RVWwMi"4"' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1915-E VENING EDITION. FOUR , I I iPMHSMSBSMIIIIII ra"" COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXHV, Editor and Pub. DAX E. MALOXEV, Xcwh Editor Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos County of Mnrshfleld. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. M M USIC USICIA AMD NS interest in MUSICAL EVEXTS XOTARLE this week Entered at tlio PontoMce nt Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malla as second-class muil matter. nil': concert -lull, SURSCRIPTIOX HATES DAILY. Ono year JC.00 Per Mouth CO weekly. Ono year $l.j0 When jinld strictly in advance tlio Biibscilptltm ntlco of the Coos llay Times Is $.1.00 per year or ?2.G0 for eix months. An Independent Republican news paper, published ovory evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by She uo a llttlf whoopo-r Ho gave u whoop-i-lo, Then fust and furious they sang, ' Then soft and sweet nnd slow, 1 And ono jiihii mTiipod tho fiddle Hiring, And oiif wulknil to tint! fro. And there I not and cIobii forgot Tho grout hli ugly lilill, Korgot tho slngorg on tho stage, Tlio music men nnd nil, IMIHT Oltl'ORI) MUSIC dosed my oyus ami plainly hoard Tho mocklm? bird's low call. H w. lluffoni moved to port ur- inril fiom Arngo, Coos County, lust week to net as Instructor of our band. Mr. lluffoni Is an aceompllnh- inl miiildiiii, and junior his tutolngo I tho band will soon develop Into one of the bent that can bo found in nny of our small towns along tho coast, as the hoys through their faithful J practli o and under tho direction of .V. V. Woodcosek, have already reach- led n dnjtroo of considerable excell ence. Trlbunu. H i HAXI) CONCERTS The Coos liny TIiiich PiiIiIIsIiIiik Co. i And just as in tlio old sweet days, J HE AX AMERICAN' I hoard you slnglnx dear, ALE tho world Is busy Hunting of moclUiiic birds and lonely graves, Director 11. X. ronton has nuiioun- ll,HntK.rtr and ...nllio toward' And ne,,rpr' nll(l "l0l' "ear' ,r0I bn'1 COMCorl for Sunday nf- oiio another Is spteading th.ough I3ti-1 '" olu m 0I " mnm lornooii. May S. no son siireiiils tluoiigii tne ' io win ' nuui mm nu.u. ... witnering, uesiroy- rope as illllliuii njnii'iu, mi"i n, ..-.. rf M . , ,,,. a ,,. 1ir Villi llli'll nni' niiiu iiui. iui-Ji,-c-ui, Tho Unlli'd States has liept out or ; Ho said not wlioop-o-lo, trouble so fur. but millions of our i)t f,u. nrros tho cotton fields', country's inhabitants luivo kDiwneii ( BOu,or 0Veiilng glow, ncross tlio sea- fathers. lnothcrH. sin- ..,,,,,.. ...... ...,,..,, .i,,-!,,,. m,,i tors, brothers, or more distant ro-'0f Haiilo, jou woio singing, ami latlves. Hundreds living on Coos Hay! Well, dear, the rest you know, have relatives on both sides of this Frank Hair in tlio St. Louis Clobo ensnnguliinry struggle. , noniocral. And when one has kinsmen or pv- A ... A on distant kinsmen, killing or bo-: Ing killed In the trenches It Is hard to control tho reelings, to be neutral- -I I in mfrniii from rrll ti cr bitter towards - your neighbors hero whose kinsmen, perhaps, are part of tlio foos your kinsmen nre fighting. This Is tho time to ho an American first. Nail old glory to the mast head and then stand by the flag. You arc a GET A HOME .von nre pliire Evory inontli you delay securing your own homo your progress. Each uiniith'H rent you pay out foi ls thai fnt teh j on luivo lost. A lioino Is n nocosslly, hut paying rail fSr ono In a luxury. nfford flint kind of a luxury? Think It over. 'Maying to live- Can ynu MAY concert ciiaminade ci.rn Tlio Chiiinlnado club mot Friday ,11101'iilng at tho libtary niidltorliim for their regular weekly rehearsal. A special rehearsal for their concert I which will bo given during tho 1nl wcult In Mav will bo held III Guild not" w!!f .lieS'ln'lhKS In ' "."' i at 7: 30. Tho Europe--except to bring nbout peace 'inn uas noon pnu using unigo uiy H possible! " ",0 choruses planned Tor their Keel sorrow and pain that tho pet- j concert which will no given at mo ty III feeling of crowned puppets Finnish hall, should cause tho slaughter of mil- ... ... ... llpiiB of men some perhaps, klntv-1 men of yours but when hatred he- gins to steal Into your heart and tlio , CIU'IK'H Ml'SIC blood red luizo of tlio battlefield rises lieforo your eyes. ' Tho Coinniunlon servlco by (lower n.,8!'.''.'"'.."""""!"'! t,.m,: .Yl'. !7'PVII be sung at luotnlng service of nn American first, last, and nil tlio K11I11I111II1 i.v.iu,.,,,,..,! rillllf.i, on On April 22nd. .Miss Sofle llnui-, nier, tho noted soprano who will np-u pear hero May 11th, gave a concert! In Seattle, which U spoken of In tho papers of that city ns a groat triumph nil the part of tho youm? singer. The Senttlo Times wrlto In part: "In tho selection of her program, as well a In tho nrtlstlc presenta tion of tho songs typical of tho var ious nations, Miss lliiiumer demon strated to tlio satisfaction of her au dience that music is tho ono art nnd language universal. She rendered tho taxing scores with uniformly ploRslug vocal quality and authori tative interpretation." time. ! Sunday morning. Mr I man will sing n solo. 11. A. Hult- XOT OXDEHSTOOI) Not understood; wo move along as under. Our paths grow wider us the sea Hiina creep; Along tho yyars, wo marvel iiud wo wonder. WhjMlfw Is life, nnd then wo rail asleep, Not tiiiiluiKtood. SPECIAIi MCSIO Not understood, we gather fiilso Im pressions, Ami hug them closer an tho years go by; Till virtues often seem to us trans-gresslous, I 0 Tho choir of tho Presbyterian church have prepared special music for tho Sunday suivlcos. They will sing two iiiitheiiirt and Mrs. It. E. Miller and .Mrs. . E. Conway will slug solos. - School I 'nigra til I TO P.MIEXTS .FIRST ADDITION TO MAR SHFIELD liny a liomo slto build you a liouso; it taken hut n fOW ilollara to start. Pay for tho homo as you would pny runl. Every tlollar ou pay out mi 11 la relumed you with the Interest that accrues from the Incronso In vnltto of tho property; tho self satisfaction, tunl tlio rc'spm of othois. hook over FIUST ADDITION. You'll like It. Taku your Sunday walk through the property; suo tho ninny rlno now homes you'll want lo l0 cato among llioni. Soloel ouo of tlio levol fiOxt 20-foot liulldlnj; sHcm fndtiK on n grrnl- oil sttcQl whoro tlio city water in ready to tup. Tho prlco Is right; $800 mid buy 11 on terms lo suit your Income.' .lltney service If doslro; lako cur nl lllanco Hotel, on Hromlway or Klflli stroc't, only you Reynolds Development Co, (OWNER) 178 Cciili-iil Ave. u. ii The study of musln by children should begin nt an early ago. He-; tween tho nges of seven nnd twelve Is tho host time. I do alt of my ( teaching In tho homo and have found by experience thnt chlldrou nccom pllsh moro out of Instriicllnn nt homo ' than In nny other way. It enables1 the toachcr to Instruct tho parout in i u uuinbor of valuable ways', so that J tho pnront becomes of groat Import ance In tho work. I I am opoulng up now classes for the coming season and nny ouo lo siring to confer regarding musical instruction, call Hairy E. l.eppert. Pianist Toncher, Matlock Apart ments. Phono 270.1. There will bo a program of music ami folk dancing nioxcntcd by 2.riu grade school children next Tliursday evening at the Oipheuni theater. The' 'entertainment l under tho direction i 'of Miss A. M. Vol, of the music and iud thus men rise and rail, and ,arl depart mem and promises to be live mid die, Not understood, poor souls with Not understood: stunted vision, Oft mensurml giants by their nar row kuuho; The poisoned shafts or falsehood mid derision Are oft Impelled 'gnlnst those who mold the age. Not understood. Not undemtood: how ninny youitt are iiohliiK Eor lack of HyiupHthy? Ah, dny by day, How many cheorloM, lonely hearts uro hi'ontiliiK, How many noble splrU rim iuva 1 1 Not uuderttoiiil. j men would two Utile Imrauly whoa they O, (iod, tlmt climicr, Or Jiidgo Imm cmitiDt moo; O, Cod, tlmt men would draw h lit tlo iiiwror To one iiuother mid he nrarer Thmi, And uuderstoad. SeliH'te.l. of tin ti hum 1 Interest, presenting as it does the work done In these recre ations during the school year. Following Is tho program which ' will conunoiico promptly ut eight I o'clock - , Music mill Folk Dancing. Pail I. I (.Seventh mid eighth glade chorus. Throo Parts Tho Wnvo Maidens. The Shell. The Willow Nook. SwIiik Souk Two Paris 2. Folk I)hih'Iuk-H. S. Second (initio. Danish Dhiico of (ircotlug. 1 See You. ' Seven .lu nips. 3. Mother (inoin Melodhm. Souk by II. S. Third (irndP. DramwtlsiM Iiy II. S. Third (irndP. Pun ''. Cuntntn AH The Your ltounil. Spring -Central Firth and Sixth Crude girls. Autiiiiin -Central Firth nnd Sixth tirade boys. Siitiinivr. .II. S. Fourth and Fifth (irmln girls. Winter II. S. Fourth nnd IMfth Crude lioys. iT-q t mo rs rramiMiiE E Coimway lyirfcHe Airms Flhoime 369L WATER WASTE I.lttlo drops or water dripping from many faucets nnd leaky fixtures makes a flood of wuste. New washers inro easily placed In faucets and does not require a plumber If thoro Is n valvo to shut off nil tho water from tho houso as there should bo In every caso. A now washer costs about nothing but If n leak Is nllowed to continue long, the valve sent may ho cut ami mi en tire new faucet ronulred. A faucot leaking to tho extent of only separato drops of wator will wasto 1C gallons per dny and r.S 10 gallons per year. A holo 1-112 Inch in diameter' is so small that an ordinary pin will nearly fill It, yet In ono day &2S gallons or In ono year 101,700 gallons of wator will bo wasted, which Is ns much as .'! or I fam ilies will uso In tho same time. Multiply the wnsto from ouo faucet by several hundred and tho figures are so enormous thnt it U enslly understood why wator systems all ovor tho country nro trying to educate tho public In preventing wasle. Coos Eay Water Company. MAHSIIFIEM) AND NOUTII HEX1), OHECOX. aessrscnFavvKrfrra Abstracts VOU llEMAIlTiE AHSTHACTS OF TITUJ AM) IMUHHin) A IK JUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec ; TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO.,11 TAIKIH.MIMll AVIl rnnilltl.P nn rnvnn ! GEXEHAfj AOEXTS, EASTSIDE AXII SKXfiSTACKES'8 AOMNl AGENTS rOH CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAILUOAD LilN 11ENKY SEXCSTACKICN, MANAOKU Henrik Gjerdrum PIANO INSTRUCTION Studio MYRTLE ARMS Phone 356-J riitamu ; iftflt i itfUdHca n VOCAI. TE.VCHEH Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage lcno l.eao Owl Pliitiiuacy Miiislirield Coiiilll A.M. A.M. fi..io 7:0(1 H:;tO Uillll 11.00 IliOO P.M. P.M. 1.00 I -III) iton :i;oii .'..'til ItiitO T:;to 7:;ia .MAHSHIICI.IM (H.H'll.l.E Al'I'O NT.U.i: TIME SCIIEIU'I.E Sclieilule nii'.iugcil to connect Willi bonih in Hiiiiilon, ,stuge to Mjrtlo Piiiiii, Wiuiu'c, Itosebiirg. No delays. l'aio from AlaislilUlil to Coiiullle: 7fi t'i'iili. Single V litunU-lli, Prop. I ' - Mr. tiemld limit, vocal inslrmtnr In South ikmiU Conservatory, South Head. Iiul . bus accepted tho posi tion n ou.l teacher jn Mr. llimrlk (ijfrdriiiu'a Cousontttoiy or Muilc to 'ji opened her next September. Mr. CJoidriini l to be couMratiihited on t.)i'urli!K siuli nn artist as Mr. Hunt for this position. He cnnu lilghly reconinieiideil ns u ilrst-clnsi vocal teaiher und soloUt. lllg olc Is of ho IiIkIi Imritoue order, lose uiiut mid brilliant. Mr. Hunt has had rio ,ears of voice tralnliiK un iler biich dlalluitulshid tcurlieis xs Moils llassljinger, Huston ; Frank II. Wclister. Chlcngo. and Mllten J. (iritlltlt or Xoiilb Mend. He bus held the position Hrt ocul teacher in the South Heiul Coiwenutor) for several .M.iis, his work (hero blng blulily siiiccssrul. He hug occupied th poMilou us choir director in St. Paul' M. E. church of South Mend, has boon dii oi tor of tuo ThnliHii concert quartette, ami of 'the Tulladcgn Choral dull of (he tniiie city lug ibo past five yeir Mr. Hunt has snug i oiicert oratorio and opera tic dii teg throughout w middle west I SO fill COOS ltlVKK HOAT SXHVICH j Tut-UXCIl E.VPHESH leaves .Mur-liflcld every day M 5. in. Leaves head of river j ut il:l,"i p, in, j HTEAMEU HAIXHOW leues lioiul or rlor dully at 7 i n. in. Leaves .Mai'h"Held nt 2 p. in. For cliuiier npidy on board. I HOOEllS K KSIITH j Piopiletnr New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend A1TO KT.MJE TO llOSElU'lUi FASTEST The oiihlost, iiilckest und iheapo-.t route bet m ecu Coo Count) points tin,) the Southern Pacific KuHwuy i the Coos Hay and Uoaebiirg anto line la tho oM Coos Hsy Warfou road Autos leave Mamltfleld r.ul Kosc'uhu Dur- l,ttiu uiruuiB nnu lunil pueneis a iiosiiiisiioii iu a no in nine hours. Eure betworu MarshfleUl uiid Kose burg only $S.OO. trrJivrii4 .-imiii i, mmw w. unswi. i ii 'ii ts" v. jjjjjjjjjjja -nr ii. .w msmtmsMJSK WBULm & vssac i yjc . .iij, t. n o. . i rrt- .r..7v - T OCi THSO Weekly Service Coos Hay and San Frtscucd, STEIlPiiS Rllli: ;. Ih i. Freight and Passenger Service $ SAILS I'HOM MAHSHI'IELI) VOW SAX FItAXCTSCO AXI Ml ii.iMiu, rnriihii.w, AritiK -u, ivi n..i i. .. San Francisco Office. 000 Fio Itulldlng, and Vtt KA f Coor Titiv Ao-nnf:. D. V. rc.QEORGE. P j n., . . , !( ' To Portland every Thursday mill wnu 111. Ills Mtuiluv to Cooa Uay1 'r riicuiir jaimuiB well lor the success of tl' El'SY COHXElt I Conservatory. .Muisliiloltl aud tickets r.ill nitre stohe Phono mx I There is nothing of more importance to the child's development than music. Music taken up in early years is more easily mastered, tends toward the re finement of the youth and furnishes not only an ad vantageous recreation but affords real pleasure to the entire household. Every member of the family is entertained and where there is music in the home, there is less wor ry about affording home recreation that will keep the young folks from spending their idle hours or evenings where they should not be. We can furnish you almost any instrument you desire on easy payments. If you cannot pay for it out of your own income, enlist the young folks' help. Come in and talk it over witli us or write us about anything you desue in the music line. 3!$A&0Mfc TUB FAST AND COMTORTADLI S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED O. F, McGEOHGE Phono 44, Mnrshflold NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP 00. 1H AGENT Phone I EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLE8 Steamship BfeakWil ALWAYS ON TIMB. SAILS FROM MAHSIIFIELD EVERY SUNDAY RVEIIY J." AT 0 A. M AND FROM PORTLAND pl'R nsurf mw,. ,--.,... . ., . nnmw . n SM'I 4 km. ir otiikKTS. PORTLAND Phone JUW, 1'Y TicKi?roflt wwx?Ms$j(YwyRM& E. L. TIIOMIS, MiimiKvr Phoiiox l:t.-,..i and i.-mi.J Puget Sound Bridge Dredging Ca . . .. .. nrtoral CoflJl UamSA5.rIiSeA.Sl,Si,l?Bie enn HARBOR wofl Our Coos Bay office has available for weyu wori tne i Dredge "Seattle,, , the most powerful, best equipped nnd most . . . . .. . ......,! ...i.a In I'flCJI". - nciiiy-liicil iiyuniuiiu v..vwB- ... Mart oooa Bay office, . Cn,; p yya: I offiw J amnW1"' vifff TTMMnifTi,"rrTii IHXIUMIIUIU, WflWVJWII. "r-tiw- raj WKWNmmwi