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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1915)
Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlmt tlio Coo- Hay Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo ami devoted to tlio best Interests of tills groat cctlon . The Times nhvsys boosts and never knocks. Tiio Coos Hay Times Is proud of Hr tltlo "Tlio I, poplo'a rnper," anil It strives nt nil tlmos to live UP to ,ts nam0 y ,,oVotlnK "8 energies to promoting tho people's interests. MKMItKlt.H OK THE ASSOCIATED IM13SH VOL NO. XXXVIII. ICstnbllslied 1H7H As Tho Coast stall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1S15 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Sfnll ami Tops Uny Advertiser. V- r No. 242 otice FOR THE YEAR 1913 In acccrdanco with Chapter 27G tho 1911 ticncral Laws of Oregon, nd amended ny simpler oui oi mo 913 (lenoral Laws of Oregon, and Inlch Is in sitbstanco ns follows: i Section 1. Four months aftordato Ihcn taxes charged ngalnst ncal j Lpertyaro delinquent, tho tnx col-, ctor shall causo to bo imbiishca ECO CaCa WCUlt lui iuui outtmanu ft ... 1a f a m f Aft nllAflARnllfA I teks, In tho nowspaper or nows- ipers selected by tho County Court! publish County Court Proceedings. pder tho provisions or Section ZUua 'Lords Oregon Laws, a notice stat- . . ... ig a description of tho sovoral par-,S. ils of Heal Property upon which ues are delinquent, tlio amount of ios, ami tho name of tho ownor, If iowb upon tho tax roll, and a state- lent that six months aftor such taxes re delinquent a tnx cortlflcato ot jllnnuency will Issiio thoroln, as pro- (led by law. Such notico shall bo liMlslied for a prlco not exceeding ( be price, prescribed by Soctlon 2903 ! Lords Oregon Laws. Tho tax col-.SR. :tor shall forthwith causo to bo fasted a copy ot tho printed notico In ur public places In this county for ur necks, commencing four months ter tlio date, when such taxes bo rne delinquent, and shall fllo in tho fico of tho County Clerk ot his unity, a copy of such notice, with a irtlfleato endorsed thereon, sotting rth that such notices hud boon post- In (our public places In his coun- I, as hcrelnboforo provided; provld B, however, thnt In counties of 100,- 10 or moro Inhabitants, tho County lurt ot said Counties, sitting for junty Iluslness, shnll causo said do iquent tnx list to bo published in illy newspapers, having a circulation more than ten thousand (10,009) inafldc, sworn and ascertained clr- llatlon, which nowspnpors shall bo Bbllslicd and circulated In said unty, and that each nowspaper so ibllshed, shall bo compensated at i rate of two cents per column Inch Inparcll typo for each ono thousand actual bonnfldo nnd ascertained oeral circulation, said column to bo It less than two Inches wide; pro sed further, that tho provisions of is act Bhall not npply whero tho fount of taxes bo delinquent against IX parcel of Heal Proporty la less none dollar ($1.00). Section 2 Tho neglect or fnlluro the tax collector to glvo such notico Ithe manner horoln provided shall It Invalidate any tax cortlflcato of Ptnquency, but shall subject the tax Hector to any damages which may ustalned by any party Injured by i laiiuro to glvo such notico. Section 3. Tho cost of publishing F" inscription shall bo added to Id becomo a nart of tho nonaltv ffged against tho particular tract Real Pronortv. 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN "oat tho hereinafter described x's of Heal Property, havo taxes Pred against them for tho year and which boeamo dollnnunnt ; ne 1st day of Septombor, 1914, "Well havo not been nald. such Fcrlptlon, tho names of tho owners II1 Real Property ns shown upon nx roll, and tho amount of f' charged against each parcel are follows Berge E Gould, ku mv. NKi. NK1 RIVI! . R. (! 'I'n s' U, tax $14. 19. (Home Trust Pimmn. rum.: b ',: . e o n.. . .. . ...... " -. ip, --J an. 12, tax, j.'.o. 1'Ome Tnia 'nmn.Tni. VIA SM '. j' ,NEIS 3, Tp. 23, SH. 12, tax 1'iwe Trust Company SEU NEU, ' 'P -'3, SR. 12. tax. $2.00. lome Trust Company. NEU 1 S 9,Tp. 23. SR. 12. tax $3.12. Py Noble, SV. NEV.. NEU P i, S 11, Tn :t SR. 12. tax ward Davis, SEU NWU, S. 13, - ". i.', tax $4.83. rred and nitn m.,q. ni t.nni., kki F and 199 a, s. 0j s. cornor t0 of Delinquent T axes ,260 ft. to beginning In Soctlon 17. (Tp. 23, SU. 12, tax $C.r.0. reicr moggie, rivy4 HW'i. '-, lp. 23, Sit. 12, tax $2.52. J. J. Hatior, NEU SEU, S. 23, Tp. 23, SH. 12, tax $2.C2. .1. J. Hnuor, S SW"',, NW'i i SWU, S. 21, Tp. 23, SH. 12, tax I !?. r.i. Till M YTaTpma SLTf f tlf 1 t juuu iiuunuiinuil, ix '2 H y , a. 26, Tp. 23, SH. 12, tax $5.04. Chester A. Sanford, IV SEU, S. 31, Tp. 23, SH. 12, tax $0.24. -. . . . - .-! licnnett Trust Company, begin 132 I ft. W. of N. K. corner of N13U SEU. 13, Tp. 23, SR. 13, run S. 1332.8 ft., run 10. 132 ft., run N. 1332.8 ft., run west 132 ft. to beginning, tax $21.83. Dennett Trust Company, begin 132 ,ft. W. of US. corner S. 13, Tp. 23, SR. 13, run S. 1320 ft., run W. CC ft., run N. 1320 ft., run E. CC ft. to beginning, tax $1.30. Jno. Vanburger, N SWU. SEU' NWU, SWU NEU, S. 11, Tp. 23, ' 13, tax $12.48. O. T. Ellis, Lot 3, S. 22, Tp. 23, SR. 13, tnx $3.25. W. .1. Illrd, und.U NWU NWU. S. 36, Tp. 23, SR. 13, tnx $1.04. Prank Durkholdor, NWU NWU, I 5. 8, Tp. 24, SR. 10, tax $27.74 U. Prank Ilurkholdcr, Lot 2, S. 31, Tp. 24, .SR. 10, tax $31.40 1-8. Plllsbury Lumber Company, 13 NEU. 8. 8, Tp. 24, SR. 11, tax $6.48. Ida n. Mitchell, NWU SEU, Lot 6, S. IS, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $8.70. Wllllnm Ilroiier. SRI'. NRV..S. 19. Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $12.30. William T. Totten, NEU NWU, S. 19, Tp. 24, SR. 11, tax $3.C0. C. M. Dautt, SWU SEU, SEU SWU, loss 3 A., S. 30, Tp. 21, SR. 11, tax $21.45. J. P. node Timber on SEU SWU, SWU SEU. 8. 30, Tp. 24, SR. 11, tnx $3.00. J. P. IJodo, Timber on E NWU, S. 31, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tnx $4.00. J. P. Hode, Lots 2, 3 & I, loss .81 A. S. 31, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $15.75. J. P. node. Lot 1, S. 31, Tp. 21, SR. 11, tax $C90. Chester A. Sanford, Lots 1 & 2, S. 6, Tp. 21, SR. 12, tux $6.50. Axol Ruth, Lot 4, S. 6, Tp. 21, SR. 12, tax $2,34. Olive Crouch, 13 SWU. N SEU. S. S, Tp. 21, SR. 12, tax 21."6. Francos Hance, SWU NWU.S. 16, Tp. 24, SR. 12, tax $5.95. P. S. Hadloy, S NEU NEU.N N SEU NEU, S. 8, Tp. 21. SR, 12, tax $2.31. Georgo W. Sanford, NWU NWU, b. jo, 1 p. -1, n. i-, i f--". Unknown Ownor, unoccupied, SEU SWU. S. 17, Tp. 21, SR. 12, tax $5.44. nonnett Trust Company, SEU NWU, less part sold, S. 17, Tp. 24, SR. 12, tax $1.70. Swnnlo Peterson, 2.89 Acres In S. 18 Tp 24, SR. 12, as described in volumo 2, pago 31, lino 11 of tho 1913 tax roll, tax $5.61. - - .. 1 nt i .. (Hi )(? Albort L. Zeiher, 13 NEU. SWU NEU. NWU SEU, S. 27, Tp. 24. SR. 12, tax $19.71. Mrs. A. 13. Raab, S SEU. SEU SWU, S. 28, Tp. 24, SR. 12, tax $12.00. Wilson L. Hideout, SWU, S. 29, Tp. 24, SR. 12, tax $17.28. Mrs. A. E. Raab. NWU NEU, S. 33, Tp. 24, SR. 12, tax $2.88. W. J. Halrd, Und. U. SEU, S. 36, Tp. 24, SR. 12, tax $8.70. Axel Ruth, SWU NEU, S. 1, Tp. VS S TP 24sr: iiZtG. 2 1 Chi'lear.SEU SWU. S - . st ttm ,1 T . t SEU.S. l,Tp.24.SR.13,tax$13 91. f Lafayette P. Crouch, SWU svy, S 13, Tp. 24, SR. 13, tax $3.12; and s'u SEW. SEU SWU.S. 14, Tp. 24, SR. 13, tax $9.36. C A Nollnor, 9 A. In S. 14, Tp 24, SR. 13, as described In volumo 2, page 38, lino 32 of tho 1913 tax roll, tax $2.34. . . . . n nn n... tax $8.58. k, i,. iioblnson. 13 W, S. 22, !Tp. 24, Sit. 13, tax 113.78. nank of Oregon, Tldo land fronting 'Lots 1, 2 and 3, S. 24, Tp. 24, Sit. H3, tax $12.41. W. P. Howron, Unit. 17-20, of moots and bounds, described In vol- umo 2, pago 44, lino lfi, of tho 1913 tax roll, tax $1.70. Chas. P. Stauff, N NEU, N NWU, S. 28, Tp. 24, SH. 13, tax $12.48. Georgo W. Heal, SWU SHU, S. C, Tp. 25, SH. 10, tax $3.27. Gordon Schafers, S SEU. NKU SEU, S. 8, Tp. 25, SH. 10, tax $15.10; and NWU SWU, S. 9, Tp. 25, SH. 10. tax $3.24; and 8 NWU , SWU NEU , NEU NWU . S. 9, Tp. 25, SH. 10, tax $13.00. Clara Ilode, NEU NEU.S. ll.Tp. 25, SR. 10, tax $13.88. Morcy Applegato Holland, SEU. S. 2C, Tp. 25, SH. 10, tax $93.63. C. A. Smith Timber Company, Lot 2, S. 3, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tax $3.00. Ellas II. Gray, meets and bounds, volumo 63, jingo 321, record of Deeds of Coos County, Oregon, S. 5, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tax $2.25. Jlin W. Noah, Lot 9, S. 22, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax $1.00. William nnd Edward Lund, Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, NWU SEU, S. 23, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tax $84.63. Ed Ordway, SWU SEU. nnd Lots 7 & 13, S. 23, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tnx H6.25. " J- "mlloy and Frngcr Haladay, """' " " i'"- "V3 "'" n. -, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax $09.25 PorlyC. Heald, Und. Us, N NEU SEU NEU. NEU SEU, S. 25, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tnx $61.19. Ed Ordwny, Lot 1, S. 26, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tax $1.50. Georgo & .Mary AVhltty, NEU SWU nnd Lots 6 & 7. less 25 ?i A pnd by Georgo Whltty, S. 28, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tnx $13.C3. Mnudo R. Hartlo, land descrlbod In volumo 57, pngo 152, record of DeedH for coos County, Oregon, S. 29, Tp. 2r,, SR. 11, tnx $3.13. Honry Scngstacken, NWU NWU, S. 30, Tp. 25, SR. 11, tax $3.00. Mario Dean, NWU NWU, S. 4, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $12.21. iotor At sicNabb, SWU NWU, S. 4, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $2.88. Thomas Sholton, SEU NWU. S. 4. T,, :,, SR. 12, tax $2.88. Animund Johnson. E E W SKu Sji! s 5 Tlli 2r,( sn 13 tax $6.00. . Potor Johnson, W E W S.;i(4 rh, S. r., Tp. 25, SH. 12, tnx $7.80. Ed Thomas, NWU SEU, loss part !,, to Jf P tIioiiuih, recorded In volumo 51, pago 635, record of deeds for cOH County, Oregon, tax $8.88. O. C. Sothor, Lots 7, less part sold, S. C, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $7.44. S. W. Harmon, 2 A. In S. 6, Tp. 25, SH. 12, described In volume 2, P"RO 71, lino 30, In 1913 tax rolls, tax $1.44; and S5-8, NEU NEU. S. 6, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $12.84. O. C. Sothor, E NWU. 8. 7, Tp. L'o, Hit. I.', tax I'ol.bU, Georgo Watklns, E NWU NEU, NEU NEU, 8. 7, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $5.76. E. W. Schrock, 13 NWU, 8. 9, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $7.80. Hogono Schrock, W NWU, S. 9, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $5.76. Dlnl I. Slead, Lots 15 & 16, S. 10, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $6.37. O. H. Flltcroft, SEU SEU. S. 11, Tp. 23, SR. 12, tax $3.12; and SWU SWU. 8. 12, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $3.90; and NWU NWU, S. 13, Tp. ". S- 12' l" 3'60' and NBU NBH S. 14, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax - i" - - " - mru j. .iau, . ..t.74, . ", Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $6.96. L. P. Falkensteln et al, NWU SEU.S. 17, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $3.24. Veva L. Hrown, E NEU SEU. S. 17, Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $3.24. William S. & John M. Crook, SU UNWU, W NEU, NEU NEi. CT in CT.. OR O O 1 Q ,nv t 1 J O l! ll 2, pago 75, lino 28, ot tho 1913 tax roll, tax $2.70. Ina Holm, SEU NEU, S. 20, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $3.24; nnd SWU NW!i, S. 21, Tp. 2G, Sit. 12, tax'26, SH. 9, tax $18.00. $1.50. T. J. Kolstad, 13 SEU, S. 21, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $G.9C. E. Q. Planngnn, Wnd. U, NWU, S. 22, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $3.18. licnnett Trust Company, Lot 5, S. 23. Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $43.36. Chas. Enogren, Lot 7, S. 27, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $7.70. 0. A. Slgnalnoss & O. C. Sothor, Land described In voliimo 55, pago 16, Record or Deeds' for Coos County, Oregon, S. 29, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $2.SS. Mllllcoma Dov. Company, Land described In volumo 02, pago 314, Record of Deeds for Cons County, Oregon, S. 30 Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $31.32; (82 acres), and land de scribed In volumo 62, pago 311, Re cord of Deeds for Coos County. Oro gotl, S. 30, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $25.20, (CO acres). A. A. Worley & Georgo Watklns, Land described In volumo 61, pago 68, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 31, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tnx $3.01. Sirs. Slarlon Yoakum, land do- scribed In volumo 15, pngo 111, Ho- cord of Deeds for Coos County, Ore-.2' gon, S. 35, Tp. 25. SH. 12, tnx $5.25. Honnott Trust Company, land de- scribed In volumo 61, pago 230, Rc-.r,ln cord of Deeds for Coos County, Oro gon, S. 36, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $2.50. Unknown nnd unpccupled, 6 Acres In S. 2, Tp. 25, SH. 13, do- scribed In volumo 2, pago 83, lino 15 of tho 1913 tnx roll, tnx $1.50. 12. tnx $3.90. Simpson Lumbor Company, Tldo' ''' A Williams, Lot 10, NWU Land fronting Lots 1 & 2, S. 9, Tp. (NWU , nnd frontago less pnrt sold. 25, SR. 13, tax $324.15; and Tldo le88 7 ' AcTV! to i)M s- !7. Tp. 26, Land fronting Lot 3, 8. 9. Tn. 25.iR"' 12 "" $10.56. SR. 13, tnx $19C.88. C. H. Keith, Und. 8-108 land do scrlhed In volumo 02, pngo 2, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 10, Tp. 25, SH. 13, tnx $17.33. Unknown and unoccupied Und. 3-108 of moots nnd bounds, contain ing 2.06 Acres In S. 10, Tp. 25, SH. 13, described In Vol. 2, pngo 87, llnu 7, of tho 1913 tnx roll, tax $12.60. North Rend SIIII & Lumbor Com-: pnny, Innd-doscrlbed I if Vol. 55, pngo J. H. Hlch'anls, NWU SWU ,8 11., 369, Record of Deods for Coos Coun-:Tp. 20, SHV 13, tnx $15.60. ty, Oregon, S. 15, Tp. 25, SH. 13,. Carey S. Jones, land doserlbirt In tnx $15.75; and land described In vnluinn r.i. nimn r.nn. linnnr.i nt Vol. 55, pago 368, Rccor-d of Deeds for Cnna Cnnnli. ni, a ir n.. df.!1,1.3, vX, '?-'M'' T ,nm,! A- fin.won. land described In vol or, ; mo, ' r" VT 3?" U0 "ne 63. pngo 597. Record of Docl, Sa ,?s Sirniai?; ry' 8 " Ti" M-85' VFU "s "H,"CTn ""'l,Miei?W,M I ' IK "1 ol ,,!' " H,H" f ,U,! tr'tn'n " ""' ' tnx 1200 ft. wide, Including tldo Innds off w a 1 1. .. . . ....... . .. u ' "" " " " mil iruti 111 1.01 ct !; V r,l,Tti:U N.WU N':" 2. 8. 12, T. 26, SH. 13, tnx $1.20. 8. 21, Tp. 25, SR 13 tax $47.25. j, ,,, rhnmton Nwi NI3Uf , Inrry Campbell, Und. 1-16 NWU ,, acres on S. h1o, 8. 13. Tp. 26, NEU. S. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax . la, (nx t , v if 1 Owen Illshop, land described in Vol. 63, pago 56, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 21, Tp. 25, 8R. 13,3 tnx $35.28. SR. 13, tax $35.28. E. SI. Ward, tlmbor on 13 NEU. 13 SEU. 8. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $61.80; and limber on NWU. S. 22, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $55.12; and timber on NWU SWU. 8. 22, Tp. 25, SH. 13, tnx $9.10. Chas. Wostman, land described lu lS Volumo 49, pngo 116, Record of Dcods for Cons County, Oregon, 8. I' - '"' T'' ' s'1' 13 ,llx i0-7''1' V. K. .NOIHOII, KH'ii HW'i NEU. 8. 27, Tp. 25, 8R. 13, tax $33.75. C. P. Johnson, land described In Volumo 3C, pngo 316, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, 8. 27, Tp. 25, SH. 13, tax $16.87. MtClolIand Investment Company, I W. 15 ehs. of N of Nolson North-q',,t upK Donation Claim, Sections 33 & . 34, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $15.50. SI. SI. Scott, land described in Vol- umo 19, pago 10, Record of Deeds for,;.3i T,, 26, SR. 13, tax $4.92. Coos County, Oregon, h. J4, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $9.00. u. i.. Norusiroin, land uescriDCd in Volumo 28, pago 432, Record of Deeds tor Coos County, Orogon, S. 3 1, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $17.32. HossloH. Savago, land doscrlbed In Volumo 62, pago 569, Record of , (5i Kf i;lton, land described lu vol Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 34, umo fi5, pago 201, Itecord of Deeds Tp. 25, SH. 13, tax $6.75. Martha J. Drown, land described In Volumo 03, page 33, Hocord of . Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 34, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $15.70. 111. 13, tax $lo.7... llarclay, land described In James volumo 59, pago 17, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Orogon, S. 35, Tp. 25, SH. 13, tax $11.25. ' W. S. Nicholson, land described In volume 43, page 477, Record of Deeds for Coos County. Oregon, 8. 35, Tp. 25.8R 13. tax $10.80. Unknown owner, begin at 8W cor- ner of L. 8. Hlotk 48, East Slarsh-, run N. 23C ft., run W. 200 It. to fco glnnlng, S. 3C, Tp. 25, SU. 13, tax $6.75. Mercy A. Holland, SWU. S. 8, Tp. Dudley Holland, Lots 1 & 2, 13 NWU. S. 30, Tp. 2C, SR. 10, tax $122.38. Plcld Timber Company, SWU. S. ll, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $ 13.09 ; and SWU. S. 2, Tp. 20, SH. 11, tax $11.7 IK'S and SEU, S. 2, Tp. 26, SH. 11, tax $12.06; and SEU. S. 3, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $12.55 . Mcrchnnt Land Company, Lot 3, SEU NWU. 13 SWU.S. 4,Tp. 26, SH. 11, tax $21.82 K; and LotB 1 & 2, S NEU, S. 4, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $19.9S; and N SEU, SWU SEU, S. I, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $21.82; and SEU SEU. S. I, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $S.43. Piold Timber Company, N SEU, S. 17, Tp. 26, SH. 11. tax $8.20; and NEU, 8. 18, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $11.50. Field Timber Company, SEU NEU. S. 30. Tp. 26, SR. 11, tax $4.S2; nnd SEU. S. 30, Tp. 26, 8R. 11, tax $16.31; and Lots 3 & 4, 13 SWU. S. 30, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tnx $13.55. H. W. llarklow ct al, Lot 1, S. 2, Tp. 26, SR. 12, tax $29.50. S. .11 Cutllp, SEU NWU, SWU NEU. NEU SWU. NWU SEU, S. T- 26, SH. 12, tnx $97.13. Ell Stlenon, begin 935 ft. E. of NW cornor Section 6, Tp. 26, SH. 12, ,:- 31a ' run S. 798. C ft., run W. 319 ft., run N. 798.6 ft. to bo. ginning, tnx $1.56, I '' ' Hartloy, land described lu :vl"nio 61, pago 4 10, Record of Deeds for Coos Copnty, 8. 8, Tp. 26, SR. Allco SI. Norton, WU NEU. N'i NWU. 8. 22, Tp. 26, SR. 12, tnx $64.35. Plcld Timber Company, NEU. R. 26, Tp. 26, SH. 12, lax $26.30; and SEU. S. 26. Tp. 26, SH. 12, tax $37.05. lu C. Harnum, Lots 2 A- 3, SEU NWU, NEU SWU, S. 7. Tp. 26. SR. 13, tnx $18.72; mid NEU, Lot I, S. 7, Tp. 26, SH. 13, tnx $1.95. heeds for Coos County, S. 12, Tp ..... .... ... . .- .. .. Melon Ross, W. portion Lot 1, 8. 12, Tp. 26, SI'. 13, tax $3.48. Georgo II 17lllott, land iloscrlliri. In volumo 5S, pngo 405, Record n' Drods for Cuis f aunty, S. 13, Tp 26, SR. 13, tnx J 2. 40. Georgo W. Ross, N. 30, Acres, uni form width of SI-.U SWU. 8. 13, Ti. 26, SR. 13, tnx 87.20. Chas. C. Ross, land described lu vrliimo CI, pngo 415, Record of I Deeds for Coos County, S. 31, Tp. 26, j;(i tnx $o.40 Helen Rocs, land described lu vol umo 61, pago '.48, Hocord of Deeds ror Coos County. 8, 13, Tp. 26, iW. 13, tax $2.10; and tho land described in volume 61, pngo 418, Record of Doeds for Coos County, 8, 13, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax $1.20, .Hid laud dimirl'u.l lu volumo 61, p.igc 449, Record of IjciwIh for (!noi Cnniitv. Orocnn. 8. Ct. 'To. 26. SH. 13 tix J 1.20. vrmc. sicLoiu. Lot 1. So-. 18. 6, SR. 1.1. tax $2.34. 0l... c. i.nrmim. Kia NWU. S. 18. Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax $9.36. J R. Shorldan, Lots 10 & 11, S. ChnHi c. Ross land described In jvolumo 64, pago 445, Record of .noods for Coos County. 8. 24. To. 26. SH. 13, tax $1.20; and laud described lu volume 64, page 445 Hocord of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 21, Tp, og S j., (!IX j3.n0 CuoH county. 8. 24. To. 26. SH. i, tax $1.44. unknown owner, Und. 3-5 of Und. t, of hoElnnlnK 2olia. S. of NE Cornor of NWf 8. i, Tp. 26, HR. 13, run 8. 15 chs., run W. 20 chs. rutl N. 15 chs., run E. 20 ehs. to bo. gnnlng, tax $2.16. i.euu ioior, unii, i-o iyyj ;xwyj, NEU NWU. NWU NEU. S. 28, Tp. -"' "',' '' t ,i 8n i? 'Vax $1 11 ' " E. O Young & Company, NEU Coos Hay Lumber & Coal Company,. $1 18. 20; and NWU. S. 7, Tp. 27, NEU. S. 31, Tp. 26, SR. 13, taxsit. 13, tax $355.23; and SWU, S. $07.65; nnd 13 SWU and Lots 37. Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $199.88; and & 4, S. 31, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax SEU , NWU SEU . S. 7, Tp. 27, $331.86 Lena Lolor, Und. 1-S NEU, S. 33, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $1.18; and Und. 1-8 SWU. S. 33, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax $3.45; nnd Und. 1-8 SEU, S. 33, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax $5.12. J. 1). Pry, NWU NWU, SEU NWU, S. 31, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax $1.92. Lena Udor, Und. 1-8, N SWU. SWU NWU, Lot 6, 8. 31, Tp. 26, SR. 13, t nx$2.IC. Homo Trust Company, 1,'ntl. , SEU SWU, S. 31, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tnx $2.96. Guy C. Itanium, Lot 10, 8. 1, Tp. 26, SH. II, tax $1.17; and Iot II, S. 1, Tp. 26, SH. II. tax $1.17. Coos Hay SIfg. Co., timber on 13 SEU. SWU SEU. and Lot 3, S. 3, Tp. 26, SH. 1 1, tax $61.00. T. P. Sheridan, SEU SEU. Lots 2 &. 3, S. 4, Tp. 26, SH. 1 1, tax $7.69; and iKit 1, NEU NWV,, S. 9, Tp. 26, SR. II, tnx $5.19. Coos liny Mfg. Company, timber on NEU. S. 10. Tp. 26, SH. II. tax $16.78; and timber on NEU SEU. S. 10, Tp. 26, SH. II, tax $18.30. Guy C. Harivum, Lots 6 &. 7, Sec. tax $96.00 Excolslor Mfg. Company, tlmbor on Lot 5, S. 11, Tp. 26, SH. 14, tax $6.40. Guy C. Ilamum, V NEU. SEU NEU and Lot 2, S. 12, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tnx $17.55; nnd Lots .1, 5 & 6, SEU NWU. 8. 12. Tp. 26, SR. II, tnx $16.77; nnd Tldo Innds fronting Lots 3, 5 & 6, S. 12, Tp. 26, SH. 1 1, tnx $3.90; nnd Lot 7, SWU SEU, S. 12, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tnx $9.36. Phillip A. Itullliin, NEU SWU, S. 12, Tp. 26, SR. II, lax $1.68. Guy C: Ilamum, Lot 1, NWU NEU, S. 13, Tp. 26, 8R. II, lax $8.58. Ed. Deck, W NEU SEU. 8. 13, Tp. 26, 8R. 14, tax $2.31. Excolslor SIfg. Company, land de scribed In volumo 65, pngo 315,- Ho cord of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 1 1, Tp. 2C, SH. 14, tax $33.60. Excolslor Tlmbor Company, tlm bor on lots 1 & 2, S. 1 1, Tp. 26, SR. 14, tnx $12.80. Mrs. Hobblo A. Miller, 8WU 813 U. 8. 15, Tp. 26, 8R. II, tnx $7.32. Martha Talbot, SWU, 8. 21, Tp. 26, SH. 1 1, tax $29.28. Unknown ownor anil unoccupied Lot 2, S. 23, Tp. 26, SR. 11, tux $2.56. Elmor A. Todd, Lot 4, S. 29, Tp. 26, SH. 14, tax $1.26. Goorgo II. Crow, SWU NEU. 8. 33, Tp. 26, SH. 14, tax $7.11. Georgo II. Wober, SW , 8. 3 1, Tp. 26, SR. II, tax $31,56. Georgo It. SIcGco, Lots 6 &. 7, NEU SWU. 8. C, Tp. 27, BR. 9, tax $11.80. Luolla SI. Hradborry,, NWU NE, 8. 8, Tp. 27, fill. 9, tax $3.51. Ilcnjamln O. SIcGco, 813 U BW'i, 8. 12. Tp. 27, SH. 10, tux $15.9(1; and NEU 8WU, S. 12, Tp. 27, Hit. 11. Tn. 2(1. RIl It. nv J9 16- n.i.l . tldo Innds fronting Lots 6 & 7, S. 11, n'., on on 11 . tr n- 1 ho COOS IlaV Lbr. fr finnl C.n Coos Hay W Company, timber ?J ' N SW. SWU on lta 1. 1 jf. .1 .....t uua vivi. s"l4' S. 31, Tp. 27, SH. 13. tnx NWU SWU. S. 11. Tn. 26. SR. M."1-1- - ' "I 10, tux ii.ub. ,,sit. II, tax $195.00; and HWU. 8. Duiican-llrowur Lbr. Company, 1:1, Tp. 27, 8R. II, tax $177.72; nnd HWU. 8. 16, Tp. 27, SR. 10, tax SEU, 8. 13, Tp. 27, 8R. 11, tax $105.68; anil SEU. H. 16, Tp. 27, Hit. $172.92; and NEU. H. II, Tp. 27, 10, tax $71.17. ,811. II, tax $298.56; and NWU. II. HoyAndors 13 NWU , V . M, Tp. 27, Sit. 14, tax NEU. 8. 2I Tp. 27, Hit. 10, tax 2:l "": '""! HWU. H. II, Tp, 27. 11.85. H- " I3MUIS and SEU. 8. 14, Georgo II. Fowler. 13 Hvu,Tp. 27. HH. 14, tax $324.00. 8WU SWU. 8. 21, Tp. 27, SH. 10,1 w; l,,,lr,, '"" N NEU, tax $9 96 H' '"' "' " m- H' ,ax 10-30- C Van" Horn HE", R "1 To "7 ,'r,,l,k ",,rroWH' 8W''l NEU. .., .."'. ,"'B'-1' "'-7' HKK HWU NEU. SEU NEU. 8. Hit. 10 lax $.40. 81, Tp. 27, Hit. II, tax $2.61; and C. R. Hudson, Und. Lots 1. 8. NWK Hi ,, .,. 27 8ti u 5 & 6, S. 30, Tp. 27, HR. 10, tax1,, y, 90 $16.05. I Theodore ... Mnl.l.... Und. 1-5 1 - Z'1 C?J Ri'i. h -M i' 07 rii in iiv 17 K"l K,K1"' " -,, 'I'. J. hit. H. tnx SLU.8..I4, l..-7,SR. in.7-''-waB.S8, ., NW ,( , a . ,,,,, Dennis McCarthy, Lots 3 & I, H f,,ti , t Ux 307.7.1; nnd SWU. 8. 23, NWU, S. I, Tp. 27, Hit. 13, tax T,,. 7, HR. II, tax $345.10; and $21.36. 813 ',. H. 23, Tp. 27, SR. 14, tax J. L. Darker, W NEU. K '$111.15; and NEU. 8. 24, Tp. 27, NWU, loss 13 Acron. 80c. 1 1, Tp. 27, Hit. 12, tax $11.61. Ilonnett Trust Company, V HWU. SEU 8WU. HWU SEU, 8. 28, Tp. 27, HR. 12, tax $12.96. Plold Timber Co., 13 NEU, NW", SEU, 8. 30, Tp. 27, HR. 12, tax $19.26. Coos liny Lbr. & Coal Co.. NKtt.Jss. Tp. 27. SH. II. tax 8 c( Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $279.83; NEU. S. 26, Tp. 27, and NWU. 8. 5. Tp. 27, SH. 13, (ax $201.48; and N SWU. SWU 8WU, H. 5. Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $212 18; and SEU HWU, 8. 5. Tp. 27, HR. 13, tax $2.96; and SEU, 8 'C Tp. 27, 8R, 13, tax $450.43, and lNU' S - TP- "7- SI1 U' ihX $309 90s und NWU, 8. 6. Tp 27. 8R 13, tax $434 44; und 8WU.S 0. Tp SH. 13, tax $312.55; and NEU SEU, S. 7, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $52.39; nnd NEU. 8. 8, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tnx $321.11; nnd NWU, S. 8, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $102.59; nnd SWU, S. 8, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $142.29. W. O. King, NW't, S. II, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $11. SS. Tim Coos Hay Llir. & Coal Co., NEU. 8. 18, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $592.88; and -NWU, S. 18, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $152,601 and SWU, 8. IS, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $517.39; and SEU, S. IS, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $366.11. T. R. Sheridan. NEU, S. 19, Tp. 27, SH. 13. tax $21.80. Emma Herman, 13 NWU, NEU SWU. Lot I, S. 19, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $21.80. Thomas R. Shnrldan. Und. 1-5. S Hi'.'i. less 26 2-3 Acres sold, S. 20. .Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $5.21. ' N. Osmundson, Und. , NV4 SEU, S. 28. Tp. 27. 8R. 13. In Si !n 'p. R. simrl.inn. T7,r i.r tL NE',. 8. 29, Tp. 27, SH 13 ux $6.4 1. Mary McNnmara Randlcmnn. Und. 1-5, W'M NEU. 8. 29, Tp. 27, SH. 13, Pulaski Coal & Nav. Co., 5 Acrna off tho 13. end of Lot 8, S. 33, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $1.30. Oeorgo SIcAdams, N N 8EU, loss H. It. Right of Way, S. 34', Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $4.10. H. II. Stanford, laud descrlbod In volumo 48, pngo 226, Record of Hoods of Coos County, S. 36, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $9.00; and begin at NW cornor Lot 9 Illk. 6, Noslor's Atf dltlou to Coqulllo, run N. 137 ft., run 13. 110 ft., run 8. 137 ft., run W. 110 ft. to beginning, S. 30, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $12.38; nnd lands dc scribed In volumo 48, pngo 226, Un cord of Deeds for Coos County, 0. 36, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $0.00. Laura .1. Robinson, land described In volumo 31, pago 010, Record of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 36, Tri. 27, SR. 13, tax $2.25. 13. H. Harndon, land doscrlbod In volumo 50, jingo 298, Record of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 36, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $20.25. Lena Johnson, laud descrlbod lu volumo 35, pago 318, nnd volumo 30, pago 228, Record of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 36, Tp. 27, 8R. 13, tnx $3.03. Peart llrothors, V NWU NWU, 8. 36. Tp. 27, 8R. 13, tnx $21.00. IVnrt llrtithors & Compnny, Innd descrlbod In volumo 47, pngo 391, Record of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 36.. Tp. 27, SR. 13, tnx $4.38. 13. II. Hnrndon, land descrlbod In volumo 57, pngo 414, Record of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 36, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tnx $3.38. Frank lloutln, NWU NWU, 8. 3, Tp. 27, Bit. II, tnx $10.15; nnd NEU NEU, 8. 4, Tp. 27, SR. 14, tnx $9.57. Tho Coos Hay Lbr. & Coal Co.. N.J.,, h, Ja, T. 27 8n H ,ftx 1309.19; and NW',. 8. 13. Tp. 27. SR. II, tax $188.13; and NWU, 8, 21, Tp. 27, SH. II, tax $416.88; nnd HWU, S. 21, Tp. 27, SR. II, tax $388.11; and SEU. S. 21, Tp. 27, HR. II. tax $138.35; and NEU, 8. 25. Tp. 27, Hit. II, tax $440.10; nnd NWU. 8. 2.1, Tp. 27, SH. 14, tax $517.91; nnd SWU. 8. 25, Tp. 27, 8R. II, tnx $371.69; and SEU, 8. $546.70; and SR. 14, tax ,$150.32; and NWU. 8. 26, Tp. 27, SH. II. tax $361.18; nnd SWU, 8. 26, Tp. 27. SR. 1 1, tax $ 157.88; and 8EU. S. 26, Tp 27, SH. II, tax $187 99; and NEU. S 27, Tp. 27, HR II. tax $137 23' and SEU, S. "7 ''" "7' Slt U' laX l10-00- I rank L Urcenough. 8EU SWU, 8 '7 Tp 27 SH 14. tax $3 30 I I M 1 1-1 I' Hold, run S 200 ft, run 8. 82 do-8WU, 8. 30, Tp. 26, SR. 13, tax 27, SH. 13, tax $362 98, and SEU. I n known and unoccupied N syj, """ -S 17.18 run E. 832 ft to Gus Carlson, 4 71 A in . a, ip. -. ", i' -. p- -, -" "v