THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAIONEV, Editor nnd Pub. DAN M. MA LONE Y, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Marshfield. PRESIDENT WILL LUNCH WITH NEWSPAPER MEN Accepts Invlliitloii Jo Attend An nual Luncheon of the Associated Press in Now York. tnr AMoeltteil TrfM to Coo Dr TlmM.l WASHINGTON, . C, April 17. President Wilson will go to Now York Tiicsdny to attend a luncheon of tlio Associated l'ress, it was an nounced today at the White- House. The President expected to return to Washington Tuesday night. a - -v r IIK.'II SCHOOL PICNIC .MYRTLE POINT SOCIAL .MUX- TION The HlBh School pupils nnd teach- -.. r .,l,M,lrlrl.r nl tllfl Llfn SllVlllK Mr. HIIll Mrs Station today. W. A. Vnrney nnd matrons' mektixcs post- PON ED EFFECTIVE BOMBARDMENT French Cruiser Supporti.-d by Acio. plane Kocomiiilsiiiire Shells Fortified Town IDr Auorlitfrl PrtM to Cooi 111 7 TIdim, PARIS, April 17. According to a Mlnlnstry or Marina statement yesterdoy, a French cruiser, sup ported by reconnolsnnco ;mado by aero)lanes, effectively bombarded the fortifications of HI Arlsh, a fort- I a- The meeting of tho Past Matrons of the Eostsldc Star lodge has icen postponed from yesterday until Fri day of next week when Mrs. E. G. Flanagan will bo hostess. .;. . .j. THLMRLECLUH I Tho S. S. Jennings home of North Ilcnd was beautifully decorated in rhododendrons, roses and otlioi ifled town in Egypt near tho bound- foWor8 yesterday afternoon when ary lino of Kgypt nnd Palestine as well as detachments of Turkish troops concentrated near Al Arlsh." AIRSHIP DROPS BOMBS IN ALSACE til? AuocliOJ TrM to Cvoi I1r TlmM.) AMSTERDAM, April 17 A hos tile airship today dropped several bomhu on Strusshurg, capital of AlBUco-I.orralno. It disappeared un der tho bombardment of nntl-nlr-craft guns. Two persons were wound ed, otherwise there was no damage. N'()TIIIN(M)OlxTj. New French ltcpoit Contains Noth ing Now. (Dr Aocllnl Trtii to Cool lit 7 Timet. PAUIS, April 17. Tho offlclnl re port of the French Wnr Offlco this nftornoou contained nothing not set forth In yestorday's communications. V I NORTH HEND PUHLIU I j LIHRAHY ' j 4. 4, Last Saturday tho North llcnd Library loaned GO hooks, the second tlmu In Its life of ten mouths that this number has been loaned In one day. Thu library is now open dully from 2::iu to 4::i0 and tho dally loans avcrngo, from 30 to 10 books, while tho library has on sale at Everltt's Phnrmacy a largo assort ment of flue, named Dahlia bulbs, tho proceeds of which will go to augment tho services of tho child- Mrs. Jennings was hostess to the members and a few special guests of tho Thlmblo Club. Sowing occu pied tho hours until loto In the after noon when tho IiobIcss assisted- by Mrs. H. E. Uurmolstor and Mrs. Ed ward Thomas served a delicious lun cheon to tho following ladles: Mrs. A. L. Gubser, Mrs. FItzpatrIck, Mrs. Geo. Mandlgo, Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. H. E. Kennedy, Mrs. J. G. Mullen, Mrs. W. Vaughan, .Mrs. A. H. Derby shlro, Mrs. It. H. llozer, Mrs. 1. n. Hurtle, Mrs. V. B. Walters, Mrs. .7. II. Groves, Mrs. II. J. Linden, Mrs. W. Ilcndrlx, Mrs. B. B Itlggs, Mrs. B. A. IIobc, Mrs II. B. Uurmclster and Mrs. Fred Glnzicr. Mrs. II. B. Kennedy will bo hostess In two weeks. .3. .j. .j. INFORMAL CHAT Mrs. L. S. Doblc, of Bugonc, Is visiting at tho homo of her daugh ter, Mrs. Claude Nasburg. Mrs. T. B. Dolun loft today for Wagner where her Imsband Is em ployed in tho Smith Powers camp. 4 MIrs Genovlovo Seugstaackcn en- tertniued at nn Informal afternoon last Thursday, for tho pleasure of Mrs. Moffctt anil tho Misses Sheridan. .. -j. .Mrs. J. B. Schilling nnd daughtor Mrs. It. Dement of Myrtle Point tiro ! sun of Powers were in town Wednes day. Their son who was in tho hocpl-i tnl at North Hcna was nuio io ou brought homo this week. I Miss Lcnora Ross was down from , headquarters camp Wednesday. She ' reports business good at their store. , Mr. Itoss is now laying tho heavy Btecl between Halter Creek and Pow ers. Mr. A. II. Powers was In Myrtle J Point between trnins Wednesday, i .Mrs. A. M. Hlglow and two child ren returned to their homo on tho North Fork Tuesday after a. weeks visit with relatives in tho city. Tuesday evening tho music class of Prof. Davidson gave n recital at tho homo of Mr. und Mrs. C. C. Car ter. About forty-flvo parents nnd friends woro in attendance nnd en Joyed tho program, Tho hostess served refrcsnments. Mrs. Georgo Shelley went up to Powers Wednesday returning Thurs day. Mr. Sholley nttonded thu pic ture show there Wednesday night and said It was a larger crowd than ho had over seen In tho local theater at once. Tho artist who has been in tho country taking tho panoramic vlows, was hero tho first of tho week with tho prints. One of tho vnlloy and i sito of Powers Is especially fine. i Wednesday ovenlng tho young poo plo of Miss Pratt's Sundny school clnss gnvo a banquet nt tho Presby terian Manse- ns a fnrwell honor to Floyd Wlmherly who Is leaving this! ) f A CUT IN EXPENSES ' & Hy Inning n rumllj gulden your vok- K etnbles will tout you from $2.00 Jk to $5.00 less each mouth. W M lly keeping chickens you etui iinvo .Jm . on your monthly egg and moat 0 bill from $1.00 to $0.00. 1 Hy koopliiK n I'ott' o froo ptiBturniio ' 1 V your milk hill of about $1.00 will I bo Biivcd. ( I li FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD Anil wlillo you uro thus effect lug nn economy or from leu lo fif teen dollars, you will bo living better than ul present, You can niako this cut In expenses by buying n lot in FIRST AD DITION, building n homo there, planting n guidon on this forlllo soil and staking out n cow on tho abundant lieu piiutuiu. Thin is a "cut" that Is within your own control; no ouo else can imposo It on you. You HHp yourself must net. Aro you going to drift along ns u run tor or hIciii I H tho tido of circumstances by owning u homo? m y L Reynolds Development Go, L 178 CcuU'tii Ave. jf week for Oakland. California. Misses' .. it . . . c.v.. titvni, Otlll BUIIIU MVililillil Hazel Neat and Gladys Krantz i solos In her usual pleasing manner. Dainty refreshments woro served Messrs David Racklotf, Chester Ailnnm 1 nldn.l ltiftl1nff n II .1 tlnVfl ,,,. , , . . by tho hostess uss stcd by .Mrs. Mc W mberly gavo toasts. In response ' ..,.,, , , ,, , ., ... , .... .,, Arthur to tho following ad cs: Mrs. to tho subject given mm, "My First1 , a , hf n I.. M...l lll... !.," m"."MIU, .HI". . " lyl.HK. 1 tiu Ina r'.ivnti G AT Mrs. .las. Cowan Sr., Mrs. Oliva 1-M- tiian, Mrs. W. II. F dron's corner In tho library. Tho I spending a few days at tho W. P. bulbs, many of which liavo n retail j Murphy homo on North llroadwiiy. value of fifty cents to a dollar, aro a donation to tho library ladles by Miss Lucy Powers has returned Herbert Armstrong and woro grown j homo from Oregon University to In his own gardun. Mr. Bverltt Jb spend tho spring vacation with hor giving his services freo In soiling ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Powers. mo minis at ten ami fifteen cents each. Dahlias nro one of tho best adapted flowers to Coos Hay nnd these bulbs should have u largo Bale. The llruco family hnvlng always been Interested putruim of thu li brary, donated 18 books to tho II- Frnnclseo arrived this week for a 4- 4 Mrs. F. M. Flyo loft this week for Portland, whero she was called by tho Illness mid death of her sis ter, Mrs. Aunlo B. Itocs. 4 Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Proctor of San brary this week wlillo packing up ' their household goods to move else where. This Is a suggestion that j persons overhauling their Iioubos for tho spring cleaning might find n visit at thu homo of Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. Flanagan. : Mrs. Mattlo II. Shaw and two sous Victor and Marvin aro expected homo fow extra books for tho library, i from Windsor. Nov la Scotia tho first uinor uooKs given this week were I of next week nHer an absence- of Tho School-MiiBter, Faith Gartnoy's lnovorul months. 1I..I1. ,... ... it.... I in i .. 1 .. iMMHiwu uiiii uuiiuiig iiiiiiHun, uo- jHsh Dorothr Klbler of North nated by W. Woodbury, and Tho Mother, given by Mrs. Annlo Hlus hnm, Hooks purchased were Five Little Peppers, Phronsio Popper, by Margnrot Sydney, tho Jessamy Hrldo, by Frank Monro; I. In McLean, by Owen Wlster; In Connection With tho DoWlllouKhby Claim and A Lady of Quality, by Francis Hudson Har nett and House of Seven Gables, by Hawthorne. Tho legular nionthly meeting of thu library board was postponed one week In expecluncy of Mr. L. .1. .SlmpHon's return, olio being presl-1 tlent of thu board. Hend eNpects to leavo shortly on an extended trip to California. Sho will visit tho Yoseinlte Valley before- her return. Mlns Allco Walters accompanied by Mrs. .leanings will leave week uf- Foley, Mrs. L i Falkenstoln, Mrs. Iloaglund, Mrs L. , G. Lang, Mrs. Chas. La C'hapello, Mis. NoIb Hasmusscn, Mrs Hnss I Smith, Mrs. Frank Sumner, Mrs. It. 'li. Walter and Mrs. Ivy Condron who will bo hostess next week. ' I ;. .j. , , j POSTPONE ALKIIT CMMI Imp guest of honor gavo an original poem that was splendid and amusing. Mas ter Leonldas Vernon spoko "Tho Moo Cow Moo" for tho party. Thoso pres ent were Misses Grnco and Gladys Krantz, Grnco Stimerlln, Nota Hoys, Morlo Chubo, Itowona Itobcrts, Hazel Neal, Helen Whltukor, Emma Guer In, Elva and Lola Green, Nola Do Ariimud nnd Lottie Verio Johnsof. Chester Adams, Don Snyder, Louis! Starr. Roy Spires, Floyd Wlmncrly 0wll,B to tl0 flnoro, of tho ,atp and Mrs. Vernon nnd Leonldas. U,rH Mi llontto 0I, last Thllrsdnv tll0 Mrs. Wlnihorly uccompanled tlio mcotll,K of tho A-,ort c,,b wng t. contestants, llazol Ncal nnd Chostor 10neil ,rom t)mt tInto to T,,urBI,a. of AdaniH to North Hend, Friday mom- lloxt wcok wllCn Mr8 u w lug, whoro thoy took part In tho con- wm 0ntertnln test that night. Prof. Wlmherly nnd " ... I Floyd leavo In tho nftornoou. Mrs.'. ! ' Wlmherly and son will sail on tho ' I , HEACII PICNIC ' Nairn Smith Tuesday taking with them their Ford. ' Tho girls of tho Coos Hay Steam ' Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Thurston of , Inundry nio planning to spend to Norway, were business callers lit tho morrow nt tho beach, leaving Marsh city Thursday. ''old nt nn early hour on tho Allco, Miss Dlanch DeArmot was homo ' Tllla ' to bo a "camera" pic- J Saturday from llenryvlllo whero sho "k'' providing "Old Sol" bo will-; Is teaching tho second term of '" j school. j Mrs. I. N. Itoso Is very ill at her' .,...,,... IT! 1 home south of town. Ij BVEMNt; P.VHTV Mrs. c. II. Meurs visited her pur-' TI TTi T7.Ti T, 7 i on.s. Mr. ., Mrs. E. W. Jones uJr- ""d 5 ,'",( U!' of n,,n,cr fow day last week. "" ' " etortaIiilnB tho Prlsclllas Tho Ladles Missionary Society of U"a th,r hl,8,,niMl ,l,,s evo""1- tho Presb.vtorlaii rliureh mot Thins. . I77T77TT!r7rr" - day afternoon with Mrs. Jako Strong. ' Tho Hoclet) ar'o studying "Tho child SAVING I PHI LATH K.V TAFFY Pl'LL -. Last oVCIllllR. tho clrla of thn lill. Ill the Mldnt." with Miss I.ettlo Pratt allien class of tho First Ilnntlst tor next to visit frloncis ami relatives intl ,oni,llor- '''he work is proving very, church gavo a taffy pull nt tho homo In Oregon City. Mrs. Jennings vvhllo, ll,8tn,ft,vo "",l helpful. Mis. Strong, of .Miss Frances Lang, to which tho xeivcu ueiiciotiH rotresiiuioiits assist-, boH of Chas. Smith's class woro In- ill! Ill 1IPd KllnliM rill... I .. .1 I ...... . ' ii; .'no, i. non", i mi iiiiues pros- away will spend sonio (lino In Now hurg. Miss Frances llatchelor was tin guest of Mrs. Perl ltlley Halllnger. Wonderful oppor tunities for saving on your housefur nishings are always before you in our exchange department Too i - Llltlt.MtV NOTES Acme wheio her fi lends have pre-!1"010 C,,,M of n,K' vailed upon her to give a piogrom '1 ,l ,u'",c l,l' ov,r Tho new edition or tho Polk llusl ness Directory for Oregon and Wash I nut on In In Din llhriirv. TMu In, eludeH a completo list of all places, !uul ,,,ut "ll0 wUl 8,"' B0Url w'Ks inimv Rn am fill nu not ii lmv lut i """' offices, In both states, with a list of places doing business In ench. There Is tin Index by business In the second part of tho volume. vited. out were Mesdaines Uaekleff, L. Musle nnd games woro enjoyed un StroiiK, L. A. Hoberts, J. F. Vernon, til u Into hour. I l during her concert engagement in! "' A' All,,,n A- H01K l'rey, Chabo, Thoso present woro: Misses: Ituth ' Marshflold. ! "K ami .miss Pratt. , McLaughlin, Naomi Daiilols. Marjor- Hho left Wednesdav morning for' "' wnuuimin mo sopiio-, lo Fiilmcr. Frances Lung, l.eona Post uign ctiol enjoy- Vesta Me.Mahon, Florence Wllloy. An- I i-oopor inn. na, Downs. Miriam Wilulit. Mm-v Ain. , Mr. l II o,,lll...... ....... i . .... . . .... v I .-..-. ... ... .,......,. lo .riuur, i.oiiibo Thoinpion, Volnia her homo at Powers Tuesday. They Hoss. Myn Cox and Messrs: Law- ii-iviiuy iiiiru-u a tour days out naliy,' renco Daniels, Howard Kelloy Hai- their flist born. 0ll, ,lnlll0s ormnn u. Miss Meta Hansen spent Sunday , hort llassford, Loron Davis Chas with homo folks from her bchool at Smith. ' ' Klvorton. Miss Efflo Weokly is also -- ,,. teaching at the Hlvorton school. D p " Supt. It. E. naker was thru Myrtle fiG olife SOU Get THIS Point Wednesday euroute to Powers Old Reliable Cnilfh MpHipmo O much cannot be said in praise of our exchange department because it is the greatest money saving department for the con sumer' in existance in this comunity. Many homes have been made happy in the knowledge of the great saving they nave made from this department. At this writing we have a very large stock of slightly used goods to select from in our Exchange De partment. Call in and see us and save money. & HARVEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS GOING on tho 21th of April Mrs. Henry Soiigstnckon writes from Shlphord'a Springs, Washing ton, that her health Is Improving o COOS COl'NTV IX THE HlliLB And now comes tho pessimist und says that It does not pay to udvur- u ' inec o. wl I, t It might ' I'"0- Why' " hays CooH Vam- hfl8l, "rrnnK' ,0r ,ho ,,0,, 0,ocllo " wo ""o io I. , l, tho lUrylbl,lMI m,vor,,8" ' ",0 "ll"1 'r lo. a $15,000 school building. land Marshflold ami tho latest tol-' ' .' u""1" oli,lU8 " " 'mermum irom .Nortli Hend ephono dliettoiy of ban i rautWio. ,mVJ rwu, nlluwt ,f io . mootlnK 0f tho Coos and Currv Pros- Wo will gladly answer any mo-, ,u,OVo ,( ,,0 wo ,,, ,uu, ,ook . b , .; nn.urr ires- (Ion. over tho telephone that canlt ,,, Ac(8 2l!l rmuU ,l(j foUow bo nnswored by these books as well. ..An u ,iUIU, to , mt ' ' J r Jj ' ; us from any others In tho library. thoj. woro RoUoil from lllonii nill, , HrollB,1on , rg' f !.,.," '" Tho library Is open ovory weokhtul launched, wo cunio in a strait ' North Hend were hore and M 1 , day from 2 p. m. to 0 p. in. nnd froin,rourfo un'o Coos, and the day fol-ltho Smith-Powers line i iu j j.. iii. i-iiuujB nun ouiiii M.. o lowing unto Kiioiios, and from thence i tho library is opened in the mornings1 unto Patera." from 10 to 12 a. m. j Asldo front demonstrating that Every Saturday afternoon at throo Coos was a land of launches then o'clock the library holds u story hour I as now, wo wish to add that It was for children. Tho tales told at pres-,soiiio launch tv go from Coos to' out aro (Hook myths and King Ar- Rhodes In ono day. v Handon Re tiitir legends'. v ( corder. Be Sure You Get This Old Reliable Cough Medicine Imitation atnan follow tho trail of tuo cj. llunJrjMolmltttoa( have comi ana Beiurc yu gel the genuine Foley s Honey and Tar Compound JlnJ atoU the naniM that jounj Ifo It. Hero nro three easy ways to tell tho genuine. 1st Tho mimo of "Foley's." iiu mo yellow package. 3rd Tho iicchlvoontheyel. iniinnejs Kliepliices I. N. HAVLISS Any kind of brick work at prices that aro rlsht. And all work guaranteed Call at "Tho Fireside," John son Hid., 137 second St. Phone 481. J. French ranges. Hollor work. o GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC AM) HODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALfc MAKES OF CAUS .U7 Centinl nv. Phono 37:i-L :i :l BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield Creamery BUM UVDIES' ART CHil mvx h y V Mrs. John A. niutt ontertalned tho Ladles' Art Chili lnut .. iitj H. Gldley being present as COMTOUSD Will do lOrmill.ha nrAAa croup, bronchial nnd lagrippo coughsl ..., u ,UUj iruuuiu, uv jour aruggisi ana bo safe. SPIRELLA CORSTS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier. low package. You 352 Sn. fith St. Phnno OnnY cannot get a sub- nvuv tuu stltutotodoforyoa -- what AA ." 110XEY AND T.Ul 'r,rrvvW 4 KIlUllV rpiiipmlio in i.l..n jk ... .........vv. u hnu ir DRESS.MAICINn nnd TAILORED HATS Woik guM-nutecd nnd priced - reasonable MRS. II. C. WlliLEV Over Norton & Hansen's srAPB UXDEIl coxi'ixioss I.V A MODEfl FAtTrOnY. STERHJZ MHiU AXI) CREAM. Phono 1C9-J. 4 PUREKh lay It of us a trial. Everything in the bakery line MARSHFIELD HAUIMJ CO., Mrs. A. UVlRYUSUIilSAFRIEND. ! 133 No Sold by Owl Prescription Pharmacy 2nd st , near Central Phono 428 T. J. SCA1FE $ A. II. IIODQINS nveo delivery, 8 I'lione Hi. 73. I Iff i a DAI KIT 1 LVI r Mars"fe'f derating co. Times' Want ' Estliuntes Furnished A Re Bring a.mtttmamT.rnr 4 Phono 140 Multifield, Oregou ..