J Ji?tft wppwkhwksw wWTCialBat, psnnvnnHSiL i-!! Coos Bay Times Your Paper (Eons A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt'H wltnt tlio Coot liny Times 1st. A South, "est Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people mill devoted to the host Interests of (hlH Kr,,at wtlon . The Times uliviy 1,oom hu.I i,veP knock. WX8 The Coos Hay Times Is proud of its tltlo "Tlio Pcoplo'a Paper," and it btrlves nt nil times to lire up to iis ,m,t, "' do voting Ha energies to promoting tlio people's interests. MKMItRltS OF THK ASSOCIATRI) IMKSH VOL NO. XXXVIII. ICstahllshed 1HTH Ai The Coimt Mall. MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1915 EVENING EDITION. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mail '""I Coos liny Advertiser. No. 236 lms:a Hi em otice FOR THE YEAR 1913 In acconlanco with Chapter 275 br the ion General Laws of Oregon, linJ amended by Chapter 301 of tbo 1913 (leneral Laws of Oregon, nud uhlch Is Hi substanco as follows: Section 1. Four months after dato hen taxes charged ngalnst Real Toperty are delinquent, tho tax col-, tor shall cause to ho published fence each week for four successive irc-ks, In tho nowspaper or news- Uers selected by tho County Court ) publish County Court Proceedings. bnJer tliu provisions of Section 2002 i f( Lords Oregon Laws, n notice Btat- . m i. . i ng a noscniuiun oi mu hbvltui imr- !s of Heal Property upon which axes are tlctlnqticnt, tho amount of axes, and tho namo of tho ownor, If Ibown upon tho tax roll, mid a state-, nent that six months after such taxes Ire delinquent n tax coriiucaio or iellnqiienry will Issuo thoroln, as pro- Ilded by law Such notice shall bo published for a prlco not exceeding be price, prescribed by Section 2003 fiords Oregon Laws. Tho tax col- ictor shall forthwith cnuso to bo osted a copy of tho printed notlco In )ur public places in this county for jur weeks, commencing four months Iter tho date, when such taxes bo nne delinquent, mid shall fllo in tho flco of tho County Clerk of his ounty, a copy of such notlco, with a rtlflcate endorsed thereon, sotting rth that such notices had boon post- : In four public places In his conn- ', as hcrclnboforo provided; provld- I, however, that in counties of 100,- 10 or moro Inlmbltants, tho County urt of said Counties, sitting for funty Duclness, shnll cnuso said rtu- iQuent tax list to bo published In lly newspapers, having rt circulation more than ten thousand (10,000) Inatlde, sworn nnd nscortalned clr- llitlon, which nowspapors shall ho Ibllihcd and circulated in said unty, and that each newspaper so Iblljhed, shall bo compensated at frato of two cents per column Inch nparell typo for each ono thousand actual bonafldo nnd nscortalned peral circulation, said column to bo less than two Inches wldo: uro- Ped further, thnt tho provisions of act shall not apply whoro tho unt of taxes so delinquent ngalnst parcel of Heal Proporty is less none dollar ($1.00). section 2 Tho neglect or falluro be tax colic tor to glvo such notlco me manner herein provided shall mvalldato any tax certificate of pquency, but shall subJoct tho tax ltor to any damages which may warned by any nartv in in mil hv 'allure to glvo such notice. lection 3. Tho cost of publishing leSC.'IPtlon Shnll tin n.liln.l ir. ecome a part of tho nonaltv M against the particular tract j J'roperty. NOTICE IS HERRnv r.rvi?v ht the hereinafter described Sit. i or Real Property, havo taxes W aealnst thorn for tho year "in whlr-h beeamo delinquent In 1st day of Soptombor, 1914, n. h havo nni lmon ,mi.i i.m. tlon. the names of tho owners ' "pai Property ns shown upon "II. and tho amount of i olio, 'l aBiUnSt ench Imrcel nro eorse R Gould, via wn- K,"Nl'i SWU'.S. 20, Tp! !" U. 'ax $14.49. Iae Trn n I0. 2. Til 0 QT in i-. .r. ,r. - -.-. - wn, li( lilX j-.oz, Pe Trust Company. E SB U. A'.lS .1 Wn no r.r. Tp. lOli ' ' " lsi las ! 1Pl -3. SH. 12, lax, $2.(30. PO TW. ... i ? n. vn'l'any, nk4 ,S-9.Tp.23.Sn. 12.tMSI2.12. i!7 -'e, Ri, SR wu ' s- . Tp. 2a SR. 12( lttX SR. S.HSEHMVS.S.H, ' SR. 12 tax $4.S3. rr. Dll. 17-1S ti, r, oo .. . r '6 Of VnlL nt t- iu i.aico run C. along .- 4a Otto Mu .!,' begin 810 PaB6 38 l Aad.9ft S. ol S. il , tax $2.34. o Delinquent T axes 200 ft. to beginning In Section 17, Tp. 23, SR. 11!, lav $G.50. Petor Logglc, N'WU SWU. S ,12, Tp. 211, Sit. 12, tax $2.62. j J. J. Itauer, NKU SKU, S. 23, Tp. 23, Sit. 12, tax $2.62. .1. J. Kaucr, SV4 SW',1, NW I SWU, S. 21, Tp. 23, Sit. 12, tax ' ',0- .lolin Hnckanson, N NWU, 3. 20, Tp. 23, Sit. 12, tax $5.04. Chester A. Sanford, W",S SKU, S. ,31, Tp. 23, Sit. 12, tax $0.21. Uonnott Trust Company, begin 132 ft. W. of N. 13. corner of NKU SHU, o 1, m.. nn r. -t n rt ........ n a. xa, iji. .i, on. 1,1, mu . i.i,i.s ft., run K. 132 ft., run N. 1332.8 ft., run west 132 ft. to beginning, tax ,$21. S3. Dennett Trust Company, begin 132 ;ft. W. of US. corner S. 13, Tp. 23, n, j.i, run a. lasu it., run w. (Hi ft., run N. 1320 ft., run 13. 00 ft. to beginning, tax $1.30. Juo. Vanburgor, N SWU. SKU ,NWU, SWU NKU, S. 11, Tp. 23, SH. 13, tax $12. IS. O. T. Kills, Lot 3, S. 22, Tp. 23, SH. 13, tax $3.25. W. J. lllrd, und.U NWU NWU, S. 30, Tp. 23. Sit. 13, tax $1.01. Prank Ilurkholdor, NWU NWU, 8. S, Tp. 24, SH. 10, tax $27.71 U. , Prank Ilurkholdor, Lot 2,8. 31, Tp. 21, SH. 10, tax $31.40 1-8. Plllsbury Lumbor Company, 13 NKU, S. S, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $0.48. 7 & 13, S. 23, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax Ida 11. Mitchell. NWU SKU, Lot $10.25. .. C, 8. IS, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $8.70. II. .1. Dudley mid Pragor Ilaladay, William Ilrcuor, SKU NKU.S. 10, Und. 13 NKU. K SKU, 8. 21, Tp. 24, Sit. 11, tax $12.30. ,Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax $0!i.2r,. William T. Tottcn, NKU NWU,' I'orly C. Iloahl, Und. , N NKU S. 10, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $3.C0. SKV, NKU, NKU SKU, S. 25, Tp. C. M. Dautt, SWU SKU. SKU 26, SH. 11, tax $01.10. SWU, less 3 A., S. 30, Tp. 24, SH. I'M Ordway, Lot 1, S. 20, Tp. 25, 11, tax $21.45. Sit. 11, tax $1.50. .1. P. nodo, Timber on SKU SWU, Georgo & Mnry Whltty, NKU SWU SKU, S. 30, Tp. 24, SH. 11, SWtf and Lots 0 & 7, loss 25 A. tax $3.00. paid by Cleorgo Whltty, S. 28, Tp. J. P. Ilodo, Tlmbor on K NWU, "r' SIl u tnx $13.03. S. 31, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $4.00. i Mnudo It. Hurtle, land described In J. P. Ilodo, Lots 2, 3 & 4, loss .SI voluino 57, pago 152, record of Deeds A. S. 31, Tp. 24, SH. 11, tax $15.75. for Coos County, Oregon, S. 29, Tp. J. P. Ilodo, Lot 1, S. 31, Tp. 21, 25, SH. 11, tax $3.13. Sit. 11, tax $0.00. Ilonry Songslarkon, NWU NWU, Chester A. Sanford, Lots 1 & 2, S. 30, Tp. 25, SH. 11. tnx $3.00. S. 0, Tp. 24, SH. 12, tax $0.50. -Vnrlo Dean, NWU NWU, S. 4, Axel Ituth. Lot 4, S. 0, Tp. 21, SH. Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $12.24. 12, tax $2,34. I'etor A. McNnbb, SWU NWU. 8. Olive Crouch, K SWU. N 4 Tp- 2fi su- 12( tux ?2'8S SKU, S. S, Tp. 24, SH. 12, tax Thomas Sholton, SKU NWU. S. 4, ?o17Ci Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $2.8S. " ' ' ,,, .,,,,,, , Aminund Johiison, 13 13 W PrancosHanco, SWUNWU.S. 10, . ,, ' 'J " Tp. 24, SH. 12, tax $5.05. 'fx $6 00 P. 8. Iladley, RM NBU NKU, N ! ' ,,0 0l.nson, W KV4 WW N SKU NKU, 8. 8, Tp. 24. SH, SKU aBW s c Tp 2Bi SH. 12, 12, tax $2.34. tnx TJJOt Georgo W. Sanford, NWU NWU, Kll Thomas, NWU SKU, loss part S. 10, Tp. 21, 811. 12, tnx $21.30. i ,. , , ,, T,,oniBHi roCorded In Unknown Ownor, unoccupied, SKU SWU, S. 17, Tp. 24, SH. 12, for tax $5.44. Henuett Trust Company, SKU S. NWU. loss part sold, S. 17, Tp. 24, 12, tax $1.70. 2.1, Swanlo Peterson. 2.89 Acros In S. 18, Tp. 24, SR. 12, as described in " volumo 2, page 31, lino 11 of tho S. 1913 tax roll, tax $5.01. ,..... i n,. v.u veu .w 2f!. ,?:, ;...,;, VV. ' n, ;'. n . on r. n . w w ,.-,.- , M-. ... . 1.-, tax tiv, 1 1, Mrs. A. K. Raab, S SKU. SKU . SI-00 1 ' . rM,,nf cum c? on Tp 4,SR.l.,tax$l Mrs. A. 13. Rnab, NWU NLU, S. n Tn -4 sn 1 tax $2 SS. J t 'Lri'vZ " SPV 8 30 ' W. J. Ilalrd. Und. U, SKU. S. JO, 24. SH. 12. tax $8.70. Axel Ruth, SWU' NKU, S. 1, Tp. 2A IWsRH taaxl$C43 Choster R. Bear, SLU S U. nlis SKU.S. l.Tp.24,SR. 13, tax $13.91.! Lafayette F. Crouch, SWU' SWU. S. 13. Tp. 24, SR. 13, tax $3.12; and SMs SKU, SKU SWU, 8. 14, Tp. 24, 13, tax $9.30. n a vniiner. 9 A. ln S. 14. Tn. 24. ' 10 na .laoAwtlinl In Vflllinln . S. SK 8. Ol ucoi.juvu ... .w....... -, lino 32 of the 1913 tax roll, nns Carlson. 4 71 A. in S. 22. Tp. cr 10 na A eia rtl a il In VnlllTlin ,v- "" " "-""- - tax $S.5S. K. L. Robinson. 13 W, R. 22, Tp. 21, Sit. t:t, tax $13.7S. Hank of Oregon, Tldo land fronting Lots 1, 2 and It, S. 21, Tp. 21, Sit. '13, tax $12.11. W. P. llowron. Und. 17-20. of mouts and bounds, described In vol- Hino 2, pago II, lino 15, of tho 11113 tax roll, tax $1.70. Clins. P. Stauff, N NKU, N NWU, S. 2S, Tp. 21, Sit. 13, tax $12.18. Goorgo V. Ileal, SWU SKU . S. 0, Tp. 26, SH. 10, tax $3.27. . .. . -. n . . .. . . uoniou hcuuicrs, ay anvi, NKU SHU. S. S, Tp. 25, Sit. 10, tax $15.10; and NWU SWU, S. 9. Tp. 25, sit. 10. tax $3.2-1; mid 8 NWU, SWU NKU , NKU NWU, 8. 9, Tp. 25, SH. 10, tax $13.00. uisirn node, NKU NKU.S. II, Tp. 25, SH. 10, tax $13. S8. Mercy Applegnto Holland, SKU, S. 2(1, Tp. 25, Sit. 10, tax $03.03. C. A. Smith Timber Company, Lot 2, S. 3, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax $3. CO. Kilns II. Oray, meetH and bounds, volume 03, pago 321, record of Deeds of Coos County, Oregon, S. 5, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax $2.25. J"hn W. Noah, Lot 0, S. 22, Tp. - 'r'. SH. 11, tax $1.00. William mid Kdward Lund, Lots 9. 10, 11, 12, NWU SKU, S. 23, Tp. 25, SH. 11, tax $84.03. f 13d Ordway, SWU SKU. and Lots volume 54, pago C35, record of deeds. Coos County, Oregon, tnx $8.88. o. C. Sothor, Lots 7, loss part sold, C, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $7.44. S. W. Harmon, 2 A. In S. 0, Tp. SH. 12, doserlbod In volumo 2, I'aK "!1 llno 30 ln 1!n3 tax ro,ls 1'-,,,5 nn1 SS-S' N'KU NKU. 0, Tp. 25. SR. 12, tax $12.84. O. C. Sother, K NWU, 8. 7, Tp. 12' tax n7-C0- Gooygo Watklns, K NW U NK U , NKU NRU. ,, NR ,, g 7, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tnv Sf!7C. , oP,.rnn,t Pia NvVi, q n Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $7.80. RogeoioSchrock, W NWU.S. 9, Rird 3. Mend, Lots 15 & 10, S. 10, 0 $c Tp' " ' ' ' ' C' ' F1,toroft' SR, SK'i- S' n' . " ' s3i00; ana NVV NWU, S. 13, Tp. V" 8- 12' taX ?3'C0; and NKW - "' ' uoau- " n ""'' ' iU( Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $0.90. L. P. Ilkenstein ot al, NWU SKU, S. 1T Tp. 25. SH. 12, tax ?a.a-i. Vea L. .Ilrown, K NliU bfcU. 17, Tp. ,25, SR. 12, tax $3.24. William . & John M. Crook, UNWU, W NKU, NKU NKU. 19, Tp. 25k, SR. 12, tax $129.00 Allro Urneftott Hunt. 7 A. IilRJU 2, pngo 75, lino 2S, of the 1913 tax roll, tax $2.70. Ina Holm, SKU NKU, S. 20, Tp. 25. SH. 12, tax $3.24; nnd SWU NWU, s. 21, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tnx $1.50. T. .T. Kolstad, K4 SKU, S. 21, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $0.90. K. G. Planngan, Und. U, NWU, S. 22, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $3.48. Henuett Trust Company, Lot 5, S. 23, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $43.30. Chos. Knegren, Lot 7, S. 27, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $7.70. G. A. Slgnalness &. o. C. Sothor, Land described ln volume 55, pago 10, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 29, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $2.8S. Mllllcoiqa Dov. Company, Land described In volume C2, pngo 314, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 30 Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $34.32; (82 acres), and land de scribed In volumo 02, pago 314, He cord of Deeds for Coos County, Oro gon, S. 30, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tax $25.20, Ibu acres). A. A. Worloy & George Wntkins. Land described In volumo 01, page us, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 31, Tp. 25, SH. 12, tnx $3.04. Mrs. Marlon Yoakum, Innd do- scribed In volume 15, pngo 114, Re - cord of Deeds for Coos County, Ore-, Ron, S. 35, Tp. 25, 8R. 12, tnx $5.25 Henuett Trust Company, land de scribed in volumo 01, pago 230, Re cord of Deeds for Coos County, Ore gon, S. 30, Tp. 25, SR. 12, tax $2.50. Unknown and unoccupied, 016 Acres in S. 2, Tp. 25, SR. 13, de scribed In volumo 2, pago 83, lino 15 of tho 1913 tax roll, tax $1.50 Simpson Lumber Company, Tldo Land fronting Lots 1 & 2, S. 9, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tnx $324.45; nnd Tldo Land fronting Lot 3, S. 9, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $190.88. C. II. Keith, Und. 8-108 land do scribed In volume 02, pago 2, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 10. Tp. 25, SR. 13, tnx $17.33. Unknown and unoccupied Und. 3-108 of meets and bounds, contnln. lug 2.00 Acres In S. 10, Tp. 25, SR. 13, described In Vol, 2, pago 87, lino 7, of tho 1913 tnx roll, tax $12.00. North Ilond Mill &. L-umber Com pany, land described In Vol. 55. pago 309, Rocord-of.Ueeds-for Coos Coun- ty, Oregon, S. 15, Tp. 25, SR. 13, inx i ii.yo ; mm Innd described In Vol. 55, pngo 308, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 15, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tnx $252.00; nnd land described In Vol. 55, pago 370,, Re cord of Deods for Coos County, Oro gon. S. 15, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $15.75. K. W. Riissoll, Und. 8-10 NWU NKU, S. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $03.00. W. Sclmltz, Und. 3-10 NWU NKU, S. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $47.25. Harry Cnmpbell, Und. 1-10 NWU NKU, S. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tnx $15.75. Owen HIshop, land described In Vol. 03, pago 50, Record of DoodH for Coos County, Oregon, 8. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13,3 tax $35.28. SR. 13, tax $35.28. K. M. Ward, timber on 13 NKU. Kj SKU, 8. 21, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $04.80; and tlmbor on NWU, 8. 22, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $55.12; nnd timber on NWU SWU, S. 22, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $9.10. Chas. Weatniaii, land described In Volume 49, pago 140, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Orogon, S. 20. Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $0.75. P. K. Nolson, S',& NWU 8W NRU. S. 27, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $33.75. C. P. Johnson, land described In Volume 30, pago 34C, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Orogon, 8. 27, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $10.87. McClelland Investment Company, W. 1.. chs of N of Nelson North-1 ups Donation Claim, Sections 33 & ,, 34, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $45.50. .1. M. Scott, land described In Vol umo 49, pago 10, Record of Deeds for uma u". ".euu, o. o,, ,,.. .u, 11 n ... n a o. n... nr I an. 10, iu. jj.uu, C. L. Nordstrom, land described In Volume 28, pago 432, Record of Deeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 34, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $17.32. Resslo I). Savago, land doscribed ln Volume 02, pago 509, Record of Deods for Coos County, Oregon, S, 34, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $0.75. Martha J. Ilrown, land described In Volumo 03, pago 33, Record wee.. .. uun u.u.,u, ... Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $15.-6. James Harclay, land described n volumo 5.9, page 17, Record of Doeds for Coos County, Oregon, S. 35, Tp 25, SR. 13, tax $11.25. Tir C VlnliAlnnn Inntl InanrlliAil In ' t , t)t ilUIIUlOUIJf IHItM WWW-14 I volumo 43, pago 477, necord of Doeds for Coos County, Oregon, 8. 35, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tax $10.80. Unknown owner, begin at SW cor- ner of h. 8, niock 48, East Marsh-! niii. run S. 200 ft. run 8. 82 de- 1 M ? run N. 235 ft., run W. 200 ft. to be ginning, S. 3C, Tp. 25, SR. 13, tnx $0.75. Mercy A. Hollnml, SWU, S. S, Tp. 20, SH. 9, tnx $1S.00. Dudley Holland, Lots 1 & 2, VAli NWU. S. 30, Tp. 20, SR. 10, tax $122.38. Plcld Timber Company, SWU, S. 1. Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $13.09 ; nnd SWU, S. 2. Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $11,711; and SKU, S. 2, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $12.00; nnd SKU, S. 3, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $ 12.55 ij. Merchant Land Company, Lot 3, SKU NWU, K!'j SWU, S. 4, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $21.S2.; nnd Lots 1 & 2, S NKU, S. 4, Tp. 20, SH. 11, tnx $19.9S; and NV6 SKU. SWU SKU, S. 4, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tnx $21.S2; and SKU SKU, S. I, Tp. 20, SH. 11, tax $8.43. Field Tlmbor Company, N& SKU, S. 17, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $S.20,; and NKU, S. IS, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tnx $14.506. Field Timber Company, SKU NKU, S. 30. Tp. 20, SR. 11, tnx $4.82; and SKU. S. 30, Tp. 20, SR. 11, tax $10.31; and Lots 3 & I, Ki SWU. S. 30, Tp. 20. SR. It, tax $13.55. II. W. Rarklow et al, Lot 1, H. 2, .Tp. 20. SH. 12. tnx $29.50. 1 S. .11 Cutllp. SKU NWU. SWU NKU, NKU SWU, NWU SKU, S. 2. Tp. 20. SR. 12, tax $97.13. Kll Stlenon, begin 935 ft. K. of NW corner Section 0, Tp. 20, SH. 12, run K. 319 ft., run S. 798.0 ft., run W. 319 ft., run N. 79S.C ft. to be ginning, tnx $1.50. , II. L. Ilartloy, land described In volumo 01, pago 410, Record of Deeds for Coos Copnty, fl. S, Tn. 20, SR. 12, tax $3.90. K. A. Williams. Lot 10, NWU NWU, mid frontngo loss part nohl, less 7! Acros to Doll, S. 17, Tp. 20, SR. 12, tax $40.50. AUco M. Norton, W14 NKU. Ni NWU. 8. 22, Tp. 20. 8R. 12, tnx $04.35. '"leld Timber Company, NKU, R. 20, Tp. 20. SR. 12, tax $20.30; and SKU. 8. 20. Tp. 20. 8R. 12. tax $37.05. In j C. Hamuli), Lots 2 & 3. SKU NWU, NKU SWU, S. 7, Tp. 20. SR. 13, tax $18.72; and NKU, Lot 4, S. 7, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $1.95. J. IITRIcirards, NW U SW'U ', 8 1 i,' Tp. 20, 8R. 13, tnx $15.00.' Caroy 8. Jones, land described In voluino 51, pago 505. Record of Pecds for Coos County, 8. 12, Tp 20, SR. 13, tax $7.20. A. PitiiipBon, land described In vol ume 53, pago 597, Record of Doeds for Coos County, S. 12, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $9. GO. J. I). McNeil ot oi, n strip of l.uil 200 ft. wide, Including tldo lands off tho W. end of tho 5 ncro trnet of Lot 2, 8. 12, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tnx $1.20. J. P. Thomson, NWU NKU, lesi 14 ncres on 8. sido, S. 13, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $ t J I. Helen Ross, W. portion Lot 1, S. 12, Tp. 20, 81'. 13, tux $3.48. Goorgo II Elliott, land descrlhei; In volumo 5S, pago 405, Record o' iKods for Ccos f ounty, S. 13, Tp 2u, SR. 13, tax $2.40. Georgo W. Ross, N. 30, Acres, uni form width of SI-.U SWU, 8. 13, T. 20, SR. 13, tnx S7.20. Clins. C. Ross, land described In voluino C4, pngo 445, Record of Deeds for Coos County, S. 31, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tnx $2.40. Helen I! ore, land doserlbod In vol umo 01, pago '.58, Record of Deods for Coos County. S, 13, Tp. 20, till. 13, tax $2.40; and tho land doserlbod in volumo 04, pago 448, Record of Deeds for Coos County, S, 13, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $1.20, .mil land duorlbu.l In volumo 04, page 449, Record of Deods for C003 County, Oregon, 8, 13, T ,c il20 ' JM ,( lg I'll. 2G, SH. 1.1, tax $2.34. Guy C. llarnum, E NWU, S. IS, Tp. 20, SH. 13, tax $9.30. T. II. Khnrlilnn. Ivila 1 fl It. 11 R "" " -w " 23i T( 2Cj SUi ,3i tnx g t Chns. C. Ross land doscribed In volumo 04, pago 445, Record of DeedH for Coos County, 8. 24, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $1.20; nnd land described In volumo Gt, pago 445 Record of Deed8 for Coos County, S. 24, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $3.00. G. K. Upton, land described In vol umo 05, pago 201, Record of Deeds for Coos County, S. 24, Tp. 20, SR. f13 tnx ., .4 Unknown ownor, Und. 3-5 of Und. of .., o,,,,.. . N,, 'corner of NWU, 8. 24, Tp. 20, SR. ' 13, run 8, 15 chs., run W. 20 chs. run N. 15 chs., run K. 20 chs. to bo ginning, tnx $2.10. 1 i.ona i.oior, unii, i- v Vj jnwvi, NBu NWU, NWU NKU. 8. 28, Tp. 20. SR. 13. tax $1.50: and Und. 1-8 IS SKU. NKU 813 U, S. 28, Tp. 20, ' SR. 13 tax $1 11. 13. O. Young & Company, NKU SWU. 8, 30, Tp 20, SR. 13, tax A . 9 11 t f Hill L A.tA Ak..Aa.A.A, Coos Day Lumber & Coal Company, NKU. 8. 31. Tp. 20, SH. 13, tax $07.05; and Kift SWU nnd Lots 3 & 4, S. 31, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax 331-S0- , Lena Lolor. Und. 1-S NKU. S. 33, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tnx $1.4S; and Und. 1-S SWU. S. 33, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tnx $3.45; nnd Und. 1-S SKU, S. 33, ..... .. .... . . ..... Mi. .u, mil i,(, tax jti.lL'. J. 1). Pry, NWU NWU, SKU NWU. S. 31, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $4.92. Lena Lolor, Und. 1-S, N',6 SWU, SWU NWU. Lot 0, S. 34, Tp. 20. SU. 13, t nx$2.4G. Homo Trust Company. Und. 16. SKU SWU, S. 34, Tp. 20, SR. 13, tax $2.90. Guy C. llarnum, Lot 10. S. 1. To. 20, SR. II, tnx $1.17; nnd Lot 11, S. 1, Tp. 20, SH. 14, tnx $1.17. Coos Hay Mfg. Co., timber on K1A SKU. SWU SKU, and Lot 3, 8. 3, Tp. 20, SH. 14, tnx $01.00. T. P. Sheridan. SKU SKU. Lots 2 & 3, S.' 4, Tp. 20, SR. II. tax $7.09: and Lot 1, NKU NWU, 8. 9, Tp. 20, SR. 14, tax $5.19. Coos Hay Mfg. Company, tlmbor on NKU, S. 10. Tp. 20, SR. 14. tax $10.7S; nnd timber on NKU SKU. S. 10, Tp. 20, SR. II, tnx $18.30. I .. .. v .. Guv c Hnriiiini I . t o e- - w ,xry M,,N,l""r' Haiidlemaii, Und. mi) C. iiiirnuui, Lots 0 & ,, Sec. .,. wt. y,,,,, ., ,. , ' 11. Tp. 20, SR. II. tnx $2.15; und ,nx 1oSb tldo InndH fronting Lots 0 & 7, S. 11, Tp. 20, SR. II, tnx $5.07. otl,,,,, Con" ,la' I'1,r- & "! Co., Coos Hay Mfg Compntiy, tlmbor fl U''" N 8W!4, 8W on Lots 1. 2 & 3. nnd V NWU . 'v.n.V.'n ' ' T"- 27 SK 13( tax NWU 8WU, S. 11, Tp, 20, SR. 11.1" U tux $90.00. Pulnskl Conl & Nnv. Co., 5 Apres Kxcelslor Mfg. Company, tlmbor on . .. .. .... . . Lot 5, S. 11, Tp. 20, SR. II, tnx $0.40. Guy C. Illinium. W NKU. SKU NKU nnd Lot 2. S. 12. Tn. 20. SH. 14, tnx $17.55; mid Loin 3, 5 & 0, SKU NWU, S. 12, Tp. 20, SH. II, tnx $10.77; nnd Tldo lands fronting Lots 3. 5 & 0. S. J 2. Tn. 20. 8R. 1 1. tax $3.90; nnd Lot 7, 8W1', SKU, S. 12, 'Pp. 20, SR. II. Inx $9.30. Phillip A. Hulllon. NKUSWU, 8. 12, Tp. 20, 8R. 14, tnx $1.08. Guy C. llarnum,' Lot 1, NWU NKU. S. 13, Tp. 20, SR. II, lax $8.58. 13d. Ileck, W NKU SKU, 8. 13, Tp. 20, SR. 14, tax $2.31. Kxcelslor Mfg. Company, Innd do scribed In volumo 05, pngo 315, Ho cord o?7)7fRfor'C7mrCo"uuty, 8. II, Tp. 20, 8R. 14, tux $33.00. Kxcolslor Timber Coinpnny, tlm bor on lots 1 & 2, S. 14, Tp. 20, SR. II, tnx $12.80. Mrs. Robblo A. Miller, SWU SKU, S. 15, Tp. 20, SR. II, tnx $7.32. Martha Tulhot, SWU, 8. 21, Tp. 20, Sit. 14, tax $29.28. Unknown owner mid unoccupied Klmer A. Todd, Lot I, S. 29, Tp. 20, SH. II, tux $1.20. Georgo II. Crow, SWU NKU, H. i '.. .ir on i i ... ? 1 1 :i.'l, Ti. 20, SH. 1 1, tax $7.41. GoorKo II. Weber. HW U.S. 3 1. Tu. 20,811. II, tux $31.50. (! eoi go H. Mcdeo, Lots 0 ."i 7,1 NKU SWU, S. 0, Tp. 27, SR. 9, tnx1 $11.80. SWU, S. 10, Tp. 27, SR. 10, tax HOB 08- nml HI I' H 10 '1 7 SR $ ()r.C8,n,.18LU,8. 10, lp.-7.8U. " II. Roy Anderson, 13 NWU. W NKU, 8. 2I Tp. 27, SR. 10, tax $1.35 Georgo II. Powlor, 13 SWU, SWU SWU. S. 24, Tp. 27, SR. 10, tax ju.uu. C. Van Horn, SKU, 8. 21, Tp. 27, SR. 10, tax $2.40. C. II. Hudson, Und. Lots 1, 2, 5 & 0, 8. 30, Tp. 27, SR. 10, tax 110.05. Theodoro II. Hoaiiblon. Und. 1-5 unitnowii owner mm unncoiipimi - "iin. v mvvi Lot 2, 8. 23, Tp. 20, 8R. fl. tx.fl- :fi. 'I'l- 27, SR. 13, tnx $21.00. to r.i; Peart Ilrothnm & (wmmnv ).. .. i LttellaM. llra.lborry,. NWU N'KU,'W, "' m. 27, SR. 14, S. 8, Tp. 27. SR. 9, tnx $3.51. I1" ' 7 llonjaniln O. McGoo, SKU SWU,' V!0 Coos nny L,,r- & Coal Co-. 8. 12, Tp. 27, 8R. 10, tux $15.90; ', 8. 13, Tp. 27, 8U. 14, tnx and NKU SWU. 8. 12, Tp. 27, 8R. "'"V," " NV, 8. 13, Tp. 27, 10, tux $11.98. ,8"' " ,'" WW. and SWU. 8. ii....nn.iipnwnr i.i Cnmnnnv lJ' " !' -" SR. 14, tnx $477.72: nnd . 'wa w. .!. .. i Dunn s McCarthy, Lou .1 & 4, 7 ' NWU S 4 Tn "7 SR 13 tux '" "' 8"" H' tUX W0'' "'"' NWU, H. 4, IP. -7. Hit. 13, wxkvj, s 3, Tp. 27. SH. 14, tux 21'30, . $411.16; and NKU. 8. 24, Tp. 27, J. L. Ilnrkor. 1V NKU. K ui 11 ...v nit 11, .i wnn a NWU, low 13 Acros, See. 14, Tp. n.j,, Tp 27( SIlf H tax 9440.88: and Hit. 1, tax $14.(1 1. Iionnott Trust Company, W SWU, 8I3U SWU, 8WU SKU. S. 28. Tp. 27, SH. 12. tax $12.90. Plold Tlmbor Co., 13 NKU, -1, 6 Tn. 2 7. SU. mi.m ft 'p.. 7 sn l'l. i'ix $309 90; and NWU. 8 0. Tp Ci.SR 13. tax $434 44; and SWU, H 0, T 27. SH 13. tax $30? 0 and tfl-'i. .NWU SJ3U, 8. 30, Tp. 27, SR. 12. $5 I7.U I; and SWU. 8. 25. Tp. 27. tax $19.20. H. II. tax $371.09; and SKU, 8. -., itn iii. g. rtx Cm N!i:w '2:1. Tn. 37. SR. II. tnx $640.70: mid 8. 5, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $279.83; .NKU. 8. 20. Tp. 27, SR. 14, tax ..... ,.... c. r. n... or an 11 1.. 1IIO.M! mill NWU. S. 20. Tn. 97. turn . i , s. ., 1 i. .1, ,i.. , ,m ' '-' ' . " - - --, $201.48; and N SWU, SWU SR. II, tax $361.18; and SWU, 8. SWU, 8. R. To. 27, SR. 13. tax 20. Tp. 27. SH. 14, lax $457.88; mid $212 1: Mid RK". SWU. 8 fi. Tp. SKU. S. 20, Tp. 27. SR. 14, tax 27, SR. 13. tnx $2 90; and SKV,. S. $487.99; mid NKU, 8. 27, Tp. 27, 13. tax $450.13. nnd Ml 11. tax $137 2a1 nnu hkv, h. $118.20; and NWU, S. 7, Tp. 27. SH. 13, tnx $355.23; mid SWU. S. 7, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tnx $499.S8; and S' SK V, . NWU SKU , 8. 7, Tp. 27, SR. 13. tax $342.55; nnd NKU SKV4, 8. 7, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $52.39; nnd NKU. 8. S, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $321.11; mid NWU, S. S, Tp. 27, SR. 13. tnx SlOii.r.n? nn.i qm- a i . " " "" . ' Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $142.29. W. G. King, NWU, S. 14, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $14. SS. Tho Coos Hay Lhr. & Coal Co , NKU. S. IS, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $592.SS; nnd NWU. S. IS, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tnx $452,001 nnd SWU, 8. IS, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tax $517.39: nnd SKU. S. IS. Tn or an 10 .- -- --. - .-. -. .., AU, I.IA $300.11. T. II. Sheridan. NKU, S. 19, Tp. 27, SH. 13, tax $2I.S0. Kmtun Herman. K NW.. niji! SWU. Lot 1, S. 19, Tp. 27, 811. 13, tax $24. SO. Thomas It. Sheridan, Und. 1-5, S SKU. 1pm 2R 3 ., ' ', ' ' Tn. 27. SH. 13. nv r. o, ' N. Osniundsoii, Und. . N a 13 14 S. 28, Tn. 27. 8R. 13. tnr a on t. n. siini,i.. n...i r ..... nku. a. 2i. -r., ' o- - .. SO.ti. ' ' ' ,rr ll, '' ,l "t Lot 8, S. 33, Tp. 27, uii fi ,..., .... SR. 13, tax $1.30. Georgo MeAdnms, N N SKU, loss R. It. Right of Wny, H. 34, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tux $1.10. II. II. Stanford, land descrlbod In voluino IS, pngo 220. Uncord r ( Deods of Coos County, 8. 30, Tp. 27, 1 SR. 13, tnx $9.00; and boirln nt Nv 1 comer Lot 9 Illk. 0, Noslor'n All illtlon to Co,qulllo, run N. 137 ft., run k, 1 10 rt., run 8. 137 ft., run W. 1 10 ft. to beginning, 8. 30, Tp. 27, HR. 13, tnx $12.38; and lands do McrHied In volumo 48, jingo 220, Re cord of Deeds for Coos County, 8. 30, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tnx $9.00. Luiirn J. Robinson, land doscribed In volume 34, pngo CIO, Record of Deeds for Cons County, 8. 30. Tn. 27. SU. 13, tnx $2.25. 13. II. llarndon, Innd described In volumo 60, pngo 298, Record of Deedii for Coos County, 8. 30, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tnx $20 26. Lena Johnson, land doscribed In volume 36, pago 318, and volumo 30. pago 228, Record of Deods for Coos County, 8. 30, Tp. 27, SR. 13, tnx $3.03. Peart Urothors, W NWU NWU, ,'1'wiH'cd In volunio 47, pago 391, Record of Deeds for Cons County, 8. :!fi '''l. 27, 8R. 13, tax $4.38. 13. II. Hariideii. Innd ilnniTllin.i in '' " "nrndoii, laud doserlbod In ' ""' " l,aK "'. "ocortl of l"'",,Irt f Ch County, 8. 30, Tp. 27. SR. 13, tax $3.38. Prank lloutln, NWU NWU. 8. 3, Tp. 27, BH. 14, tax $10.15: and V. '" ''' ' ' "' B!' U' ,ax ,,,2'1,2; n"'1 NBM, 8. 14. Tp. 27, alli nnd NWU. H. II, Tp. 27, 8R. 14, tax mriinn. n,,,i mini a .. m ..- SH. 14, tax $259.44; ami S13U, S. 14! Tp. 27, SH. 14, tax $324.00. W. G. Ilalrd, Und. U, N NKU, S. 10, Tp. 27, SR. 14. tnx $10.30. 1 iraiiic narrows, N'A SWU NKU, SKU SWU NKU, 8RU NKU, 8. 21. Tp, 27, SR. 14, tax $2.01; and 8 14 NW',, S. 22, Tp. 27, 8R. 14, tllx 20- I T,1 Cooa ,,ny I,,,r' & Co''l Co., N'K,' S 2a T''' -7' au J4 l"x .SWVS, S. 21, Tp. 27, 8R. 14, tax j$m.H; and SKU. 8. 24, Tp. 27, SH. II, tnx $138.36; and NKU, 8. 26. Tp. 27, SH. II, tax $110.10; and NWVl. K. 25. Tp. 37, SU. II, tax ''7. 1. "T. SR II. tax $110 00 Prink L Green nigh, SKU SWU, ' " Ti "7 lit 1 1, tux $3 30 ' "h '! unoccupied N Zr., . kini; iiii a t . Ml?