The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 03, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 4

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F. L. GreenouKli. NBU NIOM,
31, Tji. 27, SK. 14. tax $3.30
C. McC. Johnson. Stt'U NIO'4. S.
34, To. 27, SU. 14, tax $10.23; and
SIOU NWU, S. 34, Tp. 27, Hit. 14,
tax $3. 30.
Prank I.. Greenougli, NIO1'. NWM,
NWM NRM. S. 34, Tp. 27, Sit. 14,
tax $9. flO.
The Coos Hav Lbr. &. Coal Coin-
pany, NICU. S. 30, Tp. 27, Sit. 14,jTp. 2S, SH. 13, described In Vol. 0
tax $300.07; and NWU, S. liC, Tp. page 00, line 3, tax $9.00.
27. Sit. 14. tax $431.48: and SWU.
S. 30, Tp. 27. Sit. II. tax $352.28;
and SICU. S. 30, Tp. 27, SH. II, tax
llenjaniln Horsfall. NICU. S. S,
Tp. 28, Sit. 9. tax $20.28.
Annie I.nuch. XWU. S. 8. Tp. 28,
SR. t. tax $10.28.
Annie L. I.lnn. SWU. S. S, Tp. 28,
SR. 9. tax $18.05.
It. J. Upton. S16 SWU. S. 0. Tp.
28, SR. 10, tax $7.23.
Coqullle Valley Power Co., 1-2 fe
NICU. SWU NICU. S. 9, Tp. 28, SR.
10, tax $3.00.
Lars and lOllon Toblasson, Ifinl. 14.
NICU, S. 22, Tp. 28, SR. 10, tax
J. 1 Stemniler, SWU SWU. S. 10,
Tp. 28. SH. 11. tax $13.85.
J. O. Steminler. SICU SWU. SICU
NWU, Xj SWU. less river and
road, S. 10, Tp. 28, SH. 11, tnx
$55.10; also meets nnd bounds de
scribed In Vol. 3, page 13, lino 31.
tax $.30.
Sarah 10. Slemmler, XICU XWU.
HVi NICU. SWU NICU. less 14
Acres, Section 15, Tp. 28, SH. It,
tax $23.79. 4
J. O. Steminler, SICU NWU. less
11 Acres, S. 15, Tp. 28, SR. 11, tax
V. U, Phelan, Und. 1-7, 7 Acres
In SWU (Mill Site) 6. 15, Tp. 2S,
SR. 11, tax $2.13.
Susie Kolsom, N NICU, SICU
NICU. NEU SICU. S. 22, Tp. 28,
SH. 11, tax $43.14.
I'. I,. Plielan, Und. 1-7, Lots 5, 0,
7, Nfitt NWU. SWU NICU. S. 22,
Tp. 28, SR. 11, tax $14.38.
(lordon (i. am. swu sicu. s. 20,
Tp. 2S, SR. 11, tax $4.20; and W',6
NKU, NWU SKU, S. 20, Tp. 28,
SR. 11, tax $12.78.
Coqulllo Land Co., NWU. less
Not ley's Add. and part sold, $29.11.
Matilda Wlllard, Lot 3, less part
Bold, S. 7, Tp. 28, SH. 12, tax $1.9.
Kstato of Oeorge Haldwlu, SWU.
S. 10, Tp. 28, SH. 12, tnx $10.17.
Matilda Wlllard, 4 Acres In S. 18,
Tp. 28, SH. 12, described In volunio
3, page 28, line 19, In the 1913 tax
roll, tax $1.32.
'Frank Wlllard, 4 j Acres In S. 18,
Tp. 28, SH, 12. described in Vol. 3,
pago 28, line 23, In the 1913 tax roll,
tax $0.00.
W. M. Hamilton, S V6 NWU SICU,
fl. IS), Tp. 28, SH. 12, tax $4.00.
W. 8. lOachns, 9 Acres In S. 19,
Tp. 28, SH. 12. described In Vol. 3.
page 29, lino 10, In the 1913 tax
roll, tax, $9.59.
icidrldgo Ingram, SA XICU. SICU
bi ni'iii c vi ni'. -,i, n. -l, rp. js,
XM1.1 V.l... Ml... i. ... ... ....
U SH. 12, tax $39.08.
II Sarah F. Overton, 40 Acres In S.
It 20. Tn. 28. SR. 1" In ',.l
3, page 33, lino I, In the 1913 lax
roll, tax $33.12.
J. II. Lamb, Lot 1, S. 30, Tp. 28,
SR. 12, tax $9.12.
Ohns. Collier, land described In Vol.
15, pago 237, Record or Deeds for
Coos County, Oregon, less part sold,
tax $5.87.
Cociulllo Mill & M. Co.. land de-
Herlbed In Vol. 41. page 227, Record
of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon,
less pr.rt Included In pint of original
Coqulllo, H. 1, Tp. 28, Sit. 13, tax
J. .1. Stanley, 2 Acres In S. I. Tp.
28. Hit. 13. described In
Vol. 3, page
45. lino 21. of ,1, .9.3 tax roll, tax;,,, ,.. ,,,, u., Tii
f "." f',.i,u l'.. r ..
. " . .- ";. II. tax $1.35.
ii ol 4, page (.31. Record or ThomHH w , , ,,,.,,, ,
Deeds for Coos Countv. Oregon S 1 vi . ... .. " in
Tn "8 SU VI iv :!, V. i'l 1- " lnx r,:1, ,,p,,",1 of "''rt
P. -8. Sit. 1.1 ax $..l.(,.l; and laud ,r (.()0 rolinv 0rtK0 s .,, ,..
described in Vol. 47. page 031. Re- s SH H ,.u $s ., ' '"
cord of Deeds for Coos County. Ore-1 T r t' J ' ." V" ... , , , ,
.... ,... , , o, ..... ,.i ' i- v Lwum lliickle, land do-
i-iirrli, II t?trt.tlut I... ..1 ,Iaj.,.ii....i
i i; ' sii n , , i l"Mm' "' VM- " "" '" """
.' ' riz. ",;"":, v,. h' -Tt "', r ,?""'', "r"'
8:rs,;' ,t'z;u z:' . .
T "'
"","' "';m' a:'- " "I-
cord of Deeds of Coos, County. Or.
Coqullle Valley Cronwery. land d-
scribed in Vol. 01, page 170. Rword
of Demls for Coos County, Oregon.
S. 1. Tp. 28. SR. 13. tax $t.S3.
Clyde nnd Lilly Collier, land d-'
Bcrlbed lu Vol. 02. page 470. R,.
cord of De.Ma for Coos County. Ore.
Ron, S. 1, Tp. 28. SR. 13. tax $1.0S. ,
10. J. lIcAdnnii. land deacrllml In
Vol. 35, page 27R. Rword of Dd
for Cons County. Oregon. S. 2. Tp. 2S,
mi. . inx .ii.ju. "i
10. 11. Hnrndeu, land dencribl lu
Vol. 35, pago 453, Uncord of DMda
for Coos County, Orogon, $, . Tp.
2S, SH. 1.1, tax $54.0S.
Pulaski Coal nnd Nav. Co , LoU
1 2 & SI NI-JU, S. 4. Tp. SS. 8R.
12, tnx $42.04.
Lilly C. Jones, 10',i SW'j, W'i.j
SI',. S. 4, Tp. 28, Sit. I'l, tax
$2.1 3r,
R W 'turtcvant, Lot 7, S, 5, Tp
28, SH 13, tnx $11 85; und Si
NUU, S. ti. Tp 2S, SR, 13, tax $7.3$;
"wwiwCTiar-..," ' niiiiiiiwwii'Hii;n
S.lund 13 SWU, SBi NUM.
T 2J, Sit 13, tax $1 OS
' Itlverton Coal Company, Lot 1,
S',6 NIOW. NICU NI04, S. 8. Tji. 2S,
i Sit. 13, tax $114.30; and NWU
:4, less 3 Aries, S. S, Tp. 2S, SH
. 13. tax $3.00.
J. M. Vowell, SKU SHU, S.
Tp. 28, Sit. 13, tax $0.81.
Joseph Kerrey, 1.0 Acres In S.
! Carl Shelton, land described In Vol.
ill. page II, and Vol. fiO, pnjjo 31S.
Record of Deeds Tor Coos County,
Otcjroii, S. 8. Tp. 2S, SH. 13, taxi
:$; and river frontage on Lots r,
( ninl 0, lllock 0, Itlverton, S. S, Tp. 2S,
,SR. 13, tax $1.20.
I Joseph Kerrey, Jr.. land described
in Vol. 01, page 7, Record of Deeds
.for Coos County, Oregon, S. S, Tp.
28. SR. 13, tnx $0.f,0.
Joseph Kerrey, fc Acre, S. S, Tp.
28. SR. 13, tax $1.32.
Mainly Vowell. XICU SICU, S
Tp. 2S, SR. 13, tux $3.84.
Itlverton Coal
XWU. S. 9, Tp.
$29.25; and W it-
Company, 'i
2S, SR. 13, tnx
SWU. S. 9, Tp.
1 28. SH. 13. tnx 52S.32.
r.lln Strang, 2 Acres, S. 12, Tp.
28. SH. 13. described In Vol. it, page
02, lino 20, of the 1913 tax roll,
tax $2.80. K. L. Lowe, land described In
Matilda Wlllard. XV4 XICU XICU.iHook 50, page 519. Record or Deeds'
S. 13. Tp. 2S, SH. 13, tax $1.95.
Frank Wlllard. S XICU XICU.
S. 13. Tp. 2S, SR. 13, tax $15.00,
Andrew Anderson, '" SICU, S.
13, Tp. 28, SH. 13, tax $1S.15.
lien Flgg, ICst., Lot 1, S. 13, Tp.
28. Sit. 13, tax $11.43.
t'nknown Owner, 10 NUM. S. 10,
Tp. 2S, SH. 13, tax $0.21.
William llutcheson, ICst., SWU
NICU. NWU SIOU. S. 18, Tp. 2S,
SR. 13, tnx $5.70.
Hen Flgg ICst., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, &
WVi NWU, S. 24. Tp. 2S, SH. 13,
lax $38. 97.
W. S. ICachus, Lot 13, less 10
Acres. S. 24, Tp. 2S, SH. 13, tax
$17.85. .
W. M. Hamilton, 25 Acres in S.
21. Tp. 28. SR. 13, described In Vol.
3, page 07. lino 12, or tho 1913 tax
roll, tax $0.90.
J. II. Lamb, Vj Aero, ort 10. end
or Lot 12. S. 21. Tp. 28, SR. 13, tax
$1.32; and NICU NICU, S. 25, Tp.
28. SR. 13. tax $89.52; and 3 Acres
orr 10. end or NWU NUM. S. 25, Tp.
2S. SH. 13, tax $5.10; and Lot 5, S.
25. Tp. 28, SH. 13, tax $37.80; and
SWU NUM. S. 25. Tp. 28, SH. 13,
tnx $13.20.
Collier 0. Wlnior, SWU NWU.
NWU SWU. SWU SWU. less 7
Acres sold, tnx $0.71.
Coach Timber Compnnv, W'.
NWU. NWU SWU. S. 28, Tp. 28,
SH. 13. lax $39.5!i; and X NICU,
S. 29. Tp. 28, SH. 13, tnx $35.70.
wmlly llurgess, Lot 3. S. 3(1. Tn.
,s, su
(()l .(i
13, lax $3.12.
, Whlttlngton, XICU SIOU &
S. 33, Tp. 28, SH. 13, tax
I'eler Calvl ct nl. XICU NUM. SV4
NICU. Lot I. S. 31, Tp. 28, SR. 13,
tax $1.80; Nifc SIOU. U',6 SWU. S.
131. Tp. 28. SR. 13. tax $7.20.
W. P. Whlttlngton, XWU SWU,
S. 31. Tp. 28, SR. 13. tax $3.48.
Alvah V. McKay, X',6 SWU.
SICU XWU. S. 4, Tp. 28, SR. 14,
tax $9.90.
Talbot Prewott. land described In
Vol. 18, page 122. Record of Deeds
I for COOS ('mi II t V flrnvMi 1- ii...
28. SH. II. tnx' $5. 10; ,, ian.l" .l.w.
...hi,,.., i Vnl ftl ., 8- . "
of Deeds ror Coos County. Oregon,
S. 17. Tp. 28. Sit. II, tax $2.25.
(leorge .lolinwin, 1 Acre In S. 17,
.Tp. 2S. SH. II, described In Vol. 3,
huge 80. Hue I. of th in:t ii.v .ii
l"l.- !. Itl'l'lUll
'inv so.'isr mi, i I,..., i .iUJnn..i ... ,..,'
.,...r. ......,,.., wiukiiii, n. I,, j-j). 2S,
K. X. Smith. SWM siflK sw-K
29. Tp. 88. sh. 1 1. tax $7.3n.
A. S. nilbrt. XIOM xk SHU
XWV,. S 2!) Tn -S si n ,
Frunk Harrow ut., 5 Acre n s
SO. Tp. -s. 8R. 1 1, dacrlbed lu VoV
3. page so. lln 23. of th 1913 t,,v
roll, tax $1S.8I.
!. BlngauiaH. laud ilmu-ribotl In
Vol. 32. iag ia. Ret.0rd of lWjs
of f'oo CoiiHty, Oregon. 8 30 Tp
- SH. 14. tax $IS.7S.
t'org W. Moore Lbr. Co., 13
AorM ' S. 30. Tp. oSi S? t j" . '
'nbcd lu Vol. 3, page HI. H0 10.Sn -
uiw lata ix ton, tuv $2S,8r,
K K. L. HmIIIIIou, .(,
..H,1. CM...
'I'l. -V JU II .1 '.. . . -
. ! rp. a. All. I,
. ,-. --, o,. ,,, l4HMTIOetl U Vol
3. nag 85. line 31. of the 191S tax
roll, tax IS.,'..',.
IVtr Cuher. laud described in
Vol. 19. page 183. Heonr.l nf 11.1..
of Coi County. Oregou. R. 30. Tp
2S. SH. II. ux JS.I2.
1. M Vowell, land de, ni,Pl (
-'l 41, i-ajro 2-7, Rr-, ,-ir.l 0' IVods
of Coos Countv, Orci'in, s "0, Tp
.8, SH 14, tax $7 1
S C Fndl-ott, lnnd il
Vol i"i, page 140, Record of
iwu ill Tt.
vn w i minima
C, -of Coos County, Oregon, S. 30, Tp.
2v sit. H. tu $.. id.
Mary V lllackerliy INt., land de
scribed In Vol. 3S, page 371, Record
or Deedso f Coos County, Oregon, I
S. 30, Tp. 2S. Sit. 14, tax $14.25. j
W. H. V. Smith, land described In '
Vol. 50, passe 400. Ilecord o! Deeds
or Coos County. Oregon, S. 30, Tp.
o ins oil i.i. liiv $32.78.
fl'l t'nkiiown owner, tinorcnpied, land
IdesrHbed In Vol. 50. page 478, lie -
1 - .. -
hi Deeds or Coos County, Ore-
icon. S. ?,. Tp
S. SH. 1 1. tax $2.S5.
Lee narrows, lanii ueseruieu in
Vol. 58, page 450. Record or Deeds
ur coo i onniy. .. .m, rp. .-, , m,
inx $21 oo.
Walker Warehouse Company, land
described In Vol. 00. page 214, and
Vol. 01. pnge 557, Record or Deeds
or Coos County, S. 20, Tp. 28, SR.
14. tax $111.00.
C. McC. Johnson, land described In
I Vol. 05, page 13S, Record or Deeds
'or Coos County, S. SO, Tp. 28, SR.
,11. tax $5.70.
I C. K. Kopf, land described in Vol.
59, pago 030. Record of Deeds or!
JCoos County, S. 32, Tp. 2S, SR. It,
J tax $9. so.
George Stoltz, Cedar on K.
I XWU SWU XWU. S .32, Tp. 2S,
'SH. II. tax $1.23.
of Coos County, S. 25, Tp. 2S, SR. 15,
tax $3.71.
ICIIen I'anter, land described In
Vol. 30, page 315, Record of Deeds
of Coos County, S. 25, Tp. 28, SH.
15, tax $15.00.
John Klernan, land described in
volume 44, pago ISO, Record of
Deeds or Coos County, S. 25, Tp. 2S,
Sit. 15, tnx $1.88.
Loyd L. Rosa, land described In
volume 48, pnge 71, Record or
Deeds or Coos County, S. 25, Tp. 2S,
SR. 15, tax $4.28.
A. H. Rosa, land described In Vol.
IS, pago 73, Record or Deeds or Coos
County, S. 25, Tp. 28, SR. 15, tux
(ieorgo P. Topping, land described
In Vol. 32, page- 87, Record or Deeds
or Coos County. S. 25, Tp. 28, SH. 15,
tax $74.10.
Dunham, Slglln & Honk, land de
scribed In Vol. 20, pago 121, Record
or Deeds of Coos County, S. 25, Tp.
28, SR. 15, tax $102.00.
Suslo Malcoiu. Und. 2-3, begin on
Section lino 4.32 chs. 10. of Meander
post on lino between Sections 25
nnd 30, Tji. 2S, Sit. 15. run N. 2 de
grees 10. 2.4-. 1 chs. along tho 10. sldo
of County Road, run X. (5 degrees
10. 1.1(5 chs. nlong 10. n'iIo of County
Road, run 10. 22.55 chs.. run S. 3.49
chs. to Section lino between Sections
25 and 30, run W. 20.51 chs. to be
ginning, tnx $10.83.
Hewlett Trust Company, begin
0o ft. w. and 390 ft. S. of XR cor
ner S. 30. Tp. 2S, SH. 15, run S.
921 ft., run W. 330 ft., run X. 024
ft., run R. 330 ft. to beginning, tnx
J. F. Stunklewlze, begin 330 ft. V.
or XIO corner. S. 30, Tp. 28, SR. 15,
run S. 1320 ft., run W. 330 ft., run
X. 1320 ft., run 10. 330 ft. to begin
ning, loss part sold, tax $4.00
Methodist Uplseopal Church South,
begin 792 ft. S. or NIC cornor of S.
30, Tp. 28, SR. 15, run S. 52S ft., run
W. 330 ft., run X. 528 ft., run 10.
330 ft. to beginning, tax $29.40.
May Pearco. begin 1320 ft. W. or
XIO corner or S. 30, Tp. 28, SH. 15,
run 10. 1(15 rt.. run S. 132 ., run
W. 105 ft., run X. 132 ft. to be
ginning, tux $0S0.
i lauuo w. nrown nnd Ira M. Ab
bott, land described lu Vol. 49, pago
r10. Uncord of Deeds of Coos Coun
ty. S. 30, Tp. 2S. SH. 15. tax $1.47.
Frank J. Ilnynes et nl, 10 tt SRU.
S. IS, Tp. 29. SH. 9. tnx $11.00.
H. S. Davis. W14 XICU. 10 V
XWU. S. 2. Tp. 29, SH. 10, tax
C A. Smith. X4 SWU, S. I, Tp.
29. Sit. 10. tnx $20.00.
S. C. Hrownunn, Lots I, 5, 10 nnd
U. S. 0. Tp. 29. SR. 10. tnx $15.00.
Lriiest .1. Markhnm. XVt XIOM,
N'i XWU. S. 12. Tp. 29, SR. 10,
tax $52.00.
Olive M. Markley, XHU, S. IS, Tp.
29. SH. 10. lax $50.00.
Frederick Xolf & Company, SRU,
S. IS. Tp. 29. SH. 10. tnx $52.00.
A. L. Robinson. x4 XIOM. SWVl
N'K4! NWU SIOU. S. 20. Tp.
29. SH. 10. tax $50.00.
II. S. Davis. RU SIOU. NWU
SUM, SIOU XU't. S. 2S. Tp. 29, SR.
iu, tax $10.47.
Rdgar 1. llewe. timber on 'V6
SIOU. 10 i SWV,. SIOU S10U.S. 34.
Tp. 29. SH. 10. tax $52.00; and tlm
bur on WV SWU, S. 34, Tp. 29, SR
10. lax J20.S0.
Fred Cooper, Lot 4, SVfc XWM,
SWV, XIOM. S. I. Tp. 29, SH. 11.
tax $10.47.
V. It. Sheridan, begin at SW cor-
ler or SWV, SWU, S. 10, Tp. 29,
SH. U. ritu K. SO nl.. run v. in r,ia
10 rd . run X. 05 rds.. run
W. 31 id, run S. 80 rd. to bL-in.
In v ,... tit .
- . tu fll.rtll.
Hollaud C. Kppowon, Lots 2, 3,
and I. xrv, SWU. S. lS.Tp. 29. SH
11. tax $22.43.
Ulleii W. fiouloy. N NKU. S. IS.
! -:. s. 11. tax $2S.S0
L. D. llellen. 1
!. S 24. To. ') sn
Co-im l'inley,
t II nuj 11, s
Mx $G "O,
I I) Hi Urn T.nlo
---..-.., tlWIM
P9 SR II. tax
i in, 14, II ailll SKVi. S. it. T id an i ...'"' i" '4, f- 33. Til. 30. Rn 10
timber on Lots 10.J7. T 29, sit' 13, tax $S7.72; and m'" l' 1 1l Acrcs " gh"t
S TP. 29, SH. 11. NM..NF,,, spii Nw, a . av, S 33, Tp. 30. SR. 1S, L
SR, 13. tnv Sine on ivii., . -IJS.
and 4 S "' Tp o SU. 11, lax
$-,fi 7..' " " '
"j." H." Wadman, NWU NICU. S. 27,
Tp "i Sit It tux $10 95.
Thonins'.Ierrnl lCst.. 10'- NIOU.S.
29 Tp 29, Sit. 11, tax $33.00.
V It Leaton, XICU NICU. W.
j.Nh ' . '.i hi'.',, n. -. ' V
Jsit. 11. tax $27.12.
! L. 1). Helled, begin at
corner S. an, Tp. 29, Sit. 11,, Mary C. Ward, S SICU, S. 22,
'run S. 100 nls., run W. 70 rds., run.Tp. 29, SH. 13. tax $0.00.
... . . .ia .... . ,. ' I....I.. tl M'.....l . 13U-1 O OO
!' m rua., run i.. .n rus. 10 do-
ginning, less C Acre "old, tax $3.11.
It. W. Sclmieer. Lots 1, 2, 2 and
S. 30, Tp. 29, SH. 11, tnx $95.49.
L. D. Helleu, SWU NWU. S. .".0,
Tp. 29, SH. 11, tax $3.78; and Lots
0 and 10, less part sold, S. 30, Tp.
29, SR. 11, tax $2.17.
Charles Weyland, Lots 15 and 10,
'S. 30, Tp. 29, SR. 11, tax $21.80.
I Mallnda Helleu, SWU. S. 30, Tp.
'29. SR. 11, tax $0.90.
ICunlce Orr, land described In Vol.
'40, page 319, Record or Deeds or
JCoos County, S. 7, Tp. 29, SR. 12,
tax $2.39.
Albert Harklow
land described In
(Vol. 50, page 128, Record of Deeds
or Coos County, S. S, Tp. 29, Sit. 12,
,tnx $15.37; und land described in
I ''"!. Ml. page 128, Record or Deeds
of Coos County, S. 8, Tp. 29, SH. 12,150. pago 425, Record of Deeds of
tax $2.9'.
i'. L.
Pliolan. laud described In
Vol. 39, pago 110, Record of Deeds
of Coos County. S. 9, Tp. 29, SR. 12,
tux $27.00.
Anna Froderlckson, land described
In Vol. 57. page 120, Record or
Deeds or Coos County, S. 9, Tp. 29,
SR. 12, tax $17.S0.
R. P. Undicott. land described in
Vol 10, page 532, Record or Deeds
or Coos County, S. 9, Tp. 29, SR. 12,
tax $4.45.
Horace J. Uerry, land described In
Vol. 59, pago 381, Record or Deeds
of Coos County, S. 9, Tp. 29, SR. 12,
lax $2.i. 7.
Audrey i). ICndlcott, land described
In Vol. 50, pago 177, Record of
Deeds of Coos County, S. 9, Tp. 29,
SR. 12, tnx $4.45.
tleorgo Mullen, SUM XIOM. SWU
SIOM. S. 11, Tp. 29, SR. 12, tax
P. L. Pholan, SUM NWM, NIOM
SWM. S. 12, Tp. 29, SR. 12, tax
John It. Hamilton, SIOM NWM.
29, SH. 12, tnx $22.95; nnd SWM
SWM. S. 13, Tp. 29, SH. 12, tnx
J. C. Rpporson, SIOU SWU. S. 13,
Tp. 29, SH. 12, tax $0.21.
Rrnest It. Undicott, land described
lu Vol. 52, pnge 325, Ilecord of Deeds
of Coos County, S. 10, Tp. 29, SR. 12,
tnx $17.80.
R. P. ICndlcott, Innd described in
Vol. 45, pago 493, Record of Deeds
of Coos County, S. 10, Tp. 29, SR. 12,
tnx $2.23; and land described In Vol.
10. pago 40, Record of Deeds of Coos
County, S. 10. Tp. 29, SH. 12, tnx
Ira M. Aim A. Abbott, land de
scribed In Vol. 02. pago 503, Record
of Deeds of Coos County, S. 10, Tp
29. SH. 12. tux $3.31.
T. J. (Ireen, lnnd described In Vol.
17, pngo 544. Record of Deeds of
Coos County, S. 17, Tp. 29, SR 1
tnx $2.45. ' "'
C II. .Masters Use., land descrlim,!
In Vol. 41, pago 249, Record of Deeds
of Coos County, S. 17. Tp. 29, SH 1"
tax $10.30.
C. R. Huscoe, land described In
Vol. -I'.', pago 202. Record of Deeds
of '?oos County, S. 17, Tp. 29, SH.
is tax $
Willis Whobroy, S'A X& XW
SWU. S. 17, Tp. 29, SH."l2, tax
v S , l S ,
John Felshor, land doscrlbed lu
Vol. 28, pago 002, Record or Deeds
or Coos County, S. 17, Tp. 29, SR. 12
tnx $4.3S.
Catherine Strong, Innd doscrlbed In
Vol. Gl, pago 13, Uncord of Daeds of
Coos v'ounty. S. , Tp. 29, SH 1"
tix 32.1.2.
Moses Rndi-ot.-, Sk'U XIO',, S.
"" '- 'ax ?.mi; and i.m.
bor on XIOU XIOM S. 20, Tp. -"
SR. U, tax $I.S2.
H. L.ickhart. timber on Nfc SWU
S'.i XWM. S. 20, Tp. 29, SR. 12
tux $3.30.
W. P. Whlttlngton, Lot 0, 41:
SWU. XWU SWM. S. 31, Tp. 2u"
31! l. tax $13.17.
Pot.r Calvl et nl Lots 2 ami .1
William Francis Miller. W' SUM
SRU SWU. S. 4, Tp. 29, SR. U
tax $1.53.
Coach Timber Company. Lot 4. s.
.1 Tn on on 10. ...
n i it ... . ' '
.. ..... .... ,., ? ,!,(,-; and Wi
U. SIOV, SIOM, S. 15, Tp. 29. SR
. tax $251.28; and Lot 3 nnd NUU
-t v,. ms ', ,vy, , S. 0, Tp. 29,
on.. .-... " '
mi. i.i. inx 51, ...44; and Lots 1 and
2. SWV, NUM. S. 0. Tp. 29. SR. 13,
S. ::. Tp. 29, SR. 13, tax $3.90; and U ,0 To in ', i' SW " BE-
Lot 1. NWM SUM. RV. NUU S 1 r 'f ' SR' "' ,nX S'70'
TP- 29, SR. 13. ,aV $13.80. ' Jl" S"":''. A NUM. E
Coo Hay Timber Company. Lot 4, $ n S'0 ' 'Pl 30, SR " tax
s.txiA3n;xA S?'"' Si 3 T,,: vir M-Rohb,,,3 ot n1' NWH
'". P. Whlttlngton, Lot 1, S 4 ,, i J'' '' :'0, 8U' 12' tax .0
T- 29. SR. 13. tax $3.05. ' , , . Morrls- timber on Nj SWM,
... v-i.i..-: :imii i.'i'. ' i. 1 -v...... -....v.. -l 111. i n. ,v r r 9
... . . " " '.. rnt, .MiiVi QI.M; vim. .. " J "" i
11. tax $10.05. Sis: it- mi,i ai,M! vdi' .'-' itas ?".20; and NRJ rum' t,7
3 nnd 4. S 2i. Tn no. ri i- ...'., "" ' n ' Morris, tlmhor -,...
S 10- William bum. o ,B m.. iV V NVJ SRM. S. 33. Tn. HO on
Lota 3.29, SH. 13. tnv noun ' " I- lax " -
"VHI till J, ,1. I ,1. I II ! n m - "1 Mil,
Benjamin 11. Wntklus. 8b N10M,1,:- tlll1 n-nfi !. N. from corner or
iNUj SK'i,. S. I.',, Tp. 20, Sit. 13, tnx.necs. 27, 28, 33, .'5 1, Tp. 30, SH. !
M2.90. "in 10. 00 chs., run 8. 25 cl.H., nm"
'ach Timber Co., NICU SRM.'W- -'-''II !".. run H. to Cou.ulle
SIOU X1C",, S. 18, Tp. 29, Sit. 13, River, run uloiitf snld rlvor up.
tax $8 1.00. trCnm to a point view S. or plnco or
' Coafli Timber Co.. NICU NWU, j IjosIhiiIiik. run N. to lioRlnnlnB, i,ull(.
S. 2n, Tp. 29, Sit. 12, tax $30.00.
I Annie II. Ward. SICU SIC',, S.
21. Tp. 29. Sit. 13, tnx $3.00.
mum- ..uu. .. -, ... -,, .-,. ,
, I p. -'. ml i. im ""
Mary A. Ward. SWU SWU. S. 23,
Tp. 29, Sit. 13, tax $2.82.
Mabel Roberts, Und. ', K(.
XICU. S. 25, Tp. 29, Sit. 13, tax
Annie II. Ward, NW4 NWU, S.
27, Tp. 29, SH. 13, tax $3.00.
William llruee, SWU, S. 33, Tp.
29, SR 1.3, tax $100.25.
J. 10. Moore. SV SICU, S. .13, Tp.
29, SH. 13, tax ?t0.00.
M. A. Minsters ICst., Ht2 NWU,
SICU XWU, S. 30, Tp. 29, SR. 13,
tax S8.I0; N XICU, SWU NICU,
IS. 30, Tp. 29, sit. 13, tax $S.40.
W. I Wellington, SICU NICU,
NIC', SIC',. S. 30, Tp. 29, SH. 13,
tax $5,i! I.
W. I). Hose, land described In Vol.
Coos County, S. 0, Tp. 29, SR. 14,
tnx $0.13.
May Oliman, XIOM XUU, S. 10,
Tp. 29, SH. 14, tnx $2.90.
W. A. Doak, S',i NUM. L'Vj SUM,
S. 10. Tji. 29. SH. 14, tax $10.12.
10. 10. Doyle, W'j NWU. NIOM
NWM, XWM XICU. S. 10, Tp. 29,
SR 14. tnx $15S,00.
I). X. Mannas, Xj SWU, Vi
SICU, SICU SV, S. 10 Tp. 29,
SR. 14, tax $11. SI.
Peter Calvl & Co., Umber on N.
10. Tp. 29. SH. II. tax $.53.
F. S. Stanley, timber on ".
10, Tp. 29, SH. II. tnx $52.53.
H. W. Squire, 1016 XUU, S. 11,
Tp. 29. SH. II. tux $5.91.
Frank lleyerle, timber on N.
SWU. S. 19, Tp. 29. SH. 14, tnx
Peter Calvl et nl, timber on W
NIOM, Nfc SIOM. S. 20, Tp. 29, Sr".
14, tax $9.00.
Frank Harrows ICst.. NWM. S. 20,
Tp. 29, SH. 14. tax $7.88.
Casslus M. Doyle, SWM, S. 20,
Tp. 29. SR. 14. tax $1.44.
Peter Calvl H al, timber on N'
!w.. h. 20, Tp. 29, Sit. 14, tax
R. P. Honipel, SIOM SWU, S. 30,
Tp. 29, SR. 14, tnx $3.48; nnd Id.
XWU. SWU NICU, S. 31, Tp. 29
SR. 14, tnx $30.72.
Fred Cooper, SIOU SWU. SU
SIOU. S. 33, Tp. 29, Sit. 14, tax
L. O. Uvnns, timber on NWM
SIC',. S. 33, Tp. 29, SR. 14, tax
R. L. Strnder, NWM NWM. S. 34,
Tp. 29, SH. 14, tax SI. Hi.
John F. Haw-, XIOM SWU. S. 34.
Tp. 29, SR. 14. tax $4.10.
S. 10. Osborn. SI XWM. XV- SWM,
S. 12. Tp. 29, SR. 15, tax $10.58:
nnd SW', SWU. less 2 In. Acres, S.
12, Tp. 29, SH. 15. tax $1.17.
(l. Hoak, 'fc XWU. SUM NWM.
XIOM SWU, S. 13, Tp. 29. SR. 15.
tnx $13.20.
John M. Adams, 't, nri.. s r.
Tp. 29, Sit. 15, tax $12.18.
H. Still well, timber on WW
25. Tp. 29, SH. 15, tax $29.00.
Metropolitan Match Co., I0. SIOU
S. 25, Tp. 29, SH. 15, tax $348. ' '
Lucy O. Ollivant. Lot 4, SU.
NWU. SWU XIOM, S. 2, Tp. 30,
SH. 10. mx $3.90.
Heir of W. II. Ollivant, SUM, S.
2. Tp. 30. SH. 10. tax $4.00.
Udgar I. Howes, timber on L01 3
Soc. 3. Tp. 30. SR. 10. tnx S8 po.'
and timber on Lot , SV. XWU ? 1
'1 On r "
!' . nil. 10, tax $4S.10.
MUoa 10. Whltmore. Lots C nn.i 7
. ., ,,,. ...,, oh, j ii, lnx $39,98.
I. C. Sanrord. Kfc xVit( Nw
MOM. S. 20. Tp. 30, SR. 10, tax
llrown Hrothors Lbr. Co., NWM
S. 32, Tp. 30, SR. 10. tax $39.00. '
Olo O. Lund, XWM SUM, S. S,
T P. 30, SR. It, tax $1.00.
John II. Smith, S SUM. SRU
SWM. NWU SRU. S. 10. Tn .in
S I! 'I'.. c. . .
SH. 11. tnx $20.02.
10. Tp. 30. sit. 12. tax $2.05.
J. C. Warner ot nl. begin at NR
)rner Rowland Donation Claim. No
' '"' " .Sn
t to bear
i. near SW cornor nt et."i en,.
ohs., run R. to left bank
Klver. run down said loff
. r .j.. -ii .
place east of beginning m,,
beginning. S. 27. Tn in on
12. tax $1.13. '
L C Warner, et al. Sy. st, SWM
S- SS. Tp. 30, SR. 12. tax $"30
Olive C. wnllen. NRU NUM. S.
3. Tp. 30. SR. 12. tax $19 7"
J. l . 'arnop n. .1
ii portion or tiio llowlnnd Donation
cinlm No. 37, less 7.77 Acres It. It.
j ItlKlit of Way, tnx $30.2,'; and Lots
1 und 5, S. 34. Tp. 30, SR. 12. tnv
It. L. Morris, limber on Lots 1 and
5, and Rowland Donation Claim, S
34, Tp. .10. SR. l"Ux $5.03.
Cbns. A. Drown; S'(. SWM. S. 1
Tp. 30, SR. 13, tnx $8.80.
Ida May Poland, SUM SWM
SWU SIOU. S. 2, Tp. 30, SR. U,
tax $0.00.
James 10. Moore, Lots 1 ami '. s
4, Tp. 30, SH. 13, tax $32.20.
llarlom M. llruco, 10 !& SW1,.
SUM NWU. and Lot 3, S."l, Tp. no,
SR. 13, tux $59.00; nnd NWU SW',
5. 4, Tp. 30, SH. 13, tax $tl.50.
llenjaniln T. Nosmlth, Lot I, s. 4
Tp. 30, SR .13, tax $22.25; nnd
SWU NWU, S. 4, Tp. 30, SH. 13,
tax $14.05; and Lots 1 and 2, S. 5
Tji. 30, SR. 13, tax $14.50. '
llnrlom M. Hruce, NICU SIOM, S
5, Tp. 30, SH. 13, tsu: $20.30.
llenjaniln T. Nesinlth, SIOU NUM.
S. 5, Tp. 30, SH. 13, tnx $1 1.5(1.
Flora M. Laird, N',6 NUM. NIOM
NWU, S. 9, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tax
Jiillu M. ICndlcott, N SUM, S.
9, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tux $0.90.
Flora M. Laird, NWM NWM, S.
10, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tax $1.05.
Ida .May Poland, NIOM NWM, S
11, Tp. 30, SH. 13, tax $0.00.
(Ieorgo M. llrown, N',6 SWM
SWM, S. 11, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tax
Charles A. llrown, 13 NWM, S.
12, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tax $S.80.
Henry It. Ward, N' Nicy,, s. 25,
Tp. 30, SR. 13, tnx $5.02; and SUM
NWM, S. 25, Tp. 30, SR. 13, mx
1L R. Wnrd, Stf NIOM, N SUM.
S. 25, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tnx $11.24.
(Ieorgo P. Hnrrlngton, SWM
NWM. S. 25, Tp. 30, SR. 13, tax
Henry (I. Wilcox. Lots 5 nnd 12,
S. 3, Tp. 30, SR. 14, tnx $C39; nnd
Lots 8 nnd 9, S. 4, Tp. 30, SR. 14,
tnx $0.39.
Lin Wasson, NWM SUM. X'.
SWM. SUM SWM, S. 5, Tp. 30, Sit".
14, tnx $18.02.
S. J. Wilson, SUM NUM. NRM
SIOM. S. 7, Tp. .10, SR. 14, tnx
$11.50; and SWM NWM, NWM
SWM, S. 8, Tp. 30, SR. 14, tnx
Arclilo MoLeod, NRM NWM, S.
13, Tp. 30, SR. II, tnx $3.48.
Lowls Turner ICst., S NWM, S.
ii, -i'i. :io, sit. 14, tnx $5.40! nnd
30, SR. 14, tnx $0.37.
A. F. ICBtabrook Co., tlmhor on
Lot 1, S. 1, Tp. 30, SR. 15, tax
Abo Carson, SWM NRM, KV-
NWM." SWM NWM, S. 11, Tp. 30.
Sit. 15, tnx $12.18.
Chas. F. W. lUiimonrothor. SWU
NWM, NWU SWU, S. 24, Tp. 30,
Sit. 15, tnx $8.97.
Uvnlyn U. Ornha, Lot 4, nnd S
NWU, S. 2, Tp. 31, SR. 11, tax
Richard A. Rico. Lots 1 nnd 2, nnd
SVj NUM. S. 4, Tp. 31, SR. 11, tnx
J. C. Warner ICst., S SWM,
NUM. SWM, S. I, Tp. 31, SH 12,
tnx $9.28; nnd XIOU NWU. S. 9.
Tp, 31, SR. 12, tnx $2.02.
Clov,o Siimmorlln, SWU, S. 25,
Tp. 32, SR. 12, tnx $.12.34.
AH of tho forogolng doscrlbed
Real Proporty 1b wost of tho WII
lamotto Morldlun, in Coos County.
Homo Trust Compnny in Hlk. 3,
Lot. 3, mx $05.25, Lot 4, tax $50.25.
Clara Stnuff, in Hlk. 5, Lot 2, tax
Homo Trust Company, In Hlk. 8,
R!4 Lot 2, tax $70.20, E Lot 3, tax
$58.95. Lot 0, tnx $131.03.
F. H. AVnito, in Hlk. 5, Lot C, tax
nonnott Trust Company, In nik.
17, Lot 3, tax $135.00.
Frank Rodflold, In- 111k. 17,
Lot 4, tax $148.50.
Ilennett TriiRt Company, In Hlk.
17, Lot 5, tax $144.00, in Lot 0, tax
I'iiht Addition to Mnrshflelil.
lOmnin .M. Boyd, in Blk. 10, T.ot
22, tax $1.5C.
Reynolds Dev. Co., in Blk. 10, Lot
7, tnx $2.10.
Agnea Holon Zulrk, In Blk. 10,
Lot 23, tax $2.10.
Xoitli Mnrshfield.
T. R. Sheridan, in Blk. 1. Lot 4,
tax $22.50.
J. W. Bennett, in Blk 5. Lot 11,
tax $5.03,
Henry Songstacken, in Blk. 5, Lot
H. tax $11.25.
04iii Co.V Addition to Mnrshfiolil.
R. F. Stutsman In Blk. 2G, Lot 1,
tnx $52.SS; Lot 2, tax $11.25.
C. A. Noblo in Blk. 5. Lot 7. tax
40.50. v
J. Wright Wilson in Blk. 9. Lot
C. tax $14.03! Lot 7, tax $14.03; Lot
8, tnx $14.03.
Josephine Onllbort, in Blk. 10, Lot
5, leBs part sold, tax $9.90.
Clements Pint. (Onthrarts).
Alice Tibbetts, In Blk. 2, Lot 7,
south part, tax $01.80; Lot 8, tax K. O.
. n
in a,.
Lot 5
" 25
- 11 .
1 ". tn .,, 'u' f
,. ,e",lott Trsl '
Heiinni, l Jfi-
.''V,rtl. ,':;, to
-. tax $
Panels tl
.n. -'
ln ?-n.1.5o.' "' B'k. j, ,
cs Mel,
"l'"'"'tt Tr
Mil 8
' ?M.7r,
' " 21. U
. HCnvet...
I.,. 1 .-. . . ,BolacKPT. n.
A,lro T'be'tt, n.v
"i,m COiN'iu,!
Sunt Ii..... ..
r- . . Ul reffnn n.
"-'"Mio.ris. K'13-.
..",m"-'tt Tr8tf.n
II In.. Ai. "V.. lib l.
" "'" II.C3. "'II.U
' Ii. llntit .
lnx3l.8S. '''"'til,
. . .ii 1. i.. . ..
t.t. ..'-i
'iirs Larson, Hlk in ,
Heirs of v n ... '
'"l'" (irant. Hit .
?1S.00; Lota. $4 ; ',UtU-
O. L. Pi i.i. .... '..
$2.25. ,,"t'.UH
?-'2; Lot 4, $1.C3, ,M,
",,'"",,t '' MnUMi
"eniiolt Trust Comw. ;
H- t Hosera, ink, j, ...
' Hosers and Ii. r Jlfc
Sam I,. VancoandJ.T.cZ
nik. 42, I.otl2, taxmo
?".I0; Lot 4, tax )5.I0
Ilennett Trust Compisr, m
nrl "f Lot 1. tax R51;
Lot 2, $1.35. P1
Rdna Jolmson, Blk. 1, Lot 1 fat I
Mrs. Certlo Johnson, Bit I, u
., lax $33.75.
Ilennett Trust Coapuy, Bit tl
i.m. .i, iax yiri.uoj Utl, !l,Sl
John Orant, lllk. 3, Lot;, a
JoMo McKay, lllk. I, Lot 11, ul
.Voitli 1'erniWe.
Anglo Cnrapbell, Blk. I, lot I,
tnx $2.70; Lot 4, tax JJ.Jt.
Homo Trust Cotapanj, Bit (,U
1, tnx $2.70; Ixit 2, tax Ml; U,
tnx 2.70; Lot 4, tax Ml; Lotl
$2.70; Lot 0, $2.70; UI.M
Lot S, $2.70.
10. O'Connell, lllk. 8, S. 4 dli
3, tnx $2.2.-.; S. tf ofLotUiH
S. c. of Lot C, $2.25;S.4e(U
0, $2.25 In lllk. 10, Lot 1, Itt
Lot 2, $:i.:i$; Lot 3, $1.31; Lotl
$3.38; Lot 5, J3.3S; Uti.lU
Lot 7, $3.38; M 8,13.1!.
I'rrnilnla Part.
Chas. 10. Short, Ixt5,Ui!Ul
Kiel MnnhUHd.
H. I'. Camjibell, DUc.l.WR
tnx $2.70.
Fred Karl, Dlk. S, Lot .
$2.10; Lot 11, $2,16; Lotl!. W
R. C. Drown, nik. ,LtH
$5.13; Lot 19, $5.13.
W. J. Iiohrer, Blk. ,WR
tax $5.13; Lot 23, Ux.n
21, $5.13.
10. C. Drews, Hlk. 57, W w
$5.13; Lot 14, $5.13.
Fast Marshfleld Land Ca, B"
Lot 25, tax $5.13; Lot M.JUJ
Francis McI.eoJ, Blk. SS.Wi
tax $2.57; Lot 1C.JJ.57.
Al'.ln.. nmt CMrW WW
John Weaver, Blk. 40, W
"Mrs. L. 10. Stoddard, Bit M
in, tax vo.i". .m
James Kelland. Blk. & w I
tax $5.13. J
n,. a,..ff mv. v.
-. - .. . . no K 11.
i.iia piw'i.m "
$fi.ia, i.oi ., f-- ji
Francis McLeoa, m-"' I
tax $2.57; Lot 32. W tt,l
.k. in.oi.rioiii Lanavw-
r.iini .num...."
Lot 29, tax .!-. w,i
.. . .. ,,
Annul n
tax I0.i'. ,,. 1
lOast Marsnnem a -
Blk. 40, Lot S, tax H"
B.13. nlt,.ll
Oeorge II. ii"'011' ";:
29; Lot 13, '""
'"" .. M.I
B. n.
nik. n.-' I
Knstslde Land i-o- t
Lot 1. tax -;7'0 ,iH
r. . o- . T nl 4. I1.J'. "" . ,i!
.. .. 11 I. ! .
6, ?l.o.., " 0I 1,1"'7.u
i.m 3. $1.35; Lot 4, ' , ,ij
$1.35; Lot ,'",?
LotS. $1.35; Lot 9, I y y
' - .. o; loi ' ' .
$1.35; Lot 4. l35iy
Lot 0. 11.33; LotL
$1.35; Lot 9, $1.35.
Sr hot tor Aiw. ra ?J
Henry Seng . .Vrs'-
x 1 $107; w'i'j
www " . ,1fi7:i"'
3, $1.07! "';, 1.K'
Lot 0, $1-67; Lot 7, V