pJHHJ: 1 "fr&n !&$ a !U"- -. jrwfti' HfiSimn&mji - TWO ., hip wwrannrrnrnn i iimih'j ' - - ..., WBBfcattWw -------,!""-M-MTO"TO .,.., AnDll 01 101 R FVFMIWG EDTIOIM. - THF COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,, Wbuwtauni, HmiuM, . - -- COOS BAY TIMES M. r. MAf.ONEV, Editor nml Tub. DAN i:. MAI.ONEV, News Editor Offlcln) Paper of Coos 9'"lf Offlcinl I'npcr Ciljr of Jlnrshflelu. H TUXES RULE alarming incrlake in the cost or government . --..T. ..... V .... .. .u.. .. .j... tat, .r, v:4n"xjrjj'.firiiir rr-:r-Mz j- . 1 " - Himin miir MJ-MMBWm-lW.My 1 j as - --"sbraraf ? ; , .. a n iwtmmMmifmmmmM . wsss ! iMMftBto.. urn ,.:.. for ur XZ sscfili UmW(. m 1 ' -''''" $K$ik ' ' ' I iPl I PARLORS VKf WW Ufef I Ff I -'--kthkpuduo TrFUhfZ. atolMjinsbccn elected 7V?XOVLi,(!fiVX(Vl, , ViSm? Al idUiilJl H --ol.l'owciiiiu;smoKcuj;g2yM ,i&ZmmtrfflfJ'fTJil 1 UiISTirv7Zr''J hil ' VI uiiuti inner Will M U lntolmrncaansutci..Ki5SOLW?W'Cft I0G 8 Wltiwr ASr iH Charg8 BntrriTT--i n 'a wi3&m&kuiW Wl hj Jbmuo ' Let's AI'THK TIIH WAH IS OVKIl vwnv 1 lino an editor ilocitlos B thnt Iip will Klvo tho riHidersj " n rpQf Ori'Kon StiiiwU rouHli In tlu lu1to1 Stnto lit Aliioiint if I li? Taxi1 IxIol In cost of government. In liurdon of, clo 1 ather arounoi ourselves by so far na tlie war Is coucortud. soinotliliiR 1)1 g l)reks. or taxation. California loads the nation; bmncthliiB jirtlncnt to tllc ;N Y fc 8vcon.l. WashltiRton $&ZST& rtSuVr. 1" third and oreR.n Cose BomelliliiK that ought to lie qnotwl, , fourth. ' Bays tho Dioion, Ohio. Nows. There xiiee facts are revealed In an ah- IVr'TX ZJST T d,r f S -tract "of i.h. debt and taxallon .. . It la the blKHct thing that ever 1313, Just published by the I nltcil . happened, or the blgisest thlnp that cta(0a department of commerce. He-, ever will happen, and there is no b h(JW ..BOVorniental c.caplnR it. nor It. offecU nor Its payment, of stalo. coiintlo and ' .So when we inn upon a little Incorporated places having a popu-, preachment from a man HKe i res- jaon 0f ojoo or over, ident IllUboii, of I'rlnrrton. or n bit , incorporated town and rlty la of phi osonhy from the jsreat nmn. ... , ,. .. ,., So ire koIiib to m.e it. For what the blR spender. "Whereas tho nver- choicer tiling has come fropt the ae per capita cost of state govorn- Ilpa of man during this awful nioI)l , ,,0 United States In 1013 struggle. rh-t more tliouRhtful w-j 3Br nn, of c0Unty B0Vern. 0nPAftern this war Is iompletwl ' nu-nt $4.43 the average per capita there must como a period ot reton-1 cost of towns and titles was $27.20, striirtlon, not merely of material The national ier capita cost of all E';, purples of """'ou-; ' governmental payments, state, county part must necewwrlly be a Inrgo , and city, was $20.. 3. In California It one. for wo must lend our strength reached high tido at $50.73, Now to the nations wonkened by the yorlc was a poor second with $40.80. S&rrritll.St.ohnUT !K W..hlnB.o rolled up $37.30, Ore time being has been Interrupted, gun $30.77, Montana $31.01 and In America, howoxer. all tho forces Idaho makes a relatively good hIioxv of conization which make for peace ' . wlt. o3ji, and prosperity haxo been maintain-' T" ,'.,r-., .. ed unbroken and undiminished. We , California's big cost of $4fi.,3 con hold In our hr.nds tho threads of the ! trasts with South Carolina's low ree- past and of the future; not ono oi onl of $0.04. Other low records arc tliem is urOKen. inure is uieii.- W . i.n.ittlnN nl.llivn I Ir.l. n.otlnir '" " vtu.i... .... '-" n ...,,...., .,. .. ...,!. ill., tlinmsaiiJiu, u.i4i, oui in vtiuni, for its the open season for chumming it with a jimmy pipe that's all packed jamfull of Prince Albert tobacco that never bit any other man's tongue, and won't bite yours I For it's mighty widespread news nowa days that Prince Albert is made by a patented process that takes the teeth out of the smoke and leaves your tongue calm and peaceful-like. Just sunshine, and happiness, and quick repeats for yours ! That's j immy pipe joy via nnon un to conseive these treasures of human creation which mako for peace, righteousness and the wel fare of mankind. After these days of desolntlon have passed there Is need of n noxv heaven and n nexv earth." PRINCE Albert AT THE HOTELS Chandler Hotel. E. U. Ketzer, Portland; E. ncach, Portland; Max Malson, Portland; J. S. Lincoln, St. Louis; O. II. Holt, Portland; 0. Llndiman, Seattlo; X. N. Nowman, Coqullle; W. J. Llndln, Portland; N. A. Nelson, Lakeside; C. W. Leeklk, Los Angeles; Charles B. Mack, Engeno; (leorgo S. Holland, Portland; .1. M. Croat, Portland; J. T. WondlliiK. Myrtle Point; Andy P. Davis, Coqulllo; .1. I). Clinton, Nor way; L. 1). Smith, Coos Itlvor. Lloyd Hotel. M. V. Whlttoy, Coos Itlver; Char les Hopkins, Grants Pass; J. McMunn, Hosoburg; B. Smnlley, llnndon; II. !'. Hooney, Wagner; It. B. Sanderson, t'odiilllo; L. S. Watt, Spokane; J. .Mat ho ii, Co(iilllc, llllilico Hotel. W Mnhaffey. Myrtlo Point; J. .1. Kllnclf, Springfield; 1). P. Weaver. Rllvcrton; !'. W. Lang, ('oiiulllc; .1. L. Laird, Myrtlo Point; W. Ruther ford, North Pond; E. MeAlllBtor, Wagner; (Jcorgo Springer. Empire; William Swing, Empire; llnrry Peo ples. Wagner. St. Laurence, Hotel. .1 L. Ilumett, North Yakima; (. O Newell, Oakland; C W. Wilson. Oakland; t. L. James, Portland; E. A. Snlzer, EiiKono; W. L. Cardon, North Ilpnd; A. ClirlatoiiHoii, North nrud; W. U. Ilcnttle. Lakeside; J. ToiiRcher, Jr., Portland; Mr. and Mr. n. IT. llunnull, Pasadena. COLD HUACH (il.ia.MS Xoxx'sy HeiiiH iw Clirniili'li'il My (ilobit tho In nil there hint been eight bonis xvliji two to flvo mou In each boat, arrived from (iriiutH Push to engage In fishing this season on tho lower Uoiie. It Is said there aio three more bonis duo to arrive heie tills xveok. $7.11 and West Virginia, $8.22. Texas has u good loxv reconl of $11. S3. The south, less progressive than tho north, Is generally low In cost of government. Tho Pacific coast states lead nil other geographic di visions In high cost. In incorporated towns and cities California again takes tho lead xvlth a record of $10.74. Nebraska comes next with $17.24, Oregon Is third with $47, and Washington fourth with $13.33. In lovylng taxes and spending pub lic funds the present generation has taken a paco that tho people can not safely maintain. In 1S80 tho average per capita tax collection In tho Uni ted States was $0.20. It was $13.01 In 1012. Tho normal vlow bociiih convincing. Wo nro on thin Ice, on tho danger Hue. The brakes should be applied at every wheel stato, county, city and school district. Wo havo nor roxved freely, laid taxes xvlth a spend thrift hand, and thought little or the reckoning that had to come. Some of blight property stake have deluded tlioniholves xvlth tho fallacy that to lay a heavy taxing hand on house and stores and farms, factories and railroads, mid uso tho public credit evorywhoro to tho limit nl loxved by an easy laxv, would spoil prosperity for the XHirklng man. Tho times havo taught a different les-. son. Wo havo learned (or If somo hnve not learned It they are hopolesa-' ly obsessed In error.) that excessive taxation Imposes universal penaltlos xvhli'h none can escape. Tioy eheck Immigration, arrest progress, chill en terprise, stop Improvements and In-j erenno tho Rimernl cost of living . When a coniiuiintly Is spending these borrowed sums n fictitious and cpheinoral prosperity Ih credited, hut It cannot endure. Neither communl- the national joy smoke It will interest you to know that since Prince Albert hit the pike three men smoke a pipe where one smoked before. It blazed the trail to pipe joy such as men before never could know. You put faith in your old pipe once more; pack it right full of P. A. and go to it like you never were tongue tortured in your whole life. For P. A. will prove out everything we say about it that's good. Just can't help it I You like P. A. fine in the tidy red tins, but get acquainted with that pound crystal-glass humidor with the sponge-moistener top. It keeps P. A. fit as a fiddle. Prince Albert is sold every where. Toppy red bags, 5c; tidy red tins, 10c; pound and half -pound tin humidors and that tlaasy pound crystal-glass humidor. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. I vJ envotfl linn lieen llvliii? fat mi Jfmo Turner's young lambs the lnati,,, "'" Individuals can escape the two xveeks. Mr. Turner has offoiudipnnnltles of extravagance nml exoos forty dollars for hlH wulp but as et !HV debt. Tho day of settlement will no one has called on Jesse for the ullni.. ,,. monoy. ,suroi come. The school liim been working on i"inB can Hinnu up eniiiiringiy Tgetr&wWAttM. Hates to You T)0 rooms $1.00 100 rooms with bath $1,150 100 rooms with bath $U.OO 200 largo outsldo rooms. with bath. .$2.50 Extra porsor. In room, additional . . .$1.00 Aw We want your cash bus'ness and make it an object for you to pay cash, GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House, Phono UUI-J. a prosrani for tho first of May. Ap proprlale eerelei will lie held dur ing the day and a ho social will be 1 eld In the evening. The bridge at Gold Uench, 100 feel long, is In Imd and dangerous inu dltlou. Times xvnnt nils bring results. ii u luwingi AitTEits This hotel raters through Its Im mense sle. splendid service and loxv rales, to all Northxvesternors. It's ,,,,., ni A,,.,.i ..i ....i 'in tho center of things, mid your ,:...:,;.' .."."' "h"","r, frlpnilH xxlU bo proud to meet y Cut This Out It is Worth Money Cut out tins ailxertlsemeiit, en close fi cents to Foley & Co., 283S ngnlnnt Individual extravagance nml community waste. No federal bank ing law that congress can framo can I til.. .Imit.iitlf. t lit .....I I...H.I il... .1..., I . ..... ....... ....... ..I .. uu mini iiiiiL-d nun i nolo. are the luovllablo resultant of ex-1 travagance, excessive debt and want of thrift. We can not spend und borrow our way to prosperity. Wo cannot tax ourselves rich and pios-peioiiH. you .lUMI'U) TO SAFETY Nexv Models Mr. and Mrs. itobort Walker nnd Mrs. Arthur Walker, of Pistol Hlver, While retiiriilnir limn.t Irnm t, ...... laHt wook, mot wlih nu ncchleat I W 111 M llnnl.l ... . I ... .!.. i.m . i Shoffleld ve., Chicago. 111. wilting ii,em,l."m;d,o. 1.! foeou the your name and addrtHw cloarlj. You danger nnd Jumpod from the wagon xvlll reudvo In retiiiu a free trial ! ' wifoty. .Mr. Walker xvas drlx lug paikimo containing: ' u;m of 'ollK horsos. and going 1) Folov's llonov nn.l Tnr Cm,. I'? "'o grade near J. H. UroxMilng's ii j oio.x s iiono) ami i-ar C om-1 ,ltni.0 lu, Bt0ppod the team to lot pound, tho slumlord family loin-Ithem catch a breath, when one of ody for coughs, colds, croup, xvlioop-1 the horses got his brltllo lilt caught Iiik cough, tlKhtnwa and soronea Inl!" ,ho B,ml ' "o polo strap. The ""'" iwiiiiiiiinuu iu j;u UiU'hWiiniH "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE I S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend Abstracts 1NFUKMATION FOU IIEUAIILE AIlSTIIACrS OF TITLE AND AIIOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSHFIELI) AM) COQL'ILLE CITY', OIIEGON GENEHAI. AOENTS, EASTS IDE AND SE.VOSTACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOIt CANADIAN 1'ACIFIO ItAlLISO.U) LANDS IIENltV SENGSTACKICN, .MANAGEH ITER DGEAW TlUSPOimi Weekly Service Coos Hay nnd Han Franchco. SEI IP il 5 IT Freight and Passenger Service ' SAILS FHO.M SA.V I'HANOLSCO FOH MAIIKIinilM), SAUHMI A PHIL a I, AT a P.M. t San Frnmlsco Office, 000 Flfo Hullding, nnd Pier Kofflltr 8 Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McQeorqe, Phone It TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: -:- has boon a hobby with us for a gooi jany years nnd a lot of our customers will toll you whon It comes to gottlig good, sound, durable- framing material at tho right prlco wo know our buoN ness. Juat toll what you want to balld and tho amount you want to Bpond and we'll xot busy with our pencil and fisuro out tb best your nonoy can buy. Try ui. ...j,- U C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItETAIL DEPAKT.MENT OCT TUB FUEL HILL 1 TWO HV USING OU WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HHOADWAY DR WOOD To Portland every Thursday ToEureki every Monday THE FAST AND COMFOUTADLS S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIITED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 0. F. McGEonnn agent W. PiDiJ Phono 44, Mnrahflold Phone 421. Norj Tiim AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Htrl, Plinno 70 and backed tho xvngon off of the cbittt, grliipe ami bronchia! cough. i.i roioy ivuiiie) run.. lor , icrni o. wiei Is vei-v hiiM, ,.. !.,. owrxvorked ami disordered kidneys , place. The occupants ot tho xvagon ' and bladder allmenta. pain lu oUIom ,iHiHl out. and saved themselves' nud back due Jo Kidney Trouble. Jj Soioffi.no'Si wore lunsclos. stiff Joints, backache imndiwl feet and entirely out of nnd rheumatism. i sight from the road. The xwikoii (3) Foley Cathnrlle Tablets, a I"11 broUen Into kindling wood, but wholesome and thoroughly cloniuln !Snottut!AM' amo ou! !,n( . .. , ... " UHiiniMl, saxe a fow minor scratches' cndiartie. Bipeclally comforiliiK to,,,,,,, Unisiw. llesldos tho people kteut persona, and n purgative need-Mn tho xnnon there was n now cook, od by everybody with sluggish boxvolalitxo and a lot of now dishes, etc. ii..,.,. v.... ...... in iii,... a'l of which xvoro demolished e- nii i iuiimii ..." "',,,, nt mm I....... lil,,,..v ...I.I..I. ....... HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. HarshtieM-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mni-bhfleld at Husy Corner 10:00 n.m. 2: 00. p.m. B:00 p.m. Ixnvos North Heud 15 uiln. u ten Inter Leaves Empire. 8:0 H.m. 11:!0 n.m. 8:0 p.m. KQCIPPKD Willi VUIELK8. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIM. nti SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD EVERY MONDAY Un ft ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: APRIL 15 AT '-'" APRIL IS, AT 0 A. M.J APRIL 10, AT 1H...0 nVviTl AT 8:00 A. SI. AND FROM PORTLAND KVEIIV iniU- A. 31. ft ir5T,ol TIOICETS ON HATVK AT PfinTUVD CITV TICKET w " AND OAK STREETS, lf&U- Phono 85-J. i SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA th.eo family remedies for only ec For salo by Owl Pronctiptlon Phar macy. Frank I). Cohan. Central Ave nue. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Tole pllono 71. throiiKii the mix-up lioid llonclt (uobe. unharmed. Dr. II. E. KELTV, DENTIST J Plione 1 lil-J, Room liOl, Toko bldg-j Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Kqontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOODYEAR TIRES - EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES-UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: .. piinnn ion.. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Con n COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR Wasl Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon work the . && Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nnd most thorougl f txventy-iuch hydraulic tlrcilgo lu Taclfic xraters Coos Bay office, MalUS'gton. J r ' - IIIUI OHIIUIU. U IU1IIII. wwv-"-.