ffiVliBn riV"-'-"1-1 MANY A MAN THINKS HE'S ON THE INSIDF TRACK WHEN IT'S ONLY A SWITCH Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Coos Bny Times is proud People's rapcr," and It strives Uvo up to its naino by dovotlng promoting tho people's Interests. VOL NO. XXXVIII. DYNAMITE KILLS E. Syverson Meets Death This Morning When Explosion Blows up His Cabin OF Y Are Scattered About and Only Victim's Legs Are Found Intact in the Ruins NEIGHBORS HEAR NOISE i. Anticipate Serious Accident and on Investigating Discover That Mor tifying Tragedy Mas Taken Place (Special to Tlio Times.) COQUILLB, Or., April 110. Frag ments and mangled remains of tho tody of K. Syverson wero found In the ruins of his cabin when neigh bors Investigated this morning after hearing n heavy explosion. It Is supposed that tlio explos ion was an accident. Syverson had been employed In blowing stumps on tho farm of S. P. Wnrron, nbout thrco miles from Coqulllo near Ce dar Point. Syverson wns a married. man about CO years old, but his wlfo resides In Portland nnd ho was living nlono In a little cabin. Ho had been using high explosives In blowing out tho stumps and it Is supposed that boiiio act of careless ness perhaps caused tho explosion this morning. It was about 7 o'clock when neighbors head tho terrific nolso and anticipating that something tcrlous had happoncd they Investi gated. They found Sir. Syvorson's cabin a wreck. In tho wrcckago wero found tho man's log, but tho rest of his body had beon blown Into small fragments which In a horrifying manner wero scattorod all about tho site of tho cabin. Noth- ing further Is known of tho acci dent. Coroner Wilson wns notified, but being engaged with n funoral hero Instructed a .Justlco of tho Penco to look after tho caso. CHARGES AGAINST SHORES FOIl BISPLAYIXG A GUN Catl Euselo Mubt Answer for Con tributing1 to Delinquency of A Minor Girl (Special to tho Times.) COQl'ILLE Ore., April 30. Of the Indictments returned yestorday by tlio grand Jury boforo adjourning one was against Olen Shores. Ho Is the man who was cut by a negro in a billiard hall and for which deed act that Shores was Indicted. A few days ago, It Is alleged. Shores when ho thought a man named Spiker had Insulted his wlfo drove Spiker out of town at tho point o a gun. It Is In connection with this act that Shores waa Indicted. Enselo Indicted Another Indictment yesterday was against Carl Ensolo and charges him Hli contributing to tho delinquency of Paulino Stlllwell of Bandon, 6ed 16 years.-For tho samo charge Neva Hatcher was Indicted n tavt days ago. The grand Jury has adjourned, Will Mold Pcutlutiil William Puitland, tho chief wit ness In connection with tho case of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell, charg ed with murder, will be held as a ftltnesa until tho September (grand Jury, the Russell caso having been continued until that time. It Is un derstood that Pentland will bo al lotted witness fees for each day that h Is held. Tho Aro Freed Not true bills wero returned for Mh of tho Doo Sisters, Sadie Balr arid Alice Holden, who three months ago were arrested at Tho Palms rooming house on Market street and cUrsed with conducting an lm-! ooral nlaco tw i 1600 J bond which was returned to IfilllE i PARIS m I CTEB of Its title "Tho nt nil times to Ka energies to Established 1878 As The Const Mull. STORM ISGEMERlLiTARHEEL CAMP PACIFIC COAST AXD ENTIRE NORTHWEST SUFFERS COM) I Wind Does Dnnrngo to Fruit In Cal ifornia and More Freezing Weather is Feared. .-,0,000 SHEEP DIE Ilr Anoclitist I'rnt to Cool tar TlmM 1 PORTLAND, April 30. Fifty thousand or moro head of sheep arc believed to have perished In Northeastern Ore gon in tho rain, snow nnd hall storm which prevailed slnco yesterday. In Umutllla County tho loss is estimated nt over 15,000 head, while In Morrow County It Is be lieved 2r.,000 head perished. Thcro ore smaller losses in other counties. The damage to crops Is not extensive and fanners will benefit by tho precipitation unless a sovoro frost follows. Tho storm Is general throughout Oregon. Tho storm Is tho worst In the history of Morrow County. ? (Ilr AmocUIcI l'rrm to Coon llr Time.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 30. Danger of fruit dnntago by wind or frost throughout tho West is predicted today by tho weather bu reau when an off shoro gnlo In this vicinity and unsettled weather In tlio North resolved thouisolves Into n steady east wind storm from Washington to tho Mexican border. Frost is feared If tho winds censo suddenly. SWEEPS HEAR VALLEY It? Auocliltl TrtM to Coot I lay TlmM. J SAN UERNAltDINO, Cal., April 30. Hear Valley nnd tho San Ilcrnardiuo Mountains were swept by n Btorm last night which brought tho tompcrnturo down to freezing nnd created floods which washed out tho roads and lapped tho top of tho Hlg Henr Irrigation dam. COLDEST FOIl YEAMS IDr AuoclitM rr tn Cool tar TlmM. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 30. Tho thermometer dropped to 44 de grees hero this morning, tho coldest April weather slnco 1901 when tho tomporitturo reached 30, At Po tuona tho thermometer touched 3C degrees. DAMAGE AT ALAMEDA (11 AmocIiIM rrf to Coot tar TlmM.) OAKLAND, Cnl., April 30. Moro than ?G0,000 damage was dono In Alameda County by tho heavy winds In tho last 24 hours. Fruit trees wero stripped and uprooted. Many small craft wero driven nshoro. , llEPOHT FMOM SPOKANE Dr Aiioclitod TrM to Cooi tar TlmM.) SPOKANE, April 30. Rain and snow fell throughout Eastern Wash ington and Northorn Idaho nnd Montana today. Tho tomperaturo dropped 24 degrees lu tho last 21 hours. WIRES L'P AGAIN Tho Wostorn Union wires, which wero down slnco yes torday noon on account of tho storm, wero repaired and wero working again at noon today. xot fmuted Ationips to Save tho .Minnesota Arc Xot Successful (Or AMocliteJ rrw to Coui tar Tlmn 1 TOKJO, April 30. Threo attempts to float tho American steamer Minn esota, which Is aground at tho en tranco of tho Inland sJea of Japan, failed. JLr,nnr---nj-u--r.n them yesterday afternoon. Arrest of the women wag mado at tho Instance of a man named Stowart who claimed to be a detective and who for several weeks "shadowed" about Marshflold and the vicinity. Ho Is now In the north and It was his evidence that was expected could lead to a conviction. Joo Coach Wins The Jury late yesterday afternoon returned a verdict in favor of Joe Coach as defendant In a case brought 'by Hans Adolphsen, a chaffeur. wbojwag a Juror In the case of Wchard sued for 700 claimed as salary for running an auto stage between Ban- don ahd Gold Beach for Joo Coach MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION STARTS TODAY Force is Made up of Thirty Loggers, Most of Whom Worked There Before PIERGE ISFpHEMAN Belief is That Simpson Lum ber Company Intends Start ing Operation of Mill Soon CAMP IS FULLY EQUIPPED Mas Xot Deen Closed Ioug nnd Everything Is There In Demi- lness for Work Llt'lo lre- parutory Work to Do. Tarheel Point logging entnp of tho Simpson Lumber Company on the bay below Empire stalled oper ations ngaln today. Emmctt Pierce, who In tho pnst was foreman of tho camp, Is again' In charge. Ho was In tho city today and announced that ho would have a crow of thir ty men In tho camp and that tho force would bo made up of about tho same workmen who wero with hint before. Fully Equipped. Tarheel cam) Is fully equipped for work, It continued operations long after tho McDonald & Vaughan camp stopped and It hns not been long slnco the cnujp closed. There foro thcro will bo little to do in tho way of preparations as every thing in tho wny of equipment Is rendy to start off work. Tho logs as boforc, will bo tukon out on tho railroad to tlio bay and rafted to tho Simpson mill at North llcnd. Fir, spruco nnd ccdnr will bo cut. Is (io xl News. Tho fact that tho camp opons again was good news to loggers who have been out of work, ifnd Is highly encouraging to North Dend, ns It Is taken to Indlcato that tho Simpson Company intends to soon i start operations nt tho Porter Mill. i Especially Is this tho belief from i tho fact that thoro Is already a large amount of logs In tho booms , at tho North Rond mills nnd If moro logs are to bo taken out, It is evi dent that tho company Intends t5 cut lumber soon. j Somo of tho loggers who worked nt tho camp before havo been living I thoro since It closed and nro right at hand rendy to go to work again. I U. S. SIMP ATTACKED : : i ! Or Anoilite.1 r-reM to Cm nir TlmM 1 LONDON, April 30. A Rotterdam dispatch says tho Amorican steumor dishing from Philadelphia arrived at Rotterdam today und reports having been attacked by u Gorman airman lu tho North Sea Wednesday. No damngo was dono. IMG DAMAGE (Dr AiocUt4 t mi to Cooi Ilir TlmM. SEATTLE, April 30. Tho Jury lu tho llbol suit or Reg- Inald II. Thompson, former city onglncor of Seattle, ngulnst the Seattlo Times, brought In a verdict of $15,- 000 for the plaintiff today. Tho suit wuh in ought becausoi of an article published lu tho Times ucciiHlug Thouip- ton of corruption lu cou- nectlon with letting a con- tract. :i i i ' :i I ! , TWO ARE MCRDLRED Callforulii I'ui-iiier and Ills Wlfo Aio Doth Killed (Dr AuocliteJ 1'ffM to Cwn lay TlmM MARYSVILLE, California, April 30. The bodies of Emll Picard and wlfo were found today &t their homo near hero. Mrs. Picard was In tho house with a bullet hole In her head. Picard was killed In the barn. He Ford and Herman SuPr. Wheatland j hop pickers, and It Is said his llfoi had been threatened. MEMBERS OP TflB ASSOCIATED PVtESH RHEIMSISSHELLEQ IXCEXDIAUV 1IOMIIS DROPPER IX C1TV AXD START FIRES lllg Shells nt Dunkirk Cause Death of Twenty nnd Wounding of Twenty-flvo Br AmctttMl itmi to r,w n TlmM i PARIS, April 30. The official report this afternoon snys: "Wo nuulo progress yesterday north of Ypres In tho region of Steenstraato. The city of Hlielms received 300 shells, of which many wero of an Inconlnry nntuie. Tho missiles started several fires, but It was found possible to circumscribe them and put them out quickly. "In Champngno tho enemy shelled ono of our ambulances. Dunkirk yesterday received 1!) sholls of n largo calibre. Twenty persons wero killed and l" wounded. Some houses wero destroyed, RAID ENGLISH CITY GERMAN AIRSHIP DROPS 1IOMIIK AT ll'SWICII IX NIGHT No Ono Is Killed mid Property Damages Is Estimated to he Itnlhci- Small. Ilr AwocUlrJ 1'itm to Cooi tar TlmM.) ll'SWICII, Eng., April 30. Ex cited residents of this historic town spent the early hours taking stock of tho damngo by bombs from u Gorman airship, generally believed to havo been n Zeppelin, which ap peared shortly after midnight. As far as Is learned, no ono was In jured, although sovoral hnd narrow escapes and property dnmago wns small. Bombs fell harmlessly In Wntorloo street In tho most densely populated district. L MILLICOMA ASSOCIATION IX STALLS XEW OFFICIO'S Secis'tufy'H Report Shows Good Financial Condition Willi Ac tive ."Memhoi'.slilp of HO. Election of new officers, tho ap pointment of committees for tho year nnd plnns for n membership cnmpnlgn marked tho annual moot ing of tho Milllcomn Association In tlio club moms last evening. Prac tically nil tho mombora woro present nnd following tho business session, n "hot dog feed" was staged nnd tho men wntchod with Interest the nntlcB of Fred Hall, trick pool and billiard playor. Ily a close voto D. Y. Stafford was elected president of tho asso ciation. A. T. I Indies Is tho now vice-president and II. A. RuAtorud continues as Hecratnry-trousuror. Tho Iioiisq rommlttco Is composed of Clnud C. Thompson, W. J. Conrad and Al Meyers and tho library com mittee, Tom T. Ilonnott, C. E. Nich olson and Hugh Ilnrclny, and tho board of governors, Hugh McLulu and J. S. Lyons. Much credit Is glvon J. Albert MutBon, retiring president of tho Association for tho energetic man ner In which he hns handled tho organization. Tho annual report rend last ovoning by Mr. IltiHtcrud showed tho Association to bo in very good financial standing and with bettor piospecta for the now year. Thanks woro also extended to tho retiring house committee, Frank O. Hortou and Claudo Nan Inn K. A. J. Mendel und Henry Hugglns were two new members initiated Into tho club. - Within the uoxt month It Is ex pected the -membership campaign will bo placed on foot, us soon iih tho new coiumlttue Is nblo to got together und maku their plans, A proposal is now before the asso ciation to i oil u io tho monthly duos to $l.r,0 nnd this Is to ho voted on by tho moiubors. In his roport Mr. Iliistorud show ed that there are now more than 80 locul nctho mouthers of tho As sociation, tho largest record Blnco tho organization of- this body. XO BODIES FOUND (Special to Tho Times) BANDON, Or., April 30. This afternoon none of the bodies of the victims of the Randolph wreck had yet co mo ashore v ELECT DM ExmtB iGERMAN FLEET IN NORTH SEA Off Belgian Coast and Bom hards Dunkirk While Kai ser's Army Ncars City When Zouaves and Turcos At tempt an Attack on Right Wing of German Army FIGHTING AT SUEZ CANAL Tmks Seem to he Preparing for Another Attack on the Allies In That Region Say French Lost. Many Men Killed Pr Aiaocltthl Trwii to Cooi I!r 'tlmri. PARIS, April 30. Tho official statement today Bald tho Herman fleet wns nt largo off tho llelglnn Const nnd that tho (lormnu nrtll lery had bombarded Dunkirk. Tho presence of tho (lermnn army bo near Dunkirk was unoxplulned. Tho (lormnu fleet erulBlng In tho North Sea wns reported sovorul times re cently. Pcrlln reports fighting yesterday 'botweon Stcenstrntot nnd IlotsaR. X.ouaveo and Turcos nttompted to chargo against tho Gorman right wing, but woro ropulsed. Tho Ilolglan statoniont says that tho aormans nttompted to nttnek from Steenstrncto, but woro ro pulsed. Merlin says tho Oormnns cnpturoil tlln !rmipl trminli In A ri.nititnii n.i.l I... . ...... ,....,. ... .iinuiiiivg, MUM sny tho French lost 4000 inon in , Mouso Heights April 24 to 20. Do Biiltory fighting continues In tho region of tho Suez Canal whero tho Turks nro preparing nnothor advance In tho East, fighting Is going on north of Suwnlkl In Russian Poland. TEX KAM, IX BATTLE That Number Out of Ono German Family Huci-IMco J.Ives. (Or AnocUliJ rni to Cooi IUr TlmM. CHARGES BERLIN, April 30. Tho family I hours of artillery fire, vainly nt councll of tho von Buolow fuiully j tempted n night ndvunco against publishes. "In prldo, grntltudo and , tho bolghts hold by our lufantry." mourning," a list of ton family moni-j bors who havo fallen in bnttlo. Tho t lint Itmlltlf fiu ntin fn(nn.r1ni.iHnl 1n ! I Ulrlch von Buel'ow, 8hot before I D 1 1 I C 1111111111 CI HP !jJrinr"t,B!V,onoor,ii uUmbW il b two Cnptnlns, ono Lloutonnnt, ono Llneshlp Coniiuauilor, ono First Lion tenant and four Second Lieutenants. Thoro nro 108 von Buolows serving In tho army or navy. RUSSIA RETAINS GALACIA OFFICIALS Dining Good Behavior Austrian Will Remain in Offico '(llf iwlil4 Itm lo Com tar Tlr.1 PETROORAD. Anrll 30. Tho now Russian tlovornor-doneral of (Jail- eht has announced that with tho ex ception of offences ugalust tho Aus trian Btato und emperor, all legal huslnoHs will go forward us usual, the Austrian legal officials being re tained lu office during good buliav lor, Jury rosea will bo tried by six Judges, but Vlth no Jury, and ap peals In such cases will he allowed to go to tho higher court lu Lorn berg, lu nil othor casus tlio decisions of tho ordlnury coutts will for tho prout bo final. The ItiiHslun language and Us di alect will Lm recognized iih the of ficial language of the coin Is. Proce dure will go forwurd according to Austrian usage. COLD KILLS la.MllH Sowitt Weather Cn iikch lessen for Sheep Otinerx Ilr Aolit! Trfii to Cu Ilr TlmM ) BOISE, Idaho, April 30, South western Idaho experienced tho worst April snow storm lu many years lust night and today. Lambs aro dying by tho thousands as tho re sult of tho snow and freezing weather. Fruit Is not damaged as yet, but fears aro expressed for the apples and prunes. Visit PERRY .i .NICHOLSON', new hi ore on Central Avenue. A Consolidation of Times Const nnd Cooi liny Aihcrtlser. R T T ALLIES CIiAI.M TAKING TOWX NEAR Till: DARDANELLES On the Oilier Maud Turks Claim Allies Have Been Driven Off Of Their Territory Ilr AnorlilM lri to Cooi Ilir TIhim J PARIS, April 30. A dispatch from Athens to tho Havas Agency alleges Hint the city of Oulllpoll, cm the Eastern Bldo of the Dardanelles, near tho cntranco to tho sea of Marmorn, has been captured by tho Allies. It Is also said that the Turk ish fort at Nagara on tho Asiatic side of the straits, was bombarded heavily. THE OTHER SIDE. nr AwoditfJ rrru lo Cooi tar TImM.J CONSTANAINOPLE. April 30. Tho official statement today says: "Allied forces which landed on tho Asiatic sldo of tho Dardanelles have beon entirely cleared away, und that n large part of tho troops which luvnded (lalllpoll peninsula wero driven off nnd Hnvqrnl wnrslilpn nnd transports of the Allies havo been damaged." PRAISESTHETURKS OFFICIAL MERLIN STATEMENT HAYS TMEY WERE MRAVE Fought Allies Willi Mnjouels nnd Succeeded lu Cupliirlng Riries anil Aiiiniutilllou. Ilr AiaocUtrJ rrru lo Cihw tar TlmM, BERLIN, April 30. The official statement today Bays: "Reports from the Dardanelles pay tribute to tho bravery nnd enthusiasm of tho Turk ish troops. In tho first battle of Kiiui Kulo tho Turks did not fire u shot, but repulsed the enemy with tho bayonet, Forty warships bom barded Seddul llahr. While this hattlu was In progrcBB thu Turks captured n largu quantity of rifles nnd ammunition. At (lalllpoll tho TiirkH fough uninterruptedly for two days against the constant nt tnek of tho enemy without showing ! fatigue. On tho Enstoru and Western fronts tho situation generally is un changed. In Russian Poland nnd the Carpathians wo havo been hav ing lively artillery thiols In which our fire wns very effectlvo. In tho Opor Valloy, tho onomy after ninny ADMIRAL DOYLE, OF PACIFIC RESERVE FLEET, RETIRES I.cuwN for Washington, D. (',, and Will ho Succeeded by Rcnr- Aduilriil Pond. Dr Auolitl Pkm to Cooi Dir TlmM.) SEATTLE, WiihIi., April 30. Rear Admiral Robort M, Doylo, Couimnnder of tho Pacific Reservo Fleet, hauled down his flag on thu lerulsor South Dakotu at Paget Sound Navy Yard today. There wero tho customary salutes and I leave taking. Admlrul Doylo nnd I wlfo loft Bromorton oon afterward I for Washington, whero Lu will ho ret lied under tho ago limit May r tli. Rear Admiral Charles F, Pond suc ceeds Admiral Doylo. SHORT OX TIX. Geriuuii Cousiiiuers Asked lo Sate All Tooth Casio Tubes nr AuoUIl Pn-M Xu run IUr TIum.) BERLIN, April 30.- In lino with fluruiuu conservutluu methods one of (ho largOHt mnuufavtuierH of toilet preiaratlons now Is offurhiK three ifeuulugs to ull who will save their empty tubes thut formerly contained tooth paste, and turn them In toward tho general Increase of tho tin supply. Tho tubes now aro wrapped in u flaming rod pa per which points out that "pure tin is vuluahlo, and becausu of the war, scarce." Each purchaser Is asked to return tho empty tube to his druggist when he buys u new one. Visit PERRY Ai XICMOLSOX'S now store on Central Avenue. May Day Ibmce, Eagles Mall, Tday, April :o. rl-' A Southwest Oregon Paper Hint's what tho Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tho best Interests of this great section . Tho Times always boosts and never knocks, Mull No. 240 S STILL S j Submarine Attacks and De stroys British Steamer Mo bileCarried Coal Cargo Caught Today in North Sea by Germans and Sent to The Bottom WANTS ALL MEAT CARRIERS English Government Mas Command ed cd Vsseln Running to Ar gentina and I'liigiiuy Curry ing Food PioiIucIn CREW LAX DIM) LONDON, April 3ii. The Mobile's crew lauded here to day. Thu Hiibmnrliio gave thu crow ten minutes to tuko to tho boats, (nr AMocutM rrMi to Coo nir tiism.) LONDON, Apt II 30. Tho British steamer which wns reported last night Hiiuk by a Ucrmnu submarine, off Lowls IhIc, north Scotland, was Identified today as thu British steam er .Mobile carrying a enrgo of coal. TRAWLER SUNK nr amocuikI llm to u.mi rtr TlmM. LONDON, April 30. Tho truwlor Llllydalo was hiiiiIc by a Oormnn sub marine In tho North sea, 75 mile? off tho mouth of tho river Tyno, A patrol boat picked up tho crow nnd went In chase of the submarine, but. It escaped. WANTS MEAT CARRIERS Dr AMoiUtfci I'ttu to Coo tar TlmM. LONDON, April 30. Tho British, govorniuont by nu order In tho conn ell todny commnudoorcd tho whole meat carrying rapacity of all Bri tish BteamerH trading botweon Eur ono nnd Argentina nnd Uruguay. Tho action was taken under defouso ot tho realm act. CURTAIL PRODUCTION Aiislrhin Cotton Mills Warned Xot to Increase Output Dr Auoclitia I'rou to cooi tar TlmM.) VIENNA, April 30. Learning that certain Aiiotrinn cotton nillln planned lo Increnso thu number of looms, the Association of Austrian Cotton-Weavers has issued an em- phatle warning against any such stop. It pointed out Hint whllo a .largo number of looms nro occupied with army contracts, tho geiierul trntlo Bltuutlou Is far from satisfactory, and tho present is no time for Increas ing machinery plants, Tho Association's circular goes on to say that tho future Is no moro favorable either. Exports will cer tainly not bo made easier by tho war, hut It will bo moro difficult, in tho last threo or four years Rolling prices, through over production, have been from five to ten nor cent below coat of manufacture. It Is absolutely senseless therefoto, It Is contended, lo think of Increasing Investments In tho cotton business lu Austria under present conditions. NOTHING IX STORY Thoro was a atnry afloat at North Bend today to tlio offect Hint tho Speedwoll had met with somo difficul ties ut llnudou. Such was nut the t'tiHo, and there v n no foundation for the ntoi , Thu Speed u oil arrived .i ly tit Bandon with the equip trout of the dredgo . utile and today Is loading tiei und will bo lu Coos Buy lu time to sail ou schedule for San Francisco, Sho had no I rouble whatever at Bandon. ( RENEW .MASSACRE Ilr Awotlitftl l'iM4 to Cooi tar TlmM) JULFA, Trans-Caucasia, ' April 30. Renewal of tho 4 rocont niansucres of the 4 Christians lu Armenia aro now in progress in tho wholo district of Lnku Van. . 1 s imiNi TRAWLER WAS SUNK m ifl