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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1915)
-lil'M THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915--EV, ENIWG EDITION. TWO . 1 COOS BAY TIMES si. c. maloxhy. j:iiiur finii riii'- DAN' E. MALOXEY, Xevvs Editor LETS GET BUSY ' Official Official I'lipor of Paper Clly Coos Count) of Murshlleld. Address nil communication!! to COOS HAY DAILY TlMi:S. Kntprpil nl Hip PoRtoffiie lit Marsh fioiii. Orpeun. for transmission (hrctiBh the malls an second-class rant I matter Little HlN Ol llnlM'IS Little inns of JMllllt. , , .Muk uHniellw nel;l.btirl.ooiN Out of them t lint nltit. :C start but week to LEAN UP AND PAINT UP. Tl.oro'a ft "no hoalthy buuikI to this slogan that Is to bo the inH inx cry of Cooi Hay nil week nnd If adhered to will ninko MawhrieM u tlonnrr and a bottor city. Tim womon of Mattlifloltl have Riven the movement n Kflod i. ....... .. ...,,.... i., u.. .1.1,1 nitiiiiiBtnMtiinllv nroaeruloil nil achieve tlm Iioal results. A clean-up I not only doslrnblo Tor civic in I It. and beauty, but l iiecownry from n snnllnry standpoint. (Mod lionUli follows o Kood clean up. Another cnernlly accepted reason for clenntiiK up and lionutiryltits tlio city Is desire lo io ImiiroH visitors tliat tboy will bo moved to make their boniP here and Hum Increase tbu populnilon ami mestizo of Murshiiold. A.,.i it i- mi tiMiinriinit innson. Mnrshfleld Ih suolclnjs now liopulalloii nnd iiarilculnrly population of tho kind thot la attracted by a handsome ixtsual iti'Hoiti) TO cnnduM tin' same newspaper for twenty-three years ami still be In business Is the privilege of lint few upwspappr nioti, but audi Is tlio record of Hnly T. Stewart, owner aad edllnr of tho Port Or ford Tribune. Mr. Blewart la an old tinier of furry Uoiinty ami la :z;:::i;;;:;.:..: v .w. ;, .. ... rr .-. -" record. Commenting upon tl.o fact la more than wo. II. the effort that Ih I""-- , the Tribune say editorially: I Il tbla Ih not the only reason. Mnrshflold la Mo homo of the poop o Thluno had a birthday lust who live here, and the mora bountiful It Is made tl.o reason lioro J", 't n ton U, .o' will bo to bo proud of It. Kvon If tboro were not lo ho a hIiiiiIo visitor o ha vo 1,7 o another twelve, thl. summer, the t.n.u spent In making Marshflo Id pre I lor and moro . month, the good ililtig. that usually I trnrtlvo would ho woll .num. for this Ih not a .bow city, but Is Instciri 'o with such an occasion. Kor -3 I a ronl city or liomoa. ... . , - ,. . years "bo Tribune ha. .erred the Every ci.l.on should onto, Into tl.o spirit of cloa.M.p weak to .nek mi pcoplo of Curry County, and during extent that the results will bo moro than worth wlillo. that time It has never had lo derond i Clouit vacant lots. Itself In a libel case nor losortod I ('loan Htroels and alloys. ('loan basements and celluis. Clean front yards and back yards. Make yards Paint houses, khi-ukcs, bnrus and fences. I fa up to every organization and every Individual to sot behind tho move... cut and push. . How flno this city inlht be. It wouldn't take a t;real deal of effort ir everybody Jollied In. Let every man and woman, boy and girl In Marshflold not busy In this "elean-iip and palnl-up" cainpalKii. to underhnnded methods lo accom plish u deslrud end. It him always endeavored to kIvo Hie nows or tho, county fairly and Impartially, and j has used what Influence It may have l Iiml for the good of tl.o majority of tho people. It hits mudo on- eii.losonly a milk and wntor pa per would not but It Is Kind to feel that such are few In numbers, , wlillo lis friends are many, and It Is not unlikely that It will no ou ' for L'.'l years longer serving a people whom it Is Kind to serve. is thoro with bells when to getting a dlvo.ce. II l)lt. STIIAW (HIT. TIIIC KUUISNIC HHOlSTKIl makes commoiit upon tl.o fact that ilt Ucim of MarahHold gnvo Dr. K. I". Straw, former .Mayor of tl.o city, a house and lot aa a mark of appre ciation of his shit Ices as an offi cial. In moutloulug the fuel that tho gift was made lo Dr. Straw tho paper says: "K. K. Straw rocontly retired from tho office of Mayor after hav ing served bis city for eight years, llo m.s Importuned to become a caudldnto again, hut refused, In tituling thai h had held the posi tion long enoiiRh i.ud that someone olso should be cIiohuu. Ordinarily , the eight years be had devoted to tho duties of hit. office without re muneration would have been per mitted lo ho unheeded and thuio, would oven have been many to say behind his buck that ho would .ml ; have held the office ao long unless bo had aoiiie private end to. gnlii , or sonui private as to grind. lint therein lies .Marshflttld'a clutm ! to renown. Instead of linpugiiliie ' his motives ami insinuating Hint hccniiMi ho held the office of Muyor ho was not as kooiI u cltlxon bo might he, the people of ill'. Straw'M city got Uw.lior uml pre sented him with n house und lot as n token of their appreciation. Without Intimating thu,t every re tiring Mayor should be given a house nnd lot, ll cm. ssfely be said that ll llui'c were a little- moie of tills spill, ibe.o would probably b a great many more lienor uou-iin-l ell lea." J WITH THE TOAST l t AND THE TEA t o A Coos liny wife will believe a whole lot of things hut when oho finds it blondo hair on your vest don't try to toll her that you were playing with a collie dog und tho dog was shoddl.iK. $ It Is unnecessary for some Coos Hay people to wear wrist watches for they illicitly have too much time on their hands. ! ! Most ot tho good losers scum lo Illumine that they two expected llo put on a continuous perform-'unco. A Coos liny man believes thai ho Is oulllli'd lo make n doen mis takes u day. Hut If bis wife makos one mistake bo wauls to fight. One reason why wo urn so quick lo rccogi.ixo the faults of others is because the faulls aio exactly like on r own. s A Coos Hay girl who lias a com plexion that looks like a last Mum mer's straw bat, can bo terribly M scared Hint some brutal man Is go ing to forcibly klsM her every time alio Koea on tho sheet. TAUT out tho money. "(lot busy, niaku a spins!.. buy It now,' nnd get your money back." This is no talk ou political econ omy. It's Just a gentle bint. To tho effect that ltlghl Now Is n good Mine for you To stnrt a little rlpplo or your own; A good time To start your dollar Miulug around the circle. Pay off your debts. Huy what you need, And buy It now. (let thl.iKH slalted. Put money In circulation. That's good sense, And patriotism And good business. Kveiy rlpplo In the pond, No matter bow small, Helps break the Htagiiullon. (let busy And make a splash. "Huy it now." And get your money back. OYS'IKU OITOItTCNITV ipiltiKK has been reported Hie find- 1 lug of a live oyster on the shore t.noi) i:riM; I- iniilo iul tlilnU loo ll ol uiiiselvi .-, Hut sell- 4 i mi. fit ih i-in'i ..UK the in.irk i oi a. mow iiilndh dual it.iil 4 iiolilc iiuliiics .in iiiijsi luc 1 1 oili it Sell ,, hilt horn lor bis turn of Coos Hay near South Slough. It was us large as an eastern oyater ami was u good specimen. I Hin di oils of tons or dead oyster shells! have been taken tint of the bay by , the dredge and used to make fills, i These (lend shells Indicate Hint oys-1 te.s at one time were produced In ' lurge numbers In Coos Hay but the live oysler which wus found means ' still mine, for It is probably from one of the experimental beds which were planted some .veins ago and It would seem that It is possible now for oysters to live and thrive in Cooh Huy. ll such Is the cane It means that a IiIk rudiistr could be ca.rled on here and the matter is certainly one worth IiivcsiIkiiHiik. Sonic jour uko fpcriiucutul beds were plunlcl tw t tiifill uiitttit 1 all t tliiwit ulin i'dl. bis thee hulrs irlmmml every veek,.lHll (; thll work lllVB k0l (10 ,. and litis to have a aet of hair ults and the locations more or less IhiisIu's. ' secret fourlug Hint the beds would .be i ebbed and Hie result of tho o.- .... ... . iperlment lest. Hut the tliidlug of I he ic.iHi.ti why a toon Hay man ,p Uu a(l lt,rrw.t luHls to ba.-.u t lime to shuve himaelf ut , the liellei that some of these experl-Ihmiii- i liciatibc he iii'i'il i he time meuis in I'luntliU' have been suc(e--lo wail .iMund .1 barbel whop for ,u'' l"1'1 thlU " ' I'oaalble to have u)ut uviia ou a euiiiiuuieiiii xi.ue in ibi'-o waters. The front at I eel gtoiich says thut Adam didn't have much of u kick coming. Kvo never belonged to an old linn's nnvll association or u gabby sewing club. hove in n cotlngo these days melius u J I ". 0 0 bungalow with a mi.'slon ilinliiK room and about .moo woith or other dornleks and1 I'ailoiidles. I A Coos Huy man with n whole jnimlc on lila dome Isn't ao par-1 i bull. r, but a ImliMieuded man Kta ISIII.'A't'H Of MOKMMi wcci In cat h oi iiiuriiiau How lair in tin' day! U licjrt iiuikts u aeiig for 11 s joy of the way! .1 hcait makes a souk, Ami my muIiiiuk ejm Look out on i lie a oi Id lu an eudlexs turpiise. Is I here thai riuil d-d All the bouuth h of Spring The beautiful ululs Ami the kuiigi. that they The kiaa of the wina And the cheer or the un la there thai rnnHel iliem, ISvery one ' How old ta the world I know uot, nor do ou; 1 only know tUla, That It or ia uv 1 only know tide. 'J' hat m full la tho day My heart wake a soil for It'. Jw f tbo way. Selected. 'J!f.-J A -rJM r w ! t , I i i RhKv4 .t XfSa . t At the Exposition When you visit the Patiaiiia-Pacific, look for tlie Kxbibit of Kcw JVrfcction Oil Stoves and Heal ers in llic I'alacc of Mannfacttircs. Let the Dcnmnstrator show yoit how cfticient a good oil stove really is. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For But Rciultt Ute Pti-rl Oil It has abundant heat always ready like tfas. It hakes broils, roasts and toasts like a regular wood or coal range but without dirt or ashes. io odor. Docs not taint the food. Does not overheat the kitchen. Especially good for hot slimmer cooking. Alade in several styles and sizes. Ask your dealer. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) MjisIiHuM READ THIS 'i h. "iriii ( Mlll villi; IT V Is known by ITS S.U Us ,,,, '! A cl'len Is UN,, known n. '",,ailU Jlv ror his tlniri timl (do sin lt.- .... .... ' '",,lM In " "e HlJN III f,. I'ot I. Ill Miff, mill I'fll.irn.l I.. .1... .l..i.. ' l il.lilltllllttl llll III til I.. .... f..t. "1 "i nn" iii nil iiiim nil in' HMtli1 i t I n r., II,. " "'" ra nt j... ""'""" "'". s., mo inii,,. . siIl,,l,;ln;;c,''i.i lie .voiiiif; lady, lliu ouiiK .,,, iU , . ' "le '(X,1 u hat tiro uorkhiK for wages or I0I.U,S1, ( """ ' with f litis IVnluie. Have money llll( hl ,,v , at rr (iitow. win stun "' 11111'ItH.I . . J "in- anotiiii. ' wllfj FUST III II OF .COOS BAY So'ctu Deposit lioxcs For Rent. rf l; vtSpr$vii ISfIFK7:.f ill A co.ii'Li:ti: mm: or Tin: NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE M VY HAY .UK UK IO I l) AT SUMNER HARDWARE CO. MAHKKT AYKXli: M VHSIH-'IKM). OKI-:. flpii oae in OLDKHT HIM! I.N COOS COUNTY K'sUdllHlied 1hs. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid na Tlmo Depoilu Olflcnrt: J. V. Ilentielt, President. J. II. Ii'liimiKati, Ylct-Pi-esldent. It. V. WIIIIhiiim, (asliifr. (Jeo. 1.". Wlntlicitor, JMti fll!j(t Marshfield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Ijcaves Mei-sdfleld nt Husy Corner 10:01) a.m. 'J: 00. p. in. ritoo ( Leaves Xorlh (lend 1ft min utes later I.euvcs Imiplre. fititO n. m. li'-.'.U) n.m. JliitO Afestsacts roit maiAiiu: aiistuaci's ok titmj ami i.Nmiuunoj AHOIT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRAf I CO.,k MAi:SIIKIi:iil) AMI COyi'lM.IHlTY, oiti:cox (HCNKHA h Mi HXT8, KASTSI 111: AMI SKX(JSTACIir..VS .IDDIIBI AGKNTS FOU OAXADIAV PACIl'IC It.MUtO.tD LIM1S HKNItV KHN'fJSTACKKX, MANAGCK TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: -:- hss been a hobby with us for a nood jany years nnd n lot of our citstcmer? will toll yrtu when It conies to KetHi K good, sound, durablo framing' material nt the right price we know our busi ness. Just toll wh.u you want to b.uld and the amount yon want to spond nnd wo'll set bitBy with our poucil and fleure out the best your money can buy, Try ui. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItHTAIlj DKPAKTMKNT ODT THU FUKL Illlilj 1 TWO HY I'SIXO OUU WOOD PnoXK 100. IH-J mil'TII iml)U'Y Kooitz Gcirage Afiency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J NTEB-OBEIWTMKPBIirai Weekly -Soi'viro Cook Itny timl San rianthco. SlHIISfllP Iflll 11 Freight and Passenger Service SAILS J-IIOM .MAIISIIKIKLH l-'Oll SN MMXflSCO AND SU I'HDHO, 'I'lll'ltSDAY, APIHL U, AT 8:110 P. M. San l-'iiuicNco Office, flOO l-'llo Hiilldlnjr, and l'lcr Sn-9 S .Cooa Rnv Airnnf.. 0. T?. McGeokqe. PhoneU -. CJ , .- ST.Pm -CTiwr7 ttoi wt TT'.niami tnrrm, H . - M M I.. 10 MreKa every Thursday llo joi. waul to save nioiiey? Would jon llhe to s.n ,"i pee cent on join- uiocory Idll? If so, Ti-nile nt one stoic vvbei-e we s-ll Koods; miiKe mime) (all. ami Isniio csd i-eKlsti'i- recelpis wild all imtcl.asfN anil uNn on montlil) jucount wliete paid on i- liefote Ide I'JHi of e.iil. month. Come In uml 1 -Cs Talk It ovei- ami GET A RECEIPT We entry a full line; If ,vou waul fresh e;:Ks, newly I'lione :lt)l .1 laid Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. o every Monday TIIK FAST AND COMKOIITAMS S S. Geo. W. Elder NBWLY EQUIPPED vniiTii itArii.Mii KTKVMSB1P CO. Ui-nrnnnn aakxt W. F-. , ----"-w-"" .-- tmt. ..a-w i Phone 4:1, """ n p- H Thono 44, Marshflold oraraTrcyaa5BsaBBi . EQUIPPKO WITH WIItELES nn-mwrtf vinT ttkunnwm hIiik. , did or KNtiw hi: iivn mi)m:y TKoriii.i-: i t'ntill nnplit'd in llu lusur- i unci'" virlUH Audi-ell O'Donnell, 1 lllinilnsh....i, Al.i . "I d ! not Know that I hud kidney irouhte. hut o ir ih)lians who t-xamli.t-.i me lor the toinpany said 1 hud und . a turned me down on m .mint m i hi i U.bldluiis trouble. I.ut.r I was -n leuny nisuiiied an I used lil. v iXi,i n- Pill", and i.M-d them i t.if', n ly. until now one of tlu- .u .- piiv . U'Utll k. i 111 Ull,! At... 1 will O K my aiilii-iiiiuii i iM, i.iused i Mil) of my lihn.U i i rolc Kidney Pill " Ovetwo.ktil kidut m.M ,, miiiinii d .ina htjrluii -t . ,1,,, , vll-li iln- illli li i IbuoIi l!i v,i'ii "'-, li i i - iheiini.ttiMii. i i ' '! " '' uiood. ni.-i i' i joints, sure musUt's, iui;u, - ( under eyes-ny und nil of tin,. conditions deserve lust, mi hiumiu,,-, WOMAX IS SMl'HHLi: III) l..o Ut-.l I'li'JK lo I'uuti IU) Tl'll'" SN l-'HAM'IScq. .May :i. -Mrs. U. l- l-'tancls, who (u rived from uey, A.isirullu. ou the steamer Ven tura, wan urrcidcd toda.i by the e.ts toHiK oftUlaU i-h.irKed with uiiik Kllutf. She U aliened to have brotiKht in jeweU valui-d at $lb,.00 sewed in the lu'iu el her oKl.t. Times want ads brlnn results. tea a) o car eco o sa ea cas o ou o Mil mull rt.iji 1 1 R L50 KKAKNY ST. IIct.SullirnJIluvh &SH g Mr 1 IIjo 1 1- n "iKiMfl z a :iiv4Wisr. i SfflJHffi e iLmm m I.K.J irC ' D fits- SAN FRANCISCO S u X -..J. r i . . . r nioann, nie ptool, up-to-.tjt,. Hotel, f) lo nrj m the center oi cvervtHmu n.l n a dirrct line to the Expotilion Utoundi. RATES . 'I l.l ll-IH II III' ll ll 1 1 1 III lid I '1 re d u it n.l i 'iv Pit lev l I.. Kidii- i i I'iIIh - in i l.i In li. K 'i.i I r pat It d i Oi? (i i' i i. t 1 1 lloiii I -v 1 A llo (. oetBcacaualli Private Dalh JJ.00.jt.50 single 1.50. $2.00 sine?. Mb0,2 00 double 2.0Q. n SO double r- t ll I -. T w-j-rj Si, ,. tilf l - c 1 tt K c. t. M.v: 74 l rar ".huS.'U-l rm. n.. -y N . wilklulla U iK.Tik 'fl. I TsWe a "Universal" Uut direct o Hotu I three trips n day. -S5 V.VV inG HEAL QUESTION The question Is uot, will men nonor you for your work? Hut does your work honor you? Your concern Is not only to croato profit for yourself, but to make that which will profit many bo- 4 sides yourself. COOS MAY STEAM LAL'XDHY PIijiio fS7-.l. C 4 ,) Cl.lniiie)s riiepbuoN J. N. BAYLISS Any kind of brick work at prii- s that are rijjht. And all work Buaranind Call at "The Fireside," John- son I.UIK., 1ST Second St. Phone 4:il-J. t-rem li raiiKOS, Holler woik Commutation Tickets $2.00 Urkhfleld. North Heiid Auto Unit r every ten mltiutcs from M m to Hi p. in,; to South Slouch onco a day, leaving ut 11 u. ui.; to Emplr : j Pictures & Framing Walker Studio steamship I Ireakwatei DlllING JUll ALWATS ON TIME. SAILS li'ltmi M Mtslllli'lKLI) EEHY Si MAY I,.... i . ,v.. .,,. ... ivn i:I.UY TIII'IB"-11' ' I ' i .11, ixy 1 i' itw.w i t ' - '.' '.-. -vTirKCTOFFlC'! o. h,i,k at ruini.ii. M -- AND OAK 8THKKTH, li,.. - ; if Phono HKJ 0. U. w-11 HW. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PALLORS will ho kept OPEN TO THE Pl'HLIO A r"Kiilar httite licensed uiidri taker will ho In (-hinge Phone 10..J ' 20 I SOUTH COOS HIVEH 1IOAT I SEHVICE I L.KUXCH EXPItESS leaves Mnrshficld every day I 8 s, in. Leaves heud of river f at : l.l p. in, I STIUMPH HAIXHOW I leaies head of rher dally nt 7 I ii. in. Leaves Murt.'1leld at 5i ji. in. Tor elmitcr npply on hoard. HOGEItS K5IIT11 I Proprietor I ll 0 Puget $oun& Bridge & Dred&ine Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. nn General Con COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WJ Our Coos Bay office has avaiiamo n" "' work the "Seattle" ..Mr P""! iuui"h Dredge and the most powerful, best equipped twenty-lnch hydniiiHo aredge li. Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. niot .iciflc '" Main office. .-n was mi aeauiw - .? YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Vit-aT .,wfV ll id u . 1 . .- - Phono iiOO-L. Xiuht und Dav. HlKlit (ufe. IAN u OOOl) CAHS. ( VI5I.1-IL 1)HIEHS N.vv Cars Day j-,r nj. . . ... KiTO- i" v" 1 rt-ull'l 0 Hotel .f pbose "n . .. ,ar. For toun"",.;r uolel Cliaadler m IJIIII.J"! Ke1 1 policy woiii l tti uunqi Ainu, Pro. 1). li. l'OOTE ,