! VlT mmrm tf ! HffifeCl COOS BAY PEOPLE CAN RESIST EVERYTHING BUT TEMPTATION KS fsgg Coos Bay Times Your Paper XJie Coos Day TlmcB Is proud People's roper," and it strives Uvo np to Ita namo by do voting promoting tlio peoplo's interests. VOL NO. XXXVIII. LOST Wild SHIP Coastwise Steamer Victoria Owned by Mexican Com pany, Goes to Bottom . Was Small Vessel Which Ran Between San Diego and Ensenada in Mexico SURVIVORS AT SAN DIEGO BroiiRlit to That Fort by tlio Steam- er Hnwallmi-Aniorlcmi Which Picket Thorn Up In Distress At Sea D; AwoclttM rr to Com nr TlmM. SAN DIEOO, Cab, May 1. Thu coast guard steamer Victoria Is be lieved to linvo sunk this morning ttlth n crow of cloven Mexicans. A. Tonescanl, tlio Victoria's purs- cr, arrived lioro today with tlio rc'saol's paBsongors. Ho said tlio Victoria, roportcd foundering last night off Corouado Island, jiml across the Mexican lino, was no whero In sight today and undoubt edly went down. The Amorlcr.n-IIawallnn steamer American, which took tlio passengers oU the Victoria last night arrived here today. Tho Victoria was a small vessel owned by a Mexican steam ship company and ran between Sa.i plcgo and Ensonada. Those be lieved lost with tho vcss'il Include tho captain, mate and chief engineer LEAVES Hilt TODAY ( WILMAM HOOD, THE S. P. CHIEF ENGINEER, DEPARTS Wlt! Party Complete Inspection of i Willamette Pacific Starts for ills Homo Wllllnm Hood, chief engineer of tho Southern Pacific, accompanied by Mrs. Hood nnd C. II. Hoattlo, as sistant engineer, left on tho four o'clork stage this morning up the beach for Eugene. Mr. Hood Is re - turning to San Francisco after nn BBTOFEUEIEI BITS BUMNBJBK LINER HI PASSENGERS ibsenco of soveral weoks, Inspecting Mngco has said bo bolloves they can tho roadg In Oregon. not got away before tomorrow. Two days wero spent by tho party Captain James Mageo, father of coming In ovor tho new Wlllnmetto tho skipper of tho Nnnn, Is aboard Pacific line, nnothor day they wont! with his son on his way to San to tee tho work on tho now brldgo Francisco, at North Rend nnd last ovonlng tboy j Tug Also Detained returned from n trip ovor tho Coos Twlco did tho tug Gleimor also Day, Hoscburg nnd Eastern and ovor do down and watch for an opportun the Smith-Powers lino to Powers. Ity to got over tho bar. Tho first Superintendent Miller nnd Englneor Drouchton. from Nortli llend nccom- panlcd tho party. Satisfaction wns expressed by the chief enRincor ovor tlio way In which work has progressed on tho now lino. COUNTY CO.MMISSIONIMtS SAY EXPENSE IS TOO HEAVY People Would Never Wo Hontls' Tliey llclleve !jt:!,000 Work on ltuiid to Couullle This Siiiitmei' Prospects for hard surfaco roads In Coos County, at least for this NO HARD SURFACE KC orihi'&VW wiSiSpoTtlou -..n, M.o storm. came over this morning from tho COilllty seat. Ilnnvv linniltnir Issues. tho fltntn M'nnl.l nnt 1w. vilml l.v Ire peonle anil thn oxnonscs aro nl-1 u-iuy aoovo tlio point where now onfs can be added. Work on Mm rnn.l tintwonn Mnrsll- ,'iflrt and Coqulllo will bo commune- witntn a few weoks, as soon as tho weather clears, say tho Com- fiifsloners. From tho summit tit's j T,'ly as fnr Hi tlin li'Hn rnnph. a ! diMnnco of approximately threo ; ""lies, an entirely now highway will ) bebiillt. This will afford not only ! ueiier grade for tho heavy tr.ir ,, " Kiauu lor 1110 iicur? 11.44-1 c, soy tho Commissioners, but will lo allow ror tho filling In of sov- i gulches that nt tho present tlmo au brldcprl Haiti Road Question. It Was salil Hint tho Wnrrnn Cell- tructton Company had broached to 'ha COlintv Pnllr. n nrnnniilllnil for u .h"!?. "u-!if"c,n5 ?r H1.0. J? -- w4iiuy nem. juago waisou n- ?'aus that unthlnir iiflflnlto was drought before tho body and that I , , "TT; Tolls T Un- h! Km,i!,,er discouraged wlth.Omne JXln'UUMy f belief that the time Is not yet seaM,,ml: " "Xa y , Are l'eiiumient. Agitation fnn liorj o,irr,.fo rnnds made on thn rounds that they, "e permanent and though the lnl- "l cost Is heavy, the upkeep IsiO "eatly reduced and they will last Tk'ears w,th a Bmtt'l expense. ' p 'he good roads committee of the J-aamber of Commerce Is expecting f,???1 wlt" the County Court, PrODablv nt lla .,av ,niln tnr thuia SKj,of ,,oosUnK ,h0 pormnnenli of Its Utlo "Tho nt nil times to lt8 energies to Established 1878 As Tlio Const Mull. general stokm along coast less severe here Had Enough, However, to Prevent Vessels In loucr Hay From (Jetting Out. CONDITIONS AT SEA ! Tho sea Is reported rough off Coos Hay today but it Is much moro moderate than farther bouUi Capo Mendoci no Is wliero tho worst storm is reported. At Capo Blanco today the wind Is northeast, blow ing 11! miles an hour, baro meter 29.01, sea rough . At Capo Mendocino tho wind Is northeast and blow ing at 3(i miles per hour, temperature Is 48, barometer reading 29.00, sea rough. At North Head fog, west wind 3 miles, barometer 29. 01, sea rough. At Capo Flattery clear, wind northeast G miles, tciiK poraturo 19, barometer 29. 83, sea moderate. HAH IS HOUGH Captain Dunsou was In this morning from tho Capo Arago light house, Snow, lain and hall fell In rapid succession yesterday, all well primed with a heavy wind, ho said. The bar this morning Is still breaking across. Thoro Is not a chanco of tho bar-bounds bonis getting out this afternoon or to night. The Nairn Smith will at tempt to rrostt out Sunday at one thirty. Tho storm which was general nloug tho coast was not iilto so suvero off Coos Hay as It was far ther south. At Capo .Mendocino tho wind storm was reported to be a bad one, but It beenmo less severe townrd tho north. Tlio sea was reported rathcr rough yestorday ovenlng off Coos Hay In messages to tho wireless sta Hon and the bar would not permit of any vessels getting out. Nairn Is l!arhntiud. For two hours yesterday tho Nairn C.i.l.l. nlln U.I ,ltA ..naanr.1 1.11. tllllltll UklUlllllUU IHU IH4Dai4fcU, 4IU4.1 at 1 p. in. In the afternoon was forced to turn back to Empire. She Is expected to again go down to tho bar early this afternoon tliough tho pnsscngerB say that Captain tlmo was at 1 0:110 and tho second, nn hour later. The sea was too , heavy and sho too, camo back to Empire. Loaded with lifiO.OOO feet of ties tho steam schooner Acmo went down tho bay right nfter tlio Nairn yostor dny afternoon gave up her second attompt, but sho also was unsuc cessful. .STORM NOTES. Mnrshflold wits tlio only point along tho coast where storm warn ings for small craft wore not ordered displayed boforo tho storm. Appar ently tho storm was less hero Mum I most otner points. j 'lolegrnms from San Francisco I stato that tho sloop Ilarnaclo which i was built on Coos Hay was driven slmrn from hor moorings oil inu ELDER .MAY CHANGE iteiMirt That Santa Claru May Take laco on ThN Run Tho following from tho Portland Oregonlan indicates that possibly niiother steamer may replnco tho Geo. W. Elder on this run but nothing Is known locally as to any chango and It Is not bolleved here to ( Hammer & Co. are said to Imvo flxod tho steamer Yucatan, which ni,in,l vestordav ror uaiiioiiu" mi4.v.. - . - . i,nro ' ports, to load a grain c " , early next month for Austra la n tie -j livery in mat. "" ".,".,, ,11 ""m that tho steamer Geo. W. Elder wilt replace her and probably the Santa Clara sent north to ply on the Portland-Coos Day-Eureka schedule. QMnW REPORTED - - '. nri cai I o AT GOLDEN FALLb aaaaa- EIGHT PATIENTS HAVE HROKEN LIKih A Ilthunian named a lalt vas brought in rrom the Smith-Powers camp near Wagner sutrering Dom a broken leg. Ho makes the eighth patient at the hospi tal sutfenng irom inmuiw 1 ft fttttttt docs MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SEA New Steamer Northern Pacifis Reported in Helpless Condi tion Off Point Arena, Cal. HID IS BEliG SENT Tug Defiance and Revenue Cutter McCulloch Dispatch ed from San Francisco 150 PASSENGERS ABOARD llot.h Sets of Steering (Jear on Dig Vessel Went Out of Commission During tho Heavy (bile of Yesterday NEAH STOItM CENTER Point Arena, where tho Northern Pacific Is In trou ble, Is a rnthor dangerous point. It Is 1)5 miles south of Capo Mendocino whoro the worst of this storm seems to center. tlljr A.aorlatM rrfM to Coo. Iliy Timet.) ' SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. Thoj now pnssenger liner Northern Pa cific, disabled with lliO passengers, aboard, was drifting helplessly he-, fore tho wind of Point Arena, SO miles north of horo this morning. Tho tug Deflnnco loft hero today In answer to a wireless call for aid ' and the United States const gunrd cutter McCulloch wns ordered to tho asslstanco of tho liner. Doth sots of steering gear of tho Northern Pacific wont out of commission In a heavy gale. Officials Aboard. PORTLAND, Or.. May 1. Tho passengers aboard tho Northern Pa- ..Ifl.. lun.n fun.., nil ....... !. ,.-..! ' 11414; l.VIU I44. ilf 4JVU4 IIIU J'.tini and Northwest. Numbered ninong tho pnsscngon. were Mrs. S. M. Hlti mauer and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pat torson, of Portland; II. A. Noble, traveling passenger agent of the Grent Northern, from St. Paul; C. A. No rd in in, assistant guornl passcn Hor ngont, from Seattle; J. S. Haw kins nnd Joseph L. Emnnuol, of San Francisco, nnd Harry Lenhnrtlt nnd E. V. Corby, of Seattle FROST DID NOT IN.IFUE OREGON CROPS MUCH Sheepmen In Northeastern Part of State Sulfcicil Heavy Losses During tho Storm 'crop damage light Wr Aaoclthl l'ri to Cooa liar Tlnim.l . Iinll. 1MI. n , ... 'SAILOR ON ACME IN DELIRIFM PORTLAND, Or., May 1. Frost, ot,.,M m- formod early today iu many places In ficnrrnn lmt tlin ln inn tn 1 1 rntu I is not heavy. In Northeastern Ore- gon, where ahcepmen suffered heavy losses Thursday anil Frlduy, tlio tompornilira IS lUIIIICr. Ill ,.1SI1- ... . .... Ington. cloudy weather proveute;!. "; "", in 11 iieiiriiim causeii ny oxeow weather prevented MnUUK, Jack Scbaffer. a sailor Off the 11101111 oftho Steamer Acme which was In trost damage. the Columbia tho gnlo reachml velocity of f2 miles. NO LOCAL DAMAGE Storm Delays Crop Hut Caused No, up and put to bud and an effort made ' Loss to revive him a8 ho was almost chilled No damago lias been drmo to fruit to death from being lu tho cold wa in Coos County other than to retard tor. , i its ripening by a week or so, accord- )r. Phil Kclzor or North Rend lug to tho fruit raisers of Coos Hay was called and took the mail to the and tho Conulllo Valley, though the hospital. He Is today suffering from i storm wind nnd the hall of tho past delirium tremens nnd also frlm tne throe days Imvo been tho hardest or tho season and the temporature went ralrly low In tlio glass. May 1, today, has seen a change for the better and tliero aro oven flowers iu tlio gardons for Mav baskets this ovenlng. Straw berries Rlpo Harry Graves, of Shlnglobouso Slough, who on his rivo acre tract raises perhaps as many strawborrlos ns any ono on tho bay, this morning brought 40 boxes Into tho local market. Tho berries are big follows, and whllo not thoroughly red on both , sldeB are very healthy looking early, bo'-'ps, That' tbn eron will bo Ret back at least a week Is tho heller of Mr, Graves, thouch the crop has been in no wise Injured. He oxpects to have l.nKlnn fimn nnie fl fnw flirt Itlflfbnf n.iir: Win havfl r .trawl Prrlw w . "" tho same thing. Hlooniing Season Over Fruit trees havo already rinlshed thelr blossoming period and the llttlo iruu siarieu nun B'un'ii i" 1 1 .. n4 i,n W.Hi ..lt,l A- In. iirmiy sot toi me ,ui4ii nuiu iu jiii loose and so the fruit men aro re- lolcintf that no damago has boon done to them. They do admit, however, that the crop Is set back n few days but say this will make llttlo dllier - enco. No Frost frere From Portland yesterday came the weather nrophesy that this morning we would wane up, shivering, with 1. ..w . . ... - .- ... J huv., .w. c."- ...... .. , ,i, ,,,,.. . ... ..,......, t,.n a,1',,V .-I,, ......... .. a, -. ...n- n iinnvv iroisr nit over inn croiinu. uioumis mill iu cum ui i.iu mii'iuiu i.. i,i...ii i.rmifiit nnu'ii irom iiunviii lZTPrri vis., PERRY MrilOI.SO.V8 ffl.ed-,.l,K Snppo.nuV 10 .f, r''V v ul'iui w m i.'l'sl-n'Phr.0' latt MEMHERH OP THE ASSOCIATED TtESS ATTACKS U, S, BOAT CIEHMAN AIH.MAN THROWS HO.MHS ON STEAM Elt CUSHING ' Husstaii Vessi-1 Is Torpedoed mid Sunk by Submarine Off Coast of Ireland. inr Aiaoclitisl Tirsi to Coo. tor TIrim.I WASHINGTON, D. C. May 1 American .Minister Van Dyke at The Hague reported to the Stato Depart ment today that tho American steamer dishing was damaged by bombs dropped by a Herman ulr craft In tho North Sen, but no lives were lost. Hl'SSIAN HOAT Sl'NIC. tOr AiaocUttd l'rtaa to Coo. l)r 'ilrart. LONDON, May 1. Tho Russian irl0,0-1,"" 48..,:,?'"?.1, s);.?0;i,r'!!)J and sunk by a German submarine, uoue'C(i to uo mo u-;i, r'riuay, i nor Illaskot Islands, on the west coast of Ireland. The crow had Imrelt time to tabu to the boats, All were rescued by n patrol bout. i i n i rt i it ' WaSlimtltOn RCnOllS Tiat tie , ' OL.l ! HA1 O.t. ... I oiiuuk is iviusi auvuru In Several Years LASTED SOMETIME For Several Hours During the1 IMight Tremors Were Indi cated at Several Places SOME DISTURBANCE TODAY IVllinate Wns That tlio Tremors ('.'line From it Distance of .VtOO .Miles From the Capital Location Not Known Iljf Aaaoititivl I'rf.a to Cooa 1I..T Tlinra, WASHLNOTON, I). C, May 1 Tho sevorest carthiiuake ylioclc ro- e.iitiotl lu years aro shown by the) t'-iiverslty of Washington seismo graph to have continued from 10 ' to 1 1 o'clock last night, Thu ills-' turhunco continues. lrng Distance Off. ' Tho cnrthtiuako sliock.4, described hf nciontlflu observers at ticoige-' town Unlvorslty as unusually severe and probubly ilcstrurtlvo, awe re- j ccrdeil on tlin KclHiiHinranh frmn midnight until J n. m. Tremors wire estimated to come it dlstaiue fieiu Wnshlugtou of fr00 miles, i E ' 'J. 1 ' 'n IIm-iii;iI at Eiiiplre Ami Is- Helng ( tired lor At .Meiry Hospital ,,. .L.tlrl,,.,, ,.,, nii.,l liv .vii.smKii .iriMi.i,,,. jnci scbaffer. a sailor on IIIU H;Hf S"s"!K Someone at Empire roscuod him and tho man wan taken to tlio town lock- PARTUn IMF K liRECDODED I0DAI i . COL LUG shock or holng In tho cold wntorj,nj lm, AOIay morning when but will recover. The Incident created much oxclte ment nt Empire PRESENT PROTEST," COOflLLE PROPERTY OWNERS OIMECT TO IMPROVEMENT Agreement With City Not to Sell t'litll .Settlement Can be Made by Arbitration Representing L".t Coqnlllo property , .', ...,, ,, . ,i,,.i ,-.,, i, rovmont and tho subsoiiiiont ns- . . ' ?eMn,?nt8". " " (iruV08 .U"8.. " : mg Slglieu Ull unruuuiuui wmi mu Cotjulllo city orflclals, according to i tho attorney, whereby tho property wl, l0t .)0 g0d t0 satisfy tho claims until' further time is allowed for an amicable sottlomont. This morning , .. . . . t 1 u, city ornciuig were prepsreu in i . v iii-idmo ARC 80i the nroperty Involved to pay for,CLN MUnlvo HntZ , the iiimh,i iiBsessmonts According to tho ngroomont oac'i 'side Is to select an appraiser, thest ! two to elect a third, and it will b I left to this committee to Judgo the true value of tho improvements ol First etreot In the Elliott and Not ley addition to Conulllo. Tho prop ertv owners are objecting on the giounds that the cost of tbo Improvo mmt FOUR WARSHIPS BADLY DAMAGED One French and Three British Vessels at the Dardanelles Are Set on Fire TURKS FIGHT HARD Sllffcr Bllt Small LOSS WllCn Terrific Bombardment is Carried Oil by AlllCS TROOPS ARE DRIVEN OUT Most All of tlio Lauding Forces Directed Against the I 'oris Art Hepulseti anil Transports Are Sunk tn; AuoVlattv rrna to Coot Day Time. HEULIN, May 1. (Wireless to Suyulllo.) -Tho French soldiers who ' lauded on the Asiatic side at the , Dardanelles have been expelled, says a dispatch to tho Overseas News Agency, (ialllpoll Peninsula Is also ( cleared of the luvadors except at Gnha Tepeh Pont, whoro tho bind ing detachment under cover of tho Hun" oi wiu wiiiiiiin ib luiiiii-iiiunij mnlntaliilnir n ihihIHoii on tho const. guns of the warships Is tenaciously Tnrrlf fi liMiiOiti Vtttiiiiir lit' lllsi At. ";.. "r '" '" ;;"-":. . ,.m". I44.M1 ill'UL 4I4II M 4IIIII MO, I4II4VIII it few Turkish oTflcers and sold iers while tho Allies loss is hov- oral tbotisanil i iiililltlnn'tii rfbo Frenrli nniior - . I oil nilBPi- .iiMinm. n'Arn thn Iirlt - .....-.. ..-W......U -- ..v ..- .... swiss Acrivi Illy AMOtlatnt I'nu to Ox 11a Tlmo. HERNH. Switzerland, May 1. Tho Federal Council to day called out the Sixth Div ision of thu Swiss Army. .. L SHERIDAN GIVEN MINIMFM SEN TENCE OF FIVE VICARS Can Ho Appealed mid Defendant Al lowed Stay of I'.M'cittlou to Prepare Att'irney J. W. Hennett received a telegram stating that iu thu case of T. R. Sheridan lu Mm Federal Court a motion for a new trial was .1 ri.n ,..1 ti .! t li.i I ttli 1111 umilntinn or five years lu prison wns Imposed. No pnrtlciiliirs as to tlio tlmo glv - 0:1 for 1. reparation of u bill of ex - ceptlons and appeal wero stated lu .tlio tolograiu. The caso can bo ap pealed lu which event tho tlciouduut is allowed a certain tlmo for pre paring tils hill of exceptions and for i rllln.r lilu him I ilurlin. whlcli urn. ciitlon or the senteiieo Is stuyod. Mali InttMiiHliliiM MntnuMp. Trimntiii I v '.,. ,..r ....Jtiu u..i I... matter of toinporanre, but Is not i PARIS, May 1-- fii m.i i iL M,n ut,4.. willing to abstain entirely from itl-l ment this afternoon says; "No 'u. ,'n...r..,t i iim ti....,i r Ton.,. "o' TIiIb was tlio souse of it H reported In tlio B6nil ,.i'.. mi..... i.. -i -...i meeting of tlio lower house today. on tho front. Ten sheila foil Smintl transiiorts mm destroyers Tho ,)ulin "' c"Ir"ury flatly ro-j kirk hist night nnd there w ..?' ..... . ' ' ' '' ,L8,,0," ftiHed to swear off altogether, lie! ,.rni vlcilnm." I KUIU B1II1K. N W TD TRY F 0 R G E R $,w,x IU ' I U II U U II U profltH al tho rate or fion.OOO or o- At'STRIANS WHO WERE INDICT ED WILL HE TRIED Jury lit Circnt Court Allows Claui ror Hoard or Children of Geo. W. Whtvlee Circuit court adjourned last oven- Avork will bo resumed, . ... l t. .... A Jury in cireui couri yosturuuy brought In a verdict ror $r(l forlTlinn all tlio shipowner Imvo had FrankLliidgreiiwhowossulngGoo.it,, ,0U. Increased oxpendlturs for .vnoeior or a iiuaiu mu iu,- t..u ,i- wl(.ot) fuu, iHnuiCo u(1 ,,uyB 'aro Israel Limdo, Charles Hondol or's children. .. ..J.ii ... I back and (!. A. Sohlbredo. Hunsot Cases Next Week The trial of tho four Austrluns, charged with cashing forged cliookn on Coos Huy, was sot lor next Mou - titty iiiornlug. It was announced by tho court . "n. tor mo nisi iew jm.i-, that tlie SiuipHon-Noslor-Pfortiiorllt oxplalns, "tlio Grooks have boon ! perjury cams would bo called for . steadily buying ships, and tliey now ' ...., ..... ...... .....nl. I . .... . , trial em ly iiuai wuun. I i:ninlis .Men Fined Thomas Edgar and Henry M. Ken- ,, u..i,,,. mmi ,ir I'lnniri! were each'flned $50 and sontoncod to lx - .. .i.. n...... a.. ' ,y .""J'. '" .JU" 'or H ".,."""'." nn lUIHUII. ahimiiuiiiu im -ii nil; iinii" wfts to bo served R tlio Hue was not paid. Upon leuuost ol tho tlofnntl- ants tho Jail seiitonco was suspond- i ,( until further order of tho court. BROUGHT TO TOWN Gaum Warden Thomas .May Investi gate Where They Ato All Coming From. Mr. Thomus has been hoveral days makliiir the rounds of ills district. Several pulrsof elk horns havo lute- A Consolidation of Times, Const ii nd Coos Hay Advertiser. iHUSSIAMSDEFEATED OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF GHR I MANS TODAY CLAIMS VICTOItV i Stilted That Thousands of Russian Prisoners Wctv Taken Together I It It (inns mid Hnggage. nr Aasoctitot rrni tb Con. n7 Tlnvo.) HEULIN, May 1. Wireless to Sayvlllc.i Tho official statement to dny nays: "All attacks of the enemy on tho west bank of tho canal north west of Ypres and on tlio east bank of the ciinnl north of Ypros resulted In failure. Tho fortress of Dunkirk was shelled yesterday by tho Gorman artillery. Three aviators of tho en emy were forced to land. An engagement near S.wole, in Russian Poland, resulted advantage ously for the Germans. The Russians fled after setting fire to the town. Thousands of Russians were taken prisoners nnd ten ma chine guns, a great amount of bag gage and ammuutttou cars and a huge (iiiautlty of ummiiultlou, were captured. "Tho Russian attacks east of Plock on the south bank of the Plllcla River anil at Kiilwuryu, near tho East Prussian frontier, north of Suwulkl, Imvo been re pulsed. Southwest of Augustowo, the German vanguard company was surprised by tho Russians and suf fered heavy losses." DEAN REFUSES TO QUIT ALCOHOL Man High In Church of England Announces That lie Will Nut "Suear Off." Ur A..IX-I.I-I erw,. to com ir Ttmra. LONDON. May 1. The elorgy 1 c'Jniprlsing tho lower house of con- 1 vocation or uinieriiury is wiuiiig ,. mil tit.. ft lit .. .. I. 1. 1 i .. M,ii to set tlio nation an example In the tried It before, be said, ami found it a failure iu Hint it Impaired Ills health GENERAL IMPROVES Von Kluck of Germau Army Re- coxeiiiig I'linn Wimuils. (11; A.WKlala I'm. lu Cu. ll7 llmM, AMSTERDAM, May 1. General Von Kluck, who was wounded last month, Ih now on the road to re covery, iicc'jnllng to tho Hamburg Narbrlcliteii. He Is able to appear In the garden of Ills vlll.i, which has been converted Into it hospital. APPEALS TO IT. S. Geriiimt Arm-ted At Vancouver Claims American Cltleiisliip (11 Aa.otlatixl I'rf.a lo (Vu. IU; Tlmra.) VANCOUVER. H.C., May I Dr. Otto Grunot, one of four Genunns arrested Thursilny for holding a eel - eurmioii niiiinay 01 toe uuriiiiiii vic tory near Ypres, In which many Can adians wero killed, sent for United 8tateH Consul General Mnnsflold Im - I mHiUly after his nriuRl, declaring llm was a naturall.ed American dt- ' in. .Mansflelil nt mmco commiiulcat , , XVnMliliiKtffii. MAKING MONEY ' Slmonil l'mIM Shin (Itiiifi'M Arc I inn ..ni.- 1 1 Ilr AaaoclaltU I'naa in Cooa liar Tlma. er a mouth, and olio firm at least I reported to have averaged practically a million dollars a mouth slucu Hit' beginning or tlio war. It is, ol con mo, only those who havo Mielr ships frnn who have been able to make money. Homo owners had tholr vohscIm tied up by charters at normal rigui'OH mid other bad 1 tlwilx litllllu ttlbtll I1' til.. IKIIU.PII tlllallt "'i "" "'" " ,iiuu. ... , Thn people who am really making ( t1Q money, acordlng'to a London Lapping Journal, are the Greek ship . I .. .... ,,. ... .. Imvo it very considerable nioicliiint . ,. . , ,,, ,., marlno. They enn take rull advau- tngo or the high rates, mm no uoi , lttvo to faco the risks Hrlllsh ship ! do, nor pay the extra wages." JOHNSON NAMED Is Appoiiiled by Gowiruor as Curry County I'toseciitor J. C. JohiiMou has lieuji appointed by Governor Wlthyeombe us DIs- trlct Attorney of Curry L'niiiity. GRANDSON CHRISTENED President Wilson, Stat Is on Way lo Attend Ceremony (H; AialtlJ I'ma lo Caoa nw Tlm.a.) NEW YORK, May 1. President Wilson spoilt nearly three hour bore this morning on his way to A Southwest Oregon Paper That's Wlwt tlio Coos liny Times Is. A Sotitli tvest Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people ntul devoted to tlio best Interests of this great section . Tlio Times always boosts and never knocks. Mult No. 241 I Great Projectiles Are Hurled , Into City by German Artil 1 lory From Long Distance L People of City Remain Calm While Big Explosives Burst In Their Midst AIRMEN ATTACK BATTERIES Relief Is That Germans Want To Secure mid Hold Coast Territory Nearest to Engl Mi Soil lllr Amkk latest 1'rf.a to Coot lUy Tlmra.l PARIS, May 1.-JLJiinklrk re mained cnlm while being bombitrdod by slielht from the giant tlermnn guns according to a newspaperman who nr rlvetl here. Twenty projectiles wero hurled Into tho city nt noon Thursday falling about neveu minutes npart. All were firteou-lncli shells which lilnsted crnterH some tlnies 4T feet across. It Is variously estlmntcd that tlio Geruinu liitltcrles whlcli liurled the great shells were from 10 to 28 miles from Dunkirk tho Genunns np- pnreiitly taking ndvantago of their j recent advance near Yprcg to sot them In nosltlnii. Tlio batteries were attacked by English aviators. SEVERAL VICTIMS l Mr AwK-latd 1'rr.a to Con im TlmM.l An official stato- chango nltuntloti on Dun- oro sov- CHINA It KITH ES IHr AaaiK latisl I'rraa to Cooa Hal Tlmn. PEKING, May 1. Tho (!liliieso governineut definite- ly refused somo of tho most Important doimmds made by Japan. On learning of China's derision, Japanese Minister Eld lllokl said to tlio Clilueso .Minister Lu Cheng llsl'img: "I am sorry. I bellovo my gov- eminent will be dlssnpolut- ed." i: i 4444)44-44444 WANT COAST POINT Illy AbmhLIixI I'nwi to Cxm ll.jf Tlmra, LONDON, .May 1. Ignition nows papers today say tlio bombardment of Dunkirk iiiciiuh that tlio Germans still cling to the cherished Idea of occupying tlio French coast nearest to Ktiglaud. Moro than nno editorial wrU,r ,lfiiit out that Flanders Btlll 1 r,H ti, ,.rillcnl theater of opera- TWO ARE NAMED (11 Aaaoclamt I'rvu to Twia liar Tlmn.J 1 ii'AHiriMfrrnM 11 n tnv 1 1 ,osldent Wilson miido tho follow- li.g recess apimlutn.ents: George A. I.. Rotliostor. of Seat Me, Register of Laud Office, Heat- tic. William A. White, or Spokane, Recoluir of Public Moneys, at Wal la Walla. IIOCSTON NOT COMNIG Secretary of Agrlrulturo Houston telegraphed tlio MurMhflolil Chamber or Com merce this afternoon that it would bo Impossible tor tho secretary to visit Coos Huy on his trip to luvostlgato tlio national forests as his route hud already been laid out. I, O. O. F. LODGE. Oilier Convenes In Newport May IU In Annual Session. , Sunset Lodge I. O. O. F., of MuiHhfleld, lias selected threo dole ., ... tion,i i,n rtmn.i i.n,iim , of orogon, which will meet Mils mouth ut Newport, Oregon. They ' Lodge this your will have tho honor nr .i.,, firn,i Master. Jnduo John F. Hull, or this city, being tho coming administrative offli-ur or tho atato 'orgtinizatloii. ( western Star Robokah Lodgo has ( iwioi Mrs. I). L. Rood, Mrs. J. Leo r Drown ns delegates to tho auxiliary I .....I.... ...I.I..1. ...in ...... ........ .. .!... I "'der which will I convene ut tlio same time Mrs. Kate Limdo or Mils lty g le mu pru8,,1(JIlt of tho Uo. imkulis (bis year IvILLRD AT LAMPA W. E. Ellis was killed ami Snm (Mlnton liudiy Injured when a scar fold lu h silo eollupsed mid both men were hurled twenty-three toot below. The accident happened on the Ellis farm near Lampa . Visit PERRY .V- NICHOLSON'S new store on Central Aieittte. Utiiiicli Mllllcoiiuil IciivkU ril.lO next Sunday morning ror Allegany, returning Sunday euuliig. Dr. II. E. KELTY, DENTIST SHELL DUNKIRK I WITH BIG GUNS ARE KILLED iVj V