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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1915)
'J'll ' TI& " r ' ISHfajW1' V' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE -ITT - w, DO IT NOW! . i What? Order a Telephone. it Why? Because a new di is beinci rectory n II b I i s h e tl this month. YOUR NAME should be in it. Don't you know a business man cannot be consider ed IN business un less he is available for instantaneous communication with the 3000 telephones in Coos County. Let people know where they can find you. The telephone di rectory will tell them Call 27 for informa tion and rates COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONED). First Nat. Bank Big. First National Bank Building fcj. H. GRIFFITH Glasses That Please i&'rsrs T0R1C LENS OUR BEST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated C005I 10 Over LiiiiiIo'n Drj uooil-i Ktoro WESTERN LOAN AND t BUILDING CO. Z Assets $2,340,000.00 t ' ! Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer i 44 Marshf ield-Coquille Auto Stage Leave Leavo Coiiullle A.5I. 7:00 i:()() 11:00 l5i: l:no it: oo (::!( 7:!io Oh I Plminmcy larshriclil A.SI. ';,.() N::io 11.00 P.M. lillll iliOO ri::io 7:;jo UAItSliriELD-COQUILLE AUTO STL; TIME SCHEDULE Silicdulo airiuiKed to connect hltll he lis to Uaudoll, Stnes to P')illo Point, WnBiier, Ctebui;. i ilelayb. 'oie fnnii .Mai.sliflclil to CoiiiIlle: 75 cents, Sl.i;j,. - LniiiU-tli. Prois. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. M Cimmercial & B'dw'y AT PAMPBELL'S WOODYARD mtu Kroat Htrsol, Pilous 7a. !J-SCinE C A. 1L liODGLVS J larshfiplH PA,NT AND 1 tlniatei Furnlsbed ne j io.R. Murhhfleld. Oregon fMlTH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. 3r Fancy and Domestic CHINA DRY 1 "Some Style" will be your remark when you see the new shapes and patterns we're showing in men's $5 to $7 footwear. $6.00. If you will come to us for your Spring shoes or oxfords we'll see that you get the style and the comfort which Florshoim shoemaking has made it possible for us to i;ivc you. The Florsheim shoe has that pleasing indi viduality of style that best suits men of your caliber. Woolen Mill Stores two stores .marsiiiield north ciind V " ' " A fre-di supply of that CLl I! AND WHITE ENAMELED WACI! Just received. IhKl'-clx, waio at VEItV LOW PCKUIS LOOK IT OVKIt IT WILL PAY YOU PIONEEC IIDW It. CO. Marslillelil North Ileiiil -r .M.imn... Ml .iu.... ....... PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. G. Butler CIVIL ENfJINEEC 'ltoom ::ol Coke IJIdK. Phone 1 Ifi-.L Itesldfiict) Phone 128-L. H. H. Harper HOUSE CUILDRC 1 Uoneral RopnLIug and Cabinet MbVIiik. , i?bono S49-J. I. M. Wright I'lione 188-H, CUILDINa CONTKACXOC Estlmatoa furnished on requett Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Xoso unrt Throl. nrassES rrwuw OR. MATTIE II. SHAW Diiionie8 of Women Mini Children Office Phone 330-J. llooins 200, 201 202. Irvlug Clock Seninmin Ostlind CONSULT! M. I niNKRC AND AKCIHTIiOT Offices, 206 Irln Clnek ! JLono 103-L or 217-J. I Usi-shfleld, Orejoi . G. Chandjer AllCHITKOT (oouis 301 nnd 302, Coke Bulldlag. Uarsbfield, Oregoa Wm. S. Turpen. AUCHITRar Marshflsld, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND ITACnEH llesldence Studio, 217 No. Third M Phone 388-U New Models ... "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "nNYY" and "CADET" HOSE I S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend - HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. ' X-Wiawlasfn SsvIUUbVMI "tOGAk WEATHER FORECAST Dt AwocUIH rri to Coo Dij Times. OREOON Fair, Northerly winds, LOCAL TE.MPERATURE RECORD For tho 21 hours ondlns at , 4:43 a. in.. May :!, by llenj. Ostllnd, apodal go eminent O meteorologist: Mnxlimitu 00 Minimum At 4: i:i a. in 1 1 Precipitation none Precipitation bIuco Sept. 1, 1011 oo.O'.i Precipitation same period Inst year G2.40 i0 Wind: Northwest, partly 4- cloudy. 4 1 Coy Seoul Committee. Thorn will j I bo a mooting of tho Hoy Scout eoin- inlttee (his evening at 7:30 at the I office of W. A. Cold on Front Street. j Oiled lis Witnesses. A. .1. Men- dol, of the Hub Store; 11. A. Copple, 'of (he Golden Uule, and 11. A. Hur- ! rls, of the Parisian, left shortly tif- ' ter noon today In it speclal'mito for , Coiiullle whero they wero called as witnesses In the Austrian forgery i uses co in Inn up there today. Ccrrliv. Clpc Will Elekworth canio In from Mllllcoma today and brought lii quite a few rlpo straw berries iiud wild salmon berries to show that tho season Is far In ml nin e. Another few dnyg and he will have lot8 of strawberries. Tho vinos aro heavily laden. I Are Obsticpei'oiis Henry Sam son, claiming no rotation to tho! man who waved the jaw-bone, wuu-j i tiered out on Front strept Saturday I afternoon In u wavering roudltloifvl t ami was immediately 'picked' ini'l iirouKiu in oui oi mo rain, nc ieit, it fiver r.s a reiiieiuberanco for the Kencrnl Jrinl. Frod Sanborn made a ln liar offer for IiavlUK been uU orderly. Hpuortli Lenmic L'leclx. The mi nimi meetlnx or the Kpworih LcaRiio was held Friday evening and offlcors fo'r tho year elected. Clmrlos II. Uayniond was elected plosldont; F. 10. Kosb, first vice-president; Vora Harris, second vlcp-presldent; Mrs. F. E. Cobs, third vice-president; E. 1 Holt. fiuirtli vIcH.iirenlilfinl llnrn .Crown, secretary; I). Leo Cyerly, trensniei" Mm. 1 " llnau. nricnnlal! F. A. Sacchl. i . W: .1. David j Leppert was voiod in a now liiem i her. Tho new orflcuis will bo In stalled at the moetlng on 5Iny 10. 5lo'o .Mluo Machinery. Consid erable new machinery Is belli In stalled In tho Smith-Powers' inlno on Istlimim Inlet, and as a result the output of coal will be slightly I Ineronst'il with only about half tho payroll. Mr. Hennessey said that he would Iihvo only about twonty flve men on the force lifter this week. Tho output now Is chiefly for the Smith Company and Smith Powers supply and for the local market. Mr. Hennessey Is now op crating tho mine under louse, New .Man on ProKrane llncatiso of the absence of E. 0. Perham, who Is in Cuuilou and Curry County, A. It. (ildley, city eiiKineer, has con sented to take his topic. "Construc tion or Permanent Coads," at tho Fellowship Cauuuot on Tuesday night. C. It. Peck will nlso talk on the legal phases of bonding Issues , for permanent loads. Word from the ticket rommlttoe Is to the offoct that sales are being- rapidly made and there will proiiRiny ie more pre sent than at the last meeting when 70 sut down to the chicken iiravy. Tlturu will tirfihuhlv Iim nnu oilier 1 meeting of the club this yeur, sc- cordliiK to John C. Kendall, presi dent. Cuilcd Cats, WautN Pay. "Forty-five cats have lost their liven down here" was a inMsage that Uume Into the police atatloji a pie of days ago. Officer Richard sou blinked his eyes a couple of times. He couldn't Imagine 45 , dead cats all In- a row. Hastily ho wu.t out on South Croadway to the I place dttitgiiftted aud there In a I buck shod found five cuts, all wit) jthulr toea turned up toward Heaven. Thla wasn't right he know, for tho j message had mentioned nine times I that number .and then he grinned. ,"NIuo lives to each cat. Five catr. 'Five times nine makes ).'." Offhr l Rlchnrdsun burled the unfortunate felines and n hi, a bill of 2.r0 ,0EPHEUM ''Where Motion Pictures Look Better TONUillT Monila.i Tuesday 1 COVETED HEIHTAd'E In three reels. You'll like, thla ' drama from the Ualboa factories. iOCCINt; THE I'OCCE Comic. PATHi: NEWS CovctiiiR Hie world on latest Items of nteie.-)t TCONDHJK51 VMAA CeauHful Mi'iilc mill ((liicollonal ' I t3 1(k hlblli II. '.c . I.IMW.U Jl'M: vs. i 1 1 l' ahown ,. , V i 1 " sdiiv n-llonl.. tin-, ii(,k. I ' . Jim i ut ,i i ,i i i lii t i I ..1..1 1 a . " ' llitrn tilK pi' - t r. c '. n t w U Ml a i. o,t lit. rcatliK Pi' u c In l i .it-! unu mi do a wo' 1 of p od It wottt.y ot jour laartlcst bupjv - T '..KlillM AlKtt 1 the property, mals. Anderson, ownei c! for bin. villi; Hie au - IS C.WKIUPT Loial Shoo Mini Tiles IVtlllon Willi S 1,000 Liabilities August Hciidrlckson, who opened u shoo shop In this rlty, today flli'd a petition lit bankruptcy. Tho liabili ties arc placed at $1,000 and the as sets will reach almost Unit amount. WILL SHIP CAII.S MiKurlitl for Sliisluvv .Ictty to Conto ti Florence llnoMVitlllir ill. Ctltal.iu Dft'aK IaMi ,work tho Slusluw Pilot says: , It la learned from F. E. Leefe, tT. s. Junior Engineer, In charge of Hie harbor improvements for .fcj tho Slusluw, that tho Government I Intends to ship to this location all of the rails necessary to coniplet" 1 both Jetties at the mouth of tin j river. On tho last trip or the Pntsv Mr. Leefo received about tons Aiot rails and lie ovpeits more soon. TODAY STARTS MAIL ON NEW SCHEDULE ('limine of Train Service. Ciiiim' Leaves- Here at 7:10 A. 51., Co tutiiliiK ut U!::i.s P. .M. . Changing of the regular train service to tho Coqiilllo Valley has cccr.floned a change in tho mall tchediil starting yesterday. Hereafter tho morning mall for Kosobui'K and outside points will leave as usual at 7:10 n. m., but tho mall that formerly canio In here at 10:20 a., in. is now delayed until 12.3S p. in. This Is hecnuse of the through sorvlco of this tniln to Powers. At 2:20 tho afternoon train leaves .darshfleld for Couulllu an. I , Mnlo Point .returnlnn with louil uinll at 5:31 p. in. PERSONAL MENTION " mi. .i. u. i;riiimii;i;. or tne star ranch, returned today cm the Elder. THOMAS It. SHKUIDAN canio home today on tho Elder from Portland. JIUS. IDA CONK A J) tamo back from . . Portland today after several weuks visit thore. FKEd'vEUINO was hero today from his ranch on llayuos Inlet. UEACIil'It CUOl'CIl ,waa ft visitor hero today from his homo at Hnyuos Inlet. I MS. 51. E: EVICUITT, of North Cond Is llOIIIO aftor III I OXteildod Visit In Portland. 51 US. .1. C. 5IcCULLOCII was down today fronriliiyiius Inlet on a shop- IiIiik trip. TO.M LAWHOItN. of Allegany, was down this mornliiK attending to some shoppliiK. OEOnCE NOAC'n canio down from Allegany today on his way to Tar Heel whore he will resume his old position. WESLEY NOAH was a Marshflold visitor today from his homo at Allogany. It. O. LANDItlTH was u visitor In tho city yesterday from hlu Coos Klvor iiiucli. N. A. NELSON, paymaster of tho IlMiser & Ilausur company tit LaktMilde, was down yesterday. W. S. CHANDLER is down today from IiIh home on Coos River attending to some business mat ters. SHERIFF ALFRED JOHNSON re turned yesterday to tho county scat aftor coming hero Saturday lilght with several subpoenas. J. P. .MORRIS was In Marshflebl to day mi business. He has Just orect ill a temporary home on his prop erty In Moulevard Park, North Mnrshrield, and moved his family theie from North Cond. Olio of hi sous hug been In poor health and the move s to benefit his healiU. eu-,,AUUV nASCUCH will' leave In the morning for Coijullle where he ha been sumiuuned lor jury service. He was to have gone over today but got exc iucd on account of bin family planning to leave on the Speedwell for the south. However the Spoedwell will nut sail until tomorrow afternoon. (IhlOCGK ROTNOR motored down to the Capo Arago lighthouse yester day and state that the roads are In much better condition than he expected to find them. He did not haie to use inud chains and his Foul made It through without tho slightest difficulty. W. S. TUKPUN has returned from a week's stay at Powers. W. ISAACSON AND CORNELL LA (JERSTR05I left today for Ton 51 Ho to enjoy n few days' fishing. Isaacson said that the six-Inch llm I on the length of trout never bothered him as he never landed less than a thren-iinuuder. Immedi ately Cornell started looking for the place that Isaacson secured his fish scales. L. T. MATHKWS returned today from his South inlet ration. Ha raoently sent a large pleto of the peculiar mineral formation on his land to J. A. Ward, for exhibit at the Panama Pacific Exposition. His daughter, Miss Ruth, who has been vIsIHuk Lis son. Prof 51at tlowa at the University of Calif ornia, muy take up an art rouine tin ro. . V ... .... ...fA.I Tim Tlmfl.1 U'fltlf ,- SOt lL CAI.CNDAC MONDAY Piogress Club with Mrs. W. M. IJIuke. Young Men's Class with It. E. Irwin. TUESDAY C. W. It. 51. at Christian Church parlor. Ladles Hulld at (inlld Hall. D. 51. C. Club with .Mrs. Charles Williams. WEDNESDAY Swedish Ladles Aid with 51r. ,1. Ciickmuii. W. C. 51. C. with 5tra. Afi- lies Hutchinson. Crldue Club with 5Ira. II. Lockhart. Presbyterian Auxlllnry at the church parlors. Narcissus Club with 5IIss Clanche Tellersou. Prlsclllns with 5Irn. Archer. THURSDAY 5Ilnne-Wlrt Club with 5Irs. W. S. Crown. Eastslde SowIiik Club with 5Iri. j. C. Swnusnii. N. C. Altar (iulld with 5Irs. C. W. Olcr. Norwenlnn Lutheran, Y. L. A. with Mm. K. Erick- son. ' Rainbow Club' In Club House. A. N. W. Club wltli Mrs. E. Mlngus. FRIDAY M Friday Afternoon Club with 5lrs. 51. 0. Coloniun. Ladles Art Club with .Mrs. W. C. Curtis. C. Y. P. it. conrire party at Rev. Cassford's home. SATURDAY Auction CrldKo Club oven- Ing party with Mr. and 5Irs. A. O. Rimers. . ALKCT CLUC CANtMET , d Lust Thursday afternoon tho Alert Club ladles mot with Mrs. F. C. Rood fur their usual program uud social hburiind later In tho ovenliiK, wore Joined by tholr liusbandH, tholr chlldien and other special KUests to enjoy a big banquet. FollowliiB IH tho proKiain: Paper; ".Moving Picture ShowH and Thulr Effort on Children" 51ru. .1. W. Russull Paper; "The Human Volcu and Its Relation to llnppluosg and its Success." , 51ih. V. K. Rood. Vocal Solo: "O Lovely Flowers." 51rs. I 1). Rood Accompanied by .Mrs. V. IC. Rood Itlblo Story: .Mrs. .las. Nowllu At the clone of the program, .Mrs. Rood served delicious fudKe to tho members and visitors who wero: .Mrs. John Price, Mrs. 11. Pipor, Mrs. K. L. Heap, .Mrs. C. E. Larson, .Mrs. E. C. Darker, .Mrs. V. K. Rood, .Mrs. J. E. Noah, .Mrs. 0. I). Piper, Mrs. Jack Nowllu, .Miss OeJo'.McClay, Mrs. J. W. Russell or .North Cum! uud .Mrs. J, O. Langworthy of Marshfluld. Tho mnetlug was then adjourned and tho ladles were trans formed ri oni active club women In busy cook and began preparations for the banquet; and such a ban quet! At soven o'clock the fumllH uud friends arrived on tho launches, Allco II., Vim, lllunco and 5lllllcoma. The banquet room was n gloiloui sight to behold with its decors t Ions of out flowers, Its heavily ladeued table with covers laid for eighty two poo people, ouch plate graced with a choice rose favor. Aftor every appe tite had been more than satisfied, a "stunt" program was uiiJoyoJ. Vocal selections wore well rendered by Mrs. F. 11. Rood, the 51 Uses jHanotle Now. Un aud Evelyn Pipor and' then the mou of the party proceeded with their stunts as follows: "How a oy crleiVhen u hornet stings him" ...Abe Huoudurgardt "How a dude-wulki" ...".Ivan Noah "How I slug a lullaby to my grand daughter" f, it. Nosh "Book agent" Roy Lindrlth "How a man acta when lost In Jlarsufield" F. R. Rood "A doctor's visit to a ry sick pu- tlent" Harry Russell "A tip of the hat in tun different wavs" Noel Pong Men's churn- 'Ten laughs In tu different wjj James Now I In Alter the outburst or laughttr io Inwlug the uuinbors had ubUI. d, .Mrs. V. K. and Mrs, F. II. Rood sanx a very pretty duet ami Miss Esther Holmes contributed with a piano se- IftitlOH, At a late hour the merry crowd disbanded, every one declaring the affair to be a grand one. Among those present were; Mr. and Mrs- John Holm, Mr. ami Mrs, Jauies Nowllu. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry KiMat-ll, Mr and 5Irs. WItte, Mr. ami Mrs. J. K. Noah, Miss ilc Clay, MJss Jean Iuig, air. and .Mrs. C. D. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. eap. Mr. and Mrj. II S. Lawn, Mr. and Mi II Piper, 5Ir and Mrj V 1. ln.itl, Mr. anil Mi I: C Car l.r Mr and Mr Jamn Liudiltb, Mr iinl Mr Jtti 1 Nolln, Mr and Mit :utf'nu. .iir-i J o worthy, MIbsc., Lou.-.y Mahuff), Jcs t-c TTN .? nr -3KV. JcJauBsMf-ii! 1 J.JUilWi4i WuiabUiKI w&zwftmfoF O VH&9B ii -izt IX 8 No Reel Lines Through Our Old Prices Every Day is Bargain Day at the PENNEY STORE Because We Buy For Cash and Sell For Cash , 5leii's .ill silk neckties, '!.". nlm. Our price U:tc Mi n's all-Kilk neck-ties, 7."ic aluci. our pi be ."c Men's Cotton socks, blaik and t..n. :i mr -'"( val. Our price.. ."io C.uiMiH cloves. Il-o. knit wilttt, u i,c alne. Our price H 1-Jlc Ciii,ih hIom'w, S-o, knit wilst, ,! Tor ."ic Millie. Oui prici . .fie Cuckiord knit socks, no seams, l for :,? val. Our price, it for'iKIc Minn oxurnlls, !0c iilue. Our prho (ll)c Men's overalls, Jl.oo alue. Our price 8;lc Rest (imillty tubular slum lace, lOc ulue. Oui pi Ice. per doien ric Men's white liaudkurclilcfa. ; tor ;T.c value. Our price ." 5iens White Handkerchiefs. 2 for 2."i value. Our price, : for Mc SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Sheets, full slue. T."c miIuo. Our price :ie Sheets, full nl.o. CSp value. Our price lo Sheets, full slxe, S."ic value. Our price oc Sheets, full size. $1.00 value. Our prlco 70c Pcquot Sheets, full sUe. $1.10 nlue. Our prlco :Jc PILLOW CASES Pillow cases, full size. 15c value. Our price H l-:Sc Pillow cises, full sir.", 1 .c value. Our prlco 10c Pillow cases, full slito, 'JL'i value. Our price li l.up Pillow cases, full !?-, '.'S' vn'ue, Our prlco trie Pillows cases, full size, nic value. Our price 17 Utic Pillow cases, full size, 10c value. Our price 21c "We have come to stay and boost, never never to knock" "Ydu need us" "We need you" "Let's Boost Together" 9.-(h.ffien?zss (fi. ' , I ft DON'T BE MISLED They say WAR PRICES nro IiIkIi. Wo Hay OUR PRICES nro not IiIbIi mill WE CAN SAVH YOU MO.NEV us o carry no over head expense uud sno )ou (It lit u tlio cost li: HARDWARE, PLU.MCINd and FACM LMPLE.MENTS. which I.s to YOUR All. VANTAd'E.' Schroeder Qb Hildenbrand's Hardware Ocnornl repair shop. sic Ilecttlhorn, Esther Holm, Oina Holm, .leanette Nowllu, ICvelyn Pi per, Myrl Nowllu, Curyl Noah, Susan .Mahaffy, Agues Heuderxou, .Messrs Abo HuuudorKurdt, John Holm, John Johnson, Noel Noah, Ray Nowllu, Charles .Mahaffy, Cert Church, Lorou Hodsou, RiiHsoll Church, ErncHt Holm, Carl Holm, Lawrouco Holm, Ivan Noah, Reuben Henderson, Roy Liiiulritli, Ed. Larson, Herman Ed wards. The Utile children present wero: Alberta Russell. Uoano Carkor, WIN ma 51orKtiu. Adulltio Lursen, flraco Carkor, Leonard Rood, Pearl Rimsell, Ilownrd Rood, Robort Rood, Jack Pi por, uud Ueoi'KO .Iain oh Laudrlth, EARLY STRAWBERRIES Rosehurg claimed to have about the earliest HtrawherrloH this year, but now Drain claims to have beaten RuHohiiric a day mid u half In 4't tlitg out early fruit. M. E. LADIKS TAMALK SALE, WedneMlny ut'5L E. Cliuicli. E TONIGHT TONKCIT The home or PiirumoiiiitH and the highest class reatures. lixceptloually flue piogram of pho toplays. Vitagraph Croadway Star Feature "THE EVIL. MEN DO" A thrilling ami stirring story pro duced In threw parts of duplicity and deception. A powerful Impressive Ill ustration or the day or reckoning and retribution. Produced and played by MAI'RICE COSTELMl llourM ScIIk NevvN Plcloilal. Always Interi'slliig hums ot tho world. "THE HSPPi:.H.NCH OF EAR ICY WARRINGTON" A dctiitlvc slorv In two reels fea tiirliiu liiilli RoIiiikI. TILI.IP: AM) HER PLAIN PARENTS A rlp-nmrliiK (uiuedy that will tickle the ribs of aiooue. If you want to laugh mo this comic. SEVEN IM'EI.H ALL NKW NO RKPEATERS Loner P'liMir inc. Calcony Hie ('.Midi en He Reiiit'inber the big Paramount lea tuiu iiiMriti-rplcture "THE TVPIIOON" Will bi hhovMi Wudnenduy night only. QSjKSgESI hi HE HOME I AFFY MADE i AVERN CANDY We iii.iLo ho riuuiii II7H Central (, P"ouo KILL SAVE MONEY h) oiihrliis llm fuipoiis HENRYVILLE COAL , Nut ioal. i'i ton Wl.oo Lump roiil, per ton S."i.."il) j Of hall to i ul boll. SL7.T i D. 511 S.SON, 1'iop. i Phone IH-.I or I .ave oidei-k ut ' Hlllici's Cimu SI ore. ! 445 Phone 445 . fV.p?,Qpnpr SpfvifP. . IllXWW-j. v. ie THEATER n & ILliS Y 'fgVbPO A Plumbing. 0 I Along the Waterfront. I - , Lureu llodson bus been promoted to the captaincy of thb Mllllcoma dur ing the nbseiice'or Captain 11. E. Ed wards who Is InstallliiK a now outline In n boat just built and Captain Ott Is oiixaKCd with the sprliiK work nt AlleKiiny. U631T1 I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I'OR SALE A four lioiM'power ino tonycle, cheap, If taken ut ouco. Phone 53X. 4 . E.VPCKIENCED (CRfi wiiiiIh woilc, Ajldreas "S," Times office. I'OR RENT l-rooui fiirul.slicd flat, vacant Jloy 0. Apply 0 18 So. Uth streot, TiacilKR )K PIANO -CoglnnorH or ndvaiiced pujills. Mrs. Mlnnlo Drlscoll. Address 1CU Hall Ave. 'OR SALE Crouo turkey ;ttM fur hatching. $1.50 per sotting nine oggs. S. C. Rogers, 5lnrshfleld. I WANTED Piiviilo Parly WiiiiIh koimI iiuiko. must be reasonable. Address "IT' care Times. FOR SALE l''OR S.LI Ono pair (lurumii War bler canary birds. Addrexs boX "D" Times office or phone 13N CIV .MODEL HOI'SIC OHO tluco room Imnaalow, neat as wax; lot fenced aud lu lawn aud garden; all new. Owner must leavo city. V t quickly. . 8. Kaufman A Co. 'li'l Central Avenue. 1 FOR RENT t I'Olt ItLNT A modern five-room apartment, furulaheil or iinru" iiUIidiI, also u four-room furulsh od apartment. Phono Gl-R, R. F. Williams. FOR RENT I.Niilt Hal, Slid and Andorsoii. Phone Dr. Leslie. NEW APARTMi;NrS (JiKiil view, pUaaaul location; JHuey service, fuinuie hcut supplied, f 13 to $Jo. 1. S. Kaufman ft Co., 2ti Cen tral avenue, , I'd li KENT A modern uiuirtinent. filh aud Central. Steam he it Phone -I7-L. J. C. BvvmiMJ i. I'OR Ri:.T Jljillo Arms fiunl.sheil tipuiiiiii'iits, free heat uud water. ).'.' per mouth up. FOR TRANSFER AM) STORAGE HOUSEHOLD (.001)8 1 rclubt anil CuKKi;e, Call II-CM SON TCANSFEU Phone Ib.l. 4 Cobb me Plume lil-J- Mm kit uve. and Aatcrfront P w KR i mmamummm w vnama