IHKKbeSm5 HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION 10 V. I BAKING No worry nbout oven tempera ture or Interruptions If you uso CRESCENT BAKING POWDER It raises tho dough and keeps it in suspension till tho food is perfectly baked. SOLD KY GIIOCEKS Uotf n 11. 1200 Acre Stock Ranch Located in tho John Day country. Eastern Oregon. 500 ncrcn splondld wheat land, linlunca fine bunch grasn land. Hood ti-room houso. bum, etc. Illir oiitHldo range. On county road nnVl phono lino. Price $10 per aero. I2G00 cash; linlunca to suit, 0 nor cent. Two 320-acro homesteads can bo taken adjoining. Wrlto for our list of Kivst ern OreKiin stock and wheat ranches. Acme Realty Co. .101 i:iultn1ile IlldK.. Tiu'iinm, Wimh. DRAG SAWS Cut your wood wltli n Vntighn Port nblo DUAU HAW, wolghs only 240 pounds. Can bo hnndlod by ouo man or by two men on any kind of ground. .Manufactured by tho V.l!f! UN MOTOll WOIIKS 210 HiiMt Mcvrulli t., rortliiml, Or. Srnltlr -Krtiry 7N Mnrl.it. Street. I'or n full llrNt'rliitliin Write I'm. j "ThFrmerjrfTindf -A.!lc your Dealer HOW TO GET 320 ACRES FREE Do You Want a Homestead? List of Ooveruniont land In each state nubject to homextuud und for what bent Adapt imI. Also doiivrlptlon of Oroiron by counties. Send for 210-page book, "Advan tages of Oregon." l'rlco 60 cents, postpaid. R. C. FISKE 110 rnniiuin Illilir., l'ortlaml, lr. "HIDES- rrits, worn., vuuvs, i:m, iiiiiii.viiii.. si i:vur co Scuttle, Wll!i. Write fur Price I.l.t unit .ShlpillciK Tntr. (I'leaso mention this paper.) Feasier "1 May Manton Weekly Fashion Talk FOR REAL COMFORT THERE Is no garment that contributes moro suroly to cool weather comfort thnn such n dressing gown as this one. It Is easy to Blip on nml is nindo ot a pretty mate rial, is cxtromoly becoming and attractive. It Is easy to make and can bo utilized for a bath robo as well ns for tlio drosslng gown. Tho body and skirt por tions are cut In ono and tho fullness is held by means or a rlbbonat tho waist lino. Tho pockets mean real comfort and real convonionco. Many women llko light wolght flnnncls for such gnrmenta and cashmcro also makes up prettily in this way ami thoro nro many cropes that nro appropriate. In tlio picture, howovor, dark red enshmcro with collar and cuffs Df ivory white aro used. Alba tross with lining of silk mnkcB i thoroughly fashlouablo as woll as attractive gown, and In cidentally nlbntross gives op portunity for tho use of color, for It Is Just thin enough to suggest the tint of tho lining. Gray with pink boncath is pretty and tho daublo gown hns certain advantages, for there aro no scams on tho under sldo and tho smooth finish adds to tho comfort and to tho dainti ness. For tho medium slzo will bo required 7 1-4 yards ot mate rial 27 inches wldo, G 1-4 yards 30 or 44 Inches wldo, with 3-8 yard 27 Inches wldo for collar nnd cuffs. Tho May Manton pnttorn No. 8G04 is cut in thrco sizes, stnaU 34 or 30, medium '38 or 40, largo 42 or 44-Inch bust mens uro. It will bo mailed to any address by tho FnBhlou Depart ment of this paper, on receipt of ten cents. llUi.tmrl. Snow. Stew the rhubarb, and to a plat of the clear Juice, sweetened and flavored to tustc, add rather more than a half-ounco of Kclittin; when It Is cold and partly sot, whlslc In tho stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, boating Well togeth er. Hervo at once. Dull ty llaylttnto. 8504 Dressing Gown, Small 34 or j6, Medium 38 or 40, Large 42 or 44 butt, llliiibiirli fritter. Peel young rhubarb and cut In three-Inch lengths. Make a bat tor by mixing six tablespounfuls of flour with 11 pint of milk, mix ing qullii smooth. Add n little suit anil two well-beaton eggs; dip each pleco of rhubarb In this batter nnd fry In deep fat until u golden yellow color. Servo very hot, piled high on n napkin, und well powdered with sugar. A Letter and An Answer PENDLETON, Or., March 29 (Edi tor O. W. & I. Farmer, Portland, Or.) Denr Sir: Each week I read with much interest tho Woman's Page In tho Farm Magazine, nnd I sometimes wondor If tho editor over heard tho story of tho hoy who went In search of tho lost mule. This mulo had been missing for sovcrnl days and It seemed that no ono could find him. At last n half-witted boy vol untoorcd his services and after searching about an hour, roturncd with tho mulo. Tho owner of tho mulo said to him: "How did you find him so easily?" IIo unswerod: "When I got out In tho woods I Just stopped and said to myself, 'Where would I go If I woro a mulo?' " I wonder If tho editor ever thought, '"What would I want If I woro u farmer's wife?" Sometimes your recipes nro excellent, but I would llko to know how a 'armor's wlfo could uso tho recipe for "Chinese pudding." Very fow real (armors' wives can obtain cracked Ice at this time ot year and seldom do wo over havo sherry to cook with. Thou again, your "attorn dopartmont docs not appeal to most farmorB' wives. Some of them nro up-to-date, but somo nro not at all practical for tho farmers' wives and daughters. Olvo us moro patterns and moro Ideas. Wo need dainty aprons und neat houso dresses, something that appeals to tho home life. Muy I usk If tho editor Is a cranky, old bacholor? Respectfully MKB. MAE) JONES. Dear Mndam: Our heartiest thnnks for your kindly criticism. It Is morltod, wo confess, Moro would bo welcomed, for It Is not moro fault Hading, It Is construc tive criticism. Wo frankly ndmlt that wo havo given loo little thought to what wo would do If wo woro a fnrmor's wlfo. Will n word of ontronty to you, and to all other farmers wives who may rend theso Hues bo amiss? Plenso, dear mnd am, holp us to mend our ways, not only by gently poking fun nt our efforts but also by sending to us articles that you know other fnrmors' wives would llko to read. Good material for n pngo ot this sort Is not so easy to find as ono might imag ine, nnd wo need every bit ot It that we can get from our friends of tho North wost. You havo found somo way to shorten tho steps nnd Bavo tlmo in doing tho morning's housowork. Wrlto us about It and perhaps through Its publi cation lit tho columns of this humble magazine, generations of farmers' wivos will rlso up and call you blessod. You know how to concoct a particularly ap petizing dessert. Wrlto us about It, nnd who knows but what somo future chof nt Dolmonlco's may build his reputation upon tho oxcollonco of his famous pud ding, tho first hint of which hlB wlfo glennod from your contribution? As for your dcslro for utility patterns, aro you hotter satisfied this wook? In conclusion, tho editor Is not cranky, and, by tho grnco of God, will not always bo u bachelor, Tho Editor. Tho HPADTrf wheatI A M , by l'arccf Pail , ,w" "" th MORGAN Mil iivnil oi.niD.iu; um t Bfltt vt & J ''i Ui flttaj six-u Thlt F.moui 40c COFFER Fragrant, d(Hdw mc rS.Tl-Stl.!?,5L?l can, as ordered.. 53,48 ii.iuiojs moner eratf tiii-tiv nuu order.) I.untltr Abtelatdr tn teed Moner ntfc jul l'rrrrrtlr Sill.fl.j 1 Mend ror cur 1WI P-i I?.,.t ,r'ci U II IS J 1 IV in nnv.it-AM . f M " , JV4 tHUDO, iLamniBrcfal ImporliM f --"-- -" TB SEATTLE,m5hVl Sheet Music Buys Accept This Offer.! To responsible partia vtt the lntest Sheet Mule ct ! Write for complete inforutijil uay. u The late sons:, "My DmsjBil is yours for fire 2-cent ttaf'! Mack's Music SI 317 Morrison St- Partial Krki rr -Blli-K: y! ABtraalaC FLOWEB SE1 roanel J 19 fWlM W4 j tna t-a, mi r ln.i-..hW tt v-w" -e - I nM.UWmr""' IffteWI ; ;7u..i. i,- .... ---.-: mmCiw"" pppljkBHwgrfaiBiW iiuli""'" j Wih ,u. Hir OOOOP091" U l.Ut eofi "" ""i ,,11-1 HOREWOOO rARM CO., k A Readv Made Flowert Magnificent Urf.nrf J Plants. In uua an '-, affoWiSotr.pu-' cents per dozen. , , Aimka Hhuita !?. . ' t ,ri,w,fM5w 8U f;,,t torou. W. ?! OSCARROEHRPLAJjJ&r COMPANY Wooding "If. Wll"fc