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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1915)
ijfflWWMHUMllllllfWI LjAN-UP, PAINT-UP,JM-UP SO fflS NEIGHBOR WILL ALSO CLEAN-UP AND PAINT-UP Coos Bay Times Your Paper . . -....a Itnv 'Ninon III lirnml itf lla ll1n nrri... jue i,u . -- - "w i., people's NWt" nna u strives nt nil times to ;... nn to Its nnrao by do voting Its energies to HID ' Lromotlng tho peoplo's lutcrosts. (Jans- law wxmtB members op Tire associated tmers A Southwest Oregon Paper ThnCs wlmt tlio Cool liny Times Is. A South Host Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon peoplo mid devoted to tlio best Interests of this great section . Tlio Times nlways boosts and never knocks. Established 1878 As The Const Mull. nm nr nniiirnp nnurrunuiu: IKE BOOM ' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 242 navs Old: Has Over 1000 habitants and Buildings Spring up in raw nours 0 1 EXGURSIOW Rt Passenger Train Yes terday Over 18 Miles of Smith-rowers Koaa 3T CLOSE TO MILLION (ileen Miles of Truck to Heart l" loindng District, on Iest Than One Ilnlf I'd 'iit Grade Landslides Overcome had more fiui than n Virginia i reel, Ind wo wern't run down by nn automobile, Eogh wo must admit wo saw lomo siurs Iclc skle-stepplng tlio passenger cars, I why did the folks, iih wo passed I))', us one side, with n knowing eyo celtlnc iih In n corner sny: lnon't be long 'till wo heat Coos !'" ho or courao, uoob nays nn right. Powers Is tho town that's out of eight. I.AWSON (JillTV IDf AiioilttM ITttt to Coot uj Tlmw. TIUNIDAI), Colo., May .1. Tho Jury this nfternoon returned a verdict pronounc Ing John It. Lawson guilty of murder In the first degree, fixing tho penalty nt life Im prisonment for killing John Nlinino, deputj sheriff In strikers battlo In October, 1013. (Pn.-a nio t aj.i!.. o...!u. AAA AA A A,U"HU U,JU" U" HUUIIIIU OIIIIU1 uii nmui wnen ivortnern IG0ES 10 I ! OF BIG LINER i VESSELS GET ItAlt IS NOW SMOOTH MANY ItOATS CROSS WOHK PROGRESSING GRADING AND TUNNELS ON RAILROAD NEARLY DONE Thomas DIon of McArthiii'-Pcrks loiupniiy, Hero Today and Tells of New Line. Tho last of tho grading and tun nel work on tho Coos Hay Eugene lino or tho Southern Pacific will be finished before Juno 1, according to Thomas Dixon, general superinten dent of tho MneArthur-PorkB Com pany, who arrived hero today from Eugene. . "Tho big Sehoflcld tunnel Is nil completed except tho timbering" said Mr. Dixon lnilnv. "Tim rin. Isl lug work on It lH liplng carried on rapidly and will soon bo com pleted, marking tho conclusion of all tho tunnel work. "The last of tho grading will bo work on tho Sluslaw where It was held back by a right of way con troversy through tho stono quarry Pacific Was in Trouble STORM SEVERE 1 loiumiiur ue ione r-rom ures- cent City Loses Deck Load and Has Hard Time ' WIND 100 MILE AN HOUR Steamer Yosemlto It leaks Down Af ter Leaving San Francisco and Tinning Heachcs Port In n Crippled Condition Cnpt. n. W. Olson of tho Adellno Smith who arrived with lilH vessel at 3 o'clock this morning says that tho recent storm was tho worst that has been known for twenty years on this coast. From Mendocino south to San Francisco tho wind blew at tho rate of 100 miles an hour and Those Dclujcil (Jot Out Sunday and Several Arrive- and U'avo the Hay Today RUSSIANS HIE xm. nn cm mu 1 u I ivi ii unu STEAMER IS SUNK 4 VESSEIi MOVEMENTS Arrhed Tillamook, -1:30 p. m. Sun- day. Speedwell, C n. in. Monday. Adeline Smith, 3 a. m. AIou- day. Tug Klyhlam from llandon Sunday. Hontuer, 0 p. m. Sunday. Geo. W. Eldor, noon Mon- day. Yellowstono duo today. Sailed (Jlcanor, Sluslaw, 10: IS a. ni Sunday, i ureuicwutor, 1 1: l r n. Sunday. Acme, I ii. m. Sunday. isanu smith, 2:30 p. in. dny. 1 Tug Ktylilam and barge, 1 1 a. in. Monday. Tillamook, 10 u. m. Monday. From Haiidou Ellznbcth sailed Sunday for San Francisco. I Tillamook Balled Sundny for I Coos Hay. m. Sun- 1 Germany Claims That They Suffered Crushing Defeat When They Met Austrians Y CAPTURED Seventeen Hundred Prisoners Taken and Those Escaping Retreat Rapidly Eastward MINE CAUSES BIG DAMAGE Krencli Make Unsuccessful Attack And Gfiiuuu Airships Make llald on Hangars and Hull- road Station, SWEDISH 1,1'MHEIt V ESS Eh SUNK 11Y THE (IEHMANS Two Tianleif Sent, to tlio Hotloin Near Al(.iilcvu and Hotli Crews Are Saved A A A A A THHEE MORE SL'NIC kid Sol was good lint ii red yestor- Ho rose early In tho morii- Nltli a broad snille on his fnco 500 exriirBloulstH from innrsh to Myrtle Point, elatnbored rd the first passongor train Into tors, officially innrklng tho ront on of nu 18-mllo logging lino tho heart of the C. A. Smith her, constructed at n cost close 11,000,000 and built In two n and a half over obstacles that jtlmcs have been discouraging !e walls. nd as tho train puffed nround Ecornor on tho last lap there lay J before tlio uowcomcrs n broad llle valley with tho Coqulllo Rlv- lmllng about thrco sides. On side n ro tlio tlmbor covered intalns. Itindreds of loggers and their 'Ilea gathered at tho now freshly (ted depot at Powers and us i as sho came In sight tho whls- Iford in tho cnglno enh was tied Tlio railroad hail come, was tho whistle to provo It roii folt lu an argumentative Id of mind. well lias tho now road boon "ted that nol ono person in ftould tell when tho main lino left Just south of Myrtlo Point tne start of tho logging road Pe. Two venra ntrn V. A llnlnn.i "er locatlnc onclneor with tho mo Northwestern road through uockles, made his first survey tna logging country. IMes l!0 l-'ect In .Mile. result has been a road to f from Myrtlo Point on u I that Is less than one-half l"e per cent, or In other words, Me of but 2G feot In a mile. Is an exception of 80 feet jre the grade Increases to ono One-half por cent. Practically pits have been niado for more 30 feet and there is ono short el fillets & Burr. California con- IWrS. nlil flirt ..nrlv nnniatriinHntl but a year and a half ago ere released and tho bulk of 'rk has been dono by tho ""Powers Logging company un- the direct Slinnrvlolnn nt A Tf. P. . " --.,--...... w. ... ... . . auer whom the new town "'i, med. SHIes Tako Track. peral times the men have la their track onlv to sea It " down tho mountainside. Kround rosMiiE on bed rock'wlth ter seeping under has been F-ue. This has meant delay and Owlim to tho nature of the location, at San Francisco nt tho rate of ttO only a limited force of men can bo I miles an hour. cirployed, but good progress Is Capt. Olson saw tho Northern Pa ining made. clflc, the big liner which was In trott Much Trestle Wnik. bio. Sho went south about the same Thero Is a largo amount of tres- tlmo as tho Adellno Smith. The lat- tlo work to bo done and this will i tor got Into San Francisco safely but prouauiy mice ail summer to com ploto . A pllo driver Is now work ing on Tslltcoos hnko and another driver Is being built near there. Another pile driver will bo moved in on Smith River soon. "This work will bo underway as soon as they have figured up tlio material mid let the contracts for tho piling and timber. Warren Hood was given the contract for u couplu of thousand piling, but many moro will bo required. "It will probably bo well to ward next spring before the lino Is finally completed. Tho stool work, tho big bridges and ballasting will take consldprable time With tho storm over the Coos Hay bar Is smooth niid was lu good con dition Sunday when the barbound vessels all got nwny. Tho tug Gleaner was tho first to Btnrt out and went to Sluslaw and was fol lowed lu the forenoon by tho steam er Hrenkwater bound for Portland tho liner broko down. At Sail Frauds- and starting on her new schedule. co it wa8 reported that, sho had lost She had not been delayed any. her rudder and propeller but It wns The steamer Nairn Smith, which later learned that this was not tho t left Mnrshfleld Thursday night with case. Her steorlng gear wns out of lumber and pasBongers sailed south order. When Cnpt. Olson heard of tho ai :;iu p. in. nun ino .cnie, wiiu troublo of tho Northern Pad f In ho lumber from North IJend also got finished discharging his cargo and LOOKS hIKE WAIl tllr Amor ItteJ l'rn to Coot lUjr Time..) I'NDINE, ITALY, MAY 3. THE ITALIAN CONSULS IN AUSTUIAMIUNC.AUY ARE ItECO.MMENDINO THAT ITALIANS LEAVE THE COUNTRY AS SOON ,AS POSSlllLE. IDr Ato(litej TrfM to Coot Ilir TlmM. NEWCASTLE. England, May 3. Tho Norwegian steamer America was torpe doed lu tho North Sou Sntur duy. Tho vessel sank within two hours. Tho crow was saved. in AuoctttfHl TrfM to Com 111 7 TlmM.) LONDON, May 3 Tho Norwegian steamer llald wln was sunk by a (lorninn subinarlno lu the North Sea Sunday. Illr AmocLIM I'rtM lo Ciuw lUr TIiiim.) COPENHAGEN, Muy 3 The Norwegian steamer Lulla was sunk lu tho North Sea Friday by a (lorninn sub- mnriue. AMERICAN SKIP IS TORPEDOED Steamer Gulf Light, Owned in Pittsburg, Sunk and Cap tain Dies of Heart Trouble I IN HE L T Vessel Was Carrying Cargo of Gasoline and Oil Consign ed to Firms in France jouiisou roner, wuo unu cunrgo Onturilnv nlu of tho work for nwhllo ,,, ,, " of this end Is now at Halifax, Nova where Porter Hrothors havo haibor contract. Mr now in Now York and Mr. Tinkler wns at Hope, I). C, the last 1 i heard from him. "Kenneth Hausor and Swan Hen sou tiro in Portland for a short fctoy. Small Crews Now. As only tho finishing work ro- mains to bo dono now, tho crows havo been greatly reduced. Hrothors probably have not moro than a couple of hundred men erii nlcxcd on their section of t i nave maieriaiiy niid one-half hours. tho bjg vossel o I a big'8!10 aaaul Hitchcock iv out. Tho gasollnu schooner Tillamook arrived from llandon Sunday and got out this morning for tho north. Tho stenmor Oeo. W. Eldor ar rived from Portland Cddny, crossing the bar at noon. Tho steamer Yel lowstono Is duo from tho South to day. Tho Adollnu Smith 'arrived at 3 . . . - ....... I o'clock this ninriilnir ninl Ih londlnu at "the "sleVrlng gear of j l"JC'- Wlv Vmo ,0,,"y- VTo on"tor nVran1 TI,o tug Kly'hlan 'ar'ed yester to go on to San 1-ran- d from Handon and this morning went back to holp orfeiwl Aid Tho Adellno found tho big liner 2( nillos souti of Point Arena. A rev onuo cutter, n tug and another vessel were near. Capt. Olson offered old hut tho captain of tho Northern Pa cific pnld he would soon bo all right and wo.tild make San Francisco In two l.,fl ...III. r, 1. ........ In,ln.l .tl. ill,. IlKTOaSOtl to IlliOO Another hi Troublo ...T r .t... .i.,i.. u(.i n-... attack southeast of . ...... i 1111:111 iiii mil in i:iiu iiuiiLiii:. l ii u i vaii.uisonrei.ori8i.iaiii.08ieuu- oHlHJ ,,, n,g(J t0W0(, 8nmllor or, Del Norte was In serious trouble ' b wU (,reiI 0 0(lllmont ,0 She sailed Wednesday from Crescent nanilon. Tho Klylilnm will return City, Ca ., and got tho worst of the from Unmi0I1 nml low tho Seattle storm. Her deck load of lumber find to uoimlllo Hlvor probably tomor all tho passenger s baggago washed roWi Tho co(utions for moving tho overboard and most everything on)urotlKo ro noW fVorable. dock was swept nway. Sho had a hard , iinUv i.'iis.nn.n ChimInl' Porter i ""'o hut finally got to San I-rands- Toin James has received word en. Had To Turn Hnrk The steamer Yosemlto also got n- that tho Swayno & Iloyt Steamship Company will scud n special boat 11; AitoolilM rrrtt to Coot 1! TlmM. HEItLIN, May 3. The official statement today said: "Yesterday wo Hiiccessfully attacked in Flan ders to the Northeust of the Pool-cappolle-Ypres road and took the farms of Fortuuln, southeast of St. Julieii. In Champagne, we In flicted considerable damage to the enemy's positions by a nilno ex plosion. Last night tho French mude unsuccessful attempts to at tack Hurtmniin's-Wellerkopf. A German airship squadron attacked tho airship hungars and railway station at Eslual, apparently with good results. "In the East, during further pur suit of tho Russians, who are flee ing in tho direction or Riga, wo yesterday captured four cannon and four machluo guns and also took 1700 prisoners south of Milan, so the total number of prlsouors were Tho Russian Kalwaryii fail ed. Tho Russians woro driven back across the Skcauga, northeast of Sklornlewlco. Tho Russians also suffered heavy defeat, "In the Southern thontor, In tho presence of Austrian Commander lu Chief Flold Marshal Arch Duko Frederick, aftor bitter fighting yes terday, wo pierced everywhoro and crushed tho entlro Russian front IDr AmocUKI rrm la cti ur tirim. LONDON, May 3. Tho Exchange Telegraph company received n dis patch from a Copenhagen correspon dent snylng tho Swedish steamer El- imu, ininuer iiuicn rrom Helslnghorg to Hull, hn8 been torpedoed In the North Sea by u German submarine. Sho went to the bottom In loss than three minutes. Tho crew and two womou wore picked up by a Danish schooner. Two Trawler Sunk Ur AuorUl) rr to lm I,., TlmM.1 AHERDEEN, Scotland, May 3 Trawlers making port today declare that a German submarine sank two trawlers within fiO nillos of Aberdeen Sunday. Tho crows of the two ves sols escaped In small boats and reuched port. Chased Three Heats. (D AMocutoJ rriwt In cool lit TlmM. AHERDEEN, May 3 It nppears thot the suhmarlue ran nniuck among tho Aberdeen fishing fleet. In addition to sending two to the bottom, It ehnsnd threo others twen ty miles. A patrol boat wiib then seen approaching, whereupon the submarine submerged, PROPERTY LOSS INSURED President Wilson A wit I'm Further Details Hefoiv He 4'akos Any Action Officials Admit That Matter Is Set Ions REPORTED AFLOAT llf AiKorUtnl l'rn lo Coot llr Tlrort.) Later telegrams this after noon slate tho Gulf Light is still afloat and might bo . saved. (llf Atiocltlisl rrrtt to Cool fltj TlmM. NEW YORK, May 3. The two Americans, In addition to Captain Guiitor, who lost thulr lives whoa the stenmor Gulf Light was tor pedoed off Scilly Islands woro Charles C. Short, of Chicago, a wireless operator, and Eiigenu Chap auetii, of Port Arthur, Toxus, a sea man, according to u cablegram to day to tho Gulf Itotinlng Company, the ownurs of the vessel. The messngo was Hlgued by First Officer Ralph Smith, who said Cap tain Alfred tlunter, whoso home Is lu Ilayuuiie, N. J., died of heart dis ease and Short and Chapuuetn were lost. It Is believed those were tho two men reported yesterday to havo Jumped overboard. Including offi cers, tho Gulf Light had 38 men aboard. Tho ship and cargo were valued nt $1,000,000. According to company officials tho cargo con sisted of gasoline itnd oil consigned to firms lu France. MAYM E raw JAPAN WILL SEND AN ULTIMA TL'M TO CHINA here from San Francisco this week i ' W(JHt. H"111'!'1' froIU lh" "o'Kl'bor- ii iun..i. A ci.a ...nn m.ft rn... o.' i.. i. t.i i i.. i iiiiiiii in iiui i iiiiiiriiriiiii irnntinr m reduced tliolr forco , the Ten Mile Francisco and became disabled In tho, When Mr. James was Informed that Junction of tho D.inajeo River, sec tton as tley have the work nearly storm so turned back and In a crip-'the Nairn Smith would not make tho I?'"''0' t,, "noiiiy bb succeeded In section as tntj or j condition got into port again. trip this week, ho wired his com- gaping ' hasty retreat toward "Pile driving for tho trestle work' Capt. Olson says the storm Is all pany to have one of their vessels Last c losely PUoi ,. I ho at Ten Mllo will soon bo underway." over now and that the sea is not stop so that Coos Hay freight ship-. yo?"'., S Mr Dixon left Eugeno yesterday rough outsldo and that ho found tho inents would not bo so long delayed.1 tl uu "" approxnnuqa. ,v., .-.- ---.. . - . - .. morning, arriving horo early today, coos nay nar calm aim smooth wnen mo company He will loavo for homo tomorrow, no crossed in mis morning Tho nutos nro now running between j tho Sluslaw nnd Umpqua and no, says that tho through trip betweon Coos Hay and Eugeno should bo made lu ono dny at letst twenty days, out of a month now. Mr. Gccghan, in cuargo oi mo oi flce work of tlio .MacArthur-Porks Company ut Eugeno, who has visit ed bore a few times with Mr. Dixon. luw lioim lalil III) lor llo wcuun NEW S ICE nu-J ueou "! ! ;" , , i .,,, i,'I1ijiiw with a very lurgo carbunelo on tho M"" 1'uciiiins back of his neck. For a time it Not Serv I was f :nrcd that it tal. would provo fa- 1ELDER ARRIVES IN HltlNGS OH PASSENGERS FROM PORTLAND THIS TRIP Captain LofMedt Claims Has Heard Nothing of Taking Elder Fioiii Tills Run. From Portland with C8 passon gers. tho George W. Elder crowed In at noon today. She leaves at 11 o'clock tonight for Eureka. Captain Lofstodt declares ho has heard noth ing about taking the Elder from this TMman whn nrrlved woro. E A. Mlddlobrooks. J. Norman Campbell, Mrs. M. E. Everltt. Mrs P. Roberts, E. H. Clarke. Violet Mather, E. McDoiigal, F W. A oad, Ida Conrad. Mrs. C. E. Gallup. Ar thur C McCabe, J. It. Wotherbeo, W A. Drown, Mrs. W. A. Drown, mJ w a. Drown. Jr.. uud two Krnnted his request 'and wired that the Daisy Freeman I would leave San Francisco next Friday for Coos Day. . Mailue Notes. Tho West Coast Navigation Com pany, with offices at Portland, Is perfecting plans to carry lunibor. from the Pacific to the Atlantic RURAL POSTAh RATES WILL HE i ?Ht on schooners lowed by tugs. inii'STi'i. wiav .Tno .l'0Bt of transportation audi Ith-ADJLhlU) SOON feos 'through tho canal will ho f 1 much less. It Is thouuht. than by for a .Million Peisiiiis Htoamors. j l Now Will be ! Tho Union Iron Works at han Proided Illjr AmocUIM I'rptt to Coot Iltjr Tlniet, WASHINGTON. D. C. May I Plans for a general readjustment tl.n ,-nrnl nnstnl unrvlrn IliroilL'll ltii ..nimiri' liv .iiiiv i m n tn nro-1 erilluellt. I U VI....J -..rf , -w -- ,--- p vldo mall facilities ror a million pot- 'nn.. mtnt lnnlmtn.1 t ti tlin tirnQftflt routing systom wus announced today, JAMES H. P0LHEMUS by Postmaster General iiurieson. CITY TD GELEBATE PEOPLE OF LEWISTON, IDAHO, I HAVE DIG GATHERING I Slgualle I'Niruial Opening of Canal I'loxlillog l-'ive lluiidied Mllm of Nalgable liilmiil Water 11; AtuKltltd rreu to Coot lit TlmM. LEWISTON, Idaho, May 3. With govomorg Not Satisfied With l-ast Reply of Chinese ('oci'iiiiicnt Degardlng Deiiiauds of .lupau nr AitocliM rrtti to Cum lit TlmM. TOKIO, May 3.-Tho JIJI Shim po, u Japancrio newspaper of good standing, Issued an extra this af tornoou In which It niado the state ment that Japan would send nu ul timatum to China, the Chliieso re ply to tho latest Japanese commuii lentlou regarding the domnmlB of tho Toklo govoriimeut being consid ered uiiKntlsfactory. 1...11.11.... r. i iHiinotu i""!'"" .M....i.ft " lli I'Mv.triinr., nr nirim u(ntta nntl 000.000 dry docks antic patlng the , roi,octlvo lTlll,ed States Sona- 1 el VB. f fn"V.!'C '"nn1,?.. oi i, lor '"1 Congressmen present, Lew- 3i bulldeis for tho construction of , , , f 0f ,mrl.,n.rr III, Unite States ZoV-! of "h to slgualUo the formal ont'inarlnos for tho United htates K- . f . . . ! EXPECTED TOMORROW INCREASE SMALL Railroad llrotliciliood Issiio State inent llegaiillng PViIernl lloanl Action Comes To Tako Charge of Dredge Mlclile. Has Completed Trip East ImcMlgntiug Dit'dge Woik Jumos 11. Polheinus, recently ap pointed to take charge of tho govorn- I ment dredge Mlclile wnuii is expect I ed here this week, will probably nr- tomonow fiom Portland. Mr. mils has been engaged in en ter Auoolited Prtit to Coot lltj TlmM. f!ltrf!Af!0 Slav 2. Tho Hrother hood of Locomotive Engineers and ' p.0.,.1 Firemen today Usued a statement In peering work at the Colllo Canal, support of tho contention that tho j Just opened, and returns jiow from a wage advancos on Westom railroads, trip east and to tho gulf where ho In- granted Saturday by federal board i Kovornmeuv ..rouging ,..u of ars tratlon were very small, 'i no ' Jects. of fi00 miles of Inland water made possible by the construction of gov ernment canal on tlio Columbia Itlv- SIMPSON CASES WILL BE TRIED Are to Come Up lu Circuit Court Tills Week, According to Attorney The Ruby SImpsou-Noslur and Mrs. Pfortiior perjury cases which It was rumorod might bo dropped without coming to trial, are coming up this week, according to John C. Kendall, ouu of tho attorneys for the defense. He says these woru the Instructions last weukjif Judge Coke STATE ENGINEER THERE TURKEY CONFIDENT WAITS FOIt DETAILS. Pr AnnelitM Vint lo Coot P.j TlmM, WASHINGTON, I). C, May 3. President Wilson will reserve Judge ment on the torpedoing of tho Amer ican steamer Gulf Light until full of ficial details have been received. The President Inquired about thu Incident when he arrived from Wllllamstown, Mass., today, hut wus told no offidul word hail come. On the face of the nuws dispatches, the officials admit the attack on the ship Is n serious matter, but they In tend that thorough Investigation bo mndo and that no hasty action be taken. STATEMENT SAYS ALL DID NOT IMPROVE CONDITION Hniiilmrduicnt by Turk Guns Causes Damage In One French and One llilllsli Ship Illy Awoiltle.) I'rtn lo Coot lit? Timet. CONSTANTINOPLE, May 3. The offidul statement says "The conse quences of attacks proceeding suc cessfully for us, tho enemy has not succeeded lu Improving its position on thu coast of the Galllpoll peninsu la. Fire of our butters directed WAS INSURED (llr Atorti4 I'mt lu Coot Ilir TlmM. PrrTHHURG, Pa., May 3. The on ly claim which tho Gulf Refining Co., owners of the Gulf Light, will pross for payment will be for thu thrco men killed, according to George H. David sou, president of tho company. Tho property loss Is covered by Insur ance. "I will be In Washington tomorrow nnd call at the State Department," fiuld Davidson." Our property was i . ... ," ...: S DID u" ' insurance in no way con nected witu mo government murine Insurance. That ot course will bo pnld and the only mutter to be taken up with tho government will have to do with roller for the fumlllo of tho men lost.' I 'SI Xd" ON en"now Horses lu Heillii Have Heeii Taken For .Military PurposcN (llr Attotlit l'mi lo Coot Iltjr TlmM ) HEItLIN, Muy I. -Oxen may soon take the places, In this city, of many truck norBos, which have been re- ni,u."iroii" it' V. Leek. ii. G. Kolb, ' Increases will aggregate, according to L v 'ii Sehettler, K. F. McLeod, Tlios. ' these figures. $820,408 a year. The I r" '. .... . II IIoIitIIv n V. II - ...... .Inn,. ...! An It, Blieriliaili J. -bi iiiBiires io nuf,ca uiumu unu " Marvin, Paul Smith, M. A. Hamilton, J)Qt lncj(0 the value of componsa if' J1& $griuitOTT rules of overtime allowances. 1.1. -"-- .i. ,, T- I LIcbbrand, C. P. iveauiiB. oi. ! Ing. C. P. Keating, Jr.. C. II, u1AAAaaaaaa " C. M. MllUgan, VetfrExon.Xfsf'li W. S. Klevell, Mrs , j n , I arrU. nrd work but by tanplnir the' n" si,firldan. A. 11. Dalglty, C. L.(iKUres aro for wages alone and do r uue and carrvlm? nff the fr In sluices tho trouble has been Pa"y eliminated. !a the first ot the year this haS been rerelvln.. He flnUlilmr lha . . "- Jlnni' nna !... a .anrio . &, .v.w.., - h9ij " "u, "-j ; l0 HnrrJa, Mer e Harris, u. a. lauled over It. This week tho I???,," A. 7. nni.erts. Rev. Rob- T laW.'erts, A. J- Rahmer, Miss Zara Lons- J TIMES ARE HETTKR new eh out 01 the heavy steel will bo laid. road at Powers will up grades nf four to fire Lone naif per cent into Mill wmon Creek and later up Jf.eck tho middle stream. Ur ,ioi fhas. liauer. aiiiuo nemo., Chas. Lelder, E. T. Dewey. A, C. Johnson. Kee Drown. Geo, O Ilara, juiiuow.., ...w ---- . wnlah v wnicu is o ?- w nf la "w Of A'tocUtfcl Pi-mi lo Coot Otr TlmM. LONDON, May 3 It is re ported that a Zeppelin Is trav eling In the direction of Eng land from Vlleland Island, which is on the northern coast Netherlands The air- passed over this Island lock this morning. i i IDr Attociiiixt rrmt io foot ntr TlmM WASHINGTON, . C, Muy 3. The official of Washing ton was cheered today over the business outlook through out tho country as disclosed In roportg to the Federal re serve board from agents In 12 reserve districts. The re ports Indicated that govern ment trade conditions are good and returning confi dence It is roported that there Is an activity of Indus tries In suppljlng war mat- ;Ariles at Itoseburg Today to Look Into Road .Mutters. I (Special to The Times.) I ROSEHURG, Or.. Muy 3. Stato 'Engineer Cuntlno arrived In Rose- burg yesterday morning and will 'make a tour of Douglas County In- spectlug work which Iiub been done. Tho object of Mr. Catiline's trip to DoukIub County is to look over i road conditions and confer with the members of the County Court with refeienco to the expenditure of $20,- ,000 which was recently appropriated by the state for roud work In thiu county In tho event this money Is spent Judiciously this year It Is I quite certain thut a greater sum can .... ., i . . , ..i.w ttixninr, nnilll nil I V I'l'tm III" ugalnst the enemy at Sedtil llahr ,,ulHltloned for nillltury purposes, shows good results." The stntoinont iT)l0 vMco i,roKtoi un ordinance says that tho French battleship Henri prohibiting their lino lu tho city uud IV and tho Hrltlsh ship Vongeanco! the first yoko of oxen seen lu this wore damaged by shells from tho.elty lu many yours uppoured today, guns of the Turkish foils and also, bays uiu iliissiuii inacK sea ncei iioiii- -... iir mami io oustruted for uu hour off the llos- LUUIM LAKt WUW lb phorns and thou retired rapidly In a northerly iHrectlon. FISHING IS GOOD. Henry Hugglns camo back last night from ubovu Allegany with a basket of 40 fish that ho caught up near thu Dagget ranch, about seven miles above thu head of nuv- A BUSY PLACE Tno Sawmills ' uud CUei'fl Factory Ate lu Full Suing Suy Henry Uilnl Loon Luke Is the busiest pluru lu Coos County cuutendH Henry Lulrd, igtttlou. Ho used a fly. On the a proiiiluoiit randier and dairyman of that placo who has Just como down with a shipment of eheesu. The two saw mills uud u cheese factory lu full blast, ho says, looka like good times lu his section. PRODUCED OLD LETTER. Son of Senator Piatt Testifies In the Libel Suit. Dr AuwUltJ rrwt lo Coot Utr TlmM. whole flshuriiiun roport fairly good results, better than the week before when very few of tho wily ones woro captured. Practically all of the fishermen are now using tho files though Mr, Hugglns says he has used nothing else this season. A. P. OWEN has returned from a short outing at his South Coos River home. Ho states that thu trout are umng mil iy wuiibi. eui- SYRACUSE. N Y. May 3 In tain hours of tho day. His nop- , ."0, sult today, Walter ArndL hew, Lowroy Owen, waB there with , ,ieW8papCr corrospondont was ono "'m' of the several witnesses placod on tho stand by the defenso Among II A HARRIS, It A COPPLE und them was Edward T Plutt, son of A J MENDEL Jfllt on an auto to- the lute Senator Piatt, Piatt pro- day noon for Coqulllo to appoar duced sevoral bundles of musty lut- 11 c 1 n i ti I