5555Is' OUR DOINGS THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHRELD, OBESOH. TUESDAY, APRIL20J915-EVEHING EDITION TD VISIT BASEBALL SCORES OF CITY COUNCIL SI Ml WOULD FENCE DDGK R E D E G K GEMTRAL GARM If con x. . gladding, vim: DKNT ATKINS SAW Greatly 1'loasod Willi Coo J'lrst VNII 'inipiin,v Hl I'l'l'll of I-nt. IMUWI CO. Hay On Con- llltOOKI.VX 1.0SKS TO 1IOSTO.V IN TWO STRAIGHT. '('oas( LwiKiio 'lv'"ll'i HpeiHl V.'Mci- dav In Movinc id ' ""' " Week III; Crowds Promised J l(.l M D'CIINM I n:iis AU DI NT ( WIIMir ! iiMti) stiti'Aci: imphovk j .mi;xt Tiiiim: tins vi:ak lllll Taxes' Preclude Idea of Now City Hall Architect Scud for l')ata liiiirovi liitli Court ltouVrkiiiK of Central nvonuo he tween Fourth and Klghth streets In stead of a fill and hard snrfaco was nuthorlxcd last nlnht only after Ma yor Allen had cast tlie deciding vote when the council took sides, two nuil two. Councllnmn Copple lirandod It as a "temporary makeshift. " declar ing It put off Hi" hard surfacing of that neetlon for nt least three or four years. That the dirt mil in there now . . . . '-... .. .!.- lnKt, iiri In uanuer 01 imuhhuih wiiiiki siiik i iue i"i l"' ; tiirouuli into the liny, j of those votlnj? In favor of the re- i ih put Hunt hoardi! across the ,ioekltij? of tlio street. Other conn doik and IM to 'kefp out.'" saldjcllmen stated that the grade fill Mr. OTonnell. but they ro but n ' would not sink and that the hard Biir t rn down ss soon as my hack Is I face would he possible within a year, turned. I have got Marshal Carter j to use the present plnnkliiK, with to do the irlcK. I no same uiiiik i nnnor repairs, mini mm mm- itiiri lli:iM III. NCII CARNIVAL CO. item: SATIIIIM .V Hitfh leme Onlj Itemed) snf-mMcd lit Clly DaiN lVny Sllli in Need of Di edging II. to keep traffic of vehicles rh.I p..ron off his dock In the rear ,.f the ploweor Hardware company vlt'.ut having to put a stone wall ni.oui the place was n puxxllng cheat nut l.iiiughl J Kuaene oronnell livi t'lisht for the illy fathers to try t h.. ,.i i. lal teeth. He declared that f, i.Hti years he has owned the iIim k mid that now the planks are iiirliiu through, the piling is not .. t i,i l.n .it. 1 .Irtltl in sIl'UlK ug u timii i uc " ..". Cllv ralliee Alter n Spirited Debate llue. Show i Come notlier I'lood Vlclliu Deports with ... . i. .-.i t. rttnt nf Tlm.l tS''ApTV''Ls " ,"dr "ew i branch hero and alco win M "r" ,..,'.? .,,, for the Knstorn ' 1 nrrv. of tlio Hinllli .uni. a trect carnival, conipleto side shows, with speelur. pop corn venders, n ferrls wheel, if Coney Is land inern-go-iotind and n 101 mys ii.rio miiylie a Ilearded Indy or n' freak with flu oo heads and two nrms, t Tlio Hcores Mn..niia fnltr.U" lom-c a year Mr. (llmlilltiK innKea nn.h """. inrue At Washington Hoston Wash- lianiieiis. 1 eoine to you now to nnii out what inuat he done." fiiatilmouilv th council advised About trip to this coast, IooKlUK over uiu -. ! . i f 11.... It... l.fnftMl ricid anil iiikouciiiih (."- " :i , i houses that his company has up nml , '" ,)el7.0tchlfHK'J 1: Detroit li. down the coast. , phUadulpliIu Now York, Hi This was his first visit here. He At liiii expressed lilmsolf very nKreeably sur-i , ' i.ni,,iMuvolniitl. 1 St. inc.) ..hI..,1 Dnln l,f lit linU flllleil 10 I . . - l coming to our own. ji win uu ,!"".... ........ u D...... -,,,. ..,. Louis, i. hiM 4'i unhu and show every day make an effect, mi hltn. Why. 1 c Xatlonul l,euuo. .'ept Su.i.Ih; ror a week. The clly Rot vo used to It," ho w il. t ml ,1 At no8to (I-'oronoon Ba rathers gran cd a llccno lust iiIrIU ii tell other people about I . now. j.ookiyn. 2; Iloston. 7. Hip Dot cliet-l'reneh Carnival Co., Ills firm has branch houses all over (Aftornoou same.) ." . ""L1 ...V.. i. .,iv .ii.i thi.v.tho world. Ono of Us representa- ,.,.,;.,, .,. n0ston. 0. T; I'nKo PlttshitrB, 7; Chlca- the properly owners to put up n s t t link It s host to rcrtecK tno street and then when conditions war rant It. to put on the hard surface, even If It Is next year," said Council man Ferguson. Itoth Mr. Ferguson and Cook voted tor tlio leplanklng, Cotincllmcn Al hrecht nnd Cifppio opposing. Xo Xeiv CHy Hull. A new city hall this year will he an Impossibility declared the city i fathers after a letter had been read from Architect A. C. Jenkins, of Al- hanv, staling he has n building that could bo erected for $21,000. A pic ture accompanied the letter, which asked for more data. Xo city hall this year was tho un animous decision of the city fathers Tho times nre loo hard mid expenses loo high now, they said and tho mat ter, tho letter nnd the very pretty picture, combining city offices, a jail and fire station In one, wero shulved for the tlmo being. Improve I'Jtli Court. Specifications for the planking of 12th Court between Klrotl nnd Flana gan avenues were presented by Kn glneer (lldley. This also Included the grading and n sK foot sidewalk From tho north lino of Flanagan to the south line of Golden tho street Ik to ho hard surfaced, the entire wnv from Norm iniet io cons i(ivort rnHt being estimated at about Jl.auii. and could do the work hero In about Notices of tho Improvement mo to n ilnj'a time. The matter was then i,t, posted nt once, referred to the Wutorfrout Commit-1 plans and specifications for the tco wllli power lo act. t Improvement of -Oth street from 101- Notlies were autnorizcii posted for rod to a point 125 feet north were ..I.... ..nrniiMsloii after a brisk 30 1 "vs was ninrooueo i o (. " At New YorK-l'liniiiiuipmu, u.lnule fight after which tho original ' two months when the war staiicu. x York n cense was raised two mid olio half , nimble to como ltome because of tlio, At CIncliinH St. I-oiiIh. 1; Cin ',lt"D V . a I.. itnMHni 41 lit lint tr tiilOlllO I OH VI 11 li I il I and one half dollars dally. Sweden on a limited supply of pas- A, chtt, Cutler the city ordinance a license " ,.ll!o, s. it WilK IIIIH l.iri mi". Bi'.iv "" proBOtitatlvo Ihto Kngland. 'And our bus ness thero s peiter tnau over before," said Mr. Gladding las evening ix: foot feme across the dork. mi' that would keep my tennnth out." he declared. The council (IimIiIciI It would result In keeping n pollceinnn Hlntlont'd on tbn dock the entire tlmo mill It would be a still harder task to pick out the tenants and lot them by meanwhile wnrnlng tho others bnck. "Ilulld n route." they chorused. 'What kind of n fence, nn Iron one?" tiskdl Mr. O'Coiuiell. "Oh. not nn Iron one, a wooden fence will do, but make ll high and maybe with twelve by twelves." Mr. O'Conuoll left. DiihIuo I'eiry l.midliig. Sediment Is filling In around tho ferry slips on both sides of tho liny reported Captain Alex IlnM and he asked that tho council pay the ex penses of dredging out the npproach on this side, a cost of probably $10. ' riilem this Is done." he said, "thero will he seven or eight dnys during the low tide months that the ferry will he unable to make a landing. The dredging nt Hnslsldo will ho paid for by the county. It was hIiowh that the bucket dredge Oregon will soon be In the tipper hay on Its of $5 each mutt bo charged of side shows. Manager French, milking his plea, ttorlnrcd ho has flvo shows. It would no impossible to pay $2 a i dav lo operate. Ho asked that the suin bo reduced to ?o. This was denied. "Wo have two moving picture shows hero that bnvc a hard tlmo to operate. They pay moro tlinn $5 for their expenses,' said Councllniaii tti. ,.,(lnt.1 nut Hint the Hnclisll have many largo saw mills. Importing the rough lumber from the t'nlted Stntes, much from Sweden, some from South, Africa and oven from South1 America. At nrcsent time the F.llg- I Copple. "They keep tho money in , nsn nuns uru exiiuuunuuiB ......... town. This company would tnko It, of lumber, the shipping having been out. It's hard enough now for poo- greatly depleted. ,,,,,, pie to pay their bills. I think wo , "Another salesman.' said Mr. filnil-1 ought not to allow the carnival hero." , ding, "has Just returned from a trip Councilman Cook was as loud In around the world on business for the his protest and the ?5 IIcohho wast company and still another has Just i voted down I Kono to .Japan to make tho rounds i "1 have a clean Instructive show," , of tho big saw mills IbeTc" ( : Did You Order Coal, John ? ilNDHTH BEND JITNEY in:- New n sidewalk on Ilroadway betweon Commercial and Market streets. An ordinance was passed nulhorl sing Hie sewer on Seventh street and down lo Fifth on Kruse nvonuo. as Hexsiitfiit for which has already boon iimde by the clly fathers. ravMiienl SIiikx. also presented by Mr. Oldley. In eluded was tho grading, the concrete curbs and the hard surfacing. K. F. Morrlsey declared that "It Is not right to Improve 10th street mid not the other streets farther down to ward the city. What Is tho matter with Fifth, Sixth, Sevontli, mid so Kiiiiliieor (lldley pointed out that I i,n imtieil on Front street In sovoral places the t wm f08t nhout $1.1-13 to hard paving has sunk, making groat holes Kurfaco the street. Figures for tho in the street. This, he said, has , linking nre to bo submitted by Mr. been oi-rasloiied by the fact that the c; Id 1" Hreet l built on piling and tho bard i Tnc' ,.0uncll adjourned for two nurfucn saga between the piles. At wl.L.iH the piriotit time a great deal of this Is rilled with gravel, lie said tnc repair work will have to ho done by il SMITH the illv. A tide gale at Second si reel on the Mill Hlough rill will cost $7:1.7:.. said Mr (lldley. one-hair of which will he borne by the I'ort. oi (li Arm ItaUlug damming, the water Is raising ' t,.; Again Sunday Xel Time Will F.YKItV C.Vm.V IIKHTII THIS TltH IS I'lM.IM) In the north arm of Mill slough, said Mr (ions. dm. to (lie fact the engin ccvh want a head of water lo clear out the drain dlh-h. "Ilul If we don't look out." h declared, "the water will flood down by Tenth street nuil the clly will have moio law on II hands. The matter will be taken up with the I'ort with the Idea of putting In h tide gait, at KlKlith street to pro tect the south arm from flooding. Plunking, 2'i feel wide and wllh curbs, whm authorised fur First street between Alder nnd Market uNcnues. 'This w.is after Mr. (lldley had leport-i-d that there are great holes on I-'Irst trel. a discussion Hint has -waged for eeral meetings In the (uiiiu il chambers. Cull In Wei San Trip I'eilro In to South. Tvw With 11 I'sll cabin list and a cargo or lumber the Nana Smith loft down at one o'clock outward hound for suits ! Sun Francisco, .-ho has neon ,11 I the Smith mill since lust Thursday. On her next trip South the Nmiu Is expected to go as far as ban I'edro making that 11 point of cull with a lumber cargo. She will leave San Ftuniiwco tor Coos Hay next Friday, piobably arriving hero on I Sunday. Tlioto who went south today wero: Anna Feuaudes, Joseph Fenandes, Mrs. Joseph IVimmUm, J. 1). Motigli nier, Mrs. J. (1. Moiighiuor, I'. II. It oss. F. A. ltoss, C. II. Itoss, F. u.,1.1 Mi- I.'i-i.iu.li "iiin ln.Bt von nvnr .Mr. uiaiKiini; giies 10 n.111 nun saw III hero. I carry 2ii people. They cisco where bis ciimpnii Iuih a Inrgo will bring money bore nnd spend display tit tho rnlr. It too." ' Ills cause was championed by Councilman Ferguson nnd Albrecht I'd like to soo n merry-go-round my reir." began Mr. Ferguson, "In fnc .'d like lo rldo on 0110. Ho snys they look like Coney Island machines. The , people need mnuseinent here." I FIVK-CFXT Al'TO SIlltVICK The subject waxed warm. Coun-i TAVKHN TWO CITIUS irmiiii Albrecht wanted n circus, big tents and nil. "I'd like to see liar- ,.,. (Joodiuni ut lleuil of 1111111 nnil unney come in nere, n raci Corporation to Add to Transpor I would go to soo it myself. Mr. , Mci.v,,.t. , Cy. l-erguson would pay $11 out of his own pocket to hoo a hunch of clowns , (icorgu Ooodiuin Is coiupleting and let tho kiddles tnko n peek nt nrniiigcmonls for an np-to-dnto Jlt un olopluint. noy bus lino botweeii Mnrshfluld Mr. Fiench thon asked to bo nllow- and North Head, cars to meet nil ed to show at $7.."0 11 day. This was trains mid to carry passengers bo turued down and ho left. "North 1 tweon the two cities for flvo cents. Ilotid will bo glad to get tho show." I Drivers will not ho permitted to llulf an hour later ho returned I muko any chnrgo for passengers ex with a $10 proposition that wns fl- feeding this amount. Tho bus lino nnlly brought up to $12.50 ti tiny. 1 will bo under a company nmntigo- Tho show will bo hero Saturday. I ment with .Mr. (loodnim nt tho head Tide (Jiuige. Takes .Money i"d articles of Incorporation will bo Hut while the city dads wero con- 'Hod shortly. So far the names of i.iatiilntlnu-tlieiiiM.ivoM mi n little sur-tbo other Incorporators liavo not t John evidently did NOT. But a quick i fhono call to ua will prevent tho llclUcat 1 bit of curtain lecture. ! especially If ho orders IttVF.UTOX COAIi ' Tills Is the kind (ieo. lb lines bundled nut we have purchased his agency You can get IL now ut tlio C. Ai II. lilVKUY IIAIt.V 1MIOXIJ DIH..I. It, A. ItlDKIt, .Manager. T. J. SCAIFI-: A. H. 1IODGIXS Mnrchfiplrl PA,NT AND iviarsnneia DECorating CO. Kstimntcs Furnished Phono lltl-It. Mnrshricld, Oregon nliiu fnr llm irimnriil rniul llinni nninn i "fun uiuiumioju. City Fnglueei- Oldley with tho sub- . Two fourteen 1....1 ,.r 1.. ...,n.... i ..,, tin. ,.iv , been ordered mid foil nl.mift F17 llwi lifirf iiiivlni linlf. mill OB0P VtXTa Will IllflO ...rw..v y"' "' " - i'"j '"r 1 "'" ( ii. ...... rm. UIU llll, 1IIU tillO 1 DYNAMITI'lllS SUXTHXCKD 3l.il Who Set Citlliedml llitiuli lu t.Ueu sl New Y01I. YlHIlN ll Amu. Ul I'llx la Cum lUf T1WM I - YtUK. pill '.' Frank Aiiuiin ,uid (-.11 lulu.- I'm bone, tttin i i'.i-i. uli.i 111 nil- tuiil sit a bmiib In ,;t, - ill I. l .- cull- dial Mm. h 2 when luiiiili, I- h.i'i ..r-.biiiiu ; witliiu tin i..Mi' v . re N. nti 11. i il l".l,i lo ,i i, 11 .1 I. dan i ti'.r me e lli.in 1 .v. , . ..1 -. 11 Shi .-.in.; 1 1, . 11 i ...... 1 it ,.;.... 1 "- eniiieiy won me roil 1 . 1 oils ( id I. .i.-re . . ( . i.nra , .1 , , ,,., , ro C. U. Miuey. Mis. C. K. Kinsey, . b . .. ., . 00111I1,igHl11 Miss Ora llark.icsj. Mrs. W. n, ld ouik to lie 1 ort oninission Mclulyre. Mrs. II. J. Snow. W. D. , . , .' "' . Woodrow. Mis. W. 1). Woodrow. O ',.'"",. ' '..'..at.. ..1': ",. . the surplus wns knocked Into a "cocked lmt" mid tho smiles disap peared and wero no more. Tho gungo will ho bought. Tiimsfer- lltjuor License. Tho liquor lloonso granted tho rirst of the yenr to Charlos Kronholm mid Paul ltltchle on North Front street was transferred to Frank I.eo who closed out the saloon when tho partners wero unnhlo to pay n nolo duo. Mr. I.eo expects to open the I concern himself or tuny appoint I someone In his place. There will be , 110 rebate for the months the saloon t has been cloned. A nut her Flood Victim. With damages nlready paid to two 1 property owners for ulleged damages suffered lu West Murshrield by rea son of the Mill slough fill, Inst night ' there emne nnotlior. Smn Holmes, through his attorneys, declares that his place has been flooded mid ho has been injured to tho amount of $7." proxldiug a settlement Is inailo with in two weeks, nftor which ho threat ens (o sue. lloweer, John I), (loss showed the Holmes', property Is situated on the north arm of tho slough, bonce under former ngreoiueuts, Is 11 con troversy entirely with tho Port and refer- mlsslouers. bo placed on III Imif.. 1.1' .,. ,..u ..j the strolco of the gong and offices ! v land waiting rooms for tho conven-! lonco of patrons will bo opened In ; 1 both -Mnrsliflolil mid North Demi. A 4. competent trnfflc manager will have 1 . chnrgo of tho eompnny'H affairs and v , nothing that enn In nny way add to 1 I tho offlcloncy of tho conteniplated service will bo loft undone. It is I 4. pinnned 10 nnvo 1110 curs 111 opera l lion by May 10th. GOODRUM'S GARAGE lAArfkAAAAAAA.AAAJLAJkA ....,,.... . !... .---.-v- lii.Doviitsui uuin iiii.u r seven-pas- T HOME OF Tim CADH.IiAU AND DODGI AUTO SUPPIillW FOIl AI.Ti IAKi:S OF CADS .'117 Central nv. Phono ;17!I-Ii FOREST FIRES IN fast PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Sections of Pennsylvania mid South ern New Jersey llelng Devastated lily AHoeUtM 1'rMi to Cooi Ply Tlmn, PHILADHI.PIHA. April "0. Forest fires which havo been raging lu Pennsylvania and Southern Now Jersey for several days havo assumed nlnrnilng proportion?, Vast areas hao been devastated nnd sdverul houses and barns destroyed. .1. Itoop, Mrs. II .1. Hoop. C. A. Santoi'd. Yall tileason. Martin llus sell. I.llliau Cols-in, Miss Charlotte Cowle. Mih. A. I. Yarkinau. W. Iioi.in. A W. Ileltlmr. Mrs. II. Hold ing Ml. in (iiiiiilrinl. Mrs. 1. liriud 11.1I. 1 U M.ihh. Mis. A .1. l.Ock 111. 111, K111.M I'.irlhiiau. .lobii llus, John In-ill i. 1. .Nain. John SpaMi IJ .!' 1 1 . elms. Ciamlc P JohnMon EYE GLASS SERVICE Registered Optician always on the Job Eyes Examined Day or Night Lenses Ground Anytime Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Adjusted; Tightened, etc., Free Prepared Eye Glass Cleaners Free Call and get ono Red Cross Optical Dept. HI D t HOss 1)1(1 ( siOltl Plii. lie IU'.' David Miisseu, Fourth and Dennett streets, at noon take their stand across the sidewalk while drinking from n trniiKli on the sidewalk, thus fnreum M-hool (hlldren to step Into the road on tluir ui homo from school where thex are in dstiuer or being run down by motor vehicles, reported Clly .t torii.v John D. lions, iirliiKliiK 1111 the j , t-oui plaint at the request ot several linn uei - li wax riirther slated tlmt the barn has !i.-eu a milsaiue and that the wa-lerin,- troughs should ho placed In the ic.ir and the Idle drays should not be lift on Fourth street. Mr. (loss win take the matter up wllh Mr. Mil til. ay s bids for Life-saving station open may 19 Woik ot' KoiunUug Coos Day Station 111 lie lei lly Coiuiiui in Washington WASHINGTON. D. C. Apill 20. llliU on the woiU of ieniolii' the Cons Day lite saUug station will be opened at th coast guard office hero May m. no ,moi:v 1'oit m:w coa.si- (l ADD STATION W SlllNC.TON, 1). ('., April :0. -M'lmtor Chamberlain Is advised by the loimnandiiut of the cot guard tb.it no muds are nvailahle for the . -t.il.lKhuieut of n coast guard sta ll mi at Port Orgord. The establish nn nr of the station was authorised l toiiKroa In 1S1, hut on account of the ruBcetl coast line the con--tru. lion i.i i he Nt.ul.iii w.i denial t.'.i iM.n vi in i 1. moil. mi in ili. Church Benefit Sales Tomorrow, Wednesd i 'f is inei N0RVEGIAN CHURCH Benefit Day AT S.S.JENNINGS North Bend H. H. Harper I HOUSK IIU1LDRR i Gonoral Repairing and Cabinet I Making. I Phone 349-J. I. M. Wright rhone 188-R. IlUILDINa CONTHACTOK Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw 1 Kye, Knr, Nose and Throat GiaSSICS FITTED Dlt. SIATT1E 11. SHAW Diseases of Women nml Clilldrem Office Phono 3 30-J. Itooma 200, 201 202, Irving Block. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTINO ENOINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 200 Irviug Illnck Phone 103-L or 267-J. Marahflold, Orejoi i W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Dulldlnu Uarshflold, Orogon 1 Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. SPECIAL ANNOlMnUta1 Kravi -iy&r - THURSDAY APRIL 32nd We Will Hold a COMPLETE DEMONSTRATION of lCU!lt Pure Food We cordially invite you to come in and sample as many of the different varieties as you OLLIVANT THINK UNEEDA BISCUIT WKSSSH fxKSnEBi rrjcncj When the Shade of Evening Fall s Your home is cheer when the beautiful, Electric Light floods (lathering darkness, that lights your horn numerable convenie ing the daily tasks the home. ier and more comfortable sunny radiance of Mazda the room and dispels the Then, too, the current e can be harnessed to fo nt appliances for lighten and effecting economy in No Home is too Modest for Electricity- None too Large Whether your home is old or new, large or small, Electricity may be installed economic ally and easily. Electric Service will no only add to the comfort and happiness ot your home, but will also add an immediate and distinct value to your property ano make it more easy to dispose of, should you wish to sell. WRITE OR 'PHONE TODAY AND FIND OUT HOW LOW THE COST REALLY IS Oregon Power Co. "" M Perl Riley Ballinqer n I'lAXIST AMI TKACIIKR Roaldeuce Studio, 217 No. Third Bl HMono 3RR-W imi:sSMAKI. and TAILOItKO HATS Work KiiM'imteeri and priced ' ' reasiinnlile MKS. II. C. WIIiI.KV Ovor Norton &. Ilauson's Phono 1C9-.I. 4 WALL PAPER bee VIERS About it. ROOFING REPA'P'JG, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. . HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. I HE HOME AFFY MADE AVERN CANDY We make lie cream 78 Central ave., lono llll-Ii RIJY THE VERY BEST Marshfleld $0 Creamery QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phone 10CL. M.ltSIU'li:i,l) MATKUX1TV 0 HOSPITAL Mrs. M .J. Ostrow, Mgr. Mrs. J. i:. Kilinunds, 4 (Formerly Mrs. Dillon.) Head urso 5C2North Second street. Phono 1CG-R Cen to AH Physicians 4' rADB SANITARY COXI)ITIp9 l.V A AM' 5IOI)EN FAcrronr. BTKltIIJZE MII AM CREAM. PURE ICE .DdaM .. .l..llrrV. 8 '" j I lit .U b 1m l.i lit-, 1 MAUSliriKId, OREGON I rreo ur Plieue -:M?jE iiftl KMiwv : sto& s? UKftaa. Ul