is tho Busy
Corner Drug Storo, already doing n
thriving business.
On tho other sldo of tho samo
hlock, Spencer and Shelley, of Myrtlo
hi in extradited if lt Is necessary.
Howover, ho explained thnt his sud
den exit tho first tlnio was owing to
a misapprehension, ho having become
frightened when ho heard District At
torney LHJeqvlst prosecuting the
Qulgley case. Other Witness,
A man named Myers from Oregon
City, who was summoned as a wit
ness in (ho Itusscl case, has been hero
a few days. It has not been reveal
ed what tho nature of his evidence
wns. It wns supposed that ho would
l7 Associated I'rts to Coos Bar Times 1
W. L. P.C.
San Francisco . .18 14 .RC3
Los Angeles ...19 15 ."9
Salt Lnko 1& 14 .517
Venice 11 II .'.00
Portland 13 10 .4 18
Oakland 11 18 .43S
machinery and It Is understood that
tho Inttcr has been sold to Califor
nia parties. Tho Swnyno & Hoyt
pooplo and L. J. Simpson wore fig
uring on buying tho Kern box fac
tor plant from tho Southern Pacific I testify largely tho same as Pontlnnd
Point aro erecting a two story gener-but nothing definite lias been done PJt wMPn ,l wna announced that tho
nl merchandise store. On tho other yet. With the latter wns to n.ivn Urnnd Jury had continued tho Itus-
rcrncr, W. K. Wiseman, of Marsh- ecno Kern's good will, which Is said 6i ca8 "nl" tne September term of
field, Is starting a furniture and , to bo n big asset In tho California ' col""t. tlio Impression was received
linrdwaro concorn. This week thero box shook market, ns tho products ,lint Myers had not proved a strong
will bo a moving plcturo house for of his North Bend plant found ready w,tia'S8 "gainst tho Ilussells, who
tho townspeople. Thero Is to bo a pale at higher prices than almost wero clinrKcd with poisoning Mr.
lnnk nnd n hotel, Minneapolis con-1 any other fnctory, ns ho had boon UuHHul,'s hrothor near Myrtlo Point
corns, It Is said. And this Is tho. timing out a suporlor quality box. " fuw ycars nG
ay mo town of Powers Is moving. Open lagging Itoml.
Back toward tho hills, but a little I Nelson & Weaver, who hnvo ta
dlstanco, Is tho bUo of tho now $18,-
000 school building now proposed.
Talk Is rlfo of an electric lighting
kon tho contract for logging about
eighty acres of Port Orford Will to
i Ccdnr on tho L. T. Mntthows ranch
systom, of sowers, of telephones nnd on South Inlet, hnvo Btnrted In
of n public water works. And with j work. They aro employing eight
tho spirit thnt nlrcndy has been shown men. Hitherto they hnvo sold mom
Powers will hnvo thorn. j of tholr logs from South Inlet to
At tho end of tho track, tho main tho North Bond mill, but It Is un
logging track, an eight stall cnglno dcrstood thnt thoy aro soiling ihls
liouso Is already built and tho ma- year's cut to tho C. A. Smith mill.
Besides tho Matthews trnct thoy aro
planning to log nbout eighty acres
of tho Boutin trnct.
chine shops aro now under way,
MoitIn itaiirh Astir.
But by no menus are all tho pco
plo In Powors. Across tho river, a
llttlo wny and thoro H a brldgo bo-
a. n it it ii 1 u n Mnppi.. ma ! a iHaaHM I
....u ....., B ,., ,ins. ,,.,.. . .. (or tno marvelous ninchlnes. N. A
ticcm uiviuca into neat ncro tracts '"1" " """' ,'yi "oino Hawkins, sales manager and right
in mi mm
Telling of tho constantly Increas
ing popularity of tho Ford cars
throughout the world nnd propnesy
Ing a continued lucrcnso in the use
which hnvo heon literally "gobbled"
up by no loggers
Dojc-iih of Xotv Hoiisoh
hand man of Henry Ford, has been
n.1.? . V. ' ttm ,' 'J'011 ln ' nxplalnliie tho company's great sys
wtmiliiy uricriiiNiii .it the lu.nie of ,um Portland whoro ho has been
!,..?"', ,,",,H,.Cox: " n.NS ,,llt- fipaiitlliiK a few weeks. Mr. Ilawkln'tt
(Ur AasoclatM Pith ti. Coot liar TimM.
POBTLAND, May .1. Joy reigns
supremo In tho Iloso City today. Port
land has risen from tho cellar, re
signing her placo to tho Oakland
Commuters: Tho Beavers have held
tho bottom of tho percentage column
for tho past threo weeks with hardly
n change. Fans hero say that the
locals aro on tho upgrade.
The scores follow:
American league
AC Chicago
Detroit 0, Chicago C.
At Cleveland
St. Louts 5, Clovclnnd 3.
At Now York
Philadelphia 3, New York 11.
At Boston
Washington-Boston: wet grounds.
National League1.
At Brooklyn
Boston 4, Brooklyn 1.
At Philadelphia
Now York 2, Philadelphia 4.
At Pittsburg
Chicago 3, Pittsburg 1.
At St. Louis
Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 0.
Ccwust League.
At Portland it.
Los Angeles 3
Portland n 12
At San Francisco n. II. K,
Salt Lako 3 0 2
San Frnnclsco 4 7
At Venice n. H,
Vonlco jo
Oakland ....' 3 s
(Ten Innings.)
See window display
Suits that are tailored right
Suits that are priced right
Suits that carry the makers' and
our guarantee for one year.
Notice the patterns and prices.
15, $1 7
Worth from $3 to $5 more
ps-0, $25
.ome uv
fiTT fHtvi rm if e nr fr tt 4-r AnlA.
tiy mcui V, u w yww iu wtuiuc wnemer or not
on these special suits
MYltTMl roiVT
?s and Brooks; Hlggonboth- ? 'i',"1! compliment to Attorney j. T.
ninoi,i ii ,. , 1 Hal1 "' ndjouinlng court for one
olesklo, Leonard, Kcofo and ll0lir ,,,, tho flernl servk.CSi A
, ""' """ , planted jeai-n. .'I he funeral wis Held this mTH nr ..' , "-Virn ni.,i wi.orn
vino, and flower aomo or tho tnicl. -""' .. H..UII. Oh llltcr , nnnro 'b'sohUhls Si g'lsa"
Jinvo been plowed nnd harrowed nnd lum,l,J- . . 1 nc U. Tower, tho local distributor of
Jnnt trees plnnted In orderly rows.
Gordons nro ovorywhero. I JUDGE SPEAKS llI
urnnH?0i-ra Tr TA ihr FAV0R 0F SHERIDAN
niio. jio is a man of nbout flO.
years. For 33 of these years ho lmn
lived on tho Conulllo, 12 of which
woro spent In logging. Then ho
liought tho 320 ncro ranch nnd set
tled down to farming and cattlo rais
ing, Tho road mum nn.i .n.1,1.,1 i.i
Plnco In hnlf aim still bo .. in...."l0,"K w,,'1 ll" ixix'd Hentence, men-, month nhead of tho allotcd tlmo.
innnT. " " "" HU" " ,,nB " ,n,K. tlon of which was miido In thlx imDCr I C-oiibonucntlv every nurcliasor diirln.
1 -t n . .. (Saturday, in fact It Is tho general be-1 the past year will recelvo n share In I
lm imV .11 , ,hKU" "I JlllrB- xow "''' ll"' I"1"'' will bo Homo arrango-! l"o profits of tho stupendous busl
jio nns 1110 big general store on incut wheieby Mr. Sheridan will nov- noss. It Is probable that thl8 rebate
tho Morris ranch. B. II. Hiulth.j '' ho called upon to servo tho son- will amount to $50 or $60.
if Marshflold, has Just put ln tenco. Tho following Information ro- "This profit-sharing sum, which
umuur iiui. i aero is another I gniiiing uie caso Is given by nttor-iu ninnunt 10 nbout $ IS, 000,000
further down tb niri.. m,.ii....... , ey J. W. Bennett. Is charged against advertlslnc. snld
of Myrtlo Point, ban a om nn.i . T- " Slierldan was sentenced on Mr Hawkins. "So will tho $18,000,-
llllr.l tinll t 1......1 ... , .. i
Kpix'SMN Opinion When Passing
KviiIcih-o that ItanktT Dill Xot
Intend lit Do Vi-mg
.ludgo Itudkln In the federal court
In Portland expressed his belief that
T. It. Sheridan Intended no wrong
tho Ford cars has Just received tho
lonowing Htntoiuont given out by Mr.
Hawkins In Portland;
By July l Mr. Hawkins declares
300,000 Ford cars will lmvo been sold
slnco August 1, 1014. When tho'
Orel officials set their mark for 12
months nt 300,000 car8 thoy didn't
dream of tho Kuropenn war which
cut thont off from sales of 40,000
cars, but novertholess thoy aro now
certain of establishing tho record a
lu'11 cnillilu .if Hut liiiUi-liiimit 1...
A butcher shop lrt on the, .ludgo Itudkln to crn a term of five
yearn on each count, the terms to bo
Mrs. Utterback, whoso husband si'ived concurrently
l.M( I 111 lllun .rnt'.i .it
iiiuituninn on tbo road
t-overal weeks ngo, now
000 of profltH shared among tho om-
i'iuji-8 01 cue various fnctorles and
branches. This, together with tho
i.iiuu,uui) virtually Bven away by
Mr I.f.l ...l.akt ... it. .
neut uitio rotaiirnut on tho Morris
ranch. 8ho was well treateil by
hoth tho coiniuiny nnd Kb employes
and tho building was erected for hor
hy Frank Morris.
Henry Shroodor coudnrts tbo Cns
ion moving picture house, -.ostor-
day bis jiIiicq was used for a danco
unu 1111.. 1 .l11' a,K0 KM0 'll0l) ! within Mr. Ford when he reduced tho prlcea
, wuh tMiiiti ( whirh to extend the testimony Into j on his cars at tho start of tho year.
, conducts a j long hand and prepare tho bill of e- makes a total of $.11,000,000 that ho
nnd all afternoon was crowded by i ho due. nnd probably wan due, to tho
luuciwora or tno ligbt fantastic, some im Hl10 um owainod In tlie early
c option for nppeal. has spent on this Indirect ndvertls
iho Judgo in passing hcntouro "'K
stated that he had listened voij care. Xo Competitor to Foul
fully to the evidence In the cam nnd "Mr. Ford was not forced to do
It grow on him as the evidence pro- this by competition, for ho had no
KtessiM that tho defondaut was not competition either hero or abroad.
Kiillty. "Now It Is no longer a question of
Ho tinted that tho hanking moth-'how many Fords we can sell, hut
od of tho defeudeut wore verv looso rather how many can wo Imilii Ami
and Irregular, but he wild thnt might ! '"'M yonr our output should run ns
un na iiuii.uou CITh. Kill l nniv
Coast lA'ague.
At Portland it. H. R.
LoH Angolos !ill 3
I'ortintid 0 4 3
am, Cov
At San Francisco U; H. R.
Salt Lnko 1 c 2
San Francisco 1 G 3
Hall and Holier; Hannah, Fanlng
land Sopulvcdn, Schmidt. Called nt
end or 12th Inning on account of
At San Francisco It. H. R.
Salt Lnko niO 0
San Francisco 2 8 1
'Williams and Hannah, Bnumgnrt
ner, Couch and Schmidt.
Xo gamos nt Los Angeles on ac
count of rain.
American league.
At Cleveland
Clovolnnd 7, St. Louis 2.
At Chicago
Detroit 4, Chicago 3.
Xatlonal league.
At St. Louis
Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 3.
At Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh 1, Chicago 7.
ukspkct shown' for lath
.mi:miii:u of tin: iiau
ludgo John S. Coke Pays Honor ami
Adjourns Circuit Court. Sends
Jlamliome Copy of Oi'it.-i'
of .lnmes T. Hull, Ksq., for n period sorvlco but, If servW brpiMkutt
of one hour, from the hour ot two 0r by personal ,crvlceol.lj,rfto
o'clock p. 111. on tho :10th day of a,. ' 1 ,, ,
April 1015, to the hour of tliroo stnto of OKon, you shilltppmu,
o'clock p. in. or the snmo day; thnt nnswer on or before the kitty
nil and snudry fiinetinns of the Court , of tho time prescribed Inthecrit
cease nnd stand adjoin tied for such
period of time ami that 11 copy of
this order attested by the clerk under
tho seal of this court ho delivered
to tho family or the deceased.
John S. Coko
Circuit .liiduo
Judge John S. Coko Friday paid April 30, IDl'i.
Holil. It. Wntson, Clerk
special order of court was Issued nnd
J. C. Kendall was appointed n spec
ial officer of tho court to bring a
speclnl copy of It to Mrs. Hall Fri
day ovonlng. It was ns follows:
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato
of Oregon In nnd for tho County of
Court order proclaiming a tem
porary adjournment of court during
Mhby COAL. Tho kind YOU lmvo
ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72. Pacific
Mory and Transfer Company. '
for publication hereof, to-vlt, la
7, lOlfi.
If you fail to appear tidunt
said complaint as above reqo!rd,tic
l'lalutirr will tako Judgtcent ifibt '
you for want thereof and illl ?;!j
to the Court for the relief dtzuM
In his complaint a succinct ia'
incut of which Is,
That ho he granted i.ltatttf
dlvorco from you;
Thnt ho ho awarded the cire, t
tody and control of ihe m'ecr cl
dren of tho Plaintiff and Defeiiiit
Servlco of this lumnom Ii v!
hy publication pursuant to is tfJ
In tho Circuit court of tho Stato
of Oregon In ntu for Coos County.
II. A. Ki'Ott Plaintiff va. .'vn' .... ... .. .-v- b n.i. nrt
tho obscntllCH nt .Inmnu T. Hnll ,ll U'l " . . ' "w" " lion, jonn o. ,..,-
ceased. iat0"' -,c""-
Whorcns on tho 27th day of April I hVft Scolt' tho nljovo "mct,
191C, Jns. T. all, Ksq., a mombor Bofendant.
of a highly respected nnd honored I In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon:
ZyrlSSXFC&&W "r '-ohy require,, to appear
long standing and oxporlenco boforo n1"1 nll8Wcr tho complaint filed
the Bar of tho Stato of Oregon and I nB"'nst you herein within ton dnys
for many years an houornblo and from tho date of tho sorvlco of this
Isilliltllitattliia nfl n ill
",v"u"l uiwi-ur 01 II1IS COlirt. silllimoilR lino., vn.. If cnrvn.l wltllln
XTnut llmpnfniin ll l !...
uw iiiuiviuiu. u is uruuv nr. hi
dered by the Court that court bo and "' , co"m or- " sorvca within any
tho samo Is hereby temporarily nd- ot"or county of this btato, then within
Joiirned during tho funoral obboqulesitwonty dnys from the dato of such
ludgo of Coos County, Or0,M
order hears dato of April 21. 1W
and directs publication herfctUtSi
Coos Bay Times once each i( I"
a period of Six Weeki.tkellnljsV
Hcatlon thereof to be atUatt
2Hh clay of April, 1915,
Attorneys for PW
First publication, April H. ':
and last publication, My .
daxci: IS
Fords are can Mug ono-half of tho
ot them not so light as others but !.'VB 1 lm"K,l"K '"tsluws. On ono ; license tags In tho united States and
nil l.nd a good time "''i1?,1'? hiU,, .'l0 ? ,I.onrl' , I m,r fn1!lor" ,H KiiRloml builds more
1 . 1 . . ,. mid that was that tho defendant nov-1 fni's thnn all the other plants of
ah cut) long, A. H. Powers wns er Intended to wrong or defraud any Hughum combined."
beeelged with visitors uim i.mninip.i. one.
lieselged with visitors who bombard
'd him with volley nfter volley of
quostloiiH. (lood nnturedly ho nua
wored them nil. Ho lmH great nlan
ior uis town and furtherniore
bays thoy are Knng through.
Hereafter thero will bo a regular
train sorvlco to Powers. It will
kavo hero ovory morning nt 7: 10,
waking tho regulnr trip to Coqiilllo
nnd Myrtlo Point, and continuing cm
to Powors. leaving thero nt 10:30 u.
Tho Judge further said that ho -,,.
question of guilt or innocence was a ' PRISONERS TO GO
question for the Jury and not for tho jn DCMiTtrniTiAnv
Judge nnd while had bo been on tbo U rtp LNT ARY
bo iu," he never would haie agreed to I
nniui 11 tuiciic-i 01 Riiniy, still it "i-i iiaiicr iiiiiiaiilson Will s
w.iis onlliel) within tho province cf slst "eput) Ijtiul on Trhi to'
the Jury to say whether the mnn a S.ilem.
guilty or not guilty, It did not seem nm,.- ., 1 ,
10 nun tnni it was within hU prov-, i . " " 'V',,""" '" nils morn-
nice 10 set tno verciict aside.
log or coutillle where vlVlCuy
S norm Laird, he Is 'to lease his
ntornoon er the stage o,, 0
Mai-sliflelil Man Is Safe In A
.Mexican Itnncli
Becently loiters wero receed at
HOhonurg trom (1. S. Ijico
of that place, who complal
Wo wish to publicly thank our
many friends, who, by their words
und letters of syinpnthy, made our I w"s confined In prison In
leop grief onslor to boar.
aloo thankful
flowers nnd for
vlco of prlvnto ca
......... 1, .,,.. ... ,.. . ..,
M i"I ?m. imwiiB lurineriy oecn uriugo lore-
m 1 , " man 1,0'0 on tho local railroad.
i iT.nv licit
O..U.V Uit,ll, , x, .. ,.,,,,.., ,.,....... , ....
M. '... . ..i.ft.,.-. ril.
11, Robr, for the s ato p.,
ite tl v nt 80I..IH. taking over sev
oral pi boners thnt have been son-tenc-ed
during the last week.
.wiiuilK IIIO number Will bo Hnrrv
'I.,l.i . 1-
1 IHOUSIHr nf M-.rol.l'
y, formorly , oumler So cu tsm r ''$- 0 -,.? . u
ned thnt he claimed to h.n, 1 .." ., .! .'.? ' ' ,l .ls
MeMcoand the b. Tim n, . V : ' "
ti'im tn iiim.-t.i .. nitiiia....i....a.. .. ii ---. .- ii 111 nt innii
'. .. - ' "o "l it"wu 111 l uiiiiuiiiiii'tiiM Willi kiH'kiru .Ij... 1.... . '
u UIUjiIA trtWi.lm ,.rll..l, , . . I "" UJ IIUl rillllrt llimlr
for tho beautiful aVa.o" an ' , " , V "iZ " I!!1 .? 1'' r-- another
tho generous ser- buri: that I.ucev 1. not 1,. ..i-is 1..,. ' .-.. .,..ou,ul b','' -ird, Chief
rs at tho funeral. Is employed on a ranch In Mexico. knew uothin.. IV Jm -U. lJm-a ho
1 uim Lacey Is wel known In Marshflold '" '"' laicin
Xoith lteiul Order Gives Annual May
Day Itall nt ICckliofr Hall fsitur-
day Xlglit
Tho danco given by tho members
of Nest Xo. 1045, Order of Owls,
ot North Uond Saturday night was a
great success. Tho affair was at tho
Fckhoff hall and was well attended.
An orchestra furnished music for
dauclng which continued until n late
hour and thero wero qulto a number
who attended ns spectators and occu
pied seats In tho gallery.
Tho dance was In chargo of a com-'
mltteo of tho 0wl8 composed of Dan '
.McDonald, Mlko Snndlno, T. j. Hart-1
man, Albert J. jjeyar nnd w. L Co-1
voy. Tickets wero sold at tho door1
hy H. T. Tllley and Peter Logglo act-1
ed as door keeper. 1
This was the soventh annual Mav
-.. - "
way eunco or the ordor. The moin
iers givo two dances every year, one
on May Day and one 011 Thanksgiv
ing, nnd arrange other entertnlnmont
features through tho summer season
The lodgo has been organized soven
years and now has a membership 0f
150, and Is one of tho strongest fra
ternal orders on tho bay.
Fisk Red Top
Bicycle Tires
$2.75 $3.10
We Repair
Inner Tubes
When It's Time to Re-Tire
Times' Want Ads
rnnVlUb.0WLt.Ch f h0 Fa,r Stro IS
enttenl fh home today by a sev
ere attack of la grippe.
grocery R
'f you pay more than Fisk prices you pay for
something that does not exist
Fisk Disfrihntmc Qnutlmrocrarn HrfiCOn.
G0RST & KING QARAGF. ic.nitr p. uau ocr.vnr S. Q. WHIg2
ni.ii. r ' ,- imiiii iv viiiu 1 l.ul.11 1 .j ainaiu
oanuon -r-
North Bend Agents.
Coquille Agents. .
! --nT . . ... -. T--Btj 'lAiin 1 1 ---- "