S3 IS&XSS r - ISNTECFSSARjrrO BE A PERPETUAL MOTION PHONOGRAPH TO BE POPULAR Coos Bay Times Your Paper " xlio Coos Bay Times is proud of It title "The People' IW" nnu 1C Blmcs nt " "'t's to 0p to Us nnino by dovoUng lis energies to omotlng tho iicopios uiicresis. UiuflB mun QJittwa MEMBERS OP THH ASSOCIATED PVtKSS A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos liny Times N, A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon peoplo Riiil devoted to tho best Interests of this great section . Tho Times always boosts iuiU never knocks. hL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 As Tho Coast Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1915 EVENING EDITION. 0 IF ALLEN W IS CAUGH T o Men On Barnacle Believed part of Murdering Moon shiners of Virginia TTER IS 11 CLUE lude Allen and Cousin 'Bush' lien, Alias Ed Wilson, Left This Port in Hfding ESCAPES JETTYfTHREE Brooklyn has narrow cape on bandon 1iau ns- LICE ARE INVESTIGATING heft lli'io In Hiding Itiir tie Craft Sailed From Port XL-lit Time mid Relieved An- oilier Suspect Was Aboard. M AmocUlf J rrem to Coo lla Tlmoi.) AN FItANCISCO, April 20. leral officials nro Investigating Identity of men hero on coun ting charges to lonrn if they iCIaudo anil "BubIi" Allen, iiiom- o( the notorious Allun clan, fch raided lllllBVille, Vn. court be tbreo years ago anil killed officials. They gave tho names Doggs and William H. Young In arrested with tho third man the sloop llarnaclo from Coos Bay kntly but admitted tliem to bo ites. Hoggs said Ills truo nanio Claudo Allen, but ilouled rola- iihlp with Floyd Allen. Alton arraigned today nnd pleaded It)-. loung pleaded not guilty. letter addressed to his sister, Allen, In Virginia, Is said by Iral otlcers to huvo been found Claude Alien. In It Allen sent Cards to Floyd," and said "Don't any one whero I am." Tho soc man denied the naruo of "Bush" In, Clilef Anderson's Work. i' rumor on North Demi strcots i Chief Anderson, of North Bond, prompted him to mako an ln- llgatlon of tho Allen relationships a who to tho Chief of Polieo San Francisco was tho result. le man called "Hush"- Allon In tMro from tho south Is said to teen known Iioro under tho Se of I'd Wilson nnd no relation yd Wilson, ulso of tho Uarnnclo but not implicated in tho coun- Wtlng operations. Waudo Allen wns falrlv well n hero. Ho wus Indicted last by the grand Jury nt Coqulllo chargo of stealing chickens. he history of tho Allen cuoo Is loody ono nnd started March 14, 2, In tho court houso at Hills- t, Carroll county, Virginia, whon e Masslo sentenced Floyd Al to ono year In Jail for "moon ing." (embers of tho Allen family flll- lh court room. When tho son- was pronounced they opened I on the court room. Tho Judge dead at his bench. Common- fth Attorney M. Fostor was ti and so was Rliorlff T. T? !b wbllo tho clerk was fatally nuea. Tim emu Kuraiuil tn Mm lth a posso In pursuit. Sov- ere caught nnd others escn- Vd Allen was enptured several later and went tn tim aminws ln6 to tell of tho wlinrenlinntH he other members of thu uaiiK. Offer Big Reward e is J1000 reward for the lUre. dead or nllvo, of Claudo of this gang. Chief Aniier- "ys It was known about North tbat Claudo Allen ami "Ed oa" left on tho Barnacle. an named Reynolds, wanted In l lass 011 h phnr nf Ininnnr. 'th eXnrfl nn.l lii-nnlrln. Info h' county and It Is belloved Jje left hero on tho Darna erllf JoMnson had a warrant In High Sea Vessel Arrives In Yes- lordiiy .Morning After Three Times Attempting Passage Through n smother of smoking white seas tho steam schooner Brook lyn on her third attempt at the Ban don entranco where on Saturday the Randolph whb capsized yesterday morning ramo la on tho crest of a heavy swell and, barely escaping des truction on tho south Jetty as she was rushed Inward to safety. Three limes tho vessel bumped In tho shal low water and several seas were ta ken over the rail while a great crowd lined thu wntorfront to con gratulate tho newcomers on their miraculous escape. But a few feet away ami In plain sight lay tho wreckage of tho Randolph strewn for half u nillo nlong the bouUi beach. Rudolph Capplo, of Marshfleld, was a passenger aboard the vessel. Tho Brooklyn left San Francisco nt 5 p. m, on Thursday and arrived off tho Banilon bar shortly after mid night, Saturday, and laid outside at anchor until six o'clock In tho morn ing. With tho captain at tho wheel tho entranco was attempted from the south. A heavy northwest wind had kicked up a heavy cross sen, running lu almost at right angle8 with the two jetties and breaking high over them both. It was this cross current that sent tho Brooklyn off her courso and just outside the lino of breakers tho skip per turned again to sea and for tho second tlmo essayed tho bar. This attempt too proved almost disas trous and the vessel backed astern and circling camo straight on towurd tho bar. At tho breaker line, tho llttlo ves sel, rolling heavily, and sovcral times almost submerged In tho smother, tried to again pull out. Tho seas caught tho craft, flung her high ami when sho dropped In tho trough thrco.tlmcs her hull struck tho bot tom and It was then that tho spec tators on shoro held their breaths expecting to see tho Brooklyn piled up on tho Jetty. It wns a fortunnto straight on sea that caught tho llttlo vessel on tho re. bound and, flinging her oil the top ENGLISH STOP IGERMAIUR OK RANDOLPH! GERMAN DRIVE A Consolidation of Times, Coast Stall and Cons Hay Advertiser. No. 236 Capt. Anderson and Engineer Colvin Rescued by Cutting Hole Through Hull of Boat BODIES NOT FOUND Chauncey Carpenter Swam Through Heavy Seas After Boat Capsized on Bar Paris Reports Two Desperate Attacks by Kaiser in Bel gium Were Checked CAPTAIN BLAMES ENGINEER Says letter Bid Not Shut. Down En gllil Captain Johnson and Coast, (iiiards Made llemarkablo Hexcuo BANDON, Ore., April 20. To tho tlioughtfulncss of Capt. Johnson of tho Bandon Life Saving station and his crew, Capt. Charles Anderson and Engineer Henry Colvin of tho 111-fnt- YPRES B1BARDED Activities Along Yser Canal Renewed and Fighting in Many Places IELL OF WEST GAIN Say 5000 English Troops Cap tured and Ground Gained Along Canal Held ' FRENCH CLAIM VICTORY Fighting Developing Along Meiiso and Kffort to Regain U's Hspnrgcs Is Thwarted Fierce Bombard inciils Pivccdo Assaults V3f AiioclitM rrm to Cool Pr Timet. PARIS, April 2C Tho official statement tills afternoon snys: "In Belgium two German attacks moving ed Randolph, which wns upset on the 'out from Pnschondaelo and Rroilziude bar hero lato Saturday, owo their I were checked yesterday by the Brl- lives. They wero rescued from the overturned hulk of tho vessel, widen was lying In tho breakers, by the life-savers chopping n hole through tho bottom of tho craft. Both were partly dazed nnd It Is said could not have survived ten minutes longer. Tho bodies of H.E.Knoor.tho Gold Beach druggist, Cook Milton Cox and C. McConnolly have not been found yet. Chauncey Carpenter, who swam lu through tho breakers until tho Coast Guards reached him, Is llttlo tho worso for his remarkublo ex perience. Itc.scuo Itcmnikahle. Tho roscuo of Capt. Andorson nnd Engineer Colvin is little short of ro mnrkablo. About thirty minutes lif ter tho Randolph capsized, tho over turned hulk had washed into tho breakers whero sho caught on tho sand. Tho Coast Ononis mado their of Its crest, rushed by within n fowl "'"? "t to tho wreck and got on top feet of tlio south Jetty and placed her safely Inside. Yesterday while making tho land ing at tho Prosper mill tho Brooklyn rammed tho wharf tearing away sov cral piles but sho was not damaged. Saw llarnaclo Civw. Bcforo leaving Sail Francisco, Mr. Copplo for a fow minutes saw Frank Harris, of tho Bernardo crow in Jnil on a counterfeiting charge. Posto and Syd Wilson, ho said, wore also In tho county Jail thero when ho loft San Francisco on Tliurbduy. I'osto told Mr, Copplo that ho had no part In tho counterfeiting operations and expected soon to bo out again. J. F. Telunder says that yestordny ho received a letter from both I'osto and Wilson stating that tlioy havo not been arrested and aro still with the gold separating mnchlno at tho They figured that tho engineer was probably In tho engine room and Im mediately chopped a holo through tho liont. Suro enough ho was thoro and with him wns Capt. Anderson. Tho air In tho cnglno room was about exhausted and tho funics from tho oil wero strong. Tho nion had been Imprisoned for about an hour and It Is snld that ten minutes nioro would huvo been fatal to them. Captain Blames Engineer It Is difficult to learn tho cause tlsh. Tho enemy thereupon bom barded Ypres with violence. Our ac tivities aro being continued nlong tho Yser canal. At Notredam Do Lor ctto wo repulsed a German attack. On tho heights of tho Meuso fight ing la developing. Tho attack on Calonno trench was checked by our counter attacks and driven back. Tho Gormans subsequently made an other attack further east In tho direc tion of St. Remy, evidently striving to reenpturo Los Esparges. A vio lent attack preceded by a flerco bombardment took place short ly after this movement on tho eastern slopes of our positions at Les Esparges but failed." P MEUSE FIGHT Claim French Defeated and Many Prisoners Taken in Series of Engagements THROW BABES AWAY ALLIES OPEN i . . NEARLY :.-,()() CHRISTIANS DIE FLIGHT FRO.M PERSIA NEW GAINS IN THE VOSGES GREAT BATTLE IS ON lDNDON REPORTS THAT KAISER HAS LAUNCHED GREATEST STRUGGLE OF WAR tllr AmoiIKM I'rcM tn Coo lUy TlniM.J LONDON, April 20. A now Gor man offensive In Belgium, styled by somo British commentators ns tho greatest battle of the war, is being pushed on with all tho power of tho army of 500,000 Germany Is ropii-l ted to have assembled along this front. Berlin today reports Impres sive vlctoiius although no ndmls- ( slous (o this effect are mndu at i Pails or London. Berlin reports tho rapturo of fiOOO lli'illii Claims Recapture, of Hart-iiuiiius-Wellerkopf and .Many of tlio French Taken as Gor man Prisoners tllf AmooUIisI I'rwt Id Coot lljr Tlmra, BERLIN, April 2C (Wireless to Sayvlllo.) Tho off Idol statement todny soys: "Tho Germans hold Llz- crno, on the west bank of tho cnnal, which tho French pretend to havo reconquered. Also on tho east of tho canal, conquered Terrain roinalns In possession of tho Germans. Tho number of captured cannon rose to in, Including four English. North enst of Zonnobeke, Gorman attacks continue. More thnu 1000 Cana dians wore token prisoners. Tho totul number of prisoners roso to 5000. Tlioy Include Senegrnl no gros, English, Turcos, Hindus, French, Canadians, Zouaves and Al gerians. In Chninpagno region, north of Benuschour, two French night attacks wero repulsed. On Mouse Heights, German attacks pro gressed along sovcral mountain sad dles until tho fight to tho west of Les Epargos was taken by storm. Sovoral hundred French woro taken prisoners. Sovoral machluo guns weio ulso captured. In Allly forest, tho enemy's advances failed. In thu Vosges the Gormans took bnck Hartmnuiis-Wellerkopf. In this en gagement 11 officers and 141) French soldiers, six mlno throwers and four machlna guns woro cap tured. Northwest of Clecliiiuow, n feoblo Russian night attack was repulsed." Oior U(1,0(MI Rushed Away From Ttuhs Tragic Stories or Suf fering Told by UO.lKKl WT Aiocl1M m to Coo. liar TlmM.j DILMAN, Persia, via Petrogrnd. April 20. Tho exodus of 20,000 Armenians and Nestoiian Christians from Azerbaijan province has been confirmed, according to reports of Russians officials. Fifteen hundred of thoso unablo to fleo woro mnssa cred. Two thousand died from dls easo In the vicinity of tho Ameri can mission In Urmulah nnd possib ly an equal number of refugees In the Cnusasus, When It became known, Janunry 1, that tho Russians had left Urn mlnli, nbout ten thousand Chris tians fled without money, bedding or provisions. Thousands slept In tho snow and children woro born on the rondsldo. Arriving at Julfa, on tho Russian border, passport dlf flcultles added to tho troubles. Mad dened women throw children Into the river In ordor to end their sufferings. ON D S English Announce That Troops Have Disembarked on Gal- lipoli Peninsula TOHKSDR B Battleship Fleet Covers Land ing of Expeditionary Force For Land Attack ITALY WEAR C CUPID ON THE LINE TWENTY-TWO ENGINEERS OF COOS RAY-EITGENE LINE WED IN THREE YEARS llatiielordom Put to Rout Along New Hallway VntioiiN Reasons aro Ascribed For It EUGENE, Ore., April 20. Three years ago tho Willamette Pacific company brought to Eugeno n force of young unmarried engineers nnd of fice men. Thero woro thirty of them, nnd todny twonty-threo of this number are married. Whon thoy first came hero bachelor headquarters wero established lu n big houso on Thirteenth avenue enst nnd Mill street, but a year ago tho matrimony ganio linH plckt'd off so many that tho quarters had to bo dis continued. This soonied to nccolor ato cupld's activities, and today only seven nro loft bImkIo. Sovoral of tills number nlroady havo tltolr foot In tho not, declnrea J. J. Dolaney, dork, who compiled tho figures of bachelor fatalities during tho past throo years, Ills action was prompted by tho aniiouuceiueut yes terday of tho marriage of John II. Morrison, a well known Eiiguuo boy, to Juaitlta G. Schroeder, of Florence. Thu marriage ceremony was perform ed at tho homo of L. .1. Pourtala, at Florenco by J. N. Goude, Justice of thu pernio. .1. J. Delauey, clerk, mnrrled, does CONTINUE TO LAND MEN Claim Tuiklsh Force Driven Hark Desplto Strong Entrenchments anil Rallied Wire En taiiglemeuts Wr AuorlilM rmi to Cooi Oir Time. LONDON, April 2C It was of- iii'iauy announcoii loiinyfTlio gen eral attack on tho Dardanelles by fleet and army was resumed yes terday. Disembarkation of tho army, covored by tho fleets, began boforo Biinrlsu nt various polntB on Galllpoll Peninsula and In splto of serious opposition from tho en emy lu strong cntronchtueiits pro tected by barbed wlro, was complete ly successful. Before night fall largo forces had been establshed on shoro, Tho landing of tho army and ad vance continue." J. A. D'KELLY DIES LOW SAYS APSTRIA CAN'T (.'RANT DEMANDS Orriclnl English Depart Says daiiiiles Cannot bo Forced mediately by Allies Bar-liu- of tho dlsastor but tho locul navl- prisoners so far, Including lOliu gators ogreo that It was tin accident Canudlnns, and a total of 15 caii for which blamo cannot bo attached ' "n'. ''wis glvo3 fow details, but to anyono. Somo say CapLAuderson ' B)' U'o attacks woro checked. Tho camo lu too far boforInaklng tho ' Herman attnek Is developing with turn. s I Ki-ut forco over a largo part of Clint. AiideDrtJuloft for his homo ' tl,u Western front. Berlin mi nt Rocky Ufllnt soon aftor being res- """ "' recapture of llartmnniu- tlio opinion Is growing lu Romo that Exposition grounds. It is known cued amino statement could bo ob-' wi'ierKopr, neur tlio ivoBiorn una Austria and Italy aro drifting In that tho two men arrested with liar-1 tainnr from him. However parties of tl10 ,,no- wn,t'h tM0 ''d' ' ovltubly towurds war. Tho Gorman rls havo soeral times taken tho. who talked with him say that ho '""J l""n ",lu' DU""al "" " uiunassnuor, von niioiow, is quotou names of Posto and Wllsoii'vaused flgltlng. Homed Engineer Colvin for tho dls-1 '-"k. wh mo numms ui m- ns saying in uonio mat u is linpos- inucli confusion. oster. claiming that Colvin did not'-"u"DO " ""' """ siio lor Aiisma 10 accept too uu- I shut off tho engine when ordered to, " ,,,u -i"m.u.. ..., .......... , r luuy. TO HAISE THE RATES; COQl'ILLE YALLEY TELEPIION COMPANY PROPOSES .MYRTLE POINT RAISE and that Instead of riding tho sea on j which they woro crossing In, tho Ran-, dolph forged ahead ami was Hearing tho trough of tlio wave when another heavy sea hit her. i Happened on Bar Tho accident occurcd on the bar Just when tho Randolnh was makincl ..... ml., n- . "I SALEM, oro., April :i,-i -"- tho turn to catch tlio channel up tho claim to havo reduced tho RussUra pci-ltlons on both sides of tho Ora w:i Valley. CHINESE ASK AID 1 FROM UNITED STATES (Or AMOCltlxl Treii 10 Cot n J TlmM. HONOLULU, April 2C Pruslduut qulllo Valley Telephone Company of rvor sho wa8 rIdlnga blg Boa at'iwilson and 'the British 'Foreign of- the tlmo nnd another sea struck fC0 In London woro appealed to for hor whon sho turned. Sho had prac- assistance for tho Chlnoso In rc tlcally no cargo to ballast her andjBiHtinK the demands of Japan In a Myrtle Point yesterday petitioned the state railroad commission to allow it to increase Its rates to bo effective May 1. Tho company Informs tho commission that It Intends to Improve Its service and that tho rate Increaso Is consented to by 85 per cent of its patrons. Ibis arrest at tho time. IA A a . I7iT.T .. ""'i-S SLIZE TWO . I. S. MUliniiivniiiLiv a I'AlMrijt,, ,.,. , ' ' ATHENS, Anrll 20. Tt Is 'Ported at Piraeus that the M'GINNIS DIVORCE CASE Hles M V warships have cantur- tbfi AmAln M4.n lr8lnla and Macrln. Thw afrlej rarcos thn nm io. "el to bo contraband. " No divorce was allowed Mrs. Ohma McGlnnls by Judge Coko today, according to word from Coqulllo late this afternoon. -Mrs. Mc Glnnls asked for separation from Tom McGlnnls on the grounds that he had been a drunkard for a period of over 12 months. She asked for a share of tho property. - I - consequently capsized easily. Carried Curry Bacon. About tho only cargo on tho Ran dolph was about 1.000 pounds of ba con which had been cured In Curry County and was being brought here. This Is being washed up on the ueaui ton. . nll(j vj8tnB members are cordially The Randolph Is breaking up rap- ,llvIte4, to motu Idly and will probably bo a total) ny ortler of tnu Committee. wreck. No trace of tho three missing men prayer cabled last night by Chinese residents hero after a mass meeting. ELKS NOTICE The Klks will give their regular monthly dance Wednesday ovenlug In the Masonic Hall. All regular had been found today. It Is proba ble that they were caught In the un dertow and carried" out to sea and OLD CAPTAIN WAS ROMANTIC FIGl'RE ON COOS RAY Captain J. A, O'Ktily, ngud 57 and owner of tlio gasoline passengor boat lino between Miirshfleld and North Bend, died Saturday night in thu Mercy Hospital after n long Ill ness, Ho was n life member of tlio Eagles lodge and will bo burled by them probably on Wednesday. Mrs. O'Kolly, his mother, a woman of 80 years of age, lH expected h; tomorrow morning from Portland. With tho going of Captain O'Kolly I More was huralded out n figure of romantic Interest on Coos Bay. Start ing about eight years ago with very llttlo money ho built up In four years u comfortable fortune, approximated at about 25,00i). At that tlmo communication with North Bond was difficult. Thero wnH a wagon roail over tho hills, tho vu tor level highway having not thon been built. R. B. llerrou, It lH said, loaned Captnlu O'Kolly money enough to built tho North Bend, u kiihoIIiio boat still on tho Buy. This gasoline craft was put In op eration and tho vonturo proved so successful that tho llonlta and tho Mnrshfluld followed laud soon tho owner of the lino hud a heavy traffic coming and going ami piled up a good Income. Tho round trip was iiiodo for 25 cents nnd ono way for 15 cunts, the same us tho unto stage which finally camo In ami put tl boats out of business nbout tbreo ami four years ago, Mrs. O'Kolly took sick and died tlo Wlllunietto Pacific offlco, slightly shortly after that. Always an ardent suporstltltlous, credits tho bachelor splrltuullst Captain O'Kolly, when ho headquarters with somo fatal charm j received word from Hun Francisco "That would bo a good houso for j that tho daughter of lilH dead wlfo somo sorority," sho adds. bad been located through a medium, Tho remaining single men nro, Immediately wont south, Thero bo "Judgo" Humor, Georgo Adams, ! mot a beautiful young girl who eorgo Holt, Hurry Tromlltz. Larry lud us his stop daughter. Ho bought Thornton, Ralph Nowlands nnd Paul1""' diamonds and gave her several itch, thousand dollars and was coming Thoso who have been marrlod In "ortli fr more when ho found tbat FORTY AMIIRICAN WOMEN DEL-1 tho past tbreo years aro: Stanley ho had boon buncoed. EGATES TO THE HAGL'E STOP PHD BY ENGLAND GERMAN AMBASSADOR VON HUE- 110t gvu tho beauties of Eugene's and I .a no county's daughters tho credit. "It was tho high cost of living," ho surmlsos us ho looks over the long list who ut ono tlmo lived In tho bach elor headquarters conducted by him solf and Mrs. Delauey. "Tlioy all get tho Idea that two can live more cheaply than ono possibly more cheaply as olio." Georgo Soltz, olio of the fow un inurrled men remaining, whoso desk Is near that of Mr, Doluuey, has an equally pessimistic view, "After a guy works op thu railroad for two years or nioro, he's foolish enough to do anything," ho says. Mrs. E. S. Tuttlo, bookkeeper In (lly Aw-xUlwl I'rt to Coor fir Tlun, LONDON. April 20. English pn peis published reports today that A British correspondent accredi ted officially to tho Dardanelles ex pedition, admits tho problem of for cing tho strults Is a tremendous one, Tho land operations would also pre sent difficulties. DELAY PEACE DDVESig .lauo Addition .Makes Appeal to U, S, Ambassador for Permit for Them to ('loss Channel (Or Aorttl rrw to Com B17 TlmM. LONDON, April 20. Tho steam er Noordum with 40 American wo men delegates to the Hague peaco congress among Its passougers Is auiiiorod lu tho Downs unablo to lTn la nlmiit I lVflltl.tll'n vonra nf flL'O ,,,... ... . , , ' obtain permission to proceed up tho and his father runs the Racket store ' ..... , In Bandon. He owns a gasollno lnnnnh ami hna client much of his their bodies may not be washed uP;Ume on thQ watef 0 baU,ed wUh tor somo distance irom nere. Carpenter Good Swimmer Chauncey Carpenter owes his life to the fact that ho is a good swimmer tho seas for about ten minutes bo foro gottlng to safety. Hotariau Concert, Noble Tonight. channel to Rottordam. Jane Ad dams has sent an nppoal to the Am erican ambassador urging him to securo tholr roloaso of the delegates lu tlmo to arrive at The Haguo for tho congress, which opens on Wednesday. Young, Bon Price, Dink Lldyard, E. C. Poolo, Georgo Bromloy, John Hun sakur, Percy Stauky, C. H. Spencer, J. A. Martin, W. II Hoffman, J. C. O'Connor, W. L. Hallock, I. It. RIs ley, C. F. Goodall, Charles Darling, A. (J. Palmor, J. II. Morrison, J, .1. Kostley, Adolph Bock, J K. Holt, I. O. Russell, Tex McCulluni. JOHN Bl'NNV DIES NEW YORK, April 20. 4 John Bunny, whoso antics 4 us a moving picture coined- Ian mado millions laugh, diet at his homo In Brook- lyu today. Ho had bneu 4 III three weoks of a compll- cations to diseases- With Ills nionoy practically all gone tlio old captain led n solitary life tho last fow years, living on whut llttlo Income ho had. Ho lea von tho three boats, lloulta, Marshfleld ami North Bond, a houso and two lots lu North Bond and several lots on South Inlet, all of which Is said to bo heavily mortgaged, OBREGON IS FREED Rr amviUi rr to coot iwj ti.ti,i EL PASO. Tex., April 28 Fran cisco Obregon, need brother of Gou oral Obregon, was givun his liberty In Chicliuahua, acordlng to an of ficial Villa statement today, Obre gon was said last week to havo ( boon executed following his arrest 44tt4HV44444 I at Gaudnlojara, iJH 111 m :ii i 1 1 ill I' .IS! -