The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 17, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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-r : tr. 'rjj&K?
From the
Cocoa Bean to
The entire process is shown in the GhirarJelH
Building at the Exposition. The mnchin
nnd the care necessary to produce the famous
Ghirardelli Chocolate and Cocoa are fully explained.
run't fail to drink a cup of Ghirardelll's Ground
Chocolate made as it should be made. This delight
ful food beverage is scrveu uay aim evening
San Francisco
Ince 1S5A
k 1 Jfc h
mSffl&S&l) i
MS yfAWA , Wr' .
xrri i 1 1, Ijwm - riiFf.8fii.u J
Mill. lliiiK IHSBjifiWHKVjl V I,,
i i
i i ri'i li i rnri -r tr.
nomaOTirrawranmjm air iii-.XfW4TriwrTaaftiM! w MumBiim
na n
Interesting Announcements of Coming Musical Events
ii speaking of the sjncopntliig ' -
'"" "I .VllieilCIlIl lllUBIC, II,
- -
sacrkd co(i:itr. nirueii misu
writer in tlio Chicago Trlbuno ' -
sas: , The program of the sacred con- The following music will bo sung
-- - -
i coli.kgi: mi:vs uaxmi:t
Something tiilgmal In Ruipi'i'--
nartlos was pulled off Tbursda, i
the birthday of Mlijs Inez, .fohpsou.
Several days ago It been mo knou.i Miss Johnson's girl friends vu
planning u HiinirlHu party, from wli'"
sad to relate, more man whs to b.'
- , excluded. Now, tlit boys thou;;
tutting and stitching a poor way t i
. (celebrate tho birthday of a pOpu' r
College moil from mum than n ...... .
It lu i.1n'c,i..t ... -i.... . 'cort under the direction of Mrs Win. int Miiimnnin.l pi.h.m. Kulunmnl. .1....... 1 .......... , ... .'JuniiK woman, ho ueuueti 10 KO l .1
-. .w !'... .a.. .ii. iw n.-iuii mill. 4im .i...-"t .1.1-11 iiinuuiiiuii, IMII
hert Spalding lias listened te (ilt, 1 HorBfall. Jr., to be i;iveii at Kniniati- Sunday morning
'i of the local 'American lnUMlclnm ' llcl t''1""'11' l''pli'opal. next Tliuis- Processional Hymn No. I10S
m the ICiiHt
'kIiIh 0110 better. On tlio uvcntuii
an. I 1ms contributed his mitts to
,tho collertlon of romposltlona. pl;.
Jablu and unplayable, wiitten by his
I "Mr. SpnldhiK In a Impeccable
1 In Ills Americanism as ho Is In I1I9
.costume. Ho Is now "rapglng" with
I the best of them with Mr. Ilndley,
, Mr. Cadman. Mr. Latin and other
ularliiK InnoMitors in whom Mr. (limn
I dcllKhts.
I "Alnbama" Is .Mr. SpaldhiK's con-
uiuution. lie calls It a "negro inel
day evening, April H2, promises to
bo n ery Interesting one.
Those who have so kindly given
their talent In order to make this
a success are doing so In order that
the Interior decoration of the church
which was left unfinished at the
building of the church, may bo com
pleted before the coming of the Ills
hop, and It Is hoped that everyone
will aid In this effort which the
organist and choir are furthering.
f'.iiiut Ml. 1.11.. l.... .....I II in.. .
,, ; V ' V ' "" , ' " , '" ' evening they got together down tow ..
gather this evening at U::o about, ....,?.. .... . .. . .... . . ,. .
"Alleluia Sing to Jesus." Powell ,, bannuet board In the Chandler! "" T' V W " V .a !! 1 I ?, "vl
Venlto In 11 flat Hotcher ,,,,., ,,,,,, , lhn ,.ntvnltv llf ' to the Johnsoii homd, wl.crot ..
girls were quietly tatting and clr. 1-
3 ' VUtll. VMwvl. ,! ... JvK" E
1 'l
vv:ii, n v;,ii. , i.... .J
...M. . IW..W.M ..V.J ..WII.U Ull
enjoy nt will tlio worlds best muic
lr ' (1 W -uffl ' ' l a'rijlrti pc nh t
It m 11 1 J m iVr p
. r ID PI. 11 I'm. ,1 in F
Ii I i 1 1 ll art a J (Mr A.
J I' ' r. A lri J ,T
I r. 1.1 r ... r,
.t 1 h tr i.r. If f Ir. !. i i
tr . 1 iw 1 1 jf J m !
ll ri ll null X !r Ti.
dell" mid tho Hallelujah Chorus
from "The .Messiah" by Handel,
will be sung by the choir accom
panied by Mr. Kred Anthony, vio
lin; Wolf 1 am Schmcddlug, flute;
lteuben Lyons, clarinet nud Charles
Kaiser, euphonium.
A special feature of tho concert
will be Mr. Knlsor'a euphonium solo
"Ave Maria," by I.uzzl, with n
fluto obllgato played by Mr.
The solos nro nil beautiful nnd
of decided Interest. Mrs. I.evorne
Tower, soprano, will Hliig tho Ave
Mnrla by llach-Clounod, with violin
obllgato; Mrs. Charles Stnuff, so
prano, "Seek Ye tlio Lord." by Hob-
You can have a concert of your
own with the world's greatest
artists to sing for you.
That's What you can do with a Vic
trola in your home.
All that is best in music is ever at
your instant command
You have only to select the kind of
music you wish to hear, and it is render
ed for you by the greatest artists as true-to-life
on the Victrola as though you
were hearing the artists on the concert or
operatic stage.
Stop in and get acquainted with the
Victrola, We'll gladly play your fa voile
music for you,
Victrolas $15.00 to $250.00
Terms to suit your convenience.
SrTb-Sf')) 42?
Ji. L. THOMIK, Manager
Phones J:w-.I mill 15U-J
jter recently, It was more than ac
ceptable. He has tapped the two
springs of negro music tho relig
ious music and the dance music.
"In the melody" ho cnught tho
eanio spirit as that which pervades
Swing Low. Sweet Chariot,1 and
others like it. In tho danco there
c-uld be no doubt of tho ragtime.
1 Ono pnssago In the accompaniment
'seemed 11 bit common place. Indicat
ed a taint from 'tin pan alley,' but
I that was easily forgiven.
! Mr. Spalding has arrived at tho
point In public estimation where
nothing that Is snld about him nmt
tors much. lie has discarded by
his evident capability his right to
that nartuont which Hhlelila bnnnfnl
! beginners from tho Icy blasts cf''rti,: ,l 80l)r,,1,,J ol '' '""lr "l"
' callous reviewers. companlmout.
.Mrs. k. Stanley Henderson, con
trnlto, "O Loving Father," by Ter
esa Del Diego, with violin obllga
to; Andrew Lnndles, baritone, "O
Lord (lod of Abraham," from tho
oratorio "Klljab," by .Mondelssohn,
and llcnjamin Ostllud, tenor, "Agnus
Del" by lllzct. with violin obllga
to. This fluo number, tho "Agnus
Del," has been sung repeatedly by
John McCormnck, the noted tenor,
on Ills last concert tour.
Tho ducts aro "Holy Father (Initio.
Our Footstops," by Wallace, sung
by Mrs. Tower and Mrs. Hondor
8011, nud "Crucifix," by Faiire, sung
by Mr. Ostllud and Mrs. Lantlles.
The trio, "Praise Ye" from "Attl
ln" by Verdi will bo sung by Mrs.
Tower, Mr. Ostllud and Mr. Lnn
dles. Among the several anthems men
tion must bo mndo of "My Faith
Looks Up to Thee," by Schuecker,
with n violin obllgato, nud "Chris
tian tho Morn Hrcnks Sweetly on
Olorln Patrl Mornlngton Oregon Quintette. Hack again will
Te noutn In H minor lluck ti,0 nlttmul chlmo of ye olden days,
Jubilate Deo In 0 llnrtlett the college romances, the days of
Hymn No. .".75. , fraternity "politicking" and "riish-
"Oui- lllest Redeemer."... Sykes I (,.- ,, , (ht, oxloram.,. r B00,t
lUvinn No. 12r.. 1 fellowship will be offered up
"Hark! Ten Thousand Voices 10st r roBK ,.ou0B0 ,,,. llU(l
Sounding." Uyltos j yt1Itt fur oll, Umo8 m(1.L, Ainong
Offertory Anthem. these who will ho present are the
"SaMour When Night Involves I ,IUIU.le(te mombers. Pror. H. 11. L
the Skies." Shelley .....,, Aitmrt inieii... linniv n..iii..n.
itnlnh 11111I Piinl I. 3iiriiinn ' V.
1....n Ml. fr... ...(.. 1 ... .tl..1.. .Hnl.. -.! II .. . - - I .. I '
......n. ,.. .....,.. ... ,,uiy .....0u vuu "uuik .McKnlght. tonstmaster; Dr. H. H.
iyi 111011, irom "Aerxes, ny nan-. iiecessiomu Hymn No. -Hit).
The members of tho choir will
oily and dance." As he performed !8ll,K F0'08' tIUL't8' " trl 1U11' nn- Presentation of Alms
It it his lotltal In the Illinois then-
Straw, Dr. Ira Hurtle, Cornell Lag-
'All hall tho power of Jesus' or8trolIlt w. J. Conrad, It. K. Mill
, I chamixadi: 1
A goodly number of the inombers
'of the Chauilnado Club mot Friday
morning nt tho Public Library lec
ture room for rehearsal.
j Tho director complimented tho
.ladles upon their rendering of tho
I memorized work. The silent inan
! ner In which they rose from sitting
posture, their erect attitude enab
ling them to employ the deep
, breathing.
A vory Interesting paper was read
by Mrs. Dolan, on Women In Music.
Itather startling wns tho denoue
ment, In that tho lady used the
wlvos as examples and tho effect
of their Influence, upon tho Uvea
of tho Orcnt Masters, bringing this
out In a vivid manner. Then fol
lowed sketches of somo fnmous wo
men, that of St. Cecelia being of
deep Interest.
These various papers nro signed by
tho writers und Jiecomo n part of
tho club's library. Tho chornl ar
laiigomont of Adolf Jensen's "Mur-
or, Oeorge A. Stephenson, Charles
Just outside tho window the'fj
lowing orso befitting the occasli
was sung to the tuno of the rcfr's-U.
of "Tlppenuy"
"It's a mean way to treat a fclK r
It's mean way to acl,
It's n mean way to treat a fel otv,
To freeze him otitby pact.
Say, but you'll havo to go 10:1.
To cut out this bunch,
It's a mean, mean wny to fri..i
a fellow
Hut we've got n hunch."
The surprise wns conipleto, 11
Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., orgnnlst ,, 1)r u w Moriw i,'rnt u .of the girls having been let In on 1 -and
choir director. C0I11I11, Thaver, 1.' It. Towor! P5"01' cxc01)t U, ono who ha''
Ii.' 1 Mrf'iin-.. fmn 'i' ii.innnti iinii linl ' dupllcnto blrtlidny eakn. L
II. A. nultniuni, will sing a solo fc: .l';.n f' V 'met V. "" boy wore a buttonhole bounuet
t'l l lUIIUK, .111. Villi, Wlllllllll UIMI11U- I
ler, lien Chandler, Claud C. Thomp- Rnlrnn forget-me-nots and '
son. W. A. Acker.nan. .1. T. llrnml. , ,n,ko 'l10' 1roUK',t wan also wre i J
C. K. Ash. Hen Fisher. Kenneth I). , wl ", l,, ,Il0,,htf lllll "ow' '
Hauser, James Montgomery,. I)r. I ,atl,II wnH Bt0WCl1 nwny- nntt '
Lloyd Mott. Itoynl Nlles, Max Itel- ,V0M,nf s)0,lt ln ,UUHlc "" B01""
gard and Fred Chestnut. . ,ho l,r,M '01, th Bl088'B. cont
. ... ... a dainty biaBs basket 'filled, ' ''
j roses, bolng won by Mrs. SthurV. m" -
T .MOTH Kits A.N'D THACHICHS t lmrt' w"1 u0 ploasntitly rcmonVbi
J,J(.,j " ' , j by tlm charming hostess antPln'i'
I many friends. l '
tho first surprise arty incU'-1
at the morning service nt tho Pres
byterian church tomorrow. Tho
choir will slug the nnthom "The
Wandering Sheep."
: :
Mrs. Kros Torrey Loylnnd will
sing a solo nt the morning servlcn
of the Methodist Kplscopnl Church
011 Suiidny.
(leaned from tho Columns of Our
The Mill iiiu'u' 1111. 1 TeiirlinrH' f'llllli
nr Xorth Itnu.l will liobl IIh i-nirular itrfl' J n- HHttrom, SlrH. l'j. O
" 1 ..i ... v.. .. ...
."". '' . i inoiillilv ineotliii- In the auditorium """"-s " ' myreu, uinra .Myron, -:
Tho music class of tlio avo , u Vra Frheon. Kdna Asplund, Al .
lord Academy gave their clos h J , Hkblnd, Ksther Asplund, Mamie 0
.erltul for tho school year on .0 by ovson. Margaret Stnuff, Mrs. H,
evening of Wednesday, the four
teentli day of April.
the teachers and pupils of the West O"1"1' Irs' '- 8. Henderson in I
Side school anil will bo as follows:
Mrs. Charles Stnuff.
First and second grades, Miss Ilahr
uinee, ny biieiiey. ,1, 0UKht to inni(0 ono of ltl0 llCSt
Incidental solos will bo sung liM,nn,H n tlio county. It Is ropro-
.Mrs. staurr, Mrs. linn and Mr. rrcs-ton.
Mlrju Pln.ii tvrnn 1III floolal f.rj
I.... .,...!... II I... lll 1 . t I ' '-"ll ...J.M ..... ....n
, .. 'o . V, . ,',"', Horsfull ut tho organ
'and "Woo Thou Sweet Music," Kdw. .., . ..
The second surprlso party I
Tlio Gardiner llrass Hand gnvo ,. eluded Alfred FllosburK. Walter It
....... ... . .1 iriu;ni:i .
their first public concert for the H - , winter Is Past"' ln01"1' IInrrj I'orbborg, Frank 81- .
season last Sunday afternoon. Tboj' h ,s of a,,oinim .. ' Rimer Johnson, Will Stauff, 1 '
boys nro making rapid progress ami ..p.,,,,,.. wihIowh" ' , leefe, Louis L. Oorr, Honjnmln
It Is tlm Intention of the bnnd lo ' BOI,fc .V.V. J... ' ....... tllnd. chas. Htanff. f?tnnl.,v ithi ..
, , ., , , ... ,1 tin "iiiree i.ituo uiiicus. ' - - '
I given open ulr concerts during tho' . ..MnmillIl..i huh, .lako nlllstrom. Lawrence Ma; 1-.
Hummer. This will certainly no up. . . . , .. . . land John Ferguson.
predated by tho public, who should """M10 " tluto little bojs
In return financially assist them. ' " "Ooodulg lit
, Second and third grades, Miss, it.. 9
Tho Coqiilllo Hand, which Is rep- (1lt' ''. t,,"'f- , ! j ""'" 'DUCy OUI1.M.
resented mostly by of tho.80"? "Hurrah for the.I-lag ',
Submnrlno Club, rendered several Ufcltutlon. "Seven Days in the Week", Mrs Vernon A. Smith and M s
Pieces on tho street Saturday nlRlit. Uodtoilon "How To Draw a Pig." , I. J Nolly .ecanio members of 1 ..
which were highly appreciated by K"rtli and fifth grades, Miss UiSIwi On Id at Its meo ugoa 'u '
,1. ., ri.,.., i.,i.....i i.iv.i,.,. Frnnces (loldeii. teaohor. 1 Pesday nftornoon at (lulld hall
street conee'rt every Saturday night Kocltallon "John Chinaman"! Tlio tlnio wan spent prinelpall, '
In the future. The baud Is com-'Song "Smiling Morn sewing and pleasant conversation to
piiuis iur uiiiiro glum wont.
Tho ladles presont wore: Mrs 11.
Women by six pupils '' wwis, -"rs. v. w. Puyno, Mrn. .
Fifth nnd sixth grades, Mrs. Con
sented by Conulllo's young men nnd nor teacher.
should bo boosted, for there Ih noth- Song "Adown tho Doll'
nosed of twelve members, and with. Song "(Jiasshopper Oreon"
a llttlo nriictlco nud cncoiirngoinont. 1 l'lny Selected from "Llttlo
I Rlgnr, nrrnngod by Clifford Pago,
nro beautiful trios, tho harmony
of tho volcos bolng tenderly sup
ported by tho piano.
I A wondorfiil concort Is certainly
In tho miking for tho peoplo's 011
Joyment. Next week Mrs. Wilson
I will give tho story of tho Imposition
PI110 Organ.
!oos Bay Musical Directory
fenrik Gjerdrum
Phone 356-J
rso Fraokliin
jjctle Airmms
Phorae 869L
Miss Froucos Hatchelor played to
a vory enthusiastic, though pitifully
small nudlenco last Monday evening
nt tho Prosbytorlan Church. It Is
to be regretted that teachers, stu
dents and music lovers do not tnko
advantage of those rnro opportuni
ties when thoy come.
Miss llntchslor's work is that of
nn aitfst. She handled a most dif
ficult program with grunt caso und
poise of manner, and her charming
personality won her many friends.
Her program was so varied as to
show her liinumernblo capabilities;
her tonos ranging from tho most
dellcato pianissimo to tho grnudost
I fortissimo with all tho Intermediate
'shadings. Hor phrasing Is especial
ly praiseworthy, as aro also hor ar
tltlc Interpretations. Hor fortissimo
'tone, while full and strong, Is novor
hard or harsh.
I Miss Iintcholor has mastored tho
art of producing it singing melody
with aecompRiilmont always subsor-
jvlont. Hor fingers aro llko stool,
I yet capable of most dellcato shad
Members of tho choir nro Mrs.
Charles Stnuff, Mrs. Lovorno Tower,
Miss Kdlth Preston, Mrs. John S.
Coke, Miss Hess Ayro, Mrs. J. T.
Hall, Miss F.volyn Anderson, Miss
(icnovlovo Sengstackon, Mrs. 13.
Stnnloy Hendcrbou, Miss Inez John
sou, Ilenjiunln Ostllud, Charles
Stnuff, Alfred Fllesburg, Walter Ray
mond, Robert Dlllnrd, Andrew Lnn
dles, Hurtoii Preston, Archlo Todd,
Oeorgo Ayro, F. A. Tledgon.
Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., organist
nnd choir director.
Miss Soflo Hummer, prlmn donna
soprano, who Is to appear In con
cert hero May 1I,whb born In Ilodo,
Norway, tho true lnnd of tho mid
night sun. Sho studied In that city,
nnd later, In Chrlstliinla, where tho
great teachers realized tho possibil
ities of Miss Hammer's voice, nnd
sunt her to Camilla Stulnbruch in
Ilerlln, Germany. With this fnmous
artist, nnd with Lllll Lehman, the
singer worked for sevorul seasons,
studying everything that went to
building up it true concert voire,
Miss Hammer slugs In Kngllsh, Ger
man, French and Scandinavian, Her
conceit hero will bo a notublu evont.
The prima donna will bo assisted by
Prof, lleurlk Gjerdrum.
Director It. N. Ponton has an
nounced a band concert for Suit-
lay afternoon, April 2G at tho No-
lug llko n gooil baud In n town.
Superintendent llnali states tho
high school band or North Hond will
play on tho streets Saturday evening,
weather permitting. Tho baud Is
practicing regularly nnd mnklng
good progress under direction of
Mr, Shatter. The band Is maintain
ed by tho high school nud In ap
pearing does so for tho purpose of
allowing tho peoplo just what has
boon accomplished In thnt lino.
Enterprising citizens' of Ilandon
nro urging 11 city bnnd. At 0110
tlino Ilandon possessed tho finest
baud In tho county.
Song "Coino to tho Greenwood"
llecltutlon "Plppa Passos"
Quotation Ily Class.
Vocnl Duet "Tho llalnbow Knd"
Drill Class
Spring Song
An additional feature will bo 11 pa
per prepared by Mrs. C. L. Jacob
son on "Hotter llables" which will
bo an Introductory to tho hotter ba
bies contest which the club Is plan
ning to hold at Its May meeting.
.;. .j. ..
I 1. M. ('. I'AKTV I
The Indies or tho I). M. C Club,
of North Hond, will outertaln their
husbands with a card party this
(.veiling nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
llrniy Kern.
tltur McKoown, Mrs. P. A. SacM;
Mrs. Kiunm Nnsburg, Mrs. Harrv ..V'
lung, Mrs. Kbbocka, Mrs. Q. D!'i).
iilugor, Mrs. J. A. Matson, Mrs, W"l
C'mndler, Mrs. lien Chandler, M,i
V. A. Smith, Mrs. J. L. Wilcox. MH.
Ilahr, Mrs. Hubert Hrownlug, Mr(n
II. K. Kelty, Mrs. Francos HawrJ.
Mih. A. It. O'lliien and Mrs. J, W.
Tho Guild will meet as Usual m'.i
Tuesday afternoon.
I postponi: uiiiikh: oijUu
Owing to tho Illness or her lilt.'
daughter, Mrs. W, II. Kennedy w.a
not able to entertain tho Auctl"s
Urldgo Club this week, but Will In
Hostess on Wednesday, April 28t'i.
(Continued on paua 3)
Mugs. One student remarked after
'ilia nrnvnun thnt lrt liml HtartOll 111 1
to mark tho numbers sho liked best, '"" Theater. Tho Rosarlan Quit
but at tho close of tho concert she u,,la wl ,'I"",!" tlio aamo tl.ra
fond them nil marked. Some of "r 0 A""1 2C'"7 ."' tt bu"oflt l,or'
hor finest numbors woro tho Chopin
Fnntasle, Liszt's Llobostod, nnd two
C'ampbell-Lipton numbors, Momory
and Sonata Harden.
formanco for tho hand.
Mrs. K. Stanley Henderson will
slug ut tho evening sorvlco nt tho
e niatn i
no i ream
ctra uve.. ln,,n i:m.t.
Violin and Piano
p. n. Anthony ",a mj- s-
Toadilng Orchestra AVoik
htudh. li Cential Ave.
Phone ')-J. Apartment 3
We hope to have tho pleasure oi'Mfitliodlst Kplscopal Church Sunday.
hearing Miss Hatcholor again and
iJiroctor Iv. .a. ruiiiuu, ui inu
Mrs. Mlllor novor falls to delight
her auilionce, and sho was lu a spec
ially happy mood ou Monday night.
Havo you tried The Times' want
' ads?
Chandler Hotel
Robert A. Wilson, Portland; Stow
art Norton, Coqiilllo; O. H. Holt, I
Portland; V C. Maudell, Portland; '
II. II. Hammer, Poitlautl; (leorgo
J. Sonk, San Francisco; C. W. Sunk,
Francisco; J. I). Gorstlo, San Fran
cisco; Ralph Lyman, Hiigono; Al
beit Gillette, Kugono; Henry Hold
enroich, lCugono; Paul P. Spraguo,
Kiigene; K, J. Roberts, Ilaiidon;
Mary Donaldson, Ilandon; (leorgo C.
Chatbiirn, Ilandon; Ynlu OHmson, San
Francisco; L. II. Dill, San Francisco;
Cunningham, Coqiilllo; C. M. Tyre.ll,
Coqullle; W. J. Loiigston, Coqiilllo.
SI. I.11UICIIC0 Hotel
II. V. Tiemblo ami wife, Myrtle
Point; Mrs. M. McGurtls, Coqnlllu;
Kd. C. Jehu, Portland; W. G. Lar
on, Portland; A. Russ, Heaver Hill;
K. It. Ilodson and wHo, Coos River;
K. O. Smith, Coos River; W. P. Hod
son, Coos Rlvor.
I.lojil Hotel
T. Joyce, Wagner; II, lirowu, Hull-
j don; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, j
coqiilllo; Jiuri iiuniinrii, uuitiiuur, i
II. Stegor, Lukosldo; M. Ilartholo-I
niouw, Kmplro; George Koiiico, Port
lnud. Hliiiiro Hotel
M. Iliown, Sacramento; C. C Qul-
ott, Tacoma; Frederick Rcotoh, North
Inlot; D. P. Weaver, Sllvorton; C. H.
Maiibell, Sacramento. Thomas l'at-
IJenilk GJerdriim preseutod n number of his pupils In recital at
his studio this afternoon. Following Is tho program:
band, Is looking forward to hoarlng
tho Roston Symphony Orohostrn,
whloh will bo In San Francisco dur
ing the session of tho National Fed-
erutlou or Musicians which ho will Hereon, Umpire, P It. Shovern, Co
attend os a delegate from tho o .illqullle; pd Yarbioiigh, Roseburgj II
union, JJuncli, Reaver Hill.
Sonata lu R flat Major (1st movement) . .Clemelitl
(Two pianos) ' ' '
Miss Florence Powers ami MInh llertha D.ivls,
Peiidnnt hi Valse Lack
March des Troubadours , , , , Rnubler
Miss .Mai Ioii Horsfall,
Minuet In i: Flat Mozart-Holiulhoft
Miss Alice Mathlsen.
Ich wand I e untcr Illumoii Moyor-Hoiriiunif
From thu Land of tho Sky-blue Wiiters
Rokq lu tho Rud Dorothy Foretur
Miss Paulino J, Ilahr.
Alia Mluiietto (Fiom Sonata op, 70..
Mr. Alfred Fllesburg.
Minuet nl'Autlco '. .Schhoeck
.Miss lllldur Sclau'doi'
Iluugaiiun Dance No. 1' , Ilrahms
Miss llorthn Davis and MUa Floronco Powers
Thu Llttlo Gray Home lu tho West. .Herman Lohr
Calm as' tho Night Rohm
Mr. Herbert llusterud. i
llungniiwu Danco Hiiro Alfoldy
(Two pianos, eight hands)
Miss lllldur Selaiidor, Mr. Alfred Fllesburg,
Mis P. P, Hague, Miss Mlco Matblson.
Decker Rrothors piano used,
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