i ii. . tkOtt ? BWlBBnWBPBTBl THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1915 E VENING EDITION. THREE Commutation MES JHIM HQPP1N; MADJ mVK aSELLE SAYS HE FEFLS JUST SAnni v?2f5 a? A BUn?R UNDER TM: oDALEY.HEN ANYONE TRIES TO PASS OFF A CIGARETTE ON HIM FOR A JUST AS GOOD ASn ATVTHE Tickets $2.00 . .. i.i vnrili fiend Auto .Iilat """ . ...IntitcB from 8 m. m f - m : to South Slough o'nco n I," leaving at 11 "? t0 Empire trips ""' J3 Jt-4 20 1 I Pv ttM5i p QmmmiMm1? ft AUTO CALL J " ,. iwwwiwii J' ' ,n r - i i j in 1 FORFOUIb'SAUIUS l'linno 1MIO-L. Night mill Dny. Right Cnfc. j c.ItS. CAREFUL DRIVERS . I. I-UUTJS. ROOFING 3idimg, CONTRACTING, 00FING MATERIALS, FELTS AMU UtMbNI J. L. umut 111 8. P- 89. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS trill bo kent ovns to Tii 13 ruuriio i A regular stnto licensed undertaker trill bo In chnrgo l'linno II).". J tores & Framing Walker Studio READ THIS ' Tho thrift of A. NATION A STATU A CI TV A COMMUNITY U knoun by ITS SAVINGS DEPOSITS In limikN. A rl'ien Is also kuottit ami icsiici'tcil In u cmumuti. Ily for his tlirlft ami tliu Mivlngs lie lays by for (bo "r.ilny liny," I or din ngu nun hhiiiim i in ticiiiiiui jears lor iiimscir and tlioso tli'pciuli'nt on Mm. So wo Invito the school glil, the Mhool boy, Ilio l' lady, tho loniiir iniin. as ttell us tlioso ultli fiimtlios tluit are Hoiking for wages or otherwise to Investigate our miv- lugs frnluic. Save money nml havo It drntv Interest. WATCH If (MOW. $1.00 tvlll start your account. n T illfliL OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Bent. Mi fill ' fNbKvHffiK the rmhm Ilk WEXeptional $$MmJw 1 & JUr CIGAR ETTEm3J.W L- W jW . "NK VitacNNfOSft. all mmmmmm u waa RW'fipiww ' tV4l W X N SjCV iVrVli". jx Jllll .... fLQ WW -O-Tr 1 coupons in x V- m7,iuLJ ' I liFfflBayp tSHHT nS9Slli8P&Tii ! i w, y-v xv -,: ;.;t"V-sN : !(y "V- " ' . FLANAGAN & BEIETT BUNK OLUEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1888. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 bterest raid om Time Dcpoiita Otflcen: M. W. Dennett, President. J. II. FlnnnRan, Vice-President. It. r. Williams, Cnbhler. Ooo. P. Winchester, Unit. Cashier. "' ou ttaut to snvo inoney'.' Would you llko to save ff per Kwit on oiir Kioccry bill? Ifw, Trndo at our stoi-e where wo k.11 iriuulw. .....i .... . . ,-.. i. ... i..t ..til. .ill -,..,, hihku niuiH'y iiiik llllll ISMIU tlisn n-jiiMiT rrn-in- iin fcmiiluises n ml 1m, on monthly account wlicio paid on or herons F'io 1-th of ench month, t'omo In and l-t' Talk It oter and GET A RECEIPT fw'ociury n full lino; If you want fresh iw, newly laid Phono Kill J -oos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. National Gas Range Week 6 Days April 26-May 1 A Rare Bargain Opportunity ONE HUNDRED AND TEN YEARS AGO, F. A. Wind sor, an Englishman, evolved the process of extracting gas from coal. TODAY gas for cooking is one of the most prized de velopment of household science. THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE UNITED STATES gas companies and gas range dealers will celebrate this an niversary by special displays of modern gas ranges. SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS WILL BE OF FERED DURING GAS RANGE WEEK. This is a splendid chance to select just the range you want and save money on the purchase price See displays and Demonstrations at Oregon Power Co. Corner Second and Central Telephone 178. , 41 . i - l-'HtST 11APTIST CIIUKCH Albert T. Unssford, M. A. Residence 6G3 So. 11th strcot 55-X CKNKItAI. SCIIOOli NOT US Soioiul (liiule Tlioso receiving 100 In the spoiling review of tills week are: 11 clnss The nimunl school exhibition nf.Klennor Flnnneun, Klcanor Hanson. 1 I ..!...! u(. I.. ....-I !..!.. liitlin Mlinanlil H'tiAmn 1aiiIi.Ii nibio school at io n. m.. with i "u"' w'V'.'" ".'"J t. ""L" nBi. .r ;....':." , ZH 'V.. T..' iiiin.tont tonch. "'"" .'' "'""'"t". 8ii- : ""."" I""""'. ."" V""""V .""'. graded classes mul competent tench' ors. Worship nt 11 n. in. Sermon 7: 15. tinM ...t.t. I..iiir.tn ...ill 1... 1.n1.i Mn.. tin llnllttnr lllllli tnrvla Pllntinf li 1 21. Pennock, OeorRo Prazlcr. I The High School biillilliiK and tho' A Clnss Mclvln Johnson, Enrl ertnnnBlntu will bo used, ti l 11I1111-, May. Vlrclnla HoiIkIiib. Ktlila ifc- Speclnl music. ncd to have tho same shown In the Koown, ,0vy McKcown, Herbert A cordial wclcomo Is cxtondod to 1 afternoon nml evening. Lewis, Agnes Xlotnc, John IJutlcr. too senior annual will hiuko its CIIHISTIAN SCIKNCH Christian Sclcnco Hnll. 237 Third Street North Services nt 11 n. 111., Sunday nnd n. m. Wednesday. Subject "Everlasting Punishment" Itcadlng room open ovory day except Suuday nnd holidays from 1 to 4 p.. m. 4 NOItTll IJHNI) PIIKSBYTIIUIAN Hov. Frederick Shlmlau. PnBtor . Ulblo school nt 10 n. 111. Christian Endeavor nt G:45 p. m. ! 'h CATIiqhICCHUItCH MAltSIIKIKI.l) Muss wilt ho celebrated nt 8:00 ami 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning by Uuv. Father Wallace, nnd In North lleml nt 0 n. in. MIPIIODIHT EPISCOPAIj. .'osoph Knotto, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning Servlco nt 11 u. in. I Subject: "That Steward." The evening sermon will bo an , exposure ot "Christian Science," showing It is not Christian. All nro cordially Invited. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Junior Leaguo Servlco Thursday afternoon at 3:45. Prayer Mooting Thursday oven Ing nt 7:30 o'clock. SWEDISH EVANtJEIilCAIj I.LTIIEItAN CllUltCli. Ilev. II. K. Dengtsou. Pastor. ltesldonro "U4 Highland avenuo. Phono Ul-U. Sundny school nt 9:ir n, in. Sermon 1 1 11. in., Swedish Luther an Church. North lleml services nt 7:30 p. in. NOllTII DEND CIIHISTIAN CHUItCII Mrs. S. Orogg, Mlnlstor Preaching nt 11 n. in. and 8 p. Iilblo School. 10 a. in. This grndc is learning n two part song. First Oralis Mrs. Chns. Jensen visited Mrs. Wil bur's room this week. Tho Primary rooms nro preparing to illustrate "The Urownlo Primer" held nt Marshfleld on May 2.SU1. It ' "Snnbonnct Unbles" and "Circus ought to bo a pretty even meet be- J Header" for exhibition. tween thrco or four schools. That Tho llttlo folks have been Indus triously making May baskets this nppcnrnnro about May 15th. 'Twill bo n nobby production for secondary schools. The senior class ling taken hold of tho whole proposition with gumption. They havo handled It well. The Coos County Field Meet will bo m. Suuday School nt 12 Sunday. CIHHSTIAN CHUItCII I 1 Sorvlccs as follows nt tho Church. corner Sixth and Contral: Ilegulnr sorvlces ovory Sunday. I iiiuiu aciiuui 111 luiuu 11, in. I .MAIISHFIEliD Pltr.SHVTKKIAN I CHUItCII j Itov. Stubbloflohl, Pastor Chns. II. Lowry, clerk of sosslonH Geo. II. Staddon, Sunday School Superintendent. Mrs. Chns. McKnlght, president Womeu'fl Auxiliary. Sunday School, 10 a. in. Preaching, 11 a. 111. nnd 8:00 p. in. Morning subject "Tho Crcnturo's Expectations." Evening sermon subject "Charac ter Sketch of Abraham." Prayor Meeting, 7:30 Thursday evening. v METHODIST CIIUKCH Hov. A.. S. Hlsoy, Pastor. North I to 11 a Koontz Garage Ao-Annv fnr OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine antl Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: . Phone 180-J Marshfield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrehfiehl at Ilusy Corner JO:0O u.m. 2:00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Leaves North Ilend IS mln. utes Inter leaves Empire. 8: UO u.m. 11:0 a.m. 8:30 p.m. TO BOAT THE BUILDING GAME -: ' been tirttikn mi.v ... .-. . mnj unv rears nnd a lot of 3nM 8tonieri w' tell you when It comes to gettli g good, sound, rable framing material, at the right price we know our busl- o .; .u" tel1 wht you want to bjlld ana me bujuuui. """"' ipead n,i ii . ... i.i. nanr and ficure out th best "or uoney can buy. Try us. J u - C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT Trm b.it.t. n.T t. 1 imvn nV USING OUR OOD EHOXE too. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY I High &My Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks-being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers 797 Soufh Broadway. Dealers in Good Groceries- Phones 348-J and 326 Tho services Sunday will bo ni follows: Sunday School nt 10 a. ni. 11:00 n. in. Sermon, Vespor Clrclo and Epworth League at 7 p. in. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. K. E. Drowning, Rector 8 n. m. Holy Communion, 1 1 n. m, Morning service. k Holy Communion and sermon by tho Hector. Subject "Tho Shepherd and tho Flock." 7:30 p. m. Servlco in St. Luke's church, Empire, Instead of Sunday afternoons, as heretofore, the service In St. Mary's Church, North Hand, Simpson build ing, will bo held every Wednesday evening at 8 p. in. Holy Commun ion first Sunduy of euch mouth nt 18 u. in. I 4 I CATHOLIC CHURCH I I NORTH DEND nov. Kathor McDovItt Mass will ho celebrated Sunday morning at 8 by the Itov. Father Wallace. i NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I Itov. It. O. Thorpo I Services will ho held in tho Nor wegian Lutheran church at Maish field Sunday at 7:45 p. in. Sunday school meets ut 10 a. in. Sorvlcos will ho held In the Nor weglan Lutheran Chapel at North Ilend at 11 a. in. Sunday school nt 10 n. in, I SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS I Local Elder. J. H. Quails. Seventh Day Adventlst services are conducted evory Saturday as follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Dlble Study at 11 a. in. Young People's Society at 3 p. m. Prayer Sleeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. fact ought to add Interest Hov. Dyott, . D. of tho First Congregational Church ot Portland will deliver tho annual eonimonco nient address to the graduating clnss on Juno 3. Tho chorus nnd glee clubs of tho school will furnish tho music. Tho exercises will ho held at tho Noble Theatre. Tho baccnlaureato services will bo held nt tho Methodist Episcopal church this year. Tho sermon will bo delivered by itov. Knotts. Tho date or tiio services is May 30. On Thursday evening Mny G nt tho Orphoum will ho given the sec oml program of music and folk danc ing Children of the grades free, adults .25. Tho Proceeds aro to bo put to tho credit of tho art fund. Program begins nt 8 o'clock. Tho following Is the program: Part I. Sovcnth nnd Eighth (Initio Chorus (both schools). Threo Part Songs Tho Wave Maidens. The Sholl. Tho Willow Nook. Swing Song Two Pnrts '2. Folk Dnnclng High School Sec ond Orndo Danish Dance of (i root Ing. I Seo You. Shoemaker's Danre. Seven Jumps 3. Molhor OooKO Melodies. Sung by High School Tlilr Orndo. Drnmn tlzdo by High School First Orndo. Part. '2. Cantata "All tho Year Round." Winter High School Fourth nnd Fifth Orndo hnys. Summer High School Fourth nnd Fifth Orndo Olrls. Autumn Central School Flflit and Sixth Orado bays. Spring Central School Fifth nnd Sixth Orndo girls. Tho next program of tho Hysoerlo will be Impromptu, on the general topic "High School Life." Onto May 5. On Mny 14th nt eight o'clock, tho Public Speaking CIiifh will prosont n program In tho High School Audi torium.' Ono of tho mnln fonturo of tho pdogram will bo n nlny. "Mv Lord In Livery" produced by tho follow ing enst Lord Thlrlinoro, . IgnnlliiB Chnpinnn J Splggot (tho butler William McDonald Hopkins (tho footmnn) Oeorgo Witklnn, Robert (n pnuo) ..Hermnn fllossop. Sybil (a dnughler of Sir Oeorgo Amberley) Wllda Harris I lor II wo Frlonds Hose Adelaide Clarke Laura Ruth Cowan Senior rolicarsals on tho play "Tho School Mistress" nro bolng hold. Tho piny will ho given tho Inst of Mny. week getting ready ror Saturday's fun. Very gny and gorgeous colors woro tiBed when the pupils woro al lowed to chooso their own. Some now nnd odd patterns wcro used nnd nil enjoyed tho extra preparations. Mrs. Hoffmnn spent an afternoon in Miss Coming's room. SOUTH MARSHFIELD SCHOOL I Fifth Orndo Fred Knight. Jack Collins, Dorothy llassford, Reuben Sandqulst, How ard Post, Francis Sacchl, Holen Per kins, Francis Flanagan, Clnra Bridg es, Gladys Uurrows, Herbert Murphy, Oswald Horgland, Jeanotto Drown, Steen Mngnus, Donald Gldlcy, Lor ena Hoffmnn, Ero Jnrvcnlon, nnd Tholinii Illnck mndo no mistakes In spelling nit tho wool;. Mrs. Hoagland visited our room on Thursday. Fourth Grnita Tlioso who had perfect tost and perfect spelling lessons for tho woolc nro: Mnry McKlnnon, Jnrl Nordrum, Charlie Wlstl, Alinn Wleser, Esthor Wlstl, El Sampson, Archlo Sn6w, Virgil LeClnlr, Elbort Noish, Dick Wnlter, Alton Knrdoll, Cecil Doll, Wnltor Sneddon, Georgo Murnhv. -Myrtle Coiiklln. Excellent work In arithmetic for tho pnst mouth whb done by Walter Sneddon, Alton Knrdoll, Archlo Snow, Lnwronco Koontz Alfred Mc Elrcjy, Cecil Doll, Albert Webbor, Virgil LeClnlr, Gordon Noff, Mark lloono, Mnry McKlnnon, AInin Wlo sor, Jnrl Nardruin. Commendable writing hns boen done by Alton Kardoll, Graco McElroy, Cecil Doll, Mary McKlnnon, Walter Sneddon, .Lillian Johnson, Thoso pupils havo made a grado of 100 In nil their spoiling Iossoiih tills pnat week; Albort Unssford, Her scholl Clausen, Evelyn Fourlor, LouIhu Oldley, Helen Lecocq, Irene McPherson, CronJIe Noble and Jean otto Wilson. I HE HOME AFFY MADE AVERN CANDY Wo innko Iro cream f7H Contra I nvo., I'ono M-I.L CENTRAL SCHOOL Fifth Gi-ml) Tho pupils making tho highest nv- crngo In the 11 clnss last mouth woro; Morton Coke, Elvlu Hlllstrom, Heg- rcd llougell, Ellen Grunt, Edwlu Swauton, and Eugene Jones. In too A class Dorothy Ferguson, Elslo llawkiuoii, mid Lavlna Painter. Iloth cIuhsoh have been making maps Illustrative of geography. Good maps woro mndo by Perry Clnrk, Cleo Carter, Elvlo Hlllstrom, Ellen Grunt, Irene Foulkes, and Roderle O'Connor. Fourth (initio Pupils having perfect In spelling for tho week nre: Itoso McGluuls, Edith Erlcksou, Edna Krouhnlm, Ruth Going, Geo. Why, Stella Lash, Louis llalllnger, George Ferry, Irene Woodworth, Aldeauo Smith, Violet Moffltt, Clayton Drlscoll. Mom oo McMnhou and AldoanoJ Smith havo withdrawn from shool. Pupils In both divisions nro mem orizing tho Norse Lullaby by Field. Phillip DrlHcol! nnd Letup! Kulju had perfect In language Inst week. Third (initio Tho following pupils had 100 In spelling during tho outlro week; CITY AUTO Ai TAXI CO. Day iiutl Night Service. 4 For taxi, phono 20, Chandlor Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandlor Hotel LYNN LAMHETH, Prop. Now Cars :: :: :: Now Curs 4 SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, in nnd for Coos County, Myrtle A, EdwnrdB-Roborts, Plain tiff, vs. James Etlwnrds-Roborts, De fendant. To James Etlwnrils-Itoborts, tho nbovo iinmed dofondnnt. In tho nnmo of tho Stnto of Oro gon, You nre hereby roqulrcd to ap. poar and itnswor tho complaint fil ed against you heroin within ton days from the dato of tho servlco of this summons upon you it serv ed within this county, or, It served within any other county of this stnto, then within twonty days from tho dato of such service, but, If serv ed by publication, or by porson.tl servlco outside tho stuto of Oregon, you shall appear and answer on or bofore tho last day of the tltno pro scribed In tho order for publication hereof, to-wlt, Juno Cth, 191C, If you full to appear and answer irujuu jiiirriiiKiuu. r.nmuoin Me- i.i ,ii. ,..,.. ,.., ..... GlnnlB, William Sullivan, Helen ,'," " " . , ", '," "-"" "lo I'liiiuiiii mil iunu juuKiiiuiii ugaiiisi you for want thereof and will apply HniiBcr, Mary May, Edun Kcllond, Francos Mlrrasoul, Clareiiro Terry, Ruth Corey, James Mills. George to the Court for tho relief dninmu!. Williams Froilorlek Schetter, Leslie 0(, ,,, ,lor coinla,nt n iUcclllct Btato. Cartor. Ruth Hlllstroin. Oeorgo 01-) f . . ' . unli I.'llf,l,,ll. Ownnlnii Ilnlmrt llnff. II,0nt Ol WHICH IB! That slio he granted a docrco ot sou, Elizabeth Swauton, Robert lloff iiiuu, Komin Hinmi, Harold scott. Wlldor Imiuel has had 100 In arithmetic, evory day during tho mouth of April) lAAWWvvWlwwWJJw I UNITED KRETHKEN CHURCH I NORTH DEND Mrs. It. N. Lewis. Pastor Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Prayer Mooting Wednesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. I EPISCOPAL CHURCH I I North Ilond j I Simpson Untitling f Rov. Roht. E. Drowning, Vicar 8 u, in. Holy Communion servlco. 8 p. in. servlco ovory Wednesday evening with sermon by tho Vicar. Strangers cordially Invited to at tend the sorvlccs. divorce from you; That she ho awurdod tho care, rus- tody and control or tho minor ch'ld of plaintiff and defendant, viz, Mary Olive Edwards-Roberts; That she ho permitted to assume tho nnmo of Myrtlo A. Edwards, b'ervlco of this summons Is mndo by publication pursuant to un order mudo by Hon. John S. Coke, Circuit Judgo of Coos County, Oregon, which order bears dato ot April 23, 1915, nml directs publication hereof In tho Cook Day Times ouco each week tor a period ot six weeks, tho first pub.lcatlon thoreof to be inado on the 24th duy ot April, 1015. . GRAVES & M'INTUUFP, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. I 1! l . if r (I I ,' ! i I! I 11 ;