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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1915)
umyauaaBHtattM i o T i. ii i.i. ?3,u ,r. :? oo: Lot 10. $3. go: v. .. en 0l t,ot - '"" ', .- . ... inv IT f.n 11. p. .MpK11S'1v '""' "" J 1.3 5 Hlk. 27, Lot 13, i n l'enuu" hot M. $3. GO; r.t 6, r $3 co Jot 16. W-G0 1,,k' 30' Ml1'01 7' laN H-"'. 1-ot 28, $U5. tnx$S,55. ' ' ' ,70; Lot 2, ?2.70. JnmM P. Morils, Hlk. 10, Lot 1, Mrs. L. Woodruff, Ulk. IS, Lot 3, , o Verbam, Dlk. 33, Lot 3, tax tax ? I.2S; Lot 2, $4.2S; Lot 3,, tax $S.5; Lot 4, tax $8.55; Lot 5, I' ' f4-S.: J'ot 4- -2S; Lot 5, $4.28;22.SOs Lot 0, $S.55; Hlk. IP, Lot n I'erhaw, uik. J'ot lux "'. . n i un- nik. 40. Lot fco;wi "'";. FtsGO, Lot 1 "'"" Hflliroi"" ...y -- men Mi"' 1I1K' il' """ 1'0' 10. ?i 13- r , j Cosinoy,, uik. i, . SS 1, L,t.nt IS. tax ?ia.w. SuiulT. Ulk. 22, Lot tuarlea 1 U llf ..!.. lMi.l,1R Tilt lU . ... ...1110. T f r. nv kot 21. tn, i-w -", . IS torenro Scploy, Ulk. 21, S. 20 ft. 1,1 35 tax $3i.ou. enry Sengstackcn Co., Ulk. 21, 0 ft of N- 5 . of Lot 35, tax g. enry Sengstackon Co., Ulk. 21, h Lot 40, tax s-'b.-u. yC narnum, Ulk. 25, Lot 7, tax JO! Lt S. $22.50. ;eiilo i:. Scott, Ulk. 2t, Lot ., J2S13; Lot S, $28.13. ertola '.. Hcywood, Ulk. 2C, Lot tax $rc 25. A. and It. M. Corthell, "Ik. 2!i, ;. 1. ux $12.38; Lot 2, $10.13. lohn rrcii83, Ulk. 38, llnd. 'j, Lot tax $11-25. , Wrlplit Wilson, Ulk. 30, Lot tax $4 "', Lot 27, $5.(!3; Lot $4.r.o ,1m Homlrlckson, nik. 40, Lot x $12.00; Lot C, $12.00. ;. I), Holland, Ulk. 41, Lot 4, tax 35: Lot 5, $10.35. lUtlicran Church, Ulk. 43, Lot 14, L13 95, Lot 15, $13.!I5. nima A. Kdmonds, Hlk. 43, W. it. of Lot is, tax; w. t.u ,f Lot 10, $4.2S; W. 00 ft Lot !i.S." i: IMmondff, Hlk. 43, Ji. so it. IS. ta $" 18: K. SO ft. Lot 10, 8; K SO ft Lot 20. $37.35. MmisIiI'IcM CiildfllM. ,'. n. YiTkH. Iot 5, tax $8.04. L. Cliurrh, Lot 8, tax $3. CO; '9, $7 20 Miirshllcld HcIkIiIk. lenry ScnKstnrkon Co., Hlk. s, 1, ta $1 75; Lot 2, $1.75; Lot 1.75: Lot 4, $1.75; Lot 5, $1.75; C, $1 75; Lot 7, $1.75; Lot 8, 5; Lot !, $1.75; Hlk. 3, Lot 5, 5; Lot 7, $1.75; Lot 8, $1.75; 5, Lot 1, $1.75; Lot 2, $1.75; 3, $1 75; Lot 4, $1.75; Lot 5, 0; Lot (J, $1.75; Hlk. C, Lot 1, 5; Lot 2, $1.75; Lot 3, $1.75; 4, $1.75; Lot fi, $1.75. olm Halln, Ulk. 8, Lot 7, tax 0; Lot 8, $2.10. enry .Sen&stacken Co., Ulk. 8, 9, tax $2.10; W. Vi of Lot 10, 5; Lot 11, $2.10; Lot 12, $2.10. nknown and unoccupied, Hlk. 8, i of Lot 10, tax $1.05. enry Sengtttnckon Co., Ulk. 9, 10. tax $2.10. , C. MurRess, Hlk 10, Lot 1, tax 5; Lot 2, $1.05; Lot 3, $1.05; 4, $1 05; Lot 5. $1.05; Lot C, 5; Lot 7, $1.05; Lot 8, $1.05; 9, $1.05; Lot 10, $1.05; Lot 11, 5; Lot 12, $1.05. WrMmi Add. Miuslifleld. uy l llarnum, Hlk. O. Lot 8, ?M2'. enrctt Trust Company, Hlk. 0. ft. of Lot li, tax $0.00. . A. Davis, 111 K. K, Lot 1, N. Vj r.8.25, X i of Lot 2, $0.30. :,i of Lot 3, $0 00; X. Vi of Let JPO; X j of Lot 5, $0.00; X. Vi ot C. $0 00. W Patterson Kst.. Hlk. R. Lot x$3S70; Lot C, $28.13. H HodKlns. Hlk. V. Lot G, $2S 5S, S. j of Lot 7, $4.28; of Lot 8, $0.53. sthcr M Turpiii, Hlk. 'A, Lot S, 1-3. ta $0.08; S. 1-3, Lot 9, 3; S, 1.1 of Lot 10, $4.95. SciiKMai-ken Add. Multifield. Ienr,' S-nsitnelscn & Co.. nik. 1. 1, tnx $2 14; Lot 2, $2.14; Lot 2.H. Lot 4, $2.14; Lot 5, $2.14; C. $2 14; Lot 7, $2.11; Lot 8, : Lot 0, $2.14; Lot 10, $2.14; 11. $2 14; Lot 12, $2.14; Lot $2 14 aniei p Morris, nik. G. Lot 9, $ -. Lot 10, $1.28. my S-ngstacken Co.. nik. C, 1. tax $1 35; Lot 2, $1.35; Lot 13". Lt 4, $1.35; Lot 5, $1.35; . $1.3'); Lot 7. S1.35: Lot 8, ""J In 9, $1.35; Lot 10, $1.35; H. $1 35; Lot 12, $1.35. A Sr-hibredo, nik. 7, Lot 3, i:s. 'V A H lmnro Till.- 7 10. J4 2S, u,!ut Brandt, nik. 9. Lot 13. tax oo lenry S"ngstacken Co., nik. 10, $1 3V- Lot 4. $1.35: Lot 5. s". I'" C. $1.35: nik. 11. Lot 1, '2 14; Lot 2. S2.14: Lot 3. Hi l.o 4, $2.14; Ulk. 13, Lot 7, l ; Lot 8. S1.3T,: Lot 9. 3': I.H 10. $1.35; Lot 11, $1.35; -. SI 3"i? T.nt 1.1 S13F.! Lot '!"": Ixit 17, $1.35; Lot 18, y ri'; 14. Lot S. tax $1.35: Lot H Lot 18, $1.35; Lot 19, l!arv Hlk. 14. Lot 20. tax ,'. Lot 21, $2 70. lenry Sengstacken Company, Hlk 't 1. tax $1 35; Lot 2, $1 35; 3- $135- Tvot 4, $1,35; Lot 5, "i nil- it t . 1 .- i nr.. ... IjI.L . LUA. ... MM. 11. i :t o u m in t a . .... not 2. $ Lot a i -. .Simirstiirl.iMi c.i. ,ii.. 1. 1... ... . . " "' ' IIIOCK ".." Hnnrv ,,, i . I, '""bBiai-itiMl 10., UIK. 2, nut a, lax ?::.S2; Lot 9, $2.82. J Hay view Add. Mnrshflcld. I "Uilourand & Kennedy, ink. Lot (1, $4.28; Lot 0, tax $3.3S; Lot'1' tax $S.55; Lot 2. $S.55. ,-' Ij0t U' r,-SSi Lot 12. $3.S; Lot 13, $3.3S; Lot 14, $3 .3S; Mt n,, $3.38; Lot 10, $3.38 Hols, Add. Mafslifleld, K. I. Perkv. TriiKlnn. Illti- r.o. i $1.25. ' "f .. iiv, ui. 1. A. Herron, Ulk. C, tax $1.50. ' K. I.Perky. Hlk. D, tux $1.25. Hoiilcviiid Pink. ' W. J. Itust. Hlk. 0. v. u. i) a tnx $!I.S0. " ' C A. Sehlbrcdp, S. u, Lot 4, tax! $9.80. , Hva A. Travor, Hlk, 7, S. 120 ft., ,I,ot 1 tax $11.40. ,nx ?-':is- i Ankn Xelson, Hlk. 1, !:. G5 ft. Lot J. U. Johnson, Ulk. 15, Lot 1, tax'0- tnx $2.S5. $3.3S; Lot 2, $3.3S. .lullu Munk, Hlk. 1, w. 57 ft. Lot Henry Scngstnckon Co., Ulk. 15, '9, tax $5.70. Lot .'I, tax $3.3S; Lot 4, $3.3S; Lot ' ChKimIh Swoml Add. Itnmloti. , $4.28; Lot C, $4.2S. , .lullu Munk, Ulk. 2, Lot 7, tax J. I). Johnson, Hlk. 15, Lot 7, tax'11'"'0? Vol. 45, page 522, beginning $I.2S; Lot 8, $1.2S. 'at n point 325 C-12 ft. N. 114 ft. W. Henry Scngstaokon Co., begin nt ,of to ,' See. corner on K, boundaries XV corner Hlk. 23. Houlevard Park(,t Kli. S. 25, Tp. 2S, SR. 15, run Addition to Marshfiold, run duo S. x- '- ., W. 100 ft., S. 42 ft., B. 323.8 ft. along W. boundary of Hlk.!100 ft. to boglnnlng, containing 1-10 23, to XW corner of 100 ft. strip , Acre, tax $1.40. d -filed to Olive It. Toye. thenco K.I South Handoii. along said X. boundary Toye's land I Harriet T. Crecnough, Ulk. 1, Lot to Interrtectlon ot W. line of Koosbayi1- tax $S.55; Lot 2, $S.55; Lot 3, Houlovard, thon XK along tho W. $11.25; Lot 4, $S.55. line or Koosbay Houlevard; XW A. M. Ulgne, 111k. 2, Und. 3-1, Lot along the S. lino ot Kuclld Avenue, i". tax $5.09. and W. along S. lino of Kuclld Ave-1 Woodland Add. Haiidon. nue, following boundary of said Uandon Woolen Mills, Ulk. 4. Lot block to beginning, containing 3.037 Acres, $31.G0. Oeorgo WatkltiB, begin at a point at tho Intersection ot Green Streot and Central Ave., In said Park, thenco W. along tho S. lino of a tract hold by W. C. Mcl'arland, a distance of 420 ft. more or loss, to a point, tho samo bolng on tho con- tor lino of Koosbay Houlovard, run S. 37 degrees 15 minutes W. 170 ft. 18.55; Lot 4, $8.55. moro or less to a point, tho samo be-1 W. II. Logan. Hlk. 11, Lot 5, tax lug In angle point In said Koosbay ,$31.35; Lot fi, $8.55; Lot 7, $8.55. Uoulovnrd, run S. 11 ft. to a point,, J. M. Upton, Hlk. 10, Lot 2, tax thonco K. 490 ft. moro or loss to .i,$'"-70. point, tho samo being on tho center lino of Central Ave., run X. 1 1 de grees 50 mlnutos K. along said cen ter lino of Central Ave. 1 13 ft. more or loss to tho placo of beginning, containing 1.7C Acres moro or less, tax $15.75. KooM'velt Heights. McClellan Inv. Co., Hlk. C, Lot 1, tax $1.05; Lot 2, $1.05; Lot 3, $1.05; Lot 4, $1.05; Ulk. 7, Lot 19, tax $1.05 Hunker Hill Add. Marshfleld. Mary Kllon Harry, nik. 1, Lot 27, tax $3.90; Lot 2S, tax $2.97. Julia Durrand, Hlk. 2, Lot 5, tax $3.90. II. O. Howard, Hlk. 3, Lot 4, tax $2.97; Lot 5, $2.97. Honnett Trust Company, Hlk. 11, Lot 21, tax $1.10; Lot 22, tax $1.10; Lot 23, $1.10; Lot 24, $1.10; Lot 25, $1.10; Lot 20, $1.10; Lot 27, $1.10; Lot 28, $1.10. .Mary H. Harry, nik. 12, Lot 22, tax $1.10; Lot 23, $1.10; Lot 21, $1.10. West Hunker Hill Add. Mnisliflclil. W. U. Douglau, Hlk. 1, Und. M, Lot 1, tax $1.SS; Und. , Lot 2, tax $1.88; Und. Lot 3, $1.88; Und. i,i, Lot 4, $1.8S. M. i:. Harry, Hlk. 5, Lot 3, tax $1.25; Lot 4, $1.25; Lot G, $1.25. Mary V. Million, Ulk. C, Lot 21, tax $1.50; Lot 22, $1.GC; Lot 23, $1.50; Lot 24, $1.50. August Horg, Hlk. 9, Lot 22, tax $2.97. fi. S. Floyd, Ulk. 10, Lot 20, tax J1.25; Lot 27, $3.59; Lot 2S, $1.25. Mary Florence Million, nik. 11, Lot IS, tax $1.25; Lot 19, $1.25; Lot 20, $1.25; Lot 21, $1.25. M. .1. Anderson, Hlk. 12, Und. 2-3, Lot 10, tax $11.24; Und. 2-3, Lot 11, tax $11.24. Flem Hargan, Hlk. 12, Lot 15, tax $1.50; Lot 10, $1.50. Mary F. Mullen, Ulk. 12, Lot 20. tax $1,50; Lot 21, $1.50. M. K. Harry, nik. 13, Lot 13, tax $3.90; Lot 11, $3.90. W. U. Douglas, Hlk. 13, Und. 1-3, Lot 13, tax $1.50; Und. 1-3, Lot 10, tax $1.5C; Und. 1-3, Lot 17, tax $1.56; Und. 1-3, Lot 18, $1.50; Und. 1-3, Lot 19, $1.50; Und. 1-3, Lot 20, $1.56. Mrs. W. M. Klohardson. nik. 10, Lot 3, tax $2.19; Lot 4, $1.25; Lot 5, $1.35. Uandon. note Hlngnman, nik. 4, Lot 1, tax $40.47; Lot 2. $11.25. Wm. ningaman, nik. 5, Lot 5, tax $25.65; Lot 6, tax $5.70; Lot 7, $4.28; Lot 8, $4.2S. Unknown, unoccupied, nik. C, part K. of Orois Creek. Lot 2, tax $1.43. C. M. Skeelg, nik. 14, Lot 0, tax $2.10. C. S. McUllocb, nik 16, Lot 1, tax $23.65; Lot 2, $11.40; Lot 3, $8.55. Anka Xelson, Hlk. 20, part of Lot 4, tax $14.23; part of Lot 5, $2.85. Julia Munk, nik. 20, Lot 0, part B. of County Road, tax $4 28. Wot Iliimlon. Martha M. naker, nik, 5, Lot 1, less C ft, alley, tax itv.vv; im -, $8 c5 J O. Stemmler, -Ilk. G, Und. . THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELU. A. II. Pcaolioy, nil:. 5, Lot 24. tax $". W. A. Hoover, nik. r., Lot 27, tax S4.2S; Lot 2S. $4.28. Adami. Hlk. 15, Lot 1, tax $o ns. Claude Woodruff, 131k. 17, Lot S, ,T- ,T Stanley, Hlk. 24, Lot 5, tax ?'.0: Lot (J. $5.70; Lot 7. $5.70; Lot N. $5.70. HiiKene O'Counoll, Hlk. 2S, Und. 1.3. T.nt "- tax $1.00. A. M. Crawford, Ulk. 2S. Und. 1-3. Lot 7, tax $1.00. W. .1. Itohrcr, Hlk. 40, Lot 7, tnx ?5.7oj Lot S. tax $5.70. Carry Kronholm, Hlk. 40, Lot 9, tax $5.70. Cintui-lKlit Add. Uaiulon. H. X. mid A. J. Whltmnn. TIR-. 1 2, tax $57.00 Loyd L. Hosa, Hlk. 5, Lot S, tax $10.00. Wm. Oalller, Hlk. S, Lot 1, tax $2.10. n. K. L. Hedllllon, Hlk. 8, Lot 0, tnx $45. GO. It. K. L. nedllllon, Hlk. S, Lot 0, tax $11.10 o's Hasmussen, Hlk. 12. Lot 1. tax J. H Olles, Ulk. 19, Lot 2. tax $1S.53; Lot 9, $1.28; Lot 10, $22.80. Uosa Stlllwell, Ulk. 28, Lot 2, tax $9.98; Lot 3. $7.13. H. Metcalf, Ulk. 34, Lot 5, tax $4.75; Lot S, $1.75; Lot 9, $4.75. J. J. Stnnloy Ulk, 39, Und. Vj, Lot 2, tax $3.71; Und. A, Lot 3, tax $3.71. S. S. .Shields, Ulk 40, Lot 5, tax $7.13; Lot 9, !$35.fi3; Lot S, tax $7.13. Wm. finlller, Ulk. 42, Lot 3, tax $12.75. Wntoi front Add. Uandon. Mary Ulackorby, Hlk. 2, Lot 1, tax $119.70; part of Lot 2, $11.40. ICoonts Add. HmihIoii. Viola Rosa, Hlk. 1. Lot 4. tax $2.25. Dunhams Add. Haiidon, Fred Jonsen, Hlk. IS, Lot 1, tax $7.13. Dunham, Slglln & lloak, Ulk. 18, Lot in, tax $7.13; Lot 19, $7.13; Lot 20, $7 13; Lot 21, $8.55; Lot 22. $8.55; Lot 23, $8.55; Lot 21, $8.55; Lot 25, $8.55; Lot 20, $8.55; Lot 27, $8.55. C. C. Johnson, Hlk. IS, Lot 28, tax $4S.I5; Lot 29, $S.55. Dunham, Slglln & Hoak, nik. 18, Lot 30, tnx $7.13; Hlk. 19, Lot 1, tax $11.40; Lot 2, $11.40; Lot 3, $11.10; Lot 4, $11.40; Lot 20, tax $11.40; Lot 21, $11.40. Kstolln LIttloflold, nik. 20, Lot 9, tax $11,40. Poitland Add. Haiidon. Coo. Johnson, Hlk, 1, Lot 3, tax $1.23; Lot 4, $1.23; Lot 5, $1.23. Asa Foote, Ulk. 1, Lot 15, tnx $1.23; Lot 16, $1.23; Lot 17, $1.23; Lot 18, $1.23. Joseph and Androw fiaffnoy, Hlk. 2, Lot 11. tax $1.23; Lot 12, $1.23. W. J. Forguson, Ulk. 3, Lot 4, tax $2.70; Lot 5, $1.23. Hattle Hopkins, Hlk. 3, Lot 11, tax $1.23; Lot 12, $1.23. Chas. W. Smith, Hlk. 3, Lot 1G, tax $1.23; Lot 10, $1.23. (5. H. Ilrunx, Hlk. 3, Lot 25, tax $1.23; Lot 26, $1.23. A. A. Shlolde, Hlk. 4, Lot 8, tax $1.23. Unknown, Hlk. 4, Lot 9, tax $1.23. Ruth A. ftranluy, Hlk. 5, Lot 5, tnx $1.23; Lot 0, $1.23; Lot 7, $1.23; Lot 8, $1.23. G. K. Trott, Hlk. 6, Lot 11. tax $6.13; Lot 12, $1.23; Lot 13, $1.23. Mary K. Pantor, Hlk. 0, Lot 19, tnx $1.23; Lot 20, $1.23. O. K. Trott, Hlk. 7, Lot 10. tax $7.11; Lot 22, $5.88. K. V. Kakln, nik. 1G, Lot 7, tax $1.23. Kdna L. Tlmmons, nik. 10, Lot G, tax $1.23; Lot 0, $ 1.23. Clara M. J. Knight, nik. 16, Lot J2, tax $1.23; Lot 23, $1.23. J. 11. Whitney, Hlk. 17, Lot 1, tnx $3.92. David L. Cox. Hlk. 27, Lot 30, tax $1.72. Hnndnn Heights, Uandon Heights Land & Trust Co., Hlk. 4, Lot 1, $3.99; Lot 2, $3.99; iLot 1, $3 99; Lot 4, $3 99; Lot 5, $3 u'i; loi u, mvv; ixit 7, $3 aa; Lot 8, $3 99; Lot 9, $3 99; Lot 10, $3 90; Lot 11, $3 99; Lot 12, $3 99; OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 3. $3.99; Lot IS, $3.99; Lot 19. $3.99; Lot 20, $3. Jilt; Lot 21, $3 90; Lot 22, $3.09; Lot 23, $3.99; Lot 21. $3.99; Lot 2T,. $3 90; Lot 2G. $.1.00; Lot 27, $3.90; Lot 2S, $3.00; Lot 29, $3.09; Ixit 30, $3.09. Woolen .Mill Add. Uandon. Peter Loggle, Hlk. 1, Lot 2, tax $11.40. K. H. Fish, Hlk. 5, Lot 4, tax $7.13. S. Mtindy, Hlk. 5, Lot 10, tax $5.00. Annie A. Mil inly, Ulk. 5, Lot 17, tnx $1.25. T. M. Wlllard, H.k. 0, Lot 5. tax $11.40; LotO, $11.40; Lot 7, ?tl.l0; Lot S, $22. SO. Patrick Klrby, Hlk. 7, Lot 1, H. S5 ft., tax $29.3G; K. S5 ft. Lot 2, tax $10.3S. Frank Pomoroy, Ulk. 9. Lot 2G. (tax $IS.53. S. Mundy, Ulk. 10, Lot 10, tax $1.00; Lot 11, $1.00; Lot. 12, $1.00; Lot 13, $1.00; Lot 14, $1.00; Lot 15, $1.50. Thomas Webber, Hlk. 12, Lot 20, tax $5.70; Lot 21, tax $5.70. Parrls Ward, Ulk. 14, Lot G, tax $5.70; Lot 7, $5.70; Lot 8, $5.70; Lot 9, $5.70; Lot 10, $5.70. Kric Matsen, Ulk. 1G, Lot 5, tax $1.28; Lot fi, $4.2S; Lot 7, $5.70. T. F. Stlllwell, Hlk. IS, Lot 24, tnx $3.70; Lot 25, $5.70; Lot 20, ?t.70; Lot 27, $5.70. KMiy Creek Add. Haiidon. T. C. LIvesay. nik. 2, Lot 1, tax $S.55; Lot 2, $S.55. Sarah J. Hlngaman, Hlk. 2, Lot 3, tax $14.25; Lot 4, $11.25. Cointiieiciiil Add. Uandon. Wm. dnlller, Ulk. 1, 25x50 ft. in SB corner of Lot 2, tnx $3.75; nnd 15x50 ft. In SW corner Lot 3, tax $1.13. Haiidon Woolen Mills, nik. 3, Lot 1, tax $71.25; Lot 2, $114.00; Lot 3, $47.SS. Itivnkivntof Add. Uandon. K. H. Fish, Hlk. 3, Lot 1, tax $14.25; Lot 2, $S.55; Lot 3, $S.G5; Lot 4, $S.53; Lot 5, $11.10. Oeorgo P. Laird, Hlk. 4, Lot 1, tax $2.S5; Lot 2, $2.S5; Lot 3, $2.S5; Lot I, $2.85; Lot 5, $2.S5; Lot G, $2.85; Lot 7, $2.85; JOt S, $2.S5. OWYII'n Add. Haiidon. C. M. Smith, Hlk. 1, Lot G, tax $37.91. J. J. O'Xell, Ulk. 3, Lot 3, tax $3.71. Montgomery Add. Hnndnn. J. H. C. FIshor, Ulk. 10, Lot 1, tax $2.00; Lot 2, $2.00. J. II. C. FIshor, Hlk. 11, Lot 1, $2.00; Lot 2, $2.00. Petor O. Davis, Hlk. 11, Lot G, tax $2.00. Sweeney's First Add. Hnndnn. Julia M. Sweeney, Hlk. 1, Lot 23, tax $2.57. Lillian Woir, Hlk. 1, Lot 21, tar $2.57. Frank A. nnd Julia M. Swoenoy, Ulk. 1, Lot 30, tax $2.57. F. L. Forrls, nik. 2, Lot 27, tnx $2.57. Kva Swank, nik. 3, Lot G, tax $2.57; Lot fi, $2.57; Lot 7. $2.57. C. O. Kldridgo, Hlk. 3, Lot 8, tax $2 57. Kvva Swank, Hlk. 3, Lot 9, tnx ?2.G7. Frank A. and Julia M. Swoonoy, Ulk. 3, Lot 21, tax $2.G7. Frank A. Swoonoy Company, nik. 4, Lot 14, tax $2.00; Lot 1G, $2.00. M. Lovlnson, Hlk. G, Lot 14, tax $2.57; Lot 1G, $2.57. Connnway Kngrnvlng Company, lllk. G, Lot 1G. tax $2.57: Lot 17. $2.57; Lot IS, $2.57. C. H .Wobb, Hlk. G, Lot 25, tax $2.57. Portland Oregon Land Company, Hlk: 9, Lot 25, tnx $2.00. John Thoroson, Hlk. 10, Lot 1G, tax $2.57; Lot 17, $2.57. John Hurggrnf, Hlk. 10, Lot 18, tax $2.G7; Lot 19. $2.57; Lot 20, $2.57; Lot 21, $2.57. F. O. Freebergr, Hlk. 10, Lot 22, tnx $2.57. Poter O. DnviB, Lot 1, Hlk. 12, tax $2.00; Lot 2, tax $2.00; Lot .1, $2.00; Lot 4, $2.00; Lot 5, $2.00; Lot C, $2.00; Lot 7, $2.00; Lot 8, $2.00. Jnmeg Sargoant, Hlk. 12, Lot 1G, tnx $2.00; Lot 17, $2.00; Lot 18, $2.00; Lot 19, $2.00; Lot 20, $2.00. Frank A. nnd Julia M. Swoonoy, Hlk. 12, Lot 22, tax $2.00; Lot 23, $2.00; Lot 24, $2.00; Lot 2G, $2.00; Lot 2G, $2.00; Lot 27, $2.00; Lot 28, $2.00; Lot 29, $2.00. J. II. Flotchor, Ulk. 13, Lot 19, tax $2.00; Lot 20, $2.00; Lot 21, $2.00; Lot 22, $2.00; Lot 23, $2.00; Lot 21, $2.00; Lot 25, $2.0u; Lot 20, $2.00; Lot 27, $2.00; Lot 28, $2.00; Lot 29, $2.00; Lot 30, $2.00. Chester C. Shaw, Ulk. 15, Lot 3, Ux $2.57; Lot 4. $2.57; Lot 5, $3,67; Lot G, $2.57; Lot 7, $2.57. Frank A. Sweeney, Hlk. 17, Lot 2, tax $2.00. Kdward Courtoii, nik. 17, Lot 8, tax $2.00. Daimar Stacey, Ulk. 17, Lot 22, $2.00. Xorth Hank, Xut & Fruit Lnnd Co., Hlk. 17, Lot 23, tax $2.00; Lot 21, $2.00; Lot 25, $2.00. Uvva Swank, Hlk. 18, Lot 8, tax $2.67; Lot 9, $2.57! Lot 11, tax $2.57; Lot 12, $2.57; Lot 13, $2.57; Lot 14, $2.57. Chas, W. Dals, Hlk. 18, Lot 24, tax $2 57; Lot 25, $2 57; Lot 2C, $2 57; Lot 27, $2 57: Lot 28, $2.57; Lot 29. $2 57; Iot 30, $2 G7. Kvva Swank, Hlk 19, Lot 7, tax $2 57. I " '" 'Ot 9, $2 57; l915fcVfclllllG EDITION. Jennie. Wllkerson, Hlk. 20, Lot 15,$9.99 $2.00 Azalea Pmk Add. Uandon. Ddgar Mauey, Hlk. 1, Lot 2, tax $4.2S; Lot 3, $1.2S. Wm. J. Ltljenvlst, nik. 1, Lot 15, tax $1.2S. C. C. Xoble. nik. G, Lot 1C, tax $4.2S; Lot 17, $4.2S; Lot 18, $4.2S; Lot 19, $4.2S; Lot 20, $4.2S. Raymond K. Uakrr. Ulk. 0, Lot 21, tax $4.2S; Lot 22, $1.2S. Patrick Klrby, Ulk. S, Lot G, tax 54.2S; Lot 7, $1.2S. C. R. Wade, lllk. S, Lot 1G, $4.28; Lot 17, $21.3S. C. H. Kopf, Hlk. 9, Lot 2, tax $1.2S; Lot .!, $I.2S. Carrlo Xasburg, Hlk. 9, Lot 10, tax $4.2S; Lot 11, $5.70. tflmmer Land Company, Hlk. 14, Lot 1, tax $5.70; Lot 2, $4.2S; Lot 3, $4.28; Lot I, $1.2S; Lot 5, $4.28; Lot G, $1.2S; Lot 7, $1.2S; Lot S, $1.28; Lot !, $1.2S; Lot 10, $i.2S; Lot 11. $4.2S; Lot 12, $3.70. H. Finnell, Hlk. 15, Lot 3, tax $I.2S; Lot 4, $l.2S. FUlier'.s Add. to Uandon. Kdward H. Fish, Ulk. 1, Lot 1, tnx $7.13; Lot 2, $29.93. Achilles Martin, Ulk. 2, Lot G, tax $7. SI; Lot 7. $3.57; Lot S, $3.G7. Sarah SIdnam, Hlk. 4, Lot G, tax $7.13; Lot 7, $7.13; Lot S, $7.13. Ili'iinrtt'fl ltniiilnn Ueacli "Pint A." R. K. Hakor. Hlk. 7. Lot 8. tax $2.21; Lot 9, $2.21. Hcnnctt Trust Co., Hlk. 7, Lot 17, tax $2.21; Lot IS, $2.21; Hlk. 9, Lot 1, tnx $2.70; Lot 2, $2.70. O. D. Johnson, Hlk. 9, Lot 17, tax $2.70; Lot IS, $2.70; Lot 19, $2.70; Lot 20, $2.70. Frances McLood, Hlk. 13, Lot 1, tax $1.23; Lot 2, $1.23; Lot 3, $1.23; Lot 4, $1.23; Lot 5, $1.23; Lot C, $1.23; Lot 7, $1.23; Lot S, $1.23; Lot 9, $1.23; Lot 10, $1.23. (inlllvr'H l'nik In Fisher's Add. Haiidon. Onlller Hros., Hlk. 1, Lot 1, tax $1.38. Wnli mi's Pmk In Fisher's Add. Hmidoii, J. A. Prowctt, Hlk. 3, Lot 13, tnx $3.99; Lot 14, $3.99. Iiidiistilnl Add. lo Uandon. Mary J. Pordue, Hlk. 1, Lot 9, tax $2.57; Lot 10, $13.97. Lucrotla Woodruff, Dlk. 1, Lot 13, tax $2.57; N. 17, Hlk. 11, tax $1.43. Fred Loopor, Ulk. 1, Lot 17, tax $2.57. A. I). Torduo, Hlk. 1, Lot 19, tax $11.12; Lot 20, $2.57. II. C. Ostoln. Hlk. 2, Lot 2G, tnx $2.57; nik. 3, Lot 1, $2.57: Lot 2, $2.57; Lot 3, $2.57; Lot 4, $2.57. Kmplro City. Samuol Hendricks et nl, Hlk. 10, Lot 7, tnx $2.55. It. W. Cussans, Hlk. 2G, Lot 8, tnx $7.05. John Swing, Hlk. 27, Lot G, tax $10.20; Lot 0, $G.10. Clara nnd May Stauff, nik. 29, Lot 3, tax $3.91. Clara and May Stauff, nik. 29, Lot G, tax $3.91; Lot G, $3.91; Lot 7, $3.91; Lot 8, $5.10. Flanagan Kstatc, Hlk. 49, Lot 2, tnx $2.55; Lot 3, $2.5G; Lot 4, $2.55; 8. 6 of Lot G tux $1.30; S. ft of Lot fi, tax $1.3G; S. ft of Lot 7, tax $1.30. I. Hacker, Hlk. GO, Lot 8, tax $2.01. J. Leo Cook, Hlk. 65, Lot 1, tax $8.50; Und. ft, Lot 2, tnx $1.02. T. II. Walkor, Hlk. C5, Lot 6, tax $3.91; Lot 7, $3.91. Clara nnd Mny Stauff, Hlk. GG, Lot 4, tax $3.91. A. nnd Oeorglna Rood, nik. 07, Lot 1, tnx $2.65. R. W. CoiiMnns, Hlk. C7, Lot 3, tax $2.55. Clara nnd May Stauff, nik. G7, Lot 4, tax $2.5G; Hlk. 09, Lot 4, tax $2.55. A. nnd Goorglna Rood, Hlk. 72, Lot 1, tax $2.01; Hlk. 74, Lot 7, $1.3G; Hlk. 100, Lot G, $1.30; Hlk. 101, Lot 7, tax $1.30; Hlk. 105, Lot G, tax $1.36; Lot G, $1.3G. John Kllerby, Hlk. 124, Lot 3, tax $2.01; Lot I, $2.04. Clara nnd May Stauff, Hlk. 12G, Lot 3, tax $2.01; Lot 4, $2.04. A. nnd (Joorglna Reed, Ulk. 125, Lot 8, tax $2.01, Clara and May Stauff, Hlk. 120, Lot 2, tax $2. EG. W. V, Haker, Hlk. 127, 8. ft of Lot 1, tax $5.95; S. ft of Lot 2, tax $2.04. R. W. Cusaans, Hlk. 127, Lot G, tnx $3.91; Lot 7, $3.91; Lot 8, $5.10. Luso's Add, Hiuplrc. Hosa Wyman, Ulk. 132, Lot 2, tax $7.00. Heliiiont Add. Umpire. Matthew L. Hunt, Hlk. 4, Lot 5, tax $1.36; Lot G, $1.36. Coos Hay Land & Inv. Co., nik. 8, Lot 3, tax $1.36; Lot 4, $1.36; Lot 5, $1.36; Lot 6, $1.36. Mlla M. Xelaon, Ulk. 8, Lot 7, tax $1.3G; Lot 8, $1.36. 1). W. Ilangon, nik. 17, Lot 1, tax $1.30. Davo W. IlRiwon, nik. 17, Lot 7, tax $1.36; Lot 8, $1.36. Sunnier. Amolln RuaMll, Hlk. 3, Lot 2, tax $4.16. Lakeside Kdltli Judd, Hlk. 20, Lot 17, tax $7.28. Chas. Kronhom, Hlk. 24, Lot 7, tnx $1 01. Olendalo Fnriu Tracts. O. C. Sethor, Ulk 1, Lot 13, tax $1 08 IJUMIfMliiUlH'iWIifitWrHMi Honnett Trust Company, Hlk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot G, tnx $1.02. Chadwlck Holrs, Hlk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot 5, tax $1.G2. Uennett Trust Company, Hlk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot 0, tax $1.02. Chadwlck Heirs, Ulk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot 0, tax $1.02. Uonnott Trust Company, Dlk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot 7, tax $1.02. Chadwlck Heirs, Hlk. 10, Und. 1-3, .ot 7, tax $1.02. Honnett Trust Compnny, Dlk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot S, tnx $1.02. Ohndwlck Heirs, Ulk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot S, tax $1.02. Honnett Trust Company. Ulk. 1G, Und. 1-3, Lot 1, tnx $1.G2. Chadwlck Heirs, Ulk. 1G, Und. 1-3, ..ot 1, tax $1.02. Honnett Trust Compnny, Ulk. 10, Und. 1-3, Lot 2, tax $1.G2. Chadwlck Heirs, nik. 1C, Und. 1-3, Lot 2, tnx $1.62. Honnett Trust Compnny. Hlk. 1G. Und. 1-3, Lot 3. tax S1.C2. Chadwlck Heirs, Ulk. 1G. Und. 1-3. Lot :i, tax $l.G2. Uonnott Trust Company, Ulk. 1G, Und. 1-3, Lot 4, tax $1.G2. Chadwlck Holrs, Ulk. 1G, Und. 1-3, Lot 4, tax $1.G2. Honnett Trust Company, Hlk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot 5, tax $1.G2. Chadwlck Heirs, Hlk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot 5, tax $1.G2. Uonnott Trust Company, Hlk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot G, tax $1.G2. Chadwlck Heirs, Ulk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot G, tax $1.C2. Honnett Trust Company, Ulk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot 7, tnx $1.62. Chndwlck Holrs, Hlk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot 7, tnx $1.02. Honnett Trust Company, Ulk. 17, Und. 1-3, Lot 8, tnx $1.G2. Chadwlck Holrs, Hlk. 17. Und. 1-3. Lot S, tnx $1.G2. Uonnott Trust Company. Ulk. 20. Und. 1-3, Lot 5. tax $1.62. Chadwlck Holrs, Hlk. 20, Und. 1-3, Lot G, tax $1.02. Jionnott Trust Company, Dlk. 20. Und. 1-3, Lot 6, tax $1.62. Chadwlck Holrs, Hlk. 20, Und. 1-3. Lot C, tax $1.G2. Honnett Trust Compnny, nik. 20, Und. 1-3, Lot 7, tax $1.G2. Chadwlck Holrs, Hlk. 20, Und. 1-3, Lot 7, tax $1.G2. Uonnott Trust Company, Hlk. 20, Und. 1-3, Lot S, tax $1.02. Chadwlck Holrs, Hlk. 20, Und. 1-3, Lot 8, tnx $1.02. Uonnott Trust Company, Hlk. 21, Und. 1-3, Lot 1, tnx $1.G2; Und. 1-3, Lot 2, $l.fi2. Chadwlck Holrs, Ulk. 21, Und. 1-3, Lot 2, tax $1.02. Honnett Trust Company, Ulk. 21, Und. 1-3, Lot 3, tnx $1.G2. Chadwlck Holrs, Ulk. 21, Und. 1-3, Lot 3, tax $1.C2. Honnett Trust Company, Hlk. 21, Und. 1-3, Lot 4, tnx $1.02. Chadwlck Holrs, Dlk. 21, Und. 1-3, Lot 4, tax $1.02. Foller Add. Haiidon. Rlohnrd John, Hlk. 2, Lot 3, tax $2.28. Mrs. Lucrotla Woodruff, lllk. G, Lot 2, tax $2.28. Wheeler's Subdivision. W. P. Wblttlngton, Lot 3, tnx $1.80; Lot 8, $1.80; Lot 45, $1.80. Mortlo Hrnyton, Lot 58, tnx $1.80. II. II. Adolphson, Lot G9, tnx $1.90. W. P. Whlttlngton, Lot 8G, tnx $1.80; Lot 8G, $1.80; Lot 87, $1.80. R. W. Mnrshnll, Lot 123, tax $2.28. Luolln Whoolor, Lot 135, tax $2.28. Illiigaiiiaii Add l Haiidon. Rosa Illngainan, Hlk. 1, Lot 1, tax $2.57; Lot 2, $2.57; Lot 3, $2.57; Lot 4, $2.57; Lot G, $2.57; Ulk. 2, Lot 1, $2.57 Lot 2, $2.57; Lot 3, $2.57; Lot 4, $2.57; Lot G, $2.G7; Lot G, $2.G7; Lot 7, $2.57. W. A. and Lonorn V. Plumber, Hlk. 2, Lot 8. tnx $2.57. Rovn Hlngaman, Hlk. 2, Lot 10, tnx $2.r.7; IllJC. 3, Lot 1, tnx $2.G7; Lot 2, $2.57; Lot 3, $2.57; Lot 4, $2.57; Lot G, $2.57. Kileiislon of Woodland Add. Haiidon, Mrs. L. Woodruff, Hlk. 4, Lot 3, tax $11.25; Lot 4, $14.25. Ilohlo's V; Hopsou's Add. llnndiiu. C. W. Ashton, Hlk. 1, Lot 6, $8.55; Lot 7, $11.25; Lot 8, $8.GG. Itlvertoii, C. A. Peterson, Hlk. 4, Lot 1, tax $0.12; Lot I, $2.52. Carl Schmidt, Hlk. 5, Lot G, tax ,0.12; Hlk. 6, Lot 2, tnx $10.32. Hlvy's Add. itlvertoii, John Oaffoy, Hlk. 4, Lot G, tax $6.12. Coqulllu. Coaulllo M. & M. Co., Hlk. 1, Par col 34x29 ft., iosa R. U. Right of Way In Lot 3, tnx $5.63; and Parcol Fronting 29 ft. strip In Lot 3, tax $5.03; and S. 75 ft. less R. II. Right of Way, in Lot 4, Hlk. 1, tnx $14.40. CoquIHo M. & M. Co., Ulk. 1, 8. 38 ft., leu R. It. Right of Way In Lot 5, tnx $9.45; S. 75 ft., left) 11. It. Right of Way, Lot 6, tax $ll.G3; Parcol 9x100 ft. in Iloaorvo Lot, loaa R. R. Rljjht of Way, tnx $21.08; Hlk. 2, part S. of R. It. night of Way, In Lot 4; and beginning at SB corner of nik. 2, original plat of CoquIHo City, run X. 11 degree B. 150 ft., S. 79 degree B. 30 ft., S. 11 degrooa W. 144.17 ft., 15. 30.36 ft. to be ginning, lees R. R. Right of Way, tax $13.95. Robert Train, begin 100 ft B. of SB corner Lot 1, nik 3, CoquIHo, run N. 11 decrees K 100 ft, IL 11 degrees 8 25 ft , 8 11 degroos W 100 ft, run nlong Front Stroct to Winning, lnx$22.50. PAGE THREE 2, tax $0.00. M. J. McDonald, begin at a point where tho S. boundary lino of Second Street, Blllotf Add. to CoquIHo, In-tcMoi-ts the u Section lino running X. nnd S. through Section 1, Town ship 2S, SR. 13, run S. nlong said ft Section lino to a point whero snld ft Section line Is intersected by the W. boundnry lino of "C" Streot of tho original town of Coquille, run X. 11 degroos 13. nlong tho W. boun dary of snld "O" Street to tho S. boundary lino of Second Street, Kl llott's Add., run W. to beginning, tax $30.S3. James Richmond, bogin 2 ft. W. of SB corner Lot 4, Ulk. 0, Coquille, run N. 00 ft., run W. IS ft., run S. 60 ft., run K. to beginning, tax $15.30. Hen Flgg Bstato, begin at XW cor ner Lot 2, Hlk. G, CoquIHo, run N. 1 1 degrees K. to Socond Streot, Rl Hott's Add., run K. nlong S. boun, dary lino of Second Streot to a point X. 11 degrees Bast of XB corner of said I,o t 2, run 8. 11 degrooa W. to said XB corner of said Lot 2, run X. si degrees W. to beginning, tax $2.40. L. 1). Fottor, bogln at XW corner. Lot 3, Hlk. G, Coquille, run X. 11 degroos K. to S. sldo of Socond Streot, Blllotl's Add., run B. nlonw S. sldo of Second Street to a point X. 1 1 degrees B. of X13 corner of naid Lot 3, Hlk. 6, run S. It degroos W. to said XB corner, run X. 79 degrees W. to beginning, tax $3.00. Klllolt's Add. lo Coquille. B. M. Kay, Ulk. 2, Lot 2, tax $4.50. P. M. Hall-Lowls, Hlk. 4, Lot 1, tax $2.70; Lot 2, $2.70; Lot 3, $2.70; Lot 4, $2.70; Lot 9, $2.70; Lot 10, $2.70; Lot 11, $2.70; Lot 12, $2.70. R. O. Klrkpatrlck, Ulk. 5, Lot 1. tax $2.70. Bin ma M. Lyons, lllk: G, Und. ft Lot 6, tax $2.2G. Fannlo B. Lyons, Ulk. 5, Und. ft. Lot G, tax $2.25. 11. O. Klrkpatrlck, Ulk. 5, Lot 11, tax $20.70; Lot 12, tax $2.70. Floronco Sooloy, Hlk. G, Lot 1, tax $31. GO; Lot 2, $30,00. M. B. Hrown, Ulk. 7, Lot 9, tax $2.70; Lot 10, $4.G0. II. W. Dunhnm nnd wlfo, Ulk. 1G, Lot 2, tnx $1.05. Sarah Walker, Ulk. 1G, Lot 7, tax $10.50; Lot 8, $15.75. II. W. Dunhnm nnd wlfo, Hlk. 1G, Lot 11, tnx $2.55; Lot 12, $1.20. J. 8. Lyons, Ulk. 18, B. ft Lot G, tnx $10.13. Grant W. Hnrry, W'j Wj', Lot G, Hlk. 18, tnx $19.80. Xelllo J. Skools, Dlk. 19, Lot 11, tax $1.05; Lot 13, tax $4.50. J. J. Fox, nik. 21, Lot 2, tar $22.50. Sarah Walkor, Hlk. .11, Lot 1, tar $14.03; 14x14 ft., Lot 2, tax $1.80. Alfred Johnson, Hlk. 31, Lot 4, tar $9.00. M. J. McDonald, Hlk. 31, Lot 11, tax $5.03; Lot 12, $5.03. J. A. Collier, Hlk. 42, Lot G, tax $11.25; Lot 0, $31. GO. C. T. Skools, Hlk. 43, Lot 0, tnx $1.9G. Oeorgo A. Robinson, Hlk. 47, Lot 3, tnx $29.2G. Oraco F. Ludwlck, Hlk. GO, W. 40 ft. Lot 7, tax $10.13; W. 40 ft. Lot 8, tax $9.23. Suslo Folsom, Hlk. G9, Lot 1, tar $33.7G; Lot 2, $40.G0; Lot 3, $31.50. Albort Folsom, Hlk. GO, Lot 11, tar $G.7G; Lot 12, $9.00. O. L. Chnpman, Ulk. 62, 8. 100 ft. Lot 2, tax $9.00. Xotley's Add. CoquIHo. Paul Storllng, Hlk. 01, W. ft' Lot G, tnx $3.38. Floronco Urquhart, nogln on Tp. lino duo B. of XB cornor Lot 2, Hlk. 01, Blllott'fl Add. Coqulllo, run B. to W. side of alloy in Hlk. 01, Xolloy's Add. Coqulllo, run X. on AV. sldo of alley 100 ft., run W. to Tp. line, A. to boglnnlng, tax $1.13. O. L, Chapman, bogln nt a point on Tp. lino duo B. of SB cornor of Lot 2, Hlk. 62, Blllott'fl Add. to Co quille, run X. 100 ft., run B. to W. aldo of nlley, In Hlk. 02, Xotloy'a Add. lo Oiqullle, run b. 100 ft W. to bo- ginning, tax $9,00, Albort Aborson, Ulk. 03, Lot G, tax $3.38. Coqulllo Lnnd Company, lllk: 65, Lot 3, tax $2.25; Lot 4, $2.25; Ulk. 67, Lot 9, tax $1.50; Hlk. 08, Lot 9, tax $0.75; Lot 10, $6.75. R. W. Cotton, Ulk. 69, B. Lot 4, tax $1.13; 13. ft Lot 5, $1.13; B. ft Lot 6, tax $1.13. Oeorgo Mali! Heirs, Hlk. 69, Lot 12, tux $1.35. B. II. Kom and wlfo, nik. 71, 8. ft Lot 2, tax $3,38; Lot 3, $20.25. Xoiih Add, to Coqulllo. O. B. Xlloi, Hlk. 14. Lot 1, tax $5.G3. g. h. Curry, nik. 14, Lot 7, tnx $1.S0. Wutklim' Intension to Xorth Add. to Coqulllo. May F. McDonald, Hlk. 25, Lot G, tax $13.50. Academy Add. to Coquille, Albert W. II. Folsom, bogln at tho XB cornor of Hlk. 3, Academy Add., to Coqulllo, run W. 412 ft., run 8, US ft., run B. 412 ft., run N. 118 ft. to beginning, tnx $18.00, C Delclpeo and Albort Folsom, bo gln on Tp. lino 1260 ft. N, of SB cor ner of Section 30, Tp. 27, SR. 13, run W, 412 ft to Kastern boundary 'Holly Street, Acadomy Add. to Co- 'qullie. run S. 118 ft to N, boundary lino of Roxla Stroot, run B. 412 ft. ito Tn. lino, run N. to ueglnnlng, tax SKmm - ' -. EaftaSS1?'" ! l10BMlKvgWMi& "'"'MK Wj&:w$: A !vi 'ar''1 -.". w -- TV f j"- sr 'MBB1 !"( r-A. r itm ST"- FlHKsZKTs ft mtiu t, -Vl , - ..- ffnK "" " 'f SsrV !.W , 1 -C Hl . rft JL yb - ' . F- .. -- td nMM 1 i m iryt ,e k.t - -vt A J WAS f rirawA tTSaa: - t-, -w ft v i , s 'n. tf , . , . , -u Ji Ml- s " V . 3 !3r;r trc t T J KJit- -' r" - WWmTTTiSi L,v u. . w tea 8r - r J ! , - TwaaTI ?-.- J'.i "" t - - Ll M-v ,, KKft ?c: iV Wv pv-v-vvyi . wt - m . - . iwm a n fc V t asfS'! ?-. tlrt.t. v- -' w - .-v -; V -, 0 lffmtWvr iw mf ", w lJ"' . HhrV k m iim b-1 l&Miv4r wm wnsrai HK3BH HSCfXSEa wm jr ' rt.v mimm,l ' .t... j-av. t '. -?:. iu j' TV v - Tii f.WWi